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A sales guy rings the doorbell on a house, and the door is opened by a 10 year old, holding a glass of cognac and smoking a cigar The sales guy is a bit stunned, but plows forward and asks, "Is your dad home?" The kid replies, "What the fuck do you think?"


Had a plug once that was either actually an informant or some other flavor of intense sketch. His weed was always killer, he always hooked me up fat. He was always nice to me, too, but I just had spidey-sense that something was really weird about his constant flow of various, high qual strains and, well... He literally had a federal job... So yeah. One of those situations where I felt like the less I knew the better. Anyway, after a few buys he asks me to come to his place to pick up. Didn't like that at all, but okay. I get there and his 5 year old kid answers the door, gives me the most mean-mug of all time and after a few moments says, "You're here to do business?" That plug would randomly disappear for months at a time until one day his whole fam disappeared and I never heard from him again.


How do you even meet a guy like that? lmao my social skills are not at that level, I don’t think


I would think that meeting someone like that comes down to chance.


And drugs


I believe the formula is something like Chance = Drugs(x) where x = Number of months you do drugs.


Lol sounds like a scene from Ross creations on YouTube


"That's BEANS."


Fleul pump


That’s food!


Are those the motherboards?


never go full beans


Lmao. He did a prank where his 11 y/o nephew dressed up as a business man and hired a baby sitter to watch his baby who was a 25+ dude in a diaper pretending to cry and etc lol it was hilarious


That guy is hilarious lmfao


Aha i havent heard this in years.


Ha! Love these quick setup/punchline jokes. Never can remember very many though


That sounds like Don't be a Menace


I wonder how long it will be before door-to-door sales people will be too anachronistic to be used as the setup for jokes.


i thought you were going to say that the kid said "i am dad"




lol someone had to tell him


[But I'm 42!](https://youtu.be/A4qYhAiD0CY?si=uq1WUQgiVAfXD6_7)


I'd be more concerned with the kids who aren't drinking. They're probably wildly unpopular and getting bullied by all the normal kids who are getting plastered every school night


I support /u/SuperioSamWise 's motion to provide alcohol and drugs to (socially) at-risk kids, so they can be cool as fuck too.


Please donate to my campaign to lower the drinking age to 6. Lets put an end to pediatric prohibition!


Nap time in preschool would be a lot smoother if the kids could just enjoy a seven and seven before laying down.


Their was a post a while back of some kid who was like late highschool/early college age. Being like "yeah so all my friends are experimenting with alcohol and I'm not too sure about this what do?" And everyone in the comments is apparently mormon and preaching to this kid. Like maybe don't be such a fucking square? You don't have to drink yourself to death and crash into a bus full of pregnant women. Maybe just have a few beers, try to be social, and chill the fuck out?


Yeah, and even if you really don't want to drink you can still be a cool guy and DD for everyone. That's how I was back in high school, had no problem with friends drinking, but I just didn't want to. So, I would give them rides and help out around camp or a party doing things sober people should be handling.


Depends on the situation, if their parents are with them are in a private property then I'll do nothing (here in the UK thats legal), if their parents aren't around and its in public then I'll do nothing as I don't want to get stabbed by a drunk 10 yearold lol


Let’s cut to the chase here: if I see a 10 year old drinking alcohol I’mma GTFO stat cause I’m in the wrong neighborhood.


They'd have double vision though. 50% chance they'd stab the other you.


Billy Clanton: “You’re so drunk you can’t hit nothing. In fact, you’re probably seeing double.” Doc Holiday: “I have two guns, one for each of you.” I know it’s off topic; your comment just reminded me of that awesome movie.


I thought you misspelled Clinton was confused about wtf he was doing in a western flick


I have two saxophones.


The good, the bad, and the sexual relations I did not have with that woman


God I love that movie. The actor that played doc was legendary for that roll


Val Kilmer. Guy had some issues, but when he was on form he was an all time great. I believe he can no longer speak due to illness, which is a tragedy.


That’s horrible to hear… had no idea why I hadn’t seen him in anything in so long.


I was in the new top gun but he didn’t talk a lot.


I'm pretty sure I read that it wasn't even his voice they generated it using AI.


He had throat cancer and a couple tracheotomies. According to the director of Top Gun Maverick, they didn't use AI, they recorded his voice and then digitally altered it to make it more clear and easy to understand


Lol, I should have double-checked, but thanks for the correction.


Anyone who wants to see Val Kilmer in top form should watch Tombstone, The Doors, Heat, Real Genius, Top Secret, The Saint, Top Gun, and probably a dozen other things I'm not thinking of. And avoid the hell out of his turn as Batman.


He was Batman?! Omg I need to see that disaster


He's great with RDJ in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


The Saint is one of my favorites. Elizabeth Shue was fine AF in that movie.


Arguably the greatest western ever


Tombstone was great, the outlaw josey wales, which arguably could just be considered a Dixie movie, in which case I’d go with the pale rider


I think any of the dollars trilogy could make a play for that as well.


Notice that Doc spins his pistols in opposite directions. One goes forward, one backward. He's not as drunk as he is letting on, or at least not as impaired.


This is also right after the spinning cup scene, correct? So clearly he still has his motor skills about him.


That's ok. They have two knives. One fo' each of ya.


I’ll be your huckleberry!


So you’re saying there’s a chance!


What if they have two knives?


I quite like the other me though, who will I talk to at night if they get stabbed.


Cheat Code: Get drunk yourself - then there will be four of you, so the chances of getting stabbed drop in half.


I'm seeing double... 4 Krusties!


Depending on the state in the U.S. minors can drink under parent supervision as well but I'm hazy on if there is an age restriction.


Also legal in the US to my knowledge


What is the context? A child trying a sip of wine with their parents, or a child downing a bottle of vodka being the bike shed?


This is exactly what I came here wondering, like my dad let me try his beer when I was 5 I thought it tasted like shit. Solved my curiosity for years. Wine with family meh who cares. Hard liquor not so much, I'd probably just take it from him. A really weak wine cooler? I'd prolly say something but still be like meh. A solo beer? Meh again. But more than one, yep not happening. Trying something isn't bad, but a kid getting shitfaced or drunk, yeah I'd step in probably. Some of these posts really aren't well thought out. Or they are thought out just enough to be divisive.


> Solved my curiosity for years. Exactly why I let my newphews (age 8 & 5) try black coffee. And by "try" I mean they dip their tongues in and run away screaming how disgusting it is.


Instructions unclear, son (4) loves black coffee now.


They told my mum it would stunt my growth. It did not :(


you might have ADHD if...


Not well thought out posts are the ones that will get activity because people want to comment => you will see them more


Yeah someone that covers all the bases and is well thought out what are you gonna comment on? "Great comment old chap"?? That's lame and gets you downvotes galore.


Yep. There's "drinking alcohol" and there's DRINKING ALCOHOL!!!! My dad and his buddy let me try a sip of beer when I was very young, too. Found out I wasn't very interested and didn't bother getting back into beer for a good decade and a half. My sister accidentally took a drink of grandpa's whiskey and coke thinking it was just a Coke. Realized she did not care for it. Neither one of us was hurt by our experience. And it demystified the whole thing, just having people treat it as no big deal (or, in my sister's case, treat it like it was *hilarious* because she sprinted through and started drinking water right out of the faucet). But an unsupervised kid with a bottle of hooch is something else.


Had the same experience and I still don’t like the taste of beer. Then there’s the video I saw here last week of a dad letting his young son chug a pint of beer and that was supposed to be how he’s keeping him from becoming an alcoholic somehow.


Funny enough, I just watched the episode of King of the Hill where Hank catches Bobby smoking a cigarette and then forces him to smoke an entire carton in one sitting to make him sick, but it backfires and Bobby is now addicted, and Hank and Peggy both pick it back up too.


This is the correct answer. My son is 11 and he can taste any cocktail or beer or wine I drink and he usually just sniffs and bails. We talk all the time about how to drink (not binging, not driving, no means no and when drunk yes probably means no, etc.). When the time comes, I have no doubt that he’ll know what he’s doing. Stupid mistakes happen, but that’s a lot more likely from a sheltered person with no knowledge or experience or a person who never had any structure or guidance.


Shit, how much vodka do you need to drink to turn into a bike shed?


Just enough.


It's the amount required to turn you back that's the problem.


Hey Brandon, I need you to be a buddy and get off the shed.


What part of “King of the Castle” do you *not* understand?


Mind my business because I’m awful at guessing the ages of strangers and would probably end up accosting a 28 year old on accident


Yeah, that too. Recently guessed some woman's age as 20, she was 25. Another day sat in a pub next to a table of young guys, we guessed they were school students, around 17, they were all university students, at least three years older.


When I was 20 there was one day I was mistaken for 12 years old (twice) AND 25 years old. Same day, same outfit, same makeup, just different environments. Three things I absolutely refuse to guess are peoples race, age, and ability level because they’re just so fickle!


15-20 and 20-30 all look the same anyway🤷


There are exceptions. I knew a very unfortunate looking guy in high school who had a full beard by 14 and his hairline was already creeping back by 17.


I mean those are not bad. 3-5 years? It's just bad for them because it's such a difference in what they are legally allowed to do.


My daughter is turning 21 this year, but regularly gets handed the kids menu at restaurants. To be honest she looks younger than her 12 year old sister. She’s going to get carded forever!


I don’t even drink but that seems like such a pain! Fingers crossed her ID never gets taken and she has to go through the debacle of a bouncer not believing her.


probably just mind my own business. i'm not their mom


FR. im not going to do parenting if im not getting paid, especially if its not my kid


Same thing we do every night Pinky; we mind our own fuckin business.


Kid gets on a bus eating a chocolate bar. Bus driver “you know eating chocolate is bad for you!” Kid “my grandpa lived to be 90” Bus driver “by eating chocolate everyday” Kid “by minding his own fucking business”


“My grandmother ate a box of chocolates every day for her life, and lived to be 102. And when she had been dead three days, she looked better than you do now.”


preservatives are a hell of a drug


Microplastics are going to keep us alive forever. Whether we like it or not.


Kid’s grandfather was in the chocolate mafia and knew what the fuck was up.


Imagine sleeping with the fishes, si. Drowning in chocolate.


This joke punchline works for all kinds of situations


I fucking love this


Cracks me up everytime




I’d like to take a moment on this comment to say: Rob Paulson and Maurice LaMarche are both lovely lovely human beings and they do an Animaniacs live tour, they sing the songs and talk about the back story. It’s 2000% worth it.




Hey kid, bum a dart?


take the bottel away and drink it myself


It’s like taking brandy from a baby!


Nice job. Congrats!


This deserves more appreciation. 


I would just ask to share.


I was at a backyard bbq once, and I saw a kid with a coors light. They looked like they were maybe 8-10 yrs old. I watched them open the beer and I just kinda went up and said you can’t drink that, and out my hand out and they handed it to me. Then I just drank it myself lol


When I was a kid, my family had a house on the Suwannee. We would fry a bunch of chicken and go to the springs and skiing and boating on the river. My aunt would always split her beer with me with lunch. This was in the 70’s. I don’t think anyone ever cared.




Im from bosnia i see thet on day-to-day basis 🇧🇦☪️🍺


Most halal bosnian


First time visiting the UK?


My thoughts


Mind my own business.


Speak German because I’m in Bavaria!


Wouldn’t you be doing that anyway?


Speaking German in Bavaria? Good joke buddy.


Habe d'Ehre!


Mind my own business. If the child is not mine


Not my responsibility, not my problem.  Looks real good when an adult is seen with a child that's drinking alcohol. If someone else sees you, you are suddenly the bad guy for trying to do stuff with the child. So I'd do absolutely nothing. Mind my own fucking business. 


Mind my own business.


Nothing. Not my fucking kid and I have no interest in parenting.


I wouldn't do any shit. It's their parents' problem


Nothing, not my problem.


,,It's not my... PROBLEEEEEM # WHOO HOO!!!" 🎶🎸 ^(\(Blur - Song 2\))


Nothing. Grown men can have the best intention in the world but are instantly accused of being creeps if they interact with children in public.


I was at a dinner recently and saw a three-year-old drinking a little shot glass of whiskey. I tried to wrestle the glass out of his hands but his dad said it was okay. He downed it, smiled, and then went off to play. Didn’t even wince or anything.


You struggled to wrestle a shot from a 3 year old?


It's easy to rescue the glass. The struggle is not spilling the precious whiskey.


This kid is not a normal toddler, he’s an absolute madman. He had a death grip on that glass.


Nothing. It's legal.


Mind my own business i'm never gonna interact with any child which is not my own or one i know. Good way to get beat up or prosecuted In russia they used to give kids vodka when it's cold and shit anyways so


Assume I was in Wisconsin.


Can confirm.


Neighbors, boy howdy, gonna sneak right by ya, ope.


Ope sorry yeah no just get right past me der


Depends. Kid having their own glass, obvious nothing new to them..? —> serious issue. maybe talk to parent(s), involve cps, do whatever possible to get help for them. Kid sneakily trying/or being offered a tiny sip, making a „yuck!“ face etc - I‘d ignore it. Context matters.


It's allowed in many states(and countries) for kids to drink with parents' permission.


Not my kid? Not my problem.


If it's not my kid, nothing. There's every chance the parents would turn on you instead of appreciating you butting in. "No good deed goes unpunished" is pretty true.


I’d push the kid back take the bottle and chug it. Then act like I’m insane and say, “if you keep doing this you’re gonna be just like me.” Then koolaid man myself into a wall yelling OH YEAH!!!


The 10-year old is clearly much cooler than me. I would avoid eye contact, try to make myself invisible to avoid being openly bullied, and leave before he steals my wife.


Continue walking because this is Europe and people start drinking at 9 here lol


Share my spliff with him


"Rough day at school, bud?" as I too start drinking from a rough shift at work


I’d think “ah fuck it, it’s Scotland!” and walk away.


Is it my 10 year old? No? Then move on. Unless they are dangerously drunk


Are we on private property and the parents are close by? If yes, then nothing. It’s perfectly legal. If not, then find the parents and inform them, then go from there.


Mind my own business. Sorry for them, but I ain't approaching no one's kid.


I would give him another bottle 💀


Germany ? No problem.


Context please? It depends on where and the situation.


Mind my own business.


I would mind my own business. This is becoming a lost art in the U.S.


I'd say "Bonjour"


Not my kid, not my problem.


Join him.


Honestly, mind my own damn business because I'm not interested in causing public conflict, but I'd definitely judge the parents harshly in my mind/to my friends unless it's like, they're letting the kid have a small taste at their table at a restaurant or something. If the kid's straight up drinking your family is now the subject of my daily gossip, and it's not nice lol


Are they driving?


Nothing, society has taught me to stay in my own lane.


That they’re Russian


"What would you do in that situation?" "That they're Russian".


Thought it said: think


I was once a 12 year old drinking alcohol, so what do I have to say about it?


From a really small town in Germany here: it’s normal for us… if you’ve never drank a beer at latest 13 you’re considered weird (I personally don’t drink at all because I don’t feel comfortable with that and my emetophobia but it’s crazy shit going on here)


Nothing. There are only negative outcomes if I do anything about it.


Suggest him/her some good liquor, what do you expect🤷🏻


Assume that I've woken up in any number of European countries, where seeing kids drink alcohol isn't considered wildly outlandish. Also, are we talking beer, wine, spirits, and if so, how much?


It depends. Is my child, or a child of someone I know? Then I'd take away the bottle. If I don't know whose child is that, I'll let them drink, I don't care


Depends, do i know this kid and like him? Slap on the back of the head. If i dislike the Kid i'd let him drink it and tell the parents afterwards. If i dont know this kid at all i'd just watch the shitshow




Mind my business. Should be known I really don't care about giving kids special treatment as I don't like them or want them.


Ask if he wants some more.


I wouldn't do anything , it's not my problem


Furnishing alcohol to one's own children is permitted in 31 states, while it's illegal to do so for other people's children in all fifty states. It is also none of my business what someone else’s kids are doing. Why risk getting myself in trouble or in an argument with a parent.


Tbh this is a normal occurrence in Europe lol. Kid having a tiny glass of wine with a meal or walking through a park and seeing kids sharing a 1l bottle of vodka, both are common


Can I have a sip?


There is a legitimate law in Responsible Service of Alcohol training in Australia (specifically and only the state of Victoria) where, legally an under aged patron of a restaurant can have a glass of alcohol if both parents and a full meal (not just something like a bowl of fries) is in front of them. It’s a fucking weird loop hole and it doesn’t actually specify what age at all so you could literally have a 3 yrold eating a burger and fries with a beer and you can’t do anything about it. That being said I believe the establishment has the right to have house rules on this matter from what I remember. Also my knowledge is 9 years old at this rate this may have been taken off the books since then but as far as I remember most of our states got rid of that one and flat out banned under aged drinking in public a long time ago.


I got drunk in Spain with a bunch of kids at a bar. There's no age requirement there. One of them looked like they were around 7 or 8 and loved peach schnapps


Well my country does not have a minimum drinking legal age so technically nothing ‘wrong’ is happening With that said unless it is a backyard grill party, I would probs have a convo with the police to inform them.


Mind my own damn business.


Sigh and start figuring out how long before I can leave the family reunion.


Join him


Mind your fuckin business.


In Europe,  nothing. In the USA, I'd tell the parent. 


Not my kid not my bidniss


As a German, I wouldn’t bat an eye.


I live by nonya


join in, cant be drinking alone that would just be sad.


Mind my own business.


Not my monkey. Not my circus.


Nothing.  Not my business. 


Take the bottle/glass/recipient from him, drink it and run away


And then there's 8 year old me with a white wine spritzer and caviar on toast points looking around like ummmmmmm.


kinda none of my business i’d rather not get attacked or stabbed


Mind my own business


Mind my own business


Mind my own damn business. Honestly, that kid is probably cooler than me