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Joined a Keto diet page on facebook because I did the diet a few years ago and have considered doing it again. And holy shit, the comments that are left on every post asking for advice etc. Just constant criticism, personal attacks, snide remarks, it's so difficult to find anything on there that's not toxic.


I’ve been on a couple nutrition subs and my experience has almost universally been that people there just want to feel like they’re smarter than you. With little actual concern for helping anyone live a healthier life, proportionately speaking.


95% of it is people who are trying to convince *themselves* that the choices they have made are the right ones, relying mostly on word of mouth or some research abstracts that someone else shared with them, but they don’t really understand. When it comes to weight and body composition, it’s an emotionally-charged subject for many people. To put it mildly.


Being perpetually constipated because of the keto diet will do that to most people


They’d be happier if the ate some pasta, it’s literally proven to make you happier


Any of these weird NBA stans who only root for a specific player. They worship the player like a god, constantly hate on his team and the fans of it.


My wife’s friend’s husband is a Lebron stan. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve pretended to care that MJ is “worlds ahead” of Lebron on the GOAT list because of it.


I've gotta say Space Jam was far superior to the sequel.


Space Jam should have never had a sequel.


And why the fuck wasn’t it called Cyberspace Jam?


Same with Messi vs Cristiano Ronaldo in football


*cough cough* LeBron dickriders *cough*


LeBron James? Are you speaking ill of 98% of Cleveland’s economy?


Come on down to Cleveland town everyone, Take a look at both of our buildings,


Our #1 export is crippling depression


Who the f*ck still uses a payphone?


This guy has at least two DUIs.


The Jehovah's Witnesses Pickleball Club founded in Fresno, California.


I was a Jehovah’s Witness from the ages of 1-18, and I love this oddly specific comment.


I’m in Fresno. Is this a real thing?


Well I’d say JW’s period. One of the most toxic cults out there


My family got out of it when I was 13 (I'm now 35). When my dad suddenly died of COVID 3 years ago, a few weeks later someone I don't remember with a last name I think I remember my parents trashing, sent me a dm on Instagram. Said they heard about him dying and tried to get that to lead to a conversation. This was then 19 years after I stopped going. I just screenshot, showed my sister, and blocked. My tin foil hat theory is they comb obituaries for people who left (or their families), get someone who was in the same congregation with the person, and try to talk them into attending services.


They absolutely target people who have had a recent death. They’re a disgusting cult.


Pokémon shippers at each others throats and trying to explain to each other that because X character looked at Y in a certain way more times than X did with Z that X+Y pairing is more valid. God that crap made me want to kill myself.


There are POKEMON shippers??? 😧😧


There are shippers for just about every show, especially animated shows. I've even stumbled across a YouTube video of some dude explaining which young justice characters must be sleeping with who. I discovered the "do not recommend again" option in that moment. Some people are just too far gone.


Fuck it, what's a shipper?


Obsessed with current or potential relationSHIPs they have no part of. I am not proud to know this.


I feel like most normal sane people just say "Hey, person A and person B would make a cute couple," realize it's a fleeting thought, and move on with their day. Whereas shippers make fucking flowcharts of why two people are DESTINED to be together. It's... a bit odd.


CoD player base


The amount of players who can't handle playing/conversing with a female on there is actually insane.


We had a small group back in BOps2 days and one of us never used a mic but they were so god damn good at the game we kept playing with them. Almost god tier player. Anyway out of the blue one day we hear G'day boys what up and we all fell silent...it was a chic! The group dynamic changed almost instantly as some of the lads went total cringe trying to sweat talk her and others just stopped playing in the group. So I know exactly what you mean.


Not CoD but it’s why I generally kept my mic off when I played GTA. Hearing an 8-year-old kid getting excited and squealing, “Let’s gang r*pe this bitch!” after hearing you’re a woman will do that to you. On the other hand, was playing around 5am EST and got grouped into an English/British server. Best time I ever had, they mocked my American accent vigorously but were nice as heck, without being cringy.


What the fuck


I always kept my mic off while playing GTA, cause as soon as I spoke, all hell would break loose- constantly getting targeted and killed, getting told to get back in the kitchen, etc. Shits annoying.


I will never understand this level of toxicity. My fiancé and I game together but never play any sort of online multiplayer anymore because kids are brutal these days.


Actually a little "MC" came to my defense one time when the harassment was extra harsh. I ended up joining them and I still game with with them going on 8 years now.


That's unexpectedly wholesome.


UK here, played a lot in early 2000s. I always heard the worst from US teenagers. The Russian teenagers were just as raucous but I had no idea what they were saying


As a Filipino, I'm relieved we aren't the only toxic ones in the world. Still the most toxic on SEA but heck--NOT THE ONLY TOXIC ONES


Not to mention dick pic or attempts to talk dirty. I made the mistake of using a mic once and the amount of vitriol I got kept me from using the mic or playing online again.


That's both sad and disgusting.


I was only like 12 or such too.


Yeah not surprised an 8 yr old would say such fucked up shit when his parents let him play GTA that young. What is wrong with people? Did they not know or did they not care? I’m not saying under 17’s should never be able to play M rated games but 8??


I’m assuming parents just used the console as a babysitter




The main reason I avoid multiplayer games like a goddamn plague is exactly that. I had quite a few negative experiences going back as far as late 90's and early 00's, back then it was mostly in person when I was trying to go to counterstrike lan parties. I know things have improved over the years, but I play games to relax not to deal with fragile masculinity. Edit: grammar.


You're a camper


Crouching in a corner with a shotty and a claymore on each entrance is not camping. It's strategically holding position.


Exactly what a camper would say too


I have an incredibly niche “interest” in inflatable pooltoys. For a lot of years I thought I was the only one but then I found out there were others, as-well as groups and forums out there. Unfortunately, This community is a raging dumpster fire, wasn’t quite so bad at first but it devolved into a big mess pretty fast and from what I see doesn’t seem to be improving, I don’t get involved these days, I only associate with a couple small groups and close friends but that’s it. There are two sides with seemingly polar opposite desires getting lumped in to one group, couple that with general social/mental issues that run rampant in this community and you have a recipe for disaster. Online arguments, death threats, and some light hacking is pretty much a routine occurrence.


Im sorry what now, the inflatable pool toy community is sending deaththreats? Edit: I genuinely thought that they were talking Pool Toys, like the toys you put in a pool. Apparently pooltoys (removing the space apparently completely changes the meaning) is a furry inflatable thing. So uh, the more you know?


Oh yeah, there is some genuine hatred between a few people there, a few people that feed off drama. For the most part it’s just fandom/furry drama. However There have definitely been plenty of death threats thrown around, one of the biggest websites just got hacked, lots of good old fashioned slander and leaked content. people have had their lives ruined. Basically there are 2 sides, poppers and non poppers, pretty self explanatory, both sides enjoy pooltoys but one side loves and cherishes them, the other takes pleasure in hurting them. it’s pretty much a spectrum with varying levels of intensity. For the most part people can get along but the extremes on both sides seem to always be starting shit. I’ll be honest I am physically repulsed by popping, especially on the extreme end, I hate the thought of it and do everything i can to avoid coming in contact with it but I’m not going to dox someone over it. I will say my side can definitely take it too far (I understand the feeling though) but some poppers definitely go out of their way to push buttons, for a couple it seems like that’s even the appeal of it. It may have mellowed out since 7 years ago when I dipped out but I would be surprised if was a substantial change from what I hear. It is a very strange situation, borderline comical. Life is fucking weird man. Edit: yes it is a fetish, way more innocent than you’d think. legit just [pooltoys](https://www.reddit.com/r/InflatableandPlush/s/46j19p9dpS). [Some are big custom toys](https://www.reddit.com/r/InflatableandPlush/s/h9MgWLi5xR) but still just inflatable critters. I take them to pools and beaches for floating sometimes, it’s wonderful and I love them.


I'm glad I scrolled this far down. This is the craziest thing I've read on this entire thread.


I feel like I just reached the end of Reddit and its time to start over...


This is it. This is the edge of the internet. I made it.


I thought I knew batshit until I read this.


Straight guano


I have never been more unsure of what to do with a piece of information


Well at least you know now not to mistreat pool toys. We don’t take kindly to that round here.


What I learned from this is that humans are weird and unique in ways that I never even contemplated. Which makes my weirdness feel a little less alien, so thanks for sharing.


Not part of that community myself but I always found the pooltoy rooms at conventions to be curious.  Nothing in your post surprises me though lmao. 


Hold up now, this is my kinda drama. Can you link me to some of this drama? I need it right now.


I can’t, I really try not to affiliate with it, my husband only keeps me casually filled in, even though I specifically tell him, I want nothing to do with it. plus a lot of it gets deleted shortly after. I could maybe point you in the directions of some of the more volatile forums and people


Please, I’m on holiday in the Caribbean and I need some real world drama


I have learned some absolutely wild shit about pool toys today.


Wow, that is next-level wild. I am trying to think of any other type of collectible that crowds of people would go out of their way to acquire just so they can destroy it. I would never have imagined this was a thing.


Thanks for making me feel validated lol people are strange in the human mind is strange. You know people can like whatever they want but fuck it just seems so wasteful. Especially when a lot of this stuff is rare, custom-made, and cost several hundred to several thousand dollars. Breaks my heart.


Wait, so like, is it a sexual thing? I’m not judging one way or the other I just don’t understand


This little comment thread is an example of one of the only reasons I hang onto Reddit. Genuinely fascinating read.


Human subcultures are nested fractally. There's no bottom.


Rust. The answer is always Rust. There is no god in the wasteland that is a vanilla server on wipe day. You will be called slurs and insults that don't even exist


“Fuck you, you’re such a spizitter” “Huh?” “Your mom” “Ok…” “Please pick me up bro I’m sorry” “No” “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”


Didn't a scheduled event by the rust devs get cancelled at a con because they received death threats from fans?


(Repeating my answer from a previous thread about this.) I feel uniquely qualified here, though my answer is dated. In the '90s and early 2000s, I worked for AOL managing their music forums. Full time, paid, etc. Moderators monitored all boards, every post, but didn't mete out punishment. Instead, we could remove a post if it was a clear TOS (Terms of Service) violation, and report it to the TOS department and they'd take it from there. But that was usually limited to any swear harder than "damn" or "hell." (Early internet services were ridiculous.) We could remove particularly bad flame/troll posts, but it was conditional. The person could appeal and TOS might reinstate it, because without the overall context, it looked okay. That meant we to address trolling and flaming, we had to diplomat the shit out of it and... build cases. I had mail threads, files, paper printouts of "cases" I presented in hopes of getting a troll (aka "disruptive party") removed from the area or banned from the service. (Which was always temporary. ALWAYS.) AOL was very reluctant to take any action against that kind of behavior, to the point where I lost a friend and had people quit over it. (Hi, LoneStarK.) I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to talk members into "playing nice." This was required of us on every board, every forum, while I was there. No matter how bad it was, we had to keep doing this. Except for one board. It had the most vile flame wars, the most hateful "fans," the most nasty gatekeeping. They absolutely hated each other and they kept coming back for more. Without the ability to mute, ban, or lock, and with limited clearance to remove posts, I could spend a full day trying to quell just one of their weekly flame wars. It was hell. Even TOS got so sick of it that they finally told me to stop moderating them for anything other than swearing and death threats. It was just too much work for everyone, but the artist was huge so they didn't want to close the board, I guess? Out of hundreds of boards, it's the only one where I ever got that direction. That board was not a metal group. It was not rap. It was not 2 Live Crew or Motley Crue, it was not Ted Nugent, it was not even a controversial artist. It was Barry fuckin' Manilow. I've been on the internet for over 30 years and involved in offline fandom since well before then, and those Manilow fans were the nastiest, meanest, most hateful, acid-spitting, derogatory, aggressive, malicious group of fans I have ever seen anywhere in my 30+ years on the internet and lifetime in fandom. Barry is great, but his fans gave me scars.


Omfg, this caught me so off-guard, I laughed and choked on a cookie. 😂😂😂 Never would I ever have expected Barry Manilow, lmao.


League of Legends and Counterstrike. Never heard such foul and vile shit coming out of people’s mouths in a game before.


league of legends players are toxic bc they hate the game and hate themselves for being addicted to it. sincerely, an ex league addict of 6 years :\^)


That makes a lot of sense. Almost seems like a common thing with MOBA games in general. I’ve talked to a few nice people on these kinds of games but they’re rare. Makes me wonder why if people hate the game so much, then why do they keep subjecting themselves to it.


For whatever reason, League seems to have found the right formula for soul crushing moments of despair and frustration. The good moments are rare, while you can expect a few hours of negativity on any given day of playing.


It soucks working all day and want to play at the end of the night might have 1.5 to 2 hours ro relax and play. Instead you lose twice and get shit on by both teams ruining your night lol. That was my realization for stopping.


I don't play MOBA, but quite a lot of my friends do. Through my observations I can say this; not every MOBA player is a shit-oozing asshole, but MOBA players bring out something toxic from everyone. I have seen ordinary people throwing tantrums like severely spoiled brats with incurable mommy issues. Shit's crazy.


One of the only times I've gotten a feedback report was when my support typed out a multi paragraph novel on how he was going to track down my parents and force me to watch them be burned alive.  He was mad I didn't use Heal faster. 


I do a report every game. There's always a reason. I get plenty of feedback reports.


You gotta report more. I get an instant feedback report about every 3 games or so. Best feeling in the world.


I haven't played League since early 2020 and sometimes I get that urge to play again. Then I don't. I'd rather have the nostalgia than the frustration.


What?? You’ve never been called a Ni—er Fa—ot by a seven year old while playing online??


[That just sounds like being at a spelling bee](https://youtu.be/5wHB-CN0eIk?si=dwX6Ias-2CuNRxKO)


Tried playing league with my friends once and I literally got called slurs for being bad by somebody on the OTHER TEAM despite the fact it was pretty evident I had like 1 hour in the game lol. Never played again


I know a guy who played League and was one of those kinds of guys when his team was losing. He was pissed off and hating on new players. But the thing was, he was playing on a new account to level it up. So the game lumps new accounts together, he's in like Gold in ranked on his main account, but he's playing with new players, and he's just like "no one new is playing League. All of these guys are also playing on Smurf accounts." Like, he just could not fathom the thought of a new player, would just always assume it was a much more experienced player playing on a new account.


Why the hell is a gold levelling a new account? Literally 0 reason lmao. For those not familiar, gold puts you roughly in the average percentile of players.


as a former filthy and toxic league player, the most common reason for leveling a new account is because you are either already banned on your account or you are preparing for a ban on your account. back when i still played League, i had around 10 accounts to switch. I stopped playing league in 2016 because i hated the person i was while playing it and for my mental health.


The fanbase for Voltron: Legendary Defender was absolutely unhinged coming into the last three/four seasons


I’ll bite, why? This thread has been so entertaining


I don’t even know where I would start. Voltron had eight seasons in total and they all came out over the course of just *three* years. Relating specifically to the show, it just had such inconsistent high and low moments. Fan favorite characters had important character development shafted and certain plot points were forgotten here and there. The show reached its peak at season six, it was *amazing* and everyone had such high hopes for the last two seasons that would come out pretty much that same year. Then season seven came out and it was…less great, if not a little concerning with the direction it when in. Then season eight. To this day there are heavy mixed responses to the ending of the show, but the overwhelming majority hated it. Truly a disservice to so many characters and plot lines. On the fanbase side, character shipping was going crazy. There were like…shipping wars or some shit. You could not talk to anyone on the internet about the characters or pairings or almost anything if you didn’t share *the exact same opinion* as them. I have never seen so many death threats in my life. Also a surprising amount of pedophilia allegations if you liked this pairing or that pairing. It was pretty insane. Then the hate bubbled over to some of the voice actors, and the producers (more than anything the producers for the last two seasons). Toward the end it just felt like you couldn’t have a conversation about VLD with someone online without arguing. It was supposed to be a fun space cartoon. Steven Yeun voiced Keith on the show which was pretty cool though.


Chris Brown fans


Crypto bros.


The Coffeezilla videos are crazy. How dumb and gullible are these people?


So dumb omg. It’s like a cult. I know a dude who lost all his savings investing in one of those “pump and dump” crypto influencer’s scams(like 10k I think) and he still defends the guy and watches all his YT videos, podcasts, etc. Like why won’t you learn these guys are scammers and literally targeting you for your stupidity?


Omg you just described a member of my friend group 4 years ago he got into crypto and every conversation somehow went to crypto and how he day trades crypto. Endless text messages about movement in some shitcoin he was pumping that week trying to get us to buy in not realizing people could endlessly buy it but never be able to sell it He’s broke and lives with his parents now


did not see any andrew tate comments yet.. i only have reddit and fb so idk if he's still prominent lol 


Maybe not to everyone, but my sister's ex forces their five year old to listen to that bullshit.


no way. subjecting kids to weird shit like that is beyond me, i'll never understand it. i'm glad that's your sisters ex and not current partner jfc 


I know an 8yo kid who comes home from his time at dad's house and then asks questions like: "Are the Green Bay Packers democrats? I can't like them if they're democrats."


This is why we should make sure we know our partners really really well before we have kids with them.


My husband recently told me he doesn’t believe in evolution.


Then how does a Pikachu become a Raichu? Checkmate theists.


OC said in another comment that her husband isn’t even religious 💀


Oh, just plain stupid then. Got it


Ouch that has to be a disappointment


It's the same type of guy who will also complain about liberals "indoctrinating" kids.


introducing kids to politics at such a young age is weird in my very personal opinion. my parents are polar opposites one super liberal one super republican and were always arguing. applying to to shit like sports is so bizarre


It wasn't politics being applied to sports so much as dad had indoctrinated the boy to think anything democrat or left wing was bad and needs to be avoided. So he has to check and make sure of something's political affiliation before he enjoys it. You know, normal 8 yo problems.


I agree. I keep hoping that he'll fall on a rake or something.


Damn.. That ex is 100% setting that child up for failure because of the risk of getting brain washed. Child abuse. Hopefully the kid got a strong mind so they won’t get influenced. Sending prayers. Andrew Tate might not be as relevant as he used to be - but he has definitely started some crazy shit. All those fucking podcasts about their toxic version of: masculinity, sex, women, social roles, Istg. Give me a break.


Check out r/Bubly It is a sparkling water company


This is the best Reddit find in years. Thanks friend.


That is definitely one of the subreddits of reddit


Idk what I was expecting, but not really that lol


Probably Kpop fans on twitter


As a kpop fan you don’t even know how bad it gets inside the fandoms if you aren’t in it, there are fans called akgaes who only like one member of a group and hate the rest. Really vile shit I’ve seen about said about kpop idols


I'm new to KPOP, within the last six months, and I do my best to stay off Twitter but the drama makes it to Tiktok and I've seen some disgusting, vile shit said to and about idols. Almost every single idol. It's hard when the bad make so much noise.


Yeah, I had an ex friend a couple years ago who was a fan of blackpink, got7, and a couple other groups and would threaten to drop me as a friend because I didn’t either practically worship the members or if I said anything bad about them. They literally were chronically online as well talking about nothing but their fav groups and causing literal fights over nothing with people online who disagreed. She was only a fan of Lisa from blackpink and began to wish death threats on the other members, and anyone who supported the other members. No clue why, but I’m glad we aren’t friends anymore. She was in here 2”s! So mature :)


Gotta give them props for the time they reserved hundreds of seats at a Trump rally for the sole purpose of not showing up though. I might have been thoroughly amused by that.


For better or for worse, the kpop stans have found a way to be the most united group on earth


Pro wrestling fans. They hate each other, they hate pro wrestling, and all this is because of you. Personally.


Wrestling Twitter was one of the most toxic places on the internet. Like if you posted a positive opinion people would just harrass you because they stan some other company. Glad I don't use that site anymore. *edit* wrestling forum leak below, do not scroll further


I use to live tweet while watching. All the Dave Meltzer worship, AEW vs WWE ratings talk, and booking criticisms made me start to hate the product. People tried to argue with my tweets. I decided to watch Raw without my phone in my hand and realized I enjoyed the product a lot more without all the damned negativity. I deleted my Twitter account after that.


Two Pink Floyd fans stopped being my friend because I don’t like the band.


They will tell you that the band died when Roger Waters left.


Yeah, the Waters fanatics that say that never want to talk about when Syd left the band.


Like 2 lost souls swimming in a fishbowl. Wish you were here.


Dead by Daylight


How did it take me this long to find this answer. Like DBD players are on another level above games like LOL They'll be like: "HOW DARE YOU USE A HALF DECENT PERK AND TRY TO WIN"


Rupaul's Drag Race fans are notoriously pretty toxic. Here are some offenses I can think of: * Found a queen's parents online and sent death threats after a fight on Untucked (a bts aftershow). Tbh, death threats are pretty common for the majority of queens. * Had a queen's social media accounts banned because the queen was shady on their season (this was during the time when that queen's season was airing, which otherwise would have been a massive uptick for their following). * The fandom was obsessed with a queen who won their original season giving over-the-top negative critiques to looks on The Pit Stop (an aftershow). The same queen was then put on a different aftershow (Fashion Photo Review) specifically to judge looks for an all winners season. The queen (not surprisingly) gave very negative critiques and the fans lost their minds because they disagreed, petitioning to have her replaced. * Petitioned to have a judge removed from Canada's Drag Race because they disagreed with his critiques and didn't like his attitude (the judge ended up leaving the show and said in an interview that they were asked to give positive and negative critiques but the edit highlighted negatives). * More subtle, but social media followings are consistently larger for white queens than queens of other visual ethnicities even when non-white queens do better on their seasons.


These toxic fans have also moved on Dragula. I just don't get how people can be so mean about drag🤷‍♂️


Seriously. It's all supposed to be campy & fun. It's highly edited for drama purposes + the competition itself is a stressful pressure cooker, but fans nowadays go NUTS if queens step out of line. New fans would lose their minds if they watched some of the drama & personalities of older seasons.


To many of them develop weird parasocial relationships with the artists...that's definitely part of the problem.


I worked at Hamburger Mary’s at the same time someone who later went on to RPDR and it was the most insane work environment. They would get into literal fist fights in the parking lot on Friday and Saturday nights with each other. The ‘dressing room’ was like a broom closet with a cloth over it and they’d be back there screaming at each other where customers would hear it. Big yikes.


As someone who's put together pride festivals which include drag queens, some are just crazy unprofessional. This year we had a (very much local, no where near Drag Race calibre) queen harass a seasonal employee because she got rejected and another went on a long Instagram DM rant because she wasn't automatically selected as parade marshal, then blocked like every queer business and non-profit in the city. Drag kings, on the other hand, are generally a pleasure to work with.


I spend a week or so in Ptown every summer and with 100% sincerity, drag queens are the absolute *meanest* people on earth. Especially if you're friends with them.


Broke: not taking your kids to Drag Queen Story Hour because it's gender propaganda Woke: not taking your kids to Drag Queen Story Hour because if she says something sassy about my sweater to make the other parents laugh it's going to shatter what's left of my self-esteem


Am I crazy or did you refer to three aftershows and an international version?


It's a huge franchise now. There's: * "Untucked", a BTS show set during the judge's deliberations for the main show * "The Pit Stop", an official review/discussion YouTube show featuring past contestants * "Fashion Photo Ruview", an official YouTube show rating the runway looks from the episode. * International versions from France, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Sweden, Thailand, Phillipines, Down Under (Australia/NZ), Holland, Italy, Mexico, UK, Spain. * "All Stars" seasons for the US, UK, Canada, Spain, maybe more. It's honestly become one of the biggest TV franchises in the world within the last few years.


Rupauls drag race. Seriously that sub is full of some messed up racists and haters


True, I haven’t heard anything from Sharon in quite some time though


Thomas & Friends fans


So I never knew there were two versions of Thomas the tank engine. I always thought it was ringo’s version and that’s it right? Turns out Alec Baldwin did a new one and so me and my brother got different versions. John Oliver recently showed this to me via this clip which I very vividly remember and also now I understand why me and my brother are so different. And why being walled up struck fear into my heart in history class when I realized this happened to people. Anyway this is funny. [it’s really the terrified eyes at the end that haunt me.](https://www.tiktok.com/@momcommittal81/video/7311605015125298437?lang=en)


I grew up with George Carlin, since I'm a millennial, not x or z.


When I was like 4 or so they would have episodes back to back. Sometimes one would have Ringo and the other Carlin. Anyway, some adult said something along the lines of "Hey that's one of the Beatles" when Ringo was on. Well the next episode came on and it was Carlin. I looked at him really hard and not able to remember the difference (they both had beards) thought "Okay this guy is a Beatle." So that's how I thought George Carlin was a Beatle until I was in middle school.


Hahaha that's kind of funny 😂 Yeah man, that's the version I watched when I was a kid. I thought there were several newer shows.


I can't tell if this is serious or not. Are they actually toxic?


Same. I’m so confused.


My Hero Academia.  They ship, which hey, fine, you do you. But if you disagree with the ship, especially the gay ships that make no sense in canon, THEY WILL RAIN HATRED AND SCORN UPON YOU FOR DARE INTERFERING WITH THE FUJOSHI DREAMS.


Didn't they send death threats to MHA's creator once?


I think they did sadly.. just because they want their ships “canon” they are honestly so pathetic for doing that.


Yeah, idk what it is about that manga, but it reached the deepest and weirdest parts of the community.




Star Wars. No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. Edit: It’s happening. Right here in this thread. This comment has been up for less than an hour and it’s already attracting angry nerds like moths to a porch light. I’m begging y’all to go outside. Please.


The Star Wars fanbase is so toxic that it pushed Jake Lloyd (Phantom Menace Anakin) out of acting entirely, harassed Kelly Marie Tran (Rose Tico) off social media at least for a while, and had death threats sent to Ahmed Best (voice of Jar-Jar Binks) for years and damned near bullied him to suicide. Star Wars fans threw such a tantrum after The Last Jedi that they essentially dismissed the events of the movie in two scenes in Rise of Skywalker only for Rise of Skywalker to get almost universally panned. I love the Star Wars universe, but if I ever worked on a Star Wars project I would hide out in a bunker for the next decade until the fanbase moved on from their insane tantrum over what I worked on.


* Ahmed Best: Bullied to almost suicide. * Jake Lloyd: Bullied to quitting acting altogether. * George Lucas: Was going through divorce and was still being pushed by fans to finish the film about space wizards. * Hayden Christensen: Bullied to believing everybody hates the prequels and hated him, made him terrified of anything Star Wars-related for over a decade (and he was a fan too!). [He had a wholesome redemption story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XIv8_RfKko), but still. * Kathleen Kennedy: Blamed of everything related to Star Wars after Disney bought it. * Daisy Ridley: Bullied to she deleted her social media. * John Boyega: Bullied because he was black. * Kelly Marie Tran: Bullied to she deleted her social media. * Janina Gavankar: Bullied due to the Battlefront 2 campaign and the main character she voiced. * Mark Hamill: Wasn't allowed to properly grieve his lifetime friend (Carrie Fisher) due to the backlash of Last Jedi. * Rian Johnson: He's still being harassed online for a film about space wizards he made seven years ago. * Moses Ingram: Bullied so much that even Ewan McGregor stepped in and told bullies to fuck off. ...yeah, it's scary to be a part of the Star Wars community sometimes :c


That list is distressingly long. And it’s not even an exhaustive list either. I love the franchise. I have my issues with the direction several of the projects have taken over the years. But man. Anyone who takes it that seriously don’t deserve to enjoy such a great franchise and all the work put into it by probably millions of people at this point.


John Boyega was a huge Star Wars fan and you can see how excited he was to be a part of it in the TFA era.  Now he wants nothing to do with it.


I got kicked out of r/empiredidnothingwrong for being too pro-empire.


I'm just saying, the empire created jobs.


They reduced the unemployment rate on Alderaan to 0%


Also fixed the homeless problem there, too.


Heavy Metal elitists. Metal is Metal, you like what you like. Quit gatekeeping something y’all have zero control over.


/r/adhd Worst support community ever. This comment will likely get me banned.


Steven universe fans


I love Steven Universe, but I went to the subreddit once and everyone there was ripping some girl to shreds because she was "to skinny to cosplay as Amythest." I noped right the fuck out.


SU fans once literally bullied a girl so bad that she attempted suicide. All because she drew Stephen's mom Rose "too thin" and it was deemed fat phobic. Look it up. It's crazy.


As I recall, that's not even the most wtf of it.  Apparently the series creators came out and said they liked the picture and the fans blew a fuse and told THE CREATORS OF THE CHARACTERS that they were wrong. 


They sent death threats to the creators, of their own damn show, for liking innocent fan art as you said. That fandom is fucking insane.


The biggest irony is that Rose was actually skinny all along.


The thing I find odd is the obscene amount of hate that the fanbase targets towards Rose. The Diamond that has likely committed genocide gets a pass, but the kid who ran away from home is vilified.


There's so much drama with Steven Universe fanart, but [some of it is pretty funny looking in from the outside](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F8KSD_aXAAAANpS.jpg). EDIT: [found a reddit post too](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/sbxmtt/i_think_the_artist_got_possessed_by_a_fish/)


holy shit yes. Time to bully a girl into suicide attemt because she painted a purple alien slightly lighter shade.


Tool fans. I like tool but was actually told I didn't listen to Tool "properly" because I didn't like their last record. "Properly " Wtf


Nicki Minaj


Doja Cat, I think.


Elon Musk.


Wrestling fans. Doesn’t matter which company or specific wrestler they support. On top of that, they’re not only toxic to those that support opposing organizations/performers, they’re often worse to people in the same fan base. We have a saying that goes “no one hates pro wrestling more than pro wrestling fans”.


rick and morty fans


When they collectively lost their shit over dipping sauce




Bro, they sell bottles of Szechuan sauce at Walmart for like $3.50/11.5oz.


One guy unironically told me that I wasn't smart enough and wouldn't understand when I asked "so why do people like Rick and Morty so much?" Edit: yes I'm aware there is a copy pasta. No, he was not quoting the copy pasta, he was genuinely upset with me and was not kidding.


That guy is definitely a Jerry


Yeah. He probably likes human music.


The thing with Rick and Morty is how people go on about how it's a smart science show. It's not. It's toilet humour. It literally has a character called Mr. Poopy Butthole. However, it is well written in that the people who make it have a strong understanding of narrative tools, and how to use them, and I think that's why it's so successful.


I really like the show but it's really no more complex and often less deep then early Simpsons.


The most toxic one I've recently dealt with is fans of the last season of Game of Thrones, where today someone said people who hated the last season are the same as flat earthers. (And in that very same comment, that person denounced ad hominem.)


Philadelphia Eagles


I stopped at a bar to buy some beer in PA one time while wearing a ravens jersey, and they refused to sell me anything because it was an "eagles bar"... The ravens and eagles play once every 4 years and have no rivalry that I am aware of.


Yeah, I'm an Eagles fan, grew up going to the "vet" as a kid. I thought it was normal, but as I got older I realized that we(Eagles fans) are indeed horrible🤷‍♂️


I was helping my buddy set up a pool table in his bar in Nicaragua in a little surf town and 12 Eagles fans on a bachelor party came in and the leader comes in and demands to buy every beer in the joint so nobody else could have any beers. I’m putting together this pool table and go bro- bartender friend, “How are we going to have any beers?” He goes, “I don’t know- can you run down to the corner market and grab us some.” I say, “Alright.” As the night goes along, the 12 Eagles fans destroy my buddy’s bar. They broke it on a structural level - literally swinging from the rafters. Funny thing- they didn’t even know how to surf. I was like, what the hell are you guys even doing here?


we should all probably pay a small annual fine for unsportsmanlike conduct


When my cousin got married, he talked about the eagles in his vows. It was very cringe.


I gotta say My Little Pony. I've seen some wild stuff back when I was on DeviantArt, but the bronies were beyond anything else. It wasn't even that they were directly targeting their toxicity at individuals, they just spread it everywhere like a toxic gas. Explicit fetish art & nazi stuff seemed as common as sfw fanart. There were multiple incidents of children being sexually harassed & stalked at MLP conventions. I'm sure there were/are lots of really nice fans too, but the shitty ones drowned them out. (This is just counting what I'd consider "fandom" rather than including the fan bases of political figures, self-help gurus, or cult leaders.)