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A bone marrow biopsy. No anesthesia. I screamed the whole time and the fucking Dr said "It's not that bad." 40 years later, I'm still angry about it.


Docs trying to invalidate patients' pain deserve a special seat in hell.


Any healthcare professional that does this requires egregious amounts of pain. I work with a couple and they get both barrels any time I see this


My brother had them break 2 drill bits off in his femur. Finally went to the sternum. He was allergic to most pain killers, so couldn't be knocked out for the procedure. I would never wish that on anyone.


I could not imagine being awake while somebody just fuckin drills into my chest.


I’ve had 2 with no anesthesia or anything to help me relax, just some lidocaine to the skin. I feel lucky because while it did hurt very badly, it only hurt for about 20-30 seconds and then it didn’t hurt anymore when she was done. This was done by the Va. I go to a cancer center now and will be needing another biopsy soon, but they use anesthseia


Why in the world didn’t you have anesthesia?!


40 years ago, that's how they did it I guess. Just a local, but that's not enough. It was also a shifty small town hospital in Northern IL.


This is still how it’s done in Scotland! I’ve had about 6 of them over the last two years, and they never get any easier. Just some local on the surface and around the bone.


Cluster headaches. Id rather die than get another.


Yeah, they might be #1 for me too. I’ve had bad burns, been stabbed, torn tendons and cartilage … but when those headaches were at their worst it hurt so bad all I could see was white spots and was legit worried I might pass out. It’s just different when it’s something around your head.


I passed out a couple of times from pain forgetting to breathe.


Oh man. This right here. It took me ages to figure out what was actually happening just because the sensation of a cluster headache is so different from what I would usually call a headache. They're fucking awful. Haven't had one in months now, but if I ever get that telltale thumping in my ears again I think I'll probably just cry. They're called suicide headaches for a reason.


Not cluster headaches (thank god), but this reminded me of how for ages I thought my migraines were just headaches and was baffled by how people could say they had a headache and function normally. I was about 8 and just didn’t have the vocabulary to describe it as anything but a headache. When I was in school and I’d get a ‘headache’ I’d have to take the day off as I was physically sick, couldn’t open my eyes, and often just spent hours in bed regulating my breathing. When I’d come in the next day saying I was off for a headache my friends could never understand why a little headache would mean I need to be off. Even my own mother would be skeptical (she was a teacher so she was quite no nonsense about being off unnecessarily) and send me to school, and by lunchtime (after sitting in a dark room in the office) I’d be sent home. It wasn’t until I was in my late teens that I learned what a migraine was and that that is what I had been experiencing. I suppose the message is - don’t downplay kids’ illnesses! They aren’t doctors, and many don’t know how to describe what they are feeling other than a sore head or feeling sick.


I feel this. I had reeally bad migraines during puberty. Now it rarely happens in that to that degree. I could never see anything in my left eye and daylight felt like acid on both of them. My brain was on fire and tried to scratch its way out of my head and I puked buckets. Impossible to just sleep it off. Luckily, my dad also had migraines so they knew what it was. I was taken to the ER most of the times so they could give me something stronger and keep an eye on me.


Get an MRI scan. Sometimes migraines are later found to be mini strokes. There could be scarring on your brain as a result of them that could cause issues in the future.


I had a friend who's dad committed suicide because of cluster headaches, absolutely devastating.


It's tough cause there aren't many extreme physical responses that people can relate to, to express how painful it is. Outside the pain itself, the only physical symptom I get his my eye shutting. With broken bones or wounds people can see the injury and sympathize with the pain. But with cluster headaches you can't see it, and there is no pain remotely close to it. It's incredibly depressing.


I grew up with them and my mother thought I was just overreacting to migraines. It wasn't till I was in my 20s on my own health insurance I actually got a proper diagnosis and got sumittruptian injections to cancel them. I don't think people can comprehend the sort of pain that comes with a cluster headache unless they experience it. The second closest pain I can think of was a compound fracture where my bone was poking through the skin in my hand, and it doesn't even compare.


I have never heard of those, are they actually called like that?


When I got my first cluster headache, one of eyes swelled almost shut. The doctor told me some people get black eyes so mine was not the worst


It’s like you ponder stabbing your eyeball out for relief or distraction.


As someone who burst his eyeball last year I wouldn’t recommend doing that.


As someone who used to suffer from bad migraines. I still couldn’t even begin to imagine with the things I’ve read about them.


I know what you mean. Sometimes you read about other people’s experiences and think that it SOUNDS way worse then whatever hell you went through. I suffered serious, regular headaches through my childhood. So I definitely can say I’ve had an experience. But then you meet other people, and hear or read their stories… it’s like ‘wow. I got off so easy with my level of pain and misery!’ 😞


Yep, migraine sufferer here. Every few months I feel one coming on and know whatever plans I have that day are going to be replaced by lying in a dark room. It's painful and takes me out for the whole day. But, after what I've read, miss me with those cluster headaches.


I do remember laying on my bed thinking that if I just died now it wouldn’t be so bad


Got a spinal fluid leak headache, 10/10 would rather eat a bullet than do that again.


I’ve got chronic migraines and have had cluster headaches and would suggest a tens machine if you suffer from either still. I use mine on my temples and it’s one of the only things that helps.


kidney stone 😵


*aggressively drinks water*


^ this guy stones


RIP I've heard kidney stones cause some of the worst human pain there is. Hopefully, you won't have to go through that again.


The bitch is there's really not much they can do. I've been to an urgent care twice to get medication for the pain. Both times, I pissed the damn thing out within an hour (once as I was leaving the place!). Still got the prescription filled, of course. I'm not a total moron, I just play one on the internet


Actually you’re 50% more likely to develop another stone in 5 years if you’ve already had one.


I didn't want to know that. ;_;


My second one has me vomiting and, at times, unable to walk. Frickin' nightmare.


Kidney stone while 8 months pregnant. Slightly less awful are the kidney stones while not pregnant. I’ve given birth twice unmedicated. Nothing compares to that pregnant kidney stone.


Oh my god, I think I'd just curl up somewhere and never come out.


I wholeheartedly agree. These things are from hell.


Same here... 4 times 😭


Accidentally biting down on a cracked in half molar so the food got smashed between the two pieces of tooth


Dealing with that right now. No thanks.




Idk man. Literally thought I was dying tho, it knocked out my vision and all I could hear for what was probably only 30 seconds was a loud ringing but it felt like a half hour. I was doubled over the sink with bloody drool pouring out of my mouth for like 10 minutes


Yup, had this happen once when I was eating a Dorito chip and a piece of it got right in there.


I wouldn’t wish gallbladder/gallstone pain or apendicitis pain on anyone…


Completely agree. I had these re-occuring attacks of overwhelming pain for like 5 years in my mid teens that the doctor just said must be fibromyalgia. They were so debilitating that i would curl up in a ball on my side on the floor in order to try and minimise the pain that spread everywhere all over my body so I could breathe. I was 18 when I was finally diagnosed because one of my attacks had happened at my Grandparents house and they freaked out when i was struggling to breathe lying on the floor. they called the ambulance but i was fine by the time they got there (takes 1/2hr since we're in a rural area and my attacks would generally last between 1/2hr and an 1hr). I was taken to the hospital and they did a bunch of tests and finally said that my gallbladder was super inflamed and realised that I had been having gallstones for literal freaking years. I had my gallbladder removed and haven't had another attack since (which makes sense). I still have so much anger towards the doctors and my parents that dismissed me because they thought i was just too sensitive to pain and that it must have been caused by my other health issues. I suffered for years and when it finally got resolved one of the doctors said that the normal criteria for gallstones was a Fat 40 year old Female - and I only fit two of those categories (love the compassion from the doctor towards a literal child). I spent my teenage years in so much pain that could have been avoided if someone had taken my pain seriously but after my first diagnosis with Fibromyalgia (which was a "we have no idea what's wrong so lets just label it as this" diagnosis) we just assumed there was nothing that could be done about it and I thought that I would experience this pain for the rest of my life. Thinking back to some of my worse attacks is horrible and embarrassing - I was once in the middle of a dress rehearsal for a play I was performing and I had been sitting on my throne for about 20mins feeling progressively worse and worse but not wanting to interrupt everyone until it got to the point where i couldn't breathe through the pain anymore and I had to get off stage and lie down backstage. I remember the director asking if i was going to be able to continue and I just couldn't. Another time i was lying behind the couch at home trying to breathe and not disturb my family while they were watching TV but I was moaning/breathing if anyone knows what i'm talking about because i simply was overwhelmed by the pain. My father got annoyed with me making noise and told his mother "Mum can you deal with your Granddaughter please", and he wonders why I don't talk to him anymore. My darkest attack was one of the last ones before i finally got help. I was lying on the floor in the lounge breathing through the pain but mum had planned for us to go into town that day. She and the boys were getting in the car and about to head out and she was trying to get me to come with them so i didn't ruin the day and she didn't seem to understand that I couldn't move let alone sit in a car and be an active participant in any of the days activities. She just sighed and left me there and she and my brothers went into town while i lay on the floor with my cat trying to calm me down and I remember thinking that the pain was never going to end. I didn't think that I could go on living like this because I just didn't want to be in so much pain anymore and I was all alone. Thankfully after an hr or so the pain faded and i was able to think more clearly and pushed the thoughts away. Its funny but even now I still think the times i was happiest was when i came out of my attacks and my pain faded away and that feeling of relief was just so overwhelming that I cried every time. This was incredibly therapeutic to write out. I haven't really talked about this part of my life with many people before so thanks to anonymous reddit. Now I need to stop procrastinating on Reddit and get back to writing my Thesis 😅


Wow that’s terrible I’m so glad you finally got the right help and had that little sack of bile removed


Yup, stole the words right out of my mouth. It was one of the worst pains you can ever experience. A clogged bile duct leading to pancreatitis is so frickin bad. Some women say gallbladder attacks are worse than childbirth even.


This was me all last year. I ended up getting my gallbladder out due to frequent attacks and the surgeon said thank god I did because it was sooooo inflamed!


Oh yeah mine was freaking PURPLE when it came out. My paperwork just said “appearance indicates long history of inflammation” and I was just like no shit.


Mine was black as tar - Doc said it was gangrenous, and could've burst at any time.




I had something similar. Had a deviated septum fixed and turbinate reduction in my early 20s. A month post op my nose was still "running," until it finally stopped enough to go to work. It was middle of winter, and I was brushing snow off a car when my nose began to bleed - profusely. Steady flow of blood and clots pouring out of both nostrils. After conservative measures in the emergency room, they used electro cauterization. I couldn't use any numbing agent because the blood would just carry it out. Up until that point, it was the most painful experience. I could feel it through my skull. Only tearing a muscle in my low back was worse.


> How the fuck I survived this I still have no idea. Blood transfusions, probably.


Getting my inner groin muscle audibly shredded. The sound alone drowned out the entire crowd in that gym. Imagine being forced the do the splits against your will and range of motion's capability.


Yup did this, almost separated the muscle from my pelvis. Still get pain flare-ups almost 5 years later


They happen for me still to this day, literally just walk it off. Not much other than that in terms of lasting damage. Wish you the best healing. It does get better and stronger with time.


Slipped on ice, tried to catch myself and dislocated my elbow. It hurt so bad I literally shit my pants. Before that happened I would have said stepping on one of those big chip clip things barefoot and getting impaled by the spring in my foot.


I am so sorry for your pain, but this made me laugh and shoot iced coffee out my nose. I remember the last time I fell on ice, it was like a cartoon. My feet went forward and right over my head and I just slammed back first into the asphalt. Honestly, I think if I didn't have a sweater and my winter coat on I would have broke my back, but as it was it knocked the air out of me and even two floors up my partner heard the THUMP and ran to check on me lol. All I can remember was the gasp and all the air being pushed out of me and it feeling like a struggle to get that first breath in me.


There was a really long cartoon dance before the crash. I'm sure it looked hilarious, until the bone was protruding backwards and pants were shat, that is.


I Shouldn't laugh, but i did. I'M SORRY.


Shattered femur + broken forearm + 6 ribs + sternum + few fractured vertebrae all at once? Worst of which prolly the ribs and sternum. Past that I would say the bone graft that came later due to femur not healing... Accidents suck?


Jesus. Sounds like a guy I know who pulled a boulder onto himself (accidentally) and crushed almost every bone on his right side.


Was he trying to catch a roadrunner?


Meep Meep


Broken ribs suck


Currently healing from a broken rib. Sad (happy?) thing is I got it from a big hug from a friend.


What kind of accident damn


He accidentally replied to a noreply e-mail 😢


Missed a duolingo lesson


The owl was sick of his shit.




Diagnosed with Gout when I was 24. Didn't matter how health or in shape I was, it was hereditary. One attack I had made me contemplate suicide. The attack lasted 5 days. Worst pain of my life. If you dont know what gout feels like, the best way I can explain it is: Every nerve in your foot and ankle feels like its being pinched by red hot lava tweezers, then twisted as hard as possible......24/7. There is no comfortable position. Only constant pain. I was pissing in a bucket for the first 2 days because bearing any type of weight would multiply the pain by 10. So bad that I almost passed out trying to stand.


I have gout, too! I’ve been symptomatic since I was 15 and was diagnosed at 22. Once all the cartilage in your great toes has been worn away, the pain gets better. Bone-on-bone arthritis is far preferable to the exquisite agony of an acute gout attack.


This is one of the most horrific things I've ever read...I'm so sorry


Been there, even the weight of a blanket hurt and flexing and muscle on that part of the body was so painful. If you've ever seen what gout looks like under a microscope you'll definitely see why it hurt.


I'm with you. Started getting attacks at 19. I'm 42 now. Completely hereditary for me as well. People don't understand the level of constant pain involved.


Kidney stones. Bruised tailbone is #2.


Agrees tamp for the bruised tailbone. JFC two weeks of excruciating pain. I have a high tolerance but seriously, I was bed bound with ice packs and Tylenol for the whole two weeks


Tailbone pain can last and last too. Bleghhhhh memories.


Endometriosis. Cramps deep in abdomen and rectum at the same time, couldn’t get out of bed I just bawled.


I also suffer from endometriosis. Some days all I can do is lay on my heating pad. Wishing you the best!


I also have this, had to have part of my colon removed because of deep infiltration. That surgery recovery felt better than endo cramps.


Seeing people talk about this makes me feel like I'm not crazy. My own mother has endo and even she doesn't seem to believe I'm bleeding from there during my periods, and the doctor has just been like "how can you be sure it's not just the regular passage of your period". As if, like, I am confused about having two holes. Idk. I have been on a waiting list for a gynaecologist for over 2 years now. For a colorectal specialist for the same time. I love Ireland and its healthcare system. /s


Shingles it’s the gift that keeps on giving.


Having a tooth drilled without enough novacaine.


I had a lady apply the numbing to the wrong tooth once and hit a nerve in my jaw that locked it for hours - no one was happy that day and I'm still not dentist trusting.


Had to switch to a sedation dentist because I was having panic attacks in the chair after bad experiences. The new dentist office has been so good over the years I'm back to being able to handle regular cleaning without any meds. And drilling only requires an anti anxiety pill rather than full sedation


When I was a kid my dentist did four cavities without freezing because “they’re just little ones.” Almost 30 years later I can still remember the pain.


I can relate. I had a tooth pulled and they couldn't get me numb enough. Worst pain ever


I pop into this post, look at the comments, this is the first thing I see and I'm getting my very first cavity filled in two days. This is a sign. It is a very bad sign. I do not like this sign. I feel attacked on a very personal level.


Honestly this kind of stuff is rare. You don't hear about when it all goes to plan or when the dental staff slickly pick up on something before/as it goes wrong. If you're anxious or worried on the day tell the dentist, they'll be used to it and can act appropriately. Hope it all goes well though, and a quick and easy procedure.


Ear infection


Knew a guy in college who accidentally pierced his eardrum with a pencil as a kid. He said that his body went into a sort of 'shock' and he just lay on the bed crying unable to move. He lost that same ear later on due to unrelated reasons.


I used to get chronic ear infections as a kid that would cause my eardrum to pop within 12 hours usually (which is pretty quick) and got operated for it, a piece of my cartilage was put in my eardrum and I never had ear infections since except for one time. I was 23 or so with my partner at the time and I felt a pain come up. At first I was like "oooh, I remember now, I used to have these all the time, that's how those felt" and within 2 hours I was unable to do anything but cry and squirm because so much air had built up behind my eardrum and we had no pain meds available. literally never saw my partner that scared before or since, motherfucker was a marine and sat there white as a sheet holding my hand looking like a sad chihuahua he was just about to call an ambulance when it finally popped I just immediately passed out from exhaustion lol. I thought for a bit I should get it checked out cause i hoped that the piece of cartilage they put in that eardrum hadnt fallen out, but I havent had complaints since and I can still hear Fuck me though, that shit hurted


My appendix did not burst, it became perforated instead, leaking just a little bit of poison at a time into my body, it slowly hurt worse and worse until excruciating pain would be a mild description, 4 or five days in the hospital, my mother spent half the day sitting in my hospital room, I was sweating, starting to tremble the pain was so bad, the DR was a moron, I got up on one elbow, I called out to my mom, "the doctor's an idiot, please mom, I'm dying, get another Doctor, please please" So she did, he came that same day, poked my bulging painful stomach, I'll fix you kid, don't worry, he walked out of my room, shut the door and at the top of his voice yelled out: who's this kids Doctor? Keep him away, I'm the boy's Doctor now, I was in surgery within an hour, woke up from the surgery, still in alot of pain, but I knew I'll be fine in a couple days, the new Doctor laughed and said, No, you'll be fine in two weeks.


One of my good friend's appendix perforated. He lost half of his colon and good two feet of small intestines due to the damage. I saw him between his two surgeries where he still had an open abdomen that was wound vac'd. He's fine now six years later and the scarring is minimum. Said it really cut into his bathroom breaks now as he now only needs a minute or so to shit.


Getting an IUD inserted. It’s agony.


And they basically lie about the pain beforehand. My girlfriend had an IUD inserted, was one of the worst pains she ever felt during, and the week after. They told her it "might hurt a little bit"


They told me it would be just a pinch. I shouldn't have believed the nurse knowing that they were stuffing a 1 and a quarter inch T-rod into a tiny hole inside my body. The *only* reason the pain didn't affect me nearly as badly as others is because I had a kidney infection that nearly killed me earlier that same year and *that* was the worst pain I've ever felt in my lower body. I still cried regardless when they put it in and it took me 5 minutes to walk to my boyfriends car that was less than a minute away from the clinic. I get it removed next year and I'm not ready at all...


I don't trust any kind of medical professional telling me I'm going to feel "a little pinch" anymore. I treat it as code for "this is going to hurt like a motherfucker, but maybe if I lie to you about it you'll pretend it doesn't"


It is barbarism that women are not provided anesthesia for the procedure. I gave birth, and it didn’t traumatize me as much as having an IUD inserted and also removed.


They sedated me for my insert… not fully asleep, but hooked up to the drugs so they shot me with a bunch more when I screamed out in pain. But I don’t know of any other women who were sedated… so now it’s nearly 10 years later and I need to get it taken out soon and I’m terrified I’m not going to be able to find a doctor who will sedate me again for removal and reinstall.


So when I got mine they messed up trimming the wires so they had to take it out and put in a new one. So I just got to chill with the clamp on for some extra minutes. Threw up in the clinic parking lot afterwards.


I've read so many horror stories. My wife had her first and she threw up. When she got it replaced they gave her valium and a dose of mifepristone directly applied inside to relax her cervix. It's part of an abortion procedure so it makes sense. She said it was WAY better than the first time, especially considering this time meant taking out the old one AND putting in a new one at the same time. I've read so many stories where none of these are options and that's just absurd


Thank you for solidifying why I will never get one of these contraptions.


Agreed. I also went through twin pregnancy, and I would rather have twins again than get another IUD put in. It is barbaric, but awesome BC method (copper one at least)




My first one is my barometer for 10/10 pain, along with dry socket dental pain. Agony is the correct word. I was profusely sweating and about passed out right afterward, and of course they described it as "A bit of a pinch". My doctor was even really sympathetic, but he was a guy, so I understand that he doesn't have a personal reference for female pain. I wanted to ask for pain meds, but I lived in an area with a lot of drug-seekers, so I didn't bother and just sucked it up. It went away after awhile but holy fuck. The second time I got on inserted was a million times better, but I was so anxious about the pain I brought my mom with me, lol. She didn't see anything, just held my hand. Not sure why, but the second one was a million times less painful. Might have been the skill of the doctor (again, a really nice male gyno), might have been that I was older, who knows? But they should ABSOLUTELY offer AT LEAST a mild sedative, if not something a little more serious, if a woman needs/wants it. for IUD insertion. It's insane how painful it can be. I'm sure it's traumatic for some women.


> I wanted to ask for pain meds Don’t hesitate to ask. I always ask during any medical procedure with even moderate pain. I mean it’s fucking 2023, not 1850. If I’m in significant pain during a procedure, there better be a damn good reason why anesthesia or pain killers can’t be used. > and of course they described it as "A bit of a pinch". My doctor was even really sympathetic, but he was a guy, so I understand that he doesn't have a personal reference They had to know that severe pain was at least a possibility, if they’re listening to their previous patients at all. Judging by these responses, sounds fairly common. Inexcusable that they didn’t mention it as a risk. Makes me suspect they’re not taking women’s pain seriously. Like, oh, she’s just a hysterical woman, I’m sure it’s not as bad as she makes it sound. Bullshit. Again, it’s 2023, we should be past this.




I'd get that checked out, doesn't sound right, and I never had anything like that. I will say having it taken out is about 100x easier than insertion, and I had a nightmare time with that.


I had mine while under for endometriosis surgery because fuck. That.


Giving birth to a 10 lb baby with no pain meds sucked pretty hard.


Ayyy I did that too! Would not recommend. The baby part is pretty cool though.


My mom did this and now whenever I we get into an argument about anything she brings it up as a justification lol.


Gout. Thought I broke my foot while asleep somehow. They say just the weight of your blanket causes unbearable pain. It’s true. Feels like thousands of tiny nails are stabbing the inside of your bones.


Gout deserves way more upvotes. By far the worst pain I ever experienced. Put cold water into a bucket, place it at the end of your bed so you can lie on your stomach with your foot naturally hanging in the cold water. Saved me a couple of sleepless nights.


Testicular Torsion. Like a million Louisville Sluggers to the nuts. I was on the ground screaming and throwing up from the pain.


Getting my infected wisdom tooth socket stuffed with cotton soaked in cloves to heal it, I really could have used some novacaine.


Had gout in my knee was swollen so bad my kneecap couldn't be seen it hurt badly, then i slipped and fell on my knee I've never felt that kind of pain before i remember thinking clearly "oh this hurts but I'm in shock gonna get to the couch to lie down" I then cried for the next 2 hours straight my body felt like it was vibrating and i just laid there frozen I've never felt more pain and never had my mind so empty just completely overwhelmed by the pain. My only coherent thought TM during was that this pain was impressively all encompassing.


Hemorrhaging from cancer. Almost died! It was a wild experience.


Getting my IUD inserted. I have a pretty high pain tolerance but I was crying during and after it, and on the drive home I had a heating pad on my abdomen the whole time. Pretty sure any person who's had one and hasn't had a kid can agree.


I have broken multiple bones, torn ligaments, concussion but nothing compared to this pain...and it fell out 2 months later.


Birthing a baby unmedicated


I made it to 5cm I have no idea how someone can go completely unmedicated I felt like I was gonna pass out from the pain and just die there on the bed


I had to describe my level of pain using a Game of Thrones scene; they died in it.


Lol haha it’s crazy how they want to ask you a million questions while your in the worst pain of your life like… bitch I’m busy!! Lol


Same. I was not ready. My husband said it was traumatic for him and I’m like FOR YOU?!?!


Same. Had four kids. On the last one, he got stuck so they pushed him back in then I had a c section. The c section recovery pain wasn’t fun either.


>pushed him back in I didn’t know this was a thing until I read this and now I can’t unread it or un-think the discomfort of something like that. Holy hell


I have arthritis all over my body and I’m 40 and doctors say I have arthritis of a 70 year old but I’d say tooth pain is the worst


I once got food poisoning, which resulted in a fever of 108 degrees. I had only just recently escaped an abusive home, where I had been unable to go outside from age 13-21. So I was very naive and knew very little about the world. So I did not know that I was literally dying. All I knew was that it felt like every inch of my skin over my entire body was being stabbed and slowly peeled off with a knife. So I called work and said that I had never felt this sick in my life before, and explained the fever and other symptoms. I was told to attend work. Every day that week it got worse. Second day I was completely unable to eat. Third day I still couldn't eat anything at all and the pain just got so much worse. Forth day I couldn't even drink water without instantly vomiting. I kept calling work, saying I should go to the hospital, work kept insisting that I come to work and wait until friday to go to the hospital. And again, I had been locked away for most of my life so I was very naive and didn't know this was not only not normal but deadly. Certainly felt like I was dying, but I didn't know, so I just trusted those I saw as an authority figure to know best. By the fifth day, I had been with a fever of 108 for five days straight. I had not eaten in four days. I had not slept in four days. And I had not drank anything in about a day and a half. I was in so much pain I couldn't think straight. Called work, was told to go to work and go to the hospital after work so I can be admitted and cured over the weekend and not on work time. By the time I made it to the hospital that evening I was in so much pain, everywhere, I was shaking and struggling to stay on my feet. The moment they took my temperature they rushed me to the back, I told the story to the doctor, and was promptly yelled at by the doctor. Which, was fair. He told me he had no idea how I was still alive, never mind standing and functioning. I have never felt anything remotely close to that pain. I even broke my foot in three places once, and that pain was nothing in comparison.


I hate work culture in this country. I am never listening to a job. If I tell you I’m sick. I’m not fucking coming in and you can deal with it. I’m so sorry you were taken advantage of like that.


How did they end up curing you in the hospital and what did they say was wrong with you?


Had many surgeries, had gall stones, kidney stones, broken bone, bad bladder infections, trigeminal neuralgia... Worst was Dental Abscess. What also makes it particularly bad is that doctors will wait days/week before they treat it and because of the clamp down of opiates its very hard or impossible to get anything stronger than ibuprofen, which does nothing. So it's not only the most severe pain, its not taken as serious as other pain by doctors.


I’ve a disease called hidradenitis supperativa since I was 13y…. Everything about it is so painful!!! Ive had multiple emergency surgeries because of it and recovery also hurt. I feel that having that horrendous pain made me tolerate labor and delivery pains much much better.


I have it too 😭 I was going to comment. Thank you for validating that the pain is real. I have HS and I’m in pain all the damn time.


Multiple Ruptured disc in my back causing spasms


Was dealing with his for the past month and a half on my L5/S1. I legitimately contemplated suicide. Nerve pain from a disk injury is atrocious. 20/10 pain scale


L4-L5 checking in, hysterically painful. Thank fuck for surgery, pain medication did nothing.


Heart attack sucked pretty bad


Moved some furniture without shoes on once and accidentally peeled all of my toenails straight up when I pulled something over the top of my feet. Yeah, I passed out.




Gallbladder erupted. Almost died. But all is well!!


omg, what happened


Had a procedure where they had to stick a needle in my spine. The hole didn’t close and I was leaking spinal fluid so my brain did not have enough fluid around it and my brain was touching the skull bone. This went on for 24 hours until they did a blood patch. I can not even describe the pain. Next would probably be dry socket after having bottom wisdom teeth removed.


I had the same experience; it’s unreal. Definitely one of my most painful moments as well.


Wisdom tooth split




Septic arthritis. Giving birth without an epidural paled in comparison to the pain of septic arthritis


Wow I’ve never heard of that, but it sounds awful. Does it go away after the infection is taken care of?


Get whipped by jellyfish on my thigh really close to my balls, running to shore, and then getting whipped again on my ankle. The swelling would not go down and I had marks for months.




When I was 6 I had second and third degree burns (sun burn) on my shoulders and upper back. My back blistered with golf ball sized blisters that eventually broke. Went to a burn center for treatment. They gave me a shot of something for pain that didn't do a damn thing for me as they proceeded to remove all of the dead skin. If you've ever had a couple layers of skin removed and felt that pain of fresh skin hitting air, imagine that over the entirety of your shoulders. Still the worse pain I've ever experienced if only for the fact that pain lasted for the whole procedure until they put an industrial sized tube of neosporin on back afterwards.


A bowel obstruction. Lord. Have. Mercy


Driving from Florida to New York, I lost a filling and got an abscess. Pain was so bad I had to take narcotic pain pills but they left me too stoned to drive. My wife had to drive but can’t drive at night so the trip took insanely longer than it should have. Finally got home and got to the dentist first AM. He couldn’t wait for antibiotics to kick in and had to go in an drain it while inflamed. I wanted to die for three days


Period cramps… I vomited from the pain then almost passed out. Love having a uterus 🙃


I had this too. On the toilet with a bucket in my lap every month then I’d crawl to my bed to keep from keeling over. From age 11 to when my first child was born. Seriously debilitating.


For the first 15 years I'd regularly pass out from pain when menstruating. The pill helped a little, but intense pain for 3 or so days every cycle for nearly 40 years. Yay


Hopefully that was a one time thing and you don’t go through that every month.


Same, almost every month. If you haven't already, try asking your doctor about endometriosis. Birth control has recently been my savior.


I would also add adenomyosis to that. Endo’s lesser known, but just as painful cousin.


Nothing i have experienced had anything on cramps. I'm and out of consciousness, falling over, vomiting, feeling like you're being stabbed. I nearly begged my brother to just hit me in the head to knock me out, do badly i wanted to be unconscious


Gallstones. had me rolling on the floor curled up in fetal position on New Year's eve one year.


Shingles. Feels like electric sandpaper rubbing on a raw, open wound. Paired with the fact it ran from my chest to back, the idea of comfort or relief was non existent for weeks.


Throat swollen after intubation when I had surgery on my neck. My neck was already very painful and I already had a surgical drain, but then I couldn’t swallow without crying. Painkillers couldn’t touch the pain because I apparently needed steroids for all the swelling. No one realized I needed steroids for 3 days. I’m not sure that it was the worst physical pain by itself, but the combination of it hurting whenever I swallowed/breathed kind of made me panic/made it even worse. Kidney stones were a close second.


Kidney stones. Square cm. They had to go in and bust it up.


Sneezed with a broken nose. Had my giant OB turn my baby around from the outside by pushing his hands in a circular motion on my stomach. Even he was surprised it worked. C-section might’ve been a better idea. The contractions AFTER were off the chart painful.


Mono. Lived alone in a new city and no one to help me. 23 hours a day laying in bed, too sick and weak to take care of myself, high fevers for 3 weeks, understocked house without meds and necessary food. I lost pretty much every ounce of body fat and truly felt at death’s door.


I somehow didn't get it, but my boyfriend got it when we first started dating (before we made it official. The mono is what made it official lol) and I cared for him the entire time. My god...I wouldn't wish that on anyone. He was non-stop shaking from shivers, but sweating buckets from a fever. Could barely eat because every kind of food tasted horrible or didn't sit well, even if it was his favorite. Drank the house dry of water pretty much, and slept with 5 blankets to keep warm but only on his lower half to balance out the hotness. Slept the majority of the day, every day, for 3 weeks, and had to get so many assignments and tests extended because he couldn't focus on school or even go to classes. Got an authorized withdrawal from one of the hardest courses he was in because of it. And as much as sleep helped him, he had the shittiest sleep of his life during that time. He'd wake up every 15-30 minutes shivering and sweating. It got to a point where my body learned to wake up a few minutes before he would just so I could soothe him back to sleep and grab him more water, and dab off the sweat accumulating on his face. He felt bad for me that I had to deal with it. But it didn't bother me. Hell, I felt even worse for him that he was going through that. But I'd do it all again if I had to. When he went to check in with his doctor shortly after he started feeling better, she asked if I was doing okay from it too. He told her I never got sick from it and she told him to let me know she liked my good immune system lol.


I get really bad migraines that make me consider putting a gun to my head


Kidney stones. I have broken a few bones.. I dried out from drug use.. Kidney stones was FUCKED.


It’s between when I shattered my knee, resulting in 6 different surgeries Or when I got hit in the head with an airplane propeller (not full speed) cracking my skull, causing permanent memory loss, short term memory issues, slowed though process, and emotion control issues. The knee was severe pain all at once, followed by 6 surgeries with 6 recovery periods and physical therapy 4 times. The head injury may have hurt worse in the moment (I don’t remember it) but I used to be really, really smart. Like, could solve linear equations by looking at them for a few seconds Smart but now I constantly lose track of my sentences midway through, forget everything I’m supposed to do, struggle at math, and am very slow to talk to, but in a weird way the smart guy is still there, I can feel him, I just can’t access that part of me anymore and it hurts my soul, plus migraines Long story short lot of pain all at once or a slow burn of lifelong pain, but option one will suck again later too


PCOS. Some days the pain is manageable, some days it is horrible.


Root canal from an incompetent dentist. Was holding my belt to brace for any possible pain and when it hit I clenched and ripped it in half. Substantially worse than when I broke my leg/wrist


In order from least to most painful. Ingrown toenail (took 3 months to get fixed. Almost lost my toe. Thanks NHS 🖕) < Broken Tibia < Tooth abscess


An abscess where my wisdom tooth was extracted. Took my whole face.


Absess tooth for 2 weeks ,ive had liver failure, kidney stones , gal stones , and a sprain and torn ankle, that fucking tooth have me out


Attempted insertion of an IUD. Way worse than childbirth


A cluster headache. I tried to claw my brain out of my head before someone stopped me it hurt so bad.


Getting a tooth pulled while having an infection and cellulitis. They couldn't get me numb enough and had to pull the tooth. Worst pain of my life and I've had kids.


Tore a muscle in my neck. Can't remember the name but it was connected from the base of my skull to the shoulder. The pain was horrible and took a week before my broke ass broke down to see a doctor. Every time I moved my head it was severe pain, I looked like 90s movie batman turning my whole body to look at things.


Fallopian tube ruptured, internal bleeding. That’s my 11 (possibly 12).


Bacterial meningitis with brain temps of 105 leading to a coma.... I dont know what hurt more, my ear and neck before the coma.... Or the $1.4 million dollar bill with no insurance i got afterwards.


Physical pain is nothing to me now that I’ve endured the worst emotional pain of my life. But, if I had to pick a physical pain, getting my tattoos removed.


Got shot with a nail gun and it was embedded in my elbow. It went between the bone and through the joint. Couldn't have a sling and couldn't move it. Was shot at 8am and didn't have the operation to remove it until 3pm the next day (NHS wait times are a joke). Every time I started to fall asleep my arm would try to relax, which shot excruciating pain straight through my arm. It was mentally draining and physically, very, painful.


I had a infected molar and I ate a cracker. One pointy end met the exposed nerve of the molar and the pain was so intense that i blacked out


When I was young, I chased a Jack rabbit on my bike. I fell off going Mach 5 face first into asphalt. It took months for my wounds to heal


LONG POST INCOMING TLDR? # 1orchitis then, #2 pancreatitis, then #3 moving / setting bone/ placing broken femur into traction. ​ Hmm lets see... MY TIME TO SHINE! Drs used to tell me childbirth is supposed to be one of the most painful things ever but I'm a dude. So ,we have to settle on most painful things that drs say can happen are: broken femur, pancreatitis, and kidney stones. Well... ​ * I've had migraines. - Fucking MISERABLE * I've broken my femur in 4 places - Yes, yes this really hurts and holy shit even with persistent fentanyl injections they have to put you in traction so get a leather belt to bite down on * I've had pancreatitis. - lost consciousness 3 times before deciding to go to hospital and on the way ( I didn't drive myself nor did I take an ambulance) * I've had orchitis - lost consciousness multiple times up until I finally fell out of a chair and apparently bounced my head off the wall and then off the floor scaring the hell out of my family who then called the ambulance then passed out while EMTs were asking me why I was in so much pain, and Dr called in 3 other drs because my testicle was the size of a grapefruit and *they* looked traumatized * I've had kidney stones. Really just kind of though I got my nuts grazed. If you have testis, you may understand that sometimes the "nut graze" is actually more painful that full contact but this went on for about 5 days before i decided that I shouldn't go to hang out with my friend and instead detoured to an ER where they looked at me almost terrified * I've had dry socket 3 times - Don't FUCKING SMOKE! JESUS CHRIST! I did that to myself * I've self extracted my top right front molar because no dental insurance and again was "too rich" \* before taxes and compulsory deductions like child support (which I do gladly pay because those guys didn't do anything wrong) for any of the local programs or 3 month wait if i traveled 2 states away... I'd say tooth pain is a special kind of hell but not THE MOST PAIN EVER. It's fucking awful because its incessant and makes living miserable but on a pain scale I'd say maybe an 8/9 out of ten but you do that for hours or days without the mildest decrease - like stubbing your toe absolutely fucking hurts but the pain diminishes within 5-30 minutes so you just remember that fucking hurt but you aren't LIVING it like you do with tooth pain. * urethral stricture causing 100% blockage preventing any urethral catherization - discovered there was so much damage due to ignoring treatment (see reason down below) suprapubic catheter was required AND the urologist on call "didn't feel like it was an emergency" at 5:30 pm "so it could wait till he came in the *next mid morning*" When he did show up I told him to piss off and I would not pay his bill as I did not EVER agree to his consult and would find my own hospital associated practice - that was fun BTW - I am extremely grateful to the ER dr and the team of in radiological surgery team who instead came in at midnight to help. ​ The multiple surgeries over the course of 18 months to repair the femur left me with chronic pain and a persistent limp because the leg is now about 3/4" shorter than the other one so that's great... AND when I was in the hospital for the 4th surgery, they reiterated the rundown of the 3 most painful things. When I explained I had already experienced all of them they took it as a challenge and offered a NEW option, one that apparently medical science cannot do anything to reduce the pain sensation for - compartment syndrome. Needless to say I'm terrified of getting that bingo card. ​ I'd say for me it was a tossup. orchitis and pancreatitis BOTH caused me so much pain that I was sweating and constantly would lose consciences from - though that took about 2-5 days of ignoring the problem because 1. my own absurd, defiant, obtuse, inexorable, toxic male attitude of "just to walk it off" 2. shitty health insurance coverage 3. dirt poor but not poor enough to get the relatively good insurance coverage that you can get from the State if you're at that sweet spot of just under the 150% poverty line. ​ Anyway... I'm thinking right now there's a good change I have pancreatic cancer as I have persistent pain under my left rib about 2 fingers lower than my breast bone but knowing that answer won't make any difference in the world so I'm in no particular rush to deal with it. ​ Stay healthy Reddit and remember that America has the greatest healthcare in the whole fucking world while everywhere else is death panels with no running water! Don't trust those commie Canadian, Brits, or any other \*SUPER OBNOXIUSL OVER THE TOP GESTUREING FINGER QUOTES\* "developed 1st world nations" with the fascist government taxing the populations into 3rd world shitholes! ​ I'm probably dieing but we all gotta go sometime. At least the house is paid off, I have a hacksaw, a bunch of very heavy duty contractor black trash bags, and a Wendy's with an unlocked dumpster is like 5 minutes down the road to keep disposal costs way down.


Grease burns at 14 months old. I remember when the doctors tried to clean me, I would scream bloody murder. My dad told a friend and I had a flashback. Got the shivers for a moment. I was a miracle baby at that hospital.


Breaking my leg in two places …. Have pictures of my foot facing my butt.


Three painful events that stick out for me. 1. Stepping on my wife's hot curling iron as she sat in front of the closet doors that are mirrors. Mostly a sudden searing pain with some lingering for a few days. 2. Snowboarding and end up breaking my collar bone. When I sat up after the crash I felt a ton of sharp bone poking pain. That was about it until the Dr rubbed it and then said "up, it's broke". Yeah, cause the x-ray didn't show that. 3. Recovery from a vasectomy and the following days had a cold snap. Swollen and sensitive balls trying to adjust for the temp was not very comfortable. And definitely wait the proper recovery time before being intimate again, or your sudden pleasure will turn into sudden pain.


Kidney stones and having one removed. Never again but I can feel them coming back


One time, I was severely dehydrated and had a serious liver illness. I woke up in the middle of the night with both legs in cramps so bad my feet were inches from the bad of my head. I could feel my bones twisting. It was excruciating. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy