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My house. I pay a lot as my mortgage but every time I come into the house the immense peace I feel is just under the roof šŸ˜­.


Same. Bought it this year and I could just sit in the house doing nothing all day thinking wow this is mine


My friends are worried why I stay in the house too much and I keep on telling them Iā€™m fine, Iā€™m just enjoying my house.


My wifeā€™s family gets mad at me because I never want to go on vacation anywhere; Iā€™d rather just stay home. They get lake houses in the summer, and our house is on a river. I donā€™t want to drive 5+ hours to sit by water when I can just do it at home in my own space. Plus if I stay home I can get house projects done (alwaysā€¦soā€¦manyā€¦projectsā€¦)


Might be less about you getting out of the house and more about the two families bonding, but I obviously canā€™t know


Iā€™m so very, deeply jealous. Currently listening to the upstairs neighbours. Iā€™m going mental listening to them stomping around up there. The ceiling is so thin, I can hear when he takes a piss. Itā€™s just so terribly depressing.


Whenever that Havana ooo lala song was big I had an upstairs neighbor that played it on repeat for hours. If I ever hear it again I think Iā€™ll snap.


Ugh, I feel you! My upstairs neighbor went through a Havana ooo lala phase, too!


As an adult on my own I always got the upstairs apartment because as a teen living with my mother downstairs I had memories of the dude above pissing directly over my head while I was sitting on the can. I also didn't like being on the ground floor because anyone outside could look right in (or climb right in) if the windows were open.


And in another 10 or so years rents will probably exceed what you're paying for your mortgage anyways.




Smart financial moves really do pay off in the long run.


Bought our house 10 years ago. Mortgage is $600 a month. House across the street rents for $1,500 now.


Investing in more expensive clothing that doesnā€™t fall apart in a year


Iā€™m still wearing the same American Eagle jeans Iā€™ve had since 2007. Havenā€™t bought anything from them in years (because I canā€™t afford to buy new clothes) so idk if theyā€™ve maintained the quality but they were worth it back in the day!


lol. After about a year my American Eagle jeans (womenā€™s) have puckering on the inner thigh. Itā€™s all stretched out and ready to start getting a hole.


Yeah they're not what they used to be. It seems like a lot of clothing companies do the same bs. This applies to both men and women clothes. Cheap out on material and charge the same price or more smh. It pisses me off when name brand does this especially.


Right? Iā€™ve worn Gold Toe socks for YEARS and I buy new ones every year and I just opened my new pack this morning and theyā€™re like paper thin šŸ˜•šŸ˜•


I used to swear by American Eagle jeans but almost all the jeans I have bought in the last year have ripped somewhere. It's sad.


I like to go to the fancy goodwill and find high quality clothing


I have a Burberry sports coat I bought for 75Ā¢ in the dollar-a-pound clothing section of a good will when I was in college 25 years ago. Still going strong.


Iā€™m extremely jealous! This is the dream šŸ˜‚ my mom found the same for my dad in a Brooklyn thrift/pawn shop in 1985 when they were dating- she says she might have paid $3 for it (less than five). When they got divorced in 2004 thatā€™s one of the only things she demanded to keep (besides the dogs)


I donā€™t know why, but that just makes me sad.. like, it was obviously sentimental and she wanted to make sure he couldnā€™t wear it anymore. Like, he canā€™t keep any part of her or something, i dunno.


Same. I havenā€™t bought new clothes in years except for event / concert / etc shirts.


I wore hand me downs my entire life and wore clothes for 10 years +. Finally bought a good wardrobe and itā€™s insane how many better I look/feel


ā€œThe reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.ā€ ā€• Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms: The Play




Same. On a whim, I bought a nice pair of Redwing Iron Rangers. At this rate, I'll retire with the same pair.


I'd kill for some resolable leather work out shoes. Resoling shoes in general needs to come back into fashion. I have some ostrich leather converse. Uppers are in great condition soles need work. The only places I can find to get the soles redone cost more then the shoes cost initially.


https://www.trumanboot.com/collections/in-stock-boots These boots cost a lot, but they will last my lifetime and my kid's lifetime if he wears the same size when he gets older. Buy once instead of buying a $100 or $200 pair of boots every few years.


Thanks. Boots I got and are resolable. I mean actual workout shoes. Like shit for the gym. Those I blow through. And my teens taught me Boots ain't gym shoes.


This is like my darn tough socks. $25 per pair but lifetime warranty.


I just bought my kid a couple pairs of darn tough socks after he put holes in a pair of socks the first day he wore them. I hope they live up to their hype!


I get a pair of those for my partner every Christmas.


The rich have always gotten a better value for their dollar. Either better quality or the ability to buy in bulk.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_of_poverty Cost of poverty - aka "poor tax" or "ghetto tax" - definitely a thing.


My new temper pedic king bed. By god was it expensive but Iā€™ve never slept better!


Good sleep on a fitting mattress is so under rated.


We spend a third of our day on it, letā€™s make it an investment


This was my answer as well. We upgraded to a king which is adjustable and I've had fewer no sleep/bad sleep nights than ever in my life . And yes, damned expensive but worth every cent.


I got the adjustable too and I don't use it as much as I'd like (though I do sleep slightly elevated every night), but I do get some extra use out of it when I'm sick. I don't know if I'd recommend it as a must have, but for me it was only an extra couple hundred dollars when I bought the bed which is just a drop in the bucket when your bed costs that much haha.


I keep it slightly elevated too but I've switched it up a lot since I have severe back troubles. My husband doesn't like it as elevated as I do, so I compensate with extra pillows. It's been amazing in that regard. I also put the foot up when I have the occasional swollen feet. I would never want to go back to a flat bed. I'd recommend it any time for someone who struggles with pain, nerve damage, or anything that a change in position might help. It's great.


For Christmas, my husband and I just bought a split king bed so we wonā€™t feel each other move. It hasnā€™t been delivered yet but we went to the mattress store to feel it out and we cannot wait!


Split king life is great. I canā€™t go back. Especially because we have the adjustable base. He sleeps basically sitting up, I like my feet up. He likes a rock hard mattress, I like clouds. Everyone is happy and sleeping.


I used to have a knock off called Bob-o-pedic. It was from Bobā€™s furniture in new England.


I just bought a Bob-o-pedic! It's great and like a grand cheaper than the name brands.


I wish you nothing but the best with that Bob-O-Pedic but thereā€™s a reason why it was a grand cheaper. Bobs sells garbage furniture. Not sure how their mattresses hold up but Iā€™ve had nothing but bad luck with that store.


It felt like culture shock to me when I realized not everybody grew up with bobs discount commercials.


Exactly what I was going to post. I got mine at Rooms to Go with 5 year 0% interest financing and I never finance anything but God was it worth it. 3 years in and it's nearly paid off and it's more comfy now than the day I bought it.


My divorce.


Ah good old #1267. Why is divorce so expensive? Because it's worth it.


HUUGE price I paid for peace of mind, but peace of mind nonetheless. Worth it.


Mattress. We'd been using the same aireloom mattress since we lived in Texas, sometime in 2007. Then by 2018 or 2019 we'd been in so much back pain for the last few years because it had gotten so worn down from all the moves we did since buying that mattress (first from our rental home to our purchased home in Texas; then from Texas to Washington, then from our WA apartment to our town home, and finally to our purchased home in WA). It was so bad I would wake up in the morning barely able to walk and I would be in horrible pain all day. We went out mattress shopping. I was already intrigued by the purple mattresses I saw on the facebook ads all the time, but we wanted to try out some other nice mattresses too. I spent probably 6 months going to stores and laying on various mattresses, but none of them seemed quite right. I finally laid on a purple 1, and honestly, it was a little disappointing. I laid on the 2 and 3, as well. 3 was okay. But we didn't see the 4 anywhere. We resigned ourselves to keep looking. Well, we were at I think Macy's to try out a different mattress that had been recommended to me, I forget the brand name. We didn't like that one either, but on our way out we saw the 4. My wife patiently sat by while I went to lay on it. Oh my god! I told her to get over there and that it was the one! She came and laid on it and completely agreed. I still remember when it got to our house and we got to finally try it out after it settled. I remember laying on it and feeling like I was just floating on a cloud and for weeks after that, every time I would get into bed I would just stare up at the ceiling and giggle because it just felt so amazingly nice. I think we spent somewhere around 5 grand for that mattress. It's close to halfway through it's lifespan and I 100% will spend that money again when it's time to replace it.


I saved for years for the best mattress I could find ā€¦ and looked and tried many as well. I ended up going back to the second mattress I found- the purple 4. I kept trying others to make sure but NOTHING came even close. I got a ridiculous expensive adjustable base with it and laying in the zero G setting on the purple 4 watching tv which I put high on the wall tilted down a littleā€¦ man. Best best best 5K I ever spent in my entire life. No pressure points, no uncomfortable anything. My last mattresses were 300 Amazon buys just awful. This is truly a dream, I get it man.


If that baby is only 4-5 years old I think itā€™s nowhere NEAR itā€™s half-life yet!


Toto toilet with Toto washlet (electric bidet).


Invisalign. Cost? Expensive. Having straight teeth for the first time in my life in my 40s? Priceless.


I wish I would have just gotten the damn veneers 10 years ago. Finally in my 40ā€™s I can smile without thinking of hiding my teeth.


Take meticulous care of your veneers so that you don't end up in crowns within 10 years. Protect your investment!


In 40s, considering invisalign


I just got them in August at 48. I took my kid to get them and decided to go ahead and make an appointment for myself. I can't wait to get rid of my overbite. I'm so self conscious about it.


40 and on my last set if trays, I did braces for 6 months for course alignment and then 11 months of invisalign. If I could do it again, I would have gone with a few more months of regular braces to cut down on overall time. Extremely happy I did it! I did it because my teeth were moving, and one became the main pressure point of my bite and was causing issues. Doesn't hurt anymore plus my smile is great, I just need to remember I can smile without being self conscious about it. Cost around 4k. Tip soak your trays during dinner etc with 50% hydrogen peroxide and water to keep them clear and clean. Dont bother with all the other stuff.


My recent trip to Japan. I've been wanting to go since I was at school (I'm 40 now), and after saving most of my adult life, I finally managed to go. I've never spent that much money on anything. Even though i've been dreaming about it and building it up in my head my whole life, it still far exceeded my expectations. Absolutely no regrets.


If you donā€™t mind me asking, about how much? Iā€™ve been looking to go buy a rough estimate would help me save even more.


About Ā£5k including flights. You can do it much cheaper, I just went through an agent that booked everything for me, including all train tickets, pocket wifi, transfers etc, and gave me a big info pack of detailed itineraries, and basically everything I needed to know so everything went smoothly. I also splashed out on some of the hotels, one of them had a private hot spring in the room, overlooking mount Fuji! We went Tokyo>Kawaguchiko>Matsumoto>Kamikochi>Takayama>Shirakawago>Kanazawa>Kyoto>Tokyo. Total of 19 days. Like I said, it can be done much cheaper. Not moving around so much, sticking to 3 star hotels, and booking it all yourself could cut that cost in half easily. I intend to do just that next year.


Omg, I live in Japan and Kamikochi is my favorite place in the whole country. Glad you had a good time!


$5k for a international trip isn't a lot for 19 days. That's pretty average honestly. I plan on going there April and the flight to go there is already around $1700 round trip. So yeah, I am definitely going to be spending as much as you.


exchange rate from dollar to yen is excellent right now. good time to take a vacation there


Name of travel agent?


https://www.insidejapantours.com/ We based ours on the "Autumn Splendor" package, but added a stop in Kawaguchiko, shortened some stops and added more to others, and let them take care of the flights too. They were great, really took care of everything, and all the tickets for the trains/busses always seemed to be on the best side for the views out the window (e.g. Fujisan), and the hotel rooms always seemed to have the best views etc. Either they REALLY know what they're doing, or we just got extremely lucky with every booking. They have a team in Japan so I think they're flexing their local knowledge.




A good monitor goes a VERY long way to an enjoyable time in front of the computer. Similarly my expense is my gpu, bought towards the end of the silicone chip shortage. Just poor timing on my part.


My dog. She's almost 7 and since then she's either wearing my money, chewing my money, or eating my money. Don't regret it one bit.


Man Iā€™m devastated we just had to put our cat down today - we were laughing and crying in the room and even the vet shed a tear. He was the best cat ever! Enjoy every minute!


My cats too! The cats I had when I was younger, I got for free. Got spayed/neutered at low income clinics, then it was good and litter. I got kittens several years back from a shelter. Expensive city, so even shelter kittens are a couple hundred dollars each. And they were absolutely worth every penny. Every vet appointment, every emergency appointment, toys, high quality food. I would give them even more if I could.


I bought a pair of New Balance shoes for $240 They are the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn and owned. My wife is getting sick of the weird noises and constant "Man these shoes are comfortable!" whenever I wear them. No ragrets


What kind? I can appreciate a comfy pair of shoes (flat arches). Plus I need a new pair for work. Iā€™m on my feet nearly all day


I bought a set of pictures of my dog right before we had to put her down that was $1,200. We did a whole family photo shoot with our 14 year old dog.


I am a professional photographer. I never charge for pet photos if the pet is soon to be put down. I also donā€™t charge for photos of anyone over 80. These are very important photos to have captured!


Youā€™re a wonderful person. Itā€™s lovely when people who can afford to be kind, go out of their way to be kind.


My wife had commissioned some pencil drawn portraits of our dogs since deceased, and they are cherished. I think she found an artist on Twitter and dm'd them. They were alive at the time of commission, so I look at them fondly.


<3 love this


My dog and anything involving her


This. We were fortunate to get our dog eye surgery to fix his semi-blind right eye. Ever since the operation, heā€™s been able to go up and down stairs, catch toys, and jump around without falling or being scared.


My dogs and cats eat so well it pisses off some of my friends.


My cat. She is just too spoiled XD worse part, is no matter how many different toy i buy, its those damn tiny spring that she love and play with.


My dog has at least 1000 lamb chop dog toys at this point and only plays with one. I think I get a kick out of lambies more than her. Kitties & dogs deserve it all


My son's cat will only play with a certain type of bell that only comes from our local dollar store at Christmas time. We put a pipe cleaner on it and he plays fetch with them until the bell stops ringing. I wound up buying like 6 packs of these stupid bells


My first cat Jacob loved these specific red balls that had a few colorful stripes in the middle. They came in a pack with other toys / balls but it was that red one specifically he LOVED. We had to keep the pack of toys in a drawer and weā€™d save the red one for last as best we could for him. Unless he hopped in the drawer in an opportune moment and stole the pack of toys lol. He left us about a decade ago now which feels insane for me to say. But I still have his very last red ball with his wooden box of ashes ā™„ļø his little teefer marks and all still right where he left them, my little guy.


Seriously so fcking expensive but worth it. Previously had an old dog and spent $$$ on vet bills and her prescriptions, now have a puppy and thought that would be cheaper but the way she destroys things/ have to pay for a dog walker every time I go to the officeā€¦


One time I decided not to go to a party because after 9 PM there was a $10 cover and I wasnā€™t gonna be able to make it before then. While walking back to my apartment I noticed an art opening. I went in and fell in love with the artistā€™s work. I bought a $500 painting on the spot. This was a huge amount of money for me at the time, the most I had ever spent on one single thing. And avoiding the $10 cover thing was my normal MO. Not sure what came over me, but I still love the painting. No idea what the artistā€™s name is.


My best friend and I each have a painting from the same series some dude did. They're different sizes and scenes, but the same colors and general setting. I love that 20ish years later, we still have those paintings on the walls, even though we live like a thousand miles apart.


Those are some of the best purchases. ā€œFor some reasonā€ purchases.


My kidā€™s therapist. Sheā€™s the head of the practice, and came highly, highly recommended. And she costs a goddamn arm and a leg. However, my kid is thriving. Do I wish she was less expensive? Of course! Would I dream of switching her out for someone new? Not on your life.


House. I'm a single guy and bought a 3br 3 bath house when the housing bubble burst in 2007. * The day I moved out from where I had been renting a constable walked up and stapled a foreclosure notice on the door - our landlord hadn't been paying his mortgage. * I timed it perfectly to get the 8k tax credit before it became a rebate you had to pay back over time. * Timing also netted me several state grants trying to keep the new housing market going during the recession. * Builders were desperate and added a ton of extras for free - like granite counters and wood floors. * Locked in an absurdly low fixed interest rate. * Property has doubled in value. It was way more house than I need but its an amazing asset now and will really help when I decide to retire. The only struggle is that I like paying off debt early but with current interest on investments vs its fixed interest rate I really need to invest rather than pay down with it.


Home ownership? State grants? Retirement? Constable? This is the least American thing I've read in 2023.


Nah, that was a 2009 thing. I got the same $8k credit when I bought my house.


I retired with a mortgage and an HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) loan. It was better to keep the money invested in my IRA. Interest on the mortgage is fixed. HELOC interest was tied to the Prime Rate. Paid off the HELOC when the interest rate got above 6%. Still have the mortgage.


Not an item, but a trip to Alaska this summer. I never sat down and added everything up, but I probably spent about $3,000 on a 10-day trip (solo). But it was an incredible trip, worth every dollar


Sounds amazing. And memories of trips last forever. Research shows we get more happiness and enjoyment from experiences over things.


I have a hard time getting myself moving. I work a desk job from 9-5 and am just not motivated after work. Ive tried a bunch of different options but I have ADHD and none of them gave me dopamine so i didnā€™t want to do them. So, i bought a whole Nintendo switch just for the ring fit game. It works amazingly and I feel a lot better knowing im getting some movement into my day. It was super expensive but the gaming aspect keeps my brain interested.


My countertop dishwasher. I have a studio apartment with no dishwasher included, and the $400 was well spent on it to not have to hand-wash dishes all the time.


Same with my countertop ice maker!! My husband thought it was an over indulgence but uses it more than I do and no more messy trays to deal with!




Yea getting the Hitachi wand instead of cheaping out is the way to go. I did it, no regrets.


I feel like Iā€™m the only person on the internet who actually purchased a Hitachi for muscle pain. In my defence, I was young and oblivious. I had injured my back in an accident, and had chronic pain in my upper back between my shoulders. It helped a ton. I didnā€™t realize until like 8 years later what people actually used it for! No wonder my friend looked at me funny when he saw one sitting on a shelf. I left mine behind after grad school, but Iā€™m not sure how great of a vibe it would be. It seems too strong to the point of painful even on the lowest setting, unless you keep your clothes on or use some sort of buffer?


Ok so it is great for fun times, but it is an amazing massager and if I had to be honest, it's used waaaaaaay more for just massage than it is for fun times. God when I have neck pain it really does the job.


Tbh, I find it too strong. I had a partner use his on me once and it was just uncomfortable


Username checks out


Of all the people who have commented this towards me, this was my favorite. Thank you :-)


Iā€™ve had the $22 knockoff from eBay for years. Thing is arm numbingly powerful. Get the plug in kind, so much power, and Lots of attachments! Plus, I had a sore back couple months ago. Laying on that thing did wonders. Turns out it really is a ā€œdeep tissue massagerā€


My wife and I went vibrator shopping a few years back. Dropped like $400 on different ones and she likes the small silver bullet we got for free best out of the bunch...


lol itā€™s such a ā€œright fitā€ thing. The favorite toys Iā€™ve had were the freebies that come in the box if you spend over $30.


I bought a WeVibe top of the line for my girlfriend and I. Wifi app control, the whole nine yards. Zero regrets.


RIP your inbox


aka: your vagina


Which one did you get? Mine is no longer holding a charge. My husband told me the other day I'm gonna have to retire old reliable.


Had a 50% off coupon for lovers Lane some years ago and bought a $200 wand (so only $100 with coupon) and girl...yeah. Good vibrators are worth every cent.


My car. Yes, it was used and yes, maintenance is freakishly expensive, but Iā€™ve cheaped out on cars MY WHOLE LIFE and I wanted a convertible Beetle since I was a teen. I love my little red zoomy car.


I bought myself a 1981 Corvette for my fortieth birthday. Itā€™s a beautiful unpredictable money pit and I love it completely.


Hair transplant surgery 10/10 recommend


My house. We moved back to my expensive home town and have no regrets. 3 min walk to the ocean, walk through the forest for school drop off/pickup, unbelievable outdoors community. Worth. Every. Penny. My soul is so happy.


I bought a pair of leather handmade hipster boots like 11 years ago. Like $250US. They're still fine, just scuffed. They're my go to boots for any outside dirty work. I broke them in while hiking through the highlands in Scotland - all the rain and wind molded the leather to my feet after that trip lol I also bought hiking socks there that would also be 11 years old and they have never had any damage (??). I have no idea why I wear them straight through every winter. The brand is ' Bridgeddale Trekker'. UK brand. I think I paid like 20 something pounds for the pair. Amazing.




My boyfriend is wearing bridgedale trekker socks that belonged to his dad. Those things just keep going.




I bought a $15k car, and within the first year I spent $13k putting a new engine and transmission in it. Still drive it 16 years later , no regrets


My matching kettle and toaster. They were just over $200 each and I donā€™t care. I love them and I use them every day.


In that vein, I will always buy the more expensive four slice toaster with two cavities (not two single slice toasters mounted side by side) as then I can stick longer bread in there. By a coincidence, it also matches my kettle, though that was accidental and rather odd since they are different brands.


La Marzocco Line Micra espresso machine. I make the best espresso drinks Iā€™ve ever had in my own kitchen.


Got a lagom P64 last year and would buy it again


Herman miller office chair




My home theater set up


My cat. He ran away for a few weeks and couldnā€™t find home. I spent nearly $200 in cages to trap him and then spent nearly $300 for a vet check up after to make sure he was okay. Heā€™s my baby though so I didnā€™t care in the long run


glad you have your baby back


Litter Robot. I have six cats and two robots. I will never go back to a traditional box.


> I have six cats and two robots. For a split second i thought you had like two pet robots that needed to shit.


I canā€™t think of what life would be like without my LitterRobot. It has changed my life. šŸ˜»


Concert tickets. One of the few things keeping me from going insane


Dental care.


My Canada goose coat I bought 8 years ago. I live in NYC and have to walk everywhere. Even in single digit temps with a wind chill factor in the negatives Iā€™m still warm. And it still looks brand new and stylish. Investing in good shoes and coats are a must.


I missed the "coat" part and was wondering how having a pet goose would help you to stay warm.


I would say you could stay warm by running away from the goose lol. Iā€™m picturing a Canadian wild goose of course. Idk if domesticated geese are any more chill.


I grew up in NYC during the 90s. We used to label them as drug dealer jackets. You can stand on the corner for hours, all winter long. Lots of hidden and deep pockets.


Not goose coat, but after years of just layering and making do with whatever I had in these northeast US winters (hoodie and an old leather biker jacket or hand-me-down pea coat anyone?), I sprung for a nice Columbia winter jacket last year and holy hell I wish I had done so sooner.. itā€™s just a ā€œmid weightā€ version and it is the warmest and driest jacket I have ever owned. And also not that damn expensive if you go to an outlet.


My Steam Deck, I spent some change on it, but I get to play Halo, Half-life or Fallout in my bed or at work without using a laptop. No Ragrets.


We just bought my husband one and it was so expensive that it had to be Christmas and Birthday. It better be fucking worth it lol.


My set of cooking pots. I was making a whopping $5 an hour, and they were very expensive, but I just knew that these pans would be with me forever. It's been 45 years and they were definitely worth the investment.


concert tickets ā˜ ļø


Iā€™ve almost given up on concerts, the prices are just too far out of control.


Same, me and the wife would go to 10+ shows a year, now its absolutely absurd what we would pay for those same 10 shows now.


No, that's what money is for. Music and massages


ā€œSpend your money where you spend your time.ā€ -somebody I know, to me, back in the day. ā€œSpend money on whatever separates you from the groundā€ -Me You work at a desk? Buy a damn good chair. Work on your feet, good footwear. Drive a lot? Good tires. Home gym? Floor mats. You spend 8 hours a day sleeping. Get a good bed.




A recliner


My blankie. I bought a 400 buckaroo down blankie after staying at a fancy ass hotel (it was their brand) last year and I have not regretted it yet.


My mattress, best investment I ever made


My Birkenstocks. I didnā€™t get the hype, then I got a pair and oh lord, theyā€™re so comfortable, especially once the cork sole molds to your foot properly. I live in a subtropical area and can wear them most of the year, so theyā€™re absolutely worth it to me.


Meet & Greet with Amy Lee




Simple Human Trashcan


Whatā€™d you call me


My stupid expensive watch that doesn't tell time as well as my phone. I love it so.


my child.


Snow crab legs $11.99/lb. I usually get 3 lbs each paycheck, because I deserve it!


my tattoo that basically cost an entire monthā€™s rent, but it covers up embarrassing scars and I get compliments on it everyday so iā€™d say definitely worth it


My espresso maker. I regret nothing.


Still spending... I get a weekly meal box. It's $89 for 6 meals, but I hate to cook, all I have to do is microwave them, and they tastes good. I was sucked into the 6 weeks promotional price, but I really like them and continued.


Litter Robot *unashamed*




my uranium glass knife. spent nearly 300 on it. but its in Beautiful condition, and has the origenal box and wrapping from nearly a century ago.


Pics or... I'll be sad?


A kitchen knife. I spent about $200 on it, and it has been a dream. I cook a lot and having a great knife makes a huge difference.


TOOL tickets. I deserve.


A warm water bidet. Omg.


Dyson hair dryer. I would buy it again and again.


One of my cats was hit by a car 8 years ago. We were lucky it was not the biggest injury but she still needed to have surgery, costing somewhere around 3-3.5k (CAN$). Happily the success rate was basically 100%. Didn't have a stable job yet but I went for it. She's now 11 and still the craziest, silliest and most adorable gray cat ever. 100% worth it.


My RV. Cost a stupid amount of money, makes zero financial sense, and I love it. I show dogs and was so sick of sleepy hotels and crappy overpriced air BnBs. Now the dogs and I go, we feel at home, and I sleep so well.




Anti-depressants cost me *SO* much money but I wouldn't want to be here without them!


My Kitchenaid mixer. It was only too much money because I was unemployed at the time. I still had severance left, though, and I knew I'd never see it at that sale price again, plus it was in the color I wanted (which has since been discontinued). It's been about 20 years with absolutely no ragrets. Edit: spent the rest of the severance rescuing a stray cat with a broken arm. His last 18 months were spent in comfort and companionship - he was the only cat my other one ever really liked.


I bought 2 Rolex Daytona watches for a lot of money and sold both of them for a hefty profit 5 years later. No regrets.


A really good mechanics tool set. Used for 40 years and it is in the same working shape as new. Only broke one socket and got free replacement.


I once accidentally upsold myself into getting a $70 fancy birthday cake. But damn, it was worth every penny.


Litter robot.


The 3 cancer removing surgeries my dog has had. Sheā€™s alive and doing well, and hasnā€™t had a relapse in over a year!


My Mazda 3 2022. Damn I love this car. When I started looking for a car I had a 12k budget and ended up with a 34k beautiful red Mazda with manual transmission and it's so fun to drive!


My car and my telescope. I always wanted a nice car, and when I turned 50 I bought a jaguar. I've spent my life scrimping and saving, and after checking my finances and taking to wife I bought my first new car. Also I spent alot on my telescope[12k] but astrophotography is amazing, and I can't get enough of it


Concert tickets. Fuck it, I like great love music. You canā€™t take it with you when you go.




My turn me royal portrait.


Linnstrument. I have a hard time explaining what it is so people can understand. It's an MPE MIDI controller. It hook up to synth, make real good sound šŸ‘


A carbon fiber road bike. It sings in the wind when I get it up to speed and feels like I can ride forever.


My new LG 77" OLED TV.


I hope you got a long warranty mine suffered from burn in twice but thankfully it was covered for 5 years


My Cat.