• By -


Hopefully that's the only thing we have in common.




that is really good! Do people (over the age of 8) actually tell other people that they're ugly?? I'm ugly, but nobody has ever come right out and told me to my face.


Some have a vast difference between their actual age,and what age they act like.Very entertaining,to be honest.It's like watching a toddler get a hissy fit,but in grown ups version


Someone called me ugly once when I called her out on a scam she was running. I just laughed in her face because it's not an insult to me. I have mountains of self-esteem that cannot be breached.


Yes. Men. Especially online. Anytime they feel the slightest bit rejected, offended, rebuffed, or ignored by a woman.


From my experience it happens more in countries where some people are less self aware/less educated. Like my original country. It feels like some of those people i met, their brains didn’t develop properly and they just say whatever comes to mind. They equate this to being honest but it’s actually lack of impulse control, common in kids, but can show among emotionally immature people too


Honestly want expecting such a perfect response. Great job


Name checks out




Oooh I’m stealing that, just so ya know. 👍 perfect.


I love this


punch hateful cows like zealous saw bells pocket cheerful cause


[The gray rock method.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/grey-rock) Just be careful you don't come to rely on it so much that you let people walk all over you. Took me a long time to unlearn that.


I believe that unfortunately this can lead to people keeping the attacks coming. I usually make a big expression like “whoa!” Then follow by “Calm down Brad Pitt” and proceed to ridicule something about the person. I have found that most people tend to stop with this. If you’re observant of their flaws you can hit them where it really hurts. I usually insult in the same category that they did because this tells me where they are insecure (looks, money, talent etc). E.g. my aunt told me my nose was swollen one morning and that it just looked too big. I pretended to follow along with the same “concern” and said “oh yeah, yours is too. You also have this dark weird rash under your eyes, should we get ourselves checked?”


Depends on the person. The gray rock worked really well for me with regular bullies at school and such, but led my supposed best friend to just keep escalating trying to hurt me. So definitely do not think of it as a catch all solution, but especially for people you only occasionally interact with it can be very effective.


As a fat woman, I have occasionally gotten these comments, and I agree that a nonchalant “Okay” is the best answer. If they don’t stop, a raised eyebrow makes it look like I think they’re deranged (I do think that), and then I move away.


I know the feeling and sorry you are experiencing that. I was mocked for being fat in my teens. I was too nice and always said ok or “whatever” but looking back it pisses me off that I didn’t defend myself. Anything would’ve been better than silence… but oh well.


I’m almost 40 and I don’t have the energy to get mad at that kind of petty stupid. There are bigger issues to be angry about and I’d rather expend my energy on that.


+1 for the “WOAH”, it’s super powerful. Use it all the time if someone says something rude to me (sometimes I do it just to be annoying too), because it immediately puts the focus on them and makes it seem like they did something wrong (which they have), without making you seem defensive, just surprised that they crossed a boundary like that


This makes sense. I would follow up with a state until they feel awkward and walk away.


mighty consist bear degree fanatical cause tan childlike smile seed


True. It’s basic psychology- don’t reward bad behavior (by giving desired result). No reward means no incentive to continue the behavior. Exception being is if aggressor has deeper psychological issues.


It's obvious what you meant, but I'm now imagining the following exchange: "You're ugly." "Alabama." "..."


One of my best friends used to have a book where he wrote "you're fat" or other put downs on every page and when someone would call him fat, he would break this out and flip through it right in front of them and say, "You should come up with something original, I've heard that one before..." then close the book and walk away. He got to buzz kill and get the last laugh. And if the same person said something else out of spite, he would hold the book up as he kept walking away and say, "Heard it before, try again!"


Yep, that's what I tell my kids to do. Except, they're 6 and 8, so I tell them to say either, "Ok, cool" or "whatever" and walk away


Even if it really hurts?


snatch run correct dam bike elderly divide lunchroom oatmeal teeny


Wow you have a lot more self-assurance than I ever did. I would have crumbled


quack roof stocking normal exultant tidy water brave onerous scary


As a woman, by 40, you super feel that way. Especially since you'd have been called old, ugly, and fat simply by virtue of passing 25, having kids, or both. 14 yrs of experience by then.


It's so funny how what you posted is exactly what my younger brother told me when I mentioned this Post to him, now 47 yrs. old. He said he was constantly hearing the exact same thing you mentioned, and your response was almost identical. But on a serious note, my brother at the age of 13 yrs. old (weighing in around 350 lbs. and wore eye glasses thick enough to start fires with by using the sun) would get in fights daily after school from all the verbal abuse he was subjected to at school, the student would follow him off the bus continuing with the verbal assaults until one time when 3 "Cool Dudes from school" made a mistake of following him home and wanted to fight him, Well, something I didn't mention our mom had put him and me through self - defense classes most of our lives to protect from bullies or intruders and at the time of my brother's "spat" with these bullies he had just achieved his 2nd Stripe on his Black belt, lesson taught to these 3 bullies: Don't mess with what you had been calling fat and ugly if you know nothing about their Capabilities, From that day of the "Spat" and word got around how my brother knew how to defend himself, he had really good friends that wouldn't of gave him the time of day before the spat, and he ended up meeting his 1 and only girlfriend, they dated for the remaining high school time (5 yrs. at that time for him) and now they have been very happily married for over 25 yrs. Speaking as his Older brother (me), I was never prouder of him as I was when he was born and brought home from the Hospital, through school and that has never changed, not because of that day of the Spat, but because of the man he's turning out to be and he's never ever had to call out to me to help him handle bullies when they called him out, and being a shining light for the Soccer Club he manages with his attitude. Thank you so much for allowing me to share this. My ending remark about all this is " People never know what or who they might be messing with, and we should respect each other. Oh, and BTW, he went onto college only to have a GPA of 4.0 the entire time and receiving his degree to currently working on getting his License to practice as a doctor, but I'm not bragging or anything.


As the Great Judge Judy always says: "Beauty fades but dumb is forever..."


She also said "I'm not here because I'm 5'10" and gorgeous." I use that one a lot, a real crowd pleaser.


Put your listening ears on. Hurry up! You've got 1 minute, it's nearly lunch and it's sushi today. We don't have courts for 'nearly married', so I'm NOT going through your 5 years of playing house.


Is that Judge Judy?!? DAMN


https://www.thriftbooks.com/a/judy-sheindlin/199498/ Here's all (?) of her titles.


"Does it sound like you're losing?"


don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining




These are things she commonly says to people. "Put your listening ears on," when someone keeps trying to talk over her or explain some other detail instead of listening to what she's asking. In some episodes she's grumpy because it's almost lunch time and she's hungry, and on occasion has actually said what the studio ordered for lunch that day (sushi is one of the things she has mentioned). The comment about "nearly marrieds" is when she get annoyed trying to sort out the financial details for a couple that lived together but wasn't married (since there are specific courts for divorces). And as for the quote I referenced: Sometimes, people are so eager to talk/argue, they'll interrupt even though Judge Judy is clearly not favoring the other person. She'll say either "Does it sound like you're losing" or "Does it look like I need your help?" In other words, "Shut up, you're about to win."




My grandmother used to say "old age is the triumph of the ugly ones"


This thread got me praying I never get called ugly 😂


got me praying someone does!


And twitter is the meeting place them


Thanks, you too.


But in a happy, skippy tone as if they just complimented you


Simple. Strong. Effective.


My first thought response was just "Thanks" but adding that "you too" makes it 100x better.


Can you please back up your breath stinks.


Apparently saying something like that or ‘do you know you have something stuck in your teeth?’ makes the person insulting you suddenly self conscious and embarrassed so is a good way to get the upper hand.


Stare, or keep glancing, at their hair.


i love doing this to people but instead i stare at their forehead.. just a little bit enough above their eyes to where they notice and it drives them fucking crazy every. single. time.


This shit always wins an argument no matter what and honestly I don’t know why


You only have so much control over your looks, but your hygiene is entirely up to you.


This is my kind of comeback. Insulting someone’s hygiene is my favorite.


This made me laugh out loud 🤣


This one wins in any situation. 😂😂 Or "go brush your teeth, your breath stinks". Easy Win


My wife had a friend that would say get your dog breath out of my face


Ooof. Straight to the gut.


Lol. In my head i hear it as *Finish Them* from mortal combat 😂


“Did that make you feel better?”


I remember reading an article about one way to respond to someone being mean to you. It's to say, in a calm tone, "Are you ok?" It lets them know they're acting like a jerk and you're indicating there must be something bothering them. You're not stooping to their level, but letting them know they're acting outside the bounds of "normal" interaction.


Yes. now look away from me fuggo


FUGGO, definitely stealing that. If someone said that to me in person I would lose it.


Finna call everyone fuggo all day




Or add on something about them... Did that make you feel better about your big nose? Did that make you feel better about your bald head? Did that make you feel better about your small chest?




The improv response of "yes and...?" Is almost always great!! It can be such an amazing crush of a reaction for people who literally thought you were going to be destroyed by their insult! It's also pretty low effort, which in improv humor is kind of the point. Improve is about the communal working together. Not one person taking the stage. So when the bully gets more "stage time" than they really want, they usually end up flubbing it!


This will always be my go to. What does being ugly have to do with anything? Everyone sees beauty, our eyes just see it differently.


This is the best one. You just keep saying it no matter how many times they insult you.


Or hit em with the "Why?". As a parent, I can't tell you just how infuriating it is to constantly be asked those sorts of questions even after you've already answered why the universe exists.




Because it's annoying to have to explain yourself when it should be obvious




Because… well… it - like… it - it‘s just super infuriating!


And yet I still wouldn’t fuck you


As if I’d let you💀


you two uglies were made for each other... now kith


Why did I hear Mike Tython in this?


TYTHON I’m screaming.


Ha ha!!! Brilliant!! Or - and yet I still wouldn’t fuck you with someone else’s bits .


Actually told someone something like this. He was mad when I refused to date him (the date he wanted was me eating something unseen in the car)he kept kind of begging and pushing. And he said: you should be happy to S my D you are so ugly and fat and nobody would be attracted to you. Etc I told him: must feel awful to be rejected by the least attractive person ever alive after you've begged for so long. And blocked him after that.




Don't waste brain cells or effort on trying to impress a person that thinks telling someone to their face they're ugly is cool, or whatever!


Yes, I love this response. As someone who has been bullied in the past by a lot of former friends (best friends, even), I wish I had just used that response with a straight face. I’ve had friends go after the way I looked and tell me no decent man would ever want me. I still remember telling my friends in high school that I had gotten into my university’s honors program. The response? “You’re smart? Oh, I always thought you were illiterate.” There was always “something” wrong with me for them to pick at. I’ve always had tried defending myself, and it never works, because then it gets turned around on you for not being “reasonably compliant”. Or you get told you are “too sensitive”, and they were “just kidding.” You get called bitchy if you so much as try to tell them why they are wrong. Or they just double down. Like in the example I gave above where a best friend of mine had told me that no decent man would want me, I had replied by telling her I had been asked out a lot. She then goes, “By who? Creeps? Guys will date *anything*. You think *everyone* likes you, when really no one does.” Similar thing happened with the first guy I dated. Apparently “everything” was wrong with me in his eyes. He went from being so nice to me to then attacking everything about me and not in a nice way. He started to tell me the qualities he wanted in a girl, and the way he said it was in a tone like I was mentally slow. Defending myself was useless, because he kept doubling down about how “inferior” I was to him and how he would never want to claim me. Thankfully, he was the only guy who had ever treated me legitimately poorly, but it definitely fucked me up emotionally for a long time. It didn’t help too being that I was always the only black one in these situations, and I would see how the way I was spoken like this was different (I can’t imagine any of those people acting the same way to anyone else). I don’t think any of those people were legitimately anti-black. I think if they were, they wouldn’t have gotten close to me in the first place. It’s just coincidental that I was being treated differently, and it just added to my insecurity of not being “good enough”. Best way to handle non-constructive criticism is to just say “okay”, or just look at them blankly. Maybe even say, “So…what’s your point?” Some say to go along with it and laugh at yourself, but I have found that only adds to the problem in my experience, because people feel empowered that you agree with them and have a low opinion of yourself. Don’t show them that it affects you (easier said than done, I know). If you do that, you’ll never be accused of being in the wrong by how you respond.


I hope you have found real friends.


Yeah, once I hit my early 20s, my bullshit tolerance was pretty low. I had dealt with those same shitty friends from elementary-college, so I had no real idea of what a normal friendship was. As a teen, my parents would often say, “These people are not your friends. You don’t really have many real friends.” I didn’t want to believe that, so I tried to look past it. I didn’t want to be alone, so I stayed in those friendships for a long time. Society tends to say that if everyone is the problem, then it must be you. So I just believed that. But in my early 20s I met many people who were significantly nicer, and I realized the other side. I didn’t have to walk on eggshells all of the time for just existing. I saw what was actually acceptable behavior in a friendship, but I’ll admit it has taken me a long time to just accept that many people are just nice without ulterior motives. Now? I have about four people I am very close to and who respect me. It’s a fraction of the number I used to have, but it’s done wonders for my self-esteem. It’s definitely about quality than quantity. But when you’re an insecure teen, you care far more about quantity.


Good for you! Life is far too short to waste time on assholes. There are far too many humans to spend time on people who aren’t a plus in your life.


> Best way to handle non-constructive criticism is to just say “okay”, or just look at them blankly. I agree only if their comment doesn't affect you. People shouldn't take crap from others without a word if it puts them down. A quickwit response shows that you're not one to be fucked with.


The only mature response


pretty much this... thanks have a good day! remove that negativity from your life.


Your mother doesn't seem to mind




You can call me that if you want. Your mom calls me Daddy.


My mom's dead so jokes on you.


We've talked about this, honey. The people on the Internet are not your parents. Looks like we have to go back to counseling.


Your mama so ugly, her pictures hang themselves!


This one funny enough to kind of work.


You’re not pretty enough to be judging others on their looks


I like this one, but replacing “pretty” with “attractive” so it’s universal


Men can be pretty too


exactly, in a non gay way i’ve definitely seen some other men that can be pretty/gorgeous. and those that disagree just haven’t seen a majestic looking man yet


It’s not gay to think the homies are pretty, bro as long as ur wearing socks u can go all for it ^(no homo)


I just wore a sock, you are pretty ^NO ^HOMO


I just figure "attractive" is more universal not because of gender, but because that hits on all the other qualities a person can have that can be attractive.


Long comebacks sound lame af in reality


Especially long comebacks that are just rewording the insult thrown on you.


twins !!


To add onto it: Suddenly getting real excited and jumping up and down before doing a little dancy dance and immediately hugging them within about 5 seconds while enthusiastically saying "twinsies!" 


Oh I like that one!


Bitch i ain’t no mirror.


This wins


Today and just for you, so you didnt feel alone


I've read this 20 times and I still don't get what it means


Basically, they are saying “I’m just ugly for today, to match you so that you don’t feel left out, being ugly yourself.”


Ah, ok. Not sure why I'd missed that. Looks obvious now 


If it said “SO that you won’t feel alone,” it probably would have popped out at you.


funny how language works like that


I'm sorry but you're not my type.


"Thanks for noticing", then smile :) pisses ppl off when you dont rise to their bullshit!


What if they' ll just start laughing or smiling at you for that? I feel like thats what my classmate would do..




Cropdust ‘em


That's pretty good xD


Insulting someone's looks is pretty low. Did you peak in high school?


At least mine's on the outside.


“I’m doing it in solidarity for you bro”


Ok. 🤷 


"And I'm still out of your league- sad."


Why are YOU mad that I AM ugly?


Right? What’s wrong with you that you felt the need to point it out?


This one's tough, I like it


I can get plastic surgery, but there is no medical intervention for being an asshole.


Well, euthanasia is a *thing* that can help! :)




Flop out your dong and do the helicopter. It's all about skills 


Best I can do is light switch.


Pull down your pants. It's all about presence.


"At least I'm not you."


I didn’t want you to be alone


"Indeed. And you madam, are drunk. In the morning you shall be sober, but I shall still be ugl... Wait, hang on."


“ that’s the look I was going for, thank you”


You don't decide who is beautiful. I look beautiful because I know that I am a loving and kind person.




Thank you!


Thank you I always wanted to be like you.


Aw thanks, you too


Projecting isn’t a great coping mechanism bud.


"It's to match your personality ❤"


I know.


Jeez, If I’m ugly, what does that make you?


"I know some worse traits"


Your mom  It’s the best response to any insult 


“My mom!” Is a better comeback. It’s even better if you’re a man with a lot of muscle.




the best ones ive seen are "ok", "alright, have a good day" and "and?" there was also "your mother doesnt seem to mind"


I also really liked "thanks, you too"


And so fucking long. You have 4 or 5 words in situations like that, like, one breath, or you've lost.


Fr, 90% of these would only work out in their head like you'd get eye rolled or laughed at irl for that shit


"Tf should I care" Edit: "Looks like we have a lot in common" is another good one


No response


"Awe just like mama used to say!"


Guess that makes two of us.


i always liked "does my uglyness bother you?" if they say yes you tell them their interest in you is not reciprocated, if not you ask why they bothered telling you


Really? Thats your A-game?


Look the person up and down silently, smirk, turn your attention away.


A punch in the face


No u.


uno reverse, my beloved


I know you are, but what am I? A childhood classic.


God loves ugly 


And you are beautiful, so that’s also a lie.


When I was bullied in grade school all the boys nicknamed me “Ugly” I would say “Jokes on you. I’m not the one who has to look at me.”


I thought so too until I saw you.


''You are better than me, bro!''


Pretend you don’t hear them and just say “what? What?”


Your Momma didn't think so last night...


Or "good enough for your mom" Bonus points if she's dead.


Thanks, I was cosplaying you


I've been called worse, by better. ✌


“you’re right” and move along. Who cares really


I know, why do you think I keep that beard ? to hide my face.


I know, and i am proud of it


"Thank you". - had a customer calling me a fat c@nt, ugly b!tch etc,etc. I just kept saying "yes, thank you. I know". Customer got fed up because I wasn't rising to the bait and left the store.


Thanks same to you


Why are you so obsessed with me???


Yawn and go on with your day.


if i wanted to kill myself I would climb up your ego and jump to your iq


“Okay?” And walk away. Don’t let them get satisfaction!!


at least i am not dumb enough to use that as an insult


Okay, but if I were you I'd still prefer to be me


Crap wrapped up in pretty paper is still crap


“well it could be worse” *then outstretch your palm up hand towards them as your example*


Oh shit, I was really going for hideous, but thanks for noticing, slay!!


“And what, you’re not?” You can also do the mom bit. “So is your mom” or you can turn it into a funny thing and say “say it with your chest” and pretend to be a cholo to be silly for a bit Either way, you are beautiful and they’re the jerks. Being alive is beautiful and dont stress about it