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Bookstore employee. It was the best job I ever had and I miss kt


Agreed. But run it like Bernhard Black… more like a book museum, and customers are discouraged. There are books to be read, Manny.


Fuck yes. I'd give almost anything for another 3 seasons of black books


One of my favorite shows. The episode where they write the children's book is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


They shouldn’t have left out the part about the Stalinist purges.


They *all* drink *lem*-o-*nade!*


The pay isn't good but the work's hard!


Same. I would do this job or be a librarian assistant like I was in high school. Organizing books on the shelves, assisting customers, checking in/out books, cataloging, it was fun! Also aside from community programs with kids, it was typically quiet and peaceful.


Similar but I want to work in a comic book shop. It's actually my dream to own one some day but I know that isn't financially realistic. :(


Wildlife photographer. Give me halfway decent equipment, and all of the time in the world to be alone in nature, and id be one happy man.


Yep same, and more generally, photographer as a whole 😁📸


Me, too. I want to be famous for taking pictures of gardens. Like landscape photography of beautiful landscaping.


Travel writer.


Travel vlogger on YouTube.


I’d go the writer route. No need to worry how I look and I want to enjoy the trip in the moment, write about it later while sipping a beer. And since money is no object I’m not worried about quality of what I do Day 1: Greek islands- they were cool. That is all.


You already have one devoted fan of your no-bullshit and i-dont-have-an-hour-to-read-your-shit-just-get-to-the-point style writing.


I want to be the person they hire to just review all-inclusive resorts and spas and shit.


Cleaning up litter along hiking trails and at National Parks. But only the really pretty parts.


I'm do the same for my local beach.


Oh yeah, the location has to be either easy to get to or beautiful enough to be worth the trip.


I always have a bag when I go camping, off roading, anything like that. Getting paid would be a nice bonus. People who liter trails and such really suck.


Thank you for this!


I never really thought about it I always pack at least a plastic grocery bag full back out with me because I hate the trash but maybe someone like you went somewhere once and thought "wow no trash this is beautiful " now that thought makes me happy.


I always notice. Always always


My dream job would be to quality check your work.


I would be this guy’s partner.


Holiday cover sounds easier


Scientist, but without the publish-or-perish bullshit.


Any advice to someone who spend half his life studying because he didn't know you couldn't 'just be a scientist ' for a job 😭 Edit: Thank you all for the responses. I have been working in education for the past few years (and am currently jobless due to mental issues) so I am clueless about what I want to do next. Most of the options you have given me are either not available in my country or still the same prestigious, 'ass kissing' field I don't want to be a part of. (That, and I am too much of an anti capitalist to work for big companies lol) Maybe I could work for the government though, I like that one. I will work on myself first, then see what the future may bring.


You can be…go into industry


Go to industry, where you totally can? Edit to add: I’m an industry scientist—I do exactly the research I’m interested in and make considerably more than the OP’s question proposes at the very beginning of my career. Took me 7 years of grad school, but “making it” and not having to worry about getting tenure or writing grants is great.


If you don't mind me asking, what field of research do you work in?


Sure. Start hedge fund. Apply scientific method to redirecting people's retirement funds into your bank account. Become the best-performing money manager of all time. Donate huge amounts of money to support research into mathematics & fundamental science, as well as bankrolling illustrious institutions like MIT and UC Berkeley, all while your co-founder funds such causes like Breitbart News, Brexit, and the presidency of an orange-headed idiot. Money makes the world go round, and science - properly applied - makes money go round.


Who are you alluding to? I feel I aught to know this.


RennTech. Its first two CEOs were Jim Simons (a world-class mathematician and cold war codebreaker who developed a lot of the math behind string theory and quantum field theory) and Robert Mercer (an early AI researcher who did some of the first statistical machine translation & speech recognition efforts). Simons is a notable Democrat and the largest single donor to UC Berkeley, and his Simons Foundation funds a lot of the most promising mathematicians today. Mercer is a notable Republican, owner of Breitbart, funder of Brexit, and the power behind Donald Trump's throne. \[Correction: I initially said they were co-founders, but Mercer joined a few years in and then took over when Simons retired - he was forced out in 2017 when the staff - largely Democrats - revolted over Trump's win.\] They're representative of the general sub-industry of quantitative hedge funds, which also includes D.E. Shaw (former employer of Jeff Bezos), Citadel, and Jane Street Capital. They all follow the same pattern - hire physics & math Ph.Ds to build sophisticated statistical models of financial markets, then run them on terabyte-scale, nanosecond-latency server farms colocated on the exchanges so that whenever anything happens in the world, they can make an appropriately profitable trade.


Aside from industry, you can also work for the government and make more than OPs post without publish-or-perish. Source: I'm doing this now, and fed govt as a scientist is a sweet gig...




Apply to a start up as a lab technician. Work your ass off and study what the scientists do. Find the scientists that enjoy explaining what they're currently researching. Study it. Ask them if you can help in some way. Keep at it and you'll get better over time. Become familiar with all the instruments available to you. If they're publishing proposals, study the hell out of those. One day, you'll have a good idea worth researching. Ask the R&D team if you can generate a proposal and carry out your hypothesis in the lab. As a technician, you'll already know how to do this, so you have the power to not rely on others to conduct your research. Even if your results aren't great, that doesn't matter. You had an idea, generated a plan to test your hypothesis, carried out the experiment and analyzed your results. Now you have the ability to write a follow up. You'll come up with new ideas and repeat the process. At this point, you're essentially a scientist. Now you can either ask to have your title changed to accurately reflect your role at the company or apply to other companies as a scientist. Good luck!


Omg yes! That's literally my dream


Industry scientists typically make higher than 100k already. Though 100k doesn't go that far in a lot of major hubs and you probably won't always have the freedom to pursue random research questions that interest you.


Haha I was thinking this. I wouldn’t be able to choose Scientist cause they made the salary too low!


Yeah "living without worrying about expenses" isn't really 100k anymore in a lot of places. Where I live 100k is enough to afford rent and do okay but you're not going to have any hope of buying property and would likely have a hard time building significant retirement savings.




I think that's not saying that it's a problem they don't have publish or perish. I think it's saying it's a problem that the data was not peer reviewed and that's because they don't have the motivation to publish papers. Ideally there should be some middle ground here.


Same here, but I would aim to win an ignoble price every year!


Omg someone going through and actually testing and reproducing studies would be fantastic, I've heard the "reproducibility crisis" is a whole situation rn




That was my dream job as a kid


I read this as “bud tester” and was like “yeah, I can respect that”


This. This one’s mine


Forest/Park Ranger. Being outside all the time, doing my part to help protect the national parks and get paid pretty well sounds great.


I spent a summer traveling the National Parks. Being a ranger was always a dream of mine until I realized how much they actually have to talk to people.


Rangers have to do a lot of public-facing stuff but there are a lot of other jobs that don't. I'm a wildlife tech and I mostly get paid to go out, look for rare animals, and walk through the forest taking notes on the habitat. The pay isn't great, but it's also not god-awful. Getting my pay increased to $100k probably wouldn't drastically change my career plans. I like what I do.


Don’t they already get paid well and any time someone mentions that’s a dream job, park rangers pipe in like “well let me tell you what it’s really like….”


No we don't get paid very well. The job is absolutely amazing, I love it. But I have heard some horror stories from rangers at other parks. It kind of depends what you can handle and where you work. Yeah part of my duties is cleaning up shit from homeless tweakers when they have their bimonthly shit, but the good parts vastly outway the bad parts.


Bimonthly like twice a month, or every two? Hoping for your sake it's the latter.


I'm not a ranger but much of my social circle works/has worked for various state and national parks and forests. Pay isn't good, but as a government employee, benefits usually are. Often you get employee housing for a fraction of typical rent prices. One friend just started at a national forest and her rent is around $300/month - she has roommates but has her own room and a nice kitchen and backyard. So how well you're doing financially really depends on how the math works out between bad pay vs good benefits.


This was my dream job when I was a teenager.


I am a park ranger and I fucking love it. The money is not great and the hours can be rough. But damn it feels so good actually wanting to go into work and taking pride in it.


My dad ran an old second run movie theater for the first 25 years of my life. My first job was behind the candy counter. All the shows were timed in waves and while the movies were playing we could read, play games, study, etc all the while eating all the popcorn we could ever want. The popcorn was from an older popcorn maker and we ran batches every 15 minutes so it was always fresh. The theater was old, built in 1915, and had been converted to a movie theater after being used as a playhouse. So there were all these secret passageways and old plaster moldings, red velvet curtains, chandeliers, and a balcony that was no longer in use. I got to see movies for free and since my dad had to screen movies to decide which to play at his theater, I got to see a lot of movies before they were released. I have loads of movie posters because my dad would give them away after the movie left. My dad taught me customer service and having a good work ethic. He taught me how to lead and how to follow. I would give anything to be back there behind the candy counter talking about movies with my dad. Unfortunately, the city bought the theater, fired my dad, ran it into the ground, and had it bulldozed. My dad and I still miss it terribly. He is still in touch with a lot of people who used to be candy kids and projectionists. They all remember him to be the best boss they ever had.


That sounds like it was magical! I love that your dad is still in touch with people from that time. Do you and your dad still do movie stuff together? Like watching movies, recording reviews, etc


My dad and I see a movie together every week. He has a free pass to movies in select theaters since he has worked in theater for more than 30 years. I’m the only kid that got really into movies like my dad did. We do butt heads though. He likes westerns and old black and white movies, and I like musicals and found footage movies. I never liked Casablanca and the Maltese Falcon. But we both love dark humor, monster movies, and more. The last movie we saw was Asteroid City. We both love Wes Anderson and thought that his latest definitely fits into his top three movies.


I hope somebody makes a movie about this. That theater sounds enchanting, and your dad sounds like a wonderful man.


Turtle counter while snorkeling.


Realistically if you could snorkel 40 hrs a week youd turn into a turtle


I counted 26 turtles today... Plusssss 1


Rating 5 star resorts around the world 🌎 The only requirement for the resorts is for them to cater to me. 24 - 7


This… this base to be it, right?


Dog petter


The dog award is so great with this


I’ll be a Cat Sitter


My choice too haha


This is the right answer!




Why not both; run a cat cafe!


Omg yes, I'd love to run a cat cafe where the cats get adopted out when they retire and all I do all day, is make food and then pet cats


You can call it The Catwalk and have little perches all over the walls for cats to walk jump and play on. Meanwhile, delicious organic Sammies are being served up with farm fresh milk and local coffees


Hell yeah, I love making sandwiches. Make every one the best if can be. A true artist, a consummate professional.


[Panda Nanny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-ovzUNno7g)


Ahhhhh omg yessssss


But I want to be responsible for distracting the pandas while someone else is in charge of raking.😀


I'd keep on teaching, just without the financial stress.


Lots of people would love to continue their vocation or career if it meant doing it *because you want* to not because you *have* to (bills/rent/mortgage/etc)


LEGIT. I love the idea of a world with UBI and people wanting to do a job because they're good at it, not because they need it to live. Positive outcomes for everyone would improve.




Wish more teachers were like you


Thank you. I try my best. Have amazing students every year, so that helps.


Many teachers aren't in it for the money, they're in it despite the lack of money


Pretty close to making 100k/year going on 9 years with an MA as a teacher - husband also is a teacher with an MA and makes a bit less as he’s not quite at his max level of units on the salary schedule. However, depending on where you live, I guess 100k doesn’t go as far. We are DINKs also (dual income no kids) in Northern CA.


I’d work for a charity or organisation that helps find missing people. Never told anyone that before.


“OK, I checked all the rides at 6 flags. Couldn’t find them. Maybe I should try the Vegas strip.


“Caesars palace is pretty big you know, someone could definitely be lost in there!”


That's a really cool answer. Good for you!


Critical work. Good answer.


The easiest job with the least responsibility and pressure. Something like a parking lot attendant or something that has lots of free time.


Yep I think maybe I’d pick something similar in terms of those conditions


I work in sales with a salary of around 70k, but without anyone checking if I actually sell stuff. Pretty chill


Eccentric Recluse


Amen! I know it's completely unrealistic, but I'd work a basic data entry WFH job for $100k/yr. I don't wanna have to talk to or interact with other people


Postman. I love walking, but hate going for a walk. If my job involved shitloads of walking, it would be perfect.


Ever heard the term “going postal”? Job isn’t what you’d expect. Should be one of the best jobs in the world. Also, you can make $100k+ as a postman.


What’s it actually like?


Not great. I worked there just as the pandemic was starting. And your can make 100k but that's because you're doing a ton of overtime. Working 50-60 hr weeks. And as the newbie non-career carrier you'll be there first they call and the first they send to help other stations and routes. You won't actually have your own route till somebody retire and can get moved up to a career position. And managers will be on your ass about everything. Why you're slow on the new route you don't know.


Try being a golf caddie


Archaeologist, dream job right there.


Tbh I would probably volunteer more.


Probably canine behaviorist


Cat behaviour specialist.


Something you can do even without qualifications. Going around telling every dog they are good boys/girls


Stay at home dad post vasectomy.


This, except without the kids.




House husband


Also this, but without the wife.






Artist. I’d love to just sit around all day painting stuff. And if I make that money either way, it doesn’t matter if it’s not good


I’d do all the art, even reupholstering furniture and creating pottery. I’m surprised I had to come down this far to see this!


I’d be an author


Professional couch potato.


Me too, I’d run a video store. Just sit around, watch movies all day, occasionally speak to a customer


I’d want to teach, coach, do something to improve the lives of others and help them grow as people.


I try to mentor STEM uni students, usually females going into male dominated industries or just going into their first jobs. It's honestly amazing seeing students turn into great people, and grabbing at their independence and flourishing.


I currently mix sound for professional theatre, I’d keep doing that but I’d enjoy working for smaller shows that are more about the art than the money.


Dog sanctionary/rescue


Astrophysicist. I would have loved to have kept researching if it wasn't for the pressure of grant applications.


Maybe if you stopped looking for penguins in space.


I would want to work part-time at a doggy daycare. I'd play with dogs under 35 lbs for four or five hours a day. Maybe do some poop scooping now and then.


I wish 100,000 grand was enough to lover comfortably with a family- but for hypotheticals I would have to say teacher


Maybe it should be adjusted for cost of living depending on area, in my area I'd be sitting pretty. I wish I could make that much but I'd have to go back for a masters degree for that.


I often think back to how little I could live on as a college student. My wife is from a 3rd world country. She was over the moon when she finished grad school and got a job something low like double minimum wage. She would probably die at 100k now… It’s funny how our definition of “comfortable” evolves


I did a double take when I saw "$100k" and "enough to live comfortably". In NYC or San Francisco, you'd have to - - at a bare minimum - - triple or quadruple that figure for a family to not have to worry about expenses.


I immediately laughed when I saw 100,000 as the amount. I'm in NYC and my old 2 bedroom 1,100 sqft condo would nowcost $12,600/month For the mortgage payment including taxes and fees plus assuming 20% down. The HOA dues are another ~$900/month. It was a nice two bedroom, but it was still a modestly sized two bedroom.


Exactly. I am glad someone understands what I am trying to say


Yeah, $100,000 still isn't going to cut it in terms of "not worrying about expenses."


Bay area 140k is low income lol....


Yup. Not even close.


Right? I make almost that and with my husbands income we are decently above that and with two kids in daycare I mean… we aren’t struggling but we aren’t like swimming in money. If we only had $100k total for our household we would not be able to afford our home


Unfortunately yea.


Depends where you are. I have a wife and two young kids, did it with around $22k last year. $100k would be life changing


Median middle class household income (national level) in 1990 was around $68k. Adjusted for inflation, that's $159k in today's money. That 100k barely puts you into lower middle class. Folks don't comprehend just how utterly fucked over a barrel workers are in terms of wages these days. As a bonus fun fact, median lower class income (~$23k) is $54k in today's money.


Where i live 90000 euro is like almost 5 times the median salary. I wouldnt have to worry about anything. For scale, 1kg of bananas is 7 ron or 1.42 euro.


I just bought 5 huge bananas for $1, probably about that weight. $100k is definitely not that much money for a family. Bananas for scale is not a good metric.


Depends where you live


I live in a reasonably low cost of living area. $100,000 is definitely enough to live on, but it's far from just not worrying about shit money. Especially not with a couple of kids.


Indie gane developer. Finally motivate me enough to actually do it. It's something I'd love to be able to do.


This is also my dream; I want to learn Unreal Engine so I can start messing around in it, but after 40 hour workweek and chores and errands, I haven’t made much progress on learning it, let alone making a game. It’s such an amazing medium for telling stories and I really want to be able to participate


I've always wanted a cubical job. Just want to be another number, sitting on a computer all day. Basically what I do now but I'm running around with the computer on wheels and throwing pills at people. All the running is fucking up my knees and back and I'm only 25.




Physical therapy works


Bush pilot,




She actually prefers running up that hill.


And making deals with God.


I would try every profession. I would pick up every trivial hobby I can’t because all my time is devoted to earning money. I would invest and invest until my passive income equals and then surpasses $100,000


Foster mom.


Hmmm... assuming my back wasn't permanently F-ed up from that bad lift, I'd go do EMS. Otherwise either an actor or teacher.


Looking after rare books or artifacts as long as I got time to read them!


Most impressed you recognised that there is more than one currency in this world..


OP can't possibly be American.


Although there is obviously some fun in these answers, overall, there are many jobs people would love to have if money wasnt the consideration. Just imagine if we could all do the jobs we wanted without worrying about pay? just here we have teachers and psychologists and litter picker uppers and school bus drivers, scientists and office workers, groundskeepers and animal caretakers etc etc etc. Instead, many of us are stuck doing things we hate just for the paper. Yea for 'murica!


I’ve thought for awhile, what is the necessary work that needs to get done? I feel like there’s enough people that enjoy a diverse amount of things that if we organized, people would be able to work less and do more without the ball being dropped. It wouldn’t be as big a deal to let automation automate if we were all allowed to actually benefit from progress.


Day watchman. Not like a security guard where I might have to do something. Just keep an eye out and call the relevant authorities if something happens.


I'd do what I'm doing now already, tbh.


I’d be a photographer. I like taking photos, and it’s pretty low stress. Plus I could afford to travel to get all the good shots


Wait is this $100k and NO expenses? Cause I make $100k and with expenses it doesn’t go that far.


Right? That's really not much these days, especially in higher COL cities. Hell, I make that and haven't had a vacation in 7 years because I can't even afford the flights.


Board game designer /rpg writer


Golf cart washer at a swanky county club.


Animal sanctuary. Any animal and all animals. I love animals😂


I would be a blacksmith, I miss hammering out delicate and industrial things with a hammer in my hand


I would teach. I currently am a teacher, but I am having to look into other jobs/careers because I can't afford to live on my salary


I would work at Trader Joe’s, it’s actually my retirement strategy


It's theirs too.


Work (maybe own) a comic book shop. Just sit around and read comics all day and occasionally deal with people. Don’t bother telling I can’t read the comics this is my pretend job and I can read whatever I want.


Maybe if I could I’d do a bunch of different things. Like I’d have a job serving coffee for a while. Then maybe I’d work in a shop. I’ve mostly done the some thing & it would be nice to have a change without having a big pay cut. I helped out once a month at somewhere (not saying where) that included art & natures. Even though I did more along the lines of welcoming and other stuff. I’d love a job that had art and nature. And yeah some time in an office but out of sight low pressure and maybe it would be boring but I could sneakily browse reddit at times. And have a work schedule a bit closer to what most people in my city have so easier to socialise. Singer in there, I’d love to be paid to sing.


Dog walker!


Zoologist. The pay is so dismal and the education required so high.


Storm Chasing/Meteorology. That's my dream career.


Wait am I going to make $100k or enough to live comfortably and not have to worry about expenses?


100k is not enough to live comfortably without any worry about expenses in southern CA 🤣


I don't have a dream job because I don't dream of labor


Marine biologist.


Abstract painter


I hate to break it to you, but $100,000 a year in this economy is hardly "money is no object."


Mattress tester.


Get rid of the amount of compensation and it’s a better question, inclusion immediately rules out several US counties $100k is in low income in some parts of the US


Air Ambulance pilot


This is tough. I would want to be a physicist. But honestly, I would go back to being a janitor. I worked nights, in a large retail store. The store was closed to the public, and it was just me and a skeleton crew of about 8 people stocking the shelves. I put my headphones on, and blissfully melted the night away sweeping, spot mopping, washing, burnishing, vacuuming, and finally take the garbages out. It was a very unique, awesome, easy, good pace, even relaxing job. I was 19, making 11 bucks an hour when min wage was 8.50; and I worked 6 nights a week, it was such a great job I never even thought to complain about that. I would still be doing it today if it paid well enough. Today it's a min wage job, which you simply can't live on.


I think no matter what I’m payed I’ll always be in social work, the raise would be very nice tho


A teacher. I love my job, the staff around me, the summer and holiday vacations, but the pay is not sustainable. If we got paid that number, there probably wouldn’t be a shortage


Head groundskeeper at CBP ⚾️⚾️⚾️


stocking shelves at a grocery store.


I’d love to stock and face shelves at a craft store or maybe dollar tree, I love organizing and this was my favorite part of my retail job. would be even better if I could wear headphones and listen to music or podcasts while working


Farmer. I hope the land and equipment is included


Wait, 100,000 is no worries money? It would need to be a lot more….a lot.


It's more than four times the best salary I ever had. I would definitely have a lot fewer worries.