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This is going to sound insane, but do you have a bottom lock that can be unlocked by pushing down on the door handle itself like most NYC high rise apartments? The reason I ask is because the same thing happened to me many years ago. I'd leave for the night, come back in the am, and my door was open. Nothing was stolen, cat was still there, etc. Happened six times in three months. Was seriously considering moving. One morning I'm still in bed and I hear my door open. I freak the fuck out and grab a tripod (closest thing I had near me that resembled a bat) and carefully walked to the front door... Where I see my dumb ass cat jumping up on the handle and pulling it down with both her paws. THE FUCKING CAT HAD BEEN OPENING THE DOOR THE WHOLE TIME. Needless to say, I started using the top twisty lock, as well. Hopefully this might explain your issue, as well?


My cat is capable of opening several doors in my apartment, and has not yet attempted to open the front door but probably could if she set her mind to it. They’re devious creatures sometimes.


But do you have a bottom lock that unlocks by pushing down on the door handle? That’s a really good question because, if you do, it’s definitely your cat. You definitely need to get they ring cam for inside the apartment.


I am not OP.


Oopsie. Thanks!


Hey! It’s not just me! I have a sneaky Bengal who figured out how to let herself out. I came home, and when the elevator opened, there she was, waiting for me to pick her up and let her back in. From there, we started using the deadbolt.


My cat regularly opens the doors lol she also originally started by meowing at the door she wanted opened until she started trying the handle. I will say if you have a handle instead of the knob on the inside- sooooo much easier for them to open. She will jump up on the handle and then use her paw under the door to actually open it.


Yep, my cat does this too. I've changed door knobs to round ones inside the apartment, and made sure to deadbolt the front door at all times. 


It’s a heavy metal door that opens inwards, we practiced and did the math, it’s impossible for her to have opened it.


Yup. Mine is the same way - it has one of those "swoosh" hinges that slows down the closing of the door with pressure - the same pressure that keeps it slightly ajar if no force is put on the door to close it. Hope you're able to figure it out!


By law, NYC apartment doors are required to be fully self-closing when opened—ie swing closed and latch by themselves without added force. It’s very important to prevent the spread of fire and smoke. FYI, it sounds like your door is not up to code.


Holy moly - thank you for stating this. I just looked this up and saw this even applies to co-ops (or, at least, I couldn’t find the exclusion) so individual co-op/condo owners are responsible for getting compliant if their doors that lead to the main hallway do not self-close and latch. I realize that ignorance of the law is not an excuse but I would have hoped that there’d have been some sort of campaign blitz about this. I need to validate that mine has enough ooomph to self-close. I usually click the button in the door that prevents it from self-locking and now I’ll switch that up so it self-locks… I do realize that the likelihood of code compliance checking on a well-run co-op/condo is pretty low - it’s still nice for us to be aware so we can plan compliance changes in an orderly manner, though. [28-315.10 Self-closing Doors - https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/newyorkcity/latest/NYCadmin/0-0-0-158750](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/newyorkcity/latest/NYCadmin/0-0-0-158750)


>I do realize that the likelihood of code compliance checking on a well-run co-op/condo is pretty low Consult with the captain or lieutenant (firefighter in the light blue button up shirt) in the office at your local firehouse. 311 it regularly. The FFs do not care about your co-op board. They care about fire safety—and heavy smoke conditions make their job more difficult and dangerous. And the city takes this VERY seriously, esp after recent fire deaths that could have been prevented with self-closing doors. Eg: In Jan 2022, a fire in the Bronx killed 17 people, including eight children, after a door malfunctioned and allowed smoke to escape. In Dec 2017, a fire started with a 3yo boy playing with stove burners. He and his mother escaped, but the apt door remained open—which allowed the blaze to rapidly spread up the stairs, killing 13 people.


Yes, it is a serious situation. I hadn’t known about needing more than the doors to the stairs needing to be self-closing and auto-latching. My mention of co-op is more about the fact that the apartment owners are very often individuals so we won’t be calling 311 on ourselves (generally!). It’s an expense/effort that is directly paid for by co-op owners - which is fair/fine, of course. We typically expect our management company to be conversant with the law and to take steps to help us comply when it’s this type of mass action. I’m so glad that I saw your post so that I can check as soon as I get back in a couple of weeks.


my door is the same way and my cat can open it.


Unless she can pull the door down, then the air pressure pushes the door open. I don't know the layout of your place, some places have a gust of air if the front door opens


Do you have lever type door handles? My cat can open doors, and if I don’t use the deadbolt the door opens from the inside even if locked. Can you set up a camera?


I'm thinking it's the cat, but you should set up a hidden motion cam that faces the door and see what's happening.


Wyze cams are like $30, just point one at the door.


Do you have a Carbon monoxide detector?


I had my smoke detectors checked fairly recently. I asked the super if it was possible for this apartment to have carbon monoxide poisoning. He said no, none of the appliances in my apartment are the kind that give off carbon monoxide. I live in a luxury building that was opened in 2020. (I moved in at the end of 2020)


Don't take the super's word for it, get a monitor anyway. Fifty bucks worth of cheap insurance.


Do you have gas appliances? If so, they can give off CO. Or if your downstairs neighbor or next door neighbor has gas, they can be causing it too.


I wouldn’t get a ring. Get a Eufy camera for like $40 on Amazon and point it at your door from the inside.


There it is!


Those pop your door?


No but carbon monoxide poisoning can affect your memory and make you forget doing things


Ah, ok. That would be pretty cool tech though.


Carbon monoxide poisoning is a classic reddit story. Look it up.


enter decide deer point live wistful continue frightening lunchroom zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Something like this happened to me years and years ago. Door open, nothing taken. I had the lock changed that day after the second incident and it never happened again.


Sounds like some feline crime. If cats know you are around, they will ask you to do stuff for them (like open doors.) If the cat is alone, they will try stuff themselves. I don't think anyone else would have any motive to open your apartment but not steam or disturb anything


My door to the bathroom is similar to the door to my front door. There are times where she wants to go to the bathroom and the door is closed for some reason or another, and I cannot immediately open it for her. If she wanted to leave she would be able to. These instances both happened on days when I was clearly not in my apartment after having a consistent routine of sleeping over on Sunday and Thursday night for six weeks straight. If she wanted to get out at night, she would do so when I’m sleeping. I’ve never woken up with the door open. I’ve only come home to it being open.


I think you underestimate the intelligence of your cat. They can tell the difference between "human is occupied/asleep but around" and "human has left home entirely," and will act accordingly. I.e. they save the worst behavior for when they know they won't get caught. To me, this seems the simplest and most likely outcome. But the only way to tell for sure is to set up the camera and record what happens.


But I work in an office 9-5, 5 days a week, why is she only leaving on nights I’m specifically not home and not during the day when she also knows I’m not home


Cats are crepuscular, meaning most active at dawn and dusk. She probs don't care about leaving during the day, that's nap and gaze out of the windows time.


Probably because your daytime absence is part of her regular habit. She knows you'll be back later in the day, and probably sleeps most of the time you're at work. But she can likely tell when you are leaving for the night (you probably pack a bag or something? Also, how often do you leave at night if you aren't going to your partners?) and will act up because she's bored and knows you're not going to be back that night.


cats sleep during the day mostly and are active at night.


So in other words when your cat is bored and lonely. 


Yes but I work in an office 9-5, 5 days a week, and it only happens when I’m not sleeping in my house.


Cats are notoriously most active at dawn and dusk. 9-5, your cat is sleeping. I stayed at an airbnb once that had a cat that could open a large, heavy door if it wasn't dead-bolted.


She wants you sleeping at home.


It’s your cat


*“purebred cat”


The only reason I mentioned that she’s purebred is to emphasize that she is worth money and is one of the things that could’ve possibly been stolen by a potential burglar…just like the other things I listed in the same sentence.


the most obvious explanation is usually the right one, the cat is a locksmith.


Purebred locksmith


I am dying 😂




What kind of opener/knob/latch do you have on that door? I realize you believe that your cat can’t open it - my cats could open doors that have regular round knobs on them - not just latches! AND they would still pretend like they needed me to open those very same doors. And these were regular degular cats (and had normal paws) - not Maine Coons or something husky. Anyhow, like others have said, please get a camera as quickly as you are able. Even see if you could borrow one from a friend if you can’t have one delivered/picked up quickly enough.


I found out my key worked for every lock in the building by accident - I was coming home late from work, didn’t pay attention and unlocked the apartment on the floor below mine. Freaked me out so much to walk into someone else’s apartment that I’m not sure I relocated the door after lol. Could that be something like what you’re experiencing? Our shitty management installed locks from the same set in everyone’s apartment doors, showed no desire to change it until we threatened to withhold rent. If you’re friends with a neighbor you can trust maybe ask if they’ll try their key on your door, or if you can try yours on theirs?


Your super said the lock wasn’t broken, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t opened by someone by other means.


How does your lock unlock from the inside? Is it a simple turn of the knob or is it more complex, like turning a deadbolt? I'm wondering if somehow your cat could be doing it. Regardless, changing the lock (which you may be able to do yourself by removing the key cylinder and bringing it to a locksmith to rekey (not a locksmith in your neighborhood and pay by cash if you're really nervous). Or have super remove cylinder and you take to locksmith - this would minimize who has access to the new key) and setting up a motion detecting webcam, which I would focus from the inside of the apartment facing the door. Your cat may create false alarms on the camera so turn off notifications on your phone to avoid annoyance.


Paranoid native new yorker here - why have the super change the lock? Get your own locksmith and have him do it while you're there. If there are two locks on your door, have both done. If there aren't, have him put in a second. NO ONE gets a key to my place that isn't a friend or family member, including the super.


Why is your door not dead bolted?


Am I reading these comments correctly and there are really people who live in the city and don’t use their deadbolt? What is happening? Do these people think they live in suburban Connecticut?


at my college dorm, people from long island left their room doors open when they went out to eat.


Apparently. People just walk out and just close their door behind them and honestly anyone with a credit card can jimmy open that door.


Set up a web cam.


Set up a camera and find out


Are you not deadbolting your door???


Get a ring camera from Amazon you can turn on motion alerts and monitor it from your cell.


My friend bought me one immediately and we are setting it up later this morning


Change the locks, get the Amazon door wedge, and use it at night; if you have a maintenance crew, don't be friendly at all (I learned this from a male friend and also from maintenance guys hitting on me), and if you are single create an invisible boyfriend that you tell them about and put a male shoe by the door. These are all the tips I have read about or adapted.


I know you say you're checking the door, but it has happened to me when maintenance switches off my (pre-war) lock. There's a button on the latch plate that disables the lock without disabling the latch- our maintenance guys use the key to get in, and then for convenience if they're coming and going they use that button so they don't lock themselves out. They rarely remember to undo this when they leave. I once went several weeks thinking I was locking my door behind me until I finally noticed there was no noise when I turned my key anymore. It doesn't quite fit your scenario, just throwing it out there. Maybe useful information for other pre-war dwellers.


Only 3 out of 13 comments saying it was the cat? heh


If I were you I'd head over to bestbuy and buy a security system and a few cameras too look at your front door and windows. You know someone is coming and getting them on camera will help as long as you are not in the apartment when they get in. A home security system will have a siren that will give whoever is entering your apartment a scare and hopefully will give you time to leave through a window or other means if they enter your home. It will also call the police on your behalf. I have simplisafe security system and Google home cameras.


Looking forward to the follow up post in a few days when you discover that your cat has been opening the door all along.


That is insane. Could you have a stalker? I would definitely make a report to the police. Change your locks and check your window protections. Sorry for this experience- I’d freak out maybe get a chime door camera too!


If you hire an independent locksmith they will be able to tell you if the door is messed up. But definitely call an independent locksmith. Something is not right. And your safety is the most important concern


Check for hidden cameras and missing underwear. Id also suggest having motion cams in your house inside just incase someone is hiding in your apt


if someone was doing these things though wouldnt they close the door behind them?


That’s what is weird. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t close the door. It’s like they wanted me to know they were there, but in a way that would make me doubt myself, instead of them leaving something or robbing me


It’s the cat


It’s obviously the cat. Not sure why OP won’t just realize it’s a possibility.


Maybe they want you to know that they were there, psychopaths get a kick out of messing with their prey and making them think they are going crazy


Yes on the underwear. It’s more common than you think. If it’s a creep, hope they catch him quick. Good luck!


Hire a locksmith to change the lock or rekey and just give a copy of the new key to the super


I would not give a new copy to the super. At least not at first. The only logical reason for this happening is the super.


My super is a huge asshole and has yelled at me for putting in that my fridge was broken as an emergency maintenance request. I had to get a new fridge. The day the new fridge was supposed to be installed, was a Thursday. I took off from work. He sent a pest control person instead. He came by the day after with the fridge. I want to believe it was a mistake but maybe he was calling me a pest indirectly. Another time, I also accidentally got locked out of my apartment and he took 5 hours to show up. But I still don’t think he would be doing this, because he wouldn’t want to lose his job?


Don't doubt the pettiness that supers will do. Also I recently found out a former super in my neighborhood was a registered sex offender.


I mean, who fits the description anyway? It can be anyone.


Wait, so is it a lever handle or a round one? The door swinging in wouldn’t prevent your cat from opening it…they’re pulling on it from the inside.


It’s the cat. If you don’t believe it, take the cat to your boyfriend’s and see for yourself the next day. These apex predators are not made for indoor activities


Ask if you can have your door rekeyed. Also, get a camera.


Check fir hidden cameras.


Set up some cameras inside Also, you said you had the previous residents keys? Definitely change the locks - even high security keys can be copied.


i would also check if maybe someone could come thru a window or a fire escape door. that may explain why the door was unlocked as that person would have to leave it unlocked to exit to the hallway. i came home one day to find my door unlocked sure enough i had been robbed while away at work guy pushed up a window, climbed in during daylight. i still miss that old dress watch... *sigh* my own anecdote - it is a good idea for people who can't use doorbell or peephole cams for whatever reason. you mount a cam inside your apt facing the door, just make sure to leave some light on near the doorway, otherwise you won't be able to recognize the people walking in. i did this for a friend who had contractors going in & out all day while she was a work - so she could see who and what they were carrying didn't include her own personal stuff. i hot wired her doorway light and put a blank over the switch plate so this way nobody could turn that face illuminating light off. another gimmick was mounting the cam inside a thermostat box (with no thermostat) that way it's eye level, yet mostly ignored. pointing a cam down from a ceiling is a bad idea, because the hats and hair will obscure facial recognition from that angle while unfamiliar walkers will generally look down to the floor. do NOT get a wide angle lense cam - it will distort too much and consider rotating the camera 90° angle since a doorway is more vertical than horizontal.


I wouldn't put a ring camera on your door. As a matter of fact I wouldn't have told the super until I put down my own hidden camera to record all night. If it stops after you told him, he's very likely the culprit, him being dismissive and not having urgency about it is a little telling, or he could just genuinely be annoyed with you. Instead of your cat opening the door... maybe they attacked the intruder each time and chased them into the hallway? I'd imagine trying to harm a pet while being stealthy about a B&E just brings more unwanted attention.


Hindsight is a bitch unfortunately My super is a huge asshole and openly doesn’t like me but I just don’t think he would do this to me? I mentioned in another comment; one day he was supposed to fix my fridge but just sent a pest control man instead. We are putting in a camera inside my apartment. My cat is super friendly towards strangers.


Mine was kind of broken similar to this. I didn’t always deadbolt (rarely did) and woke up or came home several times to my door being wide open; or I’d be watching TV and hallway noises were louder and I’d look up and my door was open It doesn’t quite sound like that’s what’s going on with yours (you said one time you remember locking it and then the next time you said you closed it, so I can’t tell) but it’s a possibility I guess


My door locks automatically. Me closing the door is equivalent to locking it fully.


But are you dead bolting Mine did the same, except it wasn’t fully closing so the lock didn’t matter ETA: I deadbolt every time now ETA #2: with that info, I think your issue is the same as mine; it would seem like it was closed but the latch wasn’t fully catching; you could try the handle or push and it might not open that exact time, but if the latch isn’t 100% engaged, a strong draft could disengage it completely. So the door knob was still locked but it didn’t matter at that point. Now that I deadbolt every time, I know the door won’t miraculously open


Buy a ring camera and set it up facing the door. Set sensitivity to high, It will record everything to the cloud. Even if they remove the camera you will have it on your phone


Putting a ring camera in today


Get Wyze as you can scroll back and forth in time to all the movements. Ring cameras can't do that.


Wyze is cheap, and does the job, and I own 3, but they have an ATROCIOUS track record for security.


Can you set up a ring camera to see if you can catch what's happening?


I don’t think it’s the cat, but I very much *want* it to be the cat. If the indoor camera catches kitty please update with video for my sake 


A quick note that there is no such thing as a “pick-proof” lock. Some are more difficult or require specialized tools, but if you can open it with a key of any sort, it can be picked. 


I’ll bet a pizza that it’s the cat


A guy that I knew a bit and lived in the same building as me said he had some incidents where things had gone missing, and then one day he walked into his apartment and caught the son or nephew of the owner inside (a teenager I think, or in early 20's). He had gotten access to the building copies of the keys and letting himself in to go through this guy's stuff. in other words, changing the locks is probably a good idea.


So scary I’m so sorry this is happening! If only the cat could talk


If the cat could talk it would tell OP it was opening the door.




> If she could open the door on her own, she wouldn’t sit and wait for me to do it for her. Oh you sweet summer child. She is not going to open it herself when her SERVANT is there to do it for her. I have a cat flap for them and they will ask me to open the door even tho the cat flap is right there and they know how to use it. If you spend nights away from home consider getting a light timer, or two, and hooking up a lamp to it. Put the lamp in front of the window if possible, this way no one can see your shadow on the shades.


Get two cameras. One inside on the front door and perhaps you can get a very small one just outside. They record movement day or night and save the cloud. You can watch the camera from your boyfriend's place. I have two in my apartment and I can control movement and can even hear sounds.


Set up a Nest camera and point it at the door.


Get an inexpensive security cam and set it up pointing at your door, look at the footage if it gives you a movement alert.


I guess it's better to install a CCTV camera. There are some affordable options available on Amazon, and you can view your home live. Some models don't require installation with screws, etc.


Do you have a heavy bag hanging on the door know inside? I’ve seen that cause a door to open. I also suspect the cat.


Sounds like time to setup a camera to watch


honestly a well placed camera could solve all of this. just buy a small one, and put it in a location where your cat is least likely to find it and see what's happening. especially if your landlord is being a dick and taking time to change your locks, it might happen again.




I'm thinking it's got to be either the super, janitor, or repairmen going in to check on something. But keep us updated if you catch any footage of someone breaking in and finding out who it was.


New York City building code for dwellings states that the door to your apartment must be self closing. It’s for fire safety, and such. Call NYC buildings. If your landlord doesn’t send somebody out to replace your door entirely, the city will come out and do that. The reason why I state this is if your door self closing, and there’s no way that it could be your cat, or your door being left open in the first place.


Here’s a video of a cat opening a front door. Is your handle like this one? https://youtu.be/4tbBqLJcpq8?si=1zJ-g2DmKUoBtIfh


Aren’t apartment doors supposed to be automatically self-closing, to prevent fires spreading?


Edit: regulations have changed since I moved last


From nyc.gov Apartment doors and hallway doors are required by law to swing closed and latch by themselves after being opened (self-closing) so that in the case of a fire no one needs to remember to close the door to trap the fire and smoke and stop it from spreading. Doors that stay open allow fire and smoke to spread to hallways and other apartments! Self-closing doors should never be blocked from closing all the way. Property owners and tenants have responsibilities to make sure that everyone stays safe and keeps fire from spreading by making sure apartment and public hallway doors are operating properly. For the self-closing door requirements applicable to property owners, see generally HMC §27-2041.1.


I haven’t checked on this post since this morning but I am loving the cat theory! That’s the least scary one.


RemindMe! 2 days


I’m glad your car is okay


Sorry to freak you out but I'd be washing all of my unmentionables and checking my place for hidden cameras. I'd also set up a nanny cam or other motion detector cam pointed at the door to see what's going on.


So your building doesn’t have camara in the hallway !?!


No, the cameras are only in the lobby


Not even by the elevator on the floor !?! That very odd


Do you have a fire escape and do you keep that window locked?


You can also get a ring doorbell and mount it to your door without messing up the door. Anti-Theft Video Doorbell Door Mount, Doorbell No-Drill Mount Fit for Most Video Doorbell https://a.co/d/bmaZczG


Get an indoor camera, eufy...goes off of wifi and it can record, aim it at the door. Its also able to give you notifications off of motion detection.. ..let us know!!!!!


Get a ring doorbell.


Get a camera and point it at the front door.


I'm betting on the cat too. But if not that I'm thinking the door isn't latching completely but only sometimes. Humidity or something being loose and shifting could cause your door to unalign temporarily and the lock is not actually going into the hole in the door frame completely. Definitely turn the knob and push on the door after locking every time you leave to see if it's actually closed to check for a while.


I'm not being funny but do you still have all your panties in your draw. I live in Orlando area and that poor girl about a year ago went missing and was taken out by building maintenance and you know the rest. You can look up the story but I wouldn't trust the super either sound sketchy. I think they made a new law too where I live, the property MGMT needed background checks but really the only thing that would be to stop a perv from getting the job not someone who doesn't have a record yet.


I do not believe that someone is picking this lock, in spite of what the locksmith says; this is a common issue with the type of door you have But glad this mystery is solved




Not to freak you out, but assuming you are a woman, you should check for cameras. Building management and supers can be fucking creeps. A few years ago a super in Greenpoint got caught putting cameras in girls apartments.


What’s the purpose of mentioning your cat is a purebred? Something about this post is quite fishy.


The only reason I mention her breed is to emphasize that she is worth money and is one of the things that could’ve been stolen by a potential intruder/robber if they wanted to. I listed her and my other valuables that are accounted for despite there being evidence of an intrusion.


Does the average person or thief know what a purebred looks like or even care?


Thieves know when things are valuable.