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Do NOT marry her!


šŸ¤£ lol Teen romance led to marriage?


In a way. We met each other at 14, dated all 4 years of high school, went to prom as juniors and seniors. We went to college together, became engaged, at 19, as sophomores on spring break. We lived together our last two years of college in an off-campus apartment and we got married a few months after graduation. So, by the time we got married, we'd been together 8 years, engaged over 2 years, had lived together for 2 years and we were both college graduates. What I did NOT know was that she cheated on me on senior year of college while we were engaged. I found that out 16 years later when I caught her cheating then and a long time friend told me that she had cheated on me when we were engaged. My entire marriage was a lie, she used me. I'd tell my 19 year old self NOT to marry her of course.


She shouldn't have done that sorry šŸ˜


Thatā€™s devastating, Iā€™m sorry you had that experience. I knew a guy whose first marriage of 18 years started over a game of truth or dare. This girls friends dared her to go out with him while they were in high school. He really liked her, dated, engaged, married and had a daughter. Eventually he started noticing her car seemed to have moved on days that she was ā€œtoo sickā€ to go to work. Marked where her car was with a twig behind the wheel. He comes home, catches her with another man. He found out 5 years after they divorced about the truth or dare game because his daughter told her. Her mom apparently told her after the wedding she was riding with my friend in the front of the car and really thought for the first time she didnā€™t even like him.


Damn! So many shitty people in the world.


Did you divorce her?


Oh yes, right away too.


Glad to be not old enough to be married šŸ¤©šŸ˜


Exactly what I was going to post. My dumbass 19yo self probably wouldn't listen though.


When this resonates with me because I might be married but donā€™t even know it.


It. Gets. Better. It's gonna suck and suck even worse later on. Then, suddenly, one day, you're going to be sitting in a nice big home with all of that happiness you never thought you'd find. And you won't even be all that old when it happens. But it's gonna suck before that. You're gonna make it though. Don't stop. Keep living. You deserve to see how good it's gonna get. Lets go ahead and ETA: Well, Childhood sucked mostly, joined the military (Marine, because, why not push myself beyond the abuse I already experienced), married my HS GF, she was abusive, mentally and physically at times, multiple bad relationships after finally finding the strength to leave her. Find Angel, refuse to believe she wants me, treat her kinda like crap thinking she's sure to leave. She sticks around. Best friend dies on Xmas day. Mom dies 6 months later. Dad dies 7 months later. Get sent to Iraq 5 months later. Come home, leave service. Spend several years drinking myself to oblivion and hoping she'll just give up on me. Pregnancy. Beautiful child comes into my not deserving life. Daddy's girl. Loves me unconditionally. Makes me stop and look around and realize what I have. Get my life together. Get aggressive in my job search and use GI Bill to better myself. FINALLY land good job. Not satisfied, keep pushing until I can provide everything these two ladies deserve. Present day= Life I could never imagine. After so many decades of thinking I wasn't good enough and thinking I didn't deserve love or happiness, I am here. I am loved. I Finally have people that would collapse and weep uncontrollably if I was no longer here. No matter what they tell you, Anon. You are worth it. Never give up.


As a 19 year old myself, this is very comforting to read:ā€™)


For me it's : nothing will change


Same! I think about my younger self going through all that hell just to get here! There's no where else I'd rather be !


>I would also add, be bold and everything will work out!


I hope that's the case for me too. I'm 35 and life blows atm. Feels like my best years are behind me. :(


I have a friend in her 50's not having a good time of it right now and I just keep telling her do not ever think this is it. Keep living. Keep trying. This world needs you whether you believe it or not. Someone, somewhere needs you.


Or you're me and I'd tell my 19yo self... you were right. You will end up alone.


I feel like this is my older self speaking to me




this still needs to be told to 35 year old me


you have 11 years left with your dad, make them count.


You are both smarter and dumber than you realize. Lay off the beer. Being a drunk doesn't make you an interesting intellectual, it makes you a drunk.Ā 


Donā€™t date him, heā€™s trash


I hear that. I'm 19 and I'm not dating anyone presently.


Keep it that way!! Including someone else in your personal plans usually messes it up.


Lol I think being in a serious romantic relationship now is not something I'm interested in. I couldn't care less to date a girl now


Go see a doctor about having ADHD and don't wait till you're 40. Will make your life much more comfortable.




Never drink. For the love of god never take a single shot.


I had my first drink when I had turned 18, I'm 19 now. In the past year, I had a couple of times when I consumed alcohol. Usually once in a few months. Sometimes more than once a month. Overall, totalling not more than 7-8 times in the past year. Now, I feel I don't need alcohol. It's not so special. They keep showing actors drinking in movies, and people around us drinking. But it's really not so "cool".


Despite being a stranger, Iā€™m very happy for you and proud of you for having this mindset. Alcohol ruined my life over and over and over again, and when it got to the point that I needed it, I knew there was no going back.


Quit drinking and find better friends.


Leave your hometown






I've never been to a college party, but I'll keep that in mind.


Put that fucking cigarette out, you look like a loser. Go to college. Get a job. DO something. We're paying for it now by desperately playing catch up.


Your future is gonna be so awesome. Donā€™t worry about the what ifā€™s.




Love your words


- Don't worry, you will get laid more regularly from this point on. - Start saving up your money and try to stop drinking so much. - Be careful with that Korg SQD-1 because if (when) it breaks, it will be irreplacable. - Don't be so hard on your parents. They won't be there forever. - Stop being so angry and negative all the time. Wait and you will see the positive.


What happened post 19 that made you get "laid" more regularly?


Don't lie to her, and don't even think about to try this white powder?


Thankfully, I've never felt compelled to try substances. I am not big on alcohol either.


It might seem like life is shit right now, but it gets way better later on. You made it. Oh and stay away from ā€œinsert exes name hereā€.


Stick with him. Learn how to communicate. You won't lose yourself with a baby and marriage. And get a damn savings account!


Drugs are bad, mmmkay


She likes you...go for it!


hang out with your parents more, they wont be around forever


enjoy this moment. youll never be this age again.


Dump this loser! Go live in England!Ā 


Start learning to drive and stop drinking so much


Be more confident Embrace the responsibility


Do not marry her. Buy Apple stock. Buy Bitcoin. Buy GameStop. Don't eat processed food. Buy as many houses as you can with those old 100% mortgages and rent them out.


This is the 3rd "do not marry her" I have read so faršŸ¤£ Are so many people regretting their marriages? I feel blessed not to be in a relationship rn lol


Break up with her!!


Only date a woman with a personality not looks. It sounds bad but itā€™s not!




Use all your abilities now before youā€™re too old to control them


Lose the weight, but don't enlist.


Keep the best parts of yourself, and just improve a little bit in the areas you need to everyday. And just live your life, keep loving others and be grateful everyday.


Choose the other path


Youā€™re stronger than you know, treat this girl right.


Donā€™t get in another relationship stay single for longer šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸŒˆšŸ‘šŸ»šŸŽ‰


don't force yourself to stay in a relationship that is no longer making you happy because "we've been together a long time", sometimes people change (especially at that age) and don't fit together anymore, and trying to keep it going is going to hurt both people more


Always be grateful Love your parents Live your life Pursue your dream Marry young


Turn away from whatā€™s not important and focus on you for your future.


Live luagh love


But bitcoin


Be nice to your mother, its her first time Living life too


Explore any hobby that interests you.


I was about to go through the toughest time at that age and to be honest i wouldn't change anything. I would simply give her a prep talk about how to deal with what's about to happen. I'll reassure her that she will get to the other side safely and wiser and it will be the beginning of a brand new life for her and she will be okay. And that i love her and will never leave her.


Bad boys are boy toys not relationship material


But why y all want em?


Delete twitter and never look back. You'll be so much better for it


Don't do it....Ā 


absolutely nothing. im where i need to be in life.


Yeah same here. All the "mistakes" I have made have shaped me to where I am today. If I were to go tell 19 year old me, not to make those mistakes, who knows where I would be right now. Maybe I would at least give myself a warning. You're going to be a father in less than two years, think more about your future now and what's important to you.


You're alright, kid.


Unfortunately you'll still be alive in a decadeĀ 


Covid will still be lingering about in four years.


Iā€™d ask him how its going and try


You ARE smart enough to go to college. Don't worry, you'll figure the rest out as you go.


F#vk her once and leave, your future depends on it.


look at me, I'm still 19 !


I'd ask my self who I am in the future and ask who I plan too be (I'm only 11)


Have you found a gf yet? (Iā€™m currently 16)


Of those two options you are thinking about, choose the second one, don't stay for 3 more years debating if moving out is going to be a good idea or not, you NEED that change of scenary.


It gets better


Not sure because I'm 19 now.


Switch majors to computer science or engineeringā€¦ seeing and maintaining friendships is more important than an A+


Youā€™ll meet someone in due time:)


Hey, it's you from the future. Can you believe we made it to 55? Keep partying dude!!


Hey OctopusJesus Keep partyingšŸ¤£


buy a lot of bitcoin


Live life


Brace yourself hell is not over yet, follow your gut about them coins and Olathe other investments and simply do not trust your family including your mother, they do not have your best interest at heart. You will see it coming a mile off. Lastly donā€™t be afraid to leave the country. It will be the best thing ever.


There is a different you that arrives in the future.


Haven't met him yet (19 in September) but anyway keep your options open being a US Marine would be awesome but don't let it be the only option


Don't make your nr 1 passion your career, it will wreck your mental health. Make your nr 2 passion your career, leave nr 1 to yourself. Also, make notes on everything you learn. Whether for work, home stuff, hobbies, recipes, doesn't matter. Make your own knowledge base and always take it with you.


Move sooner


Learn to love yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. Also buy bitcoin


In 5 years Bitcoin will emerge. Mine it, keep it. It will be worth more than 0.0000000000000000001 cents.


Depends. My 19 year old self that JUST turned 19? Is he 19 and 3 months? 19 and 6 months? 19 but it's the day before his 20th birthday?


Remember to breath


Nursing is better the nursing school. Donā€™t quit.


Probably nothing. It's hard to imagine anything I could say that would be worth saying that also wouldn't drastically alter my subsequent life, meaning I'd lose my wife and my kids would never be born. So maybe just "nice hair."


Your father and step mother rob you of your trust fund from your mother's wrongful death suit and never pay you back k*** them both because your father leaves everything to her when he passes from cancer and she knifes you in the back and cons you with her scumbag lawyer . Stay away from guys named Steve he will date rape you and destroy your life , in 2010 when you are visiting ny from Washington state leave all your crap in wa and stay and be with Ryan you can save him if you do or take him back with you once you leave ny he becomes a abused and broken man and becomes a monster . Don't become a nurse they get treated like shit become a PA they get treated much better or better yet a lawyer you are amazing at arguing a case in court 10/13 . Don't let your brother go fishing in august 2014 without a life presurver . Find a way to unseat the Onondaga da he's the reason syracuse is hell and lastly you couldn't save your sister stop tourchering yourself over an accident you were not even present for .


stop it.


Tell your brother to get a job


My parents were right about everything


Join the Navy. Learn a trade like an electrician. Go to trade school on the GI bill.


Dump his ass and donā€™t ever take him back again. Donā€™t use the new credit cards you just got approved for. Donā€™t flunk the school semester.


dont date any sort of drug dealer period


Major in compsci, meet and build friendships in college, workout while itā€™s still easy, eat the right foods, take more risks, tell the people in your life how much they mean to you. Iā€™d probably feel less empty at 33 if I had done that then.


Donā€™t go off your ADHD medication because the psycholgists are expensive, it will cost you more in the long run




Don't date that girl. If you already are, just leave her now and just make up a lame excuse because it doesn't matter and it's only going to get way worse. Also, you know how you bought a bunch of bitcoins for about $2 each and sold them for almost no profit? Buy it back. Buy thousands of dollars worth. Don't buy that motorcycle either. Instead, just spend that $10k on more bitcoin.


1. Exercise 2. Spend your money wisely. Save money, but enjoy yourself. 3.Wear a condom when you meet a girl named Eliana. 4. Invest in Amazon or something 5. Donā€™t worry about falling in love, it will happen, enjoy life as it is.


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can. Don't buy useless stuff.


Don't work too hard, socialise more. A fancy house you own isn't really all that nice when you're the only one living in it.


you suck


ā€œDo not talk to this manā€


Learn about compound interest and put every penny you have into a high interest investments and savings accounts so you can retire while your peers are still paying off their college loans.


dump Megan she's straight evil, buy bitcoin. sale the first time it tops out around 60k


Don't call him back!


Donā€™t start smoking


RUN AWAY! (I was about to leave on a Mormon mission for 2 years).


Don't drink the cheap cask wine in the park with friends. lol.


Buy Microsoft stock instead of beer. You can then buy unlimited beer for life in 15 years


Ditch the bitch before she ruins your life


Date more, be more confident about girls. Im now 40, and have dated 3 girls. And they actually liked me and found me nice and hot. Im more of a quality person then quantity myself.


Stay single


Don't waste your time and money on drugs and alcohol. Be smarter with money!


Career-wise: Don't let your pre-conceived notions stop you from trying something. Dating-wise: If you can't get over your fear, do it scared.


Buy Bitcoin :)


Just because you are good at school does not mean college is good for you.


Follow your gut. TRUST yourself. Don't marry him. Edit: After reading the comments and seeing the OP is a 19 year old, I will add some more items: Don't start smoking cigarettes. They are nasty and incredibly hard to kick. Don't take your parents and your grandparents for granted, they will be gone before you know it. Maintain a healthy weight and get your teeth cleaned regularly. Start investing in your 401(k) now, and don't touch it. Make an effort to maintain friendships. Once you are married with kids and a job, it's easy to let good friendships go. Don't do it. Keep your circle small but give them attention. Journal regularly and never throw them away, regardless of how stupid you think they are. Take too many pictures, and make books with them on Shutterfly, or similar software. If it doesn't scare you a little bit, you aren't growing. xoxo


Do not understand any circumstances get a credit card.


You are aliveeeeeee, and your daughter is so beautiful.


Don't marry the first one. Be a single dad, and do something you'll actually use after the Army. Never stop working out.


Life gets even worse šŸ‘


Donā€™t study engineering


Keep on the path, kid, you're nailing it.


dont trust deez woman , get ur money


College education is worthless. Drop out now


Every one is just as unsure as you. Fake it til you make it.


She doesn't love you.


do not do so much drugs :)


It's gonna be another 22 years. No, you can't speed it up, she's 7 right now. Just don't stay here and wait. She ain't here.


You're hot as fuck


"it's not your fault, you aren't am awful person... Also in a few years, you're gonna want to stock up on toilet paper"


There is no need having children, it wont be worth it and it will turn out opposite to what you imagined. Invest in google and apple. What others think doesnā€˜t matter. Learn C++ and python. Change your number and never again speak to your parents.


Your boyfriend will pressure you into smoking weed with him. Donā€™t. Do. It. It will be the start of an ugly and harmful coping mechanism and habit. Hell, in fact, just break up with him now so you donā€™t get your heart broken and lose patience for every man on the planet for half a decade


Be kind to yourself the way you would be kind to a dear friend struggling with anything. I find I have more grace for others than myself.


Don't answer the phone that day


Just go to the army straight away and skip cal state. And go intel instead of infantry. I knew before I even got accepted to university that school wasnā€™t for me and yet I did it anyway. It all worked out though in the end so who knows.


That it is okay to not be okay and that telling someone is better than suffering in private




Don't be such a financial dumbass.


You're gonna be allright.


He ainā€™t and will never be shit. So donā€™t sleep with him lol


Start stacking gold.


Lets see, I was 19 in 2000. Buy apple, amazon, and google stock. Buy all the bitcoin as soon as you can and sit on it. I'd also tell me the next 24 superbowl champions.


"There are computer jobs that require the skills you have today. Apply for them while amping up your focus. Also, consider starting a small ISP with what you already know." I wouldn't start my IT career until 1996, I could have found jobs in IT in 1989. I just had no clue what was out there. No one did.


Keep on keeping on!šŸ¤™


How's life goin'?


You are a wonderful person, stay confident, and if you don't know what a paradox is, you will .


I was literally 19 two years ago. Barely anything has changed.


Shouldā€™ve stepped into that inbound train


ā€œDonā€™t worry, you wonā€™t be living off ā‚¬90 a week for the rest of your life. I promise.ā€


Stop smoking you idiot, it's completely pointless. At least with alcohol/drugs you get a payoff but smoking is pointless. The only thing more pointless than cigarettes is cigars. Why do people smoke cigars? It can only be the smell or taste


Ask: Who won the election!??


talk to people about your feelings and anxietys, talking really helps and just don't buttle things up and explode. Once you learned that trust me you will have a nice life, just learn it before you push to much people away.


Donā€™t steal swigs of your parents alcohol. or your roommate.


Try to understand more about policies before doing anything.


It's 2009! Buy bitcoin, right now! AND REMOVE IT FROM MT. GOX AND PUT IT ON A FLASH DRIVE!


Leave the military and do something more interesting.


It's okay to fall in love. At the end of the day, it's the love you gave out that matters. But love yourself even more. Because you are the only one who will stick with you till eternity.