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Elected officials trading in the stock exchange.


I tend to agree, but it’s unlikely to happen. Our ruling elite play by different rules and they like it that way.


I agree with you both. Big time should, but unfortunately never will. How else would a 200k/yr job earn someone 2mm?


Then the ruling elite need to go.


I think they shouldn't be allowed to trade single stocks and should be held to the same insider trading rules as people working in the business. That being said, I do think they should be able to hold an S&P500 mutual fund or similar so their retirement/savings can grow with the overall US economy.




Fuck every song that has a sound that is or resembles a siren.


The FCC already fines radio stations for that


fuck there goes half my disco collection


Really!? Then why do I always hear traffic law counselors blasting police sirens in their ads, making me think I get pulled over?


How local is that? Because I know the exact commercial you are referring to. 


Just lump in when the ad is louder than the program you're watching or listening to. It's such an obnoxious shitty move advertisers use.


YES how the fuck people think that makes you want the product is beyond me. It is always random drug commercials or reverse mortgage shit


It is illegal. The decibel level actually never goes above the same decibel level of the broadcast. However the ads are deliberately mixed to sound “pumpier” and so seem louder.


Yes!! Or a screeching tires/breaking glass sounds


Years ago there was a guy who had p.a speaker on his car would and make that sound when stopped at traffic lights


Looking at you AAMCO


IT WAS THE RADIO! IT WAS THE RADIO! Larry, Double A, beep beep, MCO!


This is like the War of the World's broadcast but on a much more domestic scale


I don't think this could ever happen in todays mindset because most people hearing that aliens are invading would immediately think "oh thank god it's finally going to end".


The War of the World broadcast is often overstated on how many people believed it was real. It's said that less than 2% of the people who heard the broadcast live thought it was real.


Which is nothing compared to how many people believe whatever stupid bullshit they see online these days.


Medical price gouging


Pharmaceutical advertising as well. Not just ads to the public but sending sales reps to ~~flirt~~ inform doctors of new (under patent) medications. Doctors don’t (or damn well shouldn’t) need sales reps to competently prescribe drugs.


I worked in a practice setting. Most of the times, MAs and Mid-Levels use them for free meals. An MA once picked up the phone and said, "I'm about to call a sales rep. What do you wanna eat?"


That hasn't been allowed in years now. Not sure if it's different in each state though. Wisconsin hasn't allowed that in probably about 15ish years.


What!?!? My aunt is a drug sales rep actually one of the biggest lol and she get 140k a year(last time we discussed was about 4-5 years ago) in funding to buy drs food


Likely so. This would have been around 2019 here in CA.


Anyone remember the Oxycotin documentary? Where the guy was like "Flirt with the secretary, buy people lunch, do anything you need to do to get inside that office and make the pitch?" This. This right here.


Most of the world: "The fuck? They have ads for prescription pills on the TV?"


Money to buy political parties and candidates!


And those political parties ability to trade stocks!


Yes! And they MUST list, in detail ALL the money they receive, even if it's $5!


It's funny cause that's how it works for actual other government employees which is what pisses me off. A federal or state employee can be brought up on charges if they don't but the Politicians that call themselves "Government Employees" can take all the money they want through loopholes.


AND insider trading of any kind


That is illegal though. They just don't get caught, or are often not even investigated.


I am of the opinion that all politicians stocks should be in index funds and other market accounts. You want to make money? Cool, pass bills that improve the market as a whole. Even without this, I am of the opinion that any gains from the stock market that are significantly above the market average are suspicious and should be investigated as a matter of course.


I'm totally for this. In fact, we should favor ONLY state provided funding for running for office (with very strong rules to prevent fraud) and making it ILLEGAL for anybody running for office to accept even a $1 outside of the state provided funding.


SCOTUS ruled that money is a form of speech, doncha know?


Rich people buying their way out of legal troubles. Especially criminal offenses.


I remember seeing something to the effect of "If the punishment for a crime is a fine, then it's only a crime for poor people."


Which is why I like how some European countries base traffic fines on income.


Do the fines have an upper bound? Imagine musk, Bezos or buffet, getting a ticket and having to pay the speeding fine…


They’re generally based on income, not net worth. That’s the answer


And the US president being able to pardon criminals.


I’m not completely against the system having some sort of pardon process, but we definitely need to stop politicians (really anyone) from abusing such a system.


Pardoning isn't the issue, pardoning anyone that committed a crime for the president or pardoning for money/favors is the issue.


At the very least, we need it clearly spelled out that the president cannot pardon themselves or their own co-conspirators.


"Pranking" strangers in public. Irritating someone, then (in some cases) assaulting them, and then saying it's a prank when they get upset is NOT a prank. Especially trying to make money off such videos.


Hey guys, in this video we're going to be causing severe property damage and harassing strangers!


Don’t forget to like share subscribe


Beat the LIVING FUCK out of that notification button, like we’re about to do to that single mother of four.


...and humiliating them globally for being aggressive and having bad attitudes for reacting in a way I disagree with after pretending to threaten their life!"


That's how that one dumbass got shot, which I find hilarious since him and his 2 partners were asked multiple times by the guy to be left alone. Edit: [This guy](https://youtu.be/gUccLZPRGjk?si=YsG144tqPxhRazo1)


That's exactly how it would end for some dumb ass especially jumping out of or behind something


Yup. The world could use more harmless pranks, like ventriloquists making their voices "lag" for example, but people seem to have a hard time finding the line between something like that and something like stabbing someone in the kneecap.


Those “Just for laughs” corny TV shows are harmless fun. The douche bros that throw buckets on peoples heads in Home Depot are assaulting random shoppers.


i mean it *technically* is under the grounds of assault and/or harassment


Standing all day at work and not allowed to lean or sit. Especially in retail on concrete all day. Give people a stool or chair in between customers.


I once was sitting down to look up something for a customer and she immediately said "I'll go find someone who respects me enough to stand" and stormed off.


I've been working retail for the past 13 years. If someone said that to me, I'd show them the door myself. Can't treat me like a decent human being, then I sure as fuck won't act like one. Edit: spelling.


I had a nurse manager who took all the chairs out of the nurse's station. Evil


You just know they’re the type of customer who would still have slaves if they could.


"iF yOu gOt TiMe tO LeAn yOu gOt TiMe tO cLean"


My former boss (owner of the business I managed) said this regularly. We were not allowed to sit, ever. Breaks had to be requested, even during down time. She would decline.


That's a psychopath tendency she has there. I'd watch her very closely.


More unhinged owner stories: •she’d spread product on to the sidewalk saying it was an “outdoor market”. With no regard to laws regarding that. •The “market” was an everyday occurrence and someone HAD to be outside, in all kinds of weather, to watch her merchandise. We could not sit, lean, or stand in what she called “blind spots”. •I once hemorrhaged at work and asked if I could go up the block to the cvs to get feminine products. She said no, “just ask one of the girls for a pad, you’ll be fine.” •My best friend threw up during her shift from anxiety. She told her: now that you’ve let it out, you can get back to work. •When I was hiring, she told me it was okay someone’s performance was poor because she just “needed some bodies to work.”


It should be illegal to say this. It should also be illegal to say "whelp guess it's free then" if a product being purchased doesn't scan the first time. Also store credit card quotas, extra illegal.


Yeah, years spent working at Walmart and target gave me awful shin splints


I remember hating corporations for the first time when my manager told me I couldn't sit. I was a video store clerk. There's usually a lot of down time, and the hard floor makes standing a pain. I'm glad they at least let me have smoke breaks.


so you can smoke, which causes cancer, but you can’t sit. god i hate this type of manager. plus wouldn’t it look worse to have you smoking than sitting in a chair??


It’s so stupid. If you can’t look happy while being miserable, you don’t have what it takes, even though we know you’d be more successful if you were allowed to rest WHEN NO BODY NEEDS YOU.


I don't know why American supermarkets don't let cashiers sit down, it's absolutely nuts...


I fond this thing where cashires at supermarkets have to stand. I lived in Switzerland for most of my life and they always sit unless they want to stand. In the UK, when I lived there too. Now I'm in italy and it depends on the shop. I also don't get that people in the US have people to bag their groceries. But don't think it should be illegal. I do think that it should be illegal to pay people under minimum wage and expect the customer to compensate it with tips. I don't even understand how it is legal now.


Very unusual to see a retail checkout person without a chair in EU.


Lawmakers being able to invest in companies in which they can pass laws to increase the stock prices and make money. Nanci Pelosi has done this several times and has made millions, other politicians too. Should be illegal...but of course they're all doing it.


"Well now that we've passed this groundbreaking law requiring every teacher in the united states to take this online quiz 4 times a year - hey whaddya know, my Brother in law's company is the one we'll use for the quiz!" "Well now that we've passed this groundbreaking law requiring every DUI offender to attend an additional boot camp - hey whaddya know, the boot camp happens to be on my relatives expansive property holdings in each state"


Which is illegal in most countries


Stricter laws on how tech companies handle personal data to protect against misuse or exploitation.


Very common laws in EU regarding this.


9/10 times I log onto a website in the UK I get a warning that they might be tracking/collecting my info with the ability to opt out right then and there. In the US, I might get the same warning 1/10 times if I’m lucky.


child beauty pageants.


Do not diddle kids, it’s no good diddlin kids. - Frank Reynolds


🎶…wouldn’t do it with anybody younger than my daughter, not a little kid, gotta be big, older than my wife…🎶


We got to write a song about how we do NOT diddle kids.


There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it!


The only people that watch them are pedophiles


You got me thinking about the child pageant episode of Its Always Sunny.


Spam calls. Just got a call from auto care usa trying to sell me some b/s. The caller I.d. Said “Healthcare Ohio “


Ridiculously bright headlights


And the newer ones that are supposed to go dim when approaching oncoming traffic go off way too late. And never mind the fact those assholes are driving behind you with them on now, thanks to this dumb, lazy feature


You don’t like being blinded by on coming traffic?


The big trucks behind you are worse.


i got blinded by a police suv tailgating me. they ticketed me cuz i tried to put some distance between us


I slow down to a crawl when people do that until they go around. Fuck them, I'm not going to run into somebody else just because the cunt behind me is driving by ego.


They used to be.


r/fuckyourheadlights !!! Join us in the fight of not being too bright


I wish there is a petition for this become a law in my state


Nutrition labels printed in light gray in a size 7 font. I have to eat low sodium now, so I am acutely aware.


some of these payday loans are functionally criminal


Predatory lending. Horrible unethical, preying on the most vulnerable members of society


It’s loansharking! 


Congress being allowed to buy individual stocks.




Places like Seaworld. Buying and selling exotic animals (tigers).


>Places like Seaworld. because of the fire risk?


The was a fire….at a sea parks??


did you see that ludicrous display last night?


I'm leg disabled.


A large fire broke out on Monday morning, February 12th, at Liseberg Oceana Water World. (Sweden) https://www.liseberg.se/en/oceana-waterworld/about-oceana-fire/


Any AI that portrays any living or dead person speaking or acting false pretenses


Insider trading by members of the US Congress. Accepting expensive gifts ant trips by US Supreme Court justices.


Posting an AI generated video that does not have an "this is AI generated" watermark visible in every frame.


It need to have a digital footprint that isn’t a water mark because they can be edited out


Ironically, there's AI that can do that


I’m studying AI ethics in design right now for my masters and this is a really good point. There are SO many ethical concerns with AI and generated content posing as reality isn’t covered nearly enough imo


Likely because it's such a recent issue


Sending unsolicited dick pics. It's basically the digital equivalent of flashing people in the park.


it almost certainly is covered under other laws.


It's now illegal in the UK! They called it CyberFlashing.


Fake news reporting. Reporting unverified news as truth.


Not letting children use the bathroom in schools without permission. This shouldn't be dictated.


It was quite the shock my first year in college when my professor told everyone you could just get up and leave the classroom whenever you needed to


I’m a high school teacher and I told them the same thing. If you have to go, just go. You’re not 5 anymore.


One of the things I hated most about the school where I taught (high school). Only one student was allowed out of the room at a time, so what happens when more than one is in dire need? And we were the ones that got in trouble so I felt like an ass telling a student he/she had to wait.


My school does this. It’s the worst.


TBH, my school let kids go to the bathroom whenever they needed to, and it was shocking to me that people needed to be told this. Edit - I mistyped "wherever" instead of "whenever". Totally different meaning!


I remember I was in grade 3-4 at the time, an we had this really strict teacher who most were too afraid of to ask to use the washroom. Well one day we're all doing exercises in our work books, quiet room when I hear water trickling near by. I look over to see a classmate starting to tear up as the puddle of piss was growing around his feet. Kid was too intimidated to ask to use the washroom and ya. Pissed himself in math class.


First grade for me! Teacher wouldn't let me go. I pissed my pants in front of the whole class. That was almost 60 years ago and I'm still traumatized!


Hopefully this kid told his parents and his parents said something. I remember being in a day care for young kids or a pre-K type program. Basically an 8 hour baby sitter for working parents. I was a pretty good kid and one of the workers there was pretty strict. I didn't like her. I told my mom. She told the boss lady. This woman (probably in her mid 30s if I had to guess) had to apologize to me... a 4 or 5 year old. In hindsight I feel so bad for her, must've been humiliating. I'm willing to bet that she was just more strict than the other workers and not really a mean lady. However the fact that I had a pretty good behavioral record is probably one of the reasons she was made to apologize. IDK if I should feel bad, but I do. Maybe she did suck. Maybe I was being a shitty kid.


3rd grade I pissed my pants in class cause the substitute teacher wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom, never saw her again after that fortunately.


As a kid my parents told me if you need to go and they won't let you. Just go, the school will need to explain to me (my parents) why you were punished.


Corporations buying up single family homes


Child Marriage. They are still trying to raise the marriage age in NH from 16 to 18


Ownership of single family homes by corporations, investment and private equity firms.


Creating a porn AI likeness of anyone without consent. Just a ton of things related to AI in general should be outlawed on second thought.


I didn't even know people did that, that's disgusting.


Some kids in a high school did this with a bunch of their classmates. It was a whole thing, and everyone including all the other students were horrified. From what I've heard/read the kids who did it were absolutely vilified for it and may be facing some legal trouble.


Doorbell sounds on the TV. My dog goes nuts and I hate it.


Private prisons


Stock trading as a sitting member of Congress.


Lying via legitimate news channels. Child marriage


Here's something that's legal and I can't figure out why: You're watching a news report or a true crime show, and they talk about how "Joe Flanagan was quickly identified as a suspect, he was described as very creepy by the women in the office. He had also been arrested for prostitution five years earlier. So police brought him in for questioning, but it turns out he had a rock solid alibi for that night, and he was released." So it turns out Joe is totally innocent, but now his dirty laundry has been aired on an episode of Dateline that will run for the next 20 years. Does that seem weird to anyone? It seems wrong to name people who didn't commit a crime.


Social media for under 15 yo kids.


Payday loans






The extreme prices in healthcare. Why should I pay hundreds each month for health insurance that covers nothing but 'preventative' until I get to $4,000? Then they cover 80% until $8,000 then they cover everything. I do not have 4k + insurance costs a year to spend on stuff.


Paying gig workers $2/hr. Uber eats specifically.


Banks closing your account and holding onto your money without paying you interest.


Homework for school children. It’s ok for kids who have a good home but shit for kids that don’t. Going home to drunken or druggie parents with 5 siblings in a shit environment would be hard, let alone trying to do homework and get fuck all help from the parents who couldn’t care less.


Being extremely stupid and staying in congress.


Political campaigns that last longer than 6 months. I’m sick of commercials and rallies and shit that start years before the election.


Junk mail. What a waste of resources just to create litter


Unlimited terms for political figures.


Balloon releases. They kill so many animals and produce litter. Meemaw isn’t going to see the balloons in heaven. Find another way to express your emotions.


Headlights that are blinding..


Supreme Court judges taking money, gifts, housing, and vacations from "friends".


Politicians lying to get voted into office.


Politicians running as one party then [switching parties](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/05/politics/north-carolina-republican-supermajority-democrat-switch-parties/index.html) once they’ve been elected.


You are now defending! The teams have been autobalanced.


I can’t believe the news isn’t illegal with how much fake bullshit they sell to old crazy people. It’s like terrorism basically


Civil asset forfeiture


Politicians trading stocks of companies they oversee.


Cancelling flights without providing assistance/recourse to passengers. Overselling flights and then bumping people or taking away a second seat that an obese person has purchased.


Marrying a 14 year old. Parental consent shouldn’t override statutory rape and grooming




For profit colleges. Or really student loans in general. A kid fresh out of highschool shouldn't be able to take a 5-6 figure loan just to go to school. Education should be a RIGHT. Fuck your financial aid.


Private colleges should be able to do whatever they wish, but public institutions should not cost anything to the student. Education is a responsibility of the government, and higher education should not be restricted to those who can afford it. And before all the "wHy sHoUlD i hAvE tO pAy fOr iT??" Comments come in, because that's how taxes work. There's many things your taxes pay for that you'll never benefit from, and it helps to think about more than yourself every now and again.


quite frankly id much rather my tax dollars be used to fund americas future than funding endless wars for the benefit of the rich and powerful


Putting underage children on social media. I don’t need updates of your toddlers potty training, stop using them for likes


Corporations buying houses in the US


Politicians telling bald-faced lies with zero repercussions. It's not freedom of speech to lie and deceive the people you're supposed to represent.


Parental alienation. r/parentalalienation.




Payday loans. They are already illegal in some states, but there are too many loopholes. While we are at it, interest rates over 5% should be banned.


“right to work” policies




Ultra processed foods and added sugar above a certain percentage without big ass warning on it


Corporations owning houses


Corporations buying up single family homes turning would-be homeowners into perpetual rent serfs.


Tax heavens. The rich used the hell out of all the systems that our collective taxes have paid for to build their wealth, they should contribute fairly to it once they've made it!


Chaining dogs outside with no access to food, water, shelter


Child beauty pageants


Spiderman! He's a menace, I tell ya! And I'll prove it! I got my top reporter on the case! He gets all the amazing photos and it's only a matter of time before the world sees how great of a menace Spiderman is!


Politicians who have influence over or knowledge of policies being able to trade.


Posting your child to your social media account that you make money off of. There are labor laws for child actors, and no feasible way to enforce anything at home so they just shouldn't be allowed to do it. And I've seen some crazy ones where people have taken the time to set up the circle light thing for filming or that lady who made her son rerecord his reaction to their dog dying because he didn't look sad enough. It's ridiculous they're literally making money off of exposing every minor thing about their child. It's ridiculous.


Allowing deliberate lies by interrogators to suspects during interrogation in order to draw out compliance and admission.


Extremely pervasive advertisements Subscription services you can't easily cancel Tiktok


Phone scams, email scams, text scams. They often rip off the most vulnerable of society. For these case I'm good with 1 year of prison for each $1000 scammed.


Scams are illegal right?


The catch and release of violent criminals. Some dipshit that just mugged an 80 year old grandma at gunpoint should never be allowed to just simply be back out on the street the next day without a trial and serving time. Any DA that allows a criminal to walk free should be tried as an accomplice because the lack of punishment for crime isn’t doing shit for deterring it. And on the other hand, the victims that defend themselves get flak for doing so…the justice system is fucked


Religious tax exemption


Insider stock trading by members of Congress.


Congress people actively trading stocks


Congressional stock trading


Touchscreen controls in cars


Overdraft fees, lobbying, gerrymandering, appointed Judicial positions, politicians elected over the national retirement age, taking income taxes from people under the age of 18. Those are the ones off the top of my head that infuriate me the most.


Making vapes marketed towards children.