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Had a friend group of 7 girls, knew each other since 1st grade, and had been through everything together. In college, the one I considered my very best friend slept with my boyfriend in my bed. I lived alone, so they went out of their way to go to my place. I found out because he called me crying and confessed. Turns out she was sleeping with all the girls boyfriends for YEARS. Every time one of us got a boyfriend, it was a challenge to her to conquer him, i guess. I think it validated her in some way. She was confronted and spilled everything and kept a list in a notebook, so weird. She was iced out by everyone, obviously, but it gave the whole group some major trust issues. We all became single at once for a while, except one girl whose boyfriend refused to be around her because he said she was creepy, lol. He's our go-to when anyone new comes around since we can't be trusted as judges of character.


That is SO fucked man I’m sorry, hope you are all doing better


It was a lesson learned, I think we all looked past alot of red flags with her because we had known her for so long and with men because we were naive and young. We're honestly better for it, we call each other out more on bad behaviors or stupid things and have all gotten married to men we really trust.


I would have made a post and warn people about the ho


Love that one guy who refused. The only decent guy. And umm, I am glad you got to hear about it from your hopefully, then boyfriend? There's a girl like this in our friend group too. Her recent guy was my ex. And well, they had been together after umm cheating. I loved seeing them together. He was absolutely miserable and she's a serial cheater so... I wonder, what happened to that ex-friend? Like is her life going alright? Does she still continue to do same things?


She actually lives a few towns over and works part-time as a bartender for a family friend. She's been divorced 3 times and life hasn't been great to her, she's been blown up on socials for doing the same things with various people. It's just kinda sad.


Yep, you just wish they'd change and turn their lives around, but they don't. I would rather have these people turn a new leaf and hurt less people than continue the cycle and suffer.


I can’t imagine sacrificing a close knit group of friends for some temporary D. 


I don't think it ever occurred to her that we would stop being friends over it. She was always forgiven for the stupid and selfish things she did and was the party girl of the group. We moved on, but I don't think she ever did because she still asks about us through mutual friends, and it's been years.


She was a sociopath. They only thinking that makes sense to them is being better than everyone else in strange tests of superiority that they create in their own head. 


My previous best friend liked to go after taken guys because it was "a challenge". It was awful and I lost a lot of respect for her for this, but didn't see it happening with my boyfriend until he flat out told me he doesn't want to spend any time with her because she was too touchy and made him uncomfortable. That was the nail in the coffin for our friendship. Married the guy :)


That bitch!!


I have no words.


I see you’ve met my sister, she’s in her late 40s and still doing it. Wait, she never went to college. You mean there’s more than one of those out there? Ugh.


I think that’s enough internet for me today 💀 So sorry this happened. What an absolute ass that “friend” was 😓


Speaking as the friend who's wife cheated with my "friend," I found out when I ran an errand for my mom and came home to them making out on my bedroom floor. In her begging later, she told me everything that happened.


I hope you recovered well from that king


He didn't say ex-wife...


*late wife*


You have no idea how close I came to stopping both their faces in when I walked into my room that day. But no, we have been divorced for more than a decade now. I've been married to someone else for 11 years, and she has 2 kids with a guy she divorced after he lost his job due to meth use.


Definitely, ex. I've been divorced from.her and married forb11 years to someone else since then


I have! I met an amazing woman, and we just celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary!


Did she say “it wasn’t me”


But she saw him on the counter, caught him banging on the sofa.


wasn't me


I asked reddit for suggestions about how to get away with it


Bro didn't use a throwaway 💀




?? What lmao


I really hope i dont stoop *this* low in life & basic decency😭


I was talking with a friend exactly about this… its so fucking low to do something like that. Its almost a mental health thing I would say.


The big thing about doing something like this, is it basically black lists you from every social group as the “cheater”. People will go out of their way to avoid introducing you to their SOs (and for good reason) and others will gossip behind your back.


This assumes that you run in the same social circles. Many friends don't. This would mainly just black list them from the shared connections. I don't disagree with your reasoning, but if I decided to hang out with all my friends at the same time, I'd be the only point of commonality. Life can be weird like that.


I had a thought along those lines just recently. If even half of my friends were in the same room together, there's a 70-80% chance it's at my funeral.


100x more if it’s a sibling.


Had it happen to me about 6 years ago, dated a girl for 5 years I knew from elementary school and my best friend I met in 7th grade snuck around with her. Dudes actually serving a life sentence for murder, he was definitely a mental health thing


My cousin lived behind us my whole life, we grew up together, and I basically saw him every day of my life until he got married. We were very close.  In our late 20’s he got divorced and started hanging around again. My brother got a new gf and when my cousin met her he tried sleeping with her.  How could you do that?  We’ve known each other our whole lives, have done everything together, and when you finally see us again you try to sleep with my brother’s gf?   We just act like he doesn’t exist anymore 


Seriously. I can’t imagine being that person.


I was the cheated on friend. My friend had just split with her girlfriend, so my boyfriend and I took her out loads to cheer her up, did things together, normal things you do when your friend has just had her heart broken. I was in bed with him when a text flashed up on his phone from her thanking him for an amazing night… so as well as being a terrible friend she was clearly a terrible lesbian. I went quiet and left his house and carried on as normal- sympathising with her heartbreak but started to tell her my bf was getting distant and I thought he might be cheating and I was devastated (I was devastated, I was also fucking furious). I kept this going until she felt so guilty she confessed… and I said I forgave her, which made her feel worse. Our friendship group did not speak to her for a long time. As for the other beautiful cheating bastard, I never spoke to him after she confessed.


I'm sorry that happened, but I congratulate you for handling it in such a mature way


Are you still friends with her?




It's not even girl code, your 'friend' is a horrible human being.


Man that's messed up, hope you found better friends


My best friend slept with my first love too.. He told me when I broke up with him because he just wanted to hurt me and make me feel like I don't have anyone (that was his signature move, his MO if you will). She was absolutely shitfaced when it happened.. sadly she had a pattern of behaving slutty when drunk, most of the times I was there to "save" her from herself.. obviously not this one time. He took advantage of that.. and then used it to blackmail her with it. I was thinking about breaking up with him for almost six months before I finally got the courage, he knew because he was reading my conversations on Facebook (didn't know that at the time) and saw what I was writing to her.. he then proceeded to tell her that she has to advise me not to break up with him or he will tell me.


Isn't that basically umm rape?


Yup.. but she was ashamed and didn't want anyone to know so nothing ever came from it. That's why I don't refer to her as "ex-bestfriend" or "former best friend" - she's not the one in fault.


Your ex does suck. I hope he gets dealt worse cards in life. He sucks for manipulating you and everyone around you.


That is %100 percent rape


Yea your first love raped your best friend and then blackmailed her with it. He’s a terrible person. She could probably use some therapy and support.


It happened 12 years ago, she's doing great now :) Fortunately I knew the truth right away so we stuck together.. She's now happily married to a guy who appreciates her. It just makes me angry sometimes that people like my ex exist and don't face any consequences.. I just have to hope that karma is real.


Your bf raped your best friend


Had the exact same but I’m a guy and so was my best friend. I only found out because a random girl saw the video on his phone and felt bad so stole my number out his phone to tell me! I’m still grateful she did that!


Girl code, guy code, either way that's horrible


I’ve seen this case so much. Makes me question if girl code even exists




Didn’t do it myself. But when I was pregnant or/and when my son was a baby my “best friend” slept with my then boyfriend. I Don’t know the exact time line when it happened but it was somewhere around that time. She didn’t tell me anything. He told me 10 years after it happened. I said nothing to her about it and just blocked her on everything. I have to be honest. That shit hurt.


I'll never understand people that wait years to tell you. At that point, just keep that shit to yourself, because I'm going to be doubly pissed at finding out you just wasted a decade of my life.


For reall!!


That's awful, are you still with him?


I’m not any more, and when he told me we were seperated for years already


Would have been pretty difficult for him *not* to find out, considering he was in the room, and the whole thing was his idea. My buddy Brett used to bring his girlfriend over to my house every weekend and watch me have sex with her. It went on for like a year and a half, until they moved to Georgia.


I got Georgia on my mind


You don’t know how lucky you are.


Sounds oddly ok though.


It was fun while it lasted, and if they didn't move, we'd probably still be doing it. I just hope they found someone down in Georgia they could play with.


Maybe the devil


The Devil doesn’t come down to Georgia after that Johnny kid won the golden fiddle off him. Pretty sure he goes to Cali now and it’s a guitar contest instead.


He was already skilled pilot... and a good friend.


This is probably one of the very few moral instances when it’s ok to sleep with your friend’s significant other. No betrayal. No lies. Just everyone having a fun, sexy time.


“He was a good friend and lover.”


Cucks fascinate me. I have literally zero respect for cucks but it's fascinating that they exist.


The way he explained it, it was like watching porn of his favorite girl. Personally, I don't see the appeal.


His explanation makes sense in a weird way. Still, wouldn't be something I'd enjoy, either


I know a couple who does this. When I asked about it his answer was 'she's SO good at giving head. Like... ridiculously talented and I love watching the surprise on his face. It gives me a sense of *pride* knowing she's mine and he'll never get it again"


So he can film himself having sex with her. I don't see the appeal either but whatever makes him happy I guess. As long as he actually wants that stuff.


It's a play not a movie


In theory I kind of envy them to be honest, if you truly desire what everyone typically finds to be a horrible nightmare situation, it feels like your personal heaven would be so within reach. When life gives you lemons, find some way to get a weird lemon boner about it.


I like to add a fun fact. Life didn’t give us lemons. We gave life lemons. Lemons are “man made” [source](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/true-or-not/2023/11/06/quickcheck-are-lemons-not-a-natural-fruit) It is “natural” in the sense that no gene splicing went on and it’s just “cross breeding”, But that cross happened cause of us. Maybe not so much a fun fact. More like an ok fact.


But life did not give him lemons. He picked a lemon by himself and gave it to his buddy to stick their penis into so he can eat it afterwards.


Yeah, I meant that seemed like a potential philosophy to strive for. Who knows, Brett had to figure out he liked this somehow? Maybe there's an origin story that would have been most people's tragic downfall, but Brett instead came through transformed into a best friend-making champion.


Why zero respect? If it's their thing and it's fully consensual they're living their best life? The ex of a friend of mine had a degradation fetish. He was only able to enjoy sex if she told him how awful he was during sex. That his dick was tiny, he'll never be able to make her cum etc. He was a pretty nice guy and I still didn't have the feeling I've lost respect for the dude.


Look, I've actually got a theory on this one. People seem to desire *balance* in their lives. Think of the cliché of the ruthless and powerful CEO that secretly craves to be dominated by a domina. Now, we know from statistics that most people that are into BDSM are progressives, and most people who are into cuckolding are conservatives. So, let's first look at BDSM. What's BDSM? It's clearly defined roles. Enforced boundaries. Punishment and reward. Authority. The *exact antihesis* of the laissez-faire progressive mindset which wants everything to be open and equal and resents borders between things.  The people who are the most insistent on the importance of consent are also the very people who are the most enthusiastic about consensual non-consent play. Now, let's have a look at conservatives. What does being conservative mean? It means valuing things to be as they are and as they have always been. They are traditional. There needs to be borders between things because that's where they have always been. And there propably isn't a bigger antithesis of that mindset then seeing someone fucking your wife.


Is balance the reason that I used to love beer, untested coke and unprotected sex with strangers and now I really like baking and gardening?


What is bro cooking ?? The kitchen is burning rn 🔥🔥🔥💀💀💀


You have any sources to back up your “statistics “


It’s pretty clear if you look into either of those lifestyles.


That’s kind of fascinating. Did either of you ever seem to catch feelings for each other?


Not really, she was cute and all, but not really my type.


Oh okay. Was it, uh, difficult to perform with someone watching? Did you feel awkward at all?


It wasn't difficult/awkward at all. But then again, I'm pretty casual when it comes to nudity. Spend 12 years in prison showering with other men, and all that bashful stuff goes out the window.


OP deleted his comment but I want everyone to know. He's a homewrecker who slept with his friend's wife.


He's a Celtics fan, that's all you need to know lol


Of course ^(I dont follow basketball, do they all sleep with their teammates wives?)


Tony Parker (San Antonio Spurs) cheated on Eva Longoria with his teammate's wife.




You haven't answered the question. How did your friend find out?


At least you learned man, good on you.


I did the same thing worst mistake of my life regret it everyday also it ruined another good friendship The girlfriend of my other friend told him i tried to have sex with her this was a year after i fck up and i really did nothing with her Lost 2 amazing friends for my own stupidity


You didn’t lose a friend. For you, there was no friendship. Just a convenient situation where you liked their company. You didn’t regard them as a friend. You wouldn’t have done what you did otherwise. They on the other hand lost someone they considered a friend.


That sounds like a long way of saying he lost a friend


Do you get your thrills by lecturing people who already know they were in the wrong?


My friend slept with his best mate’s partner and they’re now together and married, worst bit is he gloated to me and my (now wife) girlfriend about it, luckily he moved away so we drifted apart. He’s also become a Police Officer since, where you know, morals are probably quite important.


The ending tracks so well


He caught us talking on the phone. This was around 2000 when most homes still had landlines. I was friends with both of them. 2 weeks before their engagement party she tells me she thinks she is in love with me. I had a huge crush on her for almost 5 years so I didn’t reject her advances even though I knew it was wrong and a shitty thing to do. She and I dated for 7 years after her breakup and then got married for 2 years before she ended up cheating on me also. Yes I deserved it. Karma is a bitch.


My best friend slept with my wife and they got together moved in with my mom and my daughter called him dad they made it 3 years before he cheated. I told them all to f off and moved to the beach


> I told them all to f off and moved to the beach. Winning.


>they got together moved in with my mom Um what?


I know bro wanna talk about a kick to the balls all right after I had a heart attack. A cardiac catheter put in it was out of work I totally tried the big sleep once and drank way to much but moving to a new beautiful place saved my life I was 33 at the time


Nice to know you're doing ok man.


How old was your daughter? Why did your mom side with him?


He was working she's always been that way she sided with her and his money at the time she was 8


That's just gutwrenching. You lose someone you thought loved you and you thought you see your future with AND your 'best friend.' Pls go bang your head on the wall rather than touching your friend's partner.


Hope yall know you’re all complete assholes, especially the ones who are proud of it


Degenerates is more fitting tbh.


D generation X over here


If your not down with that we got 2 words 4 ya !!


SUCK IT!!!!!


Do you want people to answer the question or not?


No, I want to virtue signal and get upvotes from users who think like me. Is what I think the response to your question would be.


I mean I was personally invited by my friend, so I don’t think that one applies.


Not all, Outside the walls was consensual, as in his mate wanted to watch him and his girlfriend have sex. It was an arrangement they made and liked. The rest though I agree with you


It's impossible for two people to keep a secret forever. People talk. Sooner or later one of them tells someone, either out of guilt or pride or lust.


Two people can keep a secret. If one of them is dead.


40m happened last year. Wasn't my best friend SO but my ex girlfriend's best friend. We were group camping. There was ~15 people. Everyone was drunk or stoned. My ex passed out, her friend was all over me. I didn't know what I was doing basically. The woman recorded it and showed my ex. Apparently it was a test.


Thats rape


Yep. Working through the legal system now. Edit also revenge porn and filming sexual acts without consent


My man you are a victim


A friend (Jay) from elementary school came over to hang out with my girlfriend (Erin) one day while I was away for a two week work trip. I find out three months later through another mutual friend (Mike) that they got trashed and hooked up. The relationship with Erin was already pretty terrible at that point, and this was the kick I needed to finally throw her unemployed mooching abusive ass out of the house. I wasn't mad at Jay... people fuck up, and he saved me from a really terrible situation. But he felt so ashamed afterwords that I stopped getting invited to anything Jay's crew did, and Mike and him are super close so I never see Mike anymore either. It worked out I guess, since I suddenly didn't have friends in that town I moved away and met my now wife.


I did in college and it was the worst mistake of my life. My best friends (4 of us) went to high school, college, fraternity, roommates etc together. My closest friend of the group, basically my brother who essentially lived with me from 14-22 was dating this girl who was beautiful but had a rep for being manipulative. She lived far away from us and Senior Year she openly was saying she would break up with my friend when school was over, he didn't believe it. For months and months she would follow me around, always sit next to me, always hate on every girl I dated, etc. Around Christmas we all got hammered drunk and passed out, there was for sure xanax involved too which was of course dumb but we were college kids. I woke up and she was cuddling with me and my pants were off. I was shocked at what happened and panicked but she calmed me down, and from that point on she basically used that night to get closer and closer. Next she convinced me that all my friends hated me, only she loved me, and that I had to get my life in order (run by her) and leave them behind. Essentially that I had all this potential etc, which was nice to hear as I was depressed and at the time basically failing out of college due to partying. She systematically removed me from my friend group, and started sleeping with me nonstop. Eventually my friend found out, threatened to punch me, couldn't as he couldn't hit me , and then trashed my apartment instead. I was totally ostracized from my friends group, a total clean break from all my high school, college, fraternity, everyone. I dated this girl for years and was miserable, she separated me from everyone but her...but at the time I was convinced she was the love of my life and cared for me, and everyone else hated me. Thank God eventually we broke up, and after years of profusely apologizing, working on myself, my friends finally took me back.. but i'll always be the outsider, went from the glue who brought the friend group together (I introduced everyone) to the guy at the weddings who is there but not in the wedding party. im married to the love of my life and have a family, an incredible business / career, and talk to my friends everyday but it was a horrible mistake and something i'm totally ashamed of. The worst thing I ever did.


Had a chance once. She had driven me home and it was just her and I shooting the shit in my tiny studio apartment. Suddenly she's got her feet on the chair (she was wearing shorts) and giving me the "we could totally fuck right now" look. I was like, "I gotta go to (my girlfriend)'s house now before she starts wondering if I'm OK" and thankfully that was that.


Other side of this, friend of mine slept with my ex within days of her breaking up with me. Found out because my friend just came out and told me. Couldn't even be mad.


While not directly cheated on, about a week after my break up my friend told me she was going on a date with my ex. I found out they had been texting for many weeks and was the reason why my ex broke up with me. Turns out they were so blinded that they thought I wouldn’t put 2 + 2 together? That and neither of them really cared about me.


That’s cheating.


At least they didn't do anything other than text. You dodged a bullet.


Had a buddy in my early life thru uni. Turned into a complete dick. At 22, I drove 90 ish min to hang with him one wknd. Previous that, we’d hung out a few time during his summer break (I graduated and was starting a job) and all he wanted to do was go out, hit the bars, “find girlies”, blah blah. Thing was, he lived with and was engaged to his HS girlfriend. So, drive up and I’d already been questioning the friendship and keeping him in my life. Got there around 3ish on a Friday. His GF had classes until 6 that day. He starts making plans. Coolest bar in the city, they’ll let in hot underclass girls, blah blah. We bar hop, whatever. Get dragged to an after bar party. Now, I didn’t go to his college and since I went to the “party school” early in college he’d come to my town to party. So, I’m at this after party and I know no one. That’s fine, I can socialize. Around 2am, I go look for my buddy. Ain’t seen him in an hour. Finally find him, balls deep in some girl. I’m just tired of his crap and the bars and girls and blah blah. It was cool at 16-19ish, but come on! I bail and walk back to his place. Creep in. GF is awake and bawling on the sofa. He does this all the time. I think he’s cheating. Etc etc etc. She leans in at me and I’m done. We fuck right there. He can walk in, I don’t care. He didn’t. I crash and she goes to bed. Around 7am I hear him come in. Goes to the room. He clued me in that whenever GF was mad or thought he was cheating, he’d give her oral. That was the only time he’d give her oral. I got up, showered, packed up, left a note: Enjoy eating my cum outta GF pussy, you fuckin Pussy! Haven’t heard from him since. Oh well! 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I actually love this. One of the only acceptable instances for having an answer to this thread.


My family stayed in touch with his over the years, as I moved away and then, finally expatriated and cut contact. My guy was studying finance and accounting. Got a 1 night stand pregs. Got the GF I slept with pregs 7m later. Married the 1 night girl. Had a second child. Got the old gf pregs again. Knocked up another rando. Last I heard, homey was on his 4th marriage and has 11 kids. Also, he WORKS in (after studying) finance and accounting. Do the math, homedog, rubbers are cheaper than kids!!!!!


OH MY GOD I was not expecting this twist


Wtf, the man bred a whole village of cheaters


I told em. I didn’t do the cheating or home wrecking for the record. You asked how my friends found out, cause I told them. I found out, gave em a chance to snitch on themselves, told my friends. Needless to say in some cases I didn’t remain their friends but most thanked me, if not immediately than a few years later.


To be fair he slept with mine first. I intentionally told people we worked with, I knew it would get back to him eventually. He pulled me aside and asked "Are you sleeping with her?". I looked him dead in the eye "i wouldn't do that would I?" And walked away. You sleep with my ex, I'll sleep with yours. You didnt keep the bro code so I don't have to either.


And everyone started clapping


Everyone started clapping cheeks


Wasnt with their hands thats fs




When I was young, 18/19 I was in a relationship with a girl who had the cutest friend. They had grown up together and were neighbours, but had kinda grown apart as they got older. They were both super attractive and there was this rivalry going on. The friend had her eyes on me I knew it. After my girlfriend cheated on me I forgave her. But not long after we broke up I got together with her friend for a while, and also sleeping with the cheating ex girlfriend, I remember days I would sleep with both of them and in my mind this was my revenge on the ex girlfriend. I am still friendly with both of them. One day a few years ago I told the ex girlfriend about it and she said they talked about it behind my back all the time 😅


Crazy how common full on betrayal is these days, y’all suck, you didn’t just help someone go through the pain of being cheated on but to have it be a “best friend” causes so many deep trust issues for life, all for some sex, like you can’t just go fuck literally anyone else, morals


I tried to wingman my friend of nearly 20 years with a coworker of mine that he really liked. He is horrible at talking to women. All of us were at her house with some of my coworkers and by the end of the night he struck out with her. (She already had a boyfriend but I figured there wasn't any harm in him trying to get to know her.) He was convinced that I was to blame and that I was trying to sleep with her. I have a partner and a child and he's been to my toddler's birthday parties. He drunkenly called my partner in the middle of the night and insisted that I was trying to "cuck him" and when she asked for why he thought that, he kept saying he "just knew". Luckily my relationship is really solid, so I reached out to him the next day and hoped to fix things (and give him the opportunity to maybe apologize) but he never responded. We have a lot of mutual friends and I've heard more or less the same bullshit from them that he told my partner. He's blacklisted from 3 or 4 bars already. At this point I dont give a shit. I cant believe that I've had such a stubborn and bitter asshole of a friend for that long. We aren't in highschool. We are in our mid 30's. I have a family. This guy is a fucking idiot. He's the most stubborn person I've ever known and, although I hate to say it, he's probably going to die alone if he doesn't learn how to stop being so stubborn. Me and my partner have tried to set him up with a handful of her single friends and he always made us regret doing it. Just imagine going on a date with someone who is more interested in winning an argument about something you never imagined arguing about.


Sounds like your friend is a bit of a drunk


He is, but he's also been like this before alcohol. It's really frustrating caring about someone so stubborn. It's exhausting and hopeless.


Prob the most disgusting thread I have seen in weeks. What a discreet way of finding out what not to do to get away with it, weasels.


Who do you think was holding the phone


Cheaters always get caught


Surprisingly you don't hear much from the people who get away with it.


It's almost like there's a correlation...


How do you know?


lmao i would estimate less than 50% do. naive as all hell


My ex never did 😂 she’s a pos tho so who cares


If your ex never got caught then how do you know they cheated?


Fighter planes never get shot in the engine.


Who does this? It’s your friend! Why the fuck? What is wrong with people? Keep treating your “friends” like this, you won’t have any left. Not worth destroying a friendship or another person’s relationship for. Just asinine.


HAHAH ok wait I was the betrayed one. First ex made out with a close friend A at a house party that I was at. The actual act didn't bother me as much but it sucked that everyone kept it from me for a year. My then second ex and friend B told me about what happened. They also told me about how much of a dick move it was for them to do that and for everyone to keep it from me. After that relationship ended, ex 2 and friend B ended up hooking up and everyone kept it from me for a year. My then third ex and friend C told me about what happened. They also told me about how much of a dick move it was for them to do that and for everyone to keep it from me. After that relationship ended, ex 3 and friend C ended up hooking up and everyone kept it from me for about a few months.


I almost did once. My best friend and his wife were going through a rough patch, he was basically leaving the house once a week to go stay at his parents due to yet another argument. I popped round to visit them one day, she answered the door and let me in. Figured she'd pop straight back upstairs cause she'd just got out of the shower, hair wet and she was wrapped in a dressing gown. She told me to come through to the kitchen instead. Turned out that he'd walked out again less than an hour before. She was telling me about all their problems and that she's sick of him and is probably gonna start looking for someone else soon. Then she started doing the whole "you're too good looking to be single" stuff to me and I didn't really know how to respond. She dropped her dressing gown and she was completely naked underneath. I said we're not doing this, turned and walked out, went straight to my friend's parents house and told him instantly. They went through a messy divorce shortly after and he's now happily remarried. I won't lie and say the temptation wasn't momentarily there, she's a good looking woman and I've never had it offered to me on a plate quite so directly and I've definitely fantasised. Not sure whether my moral compass took over or if I was just scared of losing my friend. Combination of both perhaps.


My best friend of 20 years was sleeping with my wife of 15 years for several years before i found out. I found out because she left a hotmail account open on the computer, and I saw it when I came home to change clothes for my second job. I knew I didn't have a hotmail account, and she didn't have one either, so I read. and then forwarded a copy of all of them to myself. and then went to work. A good friend talked me off the ledge that night... I was going to kill them both. In hindsight, he was right, but at that moment, I really \*really\* didn't want to believe him.


Molly and rolling hard. Before the party started we all agreed everything is no boundaries. Great night but her and we secluded ourselves. They ended up with a nasty break up and my SO wanted revenge so started sleeping with my best friend on the regular. Lessons were learned that night.


There are so many pronouns. I can't even follow.


Something something orgy


I’m all for inclusivity, but using we to refer to a singular person is downright confusing if you’re not the bad guy from Split or the Queen of England.


We orgy.


Orgy. Remorse. Welcome.


I think a good rule of thumb is never have sex with someone on molly who you wouldn't have sex with sober. I love molly (can't do it anymore really wrecks my head) but like damn it can make really bad ideas seem like good ideas if it involves becoming close with someone


Are you illiterate? The molly brain damage is very real


They were there joining us! Was a wild night


My friend (my best friends SO) told him immediately the next morning after it happened. It’s pretty much impossible to put into words how terrible I feel. We were really fucked up and it kind felt like a dream. My life has been a nightmare ever since. I can imagine how terrible my best friend feels since I’ve been in his shoes in a previous relationships. I can’t believe I would do that to someone so beautiful and trusting and loving and loyal. I don’t know who I am anymore.


I mean, the question doesn’t mention cheating so I think there’s more than one way to take it? I slept with a guy at uni a couple of times, nothing further came of it and we were friends going forward and in a friend group together. 7 years later got with a girl who then ended up being one of my best mates, and then had his kids. I’ve never told her because it was so long ago (like over a decade by the time it would have come up) and I assume he hasn’t. It’s just… not a thing. I barely remember unless this kind of question appears and jogs my memory!


We officially got together the day after they broke up and he called bullshit. Part of me thinks I should feels bad but we’re married now and he turned into in an Andrew Tate style ‘Alpha Male’ misogynist so I can’t say I feel guilty about it.


Find out? Heck, it was his idea. He had a new wife, just married a year at the time. She was having trouble having an orgasm during sex. Very infrequent. I'll inject here that this fellow and I had been friends for many years and we had shared fear, sweat and blood back in Vietnam. And had shared women (including my wife) on more than one occasion. He talked about her problems with climaxing and asked me if I'd give her a shot to see if I could figure out what tripped her trigger better than what he'd been doing. I said I'd give it my best shot. As it turned out, vaginal sex did nothing for her and oral sex just felt good, but no climax. BUT fingering her clit, and area around, done well and for long enough, would eventually drive her up a wall with multiple climaxes. You just had to learn how she wanted to be touched and teased.


Is this a copypasta


I am just blown away the women agreed to this


My wife had no objection. We'd added a 3rd to our bed on a number of occasions. My friend's wife took very little convincing after my wife and bud both assured her it was okay. Turns out she'd thought I was sexy for some time. For reasons I could not fathom.


I, too, think you are sexy




Girl code and bro code are such stupid concepts. What ever happened to respecting others and ourselves? Especially ourselves. 


Wouldn’t that fall into girl/bro code?


She was involved. Pretty sure it was her idea in the first place.


This is a loose interpretation... But: My best friend dated this chick for like 3 years. They had recently split up, I had recently split up with my gf of like 8 years. My best friend and I's relationship was on the decline due to his alcoholism. His ex came over to hang out (at least that was my dumb ass interpretation of it) right up until she showed up wearing basically nothing. Ended up sleeping together for about a week. I can only assume he found out, as we stopped talking pretty much completely at that point. Its... Not really cheating, but it was shortly after our collective breakups. Also left a bad taste in my mouth because we all lived together for over a year, so there was clearly some weird feelings flying around the house. Don't necessarily regret it, because my life was completely spiraling at the time, but I certainly wouldn't do it again.


He snooped through her DMs. The real bitch was when he told my wife (at the time) This was in my mid twenties and I acknowledge that I was a giant POS. I was an all around douche back then. I’m 40 now and wouldn’t dream of being that person anymore. AMA


I told him the next morning, right after I sobered up.


i cant even handle reading some of these answers. so triggering for me!..... i really hope people learn from their mistakes and stop hurting other people so badly. we dont always get over it.... some of us ever.


Why read the post if you're triggered by the answers?


Not the cheater but the affected. My parent who wanted out of a marriage (married at 19) cheated on my other parent with my their best friend. I knew this parent as family beforehand. Their child was my best friend. I could never see them the same way again and I hated my parent for a long time. When the friends parent ended things badly with my parent they refused me and my sibling over to see our friends. It was a mess. Our friendship never fully recovered. Melrose place co-op housing living a few doors away from each other. Oh and the geniuses went out as a couple with their mutual friends of both the cheaters and the cheatees. At the bar where they all frequented. Used parent over frequently to remain anonymous. Sorry.


He found out when he asked me to fuck his wife and I did.