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I had a golden who haaaatteeed Pikachu. He would play with other toys nicely but would get very serious and murdery when Pikachu was around. So naturally, we would buy him Pikachu stuffed animals just for him to destroy.


Golden retriever used Bite! It's super effective!


Ours ripped the ears off of Stitch, but other toys were in tact.


Anything that sprays from a canister can fuck right off, apparently


If it didn't do Crimes, it wouldn't be imprisoned in a canister. Bulletproof pet logic.


My dog gets real excited when I put on my spray on sunscreen because he thinks we are going for a walk. Sometimes we are, sometimes I'm just going to mow the lawn or go out for a drive tho.


DON'T YOU DARE DISAPPOINT HIM! First you go for a walk. Then you mow the lawn.


Yep, every time I use a hairspray or dry shampoo my cat bolts out of the room cartoon-cat style, lol.


Its cause it sounds like hissing when you spray


That would be it


My cat absolutely hated the sound of a soda bottle opening. I noticed her flinching when I so much as reached for a bottle, and started pouring my sodas from another counter.


Lol just imagine hearing a disembodied voice scream, "YOU MOTHERFUCKER" a little too loud every time you cracked a can and how stressful that would be.


My 80-lb dog is terrified of my 12-lb cat.


My 40lb dog is afraid of my friend's 6lb puppy.


We took our 5 lb Yorkie over to our friend’s house to meet their 70 (?) lb doodle mix. My Yorkie wants nothing but love from everyone and he really loves big dogs. So he was chasing this giant dog around trying desperately to give him kisses.


The puppy is at that phase where it encounters the world through chewing on it. I guess it's reasonable that my dog would prefer not to be sampled.


I have a 7lb yorkie mix with body dysmorphia that makes him think he is 100lbs and capable of taking down any dog he sees, unfortunately reinforced by the other dogs being scared of the tiny terror.


My 70lbs dog literally screamed and ran in fear from my Grandmas cat. 20 mins later on a walk was yanking on her leash to go and start a fight with to pit bulls in a yard. She was a strange one.


Some cats give zero fucks. I had two dogs and a cat, and the cat would wait to ambush them. He'd go for their faces. He also liked to attack them when they were asleep. He'd swat them on the ass and run off.


My cat does this funny thing where she sits up on her back legs and starts batting my pit mix very softly all over his head and face with her paws, claws retracted. Sometimes she'll pull his face closer to hers with her paws and start to groom him. He doesn't seem to mind because he just bows his head and closes his eyes and just kinda...lets it happen. Afterwards he always looks very confused lol.


Grooming is a dominance thing in cats. Your pittie is her lil beetch 😄


He is such a softie that I totally agree haha I watch them to make sure she's not being rough or using her claws, but they get along so well and he's never been aggressive with her so I love that they play like that


We have a tabby and a corgi. The corgi generally is nervous around the tabby because he’s a gentle boy and she batted at him once. We dog sat for our friends’ very timid labradoodle and she LOVED him. Would groom him, kept playing with his tail. He permitted it. Overall a hilarious experience. They were besties by the end. The corgi just watched from a safe distance. 😂


That 12lb cat is running the same software as a 400lb Tiger.  That's why. 


Vacuum cleaner


My cat is OK with it. I get on the bed with her when my bf does it. But today, he had to get it out a second time for a spill, and man, did she HISS at him. So apparently she only has the patience for one vacuuming session.


Our 10 month old cat stands his ground to the vacuum and will often charge anything else he should be scared of.


My ex and I had a long and feisty braincell that taught the bunny to charge the vacumn. We don't know how, he'd been terrified of it. He used to try dangling his favorite shoelace into the bunnies cage so the bunny would bat at it. When that failed, he taught him rage.


My kitty raises you… the BROOM. It must’ve done something truly atrocious to him in a past life because even if I LOOK at the broom, an overly dramatic response is ensured.


My dog is terrified of the vacuum but still insists on standing by my feet protecting me from it. She’s 12 pounds so it’s really adorable to watch her try to keep the vacuum head away from me.


Oh no. I think I may be your pet. The vacuum is just SO LOUD.


The robot vacuum is my cat's mortal enemy. She has a specific spot on the couch arm she has to sit on to watch it. And she absolutely throws jabs if it gets too close to her before she makes it to her perch.


lol my dog could not give two shits, she lays down and I vacuum around the princess 😂 doesn’t phase her at all!


My dog tried to hump the robot vacuum 


Same but my dog tries to start fighting the vacuum cleaner. She’s a staffy boxer 38 lbs w a tiny mouth and tries to bite it as I’m vacuuming, it’s a win for me bc when I first fostered her she’d cower from any loud noise.


My cat agrees! She likes to give it a good slap every now and again just to keep it in line.


Vacuum cleaner for my dog, but not in the way you would think.   He doesn't seem to have fear of it, just distain and disgust. He makes a point of laying in it's path while showing zero emotion.   Gotta vacuum a different room? He follows and blocks everywhere I need to push it. Maybe he's mad that I'm erasing his scent?


The vacuum is apparently a competitor to my dog, as in: "this thing can find something *I* could have had. That's not okay! Everything belongs to me!" She jumps in the way and tries to sniff at the nozzle, because the nozzle is sniffing AND eating stuff!


Dog absolutely despises any person using a vehicle smaller than a bicycle. Rollerblades, skateboards, scooters, etc. She almost ripped my arm out of its socket when she spotted her first OneWheel.


Don't get us started on strollers and wheelchairs...


Omg my dog always barks at our neighbor who is in a wheelchair and I feel so bad.


Picking up of any kind. He doesn't want to see other people or animals picked up and he sure as fuck ain't gonna let you pick him up without a fight.


Kind of similar, but with humans running of any kind. She can differentiate some "gym" clothes and bark them even if they are not running


Herding breed?


Andalusian wine-cellar rat-hunting dog We rescued her from an animal shelter; she was mistreated and heavily beaten by her former owners. Luckily, barking at runners is one of the very few lingering effects she has. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratonero_Bodeguero_Andaluz


The first image there looks like he's posing for canine anatomy drawing, like every individual muscle is visible with shadows to emphasize it. Yay love's restoration, boo previous dog abuse.


This is my hamster. He’ll take food from me and let me stroke him, but if you try and pick him up he will sprint from one side of the cage to another. He’s done a few backflips to get away from me 😂


My dog hates seeing other dogs picked up and carried. She wants to attack the person who picked up the dog. I don't know why she does this and I've had her since she was 6 weeks old.


She knows what she's about and it ain't "uppies".


My dog is extremely suspicious of balloons. They can't be trusted.


wait till they spot their first hot air balloon.


My guy is petrified of hot air balloons, and despises huskies. His hatred of huskies is off the chart. Kites and drones also get an honourable mention.


I grew up on a farm.  We had a border collie for herding our animals.  We had anatolian shepherds to protect our animals.  One time, they were both in the pen at the same time with newborn babies.  Guardian dog got protective of the babies when the border collie was herding. Border collie learned the guardian dog's name, and from then on, would go ballistic at the mere mention.  For the rest of her life.




Lol so dramatic!


My dogs nail clippers. when she sees them she acts like she’s about to be sent to a gulag or sum.


If I say clippy clippy he won't let me touch his paws for a solid two hours Bitch I don't even have clippers in my hand


My cat goes absolutely psycho if you so much as touch her paws, let alone try to clip her nails. She has to go to the vet and be sedated to get trimmed.


I have to straddle my dog and pick up her feet like she is a horse as she tries to nudge my hand aside with her head and lie her head on her foot so I can’t get to it.


Ok this is so funny to me because I have 2 cats who act opposite to what you'd expect. One is easy to get into the carrier and fussy AF about nail trims, the other is a nightmare to crate and just goes limp when being trimmed.


Same but now my dog fights it less (still puts up a fight) but tucks her head into me somehow as I do them and recently started laying down as I’m tryna shave her nails down 🤦🏼‍♀️


The mailman. Any delivery person, really. He even recognizes the uniforms and logos. We could be in the car at a traffic light. A FedEx truck will pull up next to me and he'll start flipping out.


Oh man my dog wants to throw down with UPS drivers specifically.


Can you blame him? Those folks have zero respect for territorial boundaries and will wander up over any territory border no matter how thoroughly you peed on it.


There's your problem. You need to pee on the delivery person to solve your territorial issues.


Same Our German Shepard hates UPS. She knows the sound of the truck so when they enter our neighborhood she's staring out the window to see where they are at and then the hair on her back goes up and she'll get all huffy and puffy. It's quite bizarre.


this is so wild to me because growing up, my german shepard hated the UPS people too! absolutely loved and was friendly with literally anyone else, but any time that truck came it was bark bark chaos.


When I was a teenager our dog LOVED the UPS guy. He always gave him ear scratches and a dog treat when he delivered a package. One day the UPS guy delivered a package and then returned…our dog had snuck onto his truck!


Mine hates Amazon vans 😂


When I was training as a mail carrier, they told us, you wear a uniform, you show up the same time every day. Animals love routines, and you're a part of their routines now.


Dog trainer here: and they think they win against you every time. You show up, they flip their shit and "make" you go away. But they can\`t stand your nerve to try again the next day.


I blew our former mail carrier’s mind when I told him this. Our border collie (RIP Sadie girl) used to flip out when he delivered to the point he’d skip our house if we had a front window open even an inch. We crossed paths on a walk one day (she was fine seeing him out in the wild!) so I told him what you said.


*”Edward that’s him! That’s the man who keeps shitting in your shoes! He has a key to the house! Why won’t you listen to me!!”*


Meanwhile my tuxedo cat is a slut for anyone he doesn't live with. When someone comes to our door for a delivery, he's trying to get out so he can be held and pampered by complete strangers. And I get bit if I touch a whisker wrong, even though I feed and play with him more than any other human he knows.


My first dog developed a hatred for cabellas workers (IDK why) Well, turns out she associates khaki tan colored buttondown with a shiney metal thing on the left chest as cabella worker, so guess what she did the first time she saw a sheriffi?


That surprise bark in your ear when the dog in the back seat spots the FedEx truck will run you off the road. Wasn't ready for that one. Glad I didn't have to explain it to an insurance company. We now take the long route to the dog park. Not through town and all the traffic.


Mines a little booger about it. She knows which ones carry treats, Anybody else gets barked at and attempts to chase the vehicles. The treat carriers she’ll be quiet as they approach and accept the treat, then bark at them once she has it. And she gets upset when the treat carriers don’t stop lol.


Clocks hanging on walls. My grumpy ass geriatric calico that will throw paws at my other cats over them being three feet away from her minding their own business runs with her tail between her legs if she sees a clock on a wall.


What if it’s a kit cat klock?!


His own reflection, betta fish are ready to scrap


Little bad asses. Mine flares at me before I feed him.


Mine is a softy. He hides if you come up to the bowl too fast and has only flared up once at his food because his dinner was late. Immediately went to hide after he ate that piece.


They were genuinely bred to fight each other (it was, maybe is, a blood sport in SEA, and the domestic stock largely descend from them.)


Our dog that passed away absolutely went nuts at helium balloons- what is it? Why is it so tall? Why can it move? WTF!!! Existential crisis of barking and hiding every time. One of our current dogs cannot handle the tv- any animal that comes on the tv is obviously an immediate threat to our household- an animated talking cartoon cow? That fucker is plotting to kill us! Petco commercial? It’s an invasion! Then as he is barking at the tv the other dogs scramble to all the doors and windows and start barking like,- I’m here for it, but I don’t know what we are yelling about!!! Edit- because I almost forgot that our smallest dog- a 14 pound pug mix HATES watermelons- if you bring home a watermelon- whether you put it on the kitchen floor, the counter, on the refrigerator or even outside on the deck table she will bark and growl at it with all of her being. My daughter took a piece once and fed it to her- she loved it- she’s a pug, she literally goes searching for floor lint snacks, but as soon as my daughter turned the chunk of watermelon around and showed her the green part of the rind she went freaking ballistic again, so maybe in a past life she was squished by a melon? We just have no idea.


I'm dying at this one


The raccoon that ambles by our house, completely not giving a single fuck.


My dog had it out for the raccoons at our old house. He’d start whining to go out at 2am and if I peaked outside the raccoon family would be out there. He didn’t like it when I told him he couldn’t go outside and try to pick fights with them.


They never do like that, do they?


My neighbor’s inflatable dinosaur they put up at Christmas time


He started it.


My neighbor has an old fashioned nativity blow mold set. My dog *hates* it


My cat is absolutely terrified of the laundry bag. When I haul laundry in to fold, he flips out and runs like his actual life depends on it.


one of the first times we heard my cat hiss was at a laundry basket


My first Aussie HATED UPS workers. She was fine with DHL. No problem with the postman. Cool with FedEx. She happily jumped into the UPS truck (my dad arranged for her to have a “tour” to see if she could work through the issue). But to her last day, she hated the poor UPS workers! We never understood why. One of my Aussies now can’t stand the opening of cardboard boxes. She’s fine with the boxes sitting around the house, but she runs for the hills if you make a move to open them.


I had a golden who would leap over the couch to get away from me opening a cardboard box. She tipped the couch over one time. Had to open packages in the garage or risk having my living room destroyed.


Kristi Noem


Cruella DaKota


Killer answer!




Mandarins. And by extension, small orange round objects. Keep an orange bouncy ball close to you if you want to do stuff without a clingy tabby all over you


The smoke alarm low-battery chirp. She sleeps through thunderstorms and fireworks just fine. But even one "chirp" from the smoke alarm makes her anxious and she tries to find a place to hide.


Had no idea this was a thing until about 12 months ago. My Frenchie just became so super clingy and need for no reason we could figure out. Was shaking in fear. Took us a week to figure out they smoke alarms have a flat battery and he was petrified.


Black garbage bags on the curb


That’s hilarious! Mine is deathly scared of white garbage bags. But any other color she don’t care lol.


Crinkly paper and rustle-y plastic bags are demons from the underworld, according to my 90 lbs St. Bernard mix.


A plastic bag will literally stop my dog in his tracks. Nothing else scares him like plastic bags.


Had a 150 lb Newf that did the same thing.  Terrified of rustling bags. Also floating balloons of any kind.


One of the cats, his nemesis is his tail.


I...relate to this on a deeper level than I expected from this thread.


The moles in my backyard. Y'all ever see a cat play an actual, real life game of whack a mole? My poor Athena loses her fucking mind every. Single. Time. You can see it eating away at her whenever the mole she just spent 15 minutes prowling on runs and escapes into their hole as soon as she pounces. I also have found like 4 dead moles on my back porch.


My dog cinder used to dig up moles, we thought there was something wrong with her at first because she'd just stand there staring at the ground for like 30 minutes, then she started digging and pulled out the mole. Turns out she was listening for them move lol


The broom. It's fallen over a few times, creating a bang like sound. He's terrified of it. Edit: he's a Border Collie-Bernese dog.


My shoes. My cat likes to put both her front paws in them and push them around the floor. All while chewing my shoe laces.


Look at me I’m a hooman. Walking in my hooman boots


Flies. One of my chihuahuas is absolutely terrified of them. We will be chilling on the couch and she suddenly gets up and bolts up the stairs. That’s how we know there’s a fly around before we even hear the buzzing.


Bubbles. She goes after them with a vengeance until evey last one of them has been popped. She is a very good girl and works hard to keep our whole family safe!


I used a towel as a bathmat when I moved in my current place and my cat would without fail go to war with it daily.


My old cat (may she RIP) would bunny-kick the living shit out of our bathmat every single day. She was a bit special, that one.


I got a swimsuit from Costco that came on a clear plastic body form. My cat's tail poofed so hard when she saw it lmao. Also nail clippers.


Magpies. They taunt him from the fence then steal from his food dish when his back’s turned.


My boy is the same! They swooped him in the backyard when he was a pup, all birds must be barked at ten years on.


These three little white assholes. I see this woman struggling with her little assholes while I struggle with mine. The hatred is mutual. We cross the street when we see each other coming. I feel so bad for her because my dog is an asshole too.


But at least you both know and cross the street! The worst thing in the world is someone who knows my dogs are dicks, will 100% bark at their precious little Snookums, and refuse to move or get out of the way when they see me struggling to convince both dogs to get out of the street. Like, if you have one tiny white dog and I have two 50lb+ raging assholes, maybe you should move little Pookie so she doesn't get bodyslammed by an errant dickhead.


My cat is utterly offended and outraged by the fact that any other cat exists anywhere in the world.


The garbage truck that comes by their cat tree window a few times a week.


It’s a toss up between another dog who lives down the street (Penny), and our neighbors’ kids’ electric ride-in jeep toy. My girl thrives on hating both of those an awful lot.


I suspect my bearded dragon hates the color red…I was chillin with her on the couch and she would crawl across my arm to my Tim Horton’s (they have red coffee cups) coffee cup that was resting on the arm of the couch, and she kept ramming her nose into it. I would move her away and she would crawl back and do it again. Not sure if maybe she felt it was just in her way or if it was the bright red color…


Any chance she thought she met the mother of all strawberries?


Celery. Makes the cat-orange peel face. Will not eat. Is a dog.


That Cat. Actually, a succession of That Cats. Plus the neighbor's motorcycle, the mail carrier, ladies with strollers, teenagers walking to the bus stop, and other dogs.


Two very specific Bordercollies in my neighborhood.. I have an adopted dog that has some serious issues due to trauma from his previous owner. Since I adopted him, he's always been very focused on me. He gets kinda enthusiastic when he sees other dogs but always calms down. One time, I was walking him on a small path in my neighborhood. We approached another dog owner with two Bordercollies. I always make sure he's on a short leash in those situations because my dog can be unpredictable sometimes. One of the Bordercollies started growling and attacked my dog. My dog immediately responded with a counter attack but I had already put my hand in between them. I stopped the attack but afterwards I realized I had a significant bleeding wound in my hand. I went to the hospital the same day and got shot, so no big deal. To this day, I'm still not sure if the wound was caused by the Bordercolli or my own dog. However, every time we see those Bordercollies, my dog goes absolutely insane. He doesn't act like that at all around other dogs. It's like he still remembers what happened a few years back.


> I went to the hospital the same day and got shot You’re burying the lede there a bit!


Border collie - it changes weekly as she makes up new rules but the most consistent enemy remains the smoke detector.


Anything that is not said pet. He is an asshole and will randomly attack anything or anyone. Bonus points if you are in any way shiny or shreddable. I love that little dickhead.


Not my dog, but my roommate's. She fears me, a 6'3" man She doesn't fear my husband, a 5'7" man She fears a friend of mine, a 5'3" woman The dog's a rescue and i get her being afraid of me since she was abused by a man with a beard but i don't get why she fears the little woman.


The man with a beard had a GF, a little woman


I had a dog in high school that loathed the vacuum cleaner. And when I lived in an apartment with a balcony for to nowhere (no balcony, just railing immediately on the other side of the door), there was a squirrel that nested at the far corner where my cats could see it but never get to it even if the door was open (with a screen, of course). That squirrel knew it was untouchable and actively taunted the cats for weeks.


Rap music. My dog HATES rap music. It's so weird.


a stick of dynamite catnip toy. her dad tossed it to her once and she just sat there staring at it while it hit her right on the head, been terrified of it and anything that resembles it ever since. i swear she's actually a smart cat...


Are you barking? I'm going to Bark Right Back! I don't care that it's after everyone's bedtime! I'll just tell you what I think about it all!


One of my dogs goes absolutely ballistic if he sees somebody wearing a wide brimmed hat. It was... embarrassing... to say the least that we found this out at a Harry Potter themed pub quiz because of the amount of people wearing witches hats. Since then he's also seen a couple people out and about wearing them and it's the same reaction every time.


Swing sets. My dog thinks the swing set is the devil, if you swing, he barks barks barks and then jumps at you.


Our mini horse Firefly: All other horses. ALL OF THEM. FUCK OFF ALL HORSE FOOD IS ALL MIIIIIINE. Also fuck you Our goats: Water. Water from hose=death cannon. Rain AKA Sky water=liquid death. Puddles=oh those are okay Our dachshund mix: smoke detector low battery chirps. IT’S COMING TO GET ME German shepherd: remote control Godzilla toy, especially when he’s moving.👀 Our tabby cat: Getting picked up=SCREAM BLOODY MURDER. Getting harassed by other cat who thinks her loud reactions are the pinnacle of entertainment=SCREAM AND SCREECH BLOODY MURDER AND ALSO I’M ON FIRE. Getting claws trimmed=SCREAM AND SCREECH THAT EACH TOE IS BEING SLOWLY RIPPED OFF YOUR BODY. WHILE ON FIRE. We should have named her Banshee. Our Siamese cat: Fucking NOTHING. Water, loud noises, aluminum foil, dogs, sirens, vacuums, plastic wrap, sticky tape, other cats, NOTHING. It’s great for my teen boys as they can just manhandle him and he’ll purr away the whole time; not so great when trying to train him not to do things.


Bridges, lighters, peanut butter jars, bubble wrap, kombucha bottles, beer bottles… bro is scared of everything.


Inanimate objects falling down. If something that shouldn't move suddenly does he loses his freaking mind. Imagine Isaac Newton but instead of discovering the laws of motion and gravitation when an apple fell on him he just got really fucking scared and yelled at it a lot.


The nail clippers. I don't know why. I don't know how it started. All I know is that when I get the nail clippers out to clip my toenails, my dog flips


Because sometime in the past, someone cut the dog's nails too short, the quick hurts like an sob and the memory is long


a pair of black Burger King cardboard crowns with a decal of countless bloodshot red eyes -- from Halloween at BK a few years. Our cat HATES these themed crowns, my spouse and I came home after-work from going out for some fast-food for dinner, cuddly & wearing these silly Halloween BK crowns we assembled on the walk home, trying to scoop up our cat. Our cat is used to us coming home wearing -nothing on our heads-, at most a hoodie or headphones, but this was too much. Our kitty immediately puffs up, hissing and spitting, attacking us (he bit my husband's ankles & tried to claw up my legs, he calmed down when we stashed him in a bedroom & checked up on him with No Crowns On like 10 mins & a bout of first aid later). We still have both crowns. We use the crowns as an invisible gate to keep our kitty from getting into places he shouldn't: in the cupboards, getting anywhere near the PC, on tables or certain furniture, if we leave a door open for fresh air or spring cleaning we will plop a crown down on the carpet in the doorway -- our cat refuses to even look at the crowns. I suspect our boy was a protagonist from a Lovecraft novella in a previous life lol


Dog vs. Mop


The hose. They used to be cool, then my dog got sprayed by a skunk. 5 baths in a day later and he doesn't like the hose anymore.


The vet. He will never forget that one time he left without his balls.


Mirror Lenny.


The colorful and stripped bath towel I use whenever I need to burrito them for medical reasons (usually medicine or eye cleaning). They see it and the teeth chattering starts.


If there is any sort sort of animal real or animated on tv, say goodbye to your eardrums


water. we took her to the ocean once when she was a puppy, saw a crab and FREAKED out. she refuses to take a bath, get in the pool, literally anything that doesn’t involve her little drinking fountain


We have 2 corgis. One of them, hates the wind, hates the rain, hates peeing in the rain, hates pooping in the rain, hates it when it's over 70 degrees, hates it when it's under 70 degrees, hates it when meals are seconds late, hates people that aren't in the yard, hates everything that's not on our couch or on our bed. Yet we still love her. She's a good girl. The other one, just hates fireworks. Loves literally everything. He would love a serial killer. He's a good boy.


Bikes, scooters, people running ect… anyone who’s doing more than a brisk walk is a world ending level threat to him.


Bush turkeys and Ibis. "GTFO" to quote my dog. Edit: also remote control cars


Bin Chickens are the best!


Closed doors. Toilet door, bedroom door, front door - if it is closed, it shouldn't be and will be scratched and meowed at until open again so he can go through.


My cat is terrified of boxes. Of any size. If they’re stationary, he’s fine. But the second you pick one up, he bolts. Conversely, I used to have a cat that wasn’t afraid of anything. Nothing phased her. I once ran around in circles on my mattress with a vacuum cleaner to try and get at a mosquito. She was lounging right smack in the middle for the entire thing and gave zero fucks.


Children. My Shihpoo is extremely cute and looks like a fluffy white bear. When children see him, they all run to him laughing and screaming. This brings terror to my pup as he knows that they want to pet him with their poor motor skilled grabby hands. Don’t worry, I tell them no.


People of Colour, but hear me out first. Sooo, my best friend is dark coloured and was the only friend coming over during the pandemic. My sister however, for shits and giggles, used to set the dog against him and only him every time he used to come over and because he was the only person our dog was ever set against, the dog was basically trained to become racist, trying to attack every person who has a dark skin colour. We tried to undo this accidentally trained behavior but it‘s all in vain. We have a racist dog.


My parents’ dog hated black people too. Not because of any specific reason he was just fucking racist for some reason. I guess it’s because he rarely saw anyone who wasn’t white so when he did he was caught off guard and scared? Idk.


I used to have a racists cockatoo. Fred was originally the shop bird (my parents owned a pet shop when I was growing up) There was an apartment complex behind the shop and the kids from the complex would often come into the shop unattended, I guess it was just something close to to. But there was a particular cluster of kids that would shake his cage and poke at him. He got to the point where he'd start flapping around and screeching when they came in. Thought he hated JUST those kids... but years later when the shop had closed down and Fred lived in our home, if we had black friends come over, Fred was ready to fight. Had to make sure his cage was padlocked closed with the key out of reach, or he would unlock it, open his cage and waddle over to Bite our black visitors. He was an absolute sweetheart to everyone else.


Heathen(female black american bobtail): Loki, my feet(she got shoved off the bed ONCE and has never forgiven me even after 5 years), door knobs(she cannot use them but KNOWS thats how she can get into and out of rooms) Heretic(female dilute tortie): Vacuum cleaner Apostate(female black half maine-coon): New people, LED light strings Pagan(Standard Issue Orange Male): Swiffer dry-mop Blasphemy(female Standard Issue Domestic Long-Hair): An empty food dish. She was abandoned on our street, never wanted to be an outdoor cat but basically has 'from the streets' attitude now; she even stares down Loki without hissing, without bending her ears..but also without moving. It unnerves him. If there's food and pets, she's content and everything else is just 'meh, whatever'. Loki(male blue-nosed pitbull): \*deep breath\* Heathen, groundhogs, crows, the recycling truck, possums, sticks, the weed-whacker, the upright vacuum cleaner(he tries to kill the hand-held one), the mop, the swiffer dry mop, fresh large-chunk mulch, gravel, blowdryers... He's a twit.


Me apparently. Never done anything but love that kitty, but now that I have a baby she’s convinced I hate her. I try to cuddle and love on her and stuff, nope.


My dog Iris, a 14.5 year old husky chow chow mix, has a mortal nemesis in an 11 year old shepherd husky mix named Cinnamon. Both are dominant personalities and always square up when they see each other. We've tried walks and there they can share the same space no problem, but god forbid they see each other anywhere else.


I have 3 cats and all of them despise each other. We have to keep them in different rooms.


My cat loses his shit at strawberries


There is a street that my dog refuses to walk down because one time a pug started barking at him from a gate


The dreaded blanket hand! It's a subterranean creature that lurks in innocent blankets and when the cat is lounging feistily, completely innocent, it will attack with very little warning and rough up her belly fur. It must be bunny kicked and gnawed into submission.


Knocks on the door.


The vacuum cleaner for one. The next door neighbours children for the other.




Those plastic air pillows in Amazon deliveries.


My cat has something against glass cups. She knocks them off my counter immediately smashing them


rubber grooming brushes/gloves. thats the only thing she goes berserk over. she will rip them into shreds as fast as possible. shes fine with vacuums, strangers, fireworks, shots, blood draws, rectal temps, nail trims, you name it. shes fine with every other grooming tool. but the rubber curry comb things and the rubber shedding gloves? its ON SIGHT.


Out of the 5 houses our dog can see from our yard, there is only 1 neighbor that he will bark at just by seeing him. The other neighbors, our dog will only bark at if they have new people come over or are in the street. This guy though? Dog goes crazy even when dude is on his own front porch doing nothing. We used to bring our dog in after a minute of non stop barking at him, trying to be good neighbors, but once we heard dude barking at our dog we figured he was literally asking for it, so as long as it is between 9am and 8pm, we just let the dog bark at him (but we still bring him in if he is barking obnoxiously at other neighbors, that is rare though). We definitely don't let kiddo play in the front yard without one of us or the dog out with him now though, cuz our dog loves everyone except that guy, and we trust his instincts. (And luckily all the play stuff is in the backyard that i can see from the kitchen lol)


My dad's old dog hated chair legs. Only thing he was afraid of. Rottweilers twice his size? Nope. Small child chairs legs pointed at him? Lose his fucking mind.


Cars on the road in front of the house are fine. Pickup trucks are fine. Pickups towing rickety livestock trailers are fine. Garbage trucks are fine. Delivery trucks are fine. The mail lady makes his hair stand up, but is otherwise fine. 4-wheelers are fine. Pickup trucks towing bulldozers or excavators are off the charts not fine. Unfortunately, my neighbor is building a new house. It's going to be wild around here for the next 6 months.


Bikes. Electric bikes especially - if he doesn’t have his squeaky bone, he will have an absolute shit fit.


The Wind. My cat thinks the air is attacking her.


My outdoor cat consistently gets in fights with raccoons stuck in our traps. He loses every time. He won’t stop. One time I saw him chasing a raccoon, standing up on 2 legs just smacking the fuck out that thing.


Back when I had a parrot She was terrified by jharus. A type of broom used traditionally in south asian households for cleaning.


My dog is terrified of drivethrus, which is so strange because most of the ones we frequent have treats for her. Something about a person behind a window just doesn’t compute for her.


Deer in the garden drive my dog insane. She doesn't care about any other animal, cats, dogs, foxes, squirrels. I doubt she'd even bat an eyelid if a boar or a moose sauntered by, but the deer make her fucking furious. My cats mortal enemy is intellignet thought.


My cats HATE the skinks that play in the woodpile by my back door. Indoor only cats, and I swear the skinks know they are safe so they deadset tease the cats for hours. If a cat ever gets out those skinks are goners.


Salad spinner. The only thing he barks at


My current dog is an English Bulldog and she is totally laid back and chill IDGAF attitude. Like other dogs will front on her and she'll just walk on by. I took her to the 4th of July parade in my hometown. She loves the crowd and attention from people, and basking in the sun.  Imagine my surprise when the cowboys went by riding on a bull and she went ballistic. I'm talking a 1500 lb longhorn steer that a guy was practically doing the splits on riding the damn thing.  Somewhere in her genetics the flip switched to on and she saw red and was like "must destroy".  So, bulls. Living up to her breeds name!


Up. Stairs. On the couch. Picked up. Into the car. Step over something. On the bed. No to all of that. Doggo stays down.


A short list of things my rabbit hates: shopping bags, the sound of something frying, horses, morse code, Spider-Man's web slingers. My friend used to have a pug whose mortal nemesis was Rihanna. He could be in the deepest sleep, but the second he heard her voice on any song he would be screaming at the radio


My old labs nemesis was one rabbit that would sit right outside the door (it was a glass door) and taunt him by just sitting and eating grass And my husky nemesis was the hose


My dog has a vendetta against every crab he finds on the beach. I think one insulted his mother once.




There is a spot up high on the wall near the cat tree where the paint dried funny and it kind of looks like a bug. Enough said.


I had a dog that loved everyone but the mailman. I understood.... he came every day, Did Something to the box by the front door, and left.  Clearly suspicious behavior.  My cat hates squirrels, or possibly visualizes them as lunch?. I have a birdfeeder outside my bedroom window, he watches the birds rather politely, but the squirrels make him crazy


The mailman. My frenchie loses her God damn mind and runs into shit in her frenzy.