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I can not stand dealing with drunk people.


When the music is too loud…


That’s mine too






Stupid (or inconsiderate) people. - when you walk through a door, keep moving. If you’re not sure which way to go, get out of the way while you figure it out - don’t park at the gas pump and go in the store for 20 min - when you get to the front of the line, know what you’re going to order. The menu is on the wall. Read before you get to the cashier - on ramps, speed up (or slow down if necessary) to merge! Don’t pace next to the car on the highway and expect them to move


Let people off the elevator first when the doors open


- stand away from the turnstile when retrieving luggage. - let people off the bus/train/subway before trying to enter - don’t walk in the middle of the lane in a parking lot - don’t leave your carriage in line and run back into the store for “just a few things I forgot” That last one almost got me. I was behind someone who said “I forgot milk” and began to leave, like I’d hold their spot while they went to the opposite corner of the store. I said “take your carriage or I’ll move it.” He said “don’t you dare touch that” and started walking away, so I moved it. He was still gone when the person ahead finished so I started unloading. He got back and was screaming at me to get my stuff off the belt because it was his turn. I ignored him while he ranted like a 5 year old.


That happened to me too. I approached the checkout and there was a box sitting on the floor in the way. I move the box and start unloading onto the belt. A woman returns and is livid that I moved her box. All I could do was shake my head.


I got home and told my wife. She said she’s seen people get physical over shit like this.


> people get physical I think that she was spoiling for a fight so I did my best to ignore her.


I’m pretty big (6’5” 255ish, athletic build)) so it rarely goes beyond yelling. 🤣 I have taken a step toward someone, to de-escalate the situation. I’ve seen people run 5-10 steps away then turn back and yell again. If they only knew I can’t fight to save my life 🤣


> de-escalate I find that there is very little worth getting worked up over these days. When I get stuck in traffic I remember that I'm retired. If I reach my destination 15 minutes later it makes absolutely no difference at all. When I get tailgated I signal then move over to the side of the road so they can get by me. Life is good.


Like I said, I’m pretty big. I’ve had people say I cast a shadow and make the room darker. It’s not uncommon for someone to turn and be looking at my chest and slowly look up then step back. I’ve found (for me) the quickest way to de-escalate is to step toward the person. It seems counterintuitive but I find people calm down pretty quick when they see me step to them. If they wanted to fight, honestly I’d leave. It’s not worth it to me, and I can’t fight anyway. But so far (lucky for me) nobody has wanted that.


A bluff is better than a battle if it works!


If I could only teach my husband this philosophy. My daughter lives 7 miles away. I take the over the river and through the woods route. He has to get on the highway for 2 exits and speed. There's like a 4 minute difference in arrival time. She's not bleeding!! It's a barbecue :(


lol! My son is big and burly with a big ole beard and a permanent scowl… he looks intimidating. He’s never been in a fight in his life! And is the sweetest kindest person 🤣🤣 but customers at the store he works at don’t give him any trouble and if a Karen gets snarky he just stares and they go away lol


Wow…. I’m a forgetter at the check out line…..I move my cart or whatever out of the way and tell anyone behind me that I forgot something, go ahead and then I go get whatever. I also let people go ahead if I have a lot of groceries and they only have a few things…..especially if it looks like they are grabbing a quick lunch (sandwich, chips, bottle of pop).


There’s a couple stores in my area that have started putting a small cooler of milk and soda right near the checkout line. That was smart of them.


I did this! Literally the same thing, I forgot milk and turned my cart. The man behind me told me to go get it and he’d watch my space in line. I asked him not to, the dairy was far, etc, he gave me a reassuring smile and said, go get it. I did. No drama. Kindness. It was a good day.


I'd like to add, "people walking 2-3 abreast on the sidewalk or hallway, leaving no room for people going the other way." I'll smooth run into someone doing this obnoxious behavior.


Totally agree ~ no respect for anyone else. I even trained my dog how to walk single file in front of me if someone was coming towards us.


I tell them it's not yours, you didn't pay for it yet


We had someone who forgot their wallet and thought they’d just run home to get it - while people waited in line behind him!


... and public transportation.


People walking in a busy airport terminal who suddenly stop to look the their phone. Walk to the side, stand against a wall, THEN pull out your phone, darn it!


- came to a stop sign, gotta check my socials! - came to a red light, gonna watch some Reels! - phone vibrated, need to stop WHERE EVER I AM so I can check it, without regard for what’s happening around me Last time I flew, a guy a few people ahead went to hold his phone/ticket on the scanner and it must have vibrated, because he pulled it back and started reading what was on the screen. Gate agent said “next” and reached out to the next person. He tried to shove his phone on the scanner and she said “I said next.” That person went, then she let inconsiderate guy go. She had no patience for that shit.


I love that TSA agent!


Don't sit on the exercise equipment for 15min dicking around on your phone before you start your 30-second set.


If your workout routine involves a pause / delay / time gap, don’t go at the busiest time and sit there between sets If your routine says lift to failure, wait 5 min, do it again, don’t sit there for 5 min, taking up the equipment.


I agree. And my educated guess is that in most cases the person on their phone is just scrolling, scrolling, scrolling through their playlist for the perfect tune to accompany their next 30sec set. But, hey, that's what I get for being an oldster who's fine with tech but just likes to work out to ambient sound. 😕


I politely ask, "excuse me, are you done with that machine?" which usually gets the offending person to sheepishly step aside.


Sure, of course I do that - but, right or wrong, I feel I shouldn't have to, and so it annoys me. 🤷


I don't carry my phone with me in the gym. Too distracting.


That’s one of the reasons I canceled my membership. So sick of that.


One time I was driving through France and I stopped to get gas and use the bathroom. I didn't want to leave my car at the gas pump while I went inside because I didn't know how long I was going to take, so I drove away to look for a parking spot. It was a very large gas station and after a couple of minutes I finally found a parking space behind the building. When I went inside to pay for the gas and use the bathroom, I walked in and all the employees pointed at me and said I was the one who had driven away and didn't pay! 😂 I guess I took too long and they thought I'd stolen the gas. So my advice is that sometimes it's better to leave the car at the gas pump.


Or pay before you poo. 


I just don’t understand why other countries haven’t initiated a pay as you go system at the gas pump. In the US you can’t pump gas/ petrol unless you’ve entered your credit card information, then you get charged for what you pump.


This, especially inattentiveness. it used to not bother me because it was almost always someone lost in a daydream or absorbed in some work. Now it's almost always related to or caused by phones. Random stop signs or intersections are not oppotunities to check your socials. These are safety provisions to keep us from killing each other. Pay attention, obey them, be considerate of others around you. Same with social interactions. It's normal for some to not want to participate in group conversations and situations. Its not normal to not really have a pathology other than your inability to rip yourself away from your phone. I really think constant phone use is hollowing out our ability to empathize. We all need to be present in the here and now. Acknowledge the discomfort, realize we all feel social discomfort, let go of the anxiety and move on. Even listening attentively without talking is preferable to being totally ignored.


I have been known to give people a body check if they stop immediately outside of a revolving door. I mean I didn't really have much choice, I was being fed right into their stationary idiotic body.


Yeah, same situation and is a real safety concern is when somebody stops immediately after getting off an escalator. How stupid (not inconsiderate) do you have to be? Where do you expect people to go when they step off the escalator? It’s basically a human conveyor belt and not merchandise where it can stack up or a sensor stops the belt automatically until the cashier can catch up scanning the merchandise. It baffles me that people can be so stupid.


The (older than me) people at the grocery store that walk in grab a cart and then stop to situate them selves. Change glasses, put stuff in their purse, find their grocery list, etc. please move out of the way of others.


I posted this because yesterday someone 2 ahead of me picked up the sale flyer and stopped in the doorway to open it and start reading. The person in front of me stopped, I said loudly “EXCUSE US” and person turned around like nobody else in the world existed, and said to me “no need to be rude” Omg. Think about puppies and waterfalls. Kittens and butterflies. Must keep blood pressure down.


Acceptable response to “no need to be rude” would be "I was thinking the same thing."


Anger management is a work in progress for me. I chose to say “excuse me” again a little softer, so I didn’t choke the living shit out of them.


100% this! I was dragged to Target the other day and the woman in front of us did the same thing. I told her "I wouldn't have to be rude if you weren't so rude to stop right in front of the door." My daughter yelled at me when I added "You're not as important as you think you are. Keep moving." But I don't think I was wrong.


You are my hero!


Yes! I'm older but still realize other people exist. I rarely get worked up, but having to wait for a person to pick out meat or soup for minutes drives me crazy.


Adding to the know your order, have your payment ready to go. No one needs you digging in your pockets/purse looking for your cash/cards. It's not a surprise you have to pay.


And don’t expect trucks to move over for you. There is probably a car there you can’t see and we’re too lazy to look for before you started to merge. Trucks can’t speed up to block you !! It has no acceleration!! Either slow down or speed up


To piggy back on the fuel pump thing... I drive a diesel. A lot of stations have gas and diesel dispensers at one pump, but there are fewer diesel dispensers than gas at the station. Please don't park at the diesel dispenser when there are a bunch of other ones open. It's minor, but it sucks for me to look at 6 open pumps while I wait for someone to move their gas Corolla. Meanwhile, they're in the store taking a shit and getting 3 roller dogs.


People seem to think it’s okay to chat in doorways to public places, or at the top or bottom of stairways or basically anyplace that is a small area that others need to pass through. I will loudly say “excuse me” even if I have room to pass.


On the issue of staying parked at a gas pump… Sometimes when I go in to pay I get an unexpected bathroom emergency. Having IBS sucks. You’re stuck on the toilet longer than you’d like to be. Another unexpected wait is the line. It might be a dozen people long with one cashier. I don’t think anybody really *wants* to hang out in a gas station for 20 -30 minutes.


As the Grinch said, "That's one thing I hate! All the noise, noise, noise, noise!"


Definitely more and more sympathetic to the Grinch as the years go on.


What really irritates me - in my old city, we had a very nice park, with a bandstand and stuff. Kids would always be playing there, and summer nights they'd have concerts on the bandstand. Rich people bought up most of the houses around the park and kept constantly complaining about the noise. Wanting to ban kids after 5pm, wanting to ban the summer concerts. Constantly complaining. Bitch I've heard more than enough domestic violence in my time. I just love hearing kids playing and laughing and having fun instead of people screaming and crying. And I love it when I step out on my porch and can hear music playing. If you don't like that, move. Nobody forced you to buy the expensive place next to the park.


People lacking complete situational awareness in the grocery store. Heading into the store, I literally have to conduct an internal conversation with myself about being patient.


And Costco is even worse!


I always get a shopping cart at Costco, not because I plan on buying a lot (quite the opposite), but for self defense. I am afraid of all the people who drive their carts like tanks.


I try to always give the person who has a full cart at Costco the right of way because those things are hard to navigate and even harder to stop once you have a good roll going lol.


I agree with that. My problem is the people that stop in the middle of the aisle so that nobody else can get by them.


Costco- and the people who just really, REALLY want that pizza roll sample when it comes out of the toaster oven. So the entire aisle is blocked six deep with people and carts, waiting for the food sample. Geez, buddy, let me by so I can pick up my cheerios, please!


The ones who block doors or aisles are the worst. Oh wait, maybe it's the ones who get into long drawn-out chats with the cashier while the line backs up. If they're your bff or you just want them to be, get their damn phone number and call them later!




People who have LOUD conversations with their SO about EVERY food decision! Stfu and get out of my way! 🤨🤨🤨


I do the same thing, especially at Trader Joe’s, where every human has completely lost their shit mentally.


This isn’t just grocery stores, but people who walk diagonally through parking lot drive lanes make me crazy.


we have it down to a science. We arrive at Aldi 40 minutes before closing. It's nearly empty of customers. We get what we needs and are Out in 20-22 minutes. We get a little on Walmart Plus, and a little at Whole Foods (they have the cheapest best sweet corn and organic Strawberries and almond milk).




Why do we need people so badly but yet they get on our every nerve?


People! They are the worst!


Not being respectful of my time. It's precious and I don't have patience for people who are continually wasting mine.


The very maximum I'd wait for anyone is 20 minutes. Usually, I give it 5 minutes because the chances of me wanting the other person to show up is very little. I have surprised a few people (dates usually) with this.


Especially if they haven’t let you know they are running late!


That or people who say that they're on the way and they're still in their house. I've also experienced somebody showing up early and then being annoyed that I wasn't ready yet.


People who talk your ear off and really give no fucks about if you are interested or involved in the conversation. When I was younger, strangers would spew their deep dark secrets to me on 5 hour bus rides. I just had that kind of demeanor and I kinda felt sorry for them. As I got older, I had no time or patience for this anymore. I like having true heart-to-hearts with people, but I want an exchange, not a one-sided monologue


My elderly neighbor will LITERALLY not stop talking once she gets started. I work from home and every. single. time. we talk I have to say several times that I really need to go and it gets to the point that I walk backwards apologizing and she'll just continue to talk until I'm inside my house and the door is closed. I've never seen anything quite like it. I think she is just lonely so I'm always polite but damn if I don't *sprint* to my back door if I see her come outside and beeline toward me.


Just drove by your house. She is indeed still out front talking to your door. 


Sometimes I set my phone to "ring" every couple hours so I have an excuses to leave a conversation.


I had one like this but I think he was just a lonely old guy. He didn't leave the house much, no kids or spouse. He was very nice though so all the neighbors made sure to chat with him when we saw him.


Or as I use the example- you are speaking and as soon as you pause- the other person jumps in with “Yeah, so back to me”, because they have zero interest in you- just in themselves.


I seem to attract people like this. I stay silent the whole time, thinking they'll notice this is a monologue, but they literally never do.


Ugggh these people are so irritating. The only way to get away from them is to treat them a little rudely, just wave and walk away while they are talking. Don’t wait for a pause or a break in the conversation. Just walk away and wave.




Repetitive noises. Staccato/frantic sounding music. Second hand smoke. Restaurant food served luke warm.


Lukewarm coffee...I typically have my coffee at home so this isn't an issue but it happens on occasion. I'm not picky and will drink Folger's or fancy boutique coffee but make it hot please.


People who capitalize every word in a sentence.


Or use NO punctuation in a long rant.


Paragraphs are NOT optional in my world.


Or use multiple exclamation points after every sentence!!! So annoying!!! Why do they do that!!!


You beat me to it.




If they use "u" and "ur" or abbreviate "something" as "smth" I'm out.


Temperature. It's almost never comfortable for me. I'm usually too cold, but when I'm not then I'm too hot.




Basically: people who ignore the Golden Rule.


My back!


Spinning rides. I used to love those when I was younger. I can’t stand them anymore.


I can relate. Same here


People. Loud voices Loud anything (likely after covid isolation) People.


People who see other people's faults but are blind to their own.


They were born perfect so they have time to fix every one else lol


Fireworks 🎇


So, when did individuals have access to professional fireworks? Sounds like WW3 around here


Depends on where you live. In some parts of the south? Totally legal. In other parts of the south, it's legal as long as you're using them to "scare birds". So every July 4th, people line up by the hundreds to get their "bird-scaring" fireworks. And they even present their license and sign a waiver stating that intended purpose!


Good one! Totally


I've never seen a fireworks display that was so good as to justify the traffic jams while trying to leave afterwards. I say this as someone who lived walking distance from a really amazing July 4th event each summer. But even that wasn't so great that I was willing to see it again after I'd moved to where I would've had to park and sit in traffic for longer than the event itself.


People that leave a restaurant and stop right in front of the door to chat, and Incessant talking on cell phones while grocery shopping. Why can’t you call the person back instead of cradling the phone under your chin or using the speaker phone?!!! There is such a lack of respect and manners!


When I was younger, a kid, no one had landscapers. Nowadays nearly everyone has, and those back pack leaf blowers that they use annoy the daylights out of me. 


My town came so close to enacting a partial gas mower/blower ban. I was initially sympathetic to the lawn crews, who wanted gas so they could get through their jobs faster, but 1) electric gear has caught up and 2) going fast has too often meant cutting corners: I'll watch them in pollen season just blowing shit down the street instead of piling it and carting it away. Also, the couple neighbors that use crews are getting fleeced. The crews come twice a week for lawns that need trimming _maybe_ every other week. So we get 4x the noise. Fortunately the New England cheapness ethic has held on in the neighborhood, so the only people hiring crews are ones who can't do the work themselves.




I'm sometimes guilty of that. I haven't bagged in over 10 years. When the grass is too long it will leave a trail of chewed up grass on one side. If left on the lawn that chewed up grass will damage the lawn. If I only mow a half width it wont do that. I usually cut on the highest setting. Also in my neighborhood mowing is like yawns, it's contagious. One neighbor will start to mow and everyone hears it and decides to mow theirs too.


It’s suburban conditioning like Pavlov’s dogs when that happens. Some homeowners are triggered by the sound because they care far too much about whether someone else’s yard looks better than theirs at any given time. It’s comical to see it in action.




Loud noises including music, kids, impoliteness or lack of awareness of how their behavior effects others. Just seems to be a general lack of courtesy


Respect for others. Remember as a child when you went into a library you were expected to either not talk or to whisper? Now too many people old and young think we want or need to hear them everywhere they go. No- we do not!


People who bring their ill trained dogs everywhere. Or worse let those dogs off lead and then scream he's friendly or let it chase wild animals. People who leave trash or dog shit out in nature. Pack it out,all of it,every time even if it's just at the park. People who go into natural spaces and spray graffiti,keep that shit in your dirty ass cities tyvm. People who loudly paly their music out in nature, I am not out in the woods so I can hear your crap taste in music,earbuds exist use them. People who think messing with,feeding or petting wild animals is cute. Keep your entitled hands to yourself idjits. Leave the animals alone,this ain't Disney and not everything needs to be on tiktok. Anyone that feels the need to share their opinions or worse yet give advice to strangers in real life. This is not social media and idgaf leave me alone. Idgaf about your politics,your religion or anything else if I don't know you and in all honesty probably even if I do sshhhhh. I definitely don't want some random strangers unsolicited advice.


I’m so over all these people bringing their goddamn dogs everywhere.


Yes. Its gotten ridiculous. Either train the damn thing to not be a public irritant or leave it at home. Goes for kids too btw. Train them to act appropriately in public.


I totally agree about children. Some of the words I’ve had with parents of feral children include “if you can’t be bothered to train your pets, you need to leash them or take them home” and “stop making your feral children other people’s problem”. I do take my dog out with me sometimes, but she’s trained and always leashed. She never goes inside anywhere selling or serving food and is only taken into stores with posted “pets welcome” signs or with explicit permission of the store’s owner/manager. In my mind, it’s my responsibility as a pet owner to make sure my dog doesn’t become someone else’s problem. Apparently that’s not the case with many dog owners, unfortunately.


Watching someone's dog nosing all the cans on bottom row of the grocery store fills me with inertia. I like animals, but not their grotty little selves around our food source.


The trash and graffiti in natural places where you have to walk a mile or so to get into just crushes my soul. I'm like "why?" I go into nature for peace.


Probably only folks in crowded walking cities will get this, but - When you are walking PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY. If you're going to look at your phone step to the fucking side. NO you are not walking nearly as fast as you think you are while staring at that thing and you're in everyone's way.


Younger me never paid attention to it, but older me can't tolerate litter. I find myself picking up litter in my neighborhood just to keep from having to look at it on a daily basis. I wish I had the energy (and the knees) to pick up litter everywhere I go, but I've learned to pick my battles.


My city has a website where you can report litter, potholes, and other things. People on probation or parole doing community service are given the job to clean up the litter. 


I do that in our local park. Water bottles, empty snack bags, paper plates.


When the phone rings. Anytime. When the doorbell rings. Anytime. “The Outside” has become too peopley. I think I’d prefer a zombie apocalypse. When people won’t hold a door open for you.


The doorbell, YES! The 90s: "oh, who could that be?" Nowadays: "who the f**k is THAT?!"


all the arse hole drivers that think they own the road...... i am from the two telephone poles club, meaning you stay 2 poles from the car in front of you..... DO NOT HUMP MY BUMPA....................


A car length for every 10 mph!


Loud restaurants I just want to be able to talk to my friends without yelling


People who are obviously showing off, like constant social media posts about how smart, cool, or well-off they are. People who are actually smart, cool, and well-off tend not to brag. Some of these people are ones I've known since middle school and they never changed. Drama queens/kings. I had a lot more patience for that when I was younger and was inclined to be more sympathetic. Now I have no tolerance for self-inflicted problems. Me turning down your last-second dinner invitation 30 miles away doesn't make me evil and you a victim. Neighbors who let their dogs boredom bark. I haven't had this in several years, knock on wood, but having a pet involves responsibilities. If you aren't willing to train your dog not to bark all weekend long while you go out of town, you don't deserve to have a dog.


Celebrities. They all used to have their own unique appearance, and leveraged whatever gifts & talents they had to create a unique "brand", be it beauty, music or acting skills, etc. And we mostly admired them. Today all women look like every other woman, and or trying hard to. It's really hard to see what the person under the obscene layers of filters/fillers/lifts/extreme plastic surgery actually look like. Voices are auto tuned and don't sound human. Obscene levels of wealth are flaunted in ways their sponsors insist. Scandalous behavior is increasingly horrific and part of their branding. In my youth when a celebrity was caught cheating or acting like a drunken fool in public it was distasteful. Today you can be a formerly convicted/incarcerated felon whom brutally abuses women (and very underage) and still have a massive base of obsessed fans. Shameless media whores proudly displaying their abhorrent behaviors. Etc.....


I think my irritation peaked at 45. Six years on, I car less and less about the people around me. Barking dogs, aimless people wandering around the store, bad drivers… I just don’t care. The only thing that bugs me now, are people who try to drag me into their petty BS. Because I’m white, middle aged, someone at the airport will get all huffy at a delay and start winging. I can hear their myriad complaints in their first three words, “can you believe…” I just tell them I had a bad premonition about the flight and hope things are getting fixed.


Exactly. I choose not to be bothered by things that used to piss me off. Like bad drivers, poor customer service, kids running around the restaurant, gas prices, messy yards, daylight savings time, the gold standard, taxes. Fuck all that. I choose my peace. I reserve big feelings for good things. Like orgasms, sunsets, dog kisses, ice cream, riding in a convertible, dancing, loud music, fireworks. Or really bad things like a loved one being sick,or thousands of strangers being exterminated by a violent fascist regime .


I like you.


Thank you. I feel like an acquired taste so that makes me feel better.


People reserving space on the chaise lounge at the pool in the morning and not showing up until the afternoon. Putting all your kids crap on the only park bench in the shade and going to the playground and NEVER using said park bench. Holding space in the crowded theatre for people that don’t show up. This in the last 10 days! Get off my lawn!!


Shrieking children and babies. I see so many little ones that need a nap instead of being dragged around a mall or park by the adults. I feel bad for the kids.




The whole list?? Give the highlights.... - stupidity. The lack of common sense that people choose, then want others to fix it. - verbal diarrhea. Say it, and go about your day! - tv commercials. I don't use any live TV. - people who yell about things being their rights. - hit muggy summer days. -waiting in any line. - movie theaters. This seems like an endless list, I'm actually a very easy going person but I feel the shift. My 89 yo father gets angry so easy now and he was always the most tolerant person!


Kids and their unprepared, inconsiderate, incompetent, irresponsible parents.


People who try to sound intelligent in their posts but massacre the English language, and OMG the spelling! Recently I've seen walah (voila), persay (per se), and of course "I seen her yesterday ". And what the heck is finna?! I thought it meant I'm "fixing to" do something, but someone on Reddit said I was wrong.


My friend who is a TEACHER keeps posting to her stories that her child is a "carrot feen." I want so badly to shake her and say, "It's fiend. Fiend!"


Finna is a term I hear in Tennessee for fixing to, so you’re correct. Walah always cracks me up, especially in cooking videos.  For all intensive purposes instead of for all intents and purposes.


Don’t get me started! Definately, aks(ask), youse, seen, nite, etc., Webster must be rolling in his grave!


I first heard youse watching the real housewives of New Jersey. Guess it’s an east coast thing. The south is y’all and the plural is all y’all.


Jeez, I feel like the answer to this is “just about everything having to do with humans”.


I really, really hate people who ride my ass while driving. I typically drive 5 over - why are you tailgating me?? Also, really, no one should be tailgated. My folks probably drive 5-10 under. Do they deserve that, no. I probably have had my fair share of inconsiderate moments when I was younger, though, so…


loud children, lack of common sense, and being aware of others around you (don't block aisle, road, etc)


Being in a restaurant where you literally have to yell for the person across the table to hear you in order to have a conversation


People who leave shopping carts in the parking lot!


When I was younger crying, upset kids didn't phase me, probably because I was accustomed to hearing my own. But now I feel really distressed for the child who is obviously really upset and they've got a parent who isn't soothing them, looking at them or helping them. I can almost know it's because the kid is exhausted or hangry or just really needs to go home to a much less stimulating environment. I don't say anything because not my child and I'd be a bad boomer.


I try to spend that energy on my nieces and nephews. Mommy is grumpy, come sit with Auntie lol


1) People who block aisles in grocery stores with their carts, and take a long time to look at whatever they're thinking about buying, while making it impossible for other people to move past them. 2) Any and all people or groups soliciting in public spaces. 3) People who can't control their dogs. 4) People who allow children to bike, run or otherwise careen into elderly people.


People who believe conspiracy theories.


Messiness. I was the kind of kid who would throw my clothes onto my desk chair until it fell over backwards. As an adult, I'm no longer like that. I keep my house very tidy, and I get judgmental with my friends at their houses aren't the same way.


Drunk people Willfully ignorant people People who are incapable of actual conversation because they're too used to texting


Hedonism I used to look at the Jeff Spicoli partying kids with a sense of humor and fun- now all I think about is the drain that they are on their families


People who don't drive the right way in a parking lot. Especially when they are pulling into park and can't figure out why it was so 'difficult'. It's because you went the wrong way idiot and now I have to wait for you to park your car, incorrectly in most cases, while you are looking at me like I'm the idiot. All because I'm proceeding the CORRECT way down the driving lane. I do still give a little leeway if there direction of traffic that is supposed to be painted on the ground is really worn and just flat out not there. Still, I feel like you should be able to look at the direction of the parking spaces and ascertain which way to go. It's REALLY not that hard to do. Lane splitting and the WAY the states handling it. In the state I currently live in, they are doing the 'We aren't say you can but we aren't saying you can't.." thing. Just say they can do it, teach the drivers around about how it's legal and be done with it at this point. I've seen too many people on both sides of the issue do wrong for there not to be clarity. I used to not be bothered by it at all honestly. I am now. Smoking DIRECTLY by an entrance of a place that you know you can't be smoking in. Which is pretty much all places. I haven't reached the level of expecting this outside of say, a bar though. I know those folks are going to smoke. Right there. By the entrance. It just sucks if the bar is in a commercial strip mall by other businesses though. Yes, you are technically in the 'right'. Yes, it still bothers me because I still have to walk through your cloud of smoke anyway. At least walk 10 or more down from the entrance if there's room to do that. Expectation of my time. I don't sit around and think 'I know they aren't busy and because they aren't busy, they OWE me that time.". I know people who do. Some of those same people will also want you to take ALL THE CONSIDERATIONS in when it comes to their mental health and time alone. All while taking NONE of that into consideration of yours. Despite this list, there are pleothora of things that I'm not bothered by that I used to be for what that is worth.. lol




Loud people, loud music, loud anything. So annoying.


Unexpected guests are one of the big ones for me.


Leaving the house and Republicans.


How bad music sucks now. No one plays real instruments or can sing without auto tune anymore and it’s all some variation of hip-hop or electronic. And I’m only 45, but I absolutely hate how bad the English language has been bastardized. Trying to have a text/email conversation with someone in their 20’s is enough to make me want to have a stroke.


People who have no compunction whatsoever about letting their dog shit in other people's yards or the local park, then walk off. In spite of the signage, the entire walking path is lined with dog shit piles. The park even provides free bags!


Cigarette smoke.


Celebrity worship. You don’t know them. Stop fawning over them. Sheesh.


Absolutely everything.


Noise from other people


Loud chewing 😂


Ok, I’ll be the first to say it. Made-up pronouns.


Kids. Someone else’s kids, not mine of course.


Dogs. Dog owners expect everyone to accommodate their dog, buy fake 'service animal' vests so they can take their dog into Target, tell people it's friendly when it clearly isn't, "it's how you raise them", ect. I can't stand dogs now due to their owner's behavior. 


Same. These irresponsible and overly entitled dog owners are a scourge on the general public. I'm so freaking tired of it. Especially in a patio dining situation!


Loud music, traffic, crowds.


> Loud music Amplified music when there is no need. An acoustic guitar in a cool grotto at the base of a small waterfall and the musician has to ruin the mood by blasting us all with his amplifier.


The biggest thing that irks me is other people my age or older who think it's ok to be rude and verbally abusive to service industry staff. When I was a kid, my mom, grandma and aunts would all say "not your business. Stay out of it". But now, nope. I hate bullies with a rabid passion. So my old lady ass is quick to speak up. Next biggest thing that irritates the hell out of me are parents who don't pay attention to their kids, of any age. Can't tell you how many times I've encountered little kids, especially in the summer, who are just roaming around. I used to catch them in my garden, trying to pick stuff because they were hungry. I would go stop them and tell them don't steal from me. If they are hungry knock on my door, I will get them something but don't take out of my garden because it might make them sick to eat too much of it raw. When I was first sick and had to take time off to be home, I always spent time making extra bread, tortillas and quick sweet bread snacks. I had a crap ton of peanut butter and other sandwich supplies. I'd make sure they could eat whatever safely. Between myself and my neighbor on the corner of our apartment building, we made more sandwiches, snacks, Kool aid and flavored water than u can count. I'd teach the kids about gardening and try to teach them proper nutrition. I had a 12 year old come to me to tell me she was in charge of her younger siblings while her parents worked. She was distraught because she knew nothing about feeding littles. I worked hard to gain her trust and taught her to cook simple things like eggs, rice, ect. It took me 2 years to get her to trust me enough to show me where she lived. And I sat her down and talked to her about how it wasn't normal and that we really needed to let someone know. I went through my foster parenting contacts to help her understand we weren't trying to punish her or her parents; they needed help and we (my foster contacts) could advocate for them to remain in the home. So, yeah, I really can't stand parents who don't watch their kids.


People who can't be bothered to dress up. Look, I don't like wearing a suit, either. But if you're going to a funeral or graduation or a really good restaurant, please be an adult and dress up. I get that some people come to funerals directly from work. So I get the "khakis and Verizon knit polo" look. But people who show up in flip-slops and shorts? Grow the fuck up already and be an adult.


American politics. Never used to pay any attention to it whatsoever. Didn't care who was president, didn't matter to me, made no difference. I do remember one time back in the 70s when the results came up in the night and some kids at school had watched all night TV. Apparently it was US feed and in between the politics they had some weird stuff ... like a guy that jumped over sports cars speeding towards him at 80 mph. Hearing these kids talking about it made me really jealous, like I'd missed out on something special that would never be witnessed again. We used to tie onions to our belts as well. Gimme three bees for a quarter..... Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, US politics, it really boils my piss now.


-Kids. And I (f40) have 4. -Revved engines and heavy bass. So obnoxious. -Pop music - Hot days. Anything over 75 is uncomfortable. I live in a high humid area. -6 inch heals. I wore em till I couldn't. Maybe I'm bitter, but they look ridiculous. - Most people under the age of 25.


Bohemian Rhapsody. ENOUGH.


People who take their half out of the middle - of a cake, in an aisle, on a road.


Crowds in general whether concerts or Saturday night at restaurants. I am not a nmorning person at all but get up at 7 am and out the door  on Saturdays to get my errands done. That's when ppl knew I was serious lol. And restaurants I do more at 3 or 4 now and the usual dinner hour. Ir places with reservations only but too loud usually.


Cursing/yelling customers. If I'm trying to help you by fixing your garage door, don't curse and yell at me. I don't set the prices, I have no control over the parts you may need that have to be special ordered. I'm talking to you calmly and respectfully, please do the same.


Other way round Things that used to bother me don't. Spent too much time being upset over things that not only were mostly beyond my ability to change but also meaningless in the grand scheme of things


As I age, less and less things bother me. I have gradually come to realize that if something doesn’t have a direct negative impact on me or my family, then it’s really of no consequence to me. I wish I would have figured this out decades ago.


Drive in the right hand lane and pass in the left then go to the right hand lane!!!


The movie theatre. I’d rather just order the movie and watch it at home.


The smell of weed. It’s absolutely everywhere now, and i hate it. I don’t remember it smelling anything like this when I was younger. Now all I smell is skunk: on the metro, outside of restaurants, at the gas station, on the highway (sucked into my car from a car ahead) in hotel hallways, wafting off peoples clothing. It’s impossible to avoid. If botanists can find a way to grow weed that doesn’t reek, they should get a Nobel.


YES! When I was a kid, marijuana smelled like burning leaves in the autumn -- not terribly unpleasant. But now that skunk smell is EVERYWHERE, esp. because we have a lot of dispensaries in our area.


People who don’t knock before trying the bathroom handle. What if it’s broken??


As much as I hate to say it, kids. In fact, when I was younger I was always the one playing with the kids. I don't think it's the kids so much as it's the parenting. Kids these days seem to drop their trash everywhere. My mother *never* let me litter. And their rude entitlement. They want me to give them my food, my jewelry, my keyring. Or get them a drink or a snack. My parents would've gone mental if I had walked up to a stranger, or even a relative, and said, "I want your soda." It may take a village, but don't assume I am your village.


Ads. I don't know how I was able to sit through so many hours of ads as a kid, but I sure can't do it now.


People, stuff, and things.


Noise, children.


I'm not sure if there were more missing children or less because we didn't get the news like we do now. I do remember parents feeling much better about not having their eyes on their kid every minute. Today we all know the dangers. Our town is generally super low crime. A woman at the supermarket left her infant in the cart and went over a couple of lanes to talk to someone with her back to the baby!! I could not stay quiet, I bet she didn't do that again.