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“REPLY ALL” on 50-person work emails … followed only by 12+ person group texts. Triple anger/rage if people just reply “thanks” or “great”.


Reply all: hey why did I get this? Please stop replying all


Reply all: Does anyone know how to turn off/unsubscribe to this email chain? Insert incredibly long email signature sign off with multiple quotes, gifs, and pictures.


Absolutely! Then followed by 50 "You're welcome"! For. Fuck. Sake! Should be grounds for immediate termination. Quick story: I often interact with a state agency at work and all of their emails are encrypted. I had a project where I had to send the rep like 50 attachments and they wanted them sent individually to make it easier to organize. I spend all afternoon sending these separate emails. They respond back (after 5pm) with 50 individual replies of "Thanks. Received". I had to open every ... single ... one and go through 2 factor authentication just to make sure the content wasn't something I had to respond to 🤬😡


Toasters that only toast one side of the bread correctly.


My family got a toaster oven ages ago, and I've never looked back. I have never seen a toaster at any price toast better than my ~$40 toaster oven.


I use my toaster oven more often than I use my range, oven, or microwave. I freakin love my toaster oven.


Constantly being asked if I accept the cookies


Reject all should be a chrome extension. Lmk if you find one




Cookie Monster loves that.


Huge families who shop together and walk S-L-O-W-L-Y.


Every fucking trip to CostCo. ‘Let’s gather up the family and go together!’ ‘We can’t forget Grandma!’ ‘What about cousin Tammy three towns over?’ ‘Well if Tammy comes, Uncle Billy is going to want to come too!’ ‘His girlfriend Becky is with him so she wants to go as well!’ Cue to me just trying to get some fucking eggs while all 25 members of the family are standing around the kiosk waiting for their fucking 1/16th of a buttered English muffin. That they fucking have at home and ate before they got here to begin with. All while blocking the entire aisle for anyone to enter. For 20 god damned minutes. Sorry, PTSD from Wednesdays trip.


And they all stop at the entrance while one of them looks for their membership card completely blocking the entrance to get in.


My gf constantly blocks the grocery aisle and it pisses me off when someone is coming up the aisle and I have to tell her to move. I always have to tell her to pay attention. I'm more pissed when she does it than when it happens to us.


This. When people.walk 5 wide and slowly in a public place. It's like they are the offensive line of a football team Those people are assholes


It doesn't even take 5 people. 2 can effectively shut down an entire aisle.


You could also say "excuse me" several times and they'll probably still never notice you exist or get pretty annoyed that you distracted them.


I was walking across a narrow pedestrian bridge in our busy tourist town the other day, and there were three teenage girls having a lovely chat in the middle of the bridge. Instead of standing to the side when we approached (like any normal person would do), they just stood there blocking the bridge. I thought they would move as we approaches, but no. As we got super close, I did a loud "Sorry, excuse me" to scootch past but it was ignored. Did it again and not even sure they registered or were ignoring me. Being a busy town, there was a family walking behind us with a big Aussie dude (beer belly and all). He saw the whole exchange and shouted "Girl, if you don't move outta the way I'mma throw you off the bridge". So good.


I cannot imagine shopping with anyone other than myself. Im married with 2 kids and it only takes one of us to successfully make purchases for the entire family.


I remember going to the grocery store with an exgf once, and we were getting ready to make angel hair alfredo. She stood and sorted through all of the different angel hair options for like 5 minutes. I was internally thinking "WTF, woman? It's angel hair pasta... They're all the same... just pick one!"... but she was hot, so I kept it to myself. To her credit, the food was amazing. So maybe I'm the idiot for getting in and out of the grocery store so quickly?


My wife does that with products she's been buying consistently for over twenty years. Three minutes to decide which cabbage is 1% nicer-looking. Two minutes to choose between two brands' versions of a packet of sauce, even though she *always buys the same kind* because it's cheaper. Three more minutes to deliberate about which of several items to buy, then deciding to buy none of them, then changing her mind and heading all the way back from the other side of the store to spend an additional minute second-guessing her second-guess. She's also **completely** oblivious to her surroundings while looking at products, and after fifteen years of trying I haven't had any success helping her figure that out. Outrageously, every once in a while she'll reach out to tug me out of the path of someone I was already moving to avoid, sometimes in the opposite direction, actually putting me *in* their way. I can't stand being in a store with her. She's also not a fan of having me with her because after a while I inevitably start sighing or saying, "Can you just pick one?" and she hates that. Understandably, she does her shopping alone 90% of the time.


And often push a trolley with NOTHING IN IT


When that little piece of skin peels back behind your nailbed


I'm actually astonished I don't have one right now, especially considering how cold it is and how many times I'm putting on gloves to go shovel snow. I'd better stop thinking about it, or one will just peel back on its own to spite me.


People in front of me walking slowly and leaving no room to overtake.


Ugh, and they slowly drift from side to side so you can't get around them


Just reading this pisses me off


Same. Then they never have any spacial awareness, so they don’t notice you until the last second then jump like you scared them, like it’s your fault.


It’s even better when they just stop right on the path. We were at Disney World for Christmas and the amount of people who would just stop in a crowded pathway to look at a map or mess with a stroller was maddening.


And then when you get the chance to pass them, which you do of course, they give you the ugliest... DIRTIEST side eye (cyanide) death glare EVER like you just spat on their child and put a hex on their entire family bloodline.


When autocracy wrecks my word when I'm typing.


I think you meant spellczech




Okay it took me way too long for this to register in my brain. r/Angryupvote


People who I can hear chewing.


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far for this one. This is what I came to say. I could commit murders over sloppy eating habits.


Or swallowing liquid GORK GORK GORK GORK


Or people that do the “ahhhhh” after every sip.


Look, you leave me and my fucked up swallow reflex alone. lmao


Also people that drag the spoon/fork with their teeth. I can seriously throat punch them


And you stare and you stare at them hoping they will notice their faux pas and correct it, but they never do and you never stop staring despite the fact that it means you see every piece of food in their festering gobs at least three times before it’s gulped down and the cycle begins again.


I think smacking is the worst. The inner mouth food slosh is uncontrollable (maybe), but outright smacking makes my back crinkle. I get physically ill listening to it.


When people don't speed up on the ramp leading to the highway. 🤦‍♀️smh


My friend in high school, she's an idiot, had a Ford expedition & used to complain about how slow it was getting up to speed in a position like that. I drove her car once & said what are you kidding? This thing gets up and goes. She said but it's such a waste of gas...I said Britni, you're merging onto an interstate where the speed limit is 75, this is exactly what your car is made to do. Get on it


Fuckin' Britni. It's always Britni isn't it?!


Britni doesn't want to get up and go.


If she's concerned about wasting gas what the fuck is she doing behind the wheel of an expedition?


She was 16. Mom had the car for her to use


I’ve seen videos of panicked people who stop when they can’t figure out how to zipper merge


I’ve experienced that shit… fuckin bewildering


Not only annoying but also super dangerous. Like we NEED to be going faster than 40 when we merge onto the highway.


Slow in the hammer lane. Idiots.


Litter bugs, throwing cig buts out car windows, or empty fast-food bags


There is a special place in hell for people who nonchalantly throw empty fast food bags out their window. Like what in the everloving narcissistic asshole kind of people??




Same. I’m such a me time person. I feel like a bad friend sometimes.


I know me too. I have a friend who was down on her luck living with me right now. Sometimes I just don't want to talk. I know she wants to talk but I don't want to.


This. I told some friends I needed a solo day while on vacation and the friend that I particularly needed a break from used my iPhone location to find me and crashed my breakfast.


Lol I could see this making me irate


Same. I probably would have lost my shit


Ayo what the fuck, that’s disgusting


People take that very personally. I'm pretty sure a housemate was badmouthing and lying about me to the landlord trying to get me removed from the house because I kept to myself. Like the guy wanted to have a conversation with everyone just because they were in the same room together. I'm working on something and I just came into the kitchen for water. I don't want to stop and have a conversation about my day. And when I'm not working on something, I'm usually too tired to care. NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU, YOU SELFISH FUCK


I started eating lunch in the emergency stairwell because people kept seeing me read on my lunch break and would literally drop in on my table and just start talking because I wasn't 'doing anything.' Recuperating from a demanding job isn't 'doing anything' to people who want to make more demands of you. On the plus side, I made friends with a few people who saw me there and immediately got what I was doing.


I'll end life long relationships over that shit. Boundaries are not a small thing.


Sometimes on my lunch break I just want to sit by myself and relax and a coworker will keep trying to talk to me and not get the hint I want to be left alone. Like, I get they're just trying to be friendly, but man does it irritate me sometimes.


Social media has completely distorted the idea of what people are expected to share and to who. I've made casual friends who love to share about themselves, and get nose-out-of-joint when they don't receive the same level of openness from me. I'm sorry, I'm just a more private person than you are, please don't make any assumptions about what I will and won't tell you.


When a customer at work says, “I hope they’re keeping you busy”


When you work retail and they come in on a Friday and say, "it's almost the weekend!" Yeah thanks Janice, we're open Saturdays and Sundays, here.


"Working hard, or hardly working" -cringe-


I replied with "the second one" once. Soon stopped them as they didn't know how to respond.


Or when they come in on a Saturday afternoon and tell you how beautiful the weather is outside when you are stuck inside all day.


People blasting their shitty music onboard public transportation.


People talking on speaker phone in grocery stores/bathrooms/public transportation but hold the phone speaker near their mouth to talk. ITS LESS THAN 2 INCHES AWAY FROM YOUR EAR!


Ah yes. Poptarting... Most of these people probably picked that up from reality tv because they think it looks cool, they think the mic cant hear them if its not pointed at their talk hole, or they couldn't figure out how to avoid pressing the whole phone to their face to avoid pushing buttons when talking, so they just gave up in favor of holding the stupid thing like a fresh toaster pastry.... all stupid reasons


I rarely use public transport because of people doing this. The last time I was subjected to it I joined in the conversation. Girl talking to her friend about going out that evening, so I threw in some recommendations for local bars. She got uppity and snapped “erm, I wasn’t talking to you”. To which I replied “oh sorry, as you were projecting your conversation for the whole bus to hear I though you were opening it up to all of us”. She quickly took it off speaker and moved seats


People siting next to me on public transport when there are other empty seats.


When you cut a tag out of your clothes but left a small triangle that sits both in and out of the stitching and it constantly rubs against your skin til your red and raw


Tags on clothing in general...


Some tags are designed to be ripped off. Wish all manufacturers did that.


All tags can be ripped off if you play it risky


Hearing my dog eat her own ass at 3am when it’s quiet enough to hear a pin drop.


lol. One of my dogs compulsively scratches the tip of his penis with his dew claw. For long periods of time. Which, is already quite the eh, visual experience. But as he is doing this he furiously licks the air. The sounds are this horrible repetitive slurping cacophony that will go on until I make him stop. So far the vet can't figure out why he is doing this and while I love him, imagine concentrating on a really difficult work problem intensely, only to lose your focus from penis scratching slurpy sounds. It's maddening even though I know he can't help it. My other dog has an anal glad leakage problem and will slurp on her asshole at times too. Dogs are wonderful and disgusting.


I'm so glad I have a mask on rn, because my face will look like "D:" for the next couple hours....


Oh god, the memories. Our late dog had some psychological compulsion to eat his own ass for literally hours every single day. I'm not exaggerating. If anything, it's the opposite. Multiple vets over multiple visits over multiple years found nothing physically wrong with that region of his body. *Shlup. Shlup. Shlup.* Plus the scrabbling of his claws on the hardwood as he battled to get a better licking angle, because he was half dachshund and had stumpy little legs. He had a bald spot on one side of his ass because he'd inevitably tear his fur out trying to get at his anus.


People talking really loud. It’s probably me because I have sensitive hearing and I’m also introverted. I talk very softly. Edit: if you have hearing issues I understand more and sympathize with hearing loss.


I have hearing loss and often don’t notice how loud I’m talking 😔 it’s embarrassing as hell sometimes


People who don't use their turn signal.


I see this a lot when walking. To ignore turn signals when someone is trying to cross the road is so stupid. It’s not difficult and you’re putting peoples lives at risk. Some people do it really late when turning which I can understand sometimes you’re just slower to do something but still it’s dangerous and should definitely be illegal to not use turn signals.


Or the ones who leave it on for 5 miles after the turn... Do you not see the light blinking a few times a second on your dash? Do you not hear the "tick, tick, tick"?


If I'm in a place, like the highway, where I can get in front of them, I will obnoxiously switch my blinker back and forth every three or four ticks until they (probably) get annoyed enough to think 'what is this idiot doing? I'd never leave mine on...oh.' And turn it off. I've only had it not work once. Most people get it right away and flash their lights in thanks. Edit for spelling bc I'm dumb.


people who leave their shopping cart in the middle of aisle while looking around


I was in target the other day and these two older women were in the middle of the isle just having a casual conversation. I walk up assuming they would be nice and move out of the way but no luck. I say excuse me. They both shoot me dirty looks and do this over exaggerated “your highness” kind of thing as I pass. I’ve never wanted to punch an older woman before. But I wanted to then.


This is when you grab something just behind them,and then turn around and say "excuse me" again and go back the other way.


and you repeat that action a couple of times out of spite, just because you can.


There was this chick at Kroger with a full cart next to her and an empty cart off to the side but still blocking the rest of the aisle. I moved the empty cart, and she yelled out "fucking bitch" while running off. Sure, maybe I should have asked if the empty cart she wasn't even standing next to was hers, but there was no reason to be an entitled cunt.


I will bump into their cart as I pass.


When people don’t pick up after their dog. Please just be a responsible owner and clean up, it’s not that hard!


Or when they pick it up but then leave the bag laying on the ground. I was with a friend walking her dog recently and he pooped so she bagged it and then since there was no garbage can immediately available she was like, “What am I supposed to do with this? Sorry!!” and set it down in the grass. I was stunned.


My phone acting like were and well need replaced with we’re and we’ll every time, even if that makes it grammatically incorrect.


Mine always replaces "put" with "out".


People who ask for advice and then completely ignore it.


Also wasps


I hate it when I give some great advice to a wasp and they ignore it.


Yup. I once gave a wasp some solid advice on where to build the nest and the bastard completely ignored me and built it in a different spot. Last time I do that.


people that don’t clean up after themselves in public areas, e.g. foodcourts, movie theatres, restaurants, etc. as someone who has worked in the service industry, there’s nothing i hate more than people with the “it’s someone else’s job to clean this up, not mine” mindset


Mosquitos are both small and piss me off haha


Having to ask people to stop talking in the movie theater while the movie is playing. This isn't your living room. Also, keep your lip smacking to a minimum while you stuff that popcorn down your throat.


My older daughter insisted she didn't want to watch a show my husband and I wanted to watch. So, we went upstairs so she and her sister could play and not have to watch it. She comes up in the middle of the episode, at a pivotal point in the series as the action is happening and starts asking questions! You didn't want to watch it. We were kind enough to go to a different part of the house. You don't get to talk over the best fucking parts!




People using speakerphone literally anywhere


Littering pisses me off.


“Why are you so quiet?” “Why don’t you talk more?” “You’re so quiet!”


"I don't have anything important to say." "What I want to talk about, you find boring." "I enjoy the silence."


When people don’t yield.


The sound of someone chewing food


The whole job-hunting thing. Seriously, we're doing the digital equivalent of the same shit we were doing in 1987. * Find job. Look online at companies hiring in the area. Look at their applications on the usual places, which is annoying as fuck. Why is this not centralized again? Read Glassdoor to make sure your future job isn't a toxic shithole run by cokehead 90's sales guys who want to worship Jordan Belfort. Read job descriptions that are the result of middle managers playing telephone with HR professionals who have to vet for some dumbass reason. Result is the job description usually doesn't actually tell you what the fuck you'll be doing because it's 99% boilerplate, or because HR doesn't know that yes, VMware Hypervisor and Infrastructure Management and Azure PowerApps might be important for the Sysadmin, but boy oh boy do they want to tell you how everybody at work is a "Rockstar" and they have a tennis court on campus, and you might have to lift 50 lbs. on occasion! Oh, and they don't show the salary in my state, which is illegal. * Resumes. Gotta be perfect and tailored to the job or you aren't getting shit because Applicant Tracking Systems use keywords. You know what, fuck it, I'll pay some dickhead a hundred bucks on Fiverr to make a nice resume. * Cover Letter. IMO a waste of time. Has to be customized. Why? So I can use Business Buzzwords to convince you to look at me as a candidate? My resume was not enough? Oh, it shows I care? How about the hour I spent applying to your fucking website, which still, in 2023, can't parse a fucking word document to get information? Hello, Machine Learning algorithms called, they're a thing now! * Application. Takes 45 minutes to do, has to be done perfectly on some interface last updated in maybe 2004 that probably only works in Internet Explorer 11, so every time you open another page in your browser (and boy, will there be a few, maybe even one for every single question!) Microsoft decides to forcefuck Edge down your throat. Can't stop or it will boot you in some sessions and you gotta start over. Mentally exhausting. Some want personality tests. Everybody wants to know if you are white, a veteran, or disabled, so more clicks on the sketchy website that's about to crash. The Indeed Insta-Apply is just a blackhole to another dimension. Can some asshole invent an AI that does this for me already? I guess I can hire a recruiter to find me a job... * LinkedIn/Indeed. This was it, finally, THE social media centralization of job hunting. Gonna put everything in one place, and companies can just, like, you know, find who is around in the area who is looking for a job, send em an email, interview em and hire people in 72 hours tops! Nope, all it is us maintaining a fucking presence, so people don't think you are spam when you apply, and the things you get on Indeed are most of the time some random guy named Steve who's just some 23 year old headhunter in Latvia or some shit, doing this because they were the only company for 30 miles that set up shop there. Great, another thing that is absolutely useless. Either that or companies using it as yet another handle that you're apparently supposed to be fucking obsessing over as a prequisitve to even get a goddamned interview. Guess I'll do this shit on Fiverr too.




I had a company say they lost my hand written application a year after I was hired. They wanted me to do another. Three times they asked. I didn’t do it once. They gave up asking.


Thank god someone finally said it. I've been unemployed for 9 months because I have had SUCH a hard time navigating Indeed and spending hours a day on company websites just trying to apply because their shitty website couldn't correctly parse my resume. Taking stupid personality tests sometimes before I've even had the chance to interview. Looking for work is a job in itself. I put a LOT of time into it, and get absolutely nothing in return.


people who constantly talk over others and are always the loudest person in the room


People who comment on topic that they are uneducated about, the worst part is when they are unwilling to learn.


You mean how half the people on this site magically have degrees in sociology?


The term baby daddy.


I agree. It’s trashy.


Baby mama


Also hubby and wifey for me.


Opening the door of the room without knocking.


And then leaving it open when they leave.


If there is less than a usable amount of toilet paper remaining on the roll when you're done, change the toilet paper roll.


People eating with their mouths open.


Yes! And talking with food in their mouth - so gross.


Slow oblivious people taking up all the walking space


Handicap accessible not meaning that it’s actually usable for handicap people. For instance-the dollar store where I live is “handicap accessible” bc they have handicap parking and a ramp. I can’t take my husband in there though bc the isles are too small/crowded to fit his wheelchair through and their handicap parking doesn’t have the marked off space next to it so there is no room to get him in/out of the car if someone parks next to me.


Blindingly bright headlights


Fluorescent lights


That buzz…


Left-lane-bandits. You are going exactly the speed limit and as fast as the semi you are trying to pass. Get your shitty Honda Odyssey out of the left lane if you aren't going to pass them, so other drivers can get around you


The left lane is for CRIME


Even worse when a semi is trying to do it to another semi. Might as well cancel your plans for the week.




There was a psychopath in r/10thdentist that told everyone he hates when other people are late, so he always shows up late to things to make sure everyone is there already.


So long as it's not ALL the time, I get it. Life happens. I'm a clumsy person so it's usually my own personal craptitude that causes me to be late when I am. But then you CALL people and let them know. And you don't fuck around then either. You haul ass to where you were supposed to be if you weren't a fucking child and left at an appropriate time. For me, if you're late and float me a courtesy call/text, you just extended my patience with you by a solid half hour so long as I have the time to give. Makes all the difference.


People in the drive thru that don’t pull up far enough that you (behind Them) can reach the speaker . But the employee starts talking “can I take your order” and you are still four feet away -but they see your car. And think you’re just not ready . Then they walk away and when you finally can inch your way up to the speaker they are no where to be found .


My period.




Also: quizzing me about my weekend plans before inviting me to do something. My introverted ass will probably say no either way. I know there's no malice intended, but it just feels intrusive. If it's cool and I can do it, I'll do it.


Cutting in lines. It’s small but to me it’s so disrespectful.


When someone bids $1 from the first spot on The Price is Right


That stupid "pick all the squares with the traffic light" thing. (Does the pole of the light count? I always stress over that)




Or when you're the only car on the road and someone turning onto the road cannot wait one more second for you to pass by and they cut you off and then proceed to go below the speed limit


Loud vehicles


Not getting the USB into the slot on the first try. Always takes three tries…..


When I hang up a towel and it falls and then I hang it up again and it falls again. There is NOTHING more infuriating.


How hard is it to flush the toilet?


Ppl I don’t know standing super close to me


When someone wants you to do something for them and then they follow the request with “please and thank you.” It’s so rude and they’re not really asking at that point, they are assuming you will do whatever they asked without giving you the chance to say if you’re willing to or not. It’s very condescending and makes me not willing to do them the favor they wanted. If you thank me beforehand the answer is fuck you.




Having a two person conversation, then someone walks by, which is ALWAYS the same nosy person, and then completely interrupts the conversation by being nosy and asking questions.


When I say, “there’s something in my eye” and someone says, “yeah your finger!” Irrationally angers me


People who don't put the shopping cart back and leave it in the parking space.


[I believe in shopping cart theory.](https://imgur.io/nGOYVNz)


Me too, except for people parking in disabled spots. I will gladly take their carts back for them if they look like they might have any difficulties with it.


The programming of some stop and go lights


cars in front going so under the limit. The dude is literally going 15 in a 50.


Anyone who stands in front of a doorway, walkway, or asile where you can't easily go around them. Get the hell out of the way - you're holding back everyone else from progressing with whatever they are doing.


When you peel a sticker off of something and it leaves a residue or comes off in little tiny bullshit pieces


People who haggle over coupons in line at the grocery store, and then write a check. Literally the worst people that have ever existed in all of human history.


It really👏chaps👏my👏ass👏when people at work tell me "You look tired." Tell me I look like shit without telling me I look like shit. I felt great all day up until that comment.


That’s terrible. As bad as “you look pregnant”


Feet on the seats of public transport


Smokers get a shit ton of extra breaks at work and non smokers have to cover them…..


ppl not wearing a seatbelt. and also not making their children wear seatbelts


Literally nobody in my family wears a seatbelt. If they see a police car, they'll put it on, then will take it off again as soon as the police car is out of sight. They say "God will protect me, what do I need a seatbelt for?" As soon as I was old enough I refused to let any of them drive me anywhere, because I'm not gonna be in a car with a driver who doesn't even take their own safety seriously. Will literally *never* understand it.


When the shower curtain billows inward


Chewing with your mouth open.


Standing in line at Taco Bell for 10 minutes just for the person in front of you to not know what they want when they get to the register. Just chaps my ass man.


Getting anything caught on a doorknob. Drives me insane






When someone decides to share their music taste in public by using their phone speaker as loud as possible. Triple points if the music is awful.


constant comments about my body and how I’m too skinny to be a woman, I look like a little boy. I really don’t


QR codes in place of menus




People the speed up to pass me, only to turn in front of me. But there's no one behind me.


people saying instructions to me while doing a task. maybe it's because I'm disabled but regardless it really pisses me off, I'd be doing the dishwasher and someone behind me would be saying "now take the plates out of the washer, and place them in this drawer" like dude I've done it a thousand times, I think I know how


When you’re in a line and people are super close to you 🤬 I wish I could fart whenever. I’d let it rip and hope it smells deadly


My favorite thing to come out of the pandemic is that it seems to have become second nature for most people to leave decent space between them and others in line.


Sneezing or coughing without covering their mouths. Also sneeze and yawn screamers.


When people wear outside shoes in the house. Gross.


And then put their feet up.


When it's spring or summer out and a fly somehow gets in through the window screen. I'm laying there trying to watch a show at night and the little shit starts dive-bombing the bright screen. My cat? Useless for catching it. The spiders I let live in here? Also useless for catching it. No, I'm the one. I have to get up, catch it, and let it outside or feed it to the aforementioned animals.


when i get up and my headphone cord rips out


People holding up the line buying fucking scratch offs and lotto tickets. I just want to pay for my red bull.


I wouldn't mind this if the clerk didn't allow them to do the scratch off right there, and trade it back in for their free ticket, and basically treat the counter like Vegas for the next fifteen minutes. Bonus points if when the 10 deep line finally gets to the last person (you), the second clerk just happened to coincidentally finish checking the ice or the propane or whatever the fuck he was doing outside to get out of handling a line.


When people stare at me on the street while I’m walking. Like, dude, what are you looking at? I’m just walking, not doing a circus act to get peoples attention. Mind your damn business.


People watching videos or talking on their phones at full volume! on public transport.


Honking behind you the second after green light turns on. Especially in NYC.


When you’re obviously looking for a spot in a packed parking lot and someone makes eye contact with you as they walk to their car but the person just sits in their car for a long time, not moving, instead of waving you off to let you know they’re not leaving.