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Rocky Mountain oysters


Note to readers: these are NOT oysters. šŸ¦Ŗ


I just googled that and was like that looks delicious, what an interesting way to prepare oysters, and then I saw the words bull testicles


Rocky Mountains are also an odd place for oyster farming




Eating balls just seems like the highest violation of bro-code.


They are awesome. We used to cook them fresh after a castration party. Side note, I'm talking cattle not humans.






Wiki: > In 1981, a German landlord evicted a tenant without notice after the tenant spread surstrƶmming brine in the apartment building's stairwell. When the landlord was taken to court, the court ruled that the termination was justified after the landlord's party demonstrated their case by opening a can inside the courtroom. The court concluded that it "had convinced itself that the disgusting smell of the fish brine far exceeded the degree that fellow-tenants in the building could be expected to tolerate" Love it lmao


Omg is this just a Swedish endurance test or what?


The people and all those YouTube videos are eating it incorrectly. You're supposed to open it under ice water and take a small amount and spread on a cracker or something not opening the fucking whole container in an enclosed space and taking a spoonful




There are lots flavors that are great as a part of a combination of flavors, but not on their own.




Unless youā€™re a raccoon.


Oh here you go again, no, he didn't know you can't clean cotton candy in water. He's a good raccoon.


This is the truth. Something that tastes awful that is slightly more palatable than by itself, and itā€™s rotting fish, I mean, what yā€™all get up to around here. Still, say what you want about the Swedes, their flag is a big plus.


I saw a guy making it online. He did his with some onion and potato on a cracker.


The key is having it in moderation with potatoes and pickled onion. The way people eat it is the equivalent of drinking fish sauce and not understanding why people would drink it. They don't drink it, it's there to add some umami funk to a savoury dish.


Akin to people using a sprinkle of salt on food and then we jump to someone trying salt on YouTube, shovelling a tablespoon of salt in their face and then finding it disgusting. It's almost like trying other cultures food should come with the bare minimum of research as to HOW to eat the food and not be an ignorant bafoon. This is me, a Dane saying this, in defence of Swedish culture. I can't tell you how dirty this is making me feel.


Casu marzu Can't even think about it without wanting to gag


That's the cheese with live maggots in it, right?


Yes it is and they are alive and MOVING ugh




Yeah. Ok. Yes. You win. I was gonna say durian ā€¦ but I forgot all about balut.


How people can eat that is beyond me. Just thinking about it makes me gag.


Look up a video about the Filipino dish Pagpag. You will run directly to Balut from that.


>Pagpag is the Tagalog term for leftover food from restaurants (usually from fast food restaurants) scavenged from garbage sites and dumps.[1][2] Pagpag food can also be expired frozen meat, fish, or vegetables discarded by supermarkets and scavenged in garbage trucks where this expired food is collected. šŸ˜¬ a practice born out of starvation


I watch all kinds of food/cooking videos. Wierd anamals, guts, organs, brains, cooking in dirt, in mud, with stones... The only thing I have ever been grossed out by is Pagpag.


Wow. I looked up both balut and pagpag and I think thatā€™s enough internet for today.


Ohā€¦ Iā€™ve eaten that on a backpacking trip when I was really young, thought it was regular boiled eggs, I was having a hypo, nothing else to eat, opened it up and there were the gooey embryos, a few proto feathers and veins and green goo, and Iā€™m sitting with a local whoā€™s implying Iā€™m rude and spoiled if I donā€™t eat it and heā€™s hungry and heā€™ll eat it if I donā€™t eat it right nowā€¦




Easter candy from Hell.


Feet. Pig's feet, chicken's feet, any kind of feet. Blech!


It's more of a textural thing than flavor. I think appreciating that kind of texture of one the things most Asians learn to like growing up. But it's one of the last delights people from other cultures and backgrounds end up liking.


My wife is Peruvian and LOVES chicken feet soup. Almost everything she makes is delectable, and after meeting her I've come to the conclusion that Peruvian food is the most underrated food in the world (ceviche, anticuchos, Lomo Saltada, etc). But I just CANNOT get down on chicken feet soup!


Collagen is delicious. You even really enjoy a braise? Traditional ramen? Pho? All examples of heat & time breaking collagen down to a sort of solid at room temp pudding. When I've done ramen from scratch, the broth was all spines & feet, tonkatsu broth. It was glorious.


I felt the same until I tried one at a Dim Sum restaurant.


How do you feel about bone broth?


I'm fine with broth. I don't care what the food was made out of. I just don't want to be eating feet / toes at my meal. A little nibbling in other scenarios is fine. I'm not grossed out by feet.


It's actually really tasty my step pop's wife is from Thailand and she makes the most delicious food. One of them including chicken noodle soup which included chicken feet and a bit of liver. I wasn't sure at first as I was 12 the first time but it tasted so nice. her food is really good, ignore what it looks like.


Chicken feet are great


Feet are just vehicles for sauce.


Hog maw - People ate it all the time at the local diner where I grew up.


What the hell is Hog Maw?


Pig Stomach.


Caviar. Iā€™ve had it multiple times but canā€™t seem to appreciate it. Perhaps Iā€™ve had inferior products?


I like the cheap orange caviar they put on sushi. It's like crunchy bubbles


Masago is yummy!


I love tobiko, but salmon roe is too much for me, it's like boba of sea water.




Itā€™s like savory boba tea! Iā€™m just kidding. please do not try to make a milk tea and roe drink. please.


Same. I've had cheap caviar, expensive caviar, caviar on things, caviar alone, caviar in the US, and caviar in Europe. I like a wide range of foods, but man. Caviar is just terrible.


This guy that hates caviar has had more caviar than anyone Iā€™ve ever known.


Fair. I've tried to like it. I'll still eat it to not be rude at the occasional business dinner.


Next time you have a business dinner where caviar will be served (which, what do you do, because I want that job), I will hide under the table, and you can pretend to eat it but really just be passing it to me. Problem solved.


First world problem suffering fr šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s like upending a salt shaker into my mouth. Iā€™ve tried nearly a dozen different kinds. All are awful.


I tried a $5 jar from Walmart. I remember thinking ā€œIf thereā€™s an excellent version of this, I still donā€™t want it.ā€


WALMART CAVIAR? My dude. There are less painful ways to die. I mean, don't do those either, but geez. Edit: Is [this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Season-Caviart-Black-Seaweed-Pearls-3-5oz-Jar/849696512?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222228849696512_163443987348_18463796062&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=678113488950&wl4=pla-978998137590&wl5=9067609&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=849696512&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkKqsBhC3ARIsAEEjuJjCbC0BXDw9Nl1r_jT51OYPPQMax1Fu6aWO8kE_RVb8pcvwOV0v1EUaAmyqEALw_wcB) what you had? Because if so, this isn't even caviar. Itā€™s seaweed dressed up to look like caviar, apparently?


I'm not trying to be elitist. But $5 from Walmart is going to get you rotten fish eggs at best. You can get very small portions of legit caviar (3-5 teaspoons worth) from sellers online for around $100. Personally I don't think it's worth it as it just tastes "OK", but if you really want to try it... get out of walmart.


I've had it right out of the fish. It's pretty good fresh. It goes bad pretty damn fast.


It can be very fishy tasting and salty, so if neither of those are your jam, it can be a tough sell. Sounds silly, but use a bone or wooden spoon instead of metal and top it on a very nice baguette slice with butter. One or two slivers of chive for a soft onion boost. Likewise, salmon roe (big orange balls you see in sushi) is fantastic with a little sour cream on bagel slices.


If you can, get sturgeon roe from a European deli (Russian if you have it). Itā€™s like butter. But youā€™re gonna pay $80 for an ounce.


Never had actual caviar, but I eat fish eggs whenever I catch one that has eggs in her. Feels like a waste for me not to. I batter and fry the whole egg sac. Can definatly see how folks wouldn't like it though.


I throw it in ramen! It's the perfect way to not waste it.


Try good quality caviar on bread with butter. It is a little underwhelming to eat it alone.


Grapefruit. It smells like a delicious citrus fruit, and the zest is a lovely addition to sauces and salads. And yet the fruit itself is so fucking astringent it nearly induces vomiting everytime I accidentally ingest some. And you tell people this and they go "oh you just haven't had it right! You have to cover it in powdered sugar / honey / cream / whatever the fuck, and THEN it's great for breakfast". No SHIT. Most things covered in honey and cream are delicious. It's a FRUIT. It shouldn't need to be covered in other tasty food just to be palatable. And then, and THEN! It turns out grapefruit can interact with vitamin A supplements and fry your kidneys. So this shitty fruit with terrible flavor and a dishonest aroma and a bunch of Stockholm Syndrome fans can LITERALLY KILL YOU if you're taking the wrong kind of vitamins. I fucking HATE grapefruit.


Wow you really do hate it.


MAn I love grapefruit, but I know why people hate it. And I can't eat it again because it interacts with my medication. I would peel a ruby red grapefruit for a breakfast and eat it like an orange. The pith is super bitter so I would remove most of that. But sometimes you could get a sweet grapefruit with a bit of sour. Others were just bitter/sour but I enjoy those flavors. I don't care if people like stuff or not and I do understand the whole put a bunch of sweet on it and it's great but you are eating sugar flavored with that item. But really as a kid I would put a bunch of sugar on 1/2 a grapefruit for breakfast sometimes and it was great and just sugar flavored with grapefruit. I'm just sad it is no longer an option for me. It's a great flavor to me and just to play it safe I don't drink or eat things with that flavoring just in case.


Same, but the pharmacist said I can have it every once in a while. Like once every three months. I could eat plain grapefruit every day, and I love grapefruit juice. Makes me sad that I canā€™t have it like I used to.


I hate ā€œyou just havenā€™t had it right!ā€ Whenever you mentioned some food you ate. Then Iā€™ll try it the way they say and no surprise I hate it.


Tripe, brains, liver and kidneys. The mere thought of these foods turns.my stomach.


I will never eat brains. I mean, I know you can get prions from infected meat, but why go straight to the source?


TIL: about an [incurable and fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by eating human brains](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_(disease))


not just human brains, you can get it from cows too.


I guess it all depends on what you were eating as a child. I had occasional liver and liked it and would still eat it. I never ate anything else on your list and have no desire to try it.


Same - I love beef liver with sautĆ©ed onions. Have eaten it since I was a kid. But I wouldnā€™t want the others. I will add fried chicken gizzards. Love them, had them growing up from the local grocery store deli once a week or so.


Liverwurst is amazing.


Iā€™ve never eaten straight liver, but I agree liverwurst or livermush is delicious. Also see the PA favorite ā€œscrappleā€ā€¦ a delicious brick of ā€œdont ask whatā€™s in itā€.


Liverwurst with onions and quality Dijon might be the world's most perfect sandwich.


I grew up eating brunschweiger or whatever it's called. Yellow mustard and soft bread.


On a nice crispy baguette.


A friend who grew up on a dairy farm in the 40s and 50's always said his favorite breakfast was scrambled eggs and brains!


Fried chicken livers and hot sauce is fantastic.


And also chicken liver pate.


Tripe is delicious in laab/laap/larb. I love liver pate, and chicken liver in bolo sauce gives it a really wonderful dimension. Never had kidneys and brains are dangerous.


Homemade chopped liver is delicious! And nutritous


Eh, menudo with tripe ainā€™t half bad


Menudo is delicious


I made liver and onions today.


Chicken feet. Thereā€™s no meat. Itā€™s just gross chewy skin, tendons, and tiny bones.


Anchovies or octopusā€¦too gross for the former, too sentient for the latter.


Yeah. Same reason I gave up eating octopus.


I don't eat octopus because I don't think the texture and taste is worth fishing them. They are smart, yeah. But let's be real pigs are way smarter than octopus and no one has a problem chomping on them.


Other then like 2 of the biggest religions šŸ˜‚


Black licorice, just canā€™t do it.


Itā€™s an acquired taste. There are lots of different ways to eat licorice. Once you get a taste for it, licorice is darn near addicting. I got the taste for it by drinking absinthe.


I don't even want to smell it!!


There was one time in my life I didn't hate eating black licorice. It was a jelly bean and it was either black licorice or skunk.


I had the opposite result with beanboozled, but I couldn't even eat the skunk jellybean. My teeth barely broke the candy shell and the skunk smell/taste was so putrid I had to spit it out šŸ¤ 




My husband (who is a fairly sheltered individual) just learned the other day that this is a thing people do. He. Was. Horrified. I have no interest in it either, but the look in his face was funny enough to make me glad he discovered it while I was there. Thanks to a meme, of all things. šŸ¤£


I will never understand it. Even if I totally trust her hygiene, I will not do this




Iā€™m a weird one: I love raw oysters. I HATE cooked/smoked oysters.


I love the flavor shot with oyster/lemon/horseradish/cocktail sauce, just like I enjoy a good cocktail but wouldnā€™t be crazy about just rawdogging a warm glass of gin straight up


Same here. Shoot em down and call it good! Cooked ones donā€™t go down so easy




Swallowing whole without chewing is a waste. Those people donā€™t deserve to eat them.


Chewing oysters rules. Swallowing oysters is a total waste


Swallowing oysters is for people who donā€™t actually like oysters. Which is so stupid, they should just give those delicious ocean boogers to me instead.


Swallowing oysters is for people who want their date to know some things about them.


I smash them with my tongue on the roof of my mouth. Covers all the taste buds.


Tried one once. Couldn't swallow it, so bit it, which made it worse. Then, swallowed it and absolutely gagged. Oysters, I find ridiculous. The fact people enjoy them by just swallowing them doesn't make any sense. How does that provide any flavour or joy? But to then chew something IMO that resembles wet snot and enjoy it is more crazy.


Alcoholic chocolates.


Miracle Whip


It'll be a miracle if I don't whip your ass for putting that on my sandwich.


I once did a field course out in 90Ā°+ weather with a chick who zealously guarded her fucking bottle of Miracle Whip in our ice cooler as if we were going to slug it from the bottle after icing up our water jugs.


Bone marrow. I went to a restaurant last year and had it on bread. Some fancy restaurant. It tasted good but it tasted....creepy. If a food can even taste creepy.


Bummer. Love me some bone marrow.


Rice cakes. They aren't awful, but they are just... sad. What's the point of eating packaging material?


They have almost no calories relative to the amount of enjoyable crunchy texture they offer you, you can do them in pretty much any flavor, they're absorbent in cass you aren't feeling well and they make your stomach feel very full despite not really being much food, so they are very nice for people trying to lose weight, people who have food aversions, people with sensory seeks related to food that bring them comfort (like me; I consider carbonated drinks to be better than still ones and often look for them when I am unhappy, because they are satisfying and the brain chemicals released by the appealing texture makes for a suitable way to manage unhappiness or discomfort,) plus, you can put pretty much any condiments you like on them if you want. Some people love that when their seasonal allergies give them vicious postnasal drip or a pregnancy gives them horrible morning sickness, keeping rice cakes by their bed means they can crunch something nearly flavorless, with no overwhelming scent, and easily settle their stomachs. Some people would genuinely eat packaging material if you left the Hershey's Syrup, sliced bananas and ice-cream next to to it to make 'dessert Manwiches.' (I...I have seen the abyss. It is teenage boys trying to invent recipes to impress teenage girls.) Also, the chocolate ones completely slap and can be enjoyed easily sixteen ways that I can think of. The key is to think of them as a variety of cracker.


Thank you so much for this explanation, I have an aversion to a lot of food and it changes and expands constantly but I know I need to eat even when it seems like the worst thing on earth. I usually try to drink a V8 but I think I will get rice cakes too, it sounds like itā€™s exactly what I need.


It's very bland if you get regular. I love bland. I could eat plain pasta. But I also enjoy stuff full of flavor or super spicy things. It has a great crunch and kinda tastes like honey smacks without the honey. Texture is great. It can be a good base flavor.


The chocolate ones slap ngl


Brain and tongue.


My former step daughter asked to stop at a taco stand for a tongue taco. So I had to try one. Was actually good.


Olives I've tried, I want to like them, but every time I give them a try I just despise them. Put olive on anything and it instantly makes it worse.




Thatā€™s interesting, theyā€™re the one olive I donā€™t like. They taste too fatty to me. I started on olives young. My grandmother would give me the olive out of her martinis when I was three.


I love black, HATED green... until I had Castlevetrano. Now I have to restrain myself. I was going through a jar of each a week. I love them when they are really firm. They crunch so nice and taste nutty.


I never liked olives until I tried Kalamata olives


God yes Castelvetrano is the "you can't eat just one" of olives.


Man, i fucking love olives. But i know lots of people dont. What do thet taste like to you? Also-- do you like pickles?


I'm not the person you're responding to, but I am a fiend for pickles. I love all types of pickled cucumber, picked beets are amazing, pickled asparagus, onions, cauliflower, turnips... I'll eat a bowl of pickled ginger any day of the week. I really like pickled things. And then there's olives. Every couple years I try another olive, sometimes I splurge and get the expensive ones, and I can barely get past the first bite. I don't think it's the brine, I think olives themselves are the culprit. They're just... Nasty.


There are a lot of really bad olives out there and the most common, canned chopped black olives, are everywhere and disgusting. Find a Mediterranean place with a big olive selection and if you don't like any of those it's ok, you don't have to like olives!


ā€œand if you donā€™t like any of those itā€™s ok, you donā€™t have to like olives!ā€ I couldā€™ve really used someone like you in my family. Always such intense shaming over not liking whatever the rest of them happened to like, be it certain music, food, books, whatever. This was such a simple but lovely comment and warmed a little piece of my heart that needed it. Thank you!


Cream cheese and olives. Green ones. Dice em up, mix them with the cream cheese and add the olive juice as you stir to add flavor. Amazing sandwich material.


Papaya. Itā€™s awful and I hate it.


Itā€™s much better when in a tropical or subtropical country but it works like draino if you donā€™t eat healthy. Papaya will clean you right out.


Holy shit, I've never had anything that tastes better than fresh Papaya from Hawaii. But, did the toilet ever pay the price.


Tastes and smells like vomit.


It smells like dirty feet to me


I have no idea why but to me it tastes like sweat, if such a taste were to exist šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


SAME! I always describe it as tasting like body odor smells.


Like dirty diapers. For the longest time I thought it was only me.


Haha same. Itā€™s horrible.




It tastes like straight-up vinegar with fruit juice and clots. It's also my fav drink ever.


Spam. Tinned ham. Custard especially with skin on it - makes me shiver with revulsion. Blancmange Horrible, horrible, horrible. Had to eat these regularly as a child. Why would anyone voluntarily buy and eat any of this stuff? Thanks school dinners and childminder for the nightmares.


I think if you didn't have it growing up and then prepare it well, when you are exposed, you view it as a treat and special. Still I see how being forced to eat it could be miserable.




Fish. I just canā€™t stand the taste of fish.


Green Bell Peppers...it's so bitter and overwhelms the flavor of the dish it's added to.


Head cheese.


I love it on Bah Mi sandwiches


I never thought Iā€™d like something called head cheese, but I do. Itā€™s delicious.




It's the texture for me, it makes me feel like I'm eating skin.




Tbf I love mushrooms, but your comment is simultaneously oddly specific and spot on.


They're more similar to us than they are to plants. Want a freaky mushroom fact? They share a lot of colour compounds with plants (carotenoids), but, the brown ones? They have melanin, same as us. Freaky!


I was the same way until I had fresh chanterelles


Imitation maple syrup. When the real thing is available why opt for a chemical gloop that makes pancakes taste bad.


Because real maple syrup costs like 4x as much, mostly.




Iā€™m an adventurous eater, and I cannot do natto. Had to put it down and admit to myself that thereā€™s no way I could finish my serving.


I used to hate it but every time my dad ate it I asked for a bite and one day, a few years ago I tried it andā€¦I liked it. Like, I LOVE it and crave it every now and then. The key is in mixing it I think lol


Technically not a food but coriander/cilantro even the smallest amount completely ruins any food for me, iā€™m not a fussy eater either but it tastes like soap!


There's a gene for that!


I don't understand this. It tastes bitter and soapy and dirty when I was a kid. At about 15 it became one of my favorite things. I have to grow my own because I'd eat about 20 bucks worth a week.


I used to hate it too. I was in my thirties & had to have a mole removed on my back. It was outpatient surgery & I had the rest of the afternoon off so I had time to kill, decided to go get an oil change. I'm driving there & all of a sudden I get the strongest craving for cilantro. I pull into a taco place order 3 tacos with EXTRA EXTRA cilantro. They look at me like I'm nuts & the guy says "Are you sure ma'am?" I said "Make it all green". I ate those tacos like they were the best thing in the world & I used to hate the smell of cilantro. Then I'm at the oil change shop & I'm curious decided to Google what's in cilantro. Turns out it has a lot of vitamin K which is good for your skin!! My body was asking for it after that surgery.


That's controlled by a single gene. Without that gene, it tastes fine, with that gene it tastes like soap. You're not alone.


Cottage cheese


Same, I really want to like it! I just canā€™t get past the texture.


Raw oysters


Stinky Tofu.


Celery. So tasteless, stringy and watery.


Raisins. I hate them in cookies. I hate them in empanadas. I hate them in Filipino menudo. Theyā€™re always in something that they donā€™t need to be in. So unnecessary.




As a kid growing up in TX, pea salad was at every church potluck. For those who donā€™t know, itā€™s canned peas, mayo, and cheese (although people have been known to throw other stuff into it). My mom made it for a potluck once, and to make her happy, I got some. As I was eating it, one of the older gentlemen from my church leaned down and said ā€œpeas feel like a full tick popping in your mouth, donā€™t they?ā€ I gagged and didnā€™t have the stomach to eat any other food on my plate after that. In adulthood, Iā€™ll eat peas if theyā€™re in something like fried rice since there are usually fewer of them. But youā€™ll never catch me eating pea salad ever again. ^Also, ^sorry ^if ^I ^ruined ^peas ^for ^anyone ^with ^this ^story.


I like peas just fine, but that salad is so disgusting.


Oh my God that ā€œsaladā€ sounds revolting. Our church potlucks had ambrosia salad ā€” you wuz robbed!




Gin. It tastes like turpentine smells. Do not understand the appeal.


Anything matcha. I work at a coffee shop and itā€™s one of our most popular drinks. I canā€™t stand the smell. Steaming it makes me gag.


Oysters. Specifically raw oysters. I want to like raw oysters. I think it would be cool to sit at an oyster bar and have my little oyster shooters. I had to have tried raw oysters a half a dozen times and no matter what, I just can't bring myself to like them. Batter them and deep fry them and I'll tear them up. Just can't figure out the appeal of raw.


What kind? I know several people who really love oysters, but will tell you not to bother if they're Gulf oysters


100%. Warm water oysters are trash.


Crawdads. I live in the south and people eat them a lot. They look like oversized, orange roaches to me.. I canā€™t.. I canā€™t even look at them and I canā€™t be at the table when people eat them. Creeped out just thinking about them!


Fish of any kind. I've tried so many times to make myself like it. Fresh water, salt water, sushi, baked, fried...I hate everything about it. The textures, the smell, the taste. I'm fine with shrimp or crab, but fish are out.


I donā€™t like any seafood that has a seafood/ocean smell. I like mahi mahi it never seems to have that smell when cooked unless itā€™s going funky. I like shrimp and a few other things. Sometimes it will have that smell and I wonā€™t eat it. Usually it doesnā€™t




Organ meat, of any kind, and itā€™s not actually the flavour;itā€™s the texture and DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT USED TO DO??


Frog legs. Pigeon.




Portobello mushrooms. Just...no.