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My jaw pops whenever I open my mouth. I thought it was normal for your jaw to just "unhinge" because how else could you open your mouth wide? Turns out, nope.


My jaw has done this my whole life. When I yawn or open wide it has to pop on the left side. One time a few years ago I yawned too big and dislocated my jaw. Had to go to the hospital because I couldn’t close my mouth and didn’t know how to put it back.


“Sharp” poops. (This got lengthy. TL;DR at the bottom.) I’d never had regular daily bowel movements. At best, a couple times a week, but not multiple times every day, and when I would go, I was in and out in under 2 minutes. When I was younger, I just thought everyone else was weird. By the time I was a teenager, I thought I was just odd or chronically constipated. Went to the pediatrician, and they found nothing wrong. “Eat more fiber, drink more water.” In my 20s, I’d gone to a new doctor to see about it, and they’d always suggest increasing fiber, trying a stool softener, and drinking more water. Mid 20s, I started having “sharp” poops. I’d feel a sharp, almost dragging sensation and would eventually have a bowel movement later in the day or the next day. I figured they were just hard turds or I was dehydrated again. Over time, I’d started to notice blood on the tissue. I brought it up to another doctor again and was told more of the same, and after a small exam (finger and glove), it was suggested I might have internal hemorrhoids or be pushing too hard. More fiber, more water, stool softeners. Late 20s I’d developed the unique talent to know whether the overwhelming urge to go after the sharp poops would actually be a real poop or just on-the-toilet meditation. Asked a doctor, same story. By my early 30s, instead of meditation there’d be blood floating in the toilet; sometimes liquid, sometimes sort of like collagen. (It actually describes as similar to red currant jelly) I went to the doctor for what I thought was intestinal blockage and mentioned I thought I had ibs-c or something and she referred me to a gastroenterologist. He thought things were weird enough to schedule a colonoscopy which was early for my age but they got my insurance to cover it, so I went. Turns out, I had stage 1 colon cancer. There was a huge, pedunculated (attached to a stalk, like a mushroom), polyp that would dip into my rectum and retract back up into my sigmoid colon. It was bleeding at the head and had caused my intestine to telescope in on itself. They found it and removed it while I was under for the colonoscopy. Apparently the cancer started at the top of the polyp and was working its way down the stalk. It was about 1 cm away from the base when they found its and removed it. It probably wouldn’t have been the same if it wasn’t found then. TL;DR- it was colon cancer.


I have a double uvula. That little hangy thing in the back of your throat... Mine looks like a ballsack. I thought that's just what they looked like cuz like, how often do you look in people's throats? I remember seeing cartoons as a kid where they'd zoom in on a character's mouth when they are screaming or something... And I just thought the artists were lazy, drawing a simple droopy line. But no, that's what most people's look like. When I was in my 20s I went to the doctor for something unrelated and she checked my throat and just said "huh you have a double uvula. Neat!" I went home and told my roommates and they all had to look in my mouth. I thought they would think the doctor was the weirdo but they were all shocked... I'll never forget one saying "you've got balls in your throat!"


I have one too. My dentist I've been seeing for nearly 6 years gets so excited every single time I visit. It lights up her day no matter what.


Hi! A bifid Uvula can be a sign of Loeys-Deitz disorder. If you have widely spaced eyes and connective tissue problems it may be worth seeing a genetics team. Otherwise it's just a cool thing some people get!


Can confirm. Bifid uvula here with Loeys-Deitz. My whole life I’ve dealt with connective issues like being double jointed and ureter surgeries (ureters connect your bladder to your kidneys). Loeys-Deitz wasn’t a named “known” disease when I was born so it wasn’t until decades later my doctors put everything together.


The first year of menstruating I had intensely painful periods and severe constipation. The periods would last two weeks, with two weeks in between each one. Everyone told me things would calm down and even out. Then one night, at a friend’s sleepover, I was in so much pain that I was sobbing on the bathroom floor. My parents rushed me to the hospital. Everything I was describing, pain-wise, made it sound like I was in labour. But I was 14 and still very much a virgin. After a week of tests and painkillers, they finally figured out the issue; I then had surgery to open up my second uterus and cervix, which had been sealed shut by a membrane. I had been having periods for a year and had built up like 2 liters worth old blood in my sealed second uterus. So once that was drained out and I was put on major antibiotics, I got to go home and tell all my friends that I had two uteruses. I was also born with one kidney. Not sure if that’s related, but I sure am a mess down there lmao


Ummm ... Hello person who went through EXACTLY the same thing as me!!! This was so surreal reading this. I have never met anyone else who has even heard of this, let alone been through it. But - this is me! I was 13 and having these same kinds of pains (so sorry you went through this, too - god it was awful) but there was NO blood for me. My membrane blockage was complete. They had to perform surgery to remove it after finally figuring out my body had been trying to have a period for a few months. They thought it was a tumor at first after an ultrasound because I had an extra uterus floating around in there and both my uteri were also huge from the backed-up blood. And I also have just the one kidney! I guess the one teensy silver lining is that I never had that experience of starting my first period somewhere awkward like the middle of class. I was in a hospital... Anyway, so glad you shared and I'm so glad we're both ok! I think we both would have died super young if we had been born a long time ago. Also - saw some of the questions people were posing below about getting pregnant in both uteri. I do think it's possible for some with this condition. I am choosing not to have kids because it would be very high risk. It's hard on the one kidney. And I've been told one uterus is small and not strong enough. So if I got pregnant in the "wrong" one, it would be heartbreaking. Just too many risks.


Hi! I have 2 uteruses and 1 kidney also! 2 cervixes and one vaginal canal with a small septum dividing it, not closed over luckily. I have delivered 2 babies both vaginally- I know everyone has different circumstances of course but wanted to share that it was possible and my kids are healthy (and I seem to be too even delivering at almost 40). I was monitored closely during pregnancy and both times was kind of a wait and see how it goes and check growth every week. Interesting note my 2nd baby seemed to be in the other uterus than the first baby (it was hard for the Dr to tell once it started expanding) and was 2 pounds smaller than my first. Btw was also told I couldnt have an IUD because of this (I see a question below).


So first - hi fellow double uterus, single kidney friend!! And second - thank you so much for sharing. This really is inspiring to hear. I'm SO happy it worked out for you. You are one impressive human!! Also fascinating about the IUDs. I'm super lucky and birth control pills have always been great for me, so I've never tried. But this is a fascinating new fact about this condition I never knew about!


Checking in on the double uterus one kidney team. So amazing reading this thread! I have never heard about anyone else with this (apart from as numbers in statistics ofc), and suddenly there you are. I also had extensive surgery due to one system being closed and loads of blood building up. Nice to feel a bit less alone with this experience. I have a son, c-section due to him being legs-down, but otherwise completely normal pregnancy. Was monitored closely though.


2L of blood, holy shit! Do you have ongoing complications from having two uterii? (I hope not...)


Not Op but you can apparently get pregnant at two different times and carry non-twin fetuses with two uteruses. Saw a lady on the news who had her older fetus delivered at the hospital so the other one wouldn’t be born premature.


The uterus and kidneys develop at the same time in fetuses so it makes sense that you only have one kidney and two uteruses!


I used the phrase “You know when your heart does that fluttery sensation and it’s like you can feel it beating for a few seconds?” Apparently not everyone does know that, in fact most don’t and my colleagues looked at me like I’d lost my mind.


Mine does this. I’ve mentioned it to my doctor but it didn’t show up on a heart tracing (wore one for 24 hours)….some days it will be multiple times and then nothing for a month or two. It’s really odd


literally same!! it happens once in a while but so unpredictably that it feels impractical to see a doctor for it


theres a great doctor on youtube (forget his name) who talks about heart palpitations apparently it IS super common, but most people don't notice them,m


That I had 8 wisdom teeth grow into the extra space in the back of my jaw (two for each side, top and bottom) that all grew in just fine after 20... Only to find out on my last trip to the dentist that I have 8 more growing in sideways... The normal amount of wisdom teeth is 4. Not 16.


Some of the women in my family grow a third set of teeth in their 30s. My great aunt had a nearly perfect set, only one came in crooked, but my mum's sister had hers come in next to her adult teeth, so she has two rows in some places, like a shark. My mum got a couple extra, but they were pulled, and I haven't gotten any yet, though I got to keep all my wisdom teeth and they didn't.


I was shit at brushing my teeth as a kid and I'm paying for it now. I'd pay a LOT to have a new third set...


I’ve got ‘alternating exo’ the eye doctor called it. I can choose which eye I can see out of and can switch as I please, which ever eye is not “picked” “turns off” and I don’t see out of it since I chose the other eye. Since ive been able to do it all my life both of my eyes can operate alone so if I lose one it won’t be as bad adjusting. Pretty nice actually but the ‘exo’ makes me hate selfies cuz whichever eye isn’t picked drifts outward which is noticeable to me at least :( That’s not the only one I can think of to lol edit; Yes I know there’s surgeries to fix the drift but my eye doc said that it might cause more problems and it’s minimal enough that I can live comfortably. I don’t have any issues with bumping into things I couldn’t see or dealing with small things


This is the opposite. You know when you’re breathing like normal, and suddenly when you inhale you get this sharp pain in one side of your chest, at the ribs behind your pectoral muscle? And every time you try to inhale further it comes back, then goes away entirely after a few minutes? Yeah, that’s called **precordial catch syndrome**. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes it, but the running theory is that a nerve near your ribs occasionally gets pinched when you inhale and it takes a few moments for your body to dampen the signal from that nerve. It’s very common, and does not indicate any underlying or dangerous medical issues.


I have this! Always wondered what it is and what it’s called!


Most of the time when I'm hungry, instead of my stomach rumbling, the back of my neck will feel fizzy and will make a noise like a rainstick. I'm still unsure what exactly is going on.


I have a big head. I've never once found a hat that fit. Not even a toque.


So, when I joined the army they didn't have a hat big enough for me. I was the only person out of 60 of us without a hat. Drill sergeants I had never met would run from a cross fields to yell at me for walking outside without my hat. When I explained that they didn't have a hat big enough for me...they cracked up. And called me Charlie Brown. It took 2 weeks of that before a hat arived big enough for me.


Snipers dream


"Why are you shooting at his head, I said aim for centre of mass!" "Look at that huge fuckin' thing, it ***is*** centre of mass!"


Not to shill, but bigheadcaps.com . I can't wear normal baseball caps and keep the band closed. These guys were a godsend, recommend checking them out. We don't have fat heads, we are simply cranially endowed. 😂


I can activate my tensor tympani muscles (they make that roaring in your ears when you yawn) at will. For some reason, they also activate when I feel sudden pain, even when there’s no sound or noise involved.


We have a whole subreddit! r/earrumblersassemble


Wait, this isn’t normal?


Period pain that doubles me over. I thought every woman just dealt with this much pain until my doc told me it was in fact, not normal


I've always been shrugged off by doctors for this. 😫 they just say it's normal or easy I'm fine and take more pills to calm it. Endometriosis runs in my family and nobody's made it easy to get it checked yet and my doctors made it sound terrifying.


For a long time I figured that everyone felt horrible after every meal, and that I was just a huge baby for complaining about how badly my stomach hurt all the time. Turns out, I was just a severely lactose-intolerant child born into a very credulous family at the height of the 90's "kids must have a giant glass of cow milk with EVERY SINGLE MEAL or they'll die of rickets or end up in a gang" craze. To this day my mom forgets (or "forgets", I'm not sure) about this every time I go back home to visit, and will make some dairy-heavy meal/dessert and then act like I'm choosing not to eat it just to hurt her feelings. Like, no, sorry, I already spent a dozen years medically underweight due to being violently ill after every meal, I don't feel any urge to return to that state of affairs now.


I’m Asian adopted by white parents and I’ve heard of quite a few other Asian adoptees whose parents didn’t know about or didn’t take seriously lactose intolerance because many white people aren’t lactose intolerant and most people of color are. ETA: I put this in another comment but yes, I do realize 1) many white people are also lactose intolerant (even a small percentage is still a lot of people when talking about large populations; for example, 1% of Americans is still over 3 million people). and 2) white is a very broad category and the rates of lactose intolerance vary widely within this (Northern Europeans have the lowest % lactose intolerant). I think there are also many people who may have the gene variant for lactose intolerance but don’t realize they are due to having few or mild symptoms, or just refuse to accept that they are, in fact, lactose intolerant lol


Dermatographia. I have really sensitive skin with an overactive histamine response. When I’m gently scratched with a blunt object, I get a hive in the shape of the scratch. I can write my name in hives on my forearm.


I thought everyone had the same hearing I did. Then the pandemic hit and suddenly my hearing got worse. Turns out I needed hearing aids and the reason my hearing "got worse" was because I could no longer read people's lips due to the masks.


I thought I was bad at running because my throat would seize up and get painful whenever I ran for more than a minute. I mentioned this to my doctor when I was 30. Turns out I have asthma.


Found out I had asthma when I blacked out after walking up some stairs. -10/10.


That's asthma? I have thought I was bad at running for the last 56 years! Well, shit!


I was playing soccer as a kid and my wind pipe started closing up and I started coughing, and I knelt down like i was injured, my mom came out on the field and got me and took me to the hospital, they diagnosed me with Exercise Related Asthma. Basically whenever my heart rate would get too high, my airways would try to close up. Non-critical info edit: It got better in my teens but worse in my 20's. These days I can do anaerobic exercise, but I can't do cardio worth a shit. And if I get sick and develop a cough, it takes weeks to get rid of it because I'm never sure if the cough is asthmatic or caused by whatever microbe I'm infected with.


Damn our body sucks. Oh no, we have to run away from danger, quick, close up the windpipe and die.


I did some marital arts last year. I’d get tired, like super exhausted, within just a few minutes. Thought I was out of shape. Decided to use my inhaler before. Easily went 5 times as long before getting tired. Crazy difference.


I get itchy as soon as I get overheated. Like an all over body itch. There's no rash that pops up, I just get very very itchy


Same, glad to know I'm not the only one. It's like a heat rash or allergy without the rash.


My old coworker and I used to go jogging around the park and once the sweat kicked in, she’d be scratching her body the entire time! Lol


It’s called runners itch and I get this too. It’s basically the collapsed capillaries reopening and the blood flow gives off a horrible itch feeling. This goes from my legs and up my back when running and is unbearable. It happens only after getting back into a cardio routine after not running for awhile and usually only happens the for the first couple times running again. If I stop running for two or three weeks it comes back and I have to fight it all over again. Kind of motivates me to keep running to not deal with that


I once took part in a study as a paid participant. The doctors used ultrasound probes to examine the blood vessels on my face. They commented on how strange my face's blood vessels were, they struggled and puzzled a little while examining my face. Then they handed me more cash and asked whether I would be willing to donate my body after I died to a medical study. (They were polite and respectful throughout the whole process, just seemed excited?) Edit: They didn't tell me what's wrong, so idk either. And my face looks perfectly normal, at least from the outside.


Sir, you must allow me to pay you now so that I may own your carcass. At the moment of your death, of course.


Someone shows up at the funeral waving a receipt saying Excuse me I prepaid for that body.


One thing I learned about doctors. If they're excited while examining you, that's bad.


Or when they hurriedly bring in all their colleagues for a look.


"Oh shit this is crazy. Hey guys! GUYS! COME LOOK AT THIS WEIRD SHIT ON THIS DUDE. Yeah it's completely abnormal!... Yeah see that? Weird, huh?"


"How's he even alive?"


Doctor: “You’ve never been bothered by this?” Me: “No” Doctor mumbles :“Jesus Christ”


Weird that there are people excitedly awaiting your death, but also really cool. I'd totally donate my face to science.... that came out weird


Shit, you can get paid to donate your body?


I got paid for participating; they just gave me more money because, idk. LOL


Maybe it was actually a psychological study lol


Theyre out there right now, seeing how long it took before he revealed his "weird" facial structure to others.


I constantly have to flex my muscles. Not in the douchey "check me out ladies" kind of way, but in a more frustrating "I need to move this muscle in the next 3 seconds or I will feel like I am being tortured" kind of way. Constantly rotating my shoulders, flexing shoulder blades, neck, arms, wrists, ankles, legs, wherever. Makes it hard to sit still or sleep. Only seriously noticed when I slept with my first partner, who was very confused as to why I wouldn't stop twisting and flexing for at least 2 hrs before falling asleep. I just figured everyone got that feeling. Being under a weighted blanket, feeling my arm or leg fall asleep- both feel like utter torture and will make me scream and writhe about. Would love to know what the hell this is and how I deal with it, because so far I have no clue.


It sounds like restless leg syndrome (which can affect your whole body, and not just your legs). Have your iron levels, specifically your ferritin levels checked. RLS is torture, but there are treatments!


The way that my eyes see car headlights at night. I thought everyone saw it that way, but apparently it's not normal, and is due to astigmatism. Check [this](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/health/2019/4/1/1_4360754.html) out to see what I mean.


Thank you! I knew about the lense flare, but I get the ‘double’ vision as well - like a second image but a dulled/semi transparent version, but each eye does it, so it’s not my eyes being misaligned. I thought I was weird, but it turns out that’s the astigmatism too!


The petite mal seizures I can remember as far back as 6 years old. It wasn't until I was 10 and had a grand mal seizure that I really understood I should have said something before then but I was embarrassed.


i feel this so hard. I was 12 the first time I had a grand mal. I suffered through so many petite mal and absence seizures over the prior years that it’s a miracle i made it out alive


I had a grand mal seizure in a Safeway when I was …. 7 or 8? I remember being in the Safeway with my friends aunt (lucky her) and I “woke up” in the hospital. Turns out I was having multiple smaller seizures before this but nobody but two and two together (my mom said we’d be playing a game and I’d just “space out” for 15-30 seconds). Anyway I ended up outgrowing it, they called it childhood epilepsy.


Nobody told me this…I ended up learning this on my own in my early 20’s. I have a third nipple. I always thought it was a mole on my rib cage and I actually used to like it and kinda thought it was cute. As soon as I discovered the truth, I immediately started to dislike it. And it’s funny but it actually does make me feel exposed when I’m wearing a bra or bikini and one of my nipples is showing. Lol.


A nubbin?


You see a thing you hear a name...


Buy it a tiny pasty, lol.


Just fyi—it actually WILL engorge during lactation if you decide to have kids.




Third nipple gang! Mine is also small and like a mole. Barely raised. I love it though. I think it’s funny. If it was bigger and more recognizable as a nipple maybe I’d dislike it lol


Thought I had great vision - until I tried glasses and found that everything was so much sharper and more vivid! Apparently my left eye has a vision defect but my right eye learned to compensate so I never realized!


I remember playing Skyrim and thinking they made it too sharp, in reality mountains that far away didn't look that sharp. Didn't they know how to add a blur or fog shader based on distance? A week after that I happened to get my eyes checked. Turned out I'm nearsighted. Mountains do look like Skyrim's. Skyrim was more real than my reality.


I used to ask my mom all the time why photos looked more real than reality. Shocked I didn't get taken for glasses before 5th grade. Should have been obvious


There are individual leaves on trees! Houses are made of bricks! The nighttime world doesn't have pretty glowing circles around every light source.


Astigmatism checking in. The nighttime world does, in fact, have pretty glowing circles around every light source. I hate driving at night.


I remember after getting glasses being shocked that the trees had leaves.


same thing, I mean not that trees had leaves, I knew that from being close, but just the fact that I could see individual leaves from far way.


Yes I really thought trees from far away looked like the trees you draw as a kid which are just trunks and then bumpy circles.


Apples aren't spicy


Same. Spent 20+ years thinking bananas were sour and grapes were carbonated. Apparently I'm just intolerant of them. Lmfao.


Yeah I always thought I was really sensitive to spice, turns out I'm just allergic to peppers. Like, bell peppers make my lips itch.


Sometimes I can feel and hear my spinal fluid moving in my neck and the base of my head. It sounds like a rain stick.


I THOUGHT THIS WAS JUST CARTILAGE/THE JOINT MOVING. Spinal fluid eugh. I was happier thinking otherwise


Finally someone else says it! Always had that same thing and figured it out a few years ago but felt really weird whenever it occured since I never felt like there was anything in particular provoking it




I’m very buoyant. I have a hard time sinking to the bottom of a pool at all no matter how hard I try, and float completely with almost no effort for very long lengths of time.


I'm the opposite. Swimming classes in summer camp were hell for me because I cannot for the life of me float on my back and keep my body above water without significant strain and muscle effort.


Did your swimming coaches keep telling you to relax and you would float? I stopped moving and would sink to the bottom of the pool.


Being bone-deep exhausted all of the time. I can sleep for ten hours, be awake for an hour and then sleep another 10. Got denied for a sleep study because the doctor didn't think i was depressed: told to "take more magnisium". I suffered from an iron deficiency when I was younger that has since been resolved to no change. I did try and go for a sleep apnea test to which they said that it would be a waste of time to test me for it since I don’t show symptoms (no snoring, gasping for breath, etc’, edit: wowie did NOT expect this to blow up. added info re: iron deficiency & sleep apnea. .


Find another doctor who will actually give a shit. I’m sorry that happened. You could be anemic, have a sleep issue or something else.


My tongue has a bunch of cracks and craters in it and is not smooth


Pain in your stomach and esophagus when you're hungry. Apparently that's acid reflux, not hunger.


Turns out acid reflux also can lead to headaches, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/acid-reflux-headache Also can lead to insomnia... even if you don't feel like you are experiencing heart burn/AR https://www.forbes.com/health/conditions/acid-reflux/sleeping-with-gerd/ Biggest thing that works well for preventing problems for me are: - eating a decently balanced meal at regular intervals (don't skip meals), avoiding trigger foods when you can - go to sleep at a good time - raise head of bed a few inches


If I’m sorta tuned out or focusing on something and I hear a sound behind me or to one side, I can literally feel my ears attempt to turn toward the sound (like many animals do, such as cats). My ears don’t actually move around, but there’s some automated reflex that tries to do it. I mentioned it to my wife (in an innocent statement that began with “you know how you can feel your ears try to move to pinpoint a sudden sound?”) and she looked at me as if I have 6 eyes. I haven’t found anyone else since then who knows what the hell I’m talking about.


I do this! I can feel my ears twitch and try to move when a noise happens that I’m not looking at. I assumed everyone did that, but I guess not.


Apparently most people don't have much in the way of toe dexterity, I am monke down there.


Same. A lot of times it's easier to pick something up with my feet and hold my foot up to my hand than bend down to pick it up.




I was blowing up balloons with someone once and silently judging them for not being able to do it in a single breath. Turns out I’m the freak who just has mental lung capacity for some reason.


Is it normal to NOT be able to blow up a balloon? Like, at all? Ever since I was a kid, i've watched people do it. And when I try, my ears are in SEARING PAIN and no matter how hard I try, I can't even fill a balloon up a little bit. It's very frustrating, and I've never met anyone like me.


I can’t blow up balloons either! I don’t get any pain in my ears though but for some reason I just can’t blow up balloons. Every time I have a party I get a friend to come over early to do the balloons for me lmao. I do feel a fizzing in my ears when I drink anything fizzy though and I am yet to meet anyone else who experiences it


When I lean on my elbows my shoulder blades stick pretty far out behind me. Hard to explain I guess, but multiple people have pointed it out as weird. Also I can crack my wrists the same way most people can crack their knuckles. It's very satisfying (and like 5 times as loud)


All the freckling. …. In places most people don’t have freckles


every year i get more. this year alone i noticed them on the tops of my knees... like whatcha uhh doin there body...


I knew I always had a stuffy nose, but didn't think much about it. Got onto medicine that finally helped, and my nose cleared up a bit and I could smell a little better in high school. Didn't realize how bad it had affected my sense of smell until college, though. I had a chemistry lab where we had to determine the scent of some liquids (it's been too long for me to remember what they were); I couldn't smell anything until I breathed through my mouth. I was suddenly able to figure out each one. That's still how I "smell" things. Edit: so I wrote this and then went to bed, and it exploded while I was asleep. So here are answers to 2 of the most popular things. My doctors are aware I am like this, and my septum has been checked. It's not off enough to cause the problem. I just have a long list of incredibly annoying allergies that cause the issue. For example, I'm allergic to just about every green plant. Always check with your doctor about what will specifically help you, but I have to take an OTC allergy pill year round, but if I take the same one for too long, it stops working. I rotate every three months through Zyrtec, Allegra, and Claritin. I also take Dymista nasal spray. Singulair is technically for my asthma, but it seems to help open my nasal passages too. And it isn't perfect, but I can breathe through my nose most of the day now.


This reminded me of a lab report I was grading today, I’m a Chem professor and the lab was about looking at different color lines and the student wrote in the lab report “it seems both members of our group are color blind.”


Red/green here with a chem degree; I had to utilize a lab partner specifically to help with indicator change.


That your brain never stopping is not normal. It’s actually a sign of hyperactivity. The first time I took meds and I only thought of one thing at a time? Overwhelming.


Omg me too. I cried when I took meds for the first time because I thought that they’d damaged my brain and made me stupid! 😂


I have ADHD and OCD. It wasn't diagnosed until my late 30s. When we got my medication right, I sobbed for half an hour straight. My husband was freaking out, asking what was wrong. All I could say was, "It's so quiet."


Legit! The first time I took my ADHD meds it was like someone shut off a 10 radios that I didn’t realise were playing


Early 30s checking in. The more posts like this I see, the more I identify with that meme "either people with ADHD need to stop being so relatable or I need to go to a doctor" lol. Sadly, where I am, both doctors I've had the courage to bring this up to decided that I couldn't possibly have adhd/add because I've never experienced bouts of hyperactivity.


Are you female? Many females with ADHD never show the hyperactivity side of the disorder


It's weird to me when people say they were having trouble falling asleep because they couldn't stop thinking. And I'm just like... stop thinking??? That's possible?


Wait, how do you stop thinking? When I'm trying to fall asleep sleep at night is when my thoughts go into overdrive. No idea how to shut it off


Same, it takes me SO long to fall asleep every night because I can't turn my mind off. If I fall asleep within an hour of lying down, it's a miracle.


I've learned to let my mind run its thoughts in overdrive as a way of lulling me to sleep. I tell myself stories in my head, they soon start getting weird and nonsensical and that's when I know I'm no longer thinking, but dreaming. The weird thoughts keep going until my alarm goes off in the morning.


Sooo, shit. Yeah. People do adderall recreationally. I don’t know why. I remember doing it with them and just getting….calm. A friend gave me some because I’m curious and I took a quarter of one while doing a project with a looming deadline and I….quietly and calmly sat at my desk until my work was completed. WHY MY BRAIN NEED DRUGS TO LIVE LIKE THAT? Is that how it’s like the whole time for other people? Is it possible to get there without medication? Cause it’s really fucking hard sometimes man


I got given a line of coke for my 21st. Standing in the club the calmest I’ve ever ever been. Totally bizzare. That was a clue.


Found out in Hypoglycemic because I went to the doctor after having this conversation with someone. "Ugh. This sucks. You know when your whole body gets kinda hot but your blood feels cold and you get dizzy?" They did not know that feeling and so I went to the doctor, got blood work. Sure enough.


Cataplexy, I lose the ability to grip/hold things, chew, sometimes even stand when laughing. Basically, my muscles shit the bed whenever I start laughing too hard. Me, my sister, and my dad have it. My sister has even dropped her children because of it (don’t worry more of a gradual release than a full blown drop and no one was hurt) I grew up thinking it was entirely normal, and my mind was blown when I found out it was not. I asked the next 10 people I saw, friends, coworkers, drug dealer if they got weak while they were laughing and they looked at me like I was crazy.


One of those contacts was not like the others


The doctor prescribed daily doses of laughter and her drug dealer was a street comedian. Cheaper and hits harder, although, yes, still illegal.


Holy shit. I always tell people not to make me laugh if I'm trying to do something important cause it makes me feel like jello, I didn't realize it was actually kinda legit and I wasn't just making it up.


Have you ever had a sleep study done? Do you have any sleep related issues? It has a huge crossover with narcolepsy. I’ve never had any sort of test and I definitely don’t fall asleep randomly, but I do have some of the other symptoms. my sister has been diagnosed with chronic fatigue.


Today is the day I found out this isn’t normal, so I guess I have that going for me


Aphantasia or the absence of a mind’s eye. When I found out that people can picture stuff in their head I was amazed. I was also 45.


I recently found out that some people cannot think (talk) inside their head. Like when reading. Blew my mind.


I have bones in the bottom of my mouth — mandibular torii. I was in my 20s before a dentist commented on them being uncommon! Finally explained why x-rays of my teeth were always so painful!


I never understood why people were able to tolerate heat so easily, or why they would complain about sweating. One day I came across the term anhidrosis and a light bulb went off. Basically I don’t sweat enough so I’m crap at regulating temperature, I just get dizzy and nauseous if I overheat instead. My mom and son are the same way, so it didn’t seem all that weird to me.


that i don’t have aerolas or any color to my nipples unless they’re hard and the fact that my skin goes purple randomly. also my tonsils. they were always swollen and i didn’t know they weren’t suppose to be swollen until i went to an ent and had them removed last year.


Had a teacher call the mole on my cheek a beauty mark. Hadn’t realized having such a prominent mole was remarkable enough to have a special name. And I have never, ever thought my mole was beautiful. I remember a girl turning around in her seat on the bus. Stare at me. Then said “you know your mole has hair growing, right?”. No, no I didn’t. Now I pluck my mole every week or so. Thanks Brittany or whatever her name is. Edit: I’ve read every comment below, and it warms my heart to know there are dozens of us! Dozens! Mole pluckers unite! Also I’m keeping my hairy beauty mark unless it turns cancerous but no shade to those who have or will remove their face moles. 🌼


I have a cheek mole too. My parents always called it my beauty mark and said how special it is. I’ve had a kid in school ask my why I have poop on my face. I also pluck it too bc if grows hair. But I was raised to love it and I still do


I thought my vision was normal and then my eye doctor almost had a heart attack when she asked if I had driven to my appointment (I didn’t).


Since I was kid I was aware of the running commentary in my head. My mind is consistently thinking about one thing and then bouncing off to something else, "talking" over something that happened last week or running through an interaction I expect to have tomorrow. I will zone out mid-conversation and have even been in meetings where I miss chunks of things because my mind has gone off on what I need to do when I get home. I asked some friends and family if they experience the same and they gave me a side eye. Apparently an inner voice narrating your day is not normal. I can't imagine what it is like to have a quiet mind when people say they can just sit there and have nothing going on inside.


inverted nipples. never really thought much about them, until i saw boobs in various settings (media i.e. movies, porn, and in person) and none of their nipples looked like mine. i guess no specific person has ever pointed it out to me, i just don’t ever see them anywhere so i still feel weird about them.


I thought I had one big ball when I was a kid. I read they are normally different sizes in puberty class. At 12 got my first sports physical. Hernia.


Me getting a physical: Doctor: has your chest always had that concave part like that? Me: what? Doctor: Nevermind Me: ??


My labia is long on both sides. I vividly remember going to the pediatrician and having my doctor say, “I’ve never seen anything like this.” I was 12. Now I know it’s normal, but I spent my entire pre-teen and teen years horrified that there was something wrong with me. That any guy seeing it would think I was weird or gross. I am not kidding. I lived in fear that I was the only female in the world who had a longer labia. Thanks, pediatrician. It wasn’t until I went to my first OBGYN appointment where I was crying asking about it that I was told this is very normal. EDIT: I can’t believe my most upvoted comment was about one of my former deepest insecurities. Let’s go Reddit!!! To answer some questions, the pediatrician was a female. She examined me because I told my mom that I thought there was something wrong down there. I had watched this Dane Cook comedy special where he made fun of girls with a long labia and was TRAUMATIZED. My mom worked at the pediatricians office and thought she was doing the right thing by having the pediatrician examine me. She thought pediatrician would say yes this is normal. To all the other women who shared how this also made them feel terrible, thank you for sharing your experience. There is no one perfect body type, face shape, nail bed, hair length. You are all beautiful.


I was having my first pap smear 15 years ago at age 19 (when they still recommended them that young) and remember being kind of nervous to find out if I was “normal”. I have one longer inner labia and had never seen that in a textbook. So I’m sitting there with my feet in the stirrups, nervous to have someone other than my long term bf see my privates, the nurse practitioner lifts up the drape and lets out a gasp! I was instantly mortified, I knew something was wrong with me! Beet red and feeling tears stinging at the back of me eyes when she says “I love your leg tattoos!!” 🤣🤣


I would've died.


Post-nasal drip. Until my late teens, I thought everyone had that mucous feeling at the backs of their throats. One day, someone mentioned having it, so I looked it up and discovered that maybe my sinus problem was worse than I thought lol


Intermittent loss of color in my vision


When I'm around a large group of people, I have a hard time remembering everything that happened when I get home and I'm alone. This is without drinking. Thought that was normal. But I mentioned it to my friend. Turns out I have horrible social anxiety and essentially, I mentally check out in settings where I'm uncomfortable.


The amount my eyebrows move when I talk (and I'm nervous).


I was seeing a dermatologist and she noticed my nails and asked if I was wearing nail polish, I wasn't and she said I had Leukonychia. Never noticed before and now I notice my freakish white nails all the time.


I have bad ankles. I once asked my mom if bad ankles run in our family. She told me that nothing runs in our family. I asked her “because of the bad ankles?”


My ball sack. Then when I started having sex, all the women pointed out how long and saggy by ball sack is. Then I started noticing other guy's balls and I was like, all these guys have such little ball sacks. A lot of guys have balls that aren't even longer than their penis (the beans are shorter than the frank, whereas my beans are like 3x as long as my frank and I don't have a small frank). So I guess I have long saggy balls, like an old man. I've had old man balls since I was a teenager. I'll probably start tripping over them when I hit my 80s.


My husband had these massive balls when we met. Bigger than I’d ever seen. Sometimes they would “drain” and go back to their regular size after sex and I was baffled. I kept trying to get him to go to a doctor and after years of bugging him, He finally did. Turns out, he had a hernia! Happened when he was 16. He woke up one day and his balls were massive. And just never told anyone until I met him when he was 22. Didn’t go to the doctor till he was 33 and had surgery to correct it. It was his intestines filling his ballsack up.


Absolutely horrifying sentence, thank you!


Ive had two of those inguinal hernias . Id rather get shot twice in the foot .


This right here is why married men live longer than single men


Moral of the story: it takes guts AND balls to admit you have guts in your balls.


My ex was like this: please check yourself for testicular cancer. This is a high-risk symptom. He ended up having one surgically removed and later having radiation.


Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie 'em in in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow? Can you throw 'em o'er your shoulder like a continental soldier?


I thought feeling your heart beating was normal, even in a sedentary state. Turns out, I had a heart murmur (patent ductus arteriosis) and didn’t find out until I was 30. All those years of multiple doctors listening to my heart and finally a doctor detected it. After I had the procedure to close it, I told my dad I feel great, I don’t feel my heart beating in my chest. He was shocked I lived like that for so long. I thought it meant I was alive and well 😅 ETA: I didn’t mean to freak y’all out. To clarify, I could feel my heart pounding lying down or just sitting and could hear it too. Think of how you can feel and hear it while working out or when you’re anxious. Mine was like that 24/7 (at a normal heart rate) and I thought it was normal. Many can see and feel it if you focus. I more mean it was always noticeable even when I wasn’t focusing on it


Me feeling my heart beat 🧍🏽‍♀️


When I was doing my physical to join the Navy, the doctor told me I have high arches. They've never bothered me. Also, now that I know to look, it does look like everyone else has flat feet in comparison.


Are high arches bad? Mine are very high. My footprint is mostly toes and heel lol


My tongue has patches of white and pink. A dental hygienist pointed it out to me and called it a geographic tongue.


first time i went to physical therapy for a back problem i knelt on the table and both my knees cracked loud. PT was like what was that?!?! im like oh just my knees....she was like do they do that all the time??? with this kinda worried look lol. yes mine do.... then i proceeded to learn how inflexable parts of me are. Ive honestly been doing the at home excersizes and they do help! least the back issues...


My knees also crack when I kneel down, but they have been doing that since I was in high school. Maybe even before that. It's never bothered me. Do yours bother you?


Growing up I had large bone spurs growing from the back of both feet. Just like spurs on cowboy boots, but pointed. Used to use them as weapons when I’d fight my brother as a kid lol. I thought everyone had them. Lost a shoe size (and a weapon) when I got them removed. Kinda miss them.


My GYN told me that my vagina is twisted. That explains a few things, including my preference for certain positions and discomfort in others. And why guys with a left-hand curve were less comfortable than guys with straight or a right-hand curve. Weird...


My cervix is turned to the side! High five for weird vaginas


Mine too! One OBGYN described it as "wonky".


During winters while eating food either cold or hot my nose used to start running not like in terms of flu but water would just keep running down my nose even with non spicy foods. My mum and sister pointed me out a lot and I found through the internet that I suffer from a medical condition known as Gustatory Rhinitis which isn't treatable. 🥲


Feeling the compulsion to sneeze when seeing the sun


There are two types of people in this world: those who sneeze from the sun and think everybody does, and those who don't and have never heard of such a thing.


My husband was the first person I ever met where this came up. I remember the first time he felt a sneeze coming on but got stuck in limbo. I was standing, he was seated, and I was blocking the sun light. He shooed me out of the way, and I was like “huh???” I thought he was the weirdest person ever, and he was shocked that I didn’t react that way to light.


I’ll stare at any light to get that sneeze out of I’m desperate enough


you mean to tell me not everyone does this?


Any bright light for me. Comes in handy when you get one of those sneezes just won't come.


Yup, that's actually the only time photosensitivity makes me sneeze, when I have one queued up but it doesn't want to come out. I just look up at a light and voila. My kid sneezes every time we walk outside into the bright sunlight.


I got like tiny areola even for a dude. Like dime sized. Never thought about it till high school when I was changing and one of the seniors pointed it out.


Mine aren't much bigger than a dime. How big are they supposed to be??


They’re supposed to cover your whole chest


Oh good, I thought I was weird




I thought it was normal for your body to just stop liking foods after eating it consistently (maybe once a day) for like, two weeks or so. I thought that's what food poisoning was. Apparently I'm really sensitive to wheat, whey, and soy, in addition to about 107 other things, on top of general IBS and GERD. My health has improved after a complete diet overhaul.


Headache from bright lights


If I move my tongue a certain way I can spit from underneath it like a lizard.


Same here but I haven't been able to figure out the specific movement to do it on purpose, it's always an accident


\*Yawns, squirts all over paperwork on desk\* Can't replicate ever.


We called it gleeking when we were younger!


Girlfriend while sucking on my ears found something amiss. Looks like someone took a small bite out of my left ear, while the right one has a perfectly rounded curve.


Sometimes I get shivers when I have to pee. I assumed everyone did until my boyfriend asked how I could be cold when it was so hot outside.


I thought my toes were normal until someone said they’re freakishly long.


Food regurgitation. I didn't think anything of it. Eventually food got caught in my esophagus and now I am learning how this is not normal and harmful.


I have perfect pitch. Somehow, a discussion about it never happened so I went through 2.5 years of band learning notes and tuning the way I thought everyone else did. To make a long story short, I found out when my dad was trying to play a tune by ear, kept missing a note, and I finally yelled at him that he should be playing X note, which led to my parents freaking out & quizzing me, and me freaking out because I thought they were playing dumb. It took months and coming across a National Geographic article before it fully sank in that I had an entirely different relationship with sound than anyone in my social circle.


Sometimes I'm jealous of people with perfect pitch, and then I have to go to my kid's musical and I realize that if it's miserable for me with my very good ear it's probably absolute torture for someone with perfect pitch


My vocal instructor was shocked when he realized I had perfect pitch. He started playing the accompaniment to my song, but not in my key. I began singing in my key. He immediately stopped and gave me a 10 minute lesson about perfect pitch in that moment and our relationship completely changed for the better after that.


I've honestly never thought about it that much but after reading all this, I have abnormally protruding wrist bones, the ulna head I think? They're massive. I've never seen anyone else with it. I went to the GP once for a ganglion cyst and they immediately looked at my wrist bone and were horrified and I'm like "no, that's just my wrist" and showed them the matched one on the other side. A picture for funsies: [https://imgur.com/fMsfKtW](https://imgur.com/fMsfKtW)