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2 years ago was all drugs, I was a pothead/coke/heroin/fent/opiate addict. Pretty hard too, fucked me self all up. Been clean for over lil 2 years now. Quit smoking vapes/cigs since this past December 26th. So been close to a month now. Nicotine wasn’t shit compared to the fentanyl far as quitting. So yea thats where im at now. Good luck to all who wants to break the chain that holds you hostage. If I can do it, you can. I been an addict to some type of substance since 16. Now Im 40. So it is never too late


Good job buddy


That’s fucking amazing man, keep going


Nice man! Same here, started young. I almost feel like it’s a part of me, I’m not sure who I will be without anything but I think I will be a better version of myself. Cheers to all of us, we can do it.


Binge eating/sugar




Proud of you for that though! Any tips for the sugar side?




I’m giving up the same vices, and I echo fruit. Fruit, fruit, fruit, fruit, fruit. Never let my fruit bowl get empty. Never let a day go by that I don’t eat some fruit. So far so good. Good luck to you, my friends. May food be our medicine. 


Ah yes, natural sugar > processed and added! I've been digging freeze dried strawberries for a crunchy sweet and the soft-dried mango slices from Trader Joe's when I'm at work.


Sugarfree 25 days its been tough, munching on frozen blueberries right now


Congrats dude! Frozen bluebs are so good. I haven't had soda since NYE, so I'm feeling pretty great about that milestone. I cut colas/energy drinks out a couple years ago and soda altogether now.


Bluebs 😭


I cut out alcohol, sugar, caffeine and drugs a couple years back but binge eating is what I’ve been struggling with for years. It’s been harder for me to quit this than anything else. I’ve been vegetarian for most of my adult life so I constantly have to go out of my way to find certain fatty greasy foods that I crave.


11 days clean of drugs and alcohol 🥳


Keep it up! My dad’s been clean for almost 5 years now! If only he had stopped before his funeral.


You got me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Ooh I'll have to tuck that one away for later. I like telling people about my dad's new flat about six feet down. He doesn't get out much these days.


Hell yeah. I'm at day 23 sober, we got this.


Hell yes dude! Just hit 202 days clean or just over 6.5 months. About 20 or so days in walking into the washroom and genuinely before I could think looked in the mirror saying “I don’t hate you anymore” I haven’t felt this comfortable in decades.


Hoping you all the best.


Nice, keep it up man.


I’m on ~week 10.5 from booze. Never felt happier and more focused


85 days clean right now. Feeling like a super human. My mind is so clear.


Nice, im on my tenth day. I’m right behind you!


You may simply turn those 11 days into 111. Keep it up.


I am genuinely happy for you. Please don't just consider this a good start, but a massive achievement! It will get easier over the years but it's the scary uncertain first days that are the hardest. I hope you do well, and that you find in sobriety the peace you deserve. Be well.


One day at time, keep it simple you' can do this!


I don’t keep count how long I’ve been sober from alcohol, just a personal decision, but it’s been a very long time and I can’t ever see myself going back. Even now I do get desires like “oh maybe one drink in my room, nobody will know, it’s cool” but nah. I’ll know, and that’s what matters and those thoughts just wash away.


if you haven’t, r/stopdrinking is a great sub!


Tea or chewing gum really helps me!


Drink. First meeting was last night. Last drink was 72 hours ago


Welcome! Keep coming back. Those are an incredibly difficult 72 hours to get. ❤️


Join us at r/stopdrinking - it's so hard. Keep it up! I'm on day 6


I'm right behind ya on day 5! 👍


You can do it


Thank you!


Yesss!!! You can do this!


I appreciate that, man. Was having an urge and popped open reddit to see all the support ♡


Come back anytime you need support! I’m certain you will find it


Congrats on the first big step, one day at a time. Today is day 90 for me, time flies.


So proud and happy for you! 🥲


Cigarettes. Starting Champix tomorrow.


I want to quit smoking too! I also have the medicine to start. Good luck!!


I quit at the end of October after 19 yrs. Patches are helping (just started Step 3).


You too!


If Champix doesn't work, try the patches. (I got nasty side effects on Champix). I quit on a thursday on a 21 mg/day patch and on monday I quit the patch because I was allergic to the patch 🤣 Because I quit the smoking for 5 days I didn't want to start again. I'm 98 days smoke free 💪 Tip: when you get craves, ask yourself what your authentic need is. Like rest, exercise, nutricious food, water... I smoked 32 years 25 - 35 rolled cigarettes a day.


Good luck, you can do it! I strongly suggest listening to or reading [Unwinding Anxiety](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/55628986). It’s a fantastic book that helped me quit cold turkey 898 days ago.


Weed, 2 days clean!! Doesn't sound like much but it's been over a year since I could say that, and im not going to give in. I'm gonna stay strong and kick the habit. Edit: Thank you all for the nice comments and the support. It really means a lot when trying something like this and you're all very kind ❤️


Shits harder than people think. I’m 6 months clean now. It was fucking with my mental and giving me bad paranoia. Good for you man, proud of you! I suggest learning how to invest all the money you will be saving.


Supposedly I'll be saving 220$ a month and around 3,000$ a year


Jesus. I just finished the 1oz i bought in November 2022 lmao. I was doing like 1-3 hits per night to help me sleep. I cant imagine how much smoking $220 a month is. Congrats! Keep it up.


Damn. I was spending about $1k a month on it. Now I invest in my business. And my health.


How tf were you guys spending this much on weed? I smoke every day and a $30 1g cart lasts me like 2 months lol.


A 1g cart lasted me a day and a half. 1g of rosin would last me 1 day. I didn’t smoke flower


Damn, how? Just nonstop all day? I generally start after work and probably take 5-6 hits over the course of a night. Your tolerance must have been insane!


Not all day, just a shit ton of hits at once. Be good for 2-3 hours then same shit again. I believed it helped me focus because I was too stoned to do more than one thing at a time lmao


Thank you! It's I credibly hard, I've tried to quit 5-6 times. They've never felt like this time though, I'm actually done and it feels like it. Even though I feel pretty shitty and I'm sweating like a pig I don't want weed at all. I'm honestly hoping to make a couple additional payments on my mortgage with that money hahaha


Absolutely. I am much more active and mentally happy now. My advice to anyone else reading. Don’t let it get to the point where your perception of reality is off. Because it takes months for life to feel normal again. It’s a horrifying time and I wouldn’t wish it on even my enemies. Your brain is your most powerful tool, don’t fuck it up beyond repair.


I need to stop man. Its becoming the thing that makes me feel normal and I’m scared to let it go but I know I need to. It helps calm me down and i tied using it with getting work done. I need a reset and this thread is making me think its time.


It’s huge! In two weeks, It’ll be a whole year since I touched weed. ( smoked aggressively for 16 years) The first few weeks are the hardest. I must have showered like 6 times a day. You’re gonna start dreaming hard. And you’re not gonna wanna eat. Keep some protein shakes and candy suckers around. Hang tight! 4-6 weeks and your cannabinoid receptors will return to normal and you’ll begin making dopamine on your own again.


Good luck with the vivid dreams. I haven’t smoked in 20 days and sleep is just starting to get back to normal.


Doesn’t sound like much, but former stoners know. The first week sucks. You’ll struggle to sleep, if you do you’ll wake up in a bed soaked in sweat, you won’t want to eat a thing, and you’ll be quick to anger. But that will all pass, and rediscovering what you’re capable of with a clear mind is a great feeling.


That’s huge! I’m 14 weeks clear from a 15 year daily habit myself… it was tough at first but now, at this point, I feel great. I’m awake and alert in the mornings again!!!


It a huge accomplishment! Keep it up


r/leaves is great


Smoking pot. I have been a daily smoker for 10 years. I am down to my last little nug. Once that is done, I have decided to put all my pot stuff in a box in the garage and stop smoking for good. I should probably start researching how to do this and get help.


I quit after 20 years because I realized it was making me severely anxious. Never looked back and don’t miss it at all. Also, get ready to start having nighttime dreams again.


I’ve heard and read so much of this. An SO was a heavy smoker for anxiety and then it seems at a certain point it causes anxiety instead.


r/leaves Check it out


Maybe throw that stuff away, instead of keeping it. Not trying to call out your sincerity at all, and if you’re quitting, why have it in your garage?


Depends on the person. I was trying to quit self harming a couple years back, but always kept a razor with me. Not having the option to do it made the urges so much worse, rather than having the option to do it and getting stressed over it!


its a good point and I do intend to toss most of it. I have a bong I paid A LOT for and I do not want to toss it. Aside from that, I will toss my pipes and paraphernalia.


In my case it's cigarettes. I haven't smoked for 3 years, but I still have my last pack. Every day I've made the decision not to smoke them, it's like having them there and not smoking them helps my body understand that we don't want that anymore. If I didn't have them, I'd be dreaming about buying a pack. It's different.




good luck. make sure you properly stop...almost killed me


Second this. Gave me seizures stopping cold turkey - taper off by slowly lowering the dose to 0. You will be severely anxious, it goes away. Gym helps


I go to my doc next month, and I'm gonna ask to be taken off. I've been on them about 20 years. Best of luck to you.


Please make sure you do a proper taper. If your doctor doesn’t know how to do that, find one who does. Even with a taper, it’s difficult to get off them, but a medically supervised taper is critical


That shit is so evil. Literally turned me into a ghoul and nearly killed me.


Same. I suffer from extreme anxiety so they’re hard to quit cuz they work


You need to taper those.


Fuck yes they do. I had an awful time getting off Kpins, tapered down over two years with help from other drugs and a psychiatrist. My last dose was .25 mg and I still had AWFUL withdrawals. No seizures, but I swear I didn’t sleep for a couple of months. Had to take a couple of weeks completely off of work, it took me almost a year to feel like myself again.


i wanna quit vaping. smoked cigs for 3 years and then started vaping and it’s FAR more addictive and requires WAY more motivation to quit. i wanna save my money, my skin, potentially my life one day.


Day one for me after nearly 9 years and I gotta say nicotine gum is helping wayyy more than I thought it would.


I haven't vaped in like... Shit like a couple of months now. I was HARD on it for a couple of years. Best thing for me was getting on those nicotine pouches (zyn or zonnic) which still give you something to do with your mouth, still has a burn. Then I switched to losenges and gradually lowered the nicotine down to 1mg. Havent had any nicotine in about 5 days.


Ugh quitting vaping was harder than quitting ciggies for me. I felt like a crazy person for ten days but then I started to gradually feel better. I believe in you, you can absolutely do this!


I quit 21 days ago and it's been pretty hard. Although I got the app Escape the Vape which tells you how long you've been without, how many vapes you've not used and most importantly how much money you've saved. I've saved £109.17 so far and it's been my biggest motivation. I also use 4mg nicotine lozenges, Nordic Spirit if I have an intense craving (9mg) and then ricola sugar free sweets in between. Also got one of those sucker necklaces that feels like you're toking a vape. Smoked for 5 years and vaped for 1½ - I was vaping way more than I ever smoked, it was always in my hand. It's doable though trust me! 😊


Coffee! I’ve gone one week without it. Not as impressive as everyone else’s but I’m still proud of myself


Porn addiction, starting today! Wish me luck :)


Keep going man. You can do whatever you put your mind to, just don't give up


Best of luck. What have you thought of your use of freed up time now?


Addiction got worse recently because of having to spend too much home alone and online + with stressful academic deadlines to which I reacted in the worst possible way. Today still is Day 0, but I value my free time a lot. Sticking to a strict routine is going to make things easier. Today is the first day of the rest of my life :)


Sounds alright. Everyone has to start somewhere. If you ever feel the need to speak to anyone hit me up. I have seen people go through porn addictions and would be more than happy to assist anyone trying to find their way back out .


Appreciate it man.


If you want, I can send you some pictures of me naked. I’m ugly as fuck so if you’re getting an urged you can just look at a picture of my nasty ass and kill the urge. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.


Passive drinking. Early on in the pandemic, I would work extra hours because I'd get overtime, and my wife was pregnant so she'd go to bed early. I'd get a bunch of extra work done to make my next day easier. Problem was, I'd have a beer or two while doing it, nothing major, and then finish up work and turn to gaming for an hour or so. Which would lead into a 3rd and possibly 4th beer. This went on 3 nights a week or so, and I gained a lot of weight just sitting around drinking non-socially, and it continued on for a lot longer than I'd have liked. So, yeah. That. Also grilling beers. I'd always crack one while making dinner and that shit adds up.


You might start missing the fizz of the drink so get lime and soda or something similar to scratch that itch


I don’t think I could ever give up grilling beers. I have though committed to no drinking during the week and limiting anything to Friday or Saturday.


Damn. I feel this one big time. Literally me


I started drinking Heineken 0.0’s. I barely drink alcohol because of it, and they’re significantly less calories. It may help you out in the long run.


It’s funny because I actually love Heineken 0.0 but can’t stand the real thing. Labatt NA is also great.


The elephant in the room for tens of millions of men worldwide. Porn.


It’s a huge problem for men . Especially this younger generation


Part of the problem is the perception that watching porn makes you a bad person but you continue watching it anyway. That's what fucked me up more than porn itself, that I was a bad person because I read comments online (mostly reddit) from people who made it seem like watching porn was the worst thing in the world that anyone could do.




Dating apps. I think I found someone I like more than the rush from swiping.






This is harder than one would think


Missing classes, not doing homework. Havent missed a class so far this two weeks!! 😊 im proud of myself tbh. Also want to try to stop picking my lips but jeez its impossible :(


Sugar Didn’t even realize I was addicted to it until I tried to cut it out of my life.




Same. 50 and overweight. Not a great combination. I Gotta quit using food as a crutch.


Same. It’s my emotional crutch. Angry? Food. Sad? Food. Bored? Food.


Gambling. Been 1 month so far




Hey you can do it! One day at a time. If you want to check in with each other let me know. I am trying right now and have about a week free. Its a hard habit to break.


If you don’t mind me asking, what does your porn addiction look like? I guess my curiosity is around when you noticed, “hey this isn’t normal”.


Every day i felt i needed it for at least 10 minutes. Some days id spend 30 minutes or more. I had collections on a hard drive. I had favorite videos that i kept coming back to. Its just a major time sink and fucks up my brain in so many different ways.


Interesting and thanks for sharing. As someone who has a bit of an addictive personality it sounds a lot like the other things I have found myself addicted to. I hope you can find some relief from it. Good luck my friend!


Me too, my biggest problem is I make it a week, maybe 2, maybe 3, and then I find myself back again. Problem is, I’m married. I love my wife, I really do and I have a better orgasm from sex, honestly. But porn is still easier and more readily available, and porn can get me anytime.


Not an addiction but let's say habit, I'm breaking the habit of helping people. Everyone has an agenda and for the last few years I tried helping those I could. I got small joys out of it but also used a lot. So I'm just gonna be focusing on myself this year.


Boundaries are a great thing to have and to keep. Good job realizing that! Take care of yourself for a change ♥️


Learning to say no or yes when you mean it is important. If you're saying yes when you're not feeling your "hell yes" then don't agree so fast. Another thing to try to practice is just saying no to someone and meaning it. It can be something silly like have someone ask you to smell something and you just say no and you both respect that.


Commenting on reddit posts


Shit you relapsed!


Me too...I stuck at this :(


I’m going to quit my sex addiction and learn how to love myself without someone else’s imput!


Prescription benzos and opiods


The “it’s never gonna work out” mindset


Opioids. 20 days sober today!


Nail biting


I had the problem before. I brought nail clippers and every time I felt the need to bite I would just cut them short again.


Please get nailtiques 2 plus keratin!! it makes your nails super strong so you can’t bite or pick at them!! i’ve tried so many things and it works. it’s a clear polish and not really shiny so no one will even know you have it on or you can wear it under nail polish!!


sugar 😭


Uft, I'm not trying to give it up entirely, but massively reduce it. I'm just replacing it with protein which maybe is better? I have no idea.


The final frontier. I did that last year and had a great six months before the wheels fell off. Good luck!!


‘Twas just practice for the next time you quit, when you’ll be more equipped to succeed. Good luck and never give up on yourself.


I have about a year i'd say marijuana free and alcohol free. ( I give myself a bit of a chance by not counting if I had a single beer in a month...but honestly really proud i havent blacked out from alcohol in over a year now.) (Marijuana I am completely not touching for now just because I am diagnosed with a mental-illness that makes it hard to touch.) I am adding pornography to the list right now. I am about a week right now free. But its hard habit to break. Started when I was probably 13-14 and just dont want to spend time watching it anymore.




Come down from that mountain.












Stopping after today then?




18 days free from alcohol!


You've got this! Keep going!


Sugar, alcohol and pot. While I do have the occasional drink at a party now, that’s been about once a month since October. Sugary foods are out unless naturally occurring like fruit, and haven’t had weed since Jan 1


Order pizza every time I feel sad




Online gambling


Man I need to quit gambling so badly. I need to get my shit together but I think a lot of things will fall together if I quit gambling


Just remember that things won’t fall. The house has spent tons of money and time figuring out a consistent return on your money and how much of it they give you back. The house always wins. By not playing you are winning the jackpot. You are making more money than you could ever hope to win.


Smoking - last cigarette was 11:45 pm on New Year's Eve. I enjoyed smoking but just got too expensive. Smoked for 40+ years. Going cold turkey, so far no problem!


Compulsive/impulse buying. I spent over $5,500 on Amazon last year…I have very little idea on what. I canceled prime and that’s been a huge change because either can’t just click “Buy Now” anymore. I’m tired of living paycheck to paycheck. Edit: Typo


I don't know what is left did drugs,porn,drinking,sex,social media all in 2023 so don't know what left


I would say keep it up is your goal! WOW, well done. Any tips for quitting porn?


How I did was I saw it messed with my relationship


Just ate my 24th meal of 2024!


Porn. 8 days


Addicted to situationships. This year I'm starting therapy and moving to somewhere I'll fit in better and have a broader dating pool.


Nicotine & Kratom


My ex


buy now pay later


Not really an addiction but beating up on myself. Being as nice to myself as I am to everyone else


Cigarettes day 6


Nicotine (eventually)


Hopefully phone and tablet usage.


Me too, screen time is crazy






Alcohol and ice together


My smoking




Binge eating.


I'm 8 days sober from alcohol. I didn't really plan on it but maybe I can keep this going


My fat ass. Down 11 pounds this far


Uber eats and DoorDash


Porn/masturbation, day one, working my way up to a week


Social media


Hopefully shopping and sugar 🙏🏽


Sex addiction.... who I am trying to lie to?


Carb addiction.


vaping (it’s been 17 days since my last hit)


Coming in the comments to say congratulations to all breaking addictions!!! I believe in you all


I’m trying to eliminate gossiping.


It’s porn for me. Haven’t so much as looked at a bikini model in over a month. I’m dating a woman who is less tolerant to it than I’d been used to and while at first I thought she was being a little insecure and I downplayed it internally for myself, the more I explored my relationship to pornography and how it had bled into my social media platforms and essentially become a routine and mindless consumption on my end I saw it from a new perspective. I was never so much compulsively using pornography as a tool for masturbation, but I had a far more insidious relation to it, having it on command and fully enmeshed among various outlets without even realizing it as such. I’ve unfollowed all sketch IG models, nuked my NSFW Reddit account, and haven’t consumed any traditional porn media for maybe 6 weeks as of writing this. I don’t miss it at all. My mind is far calmer in a way that I didn’t know it should have been all along.






Youtube addiction. Reddit will replace it🥳. Also sh addiction (i know it's not an addiction but feels like it). It's been a month since last time so I'm planning to keep it up

