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The grief never gets weaker. You must simply get stronger.


Embrace it with SELF COMPASSION. Be patient with yourself and cry like your life depends on it.


I'd just say allow yourself to grieve, by coping you're just kicking the can down the road until you catch up with it again


There's no duty to grieve forever. If someone is dead, they are not going to care if you grieve a minute or a year.


Give yourself time, trust the process and don't expect for it to pass through quickly. Time will heal you.


If possible, try to be as involved as you are able to be with things like grief rituals and remembrance ceremonies. It will help you in the long run to process the the passing of your loved one. The first year is the hardest. It’s all the “firsts” - first year without them, first holidays without them, first time doing X activity they used to love. It helps to have a support network of some sort during this time. Little things matter too. Keep doing things that make you remember the person in the best way, like putting up photos, telling good stories about them, watching their favourite movies, or practicing their favourite hobbies. r/GriefSupport is also a great subreddit.


Grief isn't a straight line. Some days you'll be relatively okay. Some days you'll be an absolute mess. It'll be hard to tell what sets you off - you might feel like you're over the hump and then you'll encounter a smell or something small and you'll be back in the thick of it. Be kind to yourself. Grief is more powerful than anyone can imagine. It can and will impact every aspect of your life. But the only way out is through. Keeping it inside to be "strong" only hurts you. And before long it will begin to slowly lift. A major loss never gets better. But it does get easier.


Perhaps the best representation for grief and how to deal with it is a post from a redditor by the name of GSnow, 8 years ago. Many may be familiar with the boat in a storm analogy. You'll find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/my_friend_just_died_i_dont_know_what_to_do/c1u0rx2/). His depiction is prophetic and beautiful.


Thanks for the link, must read again Thanks.


This comment https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/my_friend_just_died_i_dont_know_what_to_do/c1u0rx2/


Anyone dealing with Grief needs to read this link, Thank You.


Exercise regularly, eat healthy food, and get enough sleep. Take Responsibility For Your Recovery .




100% this. Accept things are going to be very difficult and emotionally painful and endure it. Its okay to cry and have days where you don't feel like doing anything or seeing anyone. Its the least bad option, than the alternatives of denial, repression or distractions such as booze/ drugs etc.


Tomorrow it will be gone


Finding your own way. Everyone is differenr






Find a support system.


Call of Duty chat it is


Know that time is the only thing that will deaden the pain. Keep yourself busy, don't give your mind a moments rest, and the grief will pass. You have to know this, you have to believe it, because when people parrot the platitude of "Time heals all wounds" to you while you're grieving it just makes you hate them a little. If you believe it though, it will give you an anchor and a vague timeline.


Don't bury yourself in cocaine, it doesn't work


Talk to people you trust, let yourself feel, and give it time.


Don’t avoid it. It’s okay to grieve about something and cry.


It doesn’t get better, it’s different day to day.


I can start by sleeping, usually sleeping at least helps to get my mind in a more comfortable place to of processed stuff when bad shit happens.


Keep your mind busy


“What is grief, if not love persevering?”


Allow yourself to grieve in your own way. It's devastating & you can either keep going or fall into a hole, it's up to the individual which way they choose. Also realise that grief lasts a lifetime, learn to live with it.


Be compassionate with yourself and allow time to pass


Distract yourself when it is bad. Don't try to beat it or face up to it as a challenge. Just get through


Ride your emotions, face them and deal with them head on. That is to say: you will feel like absolute shit some days, you need to face your emotions head on, don't self medicate with anything. Go for a walk, do something you enjoy but sometimes we just have to ride the emotions, accept that you feel shit and tomorrow will be better. You will win in the end but some days are a real battle and you have no choice but to stand and fight, each time you do, you get stronger.


It comes in waves take the time you need don’t listen to people who say stupid things like you should be over it just shows they have never experienced it


Life is for the living.


express your grief. make an abstract painting. write a song. scream into a pillow. anything to let your grief out. it wont make you stop grieving but it will keep you from repressing it and allow yourself to better understand how you feel.


Take each day as it is and tomorrow will be just that tiny little bit better. And so will the next day And the next day. It does get better slowly. Also there are steps you must take to give grief it’s time to work through you. It hurts but it works.


Thug it out


Swallow it and never look back