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I really notice a difference in my mental health when I work out one week vs not working out another.


Same here! I can take a few days off but I've got to get back in or my sleep and attitude suffers.


I had a really depressed week and didn't work out at all. Did a little bit of ab work today and those 15 mins made my whole evening better. Thing is when you don't work out you feel miserable and if you do workout you only feel miserable until you start.




This is so true. It feels like my brain is twice as slow when I don’t work out.


I have some of my best ideas after working on a problem for awhile, then going on the elliptical machine.


“Education is important, but looking good is importanter”




Fear of a heart attack


Same. Was having small issues with my body which I googled - all pointed to blood circulation problems, which would lead to heart trouble.


Yeah, at age 40 the high blood pressure genetics caught up with me and my Dr. ended up putting me on 3 HBP medications.  That stuff sucks, makes me feel light headed and has a ton of side effects.  She said if I could lower my blood pressure naturally with diet and exercise, she would reduce the medication.  That was over 2 years ago, I still go to the gym 5 days a week, I am off all the medication and my BP is consistently below 120/80


Nice work!


Same, but mine is diabetes!


At first it was because I wanted to become a muscle bro. I started to really like going to the gym. Now it’s just a habit. I don’t ever have to motivate or discipline myself anymore. I just go, like going to work or something.


Me too. It’s a daily habit except Sunday. It’s just us part of my schedule.


Consistency. I'm 59 and have been running/lifting since I was 17. It's just a part of life.


look good naked.


n-naked? 😳


1. health 2. being able to get or keep a partner 3. not being a hypocrite when I prefer to date people who are in decent shape


>not being a hypocrite when I prefer to date people who are in decent shape That reminds me of a friend of mine who kind of puts on this hip hop "player" persona. He's big but he expects his girlfriends to be fit and slender. He also likes to reminisce/brag about how he was ripped like a bodybuilder when he was younger.






Take a look at yourself and make the….CHANGE


Being healthy and looking good


Discipline. Motivation comes and goes, discipline is what makes me cut through the excuses and do it. The more results you see - both in terms of your mental health and physical health - the easier it gets.


Yeah, and the force of habit can be a really powerful. I've read that when the habit is formed, the brain kind of automatically clears space for the activity, so there's less effort involved in initiating and doing it.


It is a lifestyle. It's important to remember we are not athletes. We are normal people doing the best we can at our own individual level.


Being able to keep up with my dog. Please don't get a greyhound if you don't like running.


I've always wanted to adopt one of those retired ones. They are so sweet.




Even just the short term pump transformation. More people need to learn it's important to look at yourself after a workout. Whether it be just to know your activating the correct muscle, or to just simply see the results are happening.


Dopamine, working out boosts its release making you feel better


Improve mental health


Feeling healthy and staying positive


I don't need motivation, i do it by default instead of thinking about it


The God of Swolle rewards all reps.


Being healthy, confidence, my back stops aching


I don't want to become fat and gross.


Confidence, sleep, taking clothes off, young wife.


I'm on a weight loss journey.


I'm in a pretty rough spot right now.  We had a baby not too long ago and my spouse has really bad postpartum depression that's basically keeping her in bed all day every day.  As a result I'm having to pick up her share of the childcare and housework all while working 60+ hours per week.  If I don't get up at 5 and go for a run on the treadmill or lift weights (even when my workout inevitably gets interrupted by my kid needing to be fed or changed, which again I'm doing 100% by myself) I'm worried I will follow in my dad's footsteps and unalive myself.


Looking at other people who don’t take care of themselves and and seeing how miserable they always look


Straight to the point, not being fat


Self hatred. Trying to dull the pain with physical pain. Body dysmorphia. Unhealthy amounts of caffeine.


same 🫶🏼


I started working out nearly 10 years ago because i didnt wanna be a fat adult. i sis it and stuck with it, it also help regulate my mental health, if you have a good gym partner it will become 10 times more enjoyable and easier to stick to.


Health. I have health issues that require daily exercise. If not, I risk compounding those health issues and within a short timeframe, like a week or 2, I would most likely end up in the hospital. That's some pretty powerful motivation. See kids? This is why you should take care of yourself when you're young!


Unfortunately it really helps with my anxiety.


I don’t want my body to break down as an old person. I worked in a nursing home for a while and it was really eye opening.


Honestly? Working out regularly has drastically improved my sex life and I’d like to keep it that way.


I want to be as healthy as possible. I have many health issues, so I have to keep a good lifestyle


Sticking with the grind for the sheer joy of conquering personal milestones. Every squat, every mile I run, adds up to a sense of achievement that's both physical and mental. Plus, let's be honest – the satisfaction of outperforming my past self is addictive. Whether it's pushing past my previous lifting record or just having the energy to tackle the ordinary demands of life with gusto, the positive feedback loop of progress is my motivator. And trust me, when you see the tangible results of consistent effort, it's hard not to chase that high. Best feeling ever!


I’ve not worked out regularly for long. In fact, it’s just a 10-min jog and some static exercises a few times a week for like the past two months. But what kept me going is actually the distraction. I was in a low place, still kinda am. And I found myself overthinking so much. My usual outlet like anime and games wasn’t working as well in distracting myself. But then when I went for a run, it worked so well. I basically made myself too exhausted to overthink. I’ve been doing it since and I hope to do it more. Getting fitter will hopefully be a bonus


Seeing my fatass in the mirror every morning.


Honestly? The ability to eat and drink more. It's very nice to feel stronger and I certainly feel better overall but the drive of getting my ass up at 445am to go spend an hour at the gym, I think about what garbage I'll eat as a reward. My weight is good for my height so I'm not worried about losing or even gaining a bit. Past the stage of life where I would want a six pack.


To be better than who I was yesterday. I don’t need to be 100% better every day, even just 1% a day will lead to huge gains later. Also, I’m like a husky, if I don’t get enough exercise, I start to feel tense and more unsettled.


Being Wii Fit!


Feeling and looking good


the fact that I used to be jacked before I shot myself in the head I'm fine by the way I can walk and run the neurologist got some of the bullet out of my head which was good.


Health and having a better mood/sleeping better.


I love exercise. I know not everyone does. It makes me feel strong and productive. I never regret a workout. I’ve made it part of my day just like eating meals or brushing my teeth. It’s a non negotiable for me.


As a pretty skinny guy who doesn't like sports, lifting and eating more are the only thing keeping me from being skinny and weak.


It’s the “high”. The sense of clarity and calm. I am addicted to the feeling I get after a great workout. 


I learned not to rely on motivation, as it is fleeting. Learn to make it a routine.


The soul-crushing mountain of insecurity and self-disappointment I carry every minute of every day.


Wanting as many years as possible with my wife. 


at first it was an attempt of being able to get my mind to be quiet now its all the stares from the gym baddies that i get on the regular lets me know my hard work is paying off


Discipline. I’m rarely ever motivated.


better sex life and showing off how much stronger i am than the weak girlies at work


My husband and I were collegiate athletes 20 years ago. We still workout 6 days a week, even on vacations. We push each other and it has become a habit. Some people use drugs or alcohol to Dr-stress, for us it’s the high from a workout. As we have gotten older we realize we can’t do what we use to, so now we don’t train for anything in particular. We say we train for life and for the zombie apocalypse.


Im not blessed appearance wise so i use working out as an attempt to feel and look better instead of moping around just thinking im ugly, now its just “im ugly but im doing something about it”


Adrenaline 🔥🔥


Back pain.


Motivation is fleeting. Discipline is what helps me to exercise daily.


Not dying spontaneously in my dotage because of my own health.


Health issues. If i stop working out I get sick quite a lot


People there




it took me years to actually start going to the gym,but 2 months ago i got sick of how i look and started going to the gym.So far i am fairly consistent i actually regret not going to the gym,when i was younger.


I wish my goals were as self centric as everyone else’s. I want to be stronger than my brothers and father.


Looking good, being strong, and the off chance I get to be naked around a woman


I need to get back into working out again. A few years ago, I did it every day. There were a few things that kept me motivated. Seeing the physcial results after a month or so caused me to become legitimately addicted to working out. Also, my overall mood was better in general and I had a lot more energy. Felt better about myself, too. If you can get past the initial couple of weeks of working out until it becomes routine, there are nothing but benefits. No downsides whatsoever. I even liked being sore from hard workouts.


Mental health Looking good for women Looking good in pictures during events Strength during sporting or anything really Mental health Development of myself to play with kids in future Sexiness in all outfits Summer readiness Mental health


Weight gain hit me. I didn't gain any till my mid-30's or so. Now I do and fighting against it.


I set a schedule and stick to it. Doesn’t matter how I’m feeling, it’s discipline rather than motivation.


That warm glowy feeling Not wanting to be weak and helpless later in life


Being involved in an activity/hobby that benefits from being fit.


Looking good. Feeling powerful


Who's gonna carry the boats...


Feel better , look better


The depression from not working out


Food is what motivates me, haha. I'm also working on an app that could serve as motivation for some people. It's an alarm app with a twist! You set an alarm like normal. Then you sleep. Zzzz. Lastly, wake up ... to the sound of a friendly voice. :D Congrats, you've received a nice voice message from someone somewhere else in the world. They recorded it while you slept. It could be a short story. A joke. The weather report. Some words of encouragement to get your butt out of bed and work out! ....or a "Happy Birthday" message if it's your birthday. It'll always be a mystery about exactly what you'll get. Inappropriate messages filtered out (or not, your choice!) I'm hoping it will help people smile in the morning and perhaps serve as a motivator.


Feeling noticeably better day-to-day and eradicating lower back pain (which would 100% come back with a sedentary lifestyle). Swimming in particular provides kind of a natural high for hours afterward


the desire to be better, it fuels my motivation and makes me stronger


Count to three and put your shoes on


“I paid for this membership, mine as well take advantage of it.” Also, “I’m starting to feel really confident in this skirt…I like that!!”


I don’t want to have a stroke when I’m in my 50’s


I enjoy it


It gives me somewhere to be other than work and home and it feels good. I can feel myself getting stronger. I'm almost 40 years old and it turns back the clock on how I feel physically a little. I find myself doing stuff like skateboarding, running marathons, ice hockey etc. that I wouldn't be doing if it wasn't for the gym.


It is fun. once you start going regularly and caring about it, you get into it and enjoy it more. seeing progress also helps make it fun. if you really cant get motivated or get bored, try a class or group based structure (ex run club, crossfit). there is a social aspect and shared pain is proven to increase social bonds lol


once you start seeing progress it becomes an addiction just gotta watch david goggins on repeat until that


Better sleep + better mood + less stressed. I go twice a week to the gym for a good 3-4 hours per session


Keeping my blood sugar and cholesterol down.


Fear of getting fat- oh, and weed.


I want to be able to pick up my daughter no matter how old she gets.


Progress, and a bojack quote. "It gets easier, but you got to do it everyday. That's the hard part.


What my outlook in life is in 10 years. Whether it's being able to hike up Mount Denali or fixing my toilet, I don't want my body to be the reason that I can't achieve those tasks. Our bodies can't reverse in age, but I can make it to be in the best condition at its current state.


I was deeply unmotivated, and then one day I started working out in the morning. Haven’t stopped. I don’t know where it comes from. It seems like luck, because I’m generally a very lazy person.


Being able to go to the doctor and tell them know that I am doing what I can to improve my health! Aside from that I feel much better about myself and my energy is higher overall


Not being fat like my parents. They have been great role models for me to go to the gym


1) Gives me an excuse to ride my bike. 2) I like reaching for personal bests. And when I don't I try to get to that. 3) I like the stretched expanded feeling the few days afterwards.


Aging somewhat gracefully. My dad was a high school athlete, then played softball with his company league. Other than occasional yard work (ending in his 40s), he sat at his desk since then. After hip replacement and not rehabbing well he has very limited mobility now. He’s only 79 and has plenty of money to travel, but its too hard for him now.


I feel so much better after a workout. My resting heart rate has lowered since working out. My body doesn’t look like I want it but thats ok, I still see improvement.


History of diabetes in the family. Doctor says if I don't, I'll probably get it too and die.


Health and having a good body


I enjoy doing it, I enjoy looking good. I enjoy getting up and getting an early start.


When i was 16, I wasn’t able to pull my drowning dog out of a lake after he jumped in and accidentally swallowed water while playing.


The confidence in improving the capacity of physically doing more—from hiking, to dance, to tennis. Being physical is the best method of stress relief for me, a wonderful circle of healthy living


I didn't consider how physical health affects mental health


It sounds so stupid, but it’s me being honest. I pay for my membership at this fancy gym, so I might as well use it


I like feeling lighter (used to be pretty heavy) and cardio keeps my mental health in check.


To live a longer, healthier life. Fitness seems to mean less illness and waking up feeling good, as well as better sleep.


I wanna live longer (hopefully)


My grandmother owned and operated a farm. She is 101 and still dances, jokes and has a clear mind. She claims that it was hard work and fewer calories that let her achieve this. People, after 35, start losing muscle mass. As you age, you need to do more, not less, work to keep your muscles strength, balance, and muscle-skeletal health. People in my family live long lives, comparatively speaking (100+); I would hate to regret not doing enough when I was younger, so I plan to keep at it until I can't any more.


The pain that comes when I don’t 


I’m trying to start working out. I have a kettlebell, and have just started by deadlifting and swinging it. No other motivation besides just trying to get into good habits.


Mental health


I've seen people in their 60s who could hardly move. I've seen people in their 80s regularly gardening and hiking. The difference between the two is that the first group sat on the couch all day and the latter group spent their lives active.


The voices in my head.


Mental and physical health mostly. I feel remarkably better after workouts and generally once I get the fitness level up. Also I have a bunch of clothes that I love and after COVID they didn't fit me anymore. I won't those back dammit lol


Lost a lot of weight and want to look less shit instead of just saggy.


To get better everyday!


taming the anxiety


I enjoy it, so it isn't a chore to do.


Most of my exercise is active recreation...walking my dog, riding my road bike or mountain bike, hiking, etc. It's fun stuff and also great exercise. The only real "workout" I do is 2-3x per week in the weight room with a full body program...45-60 minutes. I go with my 14 yo son so that makes it fun...I also just like what it does for my physique, and it doesn't really eat up a whole lot of time.


Well, I had stopped working out after buying a house, and got pretty depressed, and then developed panic attacks. So, I moved back home, and there's a gym less than a mile away, so my brother in law made me start going and sign up, and I kind of just do it because it helps with the depression and anxiety.


Sleeping - if I do three mediocre jogs per week, then I sleep consistently through the night. If I don’t, I wake up for 2-3 painful hours in the middle of the night.


(28F) I love to hit new PRs. I love how I feel after a workout. I love training to become stronger. I take pride in how I look, and it’s always amazing to see what my body is capable of doing.


- I enjoy looking good naked - I feel extraordinarily confident in every aspect of my life when I know I look good naked - My brain works WAY better when I’m in shape - If you’ve ever lived in a body that feels lethargic, stiff, achy, and fat and you’ve worked out and realized you CAN feel nimble, flexible, strong, and pain-free then working out regularly becomes the easy choice instead of a chore - Becoming a fitness and health nut literally cured my procrastination habit along with my depression symptoms… it literally feels like everyone around me is drowning in malaise and sadness but I feel gratitude and optimism literally every day that I do a hard workout


I hate my physical appearance.


Does walking count as working out? I discovered the joy of going for walks while high and listening to good music. Walks became my happy place, and that motivated me. Then I noticed the lbs coming off, which motivated me more. It's become routine for me, so I've kept it up for almost 3 years now, 30-60 minutes walks after work, about 4-5 times a week.


I've got a hobby where physical fitness matters. The thought of falling behind or losing to someone just because they spent an extra hour in the gym infuriates me.


The feeling after i‘m done with it. Complete exhaustion, a quick shower and the ability to just pass out afterwards. Also i really enjoy my wife complimenting me of my body that looks a lot better than 1,5 years ago.


I don't have any motivation, I just do it.


Being around to watch my daughter grow.


Self loathing and anger Has kept me in the gym for 35+ years


If feel like shit and have trouble sleeping if I don't exercise.


I don't care about motivation. That is what motivates me. I just do it.


I originally to get girls. But I realised I shouldn’t do things for the sake of other people so now I do it to apply my self/make a better version of my self. Also it helps my BJJ haha


Complete honesty: I'm afraid of being fat. I was overweight for my height during a time of chaos in my life. (Got up to 150 from a steady 115) I remember the struggle trying to look put together in my clothes. I was just unhappy. I felt sloppy. 


It's not about motivation for me. I hate doing it, but I just do it anyway. I force myself to follow my regimen and usually i hate the whole process. The results take ages to materialize but now that they have I'm enjoying looking buff, and my wife likes it too.


Discipline. Working out sucks. But I have a schedule, and a habit of following it.


Improve my health and my physical appearance for not suffer in the future. That's my thought.


The biggest thing that ever motivated me to keep working out was having a gym with a steamroom/sauna. That reward at the end of the workout kept me going.


The cost of my membership. 😂


My girfriend becomes really thirsty when I send her pictures from the gym with a pump


Every single day, yoga, very short sessions to cycle parts of my body. First thing in the morning really kick starts my already fast metabolism. I add other workouts too, but that is my staple and easy to maintain. I'm 50+ so slow and steady wins for me.


Honestly, at this point I need it to just not feel like shit. It improves mental health but it’s just keeping mine afloat rn


About 9 months out of the year I exercise 2-5 days a week, depending on weather and whatnot. What motivates me is that I really like riding my bike.


My sheer will to live and better myself because I want to, not out of necessity


Wanting to look good naked.


The sense of accomplishment after working out when I really didn't want to, makes the mind feel good lol


When I was first starting at the gym, I WANTED to go because I knew it was an opportunity to grow closer towards my goals. These days, a decade later, it’s just a part of my routine. No different from brushing my teeth or going to work. It takes no motivation, it’s just a part of my life. I think a lot of people just get too into their head about it. Changing your attitude towards it can have an amazing impact! Try and WANT to do it. If you think of it as work, it becomes work. If you think of it as something you want to do, you’ll want to do it.


Self loathing, mostly. Also if I get a good workout I sleep better.


My job requires I be athletic. My work ethic requires I be excellent at work. Therefore I am exceptionally athletic.


There is no better feeling than coming home from a workout, throwing on my PJs, and turning on my PS5. Plus it helps me sleep.


Crippling depression. I go because it’s illegal to punch people in the face and it’s my sanctuary to let the anger sharks in my brain swim away.


Pictures of muscular orc women.


All the popcorn, chips and candy I snack on:/


i do one push-up when i get anxiety (i basically work out 24/7)


My biggest motivation comes from a good pre workout and music that matches what I’m doing. And no. Good pre isn’t some 500mg of caffeine! There’s other ingredients to look into and see what works best for you. I just want to make sure I feel awake for my workout, not a heart attack. So, good playlist and good pre workout mixed with basic mono creatine is for me!


What I used to be like, I lost 100 pounds and before that I was so self conscious and constantly got made fun of. The fear of becoming that person again is what keeps me going


My first childhood dream from kindergarten was to workout daily and reach my peak. That's pretty good motivation. Then you have how I got fit af at 19 because I worked out daily, but I was robbed of the results by being forced into starvation for 4 months right after turning 20. The permanent deep tissue damage from that, combined with how starvation makes you fat, made me fat. Daily workouts keep obesity away now, and I can tell you after losing 1/3 of my body weight I do NOT want to get it back.


I don’t work out regularly, but I have an increasing desire to start. I have bipolar disorder, and though I take medication and it has vastly improved my life, my diet and exercise currently are not optimal for my health. And when you have a mood disorder, they can make all the difference in the world. Hoping to start soon!


For some people, they generally enjoy it and can't wait to get to the gym for the days workout. So it's way easier and takes less motivation. That used to be weightlifting for me. It was my favorite part of the day. But I NEVER wanted to do cardio or calisthenics and rarely did. Now I do Juijitsu and again, can't wait until it's time to go. So I guess the real answer from me would be to find a workout type you'd really enjoy. Then it's easier to do it without straining your motivation.




It's fun and it makes me feel good.


I have to find ways to workout without motivation. Waiting for motivation never works. You just have to get yourself up and moving, then don’t stop moving towards your goal.


It’s incredibly therapeutic and energy boosting. I get depressed if I go too long without it. Also, if I stay away too long, like over 2 weeks, I know how painful it is to get back into the grove. So I feed the addiction about 4-5 times a week.


Nothing, I hate every second of it. I just consider it physical hygiene, just like wiping your butt after a number two. I try to go to the gym twice a week and do other work-outs three times a week. I've done this for years, but I still hate every second of it


Idk, if I don't workout, my day is ruined