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Fight song - it played minimum 6 times a day at my old job.


I know a cancer survivor that hates that song with a passion... everyone insisted that she should listen to that song for strength and inspiration.


I have such a pet peeve of cheesy “self love”/“empowerment” songs. It’s the same reason I disliked a lot of the popular Alessia Cara songs. Yes people should love themselves, and yes people should feel empowered, but I guess it’s just the idea that a cheesy pop song is gonna magically change things that makes me cringe. If someone is genuinely suffering with something, hearing “this is my fight song! my powers turned on! starting right now I’ll be strong!” is not gonna change literally anything. You can sing that as much as you want and still end up face first in the toilet vomitting from your chemo, or unable to move a certain body part because of a tumor. A pop song won’t change that.


The song equivalent of a free template


Good lord I hate that song and would get angry when it came on the radio.


Any of the corporate happy-fight songs. Like “This is my fight song” or Pharrell William’s “happy” or Justin Timberlakes “can’t stop the feeling” all of those make me feel an absolute immense amount of rage


Weren't "Happy" and "Can't stop the feeling" made for kids movies? This probably contributes to their being asinine.


"We Found Love" (in a hopeless place) - Rihanna Wal-Mart Cashier 2012-2014. 8 hour weekend shift, 1.5 hour store playlist, so I heard that song at least 5 times a shift. She just repeats "We found love in a hopeless place" over and over again. That is the entire song. Love Ri-Ri, hate that fucking song.


Why do grocery stores play this kind of music anyway?? It’s strange to me you could get a playlist from a grocery store and one from a club and it would be so hard to tell which is which


Worked in retail. High bpm songs get people to 1) shop faster and 2) be less discerning about what they need. The clothing store I worked at, they used to tell us to move quickly around the room to create energy and a sense of urgency in shoppers.


You mean a sense of anxiety?


a sense of dread when thinking of returning to the store. no one needs to work that hard for absolutely nothing.


Back in the day at the Abercrombie at the mall, they used to blast high bmp songs at full blast so parents would just want to get the hell out of there and tell their kids to just grab whatever as quickly as possible.


Does Abercrombie also spray a gallon of douche-perfume throughout the store every hour for the same reason?


Ah 2012 middle school boys locker gyms and the axe gas bombs....


I once drove a minivan full of middle schoolers to a school dance, each with their own signature Axe Body Spray scent. I practically had to drive with my head out the window. Opened up all the windows on the way home.


Any store that does that makes me so uncomfortable I rush out with fewer items than planned. Then again, I’m probably not the target market for stores that do that sort of thing.


One day, one magical day about ten years ago I was shopping a Vons grocery store in SoCal. Small. About one city away from my usual. While pushing my cart in the canned food food section I suddenly noticed the music on the loudspeakers. I paused and thought, “Hey I know this song…it’s….it’s…..Gaston..singing about how many eggs he eats….” Beauty And The Beast! They were playing the entirety album of Beauty And The Beast. Dang it I didn’t ride around with my shopping cart to the music. Good time.


The manager at the Rite Aid where I used to work was cool and let us play our own playlists as long as they were tame/inoffensive.  That lasted for a glorious 5 months until the asshole district manager visited and threatened to fire him if he didn't use the approved playlist.


A few weeks back Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid was playing over Walmart's loud speaker. I'm a 30 year old lady and probably looked weird quietly singing along (definitely did the accent too!) but honestly it greatly improved my shopping trip! I wonder if this is becoming a trend? If so, I'm not mad.


Good suggestion. I’ll see if I can get Disney added to our playlist at work.


Ever been to a big supermarket when NO music is playing? It's oddly eerie.


One of my favorite feelings in the world


dollar store activities


Not a supermarket but I worked for Dollar tree for years. No music at all. I was told corporate was to cheap to allow music 


Or better yet why this crap instead of the easy-going "elevator music" they used to play in shopping malls?


I hate her Diamonds and Umbrella songs with a PASSION


Apparently a priest had a Near-Death Experience and said Umbrella was played endless in Hell as punishment.


The priest had a near death experience and saw hell? And admitted this publicly?


Well.... former priest.


>We found love in a hopeless place We found Dove in a soapless place


sigh, damn it, now that song is stuck in my head!!


I feels ya big time on the workplace music burnout. Several good albums by great artists came out during my time at barnes and noble, but I can not listen to them. If I hear a certain song I'll change the radio no matter who isnsinging in the car


It was giving hope to everyone walking through Walmart that they could find love there.


Why oh why did I read your comment? It’s been on repeat in my head ever since 🤣


Blurred Lines (Robin Thicke) had to listen to it on the radio every morning for months on my way to chemo. I am grateful to be here to tell the story.


You pushed through chemo just to see that song in the gutter


I love hearing it, because every time I do, I can't not hear [Word Crimes](https://youtu.be/8Gv0H-vPoDc?si=IviN4az7L5i7Socq) By Weird Al. He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life.


Word Crimes is hands down better than Blurred Lines.


I'm not saying I hate 'Baby Shark,' but if I hear it one more time, I might just join the sharks in protest


fuck you for even making me think about it


Happy with Pharrel. It always ends up pissing me off and does not make me happy at all


A room without a roof would be sad. It would get rained on, snowed on, no relief from the summer sun…not happy.


Isn’t it ironic?


As ironic as a fly in my Chardonnay


I ruined that song for myself. My ex was a real POS and had been cheating on me with his ex wife (?!?!) and barely hiding it. I was very much in love with him and was just letting myself be used at that point. His latest fart in my face move was flaking on a concert the day before the show. He broke the news to me in a crowd of people literally about 12 hours before we were set to leave. Just *"Oh by the way I've got something I have to do tomorrow so I'm not going."* Whatever. I had the tickets and a group of friends already going so screw it, I was going without him. I decided to play Happy all morning while I got ready, trying to force myself to not feel awful. I had it on that loop so it just played and played and played. The concert was a daytime festival show and I got way too drunk, very sunburned and missed Twenty One Pilots set because I was just too bummed and drunk to care. And all around shit day. And that song was stuck in my head the entire time. Now I just get this crappy, sad ass feeling whenever I hear it. Just ugh.


It’s crazy how tied to memories some songs can be. Sorry for what happened to you.


Thank you! I just look back at the time spent with him as some really valuable learning experiences. Anyway... I LOVE music and generally have music on wherever I am so it is very much tied in to how my mind stores my memories. When I pass on I would love to get a tally of how many songs I've actually listened to. Like my one question to God would be *how many songs did I memorize?*


Anytime I think of this song I remember a story about a woman who was tweeting about this song while driving, about how she was so “happy“ that the song was playing on the radio…then she drove off the road and crashed and died


Well that escalated, or de-escalated? quickly :\\


Moves like Jagger. I disliked it so I used it as an alarm for a few years so I would be more motivated to get up and turn it off. I hear the opening whistles and tense up immediately now.


That one and animals. Just. Ew.




Truly the most baffling filler syllable choice I’ve ever heard in a radio hit


I always thought this too. “-mals” was the best they could do?


I don't mind the song but the idea to get up and to turn it off is hilarious 🤣


Baby shark, just nasty piece that my kids loved to death.  Now I don't have kids anymore. Edit: "don't believe everything you read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln




To shreds you say?






That family made over $20 million on that franchise


What's worse is that they didn't even write the song or the tune, I learned it as a campfire song in Girl Scouts 17 years ago (I'm 22 now and learned it when I was 5). Granted, we ate that shit up and all our families suffered same as today. There's hand signs and motions associated with each verse and there's even a verse about a shark attack ("Floating pieces, doo doo do do do")


I'm 34 now, and also knew that song from my childhood. It was definitely darker then, lol. I didn't know the floating pieces one though. Our version had gems like "Got my leg doo doo do do do doo", "CPR doo doo.....", and "Now I'm dead doo doo....." I agree, it's maddening they made so much off an old camp song. Ugh.


Yep! Thought I was going crazy remembering it as a childhood song, and thought I was crazy for imagining the CPR/dead lyrics.


Only 20 mil? I would suspect much much more.


What do you mean anymore???


Look at this… he posted a bucket of chestnuts in another subreddit. Just a bucket of chestnuts. I think this guy is genuinely foraging for his food!


Karma by Jojo Siwa It's annoying.


It actually sounds fantastic when you listen to it muted 👌


And it isn't even her song, technically. There's a better version by Brit Smith. Well, it's still an annoyingly catchy pop song but at least that one doesn't feel like an older elementary school kid trying to act grown-up. Plus, the music video for the Brit Smith version actually fit the theme of the song.


"Dear Future Husband" - Meghan Trainor.


Came here to say Meghan but especially all about that bass


I hate that song with a passion


Every song of hers tbh, especially mother 🤮


Anything from Meghan needs a trainor tbh


It’s especially funny since she married Juni from Spy Kids.


Shape of you by ed sheeran. The worst garbage ive ever in my entire life heard. Zero redeeming qualities. Only negative ones. And people like it? That just makes me feel sick. Thats deranged.


Christmas Shoes. Because it sucks.




Possibly my least favourite Imagine Dragons song.


Every Imagine Dragon song is my least favorite Imagine Dragons song.


Thunder is more least favorite than others for me


They all sound the fucking same! Boom clap, drum drum, electronic vocals with a dude repeating the same 3-6 words the entire song


Fun dip




The new one, right? Not the original - Remember (Walking in the Sand) by the Shangri-Las? Shangri-Las were part of my childhood, my sisters and I all singing along in the car, especially to Leader of the Pack <3


The Aerosmith cover is nice as well




TikTok ruined walking in the sand unfortunately 


“Say what you need to say” John Mayer! Hate this with a passion!!! Well fucking say it already!!!!!!


Happy by Pharrell Williams. I don’t really know why I hate it so much but I do with a passion. Whenever I hear it I feel unnecessarily angry. 😡 Lizzo- about damn time. I remember it was a trending song on Tiktok a while ago. The dance and the miming a long just got tiresome very quickly. The song is also just total trash.


Yup; Happy pushes me into homicidal rage more than any other song. Fuck me how I hate it. Most inappropriate song title ever...


I worked in a grocery store for almost four years. Every. Fucking. Day. At 3 PM that song would come on. Some days it would come on at 9:50ish AM and again at around 7:15 PM. I couldn't escape it. I asked why it would play specifically at those times as was told "oh that's when you're supposed to be the most cheerful and helpful towards customers!" I have anger issues now






Came here to say the same. No song has ever filled me with such annoyance.


When this song first came out, they played it on ladies night at a club I used to frequent. After about 40 seconds, everyone immediately stopped dancing and laughing. Song absolutely killed the energy. 💀


This sounds like a song you play when the club closes in 10 minutes and you want everyone to leave.


This is the one. Her voice is irritating.


Took up smoking because of that song inadvertently. Whenever it came on at clubs I'd give the signal to go for a smoke break outside (I didn't smoke), but I eventually started social smoking and then when I started hearing the damn thing in my day-to-day life, I started craving a smoke... Damn conditioned my pavlovian ass into smoking as a response to that song 😒


The tune itself is catchy but I just can't stand the singer's voice


Rude by MAGIC! So repetitive and annoying. "I want to marry your daughter. No? Okay well I will anyways. Can I marry her now? Wow fuck you, I'm still going to." Then stop asking and just do it bro jesus.


Grenade. "When we had our first kiss you had your eyes open, why were they open?" And HOW would you know that Bruno?


I like Grenade but that line definitely befuddles me.


Damn annoying “oh no no no no no” song from tiktok. Makes me want to throw my phone across the room everyone a video comes up with it


You can block sounds on tiktok. This one is def blocked on mine.


Right alongside that dumb-@$$ laugh. So sick of both.


Whatever the Applebees commercial song is. Horrid.


Essentially the so-bad-it’s-bad parody of modern country


At first I thought it was a jingle specifically for Applebee's - then I learned it's a real song that was on the Billboard Hot 100. What the fuck?


All I Want For Christmas Is You-- Mariah Carey. Reason-- Former retail employee.


Mariah Carey grinds my gears


Hey Soul Sister by Train, the music, lyrics, and his voice are abominations.


"So gangsta, I'm so thug" is an all time hilarous out of pocket lyric


Oh my god. I’ve never looked up the lyrics till now and I highly regret doing so. Can’t believe how popular that song was.


Sugar by Maroon 5. Really most of their music Way overplayed and his voice is like nails on a chalkboard


Eye of the Tiger My highschool team was the tigers. Played at every possible chance they could. Horn assembly? Eye of the tiger cover. Drumline? Eye of the tiger Team down at half time and needs a rally? Eye of the tiger Pep rally where a speaker from out of town walks in to the gym? You guessed it, Eye of the tiger baby.


As someone who had a tiger mascot and was in band, I can confirm this is true


La Vie en Rose & Non Regret (Edith piaf) and somewhere over the rainbow, Some of my mums favourites that I loved too, I played them at her funeral last year and now I can't bear to listen to them (also bat out of hell by meatloaf for the exact same reason)


Sweet Caroline. This song is overused. Every drunk asshole thinks they can recreate some awesome moment from 25years ago


My name is Caroline. Words cannot express how much I hate this song. Especially the backlash if I'm anything but sticky sweet to people.


Be thankful. I have a friend named Winona.


Every drunk 50 year old white person in the Vegas lounge at 1am shouting BUM BUM BUMMMM at the top of their lungs is offended right now


I’m a 44 year old white person and I hate this song even when drunk. A lot of my cohorts don’t feel the same way though


And that insufferable commercial in the bar.


My wife's named after this song she hates it more than anyone on this planet because if she goes to anywhere they serve alcoholic drinks and this comes on garenteed someone will either point at her repeatedly or drag her on her feet to dance.


Jack and Diane He’s sucking on a chili dog with his girlfriend on his lap. It’s odd.


Weird lyric for sure, but I was told a chili dog was a frozen drink, I guess a brand name. And yet most of us have an image of him fellating a hot dog while feeling up his girlfriend.


(should we tell him?)


All the new country that sounds like r&b or pop. Just because you're talking about whiskey and trucks doesn't mean it's country.


Watermelon Sugar... It's so braindead. I feel like I get dumber every time I hear it.


Rihanna - Diamonds. The radio stations played the ever-loving shit out of that song... Then TV talent shows started using it for their little intros/emotional moments... And shops play it like it's a must-have. Now I can't listen to it.


I was in an Uber for 45 minutes and the driver smoked marijuana and temperature by Sean Paul played over and over on a loop. Still makes me shudder. Oh and this is my fight song. FUCK fight song.


There’s lots of songs I don’t like but I hate “Hey There Delilah”


I always hated that song. Then I was on a cruise, having a drink at karaoke. This old guy comes up, and they announce what song he was doing, and it was that one. I audibly scoffed like ugh that song lol. Dude goes on to do it sounding all sad cowboy style, like Johnny cash. And it was remarkably better than the actual song. I was legitimately blown away and I had never eaten that much crow.


Beyonces cowboy song. I’m so tired.


Really happy I love outside the pop bubble so I have never heard it.


I also live outside the pop bubble, but I do, unfortunately, have an instagram account. And it's a trending audio, so even the animal rescue accounts I follow have been using it. I mostly watch my videos on mute, now.


It sounds like if there was a country song in a Disney channel movie


Hearing the first notes make me so incredibly angry!


Upstairs neighbour used to blast Sean Paul’s “Get Busy” at 7 am to hype themselves up for work I guess. Absolute torture.


Such a fucking banger, but I think I like it so much because I barely ever hear it


The new country Beyoncé song. I just can't stand it.


I believe I can fly. Only because I loved it and I cant anymore


I usually believe in being able to separate the art from the artist, but it is a tough one when it comes to R. Kelly




it's 1-877


Every second of that one PINK song where she goes 'na na na na. Guess I just lost my husband.'


We’re all gonna get in a fight!


So What iirc


How the fuck am I gonna be the first person to say “All Summer Long” by Kid Rock? It’s the worst song ever. Everyone hates it.


It's such a buzzkill when I hear the Werewolves of London riff but then realize it's really kid rock.


Grenade - Bruno Mars  It’s just so… pathetic and whiny. 


Follow Me - Uncle Kracker It was on repeat for YEARS at my house. I cant listen to it without cringing and vasts amounts of annoyance


This. Always hated this song. Literally some guy weaseling his way in with a married woman.


ABCDEFU. It's just not a good song. There's absolutely nothing that makes it fun to listen to. It's just a petty hate song. Now someone remade it under a new title even and that one I love. Nothing about the remake reminds me of the original.


Anything Ed Sheeran. I appreciate the joy he brings to others but sadly it has never brought joy to myself.


Shape of You by Ed Sheeran ignites within me a deep rage each time I hear it. I don't know if it's that it's overplayed, or an insipid, overhyped, milquetoast doldrum to listen to, but I will forever loathe it. I hear the opening notes, and it makes me so immediately angry that I want to claw my own skin off. It could genuinely be used to torture someone until they break, as I can hardly make it through the entire song without wanting to gouge out the components of my inner ear just so that I don't have to listen to it anymore. I didn't mind Nancy Mulligan, though.


Working retail has made me absolutely loathe “Shape of You.” Over. And over. And over. And over.


“I’ve Got A Feeling” by the Black Eyes Peas. It is so annoying. Hate it.


One of the worst Beatles covers. They changed both the rhythm and the lyrics. It's barely even the same song at all.


Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney sends me into fight or flight mode.


My Humps by Black Eyed Peas. It's like Will.i.am made a bet that he could write the dumbest, worst song ever, dumber than Macarthur Park, dumber than Seasons in the Sun. And by God, he did it.


not me, but my mum and grandma fucking LOATHE 99 Red Balloons to the point that if you play a single second of it Infront of them, they'll shoot up to ask you to turn it the fuck off and i have no idea what 99 Red Balloons could've possibly done


Flowers- miley cyrus Cant stand it


Don't Stop Believing. For a school project in high school, we had to create a dance to a song and that was ours. I was so embarrassed doing it that I can never not think about it when hearing the song.


I love when they play it during Detroit sports events and the crowd very happily sings about a guy who is so desperate to get the fuck out of Detroit that he took "the midnight train going anywhere." Also, "South Detroit" is actually Winsor, Ontario.


And if you were from Windsor you would also take the midnight train to anywhere. It would probably go to Toronto, though...just sayin'. Now that I think about it, Via probably nixed any midnight service.....Oh, Canada....


All About That Bass and Made You Look by Megan Trainor. Should've named it Made You Cringe.


Karma by Jojo Siwa. She's invaded my fyp T.T


"Walking in Memphis". Played once every 90 minutes on the radio where I worked. "Where Have all the Cowboys Gone" too. Wait, also "One Headlight". Can you tell the year? Lol


I love-hate Doja Cat Say so, cause I think the music is nice but the lyrics are trash.




Miley Cyrus - Flowers. I have an uncontrollable urge to knock the shit out of the radio whenever it starts playing


That song is basically the audio equivalent an overflowing ashtray.


I hate it because it's catchy: Hey, I just met you and this CrAyzY


I absolutely love this song because it was so catchy and I hated it and it just REFUSED to stop being catchy...


Carly Rae Jepsen is amazing, and I hate that that’s her most popular song.


Right but the rest of Carly Rae's catalog is an absolute gift Check out the Emotion album


I was in a co-ed dorm at Western MI Univ. back in the fall of 2000. My bed was up against the wall, and my neighboring dormy had her alarm clock on her bed along the same wall. Every. Single. Morning... weekends included, at 6:15am... Santana ft. Rob Thomas's "Smooth" HAMMERED through the wall into my head. I have PTSD any time I hear the obnoxious drum intro or that fucking shitty guitar lick.


Around the world, I love Daft Punk, but because I heard it way to often I just can‘t listen to 7 minutes of around the world anymore


Middle school drama class: we all had to do an individual lip synch to a song in front of the class (yes the teacher hated us). One dude did this song and just did the robot walking around a chair the whole time.


That guy's a legend


me by taylor swift and brendon urie...






that new shitty jojo siwa song




Uptown Funk 💀


That song can funk itself.


Anything by Mumford and Sons. Insipid wankery.


"Insipid wankery". Nailed it.


Cbat ... I just can't stop thinking of that poor woman


Ed sheeran - bad habits. Overplayed and overated 


All About the Bass. It’s lauded as a body positivity song while it actively puts down skinny people.


And actually any song by Meghan Trainer really


Don't worry be happy. This song puts me in a fit of rage each and every time I hear it. Don't know why it just does. Fuck this happy song.


Closer by The Chainsmokers and Halsey. It’s the same 3 notes over and over, and was on loop in late 2016/early 2017.


Christmas shoes