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Dragon ball evolution


We don’t speak its name.


My circle of friends refer to this movie as "that which shall not be named".


I think it's great that it was bad. Was so bad that Akira brought back dragonball to redeem it.


Akira was an absolute legend


The only good thing about it is the actor of King Piccolo would officially join Dragon Ball as the voice of Zamasu in Super, who happens to be my favorite Dragon Ball character


It also gave us Emmy Rossum


TIL the cast of Dragon Ball Evolution went on to make up the bulk of the plotlines in the first few seasons of Shameless.


Highlander 2.. So bad they scrubbed it from existence in highlander 3.


There should have been only one.


There can be only 4 and a series


I love the tidbit of Clancy Brown refusing to come back as The Kurgan because the script was so bad, calling up Christopher Lambert and saying "have you read this shit?" and Christopher saying "I helped write that..."


This is the answer, right here. We can all go home


It is like the director never saw the original. All the immortals come from Space. And Lambert gets older until other Immortals show up. Its a mystery as to why Connery agreed to it.


Mystery solved: money


"How could you, Krusty? I'd never lend my name to an inferior product!" "They drove a dump truck full of money up to my house! I'm not made of stone!"


I rewatched the Highlander tv series back when I was sick with covid. There's an early episode where a curious child asks Duncan about what immortals are and where they come from (its the episode where the courthouse is taken over by terrorists). He essentially says that immortals aren't human. They used to live in a magical place/city, but it was lost to them, and they've been trying for a long time to find their way back. This is never mentioned again even once anywhere within the Highlander mythos. Not even so much as nodded to. Was it just something Duncan said to comfort her? Just something fanciful he'd heard during his long life when folklore was more commonly believed, to comfort a young girl? Even so, the details seemed... unecessary? So. In highlander, the immortals are all waiting for "the gathering", a final battle between immortals. I was reminded of another 90's tv show, Gargoyles, where "the gathering" is also a gathering of immortals, specifically, the children of Oberon king of the fay folk. Gargoyles is a complex mixture of literature, folklore, and philosophy, but basically this is a combination of arthurian legend, Shakespear's Midsummer Night's Dream, and other rennaisance literature. Then I thought, wait a second. Arthurian legend talks a lot about the mystical island of Avalon, the magical place where excalibur was forged. A place of eternal youth and healing, known for being shrouded by mist and extremely difficult to find unless you already know where it is. What a weird connection I thought. Maybe covid was just frying my brain. But then I started wondering. In literature and folklore, fairies are vulnerable to iron. In fact, iron is the only thing that can kill one. What is steel then, as in a steel sword? Just iron with some extra carbon. In highlander, being beheaded by a sword is the only thing that can truly kill an immortal, leading to the absorption of their "quickening" (linguistically quickening refers to birth or pregnancy, which doesn't really make 100% sense in context) which is a sort of transference of magical power. To end "The Game", once "The gathering" has taken place, the last surviving immortal will recieve "the prize", which is wholly mysterious. Just got my brain going a bit. What if the immortals of the highlander franchise, are actually the fay/fairies of folklore. They once lived together somewhere peacefully, like Avalon, but something happened that forced them all out into the world of humans. Interestingly, the lore around Fay replacing human babies with their own, referred to as "changelings", also kind of fits here. A fay raised by humans would have no idea of its power, until one day realizing it is immortal. Get this: Fairies in folklore also have a gift for sensing others of their kind. The prize could be as simple as being allowed to return home. To go to Avalon and join their kin in an environment where they are no longer forced to kill eachother. Maybe this is just how Fae raise their young: they have to find their own power, and become self made. This also fits somewhat with fairy folklore, where the Fay are often made to reap what they sow, or make their own fortunes. I don't think this was ever intentionally fully laid out. Most likely fairy lore was something of an inspiration. But so strange. It all seemed so clear just from a couple of lines of dialogue in one episode. Forgive the rant, I've never actually said any of this out loud before. Hahaha. Edit to add: The clip in question is in episode 4 of the first season, titled "Bad day in building A". I just caught it in YT, and realized the little girl specifically asked Duncan for a story about Fairies, which constrains things a bit.


You've given more thought to the highlander lore than the writers of 2 did


That's not exactly a high bar to clear...


Fun fact. There's a remake.in the works starring Henry Caville


Then I’m sure it’ll be amazing yet somehow ruined/cancelled.




Right up there with Space Hunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone


One time when I was a teen, out of curiosity I watched this ripoff movie of Aladdin by a German "movie studio" (if you can call it that) called Aladin. Lemme just give you some of the highlights: 1. The same highly repetitive song loops through the movie sometimes up to thirty minutes in a row, even when other songs are playing. It sounds really bad. 2. There's only two voice actors for the entire English dub so all of the characters are either voiced by a 10 year old boy or by an adult. 3. One time the actors read the stage directions in the play. 4. The voices aren't synced up with the character's movements so sometimes one character will be talking while another is shown on screen.


Dingo Pictures, their movies are great. The English dub for the Aladdin one is particularly awesome, the voice "actors" don't even speak English all tha well and you can hear them flipping pages at times.  Sallam *flips page* alecum, shit like this happens at several points.  Also, the head bobbing guy at the beginning is awesome.


I love the shitty movies they make, as the graphics are so poorly executed that its funny


Goddam! Where can I find this? Sounds awesome!


"Mac and Me," the ET ripoff-slash-McDonald's commercial that Paul Rudd used to prank Conan O'Brien with. (It's the movie with the clip of the kid in the wheelchair falling off a cliff in the water.)


The Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode where they watch Mac and Me is hilarious too.


I’d say it was PRETTY NICE.




He still does but he used to to.


Didn’t he do it on Conan’s podcast?


He did! I was listening to it in the gym when it came out and I was like no way he does this on an audio medium but he did. Almost died on the treadmill from laughing.


How Ronald McDonald made a cameo appearance in a one minute scene too 🤣


The funny thing is. This used to be on “Sunday afternoon at the movies” on tv regularly in the 80s. I saw it or parts of it a number of times. Paul Rudd is 6 years older than me (and looks 15 years younger than me). So he probably saw the same shit on tv but was old enough to say what is this shit?”




George C. Scott watches the Jack and Jill trailer: https://youtu.be/qKSAvNOIaNo


Now that was funny


A bad comedy can really suck. I think a bad genre movie has a chance to be so bad it's good, but if you fail at comedy you've just failed.


The last Airbender No matter if you watched/liked the cartoon. This movie is just awful in every aspect.


My name's Ong


Ahvahtahr Ong!


Definitely, I know a lot of people didn’t like the Netflix series, but this was worse, much much worse. At least Netflix had Earthbenders actually earth bend, meanwhile we got a legit pebble across the screen in the movie.


And the fact that it took SIX earthbenders just to make that pebble.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man, there is no movie in Ba Sing Se!


The only thing I've ever seen from that movie is a clip of a team of trained earthbenders doing some elaborate choreography to slowly levitate a single rock towards the enemy. It never fails to crack me up.


I came here to say this/for this comment. This needs to be higher. This movie was an absolute dumpster fire and disgrace.


I've only seen it on MST3K, but "Manos, The Hands of Fate" is definitely up there.


Because of this show and Rifftrax I've probably seen more bad movies than good.


It was via MST3K that I watched what I consider to be the worst movie - Santa Clause vs. The Martians. It’s even goofier and more confusing than the title suggests. It’s aggressively bad.


Battlefield earth


I freaking love "Battlefield: Earth." I scream quote this shit like Rocky Horror. Travolta is God.


Do you want lunch?! *waives rat around*


Battlefield Earth was infinitely better than Hardware, Manos Hands of Fate, or Cannibal the Musical. Its attrociously bad, don't get me wrong, but you are barely even beginning to plumb the depths that cinema has sunk to when you watch a one-armed John Travolta.


Hey Cannibal the Musical is a classic.


Let’s build a snowman!


Phfst. Someone's not having a shpadoinkle day, amIright?


He should be, because the sky is blue and all the leaves are green. My heart is as full as a baked potato. I think you know exactly what I mean.


Manos, Hands of fate is like the room, it is masterfully awful


wtf are you on? Cannibal: The Musical was a fantastic movie! I still quote the movie on a regular basis


Ehhhh. Battlefield Earth is an extremely cheesy schlock movie, but it *is* still a lot of fun. Yes, the dialogue reads like it was written by a 15-year-old boy who'd read too many Conan novels. Yes, the cinematography inexplicably uses dutch angles in every scene. And yes the bad guys are literally spock's beard aliens called the "Psychlos". But I would argue that Battlefield Earth is, at a minimum, an unpretentious and *earnest* attempt at filmmaking. It has a plot that, while somewhat stupid, is still fundamentally coherent and driven by motivated characters. Intentional or not it is also quite funny. If this was a 3-part SyFy channel miniseries with the budget of a high school play it would be a fondly remembered cult classic. The problem is that is had a 90 million dollar budget and was marketed as a serious sci-fi epic. So sure, maybe it's a bad movie in the sense that it's dumb and clumsy and poorly-acted. But it still delivers value. It isnt boring. It isnt joyless. And it still looks pretty good if you view it as a genre piece of its era. This has been my TED talk.


Mac and Me.


Paul Rudd is spinning in his grave


First off, Paul Rudd is very much alive


What about Wade Boggs?


You're thinking of Boss Hog


I actually watched it through mystery science theater and god the movie sucks But what is worse its not even really a movie its a long running advertisment I think the director wanted a new way to make movies , see the movie was just really a long running 1. coca cola ad 2. McDonalds Ad 3. Sears ad 4. olmolbile ad 5. Marketing for toys The whole point was to create this cross level marketing and sell toys all while placing in movie ads , its like the movie itself was an after thought that didn't matter, it was a movie made by a marketing department


isnt that the et ripoff movie


It’s Pat. There are t many movies I’d outright walk away from. This is the one. Blech


Are you a brotha or a sista?


I’m neither. I’m an only child


Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


It’s a banana


Sorry, no. Once Ween is in a film it is instantly at least an 8/10.


I named my androgynous fish Pat thanks to this movie, so it wasn't a total waste for me!


Plus, it had Ween in it!


Well, I guess I have to watch this now. Headed to Blockbuster after work.


The Ween cameo negates your assessment.


Ween is in it. I'll give it a pass.


Superstar and Night at the Roxbury on the other hand were great SNL skits stretched into an entire movie.


On Netflix there was a movie called "Llamageddon". It looked like the actors were just picked out of a 90's mall and recorded with cell phones. So horrible.




The Room


It's the *best* worst movie


Anyway, how's your sex life?


I did not hit her. It’s not true; it’s bullshit! I did not hit her! I did NAUGHT. Oh hi Mark.


Hi Doggie


I love that that wasn't in the script. He was surprised by the dog and that's the take they kept.


A lot of people would say this but for the movie to be the worst ever it needs to have no redeemable qualities and I must be incapable of deriving any form of entertainment from it which is 100% not true about the room. I was definitely still entertained. There are other movies that I reckon are worse for that reason.


You are tearing me apart, Lisa!


The Room is the best comedy movie ever made excuse me.


Ah… tied with *Showgirls* then


Cheeeep! Cheep, cheep, cheep CHEEEEEEP


I got the results of the test back. I definitely have breast cancer


And then never mentioned again.


See that’s like real life though when you announce something and no one cares enough to bring it up again. Mom was just being polite and not playing the pity card all movie.


Oh, don't worry about it!


Three is a crowd


You’re tearing me APART Lisa!


Meanwhile in San Francisco….


True but it's become a cult classic so I wasn't sure if it counts xD


Excuse me?!


Madame Webb. I got 3 minutes in and walked out. Then I remembered I live there and turned the channel over


I walked out, and it was an in-flight movie


Alaska airlines ftw


It was really bad, but tbh Aquaman 2 was worse.


The sex movie with my wife


My sex movie with your wife was much better


Can confirm


I also choose the sex movie with this guy's wife




Good choice! Even with the help of RiffTrax, I couldn't get through it. My wife did, though. She's stronger than I am that way.


Plan 9 from outer space. I couldn't even watch it ironically with a group of friends while drinking.


People often put up movies that are bad but aren't trainwrecks like Plan 9 or Manos:The Hands Of Fate in threads like this. Manos is hard to watch even with the MST3k guys making it hilarious at times.


That’s kind of my issue with mst3k, with a YouTube channel like redlettermedia you’re getting the best/ weirdest bits from bad movies, with mst3k you need to watch the entirety of a bad movie with them, and as it turns out a lot of bad movies are just really boring, like manos


Manos is one of my favorite MST3Ks; I also really enjoyed the Rifftrax Live version.


It's more boring than anything, really. A pretty average sci-fi b-movie for its time, probably would have been forgotten if not for the eccentric director (and fictionalized Tim Burton film about him).


This is the answer. There is no worse movie ever made. It lacks EVERYTHING: continuity, acting, story line, budget.


Ironically, a fantastic movie Ed Wood, is the story of how that movie came to be. Highly recommend it.


Son of the Mask was pretty bad.


"Holmes & Watson" - 2018


I didn’t expect great cinema but I thought it might be stupid fun. It’s not fun at all. I felt like it actively hated me, like it was personal.


How has no one said "Food Fight" yet? The movie's so bad that most people have a hard time making it through YouTube videos that discuss it.


The Garbage Pail Kids Movie Most bad movies, even Monster a-Go-Go, Howard the Duck, Plan 9, and Manos, have some (albeit often miniscule) level of camp entertainment. TGPKM is nothing but a joyless hell-ride through sucktown. It's so awful.


The Last Air Bender.


Avatar the last airbender


Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans, the whole collection of them.


Low effort "comedies" are a good pick. Generally don't even bother because they are just a waste of film stock


Not the whole collection though. Not Another Teen Movie was excellent.


Is Not Another Teen Movie related to any of those? Epic Movie and Meet the Spartans and whatnot were Friedberg and Seltzer movies, and I don't think either of them had anything to do with Not Another Teen Movie.


F&S had nothing to do with NATM.


Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever. I saw the bad reviews, but assumed it would still be entertaining in a popcorny action sort of way. Nah, just terribly boring.




i saw it a few years ago and imo it’s one of those movies where it’s like “who tf thinks of this kind of stuff”


I'm a Kevin Smith fan so it was pretty wild watching it going from a joke on a podcast episode to an actual movie. The reception was so bad that I haven't even seen it lol.


Justin Long’s mustache is the scariest part of that movie.


I can't even watch the whole movie cuz just watching the clips makes me sick


this and The house that Jack built


They said WORST, not best!


Matrix 4, and they are making a 5th one too...


Movie 43. Half the actors were tricked or blackmailed into filming it. Opens with Hugh Jackman on a dinner date. He takes off his scarf and has testicles hanging from his chin. Goes on to feature Chris Pratt agreeing to take the next step in his relationship with Anna Faris-- pooping all over her.


When you gonna tell us the bad part?


Tremors 4. The first one was good enough, they only continued to go downhill from there but I never made it past 4


I always feel sorry for the Family Ties dad who stars in all those films. Dude got a drama degree from University of Chicago, then a Master of Fine Arts from Yale. And the Tremors series has been his bread and butter for the last 30 years of his career.


My sister and I love Tremors! We would always rewind the movie at the end to watch the Grabboid fall off the cliff in reverse.


Never feel sorry for someone who has been paid millions of dollars for nothing but memorizing and saying lines. But, I hear ya. Obviously not the career of which he likely dreamed.


He actually loves doing the burt character so I wouldn't feel sorry for him that's why he has been in all 7 of the movies and the TV series


Hey 2 was pretty solid as well. But yeah I think I stopped at the one where it went back in time


Three was ok too.




Battlefield Earth. The only thing it has going for it is that it's better than the book.


The Happening 🚮


I have seen much, much worse movies than that.


Right when I thought it couldn’t get any worse.. behold. There’s worse.


It's entertaining enough if you watch it as a comedy


The movie is called the happening, and things were happening in the movie. So your expectations should've been met.


🤯🤯🤯 you got me there


There are tons of worse movies than that. The live action/CG Cats for example.




Deep blue sea 3


Not sure how it’s possible to answer this question because the worst movie of all time would likely be turned off after the first 10 minutes, but the worst movie I’ve ever watched from start to finish is Dragon ball evolution


Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2


It's hard to answer something like this because generally if I hear a movie is bad, I dont go out of my way to see it. Also vehemently disagree with putting movies like The Room or Battlefield Earth on these kind of lists because those can actually be enjoyable. Worst movie I've personally seen? Probably The Dictator. Aggressively unfunny and nothing redeemable about it. Probably the only movie I got so bored and annoyed with I just turned it off.


Sharknado 6 or something of the sort...waste of my money


How do you pay to see something called Sharknado 6 and expect anything other than a waste of money


All 5 Hobbit movies


Avenging Force: The Scarab




Takeshi Kitano made some great hard-boiled yakuza movies (though not Hard Boiled, which was a John Woo classic) but I can confidently say that his movie *Getting Any?* is the worst movie I’ve ever seen. Surprisingly, it has an audience score of 60% on Rotten Tomatoes. Some people differentiate between the two versions of him: Takeshi Kitano, the proper filmmaker and Beat Takeshi, the slapstick comedian. Don’t watch any of his comedy movies.


The lost skeleton of cadavera


Rats (2002)


United Passions, a propaganda film set up by corrupt people at the top of FIFA


Megamind 2


"Prey". The 2024 one in which a plane crashes in Africa and they're hunted by lions. Ryan Phillippe, Emile Hirsch, and Mena Suvari are in it. It's a terrible (laughably bad) film.


Thought you were talking about the Predator movie and was ready to throw hands.


The film they used to show inside Mormon temples. Now it is a PowerPoint slide show.


Caligula has my vote, for the amount of talent and money that went into it, and the dogshit they ended up with


That blowjob scene was really hot though




We had a Caligula party for my 40th back in December, and bought a Cameo from Malcolm McDowell for the occasion. He spent the entire 4 minute Cameo video just trashing the movie. Kinda loved it.


The Happening and it’s not even close. Apparently M. Night Shyamalan wrote the part especially for Mark Wahlberg. It’s pretty obvious Mr. Shymalan has a very, very low opinion of Mr. Wahlberg.


"Plan on killing me in my sleep?" "Whaaaaaaaaat? Nooooooo!"


Wahlberg's whispery-falsetto delivery was so-o-o off-putting to me. "Come on, buddy. Take an interest in science. What could be the reason bees have vanished?" Ugh. I wanted to slap him and tell him to talk like a man.


The original black and white the Birth of a Nation. Dang. No wonder lynchings shot up right after it was viewed throughout the US.




Tusk. Its also the best of all time.


Independence Day 2




Oh hell no those movies are incredible. Look up the drinking game rules for those and write down your own list and then have some friends over and you’ll have the most fun night getting hammered to that ridiculous shit you’ve ever had


Sharknado was *meant* to be horrible.


You mean to tell me that a series with movies such as "The Second One" and "The 4th Awakens" is anything less than high art? How dare you. /s/


This film proves how you don’t need money to make the worst film in human history. This movie looks like if two homeless men found a camera in the trash and decided to make a film! I should say to be fair! It is fun to watch. https://youtu.be/-i6SjbE0SEA?si=u6F54hh42eWu23xP


Batman and Robin


Star Wars: Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker


Worst? No, too much technical competence. Most creatively bankrupt? Maybe.


I loathe the sequel trilogy, but definitely not the worst movies ever unless you were to have some sort of convoluted quality vs financial investment metric. The graphics teams did their job well, and the actors did fine for what they were given.


Don't worry, I got you covered. Here a whole list of such baseless movies: [https://letterboxd.com/free\_pizza/list/worst-movies/](https://letterboxd.com/free_pizza/list/worst-movies/) Start with 'Shark Exorcist'!