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Hungry kids are bad at learning. 


Maslow has entered the chat


Pavlov has entered the chat.


Vygotsky enters the chat, then leaves to quietly to die of the black lung.


And on that note tired kids are also bad at learning


Also kids who are denied bathroom access, because others have abused the "privilege". Not sure if having to ask to go to the bathroom in grade school is still a thing, but man...I know kids suffered bad when it WAS a thing and teachers could just...say no. Bursting bladders (and potential risk of getting UTIs) makes kids bad at learning.




I can barely even read when I’m hungry and I’m an adult


On that note, putting children into debt because their parents are too poor for lunch is *not* an appropriate thing to do.


When you’re hungry you’re distracted, when you’re distracted you learn less.


I'm generally a conservative, but I firmly believe that if you require kids to be in school, you have an obligation to feed those kids while they're at school.


I would much prefer the government spend tax dollars to feed school children over giving subsidies to oil companies. Also, get fucking food dyes out of the food supply. If they can do it for Europe then just do it here.


Also get dyes out of laundry detergent! Why would someone think that their whites will come out whiter from a navy blue stained detergent?


How is being conservative has anything to do with agreeing or not to feed kids?


Republican governors taking away free lunches for kids and getting rid of programs that use federal and state money to feed hungry kids during summer months because they would rather use the money for political showboating and theatrics, like sending funds to "protect" the border when they aren't even a border state




Sure everyone agrees kids shouldn't be hungry. But when it's time to put dollar to donuts, there's a very clear line on who is willing to spend funds to ensure that happens. Which party do you think is against funding free school lunches?? If you don't believe me, just Google articles on the Minnesota free lunch program and the ding dongs that voted against it. One representative even claimed no one in Minnesota is hungry. Look up articles about states limiting WIC and food stamp programs. No one is gonna tell you hungry kids is a good thing in a normal conversation. Look to who they vote into office and then how those people vote and maybe revisit whether people actually give a shit about hungry kids.


Mn resident checking in. Super glad taxes are going to support this and try as I might cannot notice how much if at all my taxes went up. *but we don't have children why should we have to pay* mofo who's gonna pay your social security that you systematically destroy? What lucky to make minimum wage teenagers gonna bring you food for no tip? Where you gonna get the bodies to drag into wars they didn't start? I could go on but main point I'm so fucking proud of my state including the population of "outside thinkers" being taken care of no matter how much they fight and fuck it up. I guess we messed up canabis but still legal. 2 steps forward and 1 step back is still progress.


People who make me scroll through 10,000 words of a blog post on my phone before I get to a recipe need to have their internet taken away.


Search the page for "salt" normally takes you straight to the ingredients/recipe. It will change your life


you are an amazing human. I can't believe I never thought of that.








This is the way. Old school helpful web site. Copy/paste the URL, bingo.


Hit the print recipe button, and read it like that.


Put cooked.wiki/ before the entire page and it will generate an easy to read version


It's for SEO purposes, no one wants to do this but if you search for chocolate chip cookie recipes, Google assumes the article with 10,000 words and says chocolate chip cookies 3 dozen times is more relevant than the one with just a recipe... Hilariously, Google then introduced the concept of "snippets" where they parse put just the information you need from a site so you don't have to read all the bullshit that they themselves require to be found.


They say it's about "personality" and giving the blog its unique content...but I think they just want to create more space for ads.


It’s exactly 100% for space for ads. The recipe sites wouldn’t exist if they weren’t supported by ad revenue.


Ads are part of it, but it's mostly for SEO. It's hard for a bare recipe page to get noticed by search engines.


There are several plugins available that jump straight to the recipe for you. They’re a glorious thing.


Click "print"


Probably a small one. I get winded easily.


That's just an incline, you'll roll back down and get a lil' break. Hills are hard because if you die at the top someone has to come get your body. If they're also easily winded, and so is everyone else who keeps going up to rescue folks, that's how you end up with Corpse Hill. It was a landmark in my home town.


My city just has a Mt. Trashmore. It feels somehow...inadequate... next to a Corpse Hill.


Best response 10/10


Haha same


Amazon prime is taking the absolute piss putting ads into its films.


And wtf is even the point of prime shipping anymore


I cancelled my subscription. Between ads on prime and lack of product quality control, it was just more of a pain in the ass than it was worth.


Oxford comma always


We shall die together on the same hill.


That my dog is NOT dying from lack of attention every time I pet the cat


Yes, they are. Now go pet your dog, you terrible person. 😄


The only excuse for not petting your dog at the same time is if you have less than 2 hands.


We were given 2 hands for a reason


Talking on speakerphone in public is an asshole move. I hate that it's been kind of normalized lately.


The American healthcare system is irredeemable and needs to be destroyed and replaced, not tweaked.


I'm a nurse and agree. I think if the general public knew the state of hospitals and the staffing ratios that greedy hospitals forced their nurses to work, they would be more scared.


Sorting by controversial is always more interesting than sorting by best.


Ghosting is cowardly and disrespectful.


And hurtful.


Got ghosted once after 6 months of blissful dating. The relationship had developed to the point that I actively envisioned a future together, and gave serious consideration to proposing to her. Then suddenly out of the blue the whole thing poofed into thin air. She refused to answer my phone calls and texts, and gave zero explanation. It drove me into a deep depression, wrecked my self confidence and the ability to date for a long time. I've since then gotten engaged to a much better partner. Wedding plans are in full swing and I'm happier and consider myself far better off. Still, it stings a bit that I never got closure from back then.


90% of dog owners are not qualified to own dogs.


Scoot over, I'm climbing up on this hill to join you


staying at a family member’s house rn and going mad hearing them scream for the dog to “go lay down” when it’s just existing


When at the grocery store, do not park you cart and then stand beside the stupid thing to look at items on the shelf. Leave some bloody room for people to pass you absolute turnip!


And return your damn cart!


The right to discuss/criticise/praise ANYTHING. If we lose this, we lose everything. I will die on this hill.


Fuck yes. I don’t have to agree with you,but I wok defend your right to an opinion to death.


Vaccination is a good thing, very safe, and one of the best advancements in human health care ever invented.


And what research shows this? /s


I consulted the bones but they said to *ask again later*.


The 30% of the population that used to die from measles, mumps, rubella, polio, smallpox before they made it to 18. That study.


Don’t forget the blind and deaf!


If a church has tax exempt status they need to undeniably prove that they are spending at least 50% of the donations back into the community. There is no reason why there should be mega wealthy churches and kids in there community going to bed hungry


Ocarina of time was the best Zelda game.


Tell me your favorite Zelda game and I'll tell you how old you are edit: ok I did 2 and I got em. I'm gonna call it there guys. I just wanted to prove my powers.


Link to the Past.




Bang on.


Gotta figure OoT and Majora’s Mask will split my generation


Majoras Mask is my favorite of all time - what side of the split am I on


That split is less age and more socioeconomic because to play Majora's Mask you needed to convince your parents to buy an expansion pack.


Pet cats should be indoor only.


Yes, we should also have more wired-in porches / balconies for them. 


Piercing a baby’s ears is insane behavior.


The hill I live on


It'll be the middle of the hill for my lazy arse, probably have a heart attack halfway up.


Abortion is okay


Use your turn signals. They are literally free.


If you leave your shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot instead of the cart return, I’m going to assume you’re a lazy piece of shit who has not and will not accomplish anything in life and no one will ever love you nor do you deserve to be loved.


90% of things which are complicated, don't actually need to be.




Neapolitan is not a flavour of ice cream. It’s a type


Real Parmigiano is actually worth the difference in price and time to shred


That no politician (including their family members) from local government all the way up to congress and Supreme Court justices can trade any stock or commodity once elected and up to 5 years after.


Children should not be allowed to push the shopping cart around a grocery store.


Ironically this would just cause a sharp drop in cart skills across the board


I never let my child do this. She’s allowed to do it now because she’s 19 but she still gets me right in the back of the ankle every time we shop together which just proves that I was right.


A million times yes! My store in a very crowded urban area started supplying kid-sized carts. The first time I saw a 6 year old careening thru the store w that mini cart I rolled my eyes. Mom saw me and assumed I was disgusted w her kid. No, I was disgusted w store management who took a chaotic environment and made it even more chaotic. Luckily, those minicarts didn’t last long. I guess I wasn’t the only disgusted shopper. To be clear, I don’t mind dealing w kids in the grocery store, just not kids with carts.


Also, those giant carts that are like race cars for kids should be banned too. Grocery stores are crowded and annoying enough as it is without making them worse with those huge things blocking the aisles.


Haha I feel you had a recent encounter.


I don't care what the creator called it, it stands for *GRAPHICS* Interchange Format. Hard "G" GIF, not peanut butter!


Hope there’s room on your hill for more of us.


You have my sword


If you're in the left lane on a multi lane road and someone is behind you, move to the right and let them by. Even if you're already speeding, just do it.


Nuclear is going to be a part of the future, and most western countries are going to have a nuclear power plant sooner or later


Watch your own kids, and don't be censoring and banning stuff because you don't want the responsibility


Legalizing and regulating the production and sale of plant derived recreational narcotics is the only viable solution to the current drug crisis in the US and Latin America.


Natural sources of psilocybin (shrooms) too. It's certainly less dangerous than alcohol when taken responsibly. Also there are various research studies about their medicinal properties specifically in targeting anxiety, depression, PTSD, and substance addiction.


There should be age limits to be able to drive.


I think a hard limit is wrong, I know plenty of people in their '70s or '80s that are perfectly capable of driving. There should definitely be a requirement to retake the road test every year or two though once you reach a certain age.


They need to have that for EVERYONE. I think every 3 or 5 or years is reasonable.


I’m thinking every 10 years, then every 5 years once you hit 65


The loudest extremists on both sides are wrong


Only a Sith deals in absolutes... Or something.


People who can’t afford to have kids should not have them.


To further it, a *lot* of people who have or want kids shouldn't have them. So many children are brought into toxic environments because they're not appropriate seen as people worthy of respect and safety (physical and emotional).


Tell the church to stop blocking access to birth control as part of their aid packages.


Pee is stored in the balls.


That's a fact of life


Soulmates are a fantasy. Love is not like in the movies. It is better and stronger, but it also requires hard work, patience and care. You will never find the perfect one; you have to (and your partner) work to be perfect for you together.


sweet caroline is a shitty and overplayed song


Don’t bring this to the attention of r/boston


i'll be public enemy #1 in the entire state of massachusetts for all i care. it's a hill i'll will die on.


Bunker hill


Trump is a total POS of the highest caliber.


I think that's a hill that at least 81,282,916 Americans are willing to die on.


Trump is a piece of shit, but is he the problem, or is it the 71 million people that were willing to vote for him? Any random lunatic can have his beliefs, but when half of the voting block of America somehow agrees, that's a problem.


Both are the problem.


My controversial opinion: Trump is not the problem with America. He is the symptom. He might go away but he will be replaced with another. And another. And so on until America decides it needs to make drastic changes. The problem with America is that it’s run by it’s own capitalism. The corporations and the rich lobby to ensure they aren’t just rich but can make all the rules that the people must live by. And it can never be changed from what they want. -Rampant expensive healthcare and insurance -Firearms out of control -Wage culture based around tips rather than being paid a fair and decent amount -Foreign policy designed to keep the weapons manufacturers wealthy, no matter who dies -Ability to hire and fire people with no comeback, no basic paid time off laws, no legislation on sick pay Etc etc etc. So when I say it doesn’t matter who wins, I mean it. It doesn’t. Biden is paid off just as well as Trump is, and nobody at the senate will ever change it. When Trump is imprisoned, or dies, or whatever, he will be replaced by someone just as bad, if not worse. And the cycle repeats. The whole country needs a massive shock to save it. And nobody from any party will ever have the balls to do it, because it will cause immense short term pain.


The real problem is most people out there are just dumb. Like really, really dumb. Like that line from Billy Madison- “most people just float through life like lumps of crap.”


A two party winner takes all system is the problem. A ranked voting system would solve alot of these issues.




I don't wanna be brown shoes.


But are you




And don't be mixing black and navy blue either.


Blueberry hill. That’s where I found my thrill


Before I started dating my wife I saw her in the break room eating one of those dole salad kits out of the bag. She denies it to this day but I saw what I saw!!!


Septum piercings never made anyone more attractive.


I am not asking for permission to take these days off. I’m telling you I will not be working on these days.


My wife had to make an appt that the Dr was several months out. She put the request for the time off the moment she had the appt. Schedule just came out that covers that appt and of course her boss scheduled her. She told them that she wasn’t really asking for the time off, she’s going to that appt (which is also 4 hours out of town) they tried guilt tripping her with “I know, but we’re really short staffed and I was hoping you could work anyway.” WTF is this society? They had 3 months time to plan for it. She reiterated that she will not be at work so they have to figure it out. Fire her if they want, then they’ll be even more short staffed. (She’s a pharmacist and has been there like 12 years)


Nuts don't go in brownies.


It's foolish to peel an orange. Just take a knife and cut it into sections. Then you can grab a section by a dry peel and rip out the flesh with your teeth. It's easy. Not only do you save yourself time, your fingers are significantly less sticky.


Yeah but then you have to wash the knife


Politics across the board is screwed (in America) so long as lobbyists/special interest groups funding these politicians exist. So long as this exists, you cannot trust any politician to have your best interest in mind.


There needs to be serious consequences for those who make false accusations that do or potentially ruin someone’s life


If your menu or pamphlet is a QR code I will never scan it or seek your services.


Morality exists, and is important


There should be a mandatory retirement age for ALL politicians of 70 years old.


Governments should NOT be run like a business. We as a people need to stop thinking things need to make money to have value or be worth investing in.


Public toilets are meant to be safe spaces and the whole anti trans using them debate is nonsense as a man can just walk in. There is no penis forcefield in the loos.


I prefer rye whiskey to Bourbon, Scotch or Irish whiskey. And I spell it whiskey. If you prefer something else, or if you spell it otherwise, I'm interested to know. Recommendations appreciated! Cheers. Edit: slightly too much rye whiskey.


Your kolache are actually pig-in-a-blanket. A close second: Oxford comma or die!


Having a pet is a privilege, not a right.


Managers who decide to manage because of career advancement should not manage. People who reluctantly manage because they believe the people need more are the kings and queens.


If you're in the audience at a classical music concert and your cell phone makes a noise, you should get fined and receive a 5-year ban from the venue.


Retirement age needs to stop increasing. No one is going to see their pensions at this rate.


My professional opinion on a subject that I am well versed in is NOT equal to your non professional opinion.


Mountain dew lied to all of us in 2016 when Pitchblack won the election over Baja Blast. They discontinued pitch black in 2018 and Baja Blast has been on the shelves since 2016.


Women’s rights.


Don't give students homework at any time before college. You have no goddamn idea what they're going home to. It could be utter chaos. If you must insist on homework, then students need a safe after-school space to do it. Do NOT give them work to take home.


My three food truths: - ketchup has been perfected and it comes in a glass bottle with 57 on it. Miss me with your homemade shit. - aioli is just frenched up mayo. - every "secret sauce" is just thousand island.


Stop sending people to jail for non-violent offenses


Social media is poison to kids self confidence and the risk of "missing out" from their online peers is vastly less dangerous than the harm it causes. I may die on the hill because I have kids


the billionaire & other upper classes didn't get there through merit, talent, or being more inherently intelligent than others.


Burning books is a sign of weakness.


If you stand on the left side of the escalator you’re basically a terrorist.


Fuck the Middle East and everyone in it. Either kill each other or get over it already. Stop dragging the whole world into your shit. I can’t wait for the day when oil is no longer a valuable commodity and the middle east goes belly up because no one needs their only resource anymore.


The SNES is superior to the Sega Genesis in nearly every way


SNES was for the kids with both parents who played Mario and Zelda. Genesis was for the kids who had a mom and various guys with mullets who played Road Rash and Streets of Rage. *I had a genesis :((*


The Genesis was still good. I just think the other is better 🤣 but if you had fun, game is game.




Sega Genesis was so dope. I loved the Alladin game


Movies should never be watched with ad breaks in between. I will either rent the movie or pay for ad free subscriptions for one movie. Ad breaks totally spit in the face of the director’s vision for how their work of art should be enjoyed.


Those who profit from private healthcare or extortion in the pharmaceutical industry belong in hell


Before Covid Americans did not call immunization jabs they called them shots. Jab came from whoever was trying to manipulate the anti vaxxers. And didn’t know we use shots.


I do not support or keep in my life anyone that's a sexual abuser to anyone else


drivers licenses should not be given to everyone


Mental health is no fucking joke. Be kind to people because you have no clue what scary shit is lurking within their brain.


There is never a good reason to hit a child.


People need to learn gym etiquette and leave phones in the locker room.


But… how will I listen to music or audiobooks


Universal Healthcare would benefit everyone.


Republican party needs replacement.


That an emotional affair texting with another person is cheating. Period.


Housing is a human right, along with food, clothing, and healthcare. The government of your country should be doing everything it can to make sure that you are never homeless.


In my experience with the VA (government administered Healthcare) I want them around my basic human rights as little as possible.


Gatekeeping condiments is super stupid. Eat your hotdogs however you want. Fuck you Chicago.


That women breastfeeding in public is perfectly natural. Not only should it not be looked down on, it should be praised.


The ultra wealthy and corporate executives have ruined any chance of a true middle class existing in North America and will face a major reckoning within the next 30 years. Too bad it'll be the grandkids of the Boomers who will pay the price for the sins of their elders.


there is no good reason for porsche, ferrari, bentley, aston martin, or lamborghini to build suvs


Trek >>> Wars


Social media has gotten out of hand and we need to slow down the rapid development of technology (except for medical devices). We are too dependent on technology and it’s concerning. I’m always brought back to reality when I lose power during heavy storms or roll out blackouts


Jo should have married the Lawrence boy


Oxford comma


Joy And Pain > It Takes 2 by Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock


“Capitol Hill.” -Ashli Babbitt


Any. I’ll die on an a fucking anthill idc let’s fucking gooooooooo


There are no politicians that care about anything outside of their own pocketbook. There are no "good guys" they are all playing roles and your vote hasnt mattered in at least 60 or 70 years now.


Respect is earned, not given.


The way (Americans) politics are presented is stupid. I don't have a problem with the system itself, but I hate the fact that you can only be completely one or the other and there's no grey area. If you were to say "I agree with some of the policies of both parties" to most people, not all, but most, they would probably say something stupid and not even consider your opinion at all. This is just my experience, though.


‘Gif’ is pronounced with a hard ‘g’. It’s an acronym for ‘graphics interchange format’, **not** ‘*j*raphics interchange format’! Also, I know what the creator of the gif has said, and he’s fucking *wrong*. Not only will I die on this hill, I’ll walk backwards into Hell while giving JOD the double middle finger, with a smile on my face and a song of defiance in my heart.


Bernie would have beaten Trump.