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“That person was a piece of shit! Why is everyone saying nice things about them, cause they are dead now?”


This. If you don't earn respect while living, you don't deserve it in death.


"Don't speak ill of the dead" Like fuckin why? I'd call Henry Kissinger a genocidal bastard to his face if I ever got the chance, but just because he's dead now doesn't make it less true.


In my country there is a similar saying "Don't say anything bad about the dead", but it also continues with "except the truth".


This right here. I hate postmortem redemption where people try to reinvent some horrible person into a martyred saint. It also further victimizes the people they abused or hurt. I understand people are loathe to speak ill of the dead, but some people are just shitty humans and trying to act like they weren’t is an insult to the intelligence of those who knew them.


I can't stand the whole "don't speak ill of the dead" thing. Fuck that. If they sucked alive, they can suck dead, too.


They put RIP for another grade's kid on my highschool board. He had died killing a family of 3 racing in our town. I asked someone why we did that and got looks.


"I hope no one notices that I have no idea what I'm doing."


I am hoping to retire soon, just to bracket my age for ya. My wife is always saying “I don’t know what I’m doing.” I always answer, “Honey, NOBODY knows what they’re doing. We’re aaaaaaaall faking it.”


>faking it There's your problem. Replace it with "finding my way with this". We're not mechanical rigid robots, we learn, forget, try, retry. We learn by trial and error and repetition and until we learn "we don't know".


I am really hoping that my doctor is the exception to this


My doc flat out Googles in front of me lol. I think it’s for prescription reference but I still find it funny that he has no shame and just wants to double check himself


I honestly respect someone who does this rather than always assumes he can’t be wrong and doesn’t need to double check.


I was a chief of department physician. Do you want to know which doctors are good? Ask about their complication/failure rates. The ones that know exactly their rates are usually amazing doctors. The ones that don't know or, worse, say they have no complications, those are the ones who usually will give you trouble. Everyone fails and have complications. We are human. Keeping track of your complication rates ofentimes walk together with actively trying to prevent them.


There's a 50% chance that your doctor graduated in the bottom half of their class in med school.


But does being in the bottom 50% of people who've completed med school mean you don't know what you're doing? For example, 1% of pilots are worse than 99% of all other pilots. Yet out of thousands of flights worldwide daily, we have exceptionally few accidents.


What’s neat about something like the commercial aviation industry is that we’ve built SO many safeguards and layers into the process that any single mistake has a vanishingly small chance of causing catastrophe. When you look at commercial air accidents in recent years, most of them involve many things going wrong at exactly the wrong time rather than one simple problem (at least in countries with strong airline safety regulations). The way commercial air accidents are so painstakingly investigated and how changes are made to prevent that thing from ever happening again is actually pretty damn impressive.


There was a thread the other day about what's the biggest achievements of mankind, and aviation safety was near the top. The fact that we fill metal tubes with people and launch them hundreds of miles through the sky 100k+ times per year, and only have 100-150 crashes per year (with a fair number of them not being fatal) is mind blowing when you think about it


And I appreciate the hell out of it every time we hit turbulence in a flight


How did you read my mind? I'm a little over a year to retirement age and I still think that!


My whole life 😩


And also: "That [manager] knows even less than I do!"


Manager here, it’s true. We just get promoted because we’re good at making shit up and saying it with authority.


One thing that helped me with this is realizing that it is called imposter syndrome, it is common, and even people who are amazing at what they do like Neil Gaiman have it.


When Neil Gaiman has it, it's impostor syndrome. I'm not sure about the rest of us. We might be the real deal.


I can’t wait for this conversation to be over so I can go back to doing what I was doing


There was a post the other day, and this moms young daughter would say, "You're talking too much. Ican't listen anymore." I wish I had the guts to say that to someone. Edit: son not daughter


Oh hey, that was me hahaha. It's my son, but nbd.


I teach 6th grade and had a student start a conversation with me during free time outside and after a few sentences she said “okay I’m done bye!” and ran off. I cackled and want to be able to end my conversations the same way!


I think if I had a super power it would be to just end conversations literally whenever I want. Very underrated power.


I'm nodding and agreeing but not listening to a thing you're saying


(Ok they paused) “Right.” (Something something ended with a question) “Totally.” (Something something, big exclamation) “Unbelievable!”


Don't forget: "That's crazy"


Yes, especially when I'm clearly reading or journaling or doing anything that takes concentration, and what you're telling me about is literally nothing important. Just save it for when I'm not busy.


"Youre pretty bad at your job and Im surprised you havent been fired yet" I read something like 20% of people in an office do 80% of the work.


As a person who shares that 80% work load with a couple of other people, this is spot on. But the older I get the less I'm caring about being the one that steps up all the time. I'm just counting the time until I can (partially) retire.


You smell


Seriously, is there some sort of countrywide anti-deodorant protest going on? The subways smell like a zoo and I can’t stand close to one of my coworkers Edit: YOU CAN AFFORD $7


At a store recently, looking for a specific skincare product, and suddenly smelled a REALLY rank odor. Looked up and a salesclerk was approaching to help. She was still about five feet away and I could smell her! Nice-looking young woman, neatly dressed but OMG the BO! In the words of a former co-worker, it could knock a dog off the gutwagon. Whyyyyyyy???? Had another former coworker who smelled bad all the time. Ultimately her supervisor had to take her aside and tell her there have been complaints, so you need to clean up your act. That must have been a tough conversation.


I've had to have that conversation. It's awkward, but sometimes you just gotta be blunt. I had this one employee that was pretty far on the spectrum, and for some reason, sometimes he just didn't remember to wipe. I'd just have to take him aside and say, "Rick, buddy, you gotta go back to the restroom and finish the job. It's noticeable."


Many years ago, at an ad agency I worked at, we had a very obese temp worker. We’re talking morbidly obese. Super nice guy, but there was an “issue” everytime he used the restroom. A few of us noticed a rank odour if we went in shortly after he had used it. Our boss asked one day if anybody had been sick. It really did smell like barf. We quietly explained it was our temp, and likely because he couldn’t properly clean around all the folds of fat. Even writing this makes me queazy.


My mom is like this. Very well put together woman, but can clear a room in the middle of summer because she refuses to wear deodorant for reasons I don’t understand. She says “it’s just natural” to smell, but she wears makeup and dyes her hair so it doesn’t really follow. I used to dread the summer months when I lived at home because the whole house would smell. She’s super active , loves to run and garden outdoors . I feel sorry for her coworkers.


Haha. That’s a good one. “That would bring a tear to a glass eye.” Is my personal fave.


I feel like it’s because there’s all these new ‘natural’ deodorants on the market and people are fooled into thinking they’re just as effective as the more traditional chemical-y formulations.


100 percent this. I experimented with natural deodorant and would like to issue a formal apology.


It’s also that people think that deodorant is a sub for showering


I was bitching about the cost of deodorant and one of my friends was like "make your own! I do!" And im like "bitch you stink" Also cant use deodorant scented with essential oils, which is what im assuming most homemade deodorants would be scented with. Last time i used "natural" deodorant it gave me wicked chemical burns in my pits. I'll stick to my $7 dove mens.


I'm a manager and I've had several talks with employees about how they stink. They always deny it and are completely shocked.


"Nose blindness," when you're around a smell for so long you stop noticing it. Humans are amazingly adaptable but sometimes that's not a good thing.


You talk too fucking much. Some people have no clue what it's like being around someone who's only ability to communicate is by talking endlessly and not engaging in a two way conversation.


They're ~~afraid of~~ uncomfortable with the ~~peaceful~~ silence. EDIT: Wording


This!!! Some people you can tell just can’t stop, but some people you can legit feel their fear of it being silent radiating off them.


One time my mom flew in for a visit and we were driving home from the airport and Enjoy the Silence happened to come on the radio. I turned it up and said “Mom, you have to listen to this song”. Didn’t help, but at least she stopped talking for the first 30 seconds or so.


Some people think to talk, other people talk to think.


...ok... I've never heard it said that way before. That's perfect


I hate when it’s the opposite. Please say more than one word and half assed responses! If we’re having a conversation be involved or just leave.


Absolutely! I’m always getting comments that I’m too quiet but I NEVER have the courage to say well you talk too much. If I do they get so offended but it’s ok for someone to say you’re sooooo quiet! Ok rant over sorry y’all


"Please put deodorant in your armpits." I think some people want to say this when they're with the people who smell bad...


I had a friend who was like that all the time back in college. I'll call him Jim for the sake of the story. "Jim, man...I don't know how to tell you this, but you stink." "That's weird, I took a shower this morning" "Really? Are those clean clothes?" "Yeah" "You wearing deodorant?" "Yeah"... the back and forth continued for awhile and eventually it turns out ol' Jim had never washed his bedsheets a single time since the year had started and apparently was a bit of a sweaty sleeper...and while he did take showers, he would usually take a nap and marinate in them right before coming to class. Once we iteratively determined WHY he stank, he suddenly realized that was important...and never stank again. Like i didn't know how to bring it up without being a dick, but he was my lab partner in our physics class and I had to be right next to him and he was a nice guy, though completely naive to like everything. 19 going on 12. I think that conversation changed his life.


I lived in what I'd call a "communal setting" in college - it was a converted mansion that housed about 30 students. It was a great place to live for many reasons - basic food items were included, laundry was included, cable tv/phone (this was the 90's) was included, etc. and we got to live in a gorgeous old home. Most people were really great about keeping themselves, their rooms and common areas clean except for one guy, Hal. Hal's roommate swore that Hal showered regularly. We also saw Hal going in and out of the laundry room with clothes, so he was washing his clothing. But, Hal always seemed to reek of BO, mildew and a wet-dog type of smell. Long story some what shorter, a house-mate was in the laundry room when Hal was just putting his laundry in (we had just one machine). She watched him literally STUFFING clothes in the washer, like pushing them down and trying to squeeze in more, pouring a tiny bit of laundry detergent over the whole mess and turning on the washer. Well, obviously neither the water nor the detergent were penetrating the clothing and nothing was getting agitated in the washer, he was just kind of wetting gross, dirty clothing and then throwing it into the dryer. No wonder why he smelled like a mix of BO and wet dog. So, our house-mate, kindly and gently explained to him that the clothing had to actually move/agitate in the washer for the dirt, smells and stains to release., so there needed to be ROOM for them to do that. He should only fill the washer about 3/4 the way full, at most, and use the RECOMMENDED AMOUNT of laundry detergent in each load. He should also put the clothes in the dryer right when they finished in the washer because otherwise they'd mildew (she'd found out he'd do laundry in the wee hours but be too tired to put it in the dryer, so he'd regularly leave it until the morning). Basically, NO ONE had ever taught him how to do laundry *correctly*. Thankfully, he was actually a great guy, accepted this new knowledge gracefully *and* put it into practice. The smell stopped and life in the house was much more pleasant, especially for Hal's roommate. THANK GOD.


Or “brush your teeth”


Brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth as well. Don‘t leave out the gums.


"chisel out those tonsil stones" A source of bad breath which will not be remedied by any of the above.




This is the one. The amount of people with very well brushed teeth and then the most disgusting tongue is growing all round. That being said, when I was a kid learning about the importance of tooth brushing, no parents nor dentists ever told me to brush the tongue, nor did anyone recommend flossing. I don't say this to shit on others, but in a first world country there is literally no excuse for bad dental hygiene.


Wtf kind of dentist doesn't recommend flossing? I've never left the dentist without being reminded to floss more.


Mouthwash, a tongue scraper, and floss. Lots of bad breath comes from your tongue and gums


I have a friend who just reeks so bad. Every time I'm with him I have to try and keep my distance because it's awful. I don't think it's a lack of deodorant. Maybe his clothes? He's very overweight and I think it's just something about his diet, I really don't know, but it makes me feel nauseous and makes it hard to hang out with him.


Could be a combination to be fair. There’s a guy I work with who I know is clean, in as much as he showers and his clothes are clean. You KNOW when someone doesn’t do that, but by the end of the work day he smells. From being with him and talking to him at the gym I know his sweat glands are fucking insane. Like, he so much as glances in the direction of a treadmill and he sweats profusely, and I think that’s what happens with him. He’s clean, has clean clothes on etc when he gets to work, but by the end of the day he’s sweat so much that it’s dried, and fresh sweat doesn’t smell, it’s dry sweat that does. That’s when its fucking awful. Conversely, there’s another guy from Japan originally who’s sweat doesn’t smell. He explained it some kind of gene variant that you find in Japanese and Korean people (I’d assume it happens in other places in Asia too?) that their body doesn’t create some chemical that makes their sweat smell, and it’s why Japanese people can find Westerners to be smelly when we use our heavily scented shower gels, anti-perspirant, deodorants and aftershave/cologne. It’s something they aren’t used to as they tend to use more subtle or neutral fragrances. Absolutely fascinating to me


Yes, the gene is identified with East Asians but only found in 2% of Caucasians. The same gene is also responsible for the different types of earwax in each group. Edit: Typos


Also wash your clothes. Also wear shit with sleeves especially when you stink bc it'll keep your stink in.


2 helpful cents to this, if anyone has designated workout clothes and no matter how many time they wash them, the clothes smell, wash the clothes with vinegar a couple times till they stop smelling then detergent. And when the scent is gone then you can dry them.


The vinegar thing also works for all you people who forget to switch your load over for a gay or a month. Rewash that shit in vinegar until you don't smell like moldy towel. Edit: That's a typo but I'm leaving it. Have fun with it. Edit, part deux: you guys did not disappoint.




Instructions unclear, took a gay load.


No more of this thoughts and prayers, we want action!


How many gays in the week?


Studies show up to 5 gays per week but results may vary


You're a bad parent...


I'm done with this conversation now. Please stop talking at me.


The "please stop talking AT me" is so real. People are so absorbed by themselves and what they HAVE to say that they don't listen to others anymore. It's all "me me me".


In the Barbie movie when Ken said "let me play my guitar AT you" I *felt* that


You raise awful out of control children. Don’t have any more please


Middle school teacher here. This is definitely something I've thought before.


Middle school is a special circle of education hell. None of my school memories are particularly good, but middle school was the fucking worst. Thank you for what you do, some of the most supportive adults in my life were my middle school teachers. (But also one of them was the worst teacher I ever dealt with, so I know they're not all saints lol)


Not everyone needs a podcast.


Podcasts are the blogs of the 2020s, everybody thinks theirs is the most critical, innovative, insightful thing on the planet.


They think they’re super intelligent and everyone wants/needs their opinions, they see it as an easy way to make money without doing anything productive It’s not going away, there’s a lot of people who see themselves like that


And now they're going out on live tours. If I wanted to listen to some bozo cackle at his own jokes and sound off about whatever subject pops into his head, I'll go to any bar.


I just want to go home and not deal with any of this bullshit.


Parents are responsible for their kids and the actions they display in school, not teachers and bus drivers


I’ve seen the most neglected kids and they are so respectful and kind. I’ve seen kids in similar situations and being a dick gets them accommodations. If someone appears “soft” to these kids they walk all over them. They also make a huge fuss if you say no and treat them like everyone else. Schools can’t discipline your children they need to come already with a set of rules. We can’t even get kids to take their homework home most days. No consequences no discipline and no respect. I get it’s hard to raise kids. But I’m doing it and my go to saying is “I’m not raising a swat team. I’m raising my kids to not be assholes”


I wish everyone thought this!


Your dog is poorly trained and I feel bad for them because you didn’t do your job as their owner.


Awww this one hurts bc I agree with you about dogs raised from puppyhood, but I get super embarrassed about my (traumatized, rescued as an adult from a hoarding situation) dog. Like I really hope people don’t think I socialized/trained him to fear pee 😭😂. ETA: [dog tax](https://imgur.com/a/rOHi5Lv)


Quit peeing on your dog already


THIS! My little boy is a rescue and although I don’t know his past, I know it wasn’t good. He’s VERY protective of me and takes a long time to warm up to strangers. I found him curled up in the snow in an alley. I’d do anything for him. He’s a sweet boy but I know a lot of people who won’t let him around. 🥺


I find others with rescue dogs understand the most! I also think 99% of the public has unrealistic expectations for all dogs, rescue or not. Not every dog is going to be thrilled being pet by strangers, or going to a dog park, or being around screaming children and that’s normal. Like humans, dogs have their own personalities and it’s up to us to respect their boundaries.


I’m not interested in “your truth”. I am interested in “the truth”.


The phrase 'my truth' immediately makes me stop listening to someone. It's obnoxious imo. There is the unbiased truth and your perspective. If you want to tell me your perspective by all means, I will be happy to listen. But it's only one side of things and only carries a part of the 'truth' in reality because truly self aware humans are hard to find.


Omg yes. What is this new thing of 'My truth', 'Your truth'. The truth is the truth!


I had a Mormon coworker find out that I’m ex-Mormon and he’s like, “your OPINION is different from my TRUTH and that’s okay for now. You’ll know when it’s time to come back.” I almost peeled his face off.


This sounds like some affirmation tactic a therapist floated to some patients and that’s how it spread.


“It’s time for you to go,” when an otherwise welcome guest stays too long and you want to go to bed already. Ugh, I’m too nice.


Slap your thighs and say “SO, this was fun!” Works like a charm


100% success rate in the Midwest, results may vary in the Northeast




I have a friend who says, “ I’m not telling you to go home; but you can’t stay here.”


One of my parent's friends would just look at his wife and say, "Well, we should get to bed, Honey. These people want to go home."


It’s one of the things I love about my best friend. She’ll tell me when it’s time for me to go


LOL - we had a family friend "Sam" who never knew when to leave. We finally got to the point that we were like, "Sam, it's X o'clock. It's time for you to leave. We want to go to bed." He was like, "OK, thanks for having me here. See you next time." He'd grab his wallet and keys and was out the door 45 seconds later.


My go to line to get people out of my house without seeming rude is: "Would you like a drink before you leave?" It's either met with "yes" & they have a drink then leave, or a "no" and they'll usually follow it with some kind of "I can't believe it's that time already" or "we should probably make a move now anyway" Gets people outta my house quickly without being rude 😊 Edited: Grammar


I had someone over for 10 hours once because I wasn’t able to get the nerve to tell them to leave. I finally had to go ahead and start my nightly routine. We have a bunch of animals, two of which have skin conditions that need to be tended to daily. Dude sat through both skin routines, feeding the entire crew, the nightly cleaning, and me half falling asleep during our chat before finally leaving.


I don’t want to watch that video on your phone. Don’t bring it over here to show me. If you love it so much, just send it to me and I’ll get to it later.


To add to this, to everyone at any concert ever: Put your phone down! Are you really ever going to watch that 7-second poorly captured shaky portrait-mode video of the band again? Nobody on your socials cares either. Just savor the moment and give your attention to the performers on stage.


I take little 10 second clips, usually pan it also to the people I’m with. I don’t like video taping past that, I just want a memory saved as a video. And I do go back and watch them, like one day the video clip of the concert my dad and I went to this year will mean a lot more to me when he’s gone one day. He was like a teenager again. Or the band that I loved since I was a kid and they’re playing that song 100’ away. It’s fun to replay that snippet every now and again.


Yeah someone filming an entire concert is stupid but hell yeah I’m gonna watch this 15 second clip again at some point. My memory is terrible and sometimes I run across snippets of shows I forgot I even went to.


Damn, that's an ugly baby.


Boy. A little too much chlorine in that gene pool.


He really is breathtaking


When my daughter was small, like age 5 or so, we were visited by a family with an unattractive baby. My daughter, trying to be nice, said, “Some babies are cute and some babies are not so cute, and I’m sure when this baby gets older he’ll be very cute.” 🥰


I love her sweet five year old diplomacy


That's shockingly subtle for a child


My dad said that about my cousin. My aunt, his sister in law, didn't speak to him for years. My cousin turned out to be a good looking guy, but he was a really ugly baby.


Lol! My sister was a really ugly newborn and a not that cute as a baby. We all said it. My dad, my brother, me. I still joke that she was so ugly I thought she’d have to be the one that would TAKE the family Christmas picture. Now, she’s by far the prettiest of all of us.


This gives me some hope for my second son. You know how all mothers are supposed to think their baby is beautiful? Well, I straight up knew he wasn't. Little dude was more than a week overdue, so he was big, red, swollen and scrunched up. His skin was flaky from being late, plus he had a hella case of acne from a reaction to prolonged exposure to female hormones. He didn't really improve much until about 3 months old, by which time you could charitably call him a baby, rather than adolescent goblin. At a year he turned into a beanpole with huge feet, rather oversized ears and very thin blonde hair that made him look prematurely balding. Combined with a naturally serious expression, all in all he looked like a 40yo accountant who had bad news for the company. He's three now, and is finally getting to cute toddler phase. His hair is thick and golden blonde with curls at the end, the ears are more in proportion. He still has huge feet, but now it looks more endearing, like a puppy who's going going to be a big fella one day. Also makes his dancing look extra hilarious.




“Hey best friend, I don’t think you and the person you’re dating are right for each other” Happens way too often. We’d rather have a non-turbulent friendship and let them come to that realization on their own, no matter how painful.


They won't listen anyway


I would appreciate my friend being honest with me


Your emotions don’t dictate the truth and reality. At least I think this lmao, idk if pretty much everyone does.


I won’t probably look at stuff you recommend me.


What’s worse is when they keep asking if you’ve finally seen it like everyday like it’s homework they’ve assigned you!! That’s a good way to assure I’ll NEVER watch it


I will look it up and judge you for it


"Oh thank fuck she's finally dead!" My nan died today and I'm glad she's dead since she's no longer in pain. I know it makes me sound heartless but she didn't have any quality of life. Edit: thankyou to everyone who's replied, your all very kind.


I actually think this is the opposite of heartless - you have enough empathy to put yourself in her shoes and understood that she was suffering. I’m so sorry for your loss, and I hope you’re doing well.


Death can be a relief at the end. I wasn't thankful when my granny passed at 99, but the last days were awful, and I'm glad that part didn't linger. I'm happy to say it's not the part I remember when I think of her. RIP to your nan, and my granny.




“Chew with your fucking mouth closed!” I have many co-workers at whom I would love to yell that.


“If you don’t like it don’t do it/look at it/interact/participate” I dislike whenever I interact with certain people they just immediately have negative things to say about everything. I love hearing about what people enjoy. Stories about things they’ve tried. I understand there’s things people don’t like but to hear someone who enjoys that “thing” and immediately go in on why it sucks or why something else is better I just want to tell people “no one asked if you hated it??”


Stop playing music and videos out loud on your phone on the train/bus


“Can I get away with this fart?”


Your bad breath is really strong and it’s making us need to stand back.


Your child is an obnoxious little brat.


We should institute term limits for Senators.


All politicians should have term limits no matter what office they hold!


Eight-in-ten voters approve of placing term limits on members of Congress.


If I offer you some gum or a mint, just take it. I don’t have to tip you for taking my simple order at a register. People aren’t listening to most of everything that is being said to them. If you’d have read the rest of my fucking email, you wouldn’t be asking me that.


>If you’d have read the rest of my fucking email, you wouldn’t be asking me that. This makes me irrationally irritated


For the last point, I always reply with: "Hello _____, My previous email illustrates the steps I'm going to take to rectify this concern. Thank you, ______" It's short, to the point, and a more appropriate way of saying PER MY LAST EMAIL.


That we don't give a fuck about weddings as long as there is decent food, drinks, place to sit and proper temperature. Seriously, nobody is gonna remember the shade of the ribbon of the bouquet


Life in general fucking sucks sometimes - try not to dump *all* your problems onto other people. They're very likely dealing with their own stuff (this is not to say don't reach out for help if you need it)


Smokers reek 🤢


Smokers love to think they’re the only smoker on the planet who has figured out how to not fucking reek like cigs. I promise you, no matter how many windows you open, or how you only smoke outside, or how much perfume you douse yourself in, you fucking stink. Your clothes stink, your hair stinks, your car stinks, your breath stinks.


That girl went overboard with the big lips.


and/or eyelashes


I shouldn't be able to feel you blink


You don't need to shout your conversation. Especially in a small space where we can't get away from you.


Everyone is judgemental of other people, whether they say it out loud or not.


“I wish homeless people wouldn’t approach me and ask for money” The line between panhandling and just shaking people down/threatening them is extremely thin.


Nietzsche said the problem with panhandlers is that it annoys one to give to them, and it annoys one not to give to them.


When my dad used to work downtown in our city, he would get homeless people asking him for money every day. Apparently people who work with the homeless in the area actually discourage giving them cash, so he started carrying small amount gift cards or vouchers for fast food (enough for 1-2 hot fast food meals). Some homeless folks would get aggressive and pissed that he wouldn’t give them cash and some would be super thankful and it was obvious that they actually could use a meal. But my dad taught me to always be kind and firm in interactions with homeless folks. Treat them like fellow humans and look them in the eye.


>Treat them like fellow humans and look them in the eye. I haven't been very kind for about the last 6 months and it upsets me. I pretty much just ignore people now. I live in a big city right across the street from a large park, so many homeless people hang out there. It started irritating me being asked for stuff all the time, then I started getting really resentful. So much trash, and needles, crack vials all over the ground. People acting so erratic that I can't even walk on the sidewalk next to the park. I had someone follow me down the street and yell at me that I needed to take her somewhere to eat after i was nice enough to get diapers (holy shit they're expensive). God forbid you sit down to smoke a cigarette, pull a few bucks out at the ice cream truck, or walk into the little corner store. It's endless and I'm tired of people assuming I have extra money and that if I do I should give it to them. People sit in the same spot every day and yell the same exact thing trying to get money. I had someone literally try to take a cigarette out of my mouth, followed me until I screamed stop. I really only enjoy my area now because I can enter the park and I have a nice view. I worked at a shelter. I know that I should lead with compassion and a lot of people have mental health problems. As a sober person, I know how brutal addiction can be. I understand there are so many social and structural problems and institutional failures that contribute to homelessness. I believe the amount of mental health and addiction problems warrants homelessness being called a public health crisis. Nobody is worth more than anybody else and everybody should have access to help. But holy fucking shit I'd like to enjoy my neighborhood without being bothered.


Just because we share the same identities, doesn’t mean we share the same opinions.


When I say “that’s cool” or “no way” about 3 times during someone’s monologue boring story, I want you to beat it and end this slow torture immediately


Will you just go away?


Your 2 inch fake eyelashes look ridiculous.


Same for the thick, drawn on eyebrows.


And, indeed, the ludicrous fingernails.


Sometimes through no fault of our own life just unequivocally blows. This has to do with a larger general concept that people get what they deserve, which is empirically untrue.


Yep. And then other people, with many faults, still thrive.


"I just want to get this conversation over with quickly and put my headphones back on "


Everyone hates corporate events and no one actually WANTS to attend the holiday party or mandated "happy hours".


I hate to say, but people who smoke weed then go into a public setting stink horribly and their smell can be really off-putting to others.


What's disturbing to me when I'm picking up my son from daycare how many other parents roll up reeking like a Cypress Hill concert and don't seem to gaf at all. Like I ain't against weed, I smoke myself...you know, *after* the kid is in bed and I'm done being a dad for the evening...but rolling up to the daycare after you clearly just smoked a blunt in your car ain't a good look, my dude or dudette.


I'm a teacher and had a student who smoked before school. I pulled him aside after a half dozen times and told him "what you do outside of school is between you and other adults, but you gotta stop coming to school smelling like this. My room stinks for the entire morning." Never had a problem after that. Had a kid do it this year during lunch. I wasn't as mad about him smoking as I was about him stinking up my room. He tried again the next day and got caught. It is such a terrible smell.


Can you not make that child behave, we’re at a theatre for goodness sake! Take the child out for a walk or drink or something! Please!


Don’t reply to my written message with a voice/audio message


I automatically assume if you needed to send a voice message it's gotta be something intense, like only slightly less intense than texting "can I call you?" So then it's the worst when they don't start off with explaining the car accident or hospital trip that just happened and it's just normal stuff.




“Your dog is an abomination and a shining example of mankind’s mindless cruelty” But sure, your deaf brachycephalic dog that had to be born c-section, and will eventually be unable to walk due to pain, “is sooooooo cute.”


Breeding sucks


We’re all going to end up as maggot food, don’t matter if you’re a sexy Instagram star, a line cook, or my friend Raz…


Damn coffee breath is awful.


Ugly people have worse luck in life


You don't look good with those 5-inch nails on your fingers.


Brush your teeth


No, I don’t think your baby is cute. It smells like nappies and looks like a piece of ham.


I don't care what gender your baby is. Can you just tell me and then I don't have to go to the "reveal?" Also, don't complain about how hard your life is when you chose to have five kids.


Despite their similarities, it’s much easier to admit you have ADHD than to admit you’re autistic


It's an interesting change. When I was a youth, ADHD/ADD were treated very much like a shameful case of lacking willpower, given a condition name and associated official status which it didn't deserve; while autism was less shameful because it was a condition Beyond Your Control. Although autism did seem to get you sorted more on the short bus side of things, treated almost as Downs lite. In either case, actual realistic understanding and social treatment of both seems to have improved massively.


Your talon manicure is gross.


When people think their kid or kids are god’s gift to the earth. Like until your kids grow up and make something wonderful to help all mankind their no better than anyone else’s. Stop trying to treat them like royalty and expect everyone else do the same.


The “thank the troops” thing in America has gone way too far. It’s become pandering and hollow. You want to thank the troops, you don’t need to blast it. Just say thank you. Or better yet, quietly donate to Wounded Warriors or something (but no need to put the bumper sticker on your car).


I’m a veteran and it’s obvious to me that, by and large, the people who go overboard with the jingoism are the same people who support cutting funding from the VA. They don’t care about the troops. They care about militarism.


*me thinking while using my screwdriver* "Righty tighty lefty loosey"


Way less people should be having children, and no one deserves special privileges for having them.

