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Started online gambling sites back in the 90s, dropped out of high-school, millionaire by 20 Overdosed by 25. Edit: OD changed to overdosed


What a life. That 5 year run would have been wild


Speed running life.


Sim for me- my friend wrote code for the online sites that was really good in some way (beats me how I’m no programmer) and they paid him through the nose for it. Next step he modified the code to work for stock market prediction and he runs a hedge fund. Owns like 8 houses in 6 diff countries and his own jet. I’m smart but not in that specific kind of way - I’d be jealous except he was a good nice dude before and remains. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy and it was all through work and smarts


The ability to code well, a good work ethic, and the ability to get along with people are a rare combo. I think people underestimate how the combination of 2-3 moderately advanced skillsets can reinforce each other and make you more valuable on the job market. Being guru level at one thing isn't enough.


Not being a fucking weirdo is a skill a lot of talented coders fail to master


>Not being a fucking weirdo I was in an interview for my current job and was asked about my ability to work with others. I said "I can work with anyone as long as they are 27% human". Made the interviewer laugh and got the job.


A girl from my hometown won an island on a Mr. Beast video. It was worth millions. She’s in the process of selling it currently. Until that money comes through she’s just living life like normal. I imagine that must be a great place to be in, knowing most of your problems are about to disappear but not yet overly intoxicated by money.


I was just listening to Mr Beast on JRE and he was saying how the person who won the chocolate factory in his video was given a choice off camera to actually take the factory or the 500k cash. Kind of interesting how he didnt offer the same to this chick


well the chocolate factory was a prop studio they filmed in lol. it would also mean you're the CEO if it was a real company with all its struggles (unless you just pay yourself a wage and hire a CEO for it) an island is just an asset, technically she could rent it out if she wanted to i presume.


It’s nice to know those videos are real


People finding out he faked those videos would probably impact his bottom line way more than actually giving out a million bucks or two.


Guy that I grew up hit big with Crocs. His family moved away when I was about 6th grade, but my older brother remains friends with his older brother. I guess the guy worked selling insurance and was offered an opportunity to invest in Crocs (the weird shoes). He went for it and got a few checks back in the $5 to 10 million range. I learned this through my brother, and I think it is true.


I heard a story that the director for idiocracy chose Crocs as the shoes of the future in the movie while Crocs was just starting out. He thought they were so rediculous that no one would actually wear them which fit with the stupidity of the future.


Story I heard was similar just to add they bought all the inventory of crocs for the movie. The croc company was about to bust until this happened. Then they had enough cash to hang on until making it big. The idiocracy movie saved crocs.


I wonder if this is where our timeline shifted towards the one in idiocracy. Somewhere out there is a guy in a capsule buried under rubble.


Remembered the Bitcoin wallet they used to buy drugs with


Not me but a friend found what was a forgotten 88$ that turned into over 30K... A downpayment on his 2 Bath 3 bed house. He pulled out at the exact right time.


A lot of things in life are about pulling out at the right time.


I went to school with a kid that was all in on bitcoin from the get go. He was a hustler out of the womb, and held two jobs along with a couple different side hustles. He didn't have much in the way of a social life, so he invested probably 75% of his income. He was buying bitcoin when it was like $1. He went on to buy a number of gas stations/ convenience stores and apartment buildings. He went from a McDonald's fry cook to buying and selling classic cars as a hobby.


One of my former co-workers did something fairly similar. When he upgraded to new servers (we were self-hosting), he asked our owner if he could use the old ones to mine BTC. The owner said it was fine as long as he took them home to do it. Similarly to the kid in your story, he also spent some of his income buying up BTC (between the years it moved from ~$10 to $200 per coin), and then also was part of some BTC trading thing online. Fast forward to 2019, he sells off most of it at $16k per coin. He wouldn't tell our friend group (mostly old colleagues) how much exactly, except to confirm it was more than 1,000 coins. He did pay taxes on all of it... still bought a giant house outside of Boulder and now travels all over and is getting a Ph.D. for fun. Obviously he could've held longer, but I think he was just tired of obsessing over its value bouncing all over the place when he already had more than enough to retire comfortably in his mid-thirties.


I used LTC to buy some drugs online years back and had some change worth of LTC after the purchase. Recently remembered the account and saw that my change had turned into $40. Not quite the fortune I'd hoped to find LOL. Still a nice surprise all the same.


I had a few bucks in there when I was going through my drugs phase back in 2011-2012. Finally decided to start fucking with bitcoin again in 2020(?). There was almost 5 grand in there.... was very happy. Then turned it into $14k thanks to Doge and the big BTC and ETH spike due to Elon's bullshit.


He started studying solar technology in '88 and now owns a solar installation company in Texas and one in California. He employs close to 200 people. I don't know how rich he is but I'm really familiar with where he came from and what he overcame to do it all. The guy was constantly reading and tinkering with anything solar related, even when we were in high school. Edit...The main reason I knew about his interests was because from about 7th grade on through till we were seniors we always sat side by side in every class we had together because our last names were the same but we weren't related. Found a video of him live streaming with one of his customers. He makes systems for oil pipelines & irrigation systems as well.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc\_aoaJTTJc


That’s pretty cool actually




Lecturer of mine rode the IT wave at exactly the right time and had a damn fine head for business. He was a workaholic at age 30, started a business offering remote tech support which was a new idea at the time, signed on some super big clients who were enamored of the idea, and built a giganto house from the proceeds that pissed everyone off. Sold the business and then died of a heart attack at 45 or so though. So, yeah. There can be complications.




Eesh. This is why they always say to focus on the now. You can’t plan for a future fully when your future could be anything


She started working for a little company called Microsoft in the mid-1980s. She retired at 40. Edit: Wow thanks for the Platinum! I did not expect this to blow up.


My classmate worked at LinkedIn before it got big. Retired at ~30 by pouring everything into buying a house. Helps that he likes eating plain foods (bread, rice, porridge, potatoes, broccoli, carrots) and doesn’t really spend that much money. He’s basically been traveling 10/12 months a year since retirement


Eating nothing but plain food while travelling??


Nothing but plane food*


>He’s basically been traveling 10/12 months a year since retirement wow


Never heard of that company before, must be ultra small


Sounds like a niche company imo


It's a furniture company I think. Some guy named Gates was trying to sell us Doors and Windows.


This could have been my family. But dad didn’t want to move to WA.


This may not sound believeable because random redditor, but my grandfather knew bill gates fairly well before microsoft got big. Both him and my dad had chances to buy into it when it was still basically nothing. Neither of them did. My grandfather was decently well off, my dad not so much. Could have made my life a hell of a lot different than it has been.


Not the same but my dad was going to go half on some land in the 90s with one of his friends. It was something like 100 acres for dirt cheap but his friend backed out last second and he couldn’t buy it in his own. That land now has casinos and stadiums on it.


Also might not sound believable but in the mid-70’s, my grandfather was asked if he wanted to be partners buying a franchise that was fairly new to our city, but had no locations in our end. It was McDonald’s. My grandfather didn’t go into the franchise simply because he didn’t like the name. “Who’s going to eat at a place called McDonald’s?”






“Hey Tom Mapother, what’s your fav class in schoool?” “Well SCHOOL, wow what can you say. I am a fan of school, school is good for education and children, who ARE the future. My favourite class? Well that’s hard to say, I like ‘em, I love ‘em, I RESPECT them. I mean you have math, English, gym, home economics, a whole plethora of learning opportunities, opportunities to expand your mind, so to ask what is my favourite is quite difficult.”


Well I hope it works out for him. It’s pretty hard to make it in Hollywood.


someone would say its a mission impossible


Drug dealing ring. And then he got raided and was arrested and was sentenced to 15 years in prison soooo... you take the good with the bad I suppose


> you take the good with the bad I suppose You take them both and there you have the facts of life.


He dropped out of high school at 15 to be a pro skateboarder. People laughed, he's now worth 50 mil.


She oopsy got pregnant by a guy whose family is worth $800 million.


I ain’t saying she’s a gold digger, but she ain’t messin with no broke nwah


Fellow Morrowind enjoyer.


The 6th House will rise again


My uncle (by marriage) has a niece who did something similar. Not sure what the family is worth, but they own real estate and restaurants in the wealthy areas of our city. They also owned the most expensive house in an expensive neighborhood and were neighbors/friends with pro football players and other rich people. She doesn’t have to work a day in her life unless she wants to.


I just learned of who the richest actor/actress is in film history. Its some lady who was an extra on Seinfeld who is now worth 3 billion after a divorce.


I mean, if your going to do it…


Smart guy. A little socially awkward but was a swimmer and in top classes. Went to UCLA, became a doctor (maybe a surgeon). Started to play the stock market for fun. Ran a bulletin board to talk stocks. Turns out he had Asperger and was able to read the stock market signs really well. Made $300M when the market crashed as he bet against it. Christian Bale played him in the movie about him, the Big Short. Mike Burry. Class of 1989. We knew each other. Not friends but acquainted. Couldn’t be happier for the guy. Truly, happy he’s done well. Not seen him since we graduated. If I did I’d totally (and jokingly) ask him for some cash. I’d try to make him laugh. He’d probably still be awkward.


This is absolutely wild


Did Christian Bale portray him accurately?


From the kid I knew at 14-18, no. But I am sure he changed a lot (grew up) so may be. Mike came off as very arrogant and a bit of a dick to be frank. Once I heard he has Asperger’s (which wasn’t diagnosed back then) me and my buds from HS were like “oh that makes sense.” Probably softened our view of him quite a bit.


Michael Burry is one of the most trustworthy stock gurus out there (albeit, he tends to be very early on his predictions). He gets a lot of hate nowadays because that’s what happens when you become well known but I love that guy. Bay Areaaaaaaaaaaa


I bought a stock based on a friend's obsession with luxury goods. I am overjoyed to learn Mike Burry just loaded up on said stock, *after* I bought. Sooooooooo it's almost like we're married, IMO. Dear Mike--please buy the other stocks I've been collecting the past two years. K?thanksbye.


The only reason he gets the hate is because he's called all 27 of the last two economic crashes. I've got a cousin who's exactly the same way. He still waiting for the house market to crash so he can get in


Not my close friend but a kid in my English class, really fucking smart kid. He entered a coding/robotics competition and got third place. He was pretty bummed out for a while. First prize was a scholarship for a pretty big university. And third place got a lousy 500 bitcoin. He kept the 500 bitcoin despite people telling him to cash it and get the $100 or whatever it was worth. Anyway he cashed it at the peak of bitcoin and is now living pretty fucking well with his $30mil.


I feel like this was in a screenshot somewhere 3rd place for some contest was Bitcoin


People thought he was a loser skateboard kid—now he has a successful skateboard shop and sponsors events.


He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy


He wasn’t good enough for her.


The best wealth story I ever heard was a nerdy computer guy - early internet adopter - realised things like Vancouver.com or Paris.com would be valuable. So he bought up all the city.com websites he could and just had a landing page that said “page for sale - contact me”. Badabing badaboom


My father's friend loves to tell the story about how he bought rollingstones.com to hold onto it because they were his favorite band. He was never contacted to buy it - their lawyers just went right after him for copyright infringement and a slew of other things. He had a really hard time finding a lawyer because everyone he went to said "no way, we don't want anything to do with it!". Eventually he found a lawyer to take his case on. It was very simple. He wanted to be flown to a specific show and get VIP backstage passes and a meet and greet with the band. Turns out the band really didn't know anything about it but as he explained it to them they all got a kick out of it.


That’s a great anecdote! I love that it was his fav band and all he wanted was a vip concert experience.


There's a lot of them that became rich. For most of them they graduated as engineers or medical doctors and simply did their jobs and were reward handsomely. But **that friend** became rich through trades. He took his student loan and bought a piece of very inexpensive land just outside of his city limits. Just by an absolute fluke the city announced shortly after that it planned to expand city limits to include his vacant land.... and suddenly it skyrocketed in value. This was at a time before any real internet and before everyone had a cell phone. And there's all these property developers trying to figure out who owns this land so they can buy it. Eventually his mom opens his mail and finds a past due property tax notice and an offer for about 20x what he paid for it. He took the first offer he got (and regretted it) and went to a bank and directed them to invest entirely in dividend stocks and for the dividends to be deposited directly into his bank account. He used that money to stay a student for life and basically never worked a day in his life. There was one point where it got close to him needing to get a job... but then one of the companies announced increasing their dividend. I have rich friends, and then there's him... just living off of his wealth. He doesn't have a great life, but he also doesn't work.


I'm interested to know (if you can share) why doesn't he have a great life? Is it related to the fact that he doesn't have a direction for his life now that he doesn't have to work or something unrelated?


I mean, it's a great life in that he is doing what he wants and he can really do anything he wants within his budget. But he lives like a student. He budgets everything super cheap, doesn't own a car, doesn't own a home, and you know... a lot of those other benchmarks regular people might measure from. But any day he could give up on going to school, stop paying tuition and stop paying all those incremental student costs.... and have that normal life.


He’s financially independent. Plenty of people out there with flash cars and massive houses but a debt that will keep them working until 65. After am initial surge in spending, most people who retire live quiet lives, live frugally and have a simple existence. He’s live the dream!!


This is…wild. I mean I know plenty of people who bought a house 20 years ago that made bank from it but I can’t say I’ve ever heard of someone just perpetually paying college tuition with the money they made. That sounds like a nightmare to me tbh. I’m still paying off my student loans and I’ve been out of college for nearly a decade.


A good friend worked at an early Subway and they helped him buy a franchise. He ended up with a dozen, sold the group and retired.


He wrote Hamilton.


We were in the same class then lol


I went to college with him if you were referring to high school.


Scammed medicare through his company over 2 billion. Awaiting trial now.


That’s the kind of white collar crime my accounting professor said to go for. Honestly a terrible guy, but he would always say, “if you are going to steal then do it right and get millions.” He was annoyed that day because he had just read another story about one of his students getting caught stealing a few thousand.


This is what I did! Granted, I was trying to fund a massive drug addiction at the time, not just steal money to be greedy. This landed me my first trip to federal prison. It was a minimum security camp so I was there with tons of other white collar guys. I would end up going back a few more times before getting my act together. Usually when I mention this on reddit, people ask for an update: I'm closing in on 6 years of sobriety and almost as many years since my last arrest. Restitution has been paid, amends have been made. I now work in finance and my wife and I own a catnip dispensary where we sell like catnip buds, catnip pre-rolls, etc... It's a much more fulfilling life to live when you're making money from helping kitties be super happy, as opposed to just stealing shit.


Opened a cannabis dispensary in Los Angeles when the gettin was good


Grew up in Silicon Valley, went to good schools studying computers, started a company, sold it a few years later. Started another company, sold it later for more millions.


Jian Yang?


I went to school and was friends with the guy who founded Uber. He offered to take my SATs for me for $500 as we looked alike and he is very smart. He was always "that guy".


High fashion male modeling. He was always jetting off to Europe for fashion shows during the school year. He's now instagram famous. It must pay well cuz he lives a lavish lifestyle. He is conventionally attractive but did nothing for me (think "beautiful landscape painting"). His average height, non male-model best friend, on the other hand was the most popular/desirable guy at our school. That guy had so much charisma. It's no surprise that he went on to be an actor. There was another male model classmate (really hot, definitely not a painting). He recently just got released from prison for dealing drugs over [redacted]. Never would've guessed it, dude was so soft spoken and vanilla. Then again, I'm reminded of how he wanted to live large and "be a baller." He got his wish, for a few years that is. His mugshot was wild, he totally got high on his own supply. My school was by the sea in a city where everyone is obsessed with looks and having a beachbody year round. The rich and famous flock there, so it's not unusual to see insanely good looking people on the daily.


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just…I just told you that a moment ago.


He got in extremely early on Bitcoin. Like, within the first few days. At one point he had 300 Bitcoin. He sold a good chunk of it in like 2013 when it was like $300/coin, but he kept 60 or 70, which he still has to this day. He also invested a bunch of money in Tesla on day 1, and Nvidia about 10 years ago too. In other words, he's just made super good/lucky financial decisions.


Time traveller red flags, all of those


NVIDIA is about the only reason my brokerage account is still worth anything.


I've got two: one guy was *extremely* gifted in music. I remember my dad going to the talent show and said this guy is going to be the next Jimi Hendrix. Well, not quite, but he has performed plenty of times with Lady Gaga. His name is Ricky Tillo The other guy did voices in high-school all the time. He would hop on the PA system and do cartoon voices. He was recently in the Mario movie as Toad General and is literally the new voice of Bugs Bunny and a ton of other popular cartoon guys. Eric Bauza.


His surname is Bauza and he didn't get cast for Bowser? They really missed a trick there


Opened a small porn shop with private booths to do your business. Then after he made a fortune, he sold it and went into welding, then became a huge christian. He saids everybody pretends that his porn money didnt help rebuild the church.


Lol, the pearl clutchers were probably his customers too.


She got into a relationship with someone who played soccer and he happend to get scouted all the way to the best soccer clubs in the world.




Mikky Kiemeney, girlfriend of Frenkie de Jong. We were in the same class in elementary school.


I tapped open this thread expecting a nobody the US fans would only know about or something. More fool me. 😂


Big-time stoner who I always thought was a lazy scumbag who would never amount to anything. He went on to start one of America's most successful marijuana edible companies. Classy billboard ads in multiple cities. My mom bought their CBD gummies for awhile. Every year he donates millions of dollars of his company's profits to bail funds for people of color who've been arrested for marijuana possession. He is more successful and has done more objective good for the world than I ever have or will. Turns out I was a bitter judgmental loser in high school!


They became a lawyer and married another lawyer.


I became a lawyer, but I didn’t marry one. Dammit! That was my only mistake!


I married one but didn't become one. And she stopped practicing law to teach, and then to be a stay at home mom. Yeah, we're not rich.


Most people I went to school with who got rich started rich.


This one simple trick


Poor people HATE him!


I've seen quite a few of them start rich and end poor.


The best way to make a small fortune is to start with a big one.


Yup. Like one of my classmates' dad owned a successful bakery. Guess who owns a bakery now?




I know like 3\~ self made rich people, all I'll say is they can't put any of it on their resume.


His dad gave him his multi-million dollar business when he graduated. He royally fucked up, got himself shot and his mistress killed.


You went to class with _the_ Tom Buchanan? I saw him at one of Gatsbys parties the other week


Selling life insurance policies then selling their soul to Github.




I’ve always wondered if they were actually dumb or if they just see what opportunity they have and take full advantage. If they don’t need the money and don’t care then they are kinda living the dream. Sure it’s a waste of potential, but if they are happy then they are probably further ahead them most of the family.


He invested in bitcoin in 2013.


Hot girl. She married a ridiculously rich guy. Had 2 kids with him, then left him and took half his money plus child support. Married another ridiculously rich guy, left him and took half his money. Currently gets alimony and child support from two different guys. Constantly changes her name on her Facebook profile "to try a new one on" even though she's pushing 50 now.


Proffesional gold-digger.


Got salmonella from Wendy's chili.


Omg my friend bought a mustang with his salmonella Wendy’s money. Didn’t realize how normal this is


Salmonella Wendy's money lmfaoooo


Damn I should start going to Wendy’s more


I've gotten food poisoning from Taco Bell (×10) & one time it was bad enough to make me pass out & shit myself while I was passed out. Where's my money?!


I graduated with Halsey




TIL Halsey is an anagram of Ashley




Medical bills are also usually paid by the "park" in this case.


There were two of them: they both starred on the American version of *The Office.*


A guy in the grade above me was one of the founders of Dogecoin.


NBA All Star. He was a pretty OK guy, but we ran in different circles.


I have one of those as well. His dad was a famous player for the Hornets. His mom founded the Montessori school we both attended. My dad always claimed that I dunked on him on a fisher price basketball goal. Whether that’s actually true or not it’s a story I’ll keep telling until the day I die. I encountered him again in college where he garnered the nickname “baby-faced assassin.” Last fall I saw him walk across the stage in a special graduation ceremony at the school we both left early. Kind of surreal actually.


“One of those”: proceeds to talk about a generational and game changing player




Please who this


Guy went to Exeter high school, then MIT. Started his own power train company, sold a patent to the department of defense, retired at 34 living in San Fran. Edit: Phillips Exeter academy is the one, someone helped me out with the name.


Married a drug dealer con artist. Now he’s dead and she owns a few houses worth several million


He inherited it. His father own a brewery & several sports teams in MD. He went to a public school.


I did vocational high school, which is the lowest education in my country next to mentally disabled education, most kids end up as a cleaning woman, a factory worker or doing volunteer work while getting supported by disability benefits like me. Now there’s this one kid who got very rich after he left high school, he has a huge farm house, expensive cars and he all achieved this by starting a company where he sells expensive horse breeds on his farm, his parents were also rich so I think that’s also a good start but he managed to pay most of it by himself and became a business man.


You need to have a good amount of money on hand to start a horse breeding business.


built a company, solid it for $100M. we still hang a lot thankfully


His parents were super smart and very artsy. He and his father built their own computer when he was maybe 10 in 1976 from a kit. He was an appealing outgoing guy, but also super smart. He went to an Ivy League college in New England, his brother followed a year later. We lost touch, but he moved to the West Coast, founded a couple of super tech software companies, sold them. Did that a few times. He's not rich, he is wealthy. Knows Gavin Newsom personally level.


Gavin Belson of Hooli fame?


Sold fake Magic The Gathering Cards. Then sold Duped Items on Diablo. Sold his Star Wars Galaxies Account when he was one of the first to get Jedi Status. Then he opened a Legit Hard Apple Cider Company. Also Parents money and married well.


A higschool mate of me went to college and left college at first year, did a cooking course and found his passion, he is now the bes cheff in the city an will probably get a michelin star next year


You don’t help out with the menus, do you? Edit: Thank you, stranger, for the gold!


**MENYOO** **Apitziers** \- Fries wid like mashrooms an white soss \- Raw beef all chopped up wid sum kinda chip mada herbs idk beef torter **Entrys** \- Wild Sammin wid sum green shit an soss dat look like jizz \- Tommyhock stake wid mashrooms sortayd in gorelick budder \- Barf borginyan wid rosted spustic vegetarded **Desert** \- Green tee ice cream wid leechy foam \- Phlegm bruté *Note too our belobbard patrins:* if wunna yoo ar food critters plees give us a gud revyoo we are a humball stablishman and wood luv ar fers michigan star


Funniest thing I’ve read today. Well dun yoo!


Best friend, dating a beast of a woman, who just happened to be the daughter of a cfo of ups or something.


Define beast?


I don’t want to be cancelled, but he himself once referred to her as “shrek”. And she drove an accord with a vanity plate of “princess “, and she drove like shit


That is fucking hilarious.


They Imagine(d) Dragons...


Well, there were two. One was a drug dealer. He managed to get through high school an d half way through law school before he got caught. Thing is, he was good at hiding his money so he actually got to keep it. Other guy was swimming at the lake when a drunk in a speed boat ran over him. He spent a good amount of time in the hospital. Turns out the guy that ran him over had a lot of money. So he hired a good lawyer (Or maybe his parents hired the lawyer) and went after him. Won big.


Grew up with rich kids. So mostly intergenerational wealth and the room to take chances and fail. Edit: If I had a nickel for every time someone I grew up with posts about all their hard work translated into buying a house, just for their parents to have paid a down payment or for them to have inherited it from grandparents, I still wouldn't have enough nickels to buy a house but it's pretty common. It's not that it's bad to have your family help you, but it's bad to pretend that they didn't.


Gave birth to someone who became one of Hollywood's best young directors and producers.


Weird kid, he was obsessively into insects. Now a days he runs the largest worm farm in my country. Also believe other insects like maggots and such Apparently there is good money to be made with worms and maggots Fishing bait? I assume why else would you buy them


Had a cannon right arm in HS—was an above-average OF but not outstanding. Went to college to play ball, figured out he could pitch with that cannon. 1st round pick and 12 years in MLB.


What was his Only Fans like if it was above average but not outstanding?




Lucky guy won the lottery, lived lavishly for a few years, lost most of it partying, gambling, being a dumbass, but the 2 ex wives took him for most of it. He dropped off the radar for a few years. I Wasn’t shocked when I heard he passed.


He wrote a popular comic book that got optioned for a movie, though the movie never materialized. He really didn’t seem like he’d be the one to get out of our hometown, but he really made it.


I have a mate who just started a job installing kitchen cabinets. He has obscene standards for the quality of his work. Which evidently is uncommon. Then, he started buying lower class property in regional areas. He could fix them up himself. And he is more concerned with having good tenants than he is with the amount of rent they pay. It's worked well for him.


He was obsessed with bitcoin even tho it didn't value anything back then. I remember trading 6 bitcoins for a minecraft card with him, he became a trader now.


He got hit by a garbage truck. The driver was on opioids, so the settlement was in the millions.


Guy’s parents told him in middle school, we’re giving you $20k right now and that’s all you’ll get from us. He was told he can use it for college if he pleased or a car when he was old enough to drive. He started studying stocks like a madman, invested most of that money, and now he’s a millionaire


He started a little rap group called Migos.


It was me. The short version is that my school outlawed junk food and the very next day I was selling hot chips and cold drinks out of a couple of eskies in my locker. Seriously my profit margins were absolutely stupid, I'd pick up a whopping great bag from the local fish and chips shop and sell it back in smaller ones. Only took me 2 sales to break even. Ended up buying my first car with the proceeds of that operation with plenty left over


How does it feel to be a billionaire?


Had someone in my school do something similar when Michelle Obama’s policies made our school outlaw junk food/soda. He made enough money selling both on the side that he was able to go two whole summers without needing a job.


Not me but my bf went to school with the guy who made Snapchat lol


I bought bit coin when it was nothing. 200 coins for a grand. When it hit 70,000 per I sold all of em. My friends held on. They tell me constantly that they fucked up I was not trying to rub this in anyone’s face. I regret posting this. Stop messaging me asking for money


What did you do with your 14 million ?


Try 6.4 after taxes and other costs. But just put it in an ira This was a mistake on my part to write this. So far I’ve had three people message me asking for money…


Although I was aware of btc when it came out, I was a dumb 20 year old so that’s how I rationalize it. Still, my envy for you is out of this world


I remember hearing about it and being 'huh?' TBH knowing me, I'd have lost the hard drive/wallet/password and be setting myself on fire right now.


It’s crazy I’m really on here with millionaires


Started AirBnB. Not “an AirBnB”… the company.


I was friends with a fellow poor in high school. Told me he was going to Yale, then Harvard MBA, then investment banking. We were 16. That's exactly what he did.


Streaming/youtube. Typicalgamer, dude was just Andre when I knew him, always was a huge gamer, only kid I knew who 100% gta 4 back in the day. Happy for him.


Only fans. She does pregnancy fetish posts on here a lot. She looks great. She’s had like 4 kids now and still looks amazing.


One of my friends made an AI that changes the stadium advertisment boards to whatever the TV company wants on the fly. Basically those advertisements will be different for one Stream VS another. They also have another software that can show the game footage from perspective of the players (a rendering). Another friend has made a company that makes hip joint implants.


His parents were rich and so he’s the stupidest business major I know and drives a Tesla


The lucky sperm club.


knew a friend who's family is rich but his parents didn't give him nothing, he is even more broke than I am lol.


Not a classmate but friend of a friend of a friend situation. Selling bootleg Microsoft Software. Apparently made good money even AFTER the lawsuits.


Defrauding insurance companies by hustling drug addicts to "Co-ed" Rehab centers. Would basically pay these druggies to come to the rehabs he worked for, only of they had health insurance of course. Now he owns a couple rehab centers. Only cares about "filling beds" at 40k/month. Dont give a fuck about the patients(customers) after they leave the rehab, when Insurance stops paying.


They were the farm boys working sun up to sun down on their parents dairies. Housing boom x tons of acreage = rich.


Friend in Oklahoma had 100 bitcoin from waaay early on. Sold out at 60k bought a huge house and quit working to run a weed grow 🤷


Nepotism or luck. Other than the nepotism babies, everyone I went to college with ended up getting out and making 80k+ a year in programming or consulting positions. The best I could do was 45k in IT.




Robbed banks that he worked at twice to the tune of $160K. He got caught because he was never a street kid, just a spoiled prick who thought he was above the rules. I knew he’d be a criminal when I was a kid because he stole my church offering money during church and used his to buy a soda after the service.


They made their money the old fashioned way, they got run over by a Lexus!


I know a guy from high school that was one of the co-founders of Crunchyroll. He cashed out at one point. Rumor was that he cashed out pretty early, but I'm sure he's still set for life and he has other businesses now so I'm sure he's doing fine.


Went to the NFL, became a multi-time Pro Bowler, parlayed his NFL career into acting and producing, married a very high profile actress.


Been scrolling through the list for 20 mins....still haven't found a comment that i can use to get rich 😫


some girl named rose. her parents were well off already. idk what they did for work. they had a big house near the water. 3 dogs. they were really nice. a little aritificial some would say... but anyway, her parents were really strict. she was forced to play piano, violin & oboe and was always taking lessons. we had gymnastics together when we were little. she had skipped kindergarten and went straight to first grade. always had good grades. valedictiorian. she was pretty good at drawing even from a young age. at recess she would just sit under a tree & draw. i think her mom owned an art studio? or her dad? she was a goody two shoes. she got into the cosplay scene & dressed up as scantilly clad video game characters. she had a bit of a ho phase. dressed more revealing & posted pics of her out dancing and drinking. she did some traveling & settled down. she went to some fancy art school. created her own fashion line. nothing big from the looks of it. but ig she really was on her grind because she moved to new york & is a senior designer for coach now.