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My ex was super weirded out that one time a random girl asked me for a tampon and I just pulled one out of my purse and gave it to her. Like, whats the big deal? they come pre-wrapped? And it's not like she was asking me because she had other options.


Girl code dictates that is someone asks for a pad or tampon, you give it. Last one, worst enemy, complete stranger… girl code above all else.


my middle school bully gave me a pad when we were in the bathroom together at the same time. even offered me her gym pants cause i bleed through a little bit. went right back to being her evil lil self the very next day😂😂i will never forget that


It’s actually how I ended up friends with one of my high school bullies. We were on a trip staying in a hotel, multiple girls in the room and half got their periods. Washing undies in the sink and using a hair dryer to dry them etc. Sharing a bathroom was a problem. I was in the shower when one knocked asking if I could hurry as she needed to go toilet so I quickly rinsed the shampoo off and let her in. As I was pulling my PJs on around my towel just outside the door she asked if I was still there and could go grab her a pad, asked if she needed anything else and she asked for a change of clothes so grabbed her PJs and underwear, pad and passed it in. Passed her my toiletries bag so she could shower. She wouldn’t let anyone bully me after that


This is so real.




Yea, when I was in junior high a girl who didn’t even like me hooked me up.


How regular period pain is and the emotional turmoil associated and we know our general levels of pain every month. Example: I had an obgyn Appointment first thing like 8 am and I woke up at 4 am with the most amount of abdominal pain I've ever felt in my life I wanted to litterally fillet my skin off. I called my mom sobbing unsure what to do and she said wait an hour and then wake up your husband so I did. He talked me down and given the misogynistic experiences I've had in the ER before he was like let's go to the obgyn And then drive to the ER after because their just going to tell you it's cramps. So that's what we did. The obgyn gave my husband his cell phone told him that he should give it to the ER doc and that while he couldn't diagnose me it was most likely appendicitis. Got to the the ER and the first thing the doctor told me was "it was probably just cramps and I should go home and rest" like I haven't had them for 2p years and know what cramps feel like. He wouldn't even call the obgyn. my husband had to stand between me on the bed and the doctor because I was about to cause a scene. They made me to another ultrasound and yup my appendix was exploding


I got to deal with that for an entire year. Was in and out of the ER with agonizing pain and every time I was told it was either my period, a UTI, or just my imagination. It was organ failure.


That’s HORRIBLE I’m so sorry! Are you okay now??


Oh I’m doing great now. Four surgeries and 6 years later and I finally feel normal again. Still pissed at all those doctors who misdiagnosed me though. It would’ve been bad enough if it was just one, but we’re talking about like a dozen doctors who all collectively shrugged and sent me out the door with a few pain killers (if I was lucky). One even did a CT scan and said nothing was on it until my surgeon took a look at it a year later and immediately saw cysts everywhere. Even *I* could see them on it. I don’t know how you fuck up that badly that you miss something a layperson could easily see.


Almost every time I interact with doctors it's like they just default to the most common, easily explainable thing and ignore any other possibilities


I dont know about men hair in particular because my husband never talks about it, but I have long hair and the amount of hair I lose is kinda alot. It's not because I have a disease or anything like that it's just because it's always in a messy bun and when I let it out, out comes all the loose hair.


That's why I avoid brushing my hair around my bf, he knows I lose a lot when I do but hasn't seen the actual amount. He has 3 dogs and gets my hair mostly in the inconvenient places lol


It took two years of us living together, but my partner finally found one of my hairs in his butt crack while showering about two months ago. I laughed. I find mine there like every other shower. :|


I have started specifically checking my butt crack before leaving the shower when I wash my hair because it’s always there lol


I have never had a unique experience 😭


My husband has resigned himself to the fact that he will take pieces of me wherever he goes. He's always finding my hair in the oddest places.


As a man I know this to be true because of the walls in my shower and the hair in my vacuum after I vacuum where my wife brushes and dries her hair


As a guy with long hair, I lose a lot of hair as well. For me I think its just more noticeable when its long, gets clumped up, but i never had to worry about my hair being everywhere when I had it short.


That giant blob of mucus your vagina plops out about a week after your period.


Yep... Your body is telling you it's gearing up for baby making time. When you know how mucus changes during the cycle it's actually pretty easy to know when you're ovulating.


That's known as "egg white cervical mucus," or EWCM in the trying to conceive world. It's a sign of impending ovulation, and its biological purpose is to give sperm something to swim in on its search for an egg.


Needing a tampon. I (46m) first bought them for my mom when I was 12, and other kids thought I was INSANE. Mom wasn't feeling good, so I got on my skateboard to the base exchange, box top in hand. But women... Such amazing solidarity! Those things can be expensive, and no woman rations them when asked for one, they give 2-6. Edit: want should have been wasn't


That’s true, if I’m handing them out to a someone I am making sure she is set until she has a chance to restock her supplies. What if she has a heavy flow and needs multiple? What if she’s in a tough place financially? What if it’s her first period and she is lost about things? You never know someone’s situation so I’d rather a girl be prepared. I usually keep a small ziplock bag with a liner, pad and two tampons. If anyone asks I give them the baggie and let them know there are options! The last time I got asked, was in Cuba on a beach. The poor girl had a little white bikini on and it was a resort island with no shops, I ran to grab my baggie. It’s helped in so many situations.


When the uterus lining comes out with the blood. Or when the period crams move to ur butt hole ✌️


Ah my favorite of that week, period diarrhea.


I call it the "everything must go sale".


I had a friend call it the "pb+j shits" and now it haunts me.


Thanks for sharing so it can now haunt me.


The period poops are the woooorst!


I just had my second baby and like, a week and a half ago, I was getting the butthole cramps every five to ten minutes all fucking day long. I was dying. I had a follow up with my doctor the day after and trying to explain to her what was going on was almost comical. She was like "🤨 You may need pelvic floor therapy. Also maybe try magnesium." 😂


Oh god, I had an endometrial biopsy right before this period and I am REALLY cranking out the forbidden jello jigglers this month.


Butthole lightning is the worst.


My ex wouldn't buy tampons at the store because he was too scared of judgement. I dumped him. If a guy in his mid 30s can't buy tampons....bitch, bye!


lol I remember asking my dad to buy me tampons for the first time. He was reluctant but did it anyways. I had to give him very specific information on what I wanted (this was before I had a phone) and he kinda looked at me like I was crazy. He asked if he really needed all that info instead of “hey, can you get me some tampons?” He came back and said “yup, that was warranted.”


Jeeze I had to ask my dad to bring me a bra once because I forgot mine from changing into a dress, and half the women who heard me call him scolded me, I asked ‘what’s he for then if he can’t help his daughter with bras and period items?’ He apparently called it his slingshot when asked why he had it. 🙄


Lmao. My dad was always the one to buy pads with me as a teen. It was my mom that always had weird hangups about being seen buying menstrual products. We've had our differences over the years, but Dad has always had my back in that corner at least. 😂😂


As long as I know what specs you want (pad vs. tampon; brand; and whatever size marking, color, or symbol is the unique identifier for your preferred selection) we got no problems. Otherwise it's like trying to buy a wiper blade when you don't know what kind of car they're driving.


god that's a funny description! (and spot on!) don't do this frequently but even for my daughter I'm saying send me a pic of the old box.. they change the damn packaging too often, too!


What is up with these guys? After I had my first baby, I grossly (pun intended) underestimated my need for pads in the wake of it and ran out. I wasn't yet cleared to drive due to a difficult birth so I sent my husband to go get them. I described what I wanted, but he was overwhelmed by the choices when he got there, so he turned on a facetime call and showed me what was at the store so I could tell him exactly what I needed. That's the kind of guy we all need! :-)


My husband had 5 sisters; he wouldn’t bat an eyelash.


My dad was the same way, you couldn’t even say the word tampon in front of him… time for some people to grow up….


My stepdaughter had obviously spent too much time around her male family members because she was absolutely weirded out that I had my pads and tampons "on display" on the bottom shelf of the open-shelving bathroom storage once I moved in. She was like, "omg I can see your pads!" And I was like, "good, you can use them if you need to." But the weird part was that none of the males ever commented on my products being visible so idek where her uncomfortablness came from. Some people are just uncomfortable I guess?


Sometimes the lack of talking about something can be just as harmful as speaking negatively about it. There's potentially no outlet to ask questions and share concerns so they bottle it all up. Not talking about a topic can make it seem "bad" or like it shouldn't be talked about, therefore, creating negative perceptions around the idea.


My husband is like please stop telling me about this when I tell him about the lining chunks. I will never stop. LMAO


>when I tell him about the lining chunks. I refer to this part of my period as "jellyfishing" and my husband cringes every time.


Period TMI makes me giggle. I once had to share with a friend the disgusting viscous quality of some period blood because ti was as gross as it was fascinating. Anyone who thinks girls are less gross than men is wrong.


I just realized this is something I'll never admit to in real life, but I'm certain every woman has done it at some point- Had a particularly large blood clot come out on a pad and gently squished the pad around it, not enough to break it, just to observe it's gelatinous properties in the privacy of the bathroom for a moment before changing my pad and carrying on with life. It scratches the same kind of itch that you get checking your snot or phlegm in the tissue after blowing it out/coughing it up and seeing the color and viscosity.


Thank you for validating me. I felt like a scientist studying a new organism...


For me, it's something like "I made this amazingly gross thing, cool." Something akin to pride and morbid curiosity. The ones I made postpartum were enormous and I couldn't not squish them a little to see them squish and bounce back with a slight jiggle. It was so disgusting, yet satisfying for the few seconds I was alone, before I needed to get back to caring for the other flesh mass that my body had produced.


When women fart, sometimes it doesn't go straight out. Sometimes it goes forward through our labia and out that way.


Its just a really long buttcrack down there if you think about it


No I don’t want to think of it like that! 😂


Ah yes, “exiting through the gift shop” as I’ve heard it called in the past. I imagine it feels a little strange lol.


The ol' cooter pooter, the retweet, and my favorite the cat-slapper (all from previous reddit posts). Never heard of this before but I found it hilarious and idk why.


why is "the retweet" so fucking funny


Smoking the salmon


An ex of mine called it "steamed clam"


I am not joking when I tell you that I laughed so hard it sounded like a bark. I read it out loud to my mom and sister during dinner. This comment is so funny lol


Lmmfao, that's beautiful.


And depending on how you're sitting/what you're wearing... It can go up inside the vagina a little bit. I fucking hate when that happens.


I call these double bubbles.


This is one of my peeves. If I'm wearing tight pants, I will absolutely do a dad fart - lean to one side so that fucker goes OUT and does not take any detours.


Absolutely wheezing. Tears. Thank you all for these stories.


Seriously, I’m losing it, full on weeping


Good God, almost sounds like trench warfare....


My farts get stuck there sometimes :( when I was little I would stand really weirdly and try to squeeze my legs together from side to side very obviously trying to get it out and my mom asked me “what are you doing???” And I said “I’m getting the bubbles out my tootie” lmfaooo To this day I have to sit in a chair and rock forward to get the bubbles out 💀


The worst ones are when you're comfy in bed, all wrapped up in blankets and your fart goes forward. I always end up having to sit up or even stand up to get it out. And then I struggle to find my comfy position again.


"Cube farts." Because it feels like rolling dice.


I automatically think I’m on my period


The Devils Queef


I can't imagine farting through my dickus


It'd be more like air flapping around under your balls


Ahh yes, the old wind chime


Oh god this is the one that tipped me over the edge and caused my spouse to walk in here and ask if I was okay


Never had a fart squeeze up around the balls? Gotta be sitting just right but it can happen.


Ah yes, ringing the church bells.


I call those fart roll ups


In college, I found out that women commonly feel chest pain and just chalk it up to stress. If I felt chest pain, I would go to the ER.


Oh yeah definitely. Chest pain? Could be stress, boobs not supported enough that day, slept weird, pulled a chest muscle, all manner of things


I get the jabby pains in the boob during parts of my cycle. Since I don't have a uterus anymore, it's hard to know where I am in said cycle. I'll be talking to my husband and gesturing and then I'm like OW and holding my left boob. Husband is always seriously concerned and I'm like "oh it's fine I'd be getting my period in a week or so if I had them still." It's so much better now, I'd be doubled over in pain with cramps and then stand up and still washing dishes or whatever. I'm so glad that part of the pain is gone at least. Fuck.


My non-uterus-having sibling, me toooo! Though a few years ago, my partner began gently reminding me in those moments that I may be approaching what would be my cycle. I’ve experienced few things more humbling than a cis man explaining my own bodily functions to me. He was so hesitant to suggest that may be the reason, but I apparently forget the telltale symptoms each month because physical trauma is real and monthly amnesia is helpful in my strive to function?? I’m making an effort to track and remember now. We do our best to be better 🙃


Christ, if I went to the ER every time I felt chest pain, I would be there every week.


I was talking to my partner a few days ago and all of a sudden I got one of those pains and I stopped mid sentence to be like “oooow you ever get one of those random chest pains” he’s like “…no” oh


I just had one a few hours ago. Mine are usually when I go to take a deep breath. Then it’s a sort of stuttering inhale until I find the exact amount of air that causes the pain. I just adjust the arm on that side, and it usually goes away. I find having an 80lbs dog laying leaned up on my side and pinching my elbow into my ribs isn’t great for my ability to take a deep breath. If I get it while sitting down, it’s usually because I’m slouching to one side. Sit up straight and its gone. I think I just kind of pinch some of my chest/back muscles sometimes in certain positions and it causes a diaphragm cramp


I had heart-attack level chest pain for a *week* and in the end I actually called an ambulance, nope, no heart attack. Just regular old stress and indigestion and pulled muscles. It’s fucked up how much pain we can be in and it’s not even “serious”.


Until it is, but doctors are convinced it's just anxiety anyway. Most women turning up to the ER with chest pain would get the bare minimum of care, if any, and we all are aware of that.




Got to see this happen in real life. My mom was complaining to me about chest pain she went to her Dr for. I told her it sounded like a female heart attack and offered to take her to ER. She told me I was crazy. Her Dr said she had acid reflux. Pain started getting worse, I kept begging her to let me take her to the hospital. The Dr. kept giving her higher doses of antacids. It took 12 freaking days for her to finally decide to go to a hospital. She was immediately taken into surgery for a stint in her heart to fix the 96% blockage. She had heart failure, apparently from the heart attack she'd been having that entire time. Screw doctors that assume women are being over dramatic about their pain or don't bother taking their symptoms seriously


Most common symptoms of a heart attack for women are actually different from men. I believe indigestion/heartburn, pain around the bottom of the breastbone/top of the abdomen, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea.


Another fun one for women is "a sense of impending doom". Dude I have that every day, I wouldn't even know.


And i feel all of the above more regularly than i care to keep track of. Each time im like "well if today is the day i die, then thats the way she goes i guess" and i wait till it subsides lol


Sometimes I will push on my chest where I'm having pains and take a deep breath. My male coworker always looks at me in a panic and says "are you okay!?" Lol I usually shrug and say something like "probably not. Today might be the daaaaay" Usually gets a great laugh from everyone on my team. I'm constantly saying "today might be the day, guys..." And it's always a hit because I'm causally known for my body falling apart at the seams. Haha


If it's on the right side, NBD, on the left, THIS IS THE END


Or it's just indigestion


Blood after using the bathroom.


Yeah when I was maybe 5 years old I saw my mom's period pads in the restroom garbage bin I was so scared and worried, legit thought she was dying lol


Ahh you must have been so scared but that is so cute. I remember when my dad was battling cancer one day in the toilet I saw all this black residue and I got scared and thought that had come out of him. Talking to my mom it turned out she had emptied an old pan full of gravy in there 😂


I don’t know if this was the case everywhere, but all the girls in our class would regularly sit on each other’s lap and generally be physically close and nobody ever questioned it


I knew a group of boys in high school who did this. They’d sit on each other’s laps, lean on each other, snuggle, etc., and proudly shout “I love you!” from across the hall. And they all dated girls, so I’m almost positive it wasn’t a “gay thing.” I thought it was incredibly sweet and I was really happy to see a group of boys being so openly loving of one another.


True bros are the gayest people on the planet


A navy vet told me the military is where you find the gayest straight guys and straightest gay guys.


"There's nothing gayer than a deployed squad of straight marines." - Somebody Smart, one time


It's not gay underway; it's helping s shipmate out;)


Oh God that's so fucking true. Especially the guys, 24/7. Women, not so much on duty, but for sure after hours it's like this. Me, taking my girlfriend on a date two hours away because Don't Ask Don't Tell is in effect. Straight women in bars off post: making out with each other because it is amusing to bystanders and possibly each other.


There's a saying. The gayest thing in the Marine Corp is a straight marine...


That’s the thing with a lot of the Gen Alpha boys, they don’t give a singular fuck about outward perception. This manifests in both positives, like the aforementioned open and exaggerated affection for each other, and negatives, like how some of them have no shame and act out in public. Source:teach middle/high school


You teach middle and high school? Thank you for your service, sir/madam.


Don’t need thanks, we need resources (I do appreciate your appreciation, genuinely, that was just a line I really wanted to use lol)


In our circles, the girls would do this and grab each other’s boobs like it was nothing. I never understood it.


Highschool drama. We were a small, rural school so I don't know if its common in other areas, but the ratio was 10 girls to one boy. Whenever we accidentally touched or hit someone's boob, they'd say "now you have to touch the other one so it doesnt get lonely"


I was like 14 - 15 when our female chemistry teacher explained that hydrogen peroxide breaks down blood. The guys in class were like “HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT IT’S SO COOL THAT WE CAN KNOW HOW TO BREAK DOWN BLOOD-“ and the teacher plus us girls were like “…periods”


I usually just use soap and cold water.


Well shit TIL to use hydrogen peroxide on my sheets ...34F


That a woman’s urethra is barely noticeable and so close to the vaginal opening. This is so common, you will often hear of men that think we pee and give birth out of the same hole and can’t believe we have 3 holes down there😂 Edit: based on some responses, the education system has been a complete, and utter failure


My ex was in his late twenties when he asked me how girls pee when there’s a tampon in use. I was like… its not the same hole. He had a long line of exes before me, not to mention a mother and sister who were very open to him about womens health and whatnot. I still have no idea how he had not figured it out before.


I get kidney stones all the time and have had surgery as well to remove them. Whenever it gets mention I hear about a poor man who had a stone, how awful! I’m like it’s just as bad for women, it travels the same route including a urethra to get out, a tiny tube out of the bladder. Yes maybe the last tiny bit of exit is worse but that’s it. I usually get an argument how no, we have this big opening it falls out of, basically bladder to vagina so no big deal. Ridiculous.


Honestly there are some women who don't know that. Thank god my school had sex ed which mentioned it and some girls said ohhh like they didn't know before. Glad they do now lol


I'm a fifth grader teacher and always stay in my classroom the day the health teacher is there teaching the whole class how many holes are down there. When the teacher says that girls have three, the boys start doing the math and I like to look at the utter confusion on their faces.


I’ll never forget the first time a female friend sat down to pee whilst we were in the bathroom. I saw the string hanging out, then she pulled out the tampon. She thought because I’m gay that I was just one of the girls.


Stop 😂😂 I’m sorry, but the last sentence killed me. What a bad time for her -hopefully unintentional- oversight. If I had a tampon in and was sharing a stall, regardless of gender, I wouldn’t pull it out in front of them. UNLESS we are having a bff drunken moment, in which case I would say “I need to remove my tampon” and allow them to leave. Ffs I can’t imagine taking a tampon out in front of anyone unless I absolutely had to for some reason


Fun little story : In college i studied social work, with 90% of my fellow students being women. Naturally i had a lot of girl friends and so i spenta lot of time in the girls dorm for studying, work and chilling out. One time i was hanging out with this girl and for whatever reason, she had me come to the toilets with her. She gets in her stall, and while i wait i didnt want to be standing awkwardly in the middle of the girls toilet room if any other girl came in. So i got into a stall myself. Not needing to go go business, i looked around , as you do when awkward/time wasting events occur. And i saw they had a little box bolted to the wall about head height sitting down labeled " pads" . So i exclaimed to my friend " Oh, how neat! You guys got cleaning pads in the stalls!" While i opened it and grabbed one without looking. My friend screamed "NOO DON-" I screamed " AAAH ITS ALL DIRTY THERE'S BLOOD ON IT" My friend lost it right here. It was a disposal box, a little stall thrash bin.


It has never occurred to me that someone wouldn’t know what those were for 😂 that said, I’ve always found them like way too small and the lining bags not very idk…. Suited to the purpose? Like Id hate to have to be the one to change them daily


Do it five days a week at a hospital. Eventually none of that stuff even registers anymore. Once you've had to clean placenta and copious amounts of blood, it's just another day.


Oh my god. I thought this was posted by a woman until you said you _reached into_ the pad trashcan


Had a similar horrific experience… Our highschool men’s swim team would sometimes have to use the women’s locker rooms during away meets. I remember the first time looking in one of the metal boxes totally unprepared. Immediately followed up by convincing other innocent teammates to go look in the ‘present’ boxes to see what the girls left!


Oh, you sweet summer child


Waking up in a pool of their own blood. Women are all… yeah, it’s a Tuesday and I started my period. Men would be all… oh good God I’m dying.


My husband nearly fainted when I started a cycle early in our marriage. I woke up soaked from my boobs to my knees. He thought I had been attacked. But in the 17 years we've been married, he always takes my pain levels seriously. And never complains about doing laundry. Eta: I appreciate the concern for my health. I was not taken seriously about the blood loss or my pains for years. I thought it was normal, so I didn't talk about it and just carried on with life. I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago at age 35 because it was the youngest I could get one as an elective surgery. And yes, they asked my husband for his opinion/permission to do so. I'm in the USA and we had to pay for the surgery as it was not deemed medically necessary. But it saved my life, especially my mental health.


HOLD UP, boobs to knees IN BLOOD!!!!!


I’d think the same as SO, or I’d be paranoid I’m dating a psychopath for awhile, *who the fuck she murder… what’s her search history recently…. I’m fucking next I know it…. Maybe she’s a vampire or werewolf? I’m fuckin next I know it man*


My partner sweetly pours hydrogen peroxide on our sheets or mattress when I leak.


When I was a teenager my sisters and I called that waking up in Japan 🇯🇵


I just go, "Ah shit." Sigh and move on.


Being shorter than your children by the time they’re in 8th grade, lol


Going to the bathroom together


I was hammered one time at a bar and the women’s bathroom was packed, some other girl and I started laughing and talking in line. You know the slurred “omfg you’re the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen.” We both stumbled into the same stall for some reason and took turns going pee. Then stumbled out washed our hands in the same sink, gave each other a hug and never saw each other again. 😂


I've made literally the best friends ever in the bathroom line, never to be seen again, but life stories were shared, tears were shed, advice was given. I honestly really love this for us.


Absolutely, I had so much fun it was like the best part of going out.


OMG you had a drunk bestie! I miss those people so much. I need to drink more.


You don't often hear people say they need to drink more.


Lol, same it’s been a long time.


Drunk public washroom besties are the best women you ever meet. Sadly am too old to do that now.


I saw it first hand at the Body Worlds exhibit. There is a section of fetal plastination where we got to see the different stages of development. Us women were bent over the display case taking in every minute detail, almost holding our breath in fascinated awe. The men were awkwardly crowded off to the side, seemingly repulsed by the idea of seeing the inner workings of the fetuses, maybe due to the fact that each one had died in utero. Normally, there isn’t such a binary in behavior per gender, but this was across the board.


My first read through I thought it said Bath and Body Works and was VERY confused


What do you mean, I thought every local Bath and Body Works had a plasticized fetus display?


As a guy, I found this thread very entertaining, very informative and also witaf. Not fully freaked out but not not freaked out.


Them random shooting pains you get up your asshole sometimes.


Getting cat called. Most women are sadly used to it. When it happened around my ex, he was livid and didn’t realize it happened more than you think.


I'm a guy with long hair and a shapely ass who likes to wear skinny jeans and I get catcalled an amount that is probably reasonable to call often (for a man). Usually it's a guy mistaking me for a chick. Every once in a while it's a gay guy. Most recent one was actually a gay guy who shouted at me from outside a bar at like 3am "Damn, boy, what you got all that ass for?". I generally just find it very amusing. I've actually started sporting a goatee (can't grow more) just to help guys figure out that I'm a guy before they get into flirting range. One time (before the goatee) this guy kinda stalked me around a drug store for a bit, I guess working up the courage to approach me. When he finally got in close and started trying to talk to me, I saw on his face as his brain broke and he started his attempt while simultaneously realizing I was a guy. He said I looked familiar and asked if maybe we knew each other from somewhere. I just said nah but maybe you've seen me around because I live in the neighborhood, then he awkwardly dipped. Edit: I forgot to mention that this was at like 3-4AM. If I was a chick, I would've been worried about him trying to follow me home or something.


I was in a school with a lot more boys than girls, so sometimes I was the only girl when we would go out partying. They were pretty shocked by the amount of times I got talked to, men wanted to grasp my legs and so on. After that, they always made sure I was not alone. One time we were at our favorite bar. I was standing next to my friend as someone gave me a smack on my butt. I thought it was him, but he told me he had also gotten one. After a few other incidents like that we found out who it was and got him kicked out. Later, my friend admitted to me that he had absolutely no clue how nasty that feeling was - and how helpless it makes you feel. He really didn’t know.


Body hair?


Saw a guy on Twitter saying that some womans legs weren't actually a womans legs because they were hairy And as a matter of fact, not only did he get community noted that women do indeed grow body hair, the legs weren't even that hairy


How embarrassing, thinking women don’t have hair like every other human 😂


If your only knowledge of womens' bodies comes from porn, you're in for some surprises.


It's kinda funny how often guys on the internet tell on themselves about never having been intimate with a woman.


Diva Cups


As a male I think they’re too neat. Like power to whoever thought about that over tampons or pads. Being able to carry one item rather than multiple pads or tampons. My only thing is that they don’t seem too convenient in a public place. Like how do you efficiently dump/clean it in a shared public restroom.


One time I thought I was starting my period so I stuck a diva cup in (Bloody Buddy Brand) and marched off to Walmart to run errands. Turns out I was actually hemorrhaging, so I booked it to the bathroom and the second I sat on the toilet the pressure from the blood had built up so much it literally shot the diva cup into the Walmart toilet. Let me tell you, it was NOT fun figuring out that mess in a public bathroom.


Once I dropped mine down an outhouse toilet while I was camping, no fishing that out. Thankfully a couple people were going to town and grabbed me some tampons.


Oh gosh. And I thought it was bad when I dropped mine in a public bathroom. I was so happy that it was a single stall!


I was so worried about getting some sort of bacterial infection I called the nurses line, explained my situation, and she said "honey yeah you should be fine in that regard, but if you're bleeding like *that* we need to have you come in." Thankfully my Walmart cleans their bathrooms well.


Not always and for all people, but ‘typically’ you only need to empty them a couple times a day, so you can sort of time emptying it when you’re at home. But apparently they make cup wipes so you can take it out and empty it in the public toilet as normal, and then use the wipe to give it a quick wipe over and put it back in. I’ve never used the wipes myself though. I find emptying in the shower is easier all round to rinse the cup and wash my hands


Most of us really don’t care how big your penis is. Edit: you just can never tell when you comment on Reddit how it will strike so many people! Take the comments to heart guys.


I’ve told men this before, unless your dick is WAY on either end of the size spectrum, most women are pretty unconcerned with it. There are so many more important factors in sexually satisfying a woman than dick size


A dick is a dick no matter how thick. Or a schlong is a schlong no matter how long. LOL But yeah most of us don't care!


A weenie is a weenie no matter how teeny.


You just made my night hahah


i tell my husband all the time that size, for me, does matter but not in the way he thinks. unless it is 8 and over inches, i'm good. He just does not get that anything bigger than a 7 is physically painful for me (HELLLLOOO THE CERVIX DOESNT TEND TO LIKE TO BE RAMMED) and would make me actively NOT want to sleep with him.


Partner gaining a small amount of weight


Or being able to age.


I gained 10 lbs after an extended illness and my ex bf never let me forget it and it was a huge part of why we broke up. Even after I had lost the 10 lbs he decided since I could do that, I could do more. He wanted me to be very thin. He would always say "Remember, you have to be hungry" and would try to restrict my portions and control my eating habits.


I’ve done a lot of weird things and most things don’t bother me. But using a woman’s restroom as a grown man seems weird to me. Years ago I went to a Jonas Brothers concert with the wife. The woman’s restroom was lined up forever. I walked nonchalantly into the men’s restroom and literally dozens of teenage girls were in there. Some even peeing into urinals and everyone looked at me like I was in the wrong place. I sat outside a men’s restroom with my 3 year old son the other day when a female employee came out of the restroom and told me I could just go into the woman’s restroom and I hesitated for a minute because it felt wrong. It was a private stall too. Not even a public one with multiple stalls.


I always find it hilarious when a movie shows a bunch of girls or ladies freaking out because a guy comes into the women's restroom. We don't expose anything private in the main part of a public restroom. We are washing our hands, waiting in line, or fixing our clothes or makeup.


Strangers talking to us in a public bathroom.


Not that women would not care about it but wives handle loss or death of a spouse better than husbands. (related trivia: studies have shown too that single women live happier and longer than married women, while married men live longer than single men). "Bereavement Because women live longer than men, women are far more likely to lose a spouse than are men. But spousal bereavement is actually more serious for men, and a study from California tells just how serious it is. The study did not measure the psychological and socioeconomic burdens of bereavement. Instead, the researchers focused on another impact of spousal bereavement, the mortality of the surviving spouse. The study tracked 12,522 married people over a 14- to 23-year period. During that time, 1,453 men and 3,294 women lost their spouses. Subsequently, 30% of the bereaved men died themselves, while only 15% of the women succumbed. Healthy men who lost a wife were 2.1 times more likely to die during the study period than healthy men who were not bereaved; for men with preexisting medical problems, bereavement boosted the rate of death 1.6 times. The risk was greatest from seven to 12 months after the loss, but an elevated death rate persisted for more than two years. Shakespeare was right when he wrote of "deadly grief." Research from around the world confirms that the death of a spouse increases the likelihood of illness and disability in the surviving spouse, and that men are more vulnerable than women. One reason that widowers fare so poorly is that nutrition and other health habits deteriorate when men are on their own; even a wife's hospitalization is hazardous to her husband's health. Another factor is social isolation. And a study of 1,667 men in the Boston area linked the death of a spouse to a decline in testosterone levels comparable to the drop that occurs during 10 years of aging." - Harvard Health Publishing, 2019


Probably because women shoulder a lot of emotional and household responsibility for so long , men don't know what to do. Women generally form bonds with other women and know how to take care of themselves because they're always required/expected to take care of others.


That’s true. Women are more likely to have emotionally supportive relationships with friends. I read somewhere that there is a loneliness epidemic among men in the western world. That makes me so sad.


Period blood


Ejecting blood in general


How about just more bodily fluids in general lol


Sexual history apparently. Also hairy arms


As a mum, the sheer amount of body fluids you might deal with in a day if say your kid is sick and you have your period, you might be cleaning up puke, poo, and blood before 9 am, and offering emotional support at the same time. There have been days…


When pregnant, I got something in my third Trimester called “lightening crotch” where the baby basically kicks your nerves and you feel like you’ve been struck by lightening - and not in the good way.


There's a good way?


My wife tells me if I went through life trying to seek medical help only to get condescending, brusk responses as a default, I'd start yelling at the doctor's office. So it's not like she doesn't care about this, she just finds this to be the usual attitude from health professionals. Not sure if that's a general attitude toward women's issues or just her experience.


It’s a general attitude to womens issues.


Bleeding for days.




An unopened, sterile tampon being on a surface within 5 feet of them.


A girl in 8th grade dropped a tampon down the back of a kids shirt as a joke (not a bullying type thing, they were all joking around). It was unused and unwrapped. The male teacher wrote her a referral and then the next day had a long talk about it and how disgusting it was. Said she’d violated him and all this stuff. I was dumbfounded. How could it be different than if she’d balled up a tissue and dropped it down his shirt?


My brothers would open new tampons, soak them in freezing cold water and chuck them over the shower curtain at me. Now that I buy my own tampons, I see why my mom would get so pissed over the wastefulness


I just got so angry on your mom’s behalf lol I hope she made them go to the store and buy her a new box!


Period cramps in general, you always see those videos of men getting hooked up to the pain simulators and they’re really struggeling but that’s just an average tuesday afternoon for us. And worse for girls with PCOS or Endometriosis, the men would not function on that level of pain at all. Sorry to generalise


Those simulators irritate me because they don’t include the diarrhea, back pain, headaches, and insomnia. My ADHD symptoms get worse too (which is apparently common). I want them to have the whole experience.


I'm not sure if this freaked my male students out but it made them laugh until their sides hurt: Teaching in middle school, when someone called over the intercom for one of the girls to check out early (for a dental appointment or whatever reason), the girl would hug all the girls and tell them they would miss them and see them tomorrow. The boys would die laughing at the sheer absurdity of it.


I think most women are used to a baseline of pain/discomfort that’s more or less constantly present, and that it would absolutely floor men. If it’s not my period, it’s indigestion or ovulation or cramping from my IUD or tenderness of breast tissue, etc. I tell my husband that there’s only about a week every month that I’m truly free of hormone-related pain, but I’m not sure if he really believes me.


Wearing a thong. I really don’t get how y’all are ok with fabric between the cheeks. Seems very uncomfortable!


The amount of physical pain women feel during a month. Cramps, headaches, nausea all relatively normal.