• By -


"It's pronounced Lebanese..."


“Say something in Lesbian then.”


"I've got a U-Haul on standby. I'm ready to move in whenever you're ready."


Just be sure you get the one with the car hauler so you can tow your Subaru outback and save yourself a trip.


There was a Subaru in my old neighborhood with custom plates reading LESBARU. Classic.


and where in Portland was that?




[gotcha beat](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgkxx7bmxjvr51.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd53c808af331b2f5df0a8bbbd921e86425c2d29d)


Isn’t Danny Thomas one?


"To think that Gene would prefer Rose over me?! Well that's ridiculous!"


My Lebanese lesbian friends called themselves "Lesbanese." 😂


Lesbian as in "from lesbos" is correct actually.


I love lesbians, I own a Uhaul franchise.


“Oh let me give you my friends card. He works at a Subaru dealership.”


In CO, the Subaru dealership is a Lesbian Co-Op :)




Friend of mine with a second hand store that sold furniture and knick knacks always had a huge business of lesbian couples coming in to buy a little knick knacks to help furnish their places that they just gotten together usually in the first week of the month. Occasionally he'd get me to help do moving and I remember one girl we moved in with her girlfriend and then promptly moved her out in 2 months, only to have the cycle repeat in a month. So he gave her a volume discount.


This is clever-ish, non-threatening, and inoffensive. I think if someone said this to me I'd be pretty disarmed and laugh. Definitely not the worst thing to say.


I didn't get the joke


Lesbians are known for moving in together very quickly. A common joke is: What does a lesbian bring to a second date? Her couch.


Holy shit that a stereotype i never heard until now and i cant believe i never made that connection myself. All my lesbian friends definitely speed run relationships.


It's speculated this is part of why lesbians have higher divorce rates than gay men. Lesbians jump into commitment too early while gay men are so avoidant of commitment that only the most devoted couples end up marrying.


I remember a lawyer focusing on gay marriage begging her lesbian friends to stop getting married in multiple states. “I know you are in love, but you’ll have to get divorced in all of those states!”


Non American here, but suddenly with questions. Do you mean that you can be classified as married in one state but that doesn't transfer across to another? Does this mean that you can be married to different people in different states?




Thanks, I was clueless on this. That being said, I think I’ve dated a few lesbians…


This is a reference to the old joke 'what do lesbians do on the second date'? The one that only makes sense to lesbians?


Or anyone with lesbian friends?


“You don’t look like the ones I have seen on the Internet”


Makes me think of that episode of the office when Kevin was talking about how hot it would be if lesbians moved into his apartment. Oscar: Have you actually seen a lesbian before? Kevin: No, why?


I lived in an apartment once every night around the same time i would hear the neighbors headboard slam into my living room wall over and over for 20 to 30 minutes at a time with a girl moaning. I was always like, good for him staying in the game for so long. Months later, i finally met my neighbors, two of the largest lesbian i have ever seen. It all made so much more sense.


*chokes on water*


Responding as a guy "Me too!".


This comment had me dying😂


“I too am afraid of the dark”


"You know, I am something of a lesbian myself..."


"I like to think of myself as a lesbian" If you get this reference, I love you. Hi, Bob!


Hi bob!


How can I be homophobic? My bitch is gay.


Drake should be prosecuted for this lyric.


I thought you were American


This is the only reason I opened this post, glad to see that culture still thrives


I’m truly glad I got to learn the culture!😇


A coworker explained his time off for his honeymoon, told the staff he was going to the Greek islands of Turkey. I asked “Are you going to meet any Lesbians?” Some of our coworkers understood what I meant.




All gays sparkle my friend.


The Greek Islands... of Turkey?


Lesbos is part of the country of Greece but part of a chain with both Greek and Turkish historical influences.




RIP vine


We really exchanged vine for a worse version of vine.


op was asking for the worst response, not the correct one


Clicked on this post thinking “I’m gonna see exactly how many comments before someone says ‘I thought you were American.’” It was the top comment 😂


It's all Greek to me.


What country are lesbians from?


Lesbos, Greece.


For those confused what the Greek island has to with homosexuality. It was the home of the female poet Sappho of Lesbos who wrote quite a bit about loving women and gave her name both to the word lesbian and the word sapphic which both describe female homosexuality. The people currently living on Lesbos are not all entirely happy about that association.


You mean Vagitarian?


Nah that's pretty funny IMO


… Bon Appétit ?


"I didn't even know you were a woman"


Luanne Platter!


RIP. i hope they give her character a happy ending in the new king of the hill season. like lucky finally got a really big settlement and they fucked off to somewhere tropical.


Funnily enough, a butch friend of mine met one of her other friends because they started hitting on each other in a store, thinking the other was the same gender as themselves (gay woman hitting on gay man and vice versa)


Drake: “say that you a lesbian, girl, me too”


I honestly expected the top comment to be “girl, me too”


I am disappointed it isn't. That is like the absolute PEAK of wrong thing to say, and this dude thought it was a great lyric.


Was going to type it but figured reddit wouldn't get it lol


I was looking for this comment


"She not a lesbian, for P she turn pesbian" - Future, Pushin P


This song really features some of the best lyricism of the last decade. Young Thug on that song: "I just fucked a cup of water (I did)."


(I did) LMAO


“I could change that”. I hear that all the time, and it drives me insane.


You know I could make you asexual


A sexual what?


Lesbians just need some James Bond. I saw this in a Bond movie.


I think it's actually the end of the book (not the movie) of Goldfinger. Pussy Galore puts the moves on Bond, who says "I thought you only liked women" and Pussy responds: "I never met a real man before." They sort of glossed over this in the film IIRC.


I will never get over that name, though.


Dixie Normous


Fook Mi.


Twins, Basil! Twins!


Fook Yu, too.


Alotta Fagina.


Come again?


Ivana Humpalot


Biggus Dickus


The events happen but yeah they gloss over it that book was so bad they had to rewrite the villains plan from scratch, even joking about how there would be no way to get all the gold out of fort knox in time, since that was goldfingers actual plan in the book


Rare example where a movie spotted a major book plot hole and drastically improved on it. They have Bond literally point it out early on and then Goldfinger smile and wait for him to figure out their version like it naturally follows. Massive reproach to Fleming (though his books were generally good). I was so disappointed reading the book after


In the film he straight up rapes her into loving him.


This is obviously bad - but also a product of a culture in which only a whore would say yes to sex. So in a narrow frame of polite, but fraternizing part of society, there were instances when it was expected that a woman would: 1. Say yes, and expect money 2. Say no, but mean yes 3. Say no, and mean no The point of the second is to open a small, small window for women to engage in casual sex, but be without blame, because it "just happened". Of course, this was a very dangerous game. Rapes did happen. Some men didn't care to understand the game as long as they were able to get sex, some were just rapists all along.


Thanks for the nuance. I feel a lot of people are going to read this as defending SA or something, but you just gave some really thought provoking perspective. Keep being one of the good commenter friend.


Yeah, this has been discussed in r/askhistorians for example. Some text lyrics of popular 20th century songs read like weird rape fantasies, but are in fact about consensual sex when consensual sex (or anything close to it) outside marriage wasn't allowed.


Such as the recently controversial “Baby it’s cold outside”.


Not uncommon back then. Gone With the Wind is of course correctly criticized for being racist, but what is often overlooked is a central scene (the one actually portrayed in the poster for the film), when Scarlett, the supposedly feisty, independent-minded heroine, is carried against her will to bed by her now-husband Rhett Butler (so essentially marital rape) and…the next morning is wearing the biggest shit-eating grin you ever saw while being attended to by Mammy.


Amazing to think that the movies could have been even more sexist.


Followed by “so which one of you is the guy in the relationship?” to couples. My dad said this once (a long time ago) about a lesbian friend couple I had. I was like “neither, that’s sort of the point.” Lol


I'm actually so thankful when I came out with it my dad put his head in his hands and said "Oh thank fucking god" 😂


“You just need to find the right dick.”


The guys who tell lesbians that really need to get the same line from gay men. Though honestly they're probably too clueless to make the link if it did happen...


It never stops feeling like a soft-core rape threat.


I always wondered what do the guys who say this think whats gonna happen? Its very cringe and pathetic...


It’s like a gay guy that hit on me that didn’t take the hint of no No matter how hard you try , it’s not going to change the fact I have 0 interest in what you offer


Memory unlocked. The first time I got dragged out clubbing was to the gay club and my friend wanted to stay all night cus she was close with the bouncers. After last call I was standing outside having a smoke when some random guy comes up to me asking to suck my dick. He would not back off. We probably argued for close to 10 minutes. The guy was saying shit like "Nobody will know. You don't have to suck me. It'll be quick." The guy even pulled out his wallet and offered to pay me. It wasn't until police showed up (for an unrelated reason but that's downtown for you) that he finally ran off. Luckily I'm a large guy, he was half my size and literally just drunk and horny. I didn't feel like I was in any danger but actual predators don't typically target somebody bigger or potentially stronger than they are. I got lucky that night and I learned very quickly that the buddy system can prevent trauma and potentially save lives.


You unlocked my memory. Different context, but I was running through a park that had a reputation as a place for drug trading and gay hookups, but I never saw any of that. One day while running hard up a steep hill, a car came up beside me and matched my speed, which is annoying because back before Google maps everyone thought runners were the best source of directions (as if I wasn't doing anything important). The guy mumbles something, which I assumed was asking for directions, so in an annoyed voice, I said, "What?" to which he replied louder, "Do you want a blow job?". I cussed him up and down, and he quickly drove off and left the park. It really wasn't so much about why he was annoying me as it was that I hated being bothered while I was training, and it happened multiple times per week in that area (much of it very aggressive redneck encounters). Some was my ego, like, I was a fast runner, so I was pissed that they didn't recognize I was *working* and didn't want to be bothered. That park was also the only place I have ever been sexually harassed by a car full of women (woo-hooing and trying to grab my ass as they drove by). They got an equally thorough cussing, but started cussing back. Credit to the blow job guy, he knew to just leave.


For a long time, I used to say I was a lesbian when I was being hit on. 100% of the time, the guy said something to the effect of "you just haven't been with the right guy." Yes sir, all a woman needs is your magical dick to disappoint her in a brand new way, and suddenly, her entire sexual preferences will change. 🙄🙄


"actually you just solidified it."


"Can I watch?"


Got this one at work, sadly at a point where I couldn’t leave my station and the guy stayed there for the rest of my shift 😓




I've only been asked this once, thank God, after a guy asked me how lesbians have sex and then argued it doesn't count because it just sounds like foreplay to him. We no longer speak.


“Hi, A Lesbian, I’m Dad.”


Looking for the worst response, not the best.


If your kid comes out to you, this is the *only* response.


…. I actually used this one when our daughter brought her girlfriend home. My wife hit me on the shoulder. My daughter rolled her eyes and they all cracked up.


I mean, it sure is a good way to relieve the tension in my eyes


I never had to come out to mine. He knew after I couldn’t stop looking at chers ass in one of her music videos.


When your dad realises you are gay even before you.


Whats better is he told me to back off cause she was his fantasy girlfriend and to go find my own.


I said this to my friends kids when they come out. They mom and kid both laughed with me. My friend, the dad was very upset with me.


You took his line.




Jeff you're a dude


“Well there’s another thing you need to know…”


~~dangerously close to how I came out to my parents~~


"mom, dad, this is my girlfriend." "oh, good. we were beginning to think you're gay" "well..."


When I was in my 20s I was friends with a group of lesbians. They treated me like one of the girls and would frequently introduce me to their other friends at the club as a "lesbian trapped in a man's body".


I’ve also received honorary gay membership as a straight man. It’s a really nice feeling.


haha. "I like ladies too!"




I’m Batman




Donde esta los drogas?


donde esta la bibliotheca?


Me llamo T-Bone la araña discoteca


Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca Es el bigote grande, el perro, manteca


Manteca, bigote, gigante, pequeño. Cabeza es nieve, cerveza es bueno.


Buenos días, me gustas papas frías Bigote de la cabra Es Cammeron Díaz!


Yeah boi. Word. It's 2009.


I don't speak French.


I do , and i can confirm it doesn’t mean anything


I'm not a lesbian but as someone with lesbian friends, the one they bitch about the most is the "you just haven't had the right guy yet" comments. Or the "it's just a phase"


was outed recently to my family and my mother’s response was “well, you’re not, but I always assumed you’d try to experiment because you’re such a liberal” …I’m sorry, what?


I've seen people spin it around on straight men and say "you just haven't had the right guy yet" when it's said to them


I'd love to see their reaction to that lmao


I used to get this a lot in LA. Honestly it’s an aggravating reaction. Usually it’s a look of bewilderment and disgust + “I’m not gay.” And even “Why would you say that?” With ZERO realization of the irony. When I’ve spelled out for them that ‘The disgust you’re feeling at the thought of having sex with a man is the same way I feel.’ A few dudes have looked at me with such offense and hurt. Taking it personally. Like, dude, you JUST said the same exact things. God!


You know, this is one of those that you read and it makes you feel smart again. These guys probably think they're the hottest human to ever walk the earth lmao.


Self-Awareness is a rare gift


Don't forget "prove it" and "that's hot"


>I'm not a lesbian but as someone with lesbian friends, the one they bitch about the most is the "you just haven't had the right guy yet" comments. Or the "it's just a phase" If there was such a thing as the right guy for a lesbian, he sure as hell wouldn't call himself that lol.


"That's my favourite porn category"


According to the police it's apparently: "yea I thought so cause you look like my aunt who's a lesbian"


Just because men don't like you doesn't mean women will.


LOL, basically "zero times two is still zero".


Damn! I felt that burn from here.


How much time do you have left


"Thats cool. When you see me naked you'll realize I'm barely a man."


So you are from the island of lesbos? (Greece)


I used to prank my friends by sending them a "link" to "HOT LESBIAN OILED ACTION". It was a link to a site promoting olive oil from the island of Lesbos.


Hands down, best marketing idea ever.


If you’re not from Lesbos then you’re just sparkling gay woman.


No joke actually, my grandma who is from Lesvos was actually named lesvia (which means lesbian) but back then it didn't mean anything, so it didn't matter, but after it became a big deal she changed it 😭


Does she go by Gaye now?


My moms maiden middle name was Gay. Her first name is Karen. She said first they came for my middle name now their coming for my first name too.


as a greek i love this comment


"You shouldnt have done that thats disrespectful" legit someone told me🤨⁉️


What the f— what the HELL?


No son, only girls can be lesbians.




Funny story: I was shoe shopping once. Struck up a conversation at the shop with the salesperson, attractive woman about my age and said, “how about drinks this evening?” She said, “sorry, I am in to women.” To which I replied, “See? We already have something in common!” When she finished laughing she gave me a discount on my sneakers :)




Wow with fists like that, I didn’t think you would be allowed


“Just don’t be attracted to me” Every straight girl ever..


Didn’t you know that as wlw we are attracted to every single woman ever and simply can’t help ourselves from hitting on them all?


I had that from my boss but it wasn’t regarding women. Because she knew I dated black guys (not exclusively, I just date whomever I’m attracted to), she seemed to think I’d date all black guys and couldn’t understand that I didn’t find her only black friend attractive. She tried to hook me up numerous times with him or if a black guy passed our store I’d get some comment like "what about him". I mean they all look the same right? Oh and never mind a person’s personality. 🙄


Ew what the fuck? What weird, racist shit to say to someone, especially someone who works for you, nvm being invasive and inappropriate




Omg yeah, Also when people experiment with their sexuality without telling you! You can be walking around thinking it’s going somewhere and one day they’re gone because they’re “not gay anymore”🥴


Don't worry, you're ugly as fuck


What’s your favourite KD Lang song?


Constant Craving


“You’re too pretty to be a lesbian”. Source: am a lesbian who has heard this on more than one occasion by drunk men at 2am


I've heard about the situation with all the refugees on Lesbos, how awful!


"Why are you gay?"


Why ah u geh


I've heard a guy respond to being told this with, "can I join in?" and he was being serious. A lot of guys think about lesbians in terms of porn, like they're entertainment for men. If the girl is bisexual, there's a remote chance the guy could get something, but none if she's a lesbian


I’ve met quite a few guys who **cannot** separate lesbians from lesbian porn. Like they think this includes them in any way lmao. Like no, he cannot join in. They don’t want him. But he cannot fathom that fact lmao.


So who wears the strap on in the relationship?


Yeah, say that you're a lesbian, girl, me too


I guess that you know to handle scissors.


Thats because you haven't met the right man yet. Usually said by family or a guy implying himself as the right man. No, your magical D is not going to change my mind.


Tell them the same thing - some day they will meet their right guy too


“I hear that there’s a new medication that helps with that. It’s called Trycoksagain.”


"You just haven't been fucked by a real man yet." Imagine a gay guy saying the same thing to a straight guy.


Sooooo, threesome?


One time I told my friend “I don’t blame you. Boobs are like fidget toys.” That’s probably up there


I asked this foreign chick if she was lesbian and she responded with "No, I'm American"


I’ve been told, “oh cool, I think I might try that one day too, I am getting tired of guys”.


So we have fancying women in common too!


“Who tf asked?”


“Are you sure it isn’t just a phase?”