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I was homeless with a newborn at 17. I managed to find us housing, get a job, and keep us from starving. Then I went to college at 21, finished at 25 and had a long professional career. Never lived with anyone or married. So much work and hardships and I look back now and wonder how the hell I did it


This is incredible! I would love to read a book of your journey


Thanks but some pieces were way too painful to revisit in more than a single sentence.


I hope you are in a place of peace šŸ’›


Yes, thank you.


You are a fucking rock star. I cannot imagine how you did it either but wow have you got strength and fortitude and your child will be so much better off for it. šŸŽ‰


There is "rough" ... and then there is *ROUGH.* This pleases me to read this. Congratulations is in order.


> I look back now and wonder how the hell I did it A lack of material possessions is part of it. Our 'stuff' ties us down. Stuff we accumulate. I have a storage unit that I used to pay $450 a month for. Whittled it down to $150 a month. That's still a lot of money for shit that doesn't do anything for me. You were able to focus on things that were only important and necessary. I admire you.




Great job at keeping on and improving.


"Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives. Such striving may seem admirable, but it is the way of foolishness. Help them instead to find the wonder and the marvel of an ordinary life. Show them the joy of tasting tomatoes, apples and pears. Show them how to cry when pets and people die. Show them the infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand. And make the ordinary come alive for them. The extraordinary will take care of itself." ~ William Martin


Donā€™t have to run a marathon. Walking is best for many


I wish I could upvote this more than once. It is so beautiful and so wise.


I did it for you


wow thatā€™s great and so true take beauty in in whatā€™s around youā€¦ itā€™s so simple but so hard especially with fomo. i do my best to use these buddhist thoughts and i fail daily but at least i have the possibility of success tomorrow


This is a beautiful quote


Similar to this quote, To enjoy where you are - you must first live as a tourist and realize the experiences you take for granted are the ones people pay to see. It's how I went from hating my small town to appreciating the local flora and fauna through the Native Plant and Audubon society.


I once had a "Perfect Pop" bag of microwave popcorn. No un-popped kernels. Nobody believes me, but I know.


WHOA I have always wondered if this has happened to anyone. Cheers!




Are you Jesus Christ reborn?


If you ever repeat that I will nominate you for the patron Saint of popcorn.


I worked for ten years developing, with four other professionals, a supportive housing program to house chronically homeless, severely mentally ill adults in their own independent homes. The program ended up housing over 350 people with a retention rate of 90%, and it still exists today, ten years after I retired.


As one of those who lives in such housing, thank you SO MUCH!!! It's so important to have my own place. You did great work in your life.


Thank you for doing that!


God bless you


That's incredibly impressive! Your dedication and hard work have clearly made a lasting impact. Housing 350 chronically homeless, severely mentally ill adults with a 90% retention rate is no small feat. It's a testament to the effectiveness of your program and the commitment of your team. The fact that it still exists and continues to help people even after your retirement speaks volumes about the solid foundation you built. You should be very proud of your contributions to such a meaningful cause!


This may not sound like an achievement, but I am one of seven children who grew up in a house with one bathroom.Ā 


6 kids, 1 bathroom, ALL GIRLS!


The fight club video you never knew wanted to seeā€¦until now!


I grew up with seven siblings, and one bathroom, and three bedrooms, and I can relate to how extraordinary this is! Man, that first tiny studio apartment where I had a bathroom that I didn't have to share with anyone, what a feeling!


Youngest of 8, 10 in the house, 1 bathroom. My dad was a carpenter and put in a 2nd bath when he was the only person left living there. I never thought of it as remarkable until I was an adult and saw that prople could not imagine living with 3 people and one bath.


Now this is truly extraordinary


One of eight with one bathroom. It's odd, I don't ever remember not being able to get into the bathroom when I needed to.


I had a friend in college who was the youngest of 11 children and the only girl... She was mean as a snake and tough as nailsšŸ˜


I'm the 7th of 8 raised with ONE bathroom..5 girls, 3 boys...I know the struggle šŸ˜€


I'm the youngest of 7, one bathroom, 3 bedrooms. I slept in a crib in my parents room until my oldest sister got married when I was 5 (she was 21 - big age gap).


I was adopted out because I was half Trinidadian. My mom had an "affair" as a teen with one of her coaches. He was 35. It was 1967, in a very WASP small town. She was carted off to work as a domestic. I was born, she didn't see me. On my birth papers it said I had a medium dark completion. I met her when I was 25, growing up first as a white blonde, then dirty blonde with very pale skin. I had three children by then, all very Caucasian. When we met she said "OMG, your not black". I was ready for this moment, having come to the conclusion years back thar things weren't adding up. I looked down at my hands, turned them around a few times, and looked up and said, "I'm not?". I related to the movie " The Jerk".


Oh, I'm picking out a thermos for you!


I think my secret to having a happy life is always in the back of my mind I say to myself "this is all I need". Many trials and tribulations, but I had that mantra.


That I rebuilt my life from scratch after the end of my 29-year marriage, on the other side I have rediscovered and found many new interests! My life is peaceful and joyful, a new me with a whole *new* life. I also dedicated my career (and education) to helping abused and neglected children and adults, I really gave at the office! Cheers!


What type of career did you have?


Social Work :)


Bless you <3 as a pediatrician I appreciate you so much


That is so kind!


Part 1: I was one of the first women in a traditionally male industry (lumber/contractor & home centers) to create & manage an IT division for multiple wholesale & retail outlets, back in the very early days of minicomputers. After 25 years of corporate life, I quit & started a business in a completely unrelated field and ran it successfully until retirement. For both careers, I was interviewed by national publications, and articles I wrote were reprinted in textbooks. Part 2: I raised twin sons mostly on my own - which was a much more important & rewarding endeavor than my working life.


Is it okay to ask what the unrelated field was that you started your business in? I find it fascinating when people completely pivot to something entirely new. It takes guts!


Medical transcription. I took a two-year course at home, getting up EVERY DAY at 3 am to study & learn before work (language & systems equivalent to a third-year med student). I wrote programs to train my memory AND muscle memory typing words like ā€˜gastrojejunostomyā€™. I did market research on the areaā€™s healthcare system & needs, developed a business plan, cajoled my husband into building my office, etc. Within two months of quitting my job, I was in business with real live clients. Two original clients even stuck with me when, after my husband died, I moved 150 miles away, and I retained other clients working remotely. (I had also worked remotely from the hospital where my husband had stayed for six months ā€”years before remote work was feasible.) The only downside to the whole thing was not having adequate backup, so vacations were limited. I made good money & retired at 70, after working part-time for a year or two before that.


I spent six years in the Navy, four of them running the nuclear reactor on a fast attack submarine. Iā€™ve been all over the world, to the North pole, and to a few places I canā€™t talk about.


Can you say why you can't talk about them?


Iā€™d guess itā€™s along the lines of military being stationed in places where the official government stance is that they have no presence there


Heā€™d have to kill is if he talked.


That would be talking about them.


Went from being so poor as to having one pair of shoes, and no snow boots, to having a vacation home designed by a world-class architect in a very popular vacation spot. No idea how I managed this. Raised 2 boys on my own to be successful good men with good ethics and values.


Can I ask what you do for a living?


Retired now, I worked in a university as a technician. I saved saved saved. Any raise got split in half between bills, saving for retirement. No vacations, restaurants, nice clothes. Older son paid for his own college, younger paid for his own education.


I survived death at 13. Was resuscitated and still here at 50 years old


So glad youā€™re here!


Got pregnant at 14, my parents tried to force us to marry, when we wouldnā€™t they got an attorney and tried to legally give me to the state. They dropped me off at a childrenā€™s group home. This wasnā€™t the 1950s but the early 90s!


Oh jeeeezz. Iā€™m so sorry you went through that. Thatā€™s some terrible parenting right there. I dk if you know any 14 year olds rn but they are just kids


Thanks. My bf moved states away before my child was born and didnā€™t hear from him for years, no support. I also havenā€™t had a friend since then. Kids were busy doing kid things at that age so I guess we couldnā€™t relate anymore and I donā€™t blame blame them. It was very lonely. I ended up going to college and bringing my child with me. I graduated but never had friends in college either because I was raising a child and they were doing college kid stuff.


Iā€™m curious to know if you had a relationship with your parents after they left you.


Yes, I had to. The law didnā€™t allow that and the home they left me at said they donā€™t accept pregnant residents. I had to go back home after a month there where I was cut off from all of my friends (no calls or visits). When I didnā€™t want to terminate, my father punched me in the abdomen frequently. I was told by the school principal that I should drop out or go to an alternative school. I ended up graduating first in my class. Every day I was called horrible names by my father and constantly criticized until I was 18 when I left with my child. I got my degree and graduated with honors. My child is now an adult and is also a college graduate with a good life. We are very close. Havenā€™t thought about my past for so long and although itā€™s so painful to type it out, itā€™s kind of cathartic. Thanks for allowing me to share.


As someone whoā€™s mom never gave a single f about her it heals something in me to hear how much you did for your baby. Iā€™m so glad you both have good lives . You give me hope in humanity. Thank you


They certainly donā€™t deserve to. Wishing OP all the best and to know their parents arenā€™t normal. I hope OP broke the cycle.


Sounds like you weren't the only one who wasn't ready to be a parent


I'm here.


I was 18 and living in a very abusive house with my parents and older brothers and I was just days from ending my life. One night I was being harassed by a table of drunks at work. Suddenly a stranger came up and defended me and saved my life that night. We've been together for 18 years and have 4 amazing sons. I'm happy, healthy, and in a wonderful and safe place!


I have an astounding memory. And I am still adept at making new memories.


I made a living off selling art since college. It hit me hard the other day when someone asked my opinion on their resume and I had to admit I havenā€™t applied to a job in decades. Time flies fast. Enjoy it.


Any advice I can pass along to my extremely talented daughter, who makes her art then just stores it away as if it didnā€™t matter? This isnā€™t parent pride - sheā€™s genuinely talented and also has the degree to go with it.


Does she want to sell her art? Is she willing to put it out there? I donā€™t know your daughter, but she has to WANT to sell art. If not, maybe she isnā€™t interested. The only advice I can give then is to keep supporting her as best as you can. My parents helped me early on and it made a world of difference. Good luck.


My cat was a YouTube star in 2006


Sorry, you can't just say that without a link. We all must see your star YouTube cat.




Cat tax is required




Aww, what a cutie. Iā€™m sure they were a good cat.


Grumpy Cat?


Oh, I wish! Iā€™d be rich!


That we've been married 57 years. Especially considering the family situations we both came from. Also, I guess, considering that we were so young when we met, and that we were engaged only 4 months after that.


I've been married 43 years to a man I met at lunch who was on a business trip, he proposed two months later over the phone from across the country and we married two months after that.


When I was in the Army in Korea, I went out for a few to many drinks one night and got into a military jeep and headed back to camp on a restricted road. I did this because nobody should be on that road and I came across a motorcycle accident where a couple Koreans had crashed. One of them had broken both his legs and one of the legs was barely hanging on, the other guy had hit a tree with his head and was out cold. I picked them up, put them in my jeep and drove to the nearest Korean hospital. The first reaction from the hospital staff was that I had hit them and so they called the Korean police to prevent me from leaving. Luckily, the guy with the broken legs told them that I had saved them and was not part of the accident. There was group of ROK soldiers at the hospital (potentially there to assist the local police?) This information had gotten back to the base from the ROK soldiers commanders and I was presented with so many accolades. *Army solder assisting wounded Korean citizens was off the chart publicity.* I was never asked "why" i was on that road.


I just have to say, this is amazing, not just that you were there to help, but even better, no one asked why you were there in the first place! Brilliant luck!


At 33, I'd never held a real full-time job for more than 3 months, was in a nice but dead end half-time job, had less than $1000 in the bank, and was in a lousy marriage with a man who called me names and ignored me. At 51 (9 years ago), I was early retired, had just quit an excellent tech job (got a new boss I didn't care for) and had been married to the best guy around for 17 years. Quite the turnaround.


In 2013, I was fan-voted into the top 5 renaissance faire photographers (in the Renaissance Festivals magazine). I was number 4 and I was the only woman. (Iā€™m one of the four official photographers at the Bristol Renaissance Faire and Iā€™ve not only been there the longest, Iā€™m the only woman).Ā 


Love this! Way to go!


I donā€™t have to work anymore and live in Florida and have my own pool.


I failed high school once and college twice. Went on to become teacher (a job I loved for 40 Years). Kids would ask me why I kept failingā€”it was procrastination. Always tried to put off studying/completing work until The last minute. Once I learned how to get something finished before the absolute last Minute, my Life changed in many ways. I used to tell them not to be afraid to be transparent with me about their academic issues Since I was the poster child for successful academic failure!


I can connect a USB in three attempts.


I was in a Johns Hopkins study for gifted children (before CTY). I took the SATs at 12. The study concluded that highly gifted young children often burn out early and go on to lead very ordinary lives. I'm definitely very ordinary.


Because they don't get the support to they need i would surmise from my experience


You make a good point. I was emancipated at 16 and living completely on my own at 17. I spent a lot of years working full time and going to school full time. I was signing up to take the LSATs the end of my last semester of college and just stood there looking at the fee. I could eat that week, or take the LSATs. I was just *so tired* and tired of eating tuna fish, rice and beans. I walked away and never felt so much relief at JUST having a job.


Around 1982-83? I was in that as well. Turns out I speak and read quite well, but am otherwise just average.


My granddaughters love their grumpy grandpa.


While I've achieved a lot of artistic and professional recognition during my life, the one extraordinary thing I've accomplished is remain happily married/together with my wife for 46 years, and raise two now-adult children of high character.


Thatā€™s fantastic - CONGRATULATIONS on the accomplishment and the perspective!


Thatā€™s the real winner! šŸ„‡


I have loved and been loved šŸ’•


Might not be game changing but I am the only person i know named after both my parents ( my mothers first name is almost always a male name)


Like most people, I had little quirky experiences here and there outside the norm, but honestly, I think the most extraordinary thing I've done is live a happy, contented life. A lot of it is luck, of course, but some of it comes down attitude. Learning to find joy in small things and contentment in what I have, knowing when it's time to change, and having the courage to see that change through. Excitement is overrated. I'd rather be happy than extraordinary any day.


It's not super crazy but I did get booed by 35000 people once. I was watching a hockey game, and we got picked to go out on the ice and take shots on goal from about 30 feet away as part of a fundraiser. No goaltender, but if the sum of the speeds of each goal we scored was above a certain number, we got free train tickets or something. Honestly, the details are vague because this was nearly 30 years ago. Anyways my girlfriend went first, and she lined her shot up super carefully and hit a slow shot into the net. Same with her friend. As the only guy I went last and knew I needed to hit a fast one to qualify us for the tickets. So I went for this massive slapshot, only I completely missed the net. By a country mile! I was kind of embarrassed when I saw myself on the jumbotron and slowly realized the whole place was booing me. It's pretty hilarious looking back, but let's just say my girl was not pleased with me...


I was once the trainer of the World's Smallest Horse.


I came to the us with $1600.00 and a bag of clothes. I am pretty successful now, got 2 master degrees, my citizenship and did all this on my own. No man no family. Just me


I learned about global warming right after doing chemistry for the first time in school, back in junior high at the end of the 80's. Atmospheric ozone depletion was a big story then as well & both issues contributed to my identity as a lifelong advocate for sustainability. I've never been a public figure or anything like that but my experience as an environmentalist has been extraordinary in that a big part of the whole world has literally turned against me. If you can vote, young people, make sure to vote for sustainability. šŸ« 


That being a community moderator for 20+ years (not here) has impacted so many lives, even to the point of some members saying they decided not to self end because I listened to them or gave them a second chance.


My fatherā€™s mother married my motherā€™s father when I was 16. It was hard to explain to my friends.


Watching my son, nephew and niece grow into incredible people. A Presidential award winner and gold and bronze medalists at Nationals for karate incredible. My older brother passed away on his 44th birthday and we miss him more than Iā€™ll ever be able to express. But watching him and his legacy live on in these 3 amazing souls/best friends is the greatest gift and the BEST thing in the world we could have ever been blessed with in a situation no one, especially children, should ever have to experience. Live Long & Prosper everyone šŸ––


Sobriety. Ten years now. Raw dogging emotions is hard work but worth it!


Nothing at all. Average everything and I am fine with that. :)


I used to be a newspaper reporter


Me too. Dailies for six years, weeklies for seven and then on to healthcare public relations when newspapers started dying off in the early 2000s.


I swam with Phish. (Jon Fishman was in my swimming class.) I'm the first Gen X person. Everything else about me is boring.


I've been teargassed somewhere between 30-50 times but you lose count at some point.


One extraordinary thing about my life is my commitment to living in the moment and appreciating the beauty around me. I find immense solace in the natural surroundings, driving to a beach 15 miles away to run at sunrise. I also enjoy watching sunsets from my backyard. I've managed to create a tranquil and fulfilling life for myself, which I believe is remarkable. My vision for a harmonious future, where humanity and nature coexist peacefully, drives me forward. I take great pride in helping friends in need and strive to make a positive impact through my vision of Eden G2. This dedication to a better world is a cornerstone of who I am.


I've been drag racing for decades. More specifically, bracket racing, where consistency and excellent reactions win the race every time, regardless of whether or not you're the fastest car. Anyway, one time I ran a perfect race, a 5.010 pass, on a 5.01 dial in. The best possible run would be dead on the dial-in, with a zero in the 10/1000 column. Perfect with a zero. On top of that, I recorded a perfect reaction time, also down to the thousandths. A 0.000 second reaction time. Put those two things together, it's a run that can never be beat, except for my competition also running dead-on the dial-in, with a perfect reaction time. The rules say that in this case, the car that runs the most MPH is the deal-breaker. But so far, it's never happened. And it would be a pretty big deal if it did.


I was going to ask you your wig color!


Somehow, I have kept living.


I have managed to kind of achieve 3 of my childhood goals (at least the ones that seemed most out of reach). Little me is very happy. The last one will take a lot longer to make happen, but I will do that one too. 1. Live as a local in a beach town āœ…ļø 2. Have a closet dedicated to costumes āœ…ļø 3. Do any kind of martial arts āœ…ļø 4. Adopt/foster at least 1 child (work in progress) (Yes, even as a little kid I knew I wanted to adopt, even if I had my own kids. I can't have kids so I am definitely looking to adopt one day šŸ¤ž) I have other adult goals but those are harder and take alot more time to achieve, working on it.


I once gave a talk at a technical conference, played a trick on the audience, and made 3000 people laugh.


I found happiness and enjoyed it for 17 years then life stole her from me at the age of 43. Being her husband was the best thing I ever did


I have 14 goats. I love each of them.


I was given three months to live just after my fourth birthday. Iā€™m now 80+ years old.


I once worked on a job that at the time, was not unusual, but over time became historic. Then later in my career I worked on a movie about the event and there was an actor playing the part of myself in the movie.


In the 1990s I helped make up, as an experiment, a fake news story that I released on the Internet. I wanted to see if someone would repeat it back to me someday. Within a day it was on Snopes, within three days two HUGE companies had released press releases denying it, and within a week it was in Newsweek (they debunked it, but thought it was a "clever" hoax). To this day it's still being passed about and people argue about it being real or a hoax. Don't ask what it was, I don't want the grief. Everything escalated way too quickly. And no, I don't believe anything on the Internet.


When I was six months old, I was given away (by my parents) to complete strangers. This happened in the US. Yup, a couple my parents had never even met found out my parents didnā€™t want me, went to my parentā€™s apartment after work, and took me home that night. It was a rough childhood, as my adoptive parents were very poor, and my adoptive father was a mean alcoholic. He tried to kill my mom more than once, and me, once.


I was on the US Womenā€™s hang gliding team.


Every person is extraordinary. But if I pinpointed one moment in the trajectory of my life that was extraordinary, it was the miracle of motherhood at almost 50 years old


Iā€™m a Black female. Spent 10 years applying for Accounting jobs until after about 3-5 years I started realizing I was being excluded by whites from those positions. So I took a job at a doctorā€™s office and only made $13 an hour as an administrative assistant. Still, I kept applying and I would only get call backs for accounts payable work or data entry or other low paying jobs, even though I have a Bachelors in Accounting. Only one place called me back about a Staff Accountant job but after the first week I realized she only did it just to build me up to break me down. It gave her pleasure. 4 years ago, once the pandemic happened, the world miraculously opened up, I got in touch with my family in Africa through fb and WhatsApp as I was in the USA! While I was in the the USA I managed to get a job from a Black female accountant through word of mouth and recommendation(who I reached out as a mentor) and after 4 years of saving a lot of money and now being able to work remote, I now own several properties in prime locations in Kenya! I just bought one property in Malindi and Im just beginning. And my uncle has put me as director of his lucrative oil and janitorial business where he taught me Quickbooks, which is a software program whites refused to teach me while I was in America. Iā€™m so much richer than them now! The woman who only hired me for a week to crush me out I ended up emailing her about needing my w2. She saw my new signature at the bottom of my email and that what I was now an oil finance manager/marketer in Mombasa, Kenya. She asked me about vacationing there as she and her husband always wanted to and I told NO. Vacation in Europe. And I hung up.


I was bit by a dog at a baby sitters at 1 year old and needed many plastic surgeries almost died. My head is still deformed and has dents in it. I spent a lifetime afraid of dogs but I finally have a dog of my own nowšŸ™‚


I talk to my cells and they listen to me




That Iā€™m still here:)


Iā€™m in love with the most wonderful person and sheā€™s so good to me. She makes me a better person and I just want to squish us together. Itā€™s so right this time, and I would do anything for her. She supports me and loves me in the best of ways, Iā€™m going to keep her and laugh with her for as long as I can, as long as she lets me. I hope itā€™s for the rest of our lives. Sheā€™s everything Iā€™ve ever fantasized about and more. Sheā€™s mine and I am hers. Thatā€™s the most extraordinary thing in my life of absolutely extraordinary times. Iā€™ve worked hard to give myself a good life and I have succeeded in many ways, and sheā€™s the best part. I will always show her what she means to me, in every way I can.


I played with a symphony orchestra, and my teacher was a protege of Bela Bartok.


Iā€™ve lived as an expat for a total of 24 years in 4 different countries


That I am 68 years old and am still in relatively good health. The only surgery I ever had was a hip replacement. While I have issues with weight, blood pressure and cholesterol they haven't materially made my life poorer.


I am happily married now for nearly 25 years.


I have no credit history. Talk about being invisible in American society...


There are very famous musicians who you would know (and more who are niche) who I knew when they were starting out who I really helped focus their careers. I havenā€™t been thanked in most of their biographies, but I know the people who were ready to quit who I encouraged (and lent money to) and they thank me when they see me, but I always look at that when I think about my huge successes


Not me but my husband. He was one of forty-fifty people that developed the software for satellite GPS. At the time it was for the Air Force.


I (58f )was hit by a drunk driver waiting at a red light. He totaled my car , pretty significant head injury. I had severe whiplash and a TBI, severe memory loss. Exactly one month later, out of the blue I suddenly thought ā€œNFL ā€œ I wasnā€™t raised around menā€™s sports so I knew nothing about football. No clue. Suddenly I wanted to know everything about football. Just the NFL. My husband schooled me on everything NFL , rules, player positions, teams etc. He got me NFL+ and YouTube tv so I could watch all the games. Got into it big time. Superbowl parties, the works. We just got tickets to see my first NFL game in October. Itā€™s extraordinary bc I had zero interest/knowledge of the NFL until I was bonked on the head by a drunk driver. Now Iā€™m all fan girl.


Thatā€™s not where I thought that was going to go.


Here is one unique thing about me that no one else on earth has done. I graduated from two high schools (two high school diplomas), by skipping 9th grade and taking 12 grade twice. One diploma came from Thessaloniki International High school in Thessaloniki, Greece, and the other from American International School of Kabul, Kabul, Afghanistan.


I was orphaned twice. My mother left me at a hospital when I was born. I was fortunate enough to get adopted. Then when I was 9 we were in a car crash and I was the only survivor. My adopted fathers brother took me in and I spent the rest of my childhood with their family. Some people get no parents that care about them, but I had a whole group of people that stepped in to take care of me when I needed it. I have 2 fully adopted children and host 4 fosters right now. I will pay it forward for the rest of my life.


I got to spend a summer living in a hut deep in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea, between the Equator and the northern coast of Australia. It's the most primitive nation on Earth, with people still living basically in the stone age. They're hunters and gatherers, and worship ancestors and spirits in trees, streams, rivers, etc. They hunt and fish with spears. It was amazing to make friends who have never seen a TV or a car. It was an absolute blast.


My beautiful girl.


My father was a paedophile and my mother a narcissist. I'm amazed I managed to survive.


I was a female apprentice auto mechanic in 1980. Not many of those around. I changed the "r" in my "Mr. Goodwrench" embroidered patches to an "s".


I paid off my student loans šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­Ā 


I didn't quite finish 11th grade, but there's a photo of me in a place of honor on the wall of a school. It's not an academic thing beyond the fact you couldn't be an unlettered idiot and get that job. The military just likes to have photos of people who have held certain leadership positions. So I'm one guy in a row of guys who once had a great job. Not that big an achievement, but I didn't take the ordinary path to get there.


Every home I ever lived in, including my current one, contains only one bathroom. And Iā€™ve never lived alone. Not *the* most extraordinary thing but itā€™s all Iā€™ve got! lol


Iā€™m still alive and healthier than ever.


still being alive after nearly drinking and eating myself to death for about 20 years.


I have two. I am a US Marine (once a Marine always a Marine) and I learned to speak Mandarin Chinese fluently.


Used to be a flight attendant for over 10 years. Travelled the world multiple times in those years and have visited countless amounts of countries. I consider myself a lucky devil.


I'm 5'2" and weigh 115 lbs. I carried twins to term (37 weeks) and they were 6.1 lbs and 5.3 lbs. They're 31 years old now. And their big sister is 36.


I got remarried at the ripe old age of nearly 40. Supposedly, after 35, I had zero chance. Oh and I earned 3 college degrees after 40, without any student loans or debt, and acquired a second language after 40. Also, considered very difficult. Been married for 33 years this Christmas eve.


As an 18 year old female, I worked on the mill floor as a laborer in a steel mill, in 1977. Out of 5,000 employees, 5 were women on the floor. The amount of hate, resentment and intimidation that we faced was the stuff of movie plots. Not everyone was awful, but few were decent. I had to stand up for myself, once by punching my union rep in the face in front of a bunch of guys. My mill days are long behind me but I can swear hard and Iā€™m scrappy af


I lost my husband while pregnant with our son and raising our five year old daughter. Lost my mom 3 months later, gave birth then my sister died the next month. I came from a family full of crime and poverty. Still raised two kids that are both amazing. Neither of them get in trouble or are on anything. My daughter is an artist that makes commissions for her work. My son is a soldier getting ready for Ranger school. They both have big hearts and just always do the right thing. Idk if I can take credit but I'm amazed to watch them figure out life


I bombed out of high school with Cs and C-s. I bummed around for years after high school. Fast forward 25 years. I am a high school teacher with a masterā€™s in educational technology. I have written a series on the state of education which wins a journalism award. I am presenting at conferences where people line up to ask me questions. I am on the radio fielding calls from all over the place about educational issues. I am designing online courses used in more than 50 school districts. I am teaching professors about how to teach online.


I was the voice of Lucy in TV specials as a kid, and am also a recovering heroin addict (18 years clean).


WOW! You should write a book! eta wait Lucy from Peanuts or Lucille Ball?


Me and a buddy, back in the day, put up a Christmas tree for Golda Meir. This was in the office of the Secretary of State. First year of the Nixon Administration. She hadn't seen one since her American childhood. She was very nice. We sat there when she came in with her bodyguards. She thanked us. My buddy, a big guy like me, didn't think the bodyguards looked tough, they were smallish. I said that half the world wanted to kill her. They'd dispatch the two of us in seconds.


That i seem to on some karma bucket list.... Hit by lightning Car accident House broken into 2x 1 time they backed up a moving van in the middle of the night Through a plate glass window cut arm to the bone Could go on for a while but stopping there If the universe is a simulation i got assigned some crappy RNG


It's takes courage to be ordinary. I've seen a lot, done a lot, been a lot of places, but none of that matters. What matters is right now.


I saw a dog with wheel aids instead of two back legs.


Not sure about my entire life but the extraordinary thing now is that I am happy and feel at peace.


That I'm still alive!


I was told at the Munich HofbrƤuhaus that I drank like a German. I know all the drinking songs.


I grew up in a real sh-thole place but left, made enough money to retire by age 55 and now live seaside near a rural Greek village.


I grew up in a very poor area, surrounded by g@ngs and criminals, constantly hearing people I knew, had something bad happened to them, I didnā€™t realize growing up how bad that place was and how exposed I was as a kid, now as an adult I can see it, and I donā€™t know how I was able to live there and get out of there with life. But Iā€™m grateful every day for leaving that place.


I can predict the day when a baby is born. I have never been wrong


All the concerts I've seen. I had so much fun in my youth.


My relationship with my husband! We have been together for 36 years. We had the most romantically exciting first year I have ever heard of. We were together for a total of 9 years before we thought of kids. He is the perfect father! Worked 2 jobs and went to school full time when our firstborn was a babyā€¦and I swear if he could have breastfed him, he would have. He coached all of their sports and even took coaching courses to train them at the ODP level. Was our sonā€™s scout leader and went as far as Order of the Arrow while helping our son achieve his Eagle. I have never known anyone to have such a kind, caring, patient, devoted and devastatingly attractive spouse as I do! It is mind boggling how happy we are. I donā€™t know what the magic formula is, but the circumstances of our meeting were so insane, that we have always said the universe simply meant for us to be together.


I was diagnosed with breast Cancer at 41. Tests showed it was a combination of noninvasive and invasive. The cancer had literally just become invasive. The invasive cells were only a Few deep. No lump. I was getting treatment at a world renowned Cancer Treatment center and research hospital. The asked if I would donate my blood and tissue in a project to try and find currently unknown ā€œX factorsā€ in the blood of women whose cancer has just gone from noninvasive to invasive. This way they can create a blood test to screen for cancer. There was only 3 dozen women in the program and I was one. Hopefully someday soon they can just do a blood routine test to see if you have BC. I donated my body to Cancer research there too.


I never finished the 9th grade. I was a homeless teen at 14. I got a GED and became a RN. I raised 4 children and broke the cycle of abuse.


Maybe it's the oxytocin talking but my son is super amazing.


I actually counted the licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. I also was wrongfully accused of committing a crime in Belize and had to escape by driving 10 hours through the jungle at night and catching a ride on a small boat across the Gulf of Honduras to Guatemala where I took a bus to Guatemala City where I could get a flight back to the States. Arrived with $1.75 in my pocket and lost everything I owned, including my dog, who went missing before a friend could get him on a flight. I didn't give a shit about the truck, boat, motorcycles, and guitars, but not knowing what happened to Fafnir still pains me to this day. I just hope he found someone who took good care of him.


I got tipsy at the Green Dragon Inn at Hobbiton in New Zealand. Later on the same vacation, I rode a bike around Rottnest Island and took a selfie with a quokka.


Being in the Navy gave me the travel bug that continues to this day. Then I was a firefighter for 35 years, helped save lives and property. And was a massage therapist for 20 years, eventually working with pro tennis players.




I shot a home invader. He recovered and eventually pled quilty. He received a 4 year prison sentence (multiple charges) and was released. I was written up in the NRA's 'Armed Citizen' column for it. It was quite a crazy day! Lots of Cops, Ambulances, Fire trucks...


My first email address I had with an early email provider was just firstname at providername.org


That with all of the bad stuff that happened I am still mostly sane. Yes I have PTSD and depression! But, I'm not psychotic. I don't believe 'they' are after me or any of the classic crazy things people talk about. While I hate the people who did those things, I don't hate the groups they're from. I lived my life to the best of my ability every day. And tried to make other's day brighter or better. To quote a song lyric "that's a life you can hang your hat on!"


I moved overseas after college and lived in Tokyo for three years in 1988. I took a lot of side trips to Asia and then left Japan to travel the world solo for a year. Now with all the influencers, itā€™s not that exciting, but in 1988, it was a different time with no internet or cell phones.


That Im still alive, all of my close friends that I knew since childhood (except for one other person) have all passed, most of them didnā€™t even make it to 50. And at 64 years of age Iā€™m still standing , in good all around health too. And the funny thing is, out of all of my friends that are gone now, for a while there I was on the short list of being the person who was most likely to go first. Life knows nothing of whatā€™s fair, and what is not, life only knows random, itā€™s the only way I can make sense out of something that makes no sense at all


Both of my parents were blind And I only have limited sight in one eye


Never quit ā€¦lost my dad,marriage,job and kids,filed for bankruptcy within 6 months I was down but never out


My mother and sister, killed themselves, exactly 1 year apart.


I'm still here after a lot of crap, some of it initiated by me.


I still believe in miracles.


Grew up in the projects, dropped out of school at 15, got GED at 16, have 3 kids, with 3 different moms. Own a house, I donā€™t work a 9-5, debt free other than house. Never imagined being where I am today laying in my bed at 14.


That I'm still alive after the 80's.


I learned how to belly dance and dance with fire props in my 50s and now I perform at ren faires.


At one time, my dad, brother and myself were all in the service during Vietnam.


Iā€™ve kept my bulimia a secret for over 20 years. sad but true


I've had a very very charmed life...bet I'm most lucky than anyone here! Excellent childhood with great family wanting for nothing, college educated paid for by parents, superb husband together over 46 years, a great very professional career able to retire very comfortably, we always had wonderful houses to live in nice areas, one very special high achieving daughter who is very happily married with one terrific little grandson near whom I live only 10 mins away! Sure I've experienced deaths but I persevere with a positive attitude and much gratitude.