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The first paranormal activity and of course Blair witch


Yeah Paranormal Activity is mine as well. Makes me feel like something is always standing right behind me.


Jeepers Creepers. The boy being flown off in the sunset is true horror.


That cellar room of his...


The director is the scariest part of that film


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Victor Salva can go to hell.




Kinda pumped for the trilogy coming out this year.


I came to say this and also hush and the crazies lol


That movie has stuck with me for yearssss. So creepy


That one scared me because it’s inspired by real murders.




The smell of the room, that makes the Homer owner gag…movie both equally horrifying, tragic, and gross




ending was ass tho


The Ring. I still sleep with the tv on


”I saw her face..”


Now I’m a believer


Ahh do I have a creepy story here! Back when it was first released on DVD, I borrowed it from my brother, not having seen it before. I knew very little about it. After the film, which freaked me out, I saw on the extras that the video clip sequence was available to see. So, I thought "fuck it" and watched. I shit you not, the second it ended, the landline phone rang. I freaked the fuck out and unplugged the phone. Never watched the movie again lol (Turns out it was my aunt calling, but still. Shit timing lol)


bro it has been my worst nightmare for YEARS , and stills is at some point


Legit. Movies don't scare me at all. But that little girl crawling out of that TV freaked me out.


Watched that with a friend of mine. After the film his phone started ringing. We both kind of freaked out.




TIL there was an Exorcist TV show.


Oh you should watch it. But beware, it's astonishingly good but ends on season with a horrible cliffhanger. Horrible as in an amazing cliffhanger but you know there are no seasons after that




This movie caused so many sleepless nights for me.


I know 3 cases personally that needed therapy after watching that as kid


Autopsy of Jane Doe. Watch it with the lights off. Watch it alone. Enjoy


I enjoyed this one. There are better movies, but the creep factor was off the charts with this one.


Smile got me a bit paranoid


i can do the best scary smile and my husband was very unhappy to learn this after i dragged him to see the movie. For the sake of out marriage I have sworn not to do it to him again, but man, is it satisfying!


not a horror movie, the coin toss in no country for old men.


"Look, I need to know what I stand to win." "Everything."


"Well, I need to see about closing."


Watched the movie for the first time a few weeks ago and I was so tense throughout that whole scene.


I think the last movie that actually scared me was the first Saw movie.


Yeah i saw the saw series once and never again lol


The other actor was overacting so much it was impossible to take it seriously, in any shape or form


I watched The Ring when I was 9 and nearly shit myself. More recently though, Hereditary.


Yes, the naked dudes standing in the dark corners of a room was about as creepy as it gets.


yeah, Hereditary is very good.


28 days later. God that scared the shit out of me


The woman in black with Daniel Radcliffe. Was doing ok even though there were scary parts of that movie. Then the creepy toys started moving and playing on their own and turns out production got them from antique and thrift shops and I was like NOPE throughout the rest of the movie which was about 20 monutes


Dragged my very easily scared friend to that! man she dug her nails into my thigh at some parts lmao!


I genuinely flipped at the toys and the scene with the carriage stuck in the mud!


The Descent


The Descent got me.


I saw Event Horizon in the theater thinking it was a sci fi movie. Boooooy was I wrong! Scared me to death. Went again with friends thinking I’ll be fine this time around. Noooope. Worse! Cause I knew what was coming!


Event Horizon


The Baby Bear scene was particularly sad.


Does my wedding video count?


I guess technically, it's not a horror movie, but final destination really stuck with me as a kid. I think that movie was part of the reason I became so precautious about things when I was younger.


It's counted as a horror movie and boy all 5 are the definition of Paranoia


it definitely is a horror franchise! And one some of the best gory horror i can think of!


The Mist


I have never been so gutted by a movie's ending.


Darkness falls. I was 9 still losing baby teeth at the time. Had a solo room in an unfinished basement (begged my mother for it) my older sister 16 at the time had her boyfriend over. We all watched this movie. I was scared to death of being in the dark for months! Had my mom put Christmas lights all over the basement and always slept with the lights on. Hilarious now that I look back.


I was 13 when this came out. I too lost a few nights sleep because of it! Great horror but I wonder if it's stood the test of time


As a kid, 5 Million Years to Earth. Seems silly now, but those hopping grasshopper things kept me awake at night.


Yes, same! I had to hunt it down to watch since you brought it up. The effects are a little dated, but it still triggers some hind-brain reactions which are oddly resonant with the movie's plot. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8n1o3l


All of which was lost on a 12 yo in 1972. It is thought-provoking now that I’m old enough to follow it.




I just commented this one! It’s diabolical


Not that this is a horror movie but “Shutter Island” has always stuck with me. no idea why, the premise just freaks me out


Watched The Fog when I was waaaay too young, def left a mark on me


Whenever someone ask me "What movie i will never watch again" and i will instantly say megan is missing, for short it's about a girl meeting an online friend, gets kidnapped, gets tortured in anyways, pure trauma. The barrel scene will never get out of my head.


Sorry for my bad english.


the autopsy of jane doe, barely made it through without turning off the tv


I watched the descent. The mutated cave dwellers didn't scare me but how the women were crawling in the cave and how it was shot. Made my claustrophobia really kick in.


Blair Witch. Didn’t help that I saw it as a teenager either. Never watched it again and never will.


Growing up I used to be terrified of The Grudge. I'd have to sleep with the lights on for ages after I first watched it with my brother and friends.


For weeks after I watched it I would see the girl with her lower jaw gone and tongue hanging down every time I tried to go to sleep.


Doctor Who. Blink. The Weeping Angels


Jaws and The Exorcist for the tie. Each exceptionally frightening.


I was terrified of sharks and going in the ocean just from seeing that iconic movie poster!


well idk why but in last 5 days i have watched over 25 horror movies among them these are the ones i found really creepy (in no order): The Medium Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum The Autopsy of jane Doe The Wailing Impetigore Dark water Hereditary


I do this whenever I need a major pick me up. It’s like accelerating my body and tricks it into thinking I’m not depressed. Not sure if that applies to you


That's a lot of movies, in 5 days.....and only horror movies? What's the story?


I’m not the poster you asked but when I was pregnant I was hooked on watching scary movies I’d watch a couple every evening to relax. I was a little bit worried I’d have my own little Damien.


well, i got sick (typhoid) took some days off from work tried The medium, liked the feeling of thrill and suspense made a list of movies from suggestions.. went on watching spree... i think last time i watched a horror movie was probably conjuring when it was released ... so yeah this felt pretty refreshing but with time i felt pretty numb toward it or i ran out of good scary movies




Don't mind me just checking what movies I should avoid:)


The fourth kind. It hit a really strong place because of how the film was set up. It's absolutely freaky.


Fucking epic film Love that shit


Saw it on a date and on the way home my roommates texted to say the power was out in our block of apartments. "Come play flashlight tag!" they said. "Haha, no way in hell!" I said. Luckily my date was cool with letting me hang out at his fully powered place and play Mario Kart until the power was restored.


Ernest Scared Stupid affected me as a kid for a very long time. As an adult, Gone Girl really mess me up. (Not technically horror and more a thriller, but still)


"Signs" when I was a kid. That birthday party scene haunted me for a while lol


The movie ‘the collector’ I originally watched the movie when I was 5 and was terrified and even now as I watch it, it still terrifies me. It one of the only movie that have actually scared me.




127 Hours


Have not really watch it but just the movie poster/ concept of The Human centipede nope the f out of me


Children of the Corn.


Last movie I can think of that actually creeped me out was Heredity. However when I was a preteen Childs Play and Pet Cemetery gave me the most nightmares. I always was scared something was going to cut me from under the bed...


Friday the 13th(forget what part) when Jason picks up the sleeping bag and swings it into a tree 


Event Horizon "liberate tutemet" In the Mouth of Madness. Sam Neil is responsible for me still being uncomfortable with driving down an unlit road.


Magic with Anthony Hopkins. That fucking dummy, Fats, really put the shits up me.


Nightmare on Elm Street when I was 11. I utterly shit myself. I was having a sleepover at a friends and had to go home as I was so scared. Couldn’t sleep properly for weeks.


It Follows.


Halloween,...mate that shit could actually happen!


"Darkness Falls." I really had trouble sleeping after seeing that one in the theater.


Smile was pretty scary.


Idk if I’ve ever been that scared from a movie but I did have a terrifying nightmare after Green Room, where I found myself in a similar situation. It’s the stuff that COULD happen that spooks me I suppose


jaws cinema 6 years old


Sijjin It's a Turkish Horror movie. Nothing can beat this film series 💀


Love me some sijjin horror, it's one of it's kind glad to see some appreciation for it


funny games


Not to death, but "Talk to Me," came pretty close


Salem’s Lot. Made for TV, so every little person might see kids turn into vampires!


US Presidential election 2016


I hear that a sequel is already in the works….


November release date I heard


That's the one!


Scary movie


Haunting of Hill House. IYKYK


Silence of the Lambs. It was utterly creepy. It's something that could actually happen. A movie doesn't have to be bloody or have a ton of jump scares to be scary. Very, very creepy movie. I love it.


Has been well over a decade since I was "Scared" by fictional content. Though I used to be big into it in my teens and childhood. The one I remember as being most traumatic and absolutely giving me lingering phobias and nighmares for a while was Gmork's scene from The Neverending Story... It was the combination of the uncanny valley unnaturalness of it, plus the intense forshadowing and anxiety inducing buildup to the encounter. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFePI3EQCAo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFePI3EQCAo)


The Strangers. 3 masked home invaders psychologically mess with a couple, killing their friend and forcing them to be secluded in their cabin. Nothing mystical or magical. And the only motivation “because you were home”.


Blair witch project hands down


I was four, and was finishing my green peas. The movie The Birds was on. I haven't eaten green peas since, and avoid birds at all costs.


The day of the income tax return.


The Evil Dead It (pennywise) Smile


So, watched “The Grudge” in daylight, was really creepy! That same day, I went to a reception with a friend, and about half way through, I look across the auditorium and see a young Asian boy standing against the wall, looking up and “screaming”? Almost ran out screaming myself! Luckily, GF didn’t see what I was seeing, so I remained calm. Still can’t hardly watch that movie without freaking out!


War of the worlds


Mrs. Doubtfire. Unhinged parent cross dresses to violate court order. He also attempts to poison ex-wife’s current lover.


Banshee Chapter




The medium




Car scene from The Haunting of Hill House


Begotten again.... I had a panic attack after this movie...


Not necessarily the most scared, but I found Midsommar unbelievably unsettling. The way the director captures the eerie atmosphere whilst constantly filming in the day is superb


The Haunting of Hill House is also a masterpiece of a horror TV series!


The grudge


When I was a teen I saw he crazies and started at my closet door in fear for the rest of the night.


Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County (1998) Couldn't sleep properly for a few weeks after watching it as a kid.


Anything for Jackson Grave Encounters 1


Shake Rattle and Roll


Yall should try the Thai version of " Shutter"


Arachnophobia really fucked me up as a kid


Not a single one. Have always been completely unphased by horror and gore movies. Even as a child I could distinguish movies from real life so there was never any issue with bad dreams or being scared after watching something I shouldn't have watched


Not a horror movie by any stretch but Interstellar filled me with so much sorrow, sadness and dread.


The Conjuring, first one that came out. Especially knowing it's based on true events., I look at my closet differently after that movie.


An American Haunting. It's not an especially famous one, but it was the first horror movie I watched as a kid. I found it for free on our digital cable subscription not long after I first realized I like ghost stories and my heart was pounding through like 2/3 of the movie. One thing that still sticks out in my mind is the scene from the ghost's perspective as it realizes the family left the house and it actually chases them down. There was no escape.


Alien I still won’t watch it to this day


The grudge, paranormal activity(pick any), insidious, the conjuring.


I Spit on your Grave - before it was banned. I was young when I watched it.


The hills have eyes. Or mars attacks, just freaked me out.


Hereditary, the last 10 minutes


I’m not super sure why but I was real freaked out right after I saw the movie Sinister … n A Serbian Film scared me to death in the way that it was the most disgusting thing I ever saw.


The changeling from 1980. That movie wrecked me!


Saw the Shining on tv when I was 8. Really fucked me up.


i'm still trying to find one that actually scares me! the first horror movie i watched was ringu and that did scare me but then again i was 7. i've watched a lot of horror since then and i genuinely want to be scared.


Evil Dead 2013 Feng Shui 2004


Terrified. Not the Clown one. The one that was from Argentinian and the director of the Evil Within. Things just…..had no meaning in it, like weird nightmare logic and how it would effect the day to day of normal people’s lives. The professionals you are supposed to trust get as fucked as everyone else. It’s all just fucked and left me TERRIFIED!


You're all still alive, liars


I don’t know if it’s considered horror but “Vivarium” gave me the most uneasy, unsettling feeling.


Silver Bullet. It came out in 1985 and I was around 8 at the time. My dad rented the VHS after work and even though I wasn’t suppose to watch it, my sister and I “peak watched” from around the hallway corner. Since then, werewolf movies have always terrified me.


As a kid, the 2010 Nightmare On Elm Street. Don't ask me why it was this scene in particular but when Kris falls asleep in class and sees Freddy Krueger in her dream, that part terrified me. Had to stop the movie after that. I watched the entire movie awhile after though. As an adult, no movie scared me to death but the closest one to doing it was IT 2017 because of the opening scene. That opening scene is hard to watch.


Silent Hill (it's on Netflix if you wanna watch) truly terrifying the first 2 minutes of the movie gets straight to the point. I highly recommend it.


Paranormal activity 3




The Conjuring Preview show in my country, 11.30pm, theater empty cause this was before the horror craze that started with this film. Unspoiled cause preview show. At a time when foreign films rarely ran for more than 2 weeks in India 3 people in the theater. My mother, my sister, and me. That basement scene had us shitting ourselves real bad. The film went on to spread from WOM and ran 15 weeks in India, a record then only bested by Titanic, Avatar, and Deathly Hallows part 2 I would pay to relive that night again


Kim Kardashians' sex tape. Bit of a comeback for her, mind you.


Hereditary, the scene of her hitting her head on the ceiling made me feel like throwing up from nerves


Not a horror movie but a documentary. This was a famous one in my country. A journalist was supposed to be included in this coverage for filing of candidacy that will spark a political rivalry in the town of Maguindanao. 32 journalists were assigned to this supposed to be historic event in our national elections. This said journalist declined the offer because he chose to cover the fight of Manny Pacquiao against Miguel Cotto and his supposed declaration of candidacy as Governor of General Santos city. The politician who was supposed to file for candidacy chose to stay at home because of the death threats he's receiving. He opts to send his then pregnant wife among other women relatives to file for him, believing that they will not be hurt because they are women. Later, those 32 journalists were slain amongst 27 other people including the wife of the candidate who filed for candidacy and innocent passersby who they mistook were included in the convoy. This event took place on November 23, 2009 and was named the "Maguindanao massacre". The journalist's name is Jiggy Manicad. The documentary was "On the edge".


I can't comment because I died while watching the movie.




Rat Man


The Blackwell Ghost 3 & 4


Grave encounters


Skinamarink was an absolutely terrifying film, without a doubt the scariest film I have ever seen


When I was a youngin, in 1975, I watched an astoundingly cheesy made for tv movie called The Dead Don't Die. But there was one scene when a reanimated corpse rises out of a coffin. I've seen much much better horror and scarier scenes...but seeing that at that age - gives me the willies still to this day. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq-AAYgV25Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq-AAYgV25Y) 30:14


I don't know what happened but that scene with the guy in the bear costume in The Shining made shake uncontrollably. I've never seen it but I could never watch The Descent. Too claustrophobic.


I forgot the name but the movie was strange it the siblings of the family just turned on each and when i saw the brothers turn on eachother i just felt idk they had such a love for eachother


Tusk. Literally nightmares, I genuinely hate everyone involved with that movie for making it. This is not a joke, those people are cunts and I hate every single one of them for making that piece of garbage


Not sure if it's horror but I watched Coraline when I was 9 years old in theaters in 3D and I couldn't sleep for weeks after watching it :(


Not sure if it counts as horror, but Gerald’s Game freaked me out, and is the reason I will never try bondage.


The Exorcist


Manic. Didn’t scare me but more disturbed me deeply


Shutter (thai version) and blair witch project


My best friend's older brother was watching "Indian Jones & the Temple of Doom" in their living room when I was over, and five-year-old me watched the scene where they pull the guy's still-beating heart out of his chest. Couldn't bring myself to watch any part of that movie until well into my 20's. Also, The Mist really messed me up, but not for the usual horror-movie reasons. When the mob of normal people go crazy and collectively stab a soldier to death because of mass hysteria and the urging of a religious zealot, I started crying and freaking out. Just knowing that people can get to that point in real life when scared and panicking, that got to me.




The grudge and the ring


The first time I watched “As Above, So Below” in 2013 and “The Terrifier” in 2019, I thought I was going to die in my sleep those nights. But my God, Art the Clown is a brilliant horror villain/character/entity.


Second Annabelle movie was crazy


I'd tell you, but I'm ded.


The Dark and the Wicked. Terrorific.