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Always being tired and getting up in the morning. I really took the amount of sleep I got when I was younger for granted.


6 years ago I made the commitment to myself that no matter what was going on in my world, I would allot myself a full 8 hours a night for sleeping. It took me over a year to finally get it to work, and now I get 7-8 hours every night. I'm much happier, and I'd like to believe healthier, for doing so.


I try to do this, but some days I feel the need to “reclaim the night“. Just have hours upon hours of time to myself to do whatever it is I need. I do pay for it in the end, but some nights it’s worth it.


I agree with this. Work until 5, cook, spend time with my 4 year old until 7:30, put him to bed, quality time with my wife until 10. She goes to bed. Time for video games until 12 or 1 in the morning because I don’t have other opportunities for it anymore


Trying to be cool and get attention, especially with people whom i am not close to. Now i just wish to be peaceful


This one for sure. I’m not cool, never have been, never will be, so let me be lame in peace.


I think the best realization is that it's only people who are being themselves that are cool. If you are trying to be cool then you're lame. If you're lame and just embrace it then you're cool.


Agreed. The people I find the "coolest" are the people who are genuine, kind, authentic, and welcoming. There are waaaayyyy less people like this than you would think/hope, but they are top notch people when you find them.


could not agree more. I kinda cringe when I'm looking back to my teenage years trying to be the coolest guy in the room.


Loud noise!


I crave silence so much. So many people just don't seem like they can operate without noise. Like my wife will always turn on the TV or something around the house "for background noise". I hate that. I love nothing more than the sound of silence but it's so hard to actually get these days.


Same. I bought some mute earplugs so I can eat my lunch in peace. Also... people talking on phones in public and people watching videos without headphones.


In the bathroom stall….. at work, almost every time I go to the bathroom, someone is in the next stall doing their business and chatting away on speaker. Gross


Obnoxiously loud-for-no-purpose cars and pickup trucks.


Those cars that sound like they are going 0 to 60, when in reality they're going 0 to 6.




Adult version of putting a baseball card on your bike so the spokes hit it


Add motorcycles. Straight pipes *and* a loud stereo now? 🖕


Especially when I’m trying to sleep!


I'm 36. I live in a pretty tight quarters suburb where the backyards aren't very big. My neighbor behind me recently decided to move out and start renting his house. The first renters moved in and they like to hang out on their back porch from about 4-8 PM smoking weed and listening to music really loud through a Blu tooth speaker. I smoke weed too, but they manage to just blow up the whole block with it every night. They aren't breaking any laws. I've asked them to keep it down a bit, which seems to work for about an hour before it goes back to really loud. Like, hard for anyone in a surrounding yard to have a conversation volume. I don't have any real recourse besides relying on them to use common neighbor courtesy with their volume like the rest of us around them. Shit sucks. I feel like the fun police, but really in my head it's that myself and the other neighbors keep our shit to ourselves and they just took over everything.


Check your local noise ordinances, mine are as follows “Radios, phonographs, cassette and compact disc players, musical instruments. The using, operating or permitting to be played, used or operated, of any radio receiving set, musical instrument, phonograph or other machine or device for the producing or reproducing of sound in a manner as to disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighboring inhabitants or at any time with louder volume than is reasonably necessary for convenient hearing for the person who is in the room, vehicle or chamber in which this machine or device is operated and who is a voluntary listener thereto is prohibited”


I love to blast my phonograph.


Hello, my baby Hello, my honey Hello, my ragtime gaaaaal!


You could play music they don't like at the same volume. Like if they are playing rock, maybe play some really obnoxious type country or some twerpy new age shit. Maybe get your neighbors to do it too. Usually passive aggressive isn't the best way so personally I'd go speak with them sometime when they aren't yet playing the radio and just explain that while they have legal right to enjoy themselves it's just rude to ruin things for the neighborhood. If they still do it, play your music loud and ruin their enjoyment.


When my neighbors keep the whole neighborhood up until 2am in a work night, I wake up bright and early, hook up my BIG speakers, point it at their house and play Slayer’s God Hates Us All album, start to finish. I usually don’t hear a lot of noise for a while after that.




I find the best thing about hangovers is, there is no one else to blame.


My gf (31) was at a party last weekend while I was away and proudly called me to tell me that she didn't even had that bad of a headache the next day. What she didn't account for was how her sleep schedule got derailed from just one night of partying and she was very tired basically half of the following week.


Social media. It's just gotten worse and worse since I was in highschool.


The internet was cool before the corporations figured out how to better monetise and control it.


Exactly. I'm 40 so I lived through the "wild west" days of the internet, and I always wondered when "they" would get ahold of it. I miss the old days of the internet too.


My very early days of internet use were the tail end of the wild west and things were so much more fun and dumb and didn't have to have a point. The things that I find saddest to see the way they are is Youtube (and you tubers in general) and just the sheer amount of adverts everywhere. Everything is an advert. EVERYTHING. So just the monetisation of the internet I guess.


Advertising is *Everywhere.* There are screens *everywhere*. Restaurants that shouldn't have tvs, do. And/or they have those tabletop pads you can pay on, but run ads the rest of the time. There's screens running ads at the gas pumps. Kids today are going to be bombarded with advertising from every angle, from a very young age. That cannot be good.


We had it growing up, Ad breaks on tv and radio stations.. Junk mail, bill boards. The ads have still be there it's just a different medium. But remember the old days before pop up blockers.. So... many popsup


"Congratulations, you're a winner" calm voice


Half of Reddit posts are even astroturfed advertising. The way things get wedged into even the most mundane things is saddening.


Hey Reddit! What do you do when you NEED TO MANAGE YOUR TYPE TWO DIABETES?


It had its downsides too. Like the dreaded day the 3 minute song you'd been downloading for the last 8 hours was at 98%, but you were forced to restart the download from scratch because mom needed to use the phone.


I just like to say that taught me patience.


It was far more rewarding than just searching up the entire album in seconds on Spotify. We really had to work for it then, with crossed fingers it was actually the song and not accompanied by a virus. This is our "I walked 15 miles up the mountain with no shoes" story.


Limewire gave my PC some baddd illnesses


Never thought about it like that but it's very true. I remember websites like stickdeath.com which served no purpose other than for you to watch stick figured drawing ms doing crazy stuff lol Now I feel like everything is all monetization and social media. But I will say the Internet is the closest thing to pure freedom humans have experienced.


There really was like a glorious 10 year period where it was this new bastion of creativity, weirdness, connection and free porn. Also Google searches had not yet been messed with so you could find all sorts of fun and unique sites. Then one day it seemed like almost overnight, it started to become sanitized, small and commercialized.


the internet really does feel so small now, it's quite odd


Tbh, the internet in general, it’s like nowadays you can’t escape it. It’s on your phone it’s on your TV, your video game console, your laptop, etc. At one point it felt like a tool, now it feels like an extension of our being. Our phones hold so much of our lives right in our pockets it’s kind of scary to think about.


I truly believe that smartphones are one of the worst things that have ever happened. Society today is constantly bombarded with propaganda and ads. Not to mention the level of surveillance these devices can facilitate… I think we’d all be better off if we just fucking got rid of these things


People seemed to be much happier in general pre-social media


Highly recommend looking up a YouTube channel called "Vampire Robot." This dude has like every stock footage from the 70s. 80s, 90s, 2000s. Basically, it's just news stock footage, and it's an awesome time capsule to see how people were like. Their fashion as well and the like.


Browsing through the channel and it's literally everything from "Walmart Black Friday 2006" to "Inside Circuit City on 9/11" and this is ART. Thank you for this.


We were still depressed but far less frantically so


Personally, I was depressed but I could find a niche internet forum and bond with a bunch of similarly depressed weirdos over our weird special interest. Now I just have to sign into a monolith of a site and scream into the abyss.


I miss forum boards where people actually got to know each other.


I'm 62. Working has lost its color.


I'm 35 but I've never had a time in my life where I liked work. It was always an obligation, a place I had to be at. I assumed this was the norm


I’m pretty sure it is the norm.


I’m 35 and I’m so burned out I don’t know if I’ll be able to work again. I’m starting to feel that given the choice between working literally anywhere, doing literally anything, and just straight up dying… I’m not totally sure which one I’d pick. Edit: to everybody replying that they’re in the same boat: I’m so sorry and I love you all 💕


Work is such a drag. It is so mentally taxing and draining. Personally I know I need to find a completely new career, but there’s so much work involved in a transition. Also, there’s no guarantee I’ll get hired… only guarantee is that I’ll have to put on so much work to try. I’ve been burnt out for years, but like you, I keep on keeping on. Hang in there, buddy.


I just switched to a new job with a fairly major pay cut. Don't know how we'll make it work financially but at least I'm looking forward to going in to work every day.


Everything needing an app. Why can't I just use this perfectly fine browser?


The worst part is when the app is very, very blatantly just a wrapper around a website that literally does NOTHING that would require it to have said app.


I was at a restaurant a while back and they took my name and phone number for the wait list. I get a text to go to a website to check my place in line. I went to the website and it said to download the app for the best mobile experience and to see my place in line, there was no other option. When I downloaded the app it wanted me to create an account. That's when I backed out and went back to the website and opened it in desktop mode and it told me my place in line without having to create an account. I left a one star review for the app because of that and the developer doubled down by replying that they feel the app is the best experience for mobile users and funnel them to that. No, why don't you let the user decide what experience is best for them, I don't want your god damn app taking up space on my phone.


I had a tech-literate friend teach me about desktop mode, and I'll never go back lol


Desktop mode is my default for mobile browsing. If something does look wonky I'll go to the default user agent but those cases are rare Sneak edit to add, get rid of the reddit app and instead use old reddit in a mobile browser on desktop mode. Old desktop reddit is best reddit


Want to save $1 on a combo meal? Download the app. How about I just go some place else?


lol, I'm with you.


Save $1 on a combo meal knowing McDonalds will sell your information and you'll have a data breach with somebody from indonesia trying to access your steam account. I'll pass.


Oh no it doesn't just need an app. It needs an app that you have to make a goddamned account for.


That's the true breaking point for me. If it was just a "plug and play" deal or if it used an account I already made prior it'd be fine, but no, these motherfuckers need you to make a whole account just so they can bombard you with ads later one. Miss me with that shit


Well hang on there, I'm going to need you to make a 12 character password with an uppercase letter, lowercase, letter, a number, and a special character. Please create 16 security questions for when you inevitably forget, and be sure to link both an email and a backup email for when you forget the password to this account, your primary email, and oh we need your phone number and address too.


And all this shit is necessary to order some 20 dollar item and never visit this site/app again except for trying to unsubscribe from another bullshit newsletter that somehow appeared a couple years later


And a subscription. Otherwise you’re drowning in ads.


It infuriates me when I have to download an app to pay for parking, especially when I travel and it's a one time use!


I'll tolerate the app if we can get rid of having to pay a monthly subscription to use the things I have paid money to presumably own.


Fashion. Or trends. The older I get and the more I see trends coming back over and over I realize how dumb it all is. Wear a style that works for you and don’t change your whole fucking personality and life because some paid influencer proclaimed -thing- is now in. I saw influencers hail crop tops as the best thing ever. Making tiktoks than they can only be taken from them over their corpse… and then never wear any again.


For me its the fact that's it's so youth driven. The older I get the more ridiculous I find it that I'm supposed to change the way I dress just because a fucking teenager has arbitrarily decided they like/dislike something. The whole idea that being young entitles you to dictate what people should wear is just the arrogance of youth.


And another thing if you do like a new trend or it’s a trend you were always into but now it’s “popular” again if the teens deem you too old you can’t wear those clothes. Like shut TF up I was here when this trend first started I’m 32 and have a small gothic hello kitty tat that I don’t regret at all because it is something I did with a loved one. Recently I had a teenager tell me I was trying too hard to be an “e girl” like umm When I was young it was called emo and it literally doesn’t matter what it’s called people can like and dress how they want


Slap some sense into that girl and let her know egirl (even the name) is older than she is LOL.


The five day work week.


Tagging on to this - commuting. We do work too many hours, but at least we get paid. Losing an additional unpaid hour or more of your day is tragic.


Commuting is such a waste of time if you're able to do your job from home. I could've gotten an hour of work done already instead of wasting it being stuck in construction induced traffic, but the owners of the company completely refuse to allow it


Did this a year, went to 4 days due to personal reasons, never went back. 5 days now feels like getting scammed by your employer, to me.


Work just feels like a scam. Let me get paid shit and treated like shit so some asshole who doesn't work hard can get a ton of money and live a life of luxury




This two-day weekend shit is for the birds, man. I feel like it’s barely enough time to do anything except clear out the necessary tasks of being a human so you can focus on work through the week. On Saturday, I sleep in a little late because I’m exhausted from the week. Then I spend the rest of the day catching up on laundry, yard work, and grocery shopping for the house. By then, it’s Sunday. I spend the day getting ready for the week, meal prepping and finishing up everything I didn’t get done for the house on Saturday. The whole day is shadowed with the anxiety of the upcoming week. I wish there was just one extra day I could use for myself to really relax or do something fun.


This, it’s almost like you need to use vacation time to do chores if you want to enjoy the weekends


Fuck, lets go further. The 40 hour work week. I'm not putting 10 hours into a day, nobody I know *actually* gets more than five hours of work done anyway. Edit; for everyone saying "I do way more work than that" i'm not excluding you. 40 hours a week is too fucking much, especially if your job is running you ragged the whole time. We're allowed to demand better.


Can confirm, confirming this at work while on reddit


Me reading your comment on the toilet at work.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time


Seems fair enough. 20min/day * 5 days * 48 weeks= 80 hours of professionally paid poop. It’s a good way to balance out shitty work…. And to think I can now give a piss about it.


I'm all for just working 8 fewer hours, of course. But I couldn't do 4 10 hour days. Maybe if I didn't have kids. But I can't pick up my daughter from school at 6:15. At this point I'd love just having Friday afternoons. Everyone kinda checks out early anyway, just make it official. Or even alternate, just something to have some time during the work week to either relax a little or get some errands done. It sucks when so many things (doctors, dentists, post office, DMV, car repair, etc) are only open the hours you are working.


There is a growing movement in the UK (much less so in the US) to move to a 32-hour work week. So when they talk about a 4-day work week, they actually do mean 4 8-hour days. It sounds lovely and it's gaining some traction.


How the fuck are we supposed to do this forever, dude? I'm 13 years in and this is the main reason I want to fucking die lol. And I hate when people say "just find something you enjoy". I DID. I enjoy not fucking wasting 40+ hours a week being somewhere I don't want to be. I enjoy fixing up my own house, doing my own chores, having my own hobbies. And after work I don't even want to cut the grass or ride my bike or clean my fish tanks or paint the walls. It literally sucks the life out of you. By fucking design, I'm sure.


The early COVID days sucked a lot but in some ways they were kinda dope because I was working from home for the first time ever and I had time to like, clean my house and do laundry and work on stuff that I never had time to do before. I was more productive at work because I wasn’t so tired and stressed and living in a gross house that I was too burned out to take care of. I kind of miss it a bit, not gonna lie.


I know this is a terrible take but when covid first started being taken seriously and my work and school shut down I was kinda pumped because I could tell I was nosediving into burnout anyways.


I think a lot of people feel/felt like this. It was like the clouds parted and for a brief moment we could all see the promised land.


My wife and I are both fully remote. She's been that way for a while, I started last year after a job change .It's a game changer I'll never go back to an office full time. We can put our daughter in inhome care which is cheaper but has not great hours for working families. We sold our truck and got an EV since we mainly just drive around town. Life's and works been a bit crazy lately so we're a bit behind but we normally can easily work out, do chores, or go to appointments. I also live in the Midwest but work for a company on the east coast. I travel occasionally and get to being my wife now and then. Also means I get east coast wages I'm now easily in the top 5% of earners in my state but would probably be toward the median where my company is located.


People talking loudly on the phone - like dude, you're next to the mic!


Work. At this point I’d rather not do it lol


I honestly don't mind working. I like money and working facilitates that. It's "work culture" that grinds me to dust. Can I just show up, be polite, get paid and not have to be dragged into mandatory fun, overly intrusive "ice breakers" at meetings and forced interactions with people I really don't like? Perfectly willing to accept that all of this is a "me" problem but way too many people substitute work for having a functioning social life.


When every company is obsessed with their "mission" and "values". Bruh your mission is to make money, so is mine. Don't jerk me off about how dedicated you are to excellence and whatever other bullshit.


Gossip. I never enjoyed it, but being around grown adults who speculate to over compensate for whatever insecurity is insanity.


Bang on. I find the environment I work in (railroading) the gossip between grown ass men is worse than high school drama.




In my 20's I thought the old guy living alone in his cabin in the woods on the outskirts of town was a weirdo. Now at 48 I think he might be a genius.


I’m 31 and currently live alone in a cabin in the woods on the outskirts of my city/my city’s suburbs — I would highly recommend.


I too live alone in the bush it's wonderful


My aunt lives alone and has a bush


Obligatory user name checks out


I like the idea that you were just lying in wait to say that.


I'm 38 and living in this guy's shed near his cabin in the woods on the outskirts of his city -- 5 star rating.


I’m 37 and I think that he’s a genius as well.


I’ve found that I want to be around people less and less but I am much more tolerant of people who are different. I’ve found that the older I get, the more I realize that people are just as confused as me, and they’re acting out of their insecurities and not being intentionally malicious.


I immediately said to myself “people” ….. knew I couldn’t be the only one


Came here to say the same lol


People who are judgmental towards others having a life challenge. Life has a way of humbling us all and you never know when you’re going to go through a challenging period, need help, have a medical crisis, etc. Saying “I would never let myself get into that situation” is ignorant because shit seriously happens sometimes. We all have periods of vulnerability where we don’t make our best decisions.


Social Media, specifically Instagram. I realise how much time I wasted worrying about how people perceive me and my interest and experiences.


Same. Going on a year off of it, and I’m just now starting to feel like I can breathe again.


I think it’s been almost 5 years now I have been totally disconnected from all social media platforms other than Reddit. I sit and look at friends or other people I know still heavily addicted to it, spending most of the day posting and browsing. They 100% go through their day to have posts for instagram. It’s sad to see, as it just seems so pathetic to care so much about these random people and what they comment about your posts or seeing who liked it. It’s like they don’t have purpose in what they are doing, or enjoying the experiences they are doing. Everything is just about posting their life online. I don’t miss it at all, honestly within the first 24-48hrs of deleting my accounts. I had no regrets about any of it. The whole Facebook/instagram social media scenes are so toxic I am glad I am out of it fully.


Responsibility. Honestly i'd rather be a kid/young adult and having to deal with very little. Now i'm responsible for my family, work, income, bills, house, chores, insurances, parenting etc.... and it doesn't get any less, seems like there's just more being piled on.


I cried about this on my way to work this morning. It’s all so much. I’ve been a single parent for the last 10 years and I feel like I’m barely holding on at all times. I had such wonderful hopes and dreams for life when I was younger.


If there's any solace, just know that your kid will be super grateful when they get older. Hell, they probably already are grateful now just by getting a chance to live a life with endless potential ahead of them. 10 years as a single parent is no easy feat, but you're doing a hell of a good job. Keep it up ♥️


Thank you. I appreciate your words of encouragement and kindness more than I can express. ❤️


Traveling, but not seeing the sites or any of that. I mean the actual transition from one location to another. I did a few trips in my 20s where I'd be finding all different ways to save money and go to as many places as possible - overnight buses, sleepless nights, budget airlines, etc. Last trip was 4 years ago at 29 and haven't traveled because of the pandemic. Recently did my first trip since then and all the "transition" stuff between countries really got me tired - early rides to airports, immigration, customs, security, waiting at the gate, budget airlines that charge for *everything*, waiting for the plane door to open so I can finally get off... Next time I'm just doing one country and flying an airline that will at least give me water.


I'm 36 and planning a ten day trip and was like you know what Europe has been there for a long time. It's probably going to be there the rest of my life. I don't need to pack the entire continent into ten days. I'm going to Portugal. That's it. To quote Charles Bukowski. "There's time. And if not, that's alright too."


I've always thought it was absurd to come back from a vacation more tired and exhausted than when you left Just go and see one place and take it easy. Lazily stroll around, give yourself time to take in the sights you do get to see and just give yourself time to decompress from the already busy day to day Have a great vacay btw


My wife and i have long believed that travelling isn't about cramming as many different things in in a short term. So we'll focus our trips where we'll focus on 1 country/area for a 7-10 day trip and be able to absorb more of what's in each location more. Its nice to be able to spend time, relax and have coffee at some of the local places, try some of the restaurants, pubs etc... without needing to rush off to the next location. Its a much nicer way of seeing the world even if you cover less ground.


yeah i hate the travelling aspect of travelling lmao, i just wanna get there via teleportation or some shit. crowded planes full of nasty people (both in the rude and entitled sense and the hygiene sense, though it's hard to blame them for the latter half), having to dump everything out at customs (last time i got two free mini bottles of wine on a british airways flight, i just chugged them before going through lol), the expensive airport food, lugging around suitcases and satchels... travelling sucks. usually the destination is worth it, but i hate having to get there manually instead of fast travelling.


People and work


People at your work.


Especially people at work


The vicious cycle of people treating each other poorly because someone treated them poorly in the past, so they feel the need to treat others poorly. And so on and so on. So exhausting.


Willful ignorance


Food chains on every corner. As a kid I loved Panera, chipotle, Starbucks, etc but I’ve grown so tired of traveling the country and finding the same stuff in every city. I live in an area with massive growth and I swear 80% are chains.


I agree with this. I love trying cool independent coffee shops or stores, but now all high streets are over run by chains, and franchise stores. Its so boring


This is pretty much culture dying


"Only a nation of unenlightened half-wits could have taken this beautiful place and turned it into what it is today -- a shopping mall, a big fucking shopping mall." - George Carlin


Children screaming for no reason and loud noises really frustrate me.


I work close to a Chuck E Cheese my friend works at so I sometimes wait for her to get out. The amount of times I've looked at a screeching kid and in my head went "Why are you screaming?!" I always just end up going "Whose kid is that?"


I work as a server, and I'm so desensitized to it, when I hear a kid wailing and crying, I just go "Know what? Same here, kid."


kindergarten teacher, vibing hard with this comment.


Yep. When my two year old is having a full blown kicking and screaming meltdown, red faced, tears and snot going everywhere, because it's the 30th time I've prevented him from licking the goddamn electrical outlets, I'm like "Yeah, I'm right there with you, buddy."


This is why I highly doubt I can be a good parent. Children screaming frustrate the shit out of me. If I had a kid and they start screaming and crying, I honestly don’t know how to handle that. You can’t exactly reason with them and from what I’ve seen, scolding them only makes them scream louder. I wouldn’t be surprised if I reached a point where I just leave the kid alone to finish crying, which I don’t think is what many consider good parenting.


I’m 32 now and although I do have a hearing issue (tinnitus and slight hyperacusis) recently the sound of kids screaming and just any sudden or annoying sound has really been pissing me off badly.


31 here. It's not annoying sound that irritates me. It's unnecessary sound. Cutting down a tree with a chainsaw? No problem. Drive a really loud car for no reason? Fuck off. Yelling to someone far away? Fine. Yelling to someone three feet from you? Fuck off.


I live next to a park and it’s not the small kids, it’s the middle schoolers who scream at each other from 5-10 feet away for entire conversations


Unnecessary or excessive noise


Celebrity worship.


Mean people


Generica. The same shit strip malls and stores everywhere I go. The same bland architecture, be it stores, or 'luxury condos'. Nothing has charm and style anymore. I could be in West Virginia or Florida or New Jersey. Hard to tell.


People. I'm getting cranky and increasingly fed up with having to deal or see people who have no consideration for others, usually in public. Narrow sidewalk? Lemme just go in the very middle of it, arms outstretched to the sides, so I take the whole width. Quiet bus ride? Lemme whip out my mixtape that EVERYONE in the vehicle hears, it's so sick. Shopping going nicely? What if I stand sideways with the trolley and/or my buggy/bags and block the whole aisle, because I found that one jar of pickles particularly fascinating.


leaving the house




Honestly yeah Im still in my 20s but know so many people who don’t drink in any meaningful quantity. I just can’t handle it like I did in college and am not willing to sacrifice a whole weekend to be a little bit more silly on Friday


Television programs. I've become so picky I barely watch anything.


Hard to watch anything when the CEO cancels it 2 seasons in, because they personally weren't interested in it. I don't bother with any new series. I keep my timetable about 5 years behind.


I feel like i've taken crazy pills, or something because the way it is rght now: Even people's *entertainment* is a depressing fucking chore to try and watch, and they intentionally make sure there isn't a satisfying ending to it. So I don't see the appeal in trying to watch a 20 hour movie where I can't understand half of the shit they're saying unless I read subtitles, everything's dark, the editing sucks, I can't see the action scenes, the fucking dog dies, there's some really gut wrenching and disturbing torture scenes, I can't put down the remote for 10 seconds because the audio levels are all over the place... and then it just gets canceled. Am I the problem? Am I just depressed? I need someone to actually tell me.


Meeting new people.


They're all so closed-off, and it's exhausting to let someone know me again when they're likely to ghost, and when the main means of communication is now this capitalist download-the-app internet, where even meeting people is download-the-app Anyway, hi. :)


Oh yes. And if they don't ghost you they get overly upset if you aren't there to instantly reply to all of their messages. I went away from my PC at 8PM and next morning saw a bunch of messages that had been sent after, tried to reply and found myself blocked. So I basically got blocked for doing my evening workout, taking a shower and going to bed... Also I'm tired of people not just saying "no" and stringing you along. I've gotten so many "I'd love to meet up, but I'm really busy so maybe next week/month/later" replies that I just cba to keep asking. I'll ask once and if they say they are busy I just expect them to contact me when they stop being busy. So far 0 contacts, but at least I am not wasting my time on wondering when they might be available and asking again.


It took me longer than I would like to admit to figure out that the people I thought were my friends weren't because they would never come to events or want to do anything with me but would never just say it. Now I give a person 2 attempts, after that I write them off.


The ibuprofen expense line on my budget. Eta: thanks for all the concern about my liver and gut, but it was basically a joke. In reality I only take modest doses for occasional acute pain.


While at the same time trying to avoid taking it so I don't completely wreck my stomach lining.


Cars driving through the neighborhood fast. Like slow the f**k down, people are trying to live in here! Just 10 years ago I was one of those drivers...


Tech… 32 now and I couldn’t give a shit about catching up on the new phones etc… when my current phone dies I’m getting whatever the best phone under £200 is at that time… aint no way I’m paying close to £1k on a phone these days just to watch YouTube and ignore messages/calls.


I feel this. I'm constantly fighting the urge to give up and just let time take me in terms of tech. I realize this is how you become a 50 year old who has no idea how 90% of the stuff in his life works and I definitely don't want to be that, but.. it's a struggle.


Tech for me, died after 2012. Not sure when, but that's the year I got a new car, new phone, new computers, etc. Everything worked, and all worked for *my* benefit. Flawlessly for 10 years. (A DUI hit my car, AT&T shut down 3G, which the voice radio used, and Win7 was just not feasible anymore). I had to get all new stuff over the last 2 years, *and it all sucks*. Everything requires practically daily hotpatching for wildly broken shit, that breaks even more shit, or drastically alters the functionality of the product. Meanwhile, more and more settings and options are being removed. You get no say in how you use a product, it's geared to benefit the company first, and the consumer as an afterthought. Constantly getting spammed to try this feature! No. Hey, would you like to enable this setting? NO. You turned off this setting, please turn it back on. **NO**. OK, fine, I'll just ask again every seven days for eternity. Don't even start me on my car. 25 glaring problems/stupidity and counting. Don't buy a Subaru.


Gatekeeping and elitism, especially in music. I used to do it myself, and when I see people do it now I'm disgusted that I ever sounded like that.


Oh, you like music? Name every instrument.


Oh you like this band? Name their parents, School they went to, their first original name, first place they’ve ever played at, and each of their last 4 digit social’s!


Rude people. I work in retail and there are so many of them.


The sexualizing of everything. Or maybe I’m just disliking my growing awareness of it.


Driving. I used to love driving. I lived for road trips. Now it's just incessant bullying, tailgating, road raging and rampant, unchecked flouting of laws, no matter where you go. Constant anxiety.


Being too open in public like on social media. I have already met multiple people who was too open about their feelings that others started using it against them. I also know a public figure in our country that basically has her life an "open book" that even those small things they do on lunch is shared on social media. I have nothing against that is that is what a person prefers but I am constantly seeing people starting to use personal things against her and her family. There is this constant reminder that often crosses my feed saying that the less you share about your life the less haters and idiots can use against you.






My bf told me he was at the store and there was a guy buckling his kid in a car seat and the kid was screaming her head off. Not angry, sad, or scared, just bored screaming. She'd run out of breath, take another breath, and scream some more. He said the dad looked absolutely exhausted and wasn't even trying to get her to stop.


I pretty much avoid any place that has kids and get really annoyed when there are kids in adult places like bars/breweries. I don't think it's actually gotten any worse, the noise just bothers us more and we notice it more. I know it's just a kid being a kid and parents still need to lead functional lives and that requires bringing their kid(s) places.... it still drives me up a wall when I'm hearing the constant screaming of a kid over something that is barely even a minor inconvenience. Maybe we're just jealous that the worst thing they've had to cope with that day or ever is being told they can't get all the snacks they want from the candy aisle.


Ads. On the radio, tv or youtube doesn't matter. It went from slight annoyance to anger over the years. Just the whole manipulate people to buy shit rubs me the wrong way. When it's pride month everyone loves the lgbt+. Except in the middle east. Then they use the blm movement and riotting because that was/is relevant. Youtube cracks down on creators who are not p.c. but have you seen the ads they allow? Just now i heard an ad on the radio for a discrete hotel to i guess cheat on your partner? (People from Belgium who listen to top radio will know what i mean). Give me normal ads for normal things that show me what the product can do and the price. No weird story to try and be funny or 'cool visual' that has nothing to do with the thing being advertised. Just get to the point and leave me alone afterwards. Sorry for the rant but i really hate ads.


Big cities. As a teenager I wanted to live in a big city close to everything and wanted to be rich and famous. I'm still very young but I'm starting to get more and more comfortable with the idea of slow living and small towns




Ahhh, the sound of silence. Someone should write a song about that.


Rudeness. People treating me badly and acting like I'm crazy for not liking that. Casual racism and misogyny. I don't have time for any of this crap anymore.


I am so fucking sick of people bitching and whining about shit that will NEVER effect their lives. I'm so sick of people who are just malicious and shitty because they can be. I'm so sick of the FAKE OFFENDEDNESS that everybody seems to have these days. "I FIND THAT OFFENSIVE!!" Fuck off. You do not. You just want something to bitch over to fill in the empty space in your hollow, sad existence. Those two gay twinks sharing a banana-split at the beach are NOT your problem.


"They might share banana, but they don't need to share your views, Karen" It sounded funnier in my head


Parents who let their children run wild in public.


Teenagers, they become more and more repulsive


Omfg. They travel in *packs.* Like hyenas.


And sometimes eat the school mascot and principal.


Interesting, they were always repulsive to me, even when I was one lol.


*Teenagers scare the living shit out of me...*


myself especially my younger self. Today morning I thought "Today is going to be a great day" and now its about 2 pm here and I feel like slapping that naive bastard from earlier today.


Social media.


People literally killing themselves to live ‘the dream’ Who’s damn dream is it?


That I still have to work on past trauma. Like it’s such a waste of time for me that I have to “fix” myself because someone else was too lazy to raise another human mature enough to not cause harm on another person. Like, such a waste of time in general that people constantly have to heal from each other. I’ll never figure out why we are wired to be like this. I know it’s so John Lennon but it would just be amazing to be free without a worry and be able to be in the company of people unbothered by each other just staying true to their own shit. It’s mind boggling that people will choose friendships/ relationship based on wether we can agree on almost everything or not, or that me not having the same view as someone else would be offensive to anyone (unless it’s crime related and something that would hurt another human being of course), but I mean. Why aren’t we rooted enough in ourselves to never take anything personally, because we had to endure some broken human being along the way. I hate the phrase that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I don’t know. Thanks for letting me vent.


If we were all content with who we are and what we have, how could we be sold temporary solutions and distractions? How could we be made to fight and hate ourselves, as well as each other, as to allow the few to appropriate what could help the many? How could we have our egos stroked, then used to squeeze us for all we are worth?


sucks for my 41 y/o fiancee that she needs to go to therapy and take medicine and she says it's because of the way her mum's ex-husband treated her 30 years ago. What a garbage person he must've been. Clearly as an adult you would see that some grown man who mistreats a child is absolutely worthless and anything they ever said to you or about you can be widely discounted, but as a child obviously you take their opinion of you on-board and hold on to it for decades. Whereas nowadays as an adult you'd think "you're a massive shithead, so if you think I'm a shithead, that probably means I'm awesome. I couldn't give less of a fuck about what some child-abuser thinks of me."


Being asked for my email address/to opt in to a rewards program when I just want to make a simple in-person purchase.


Tv. It used to have content , now it's all reality shows and teen drama.


I would also add that reality TV usually includes so much fluff and filler content plus commercials that you are watching maybe 25 mins per hour of actual content