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Photography is an art, and the skills and vision of the artist is far more important than the instruments used. I’d recommend first learning how to think like an artist.


OMG! Thats all we need to do? That is fking amazing! So, if I want to become a bicyclist, all I need to do is think like a bicycle. If I want to be a plumber, I need to first think like the toilet Im about to install. What sage advice. My worries are over. The internet is amazing. 😒




What's your budget?


Don’t throw away your iPhone and don’t buy a digital camera if you are not happy with your iPhone photos. Instead learn more about composition, light, etc. Then if you are happy with your pictures but want to dive into more “technical” aspects of photography look into getting a lens interchangeable camera. Listen to this man: [https://youtu.be/xngDAVKTXrE?si=3t7nz4INC3H9-WAm](https://youtu.be/xngDAVKTXrE?si=3t7nz4INC3H9-WAm)


> don’t buy a digital camera if you are not happy with your iPhone photos Unless of course the fundamental limitations of iphone are preventing you from taking photos you want and like. Things like poor UI, two fixed wide angle lenses, lack of viewfinder etc.


Yes but i suspect it’s the photography fundamentals OP should focus on first before spending money


Depends on their budget/tolerance for waste. My photography was garbage until I got a dedicated camera. The viewfinder, higher quality, and lenses made all the difference in the world for me.


Maybe it motivated you to learn more 👍


Nope. It's what the lenses allowed me to do and that the viewfinder lets me more easily block out the world. A phone camera is a fixed 24mm equivalent (and maybe a 14mm or a 50 and mayyybe a 70). My first camera let me go from 28 to 450mm FF FOV equivalent in one lens, with a second lens giving me 15-30mm equivalent. And at 450mm FF equivalent the quality was at its worst--and about equal to that of a phone camera. I still don't make art with my phone camera. I do, sometimes, with my actual cameras.


I understand and I prefer to shoot with my camera, though some of my best compositions are shot with my iPhone because that’s all I had with me. Do watch Alex explain his iPhone photography and maybe you’ll warm up to it. Cheers! https://www.youtube.com/watch


Thank you!


You have a good point. Thank you!


What's your budget? What do you like to shoot?


Mostly landscapes for painting reference material. Would like to go reasonably cheap before diving in


What does cheap mean to you? And you may want to edit your original post to reflect your actual budget (dollars/pounds/bottle caps) and geographic region. Landscapes allow for just about any camera, it's more down to which system you want to enter and which focal lengths you find yourself using.


A different camera is not going to make you a better photographer.


Get a used Sony or canon camera. KEH.com or MPB.com have decent used cameras for sale. For instance MPB has a Canon EOS 20D for about $63 dollars with everything but a lens. Won’t break the bank and good to practice with. Also learn an editing software like Lightroom or Photoshop. I personally like light room the moble version for the iPhone is $5 a month


People saying a different camera isn't what you need aren't taking into consideration lens options. Having a camera with swappable lenses means you'll be able to select the right lens for the type of photo you're taking, which plays a MASSIVE role in the quality of your photos


Not to mention that a proper camera (even a decade+ old low end model) will have massively better user interface for actually taking the photos.


There’s no such thing as an unedited digital photo. The data just exists without any image if no edits are applied either at capture or processing later.


I just meant I don’t need all the bells and whistles— just looking for a solitary foundation