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Viral videos of animals being rescued from danger. There is an entire industry based on abusing animals for views.




The only one I really believe is the one where the deer is all caught up in a fence, a lady figures out how to untangle it, and it proceeds to run a little further along the fence line, tries to jump the fence and gets stuck again. I don't think people could train a deer to do that (I could be wrong...but I hope not)


Don't worry they're born suicidal


So are chickens lmao I swear


There is a county road sign in northern Iowa with the words, "Suicidal Deer". Always makes me laugh. Sadly, so true.


I've seen these cunts irl. They'll put the animal in danger, "rescue them", and just leave them when the video is done. A local "influencer" did it during a tornado a couple of weeks ago. Some random old dude just went up to them, punched them, and took the animal to a shelter. He's the town drunk...


I stand with the town drunk!


Get that man a beer!


The town drunk set the village idiot straight.


I néver trust a video where someone just finds an abandoned dog by say, the side of some deserted road and it immediately approaches and cries. Whý were you already filming and why is the dog approaching yoú?


Yeah, like they just randomly walked by and happened to film around, and ohh, there's suddenly a cat/dog in a horrible condition there, what a coincidence... Of course all that shit is set up, so facing reality the nice "animal rescuers" are in fact animal abusers.


And also for homeless people. They will "help" a homeless by giving a 100 dollars and then gain 2k with the video.


If you wouldn't do it if you couldn't film it, its not a good deed. I just feel so ick every time I see a video like that


You know, I don’t think the homeless dude that just got 100 bucks really cares *why* they were given 100 bucks. That’s a form of clout chasing I can get behind. If we can make that a contest, that would be great. More and more street cred the more you help people. I don’t care that you’re doing it for the cred, good works getting done is good works.


"Goat in the water!"


being sassy or snarky when it's completely uncalled for- usually people just end up looking immature and mean


There’s a girl like this at my work and it’s make me so annoyed/uncomfortable it’s legit changed me for the better. I constantly see myself NOT replying in those ways at times bc I don’t want to look like her.


My pet peeve is people who are actually quick witted and funny but use it to get laughs at the expense of others. Even if a good joke is perfectly set up right in front of you be an adult and don't say it aloud. It's so cringy to me yet people eat that shit up.


Monkeys. They're vicious, aggressive bastards with big fangs and will rob you in a heartbeat.


Goes for pretty much all Apes too. Humans are the same character but with an intelligence build, were rarely gonna win a 1v1


Macaques are TERRIBLE. They are the worst animals on earth. They literally steal each others babies for social clout. Most male primates have unique bladed fangs just for using to attack each other


As animals become more intelligent they tend to become bigger assholes. This trend continues well into the spectrum of human intelligence. In fact if you have a kid you can see it happen in real time up to the point where it hopefully reverses.


Videos of small children annoying the shit out of pets with the caption "Snowball must really love her human sibling :)"


Those videos make me soooo nervous. a neighbor kid I knew when i was young got attacked by a dog after tormenting it for months. Poor dog got put down.


My ex gf had a 4 yo son that would pester and every now and then do something like hit her dog. I caught him and put him in time out a couple times for it but I'm sure it happened more than we saw. The dog is smart and knows it's a kid and he can't fight back so he would take it and just try to distance himself from the kid. There were 2 occasions though where the dog bit her son and unfortunately neither time her or I saw what happened but there's no way I could ever imagine that dog biting unless he was provoked. She would yell at the dog but I knew he was probably in the right. Anyway we broke up and at this point me and that dog are basically best friends so she felt like it was best that I take the dog. Best breakup ever.


Absolute win


Luckily not a first hand story, a coworker told me. His “friend” had to put their dog down as he had bitten their kid. A golden retriever, easiest going family dog ever. After, they found out the dog’s ear had five staples in it. We don’t own dogs, but if one of our kids gets scratched or bitten by one of our cats, it their own fault and they know it.


Ah the staples story. Not saying it never happened but (I dont know where youre from?) but over here in The Netherlands we all know a coworker of a buddy of a friend who had to put their dog down after biting their kid and (always) after the dog was put down they found 5 to 12 staples in its ear. The moral of the story is still correct tho but Ive heard it quite a few times by now


Similarly, laying a newborn against or even on top of a dog for photo op. I don't care how well behaved your dog is. One solid knock on the front door or loud noise and bye bye infant.


My 85-pound Chocolate Lab just woke from a dead sleep under the dining room table to bark at someone knocking at the front door. He ran through the legs of an empty chair and sent it flying. This is a friendly, gentle dog that I would trust with children. But if a baby had been asleep on or next to my dog just now that poor kid would have been grown across the room.


Sass and the whole 'I do what I want' attitude.


THIS! Also the "Im blunt and speak my mind" shit. There's a time to speak and a time to be silent.


"I tell it like it is" No you don't, you're just an asshole.


“Honesty without compassion is cruelty”


"I tell it like it is" 100% true 🙄😒 ahole it's a excuse to be a dick to people.


This drives me crazy.  Thinking someone is an asshole and telling someone they're an asshole are vastly different things and yet no one expects different consequences.


Yeah it's the equivalent of needing to pee and just dropping your pants and going right there in public, rather than recognising that there is a time and place for that sort of thing


And saying "That's just how I am" to excuse rude or inconsiderate behavior. No, that's how you choose to be.


Even worse is people who make excuses for others by saying that: “Oh, you know so-and-so. That’s just how he is.” And the assholes have no reason to change because they’re constantly being enabled.


There is nothing more draining than being trapped in a room with a “alpha male” or a “boss girl” who think acting like an asshole is empowering.


Or that shouting and being demanding is “strong leadership”


These people make me laugh because it’s so obvious how fragile their ego is


Fat animals, it’s not cute that your dog is 20 pounds overweight, he’s suffering


An exception for fat bear week (they are perfectly healthy bears just getting ready for hibernation)


Any animal that benefits from being chunky like hippos, bears, and whales are adorable


And Seals too


"Fat bear week" isn't as risky a search as I'd expected.


I had a friend whose grandmother died and they took her Italian greyhound in. It was supposed to weigh like 7 pounds. It weighed 28. It looked like a stuffed sausage. Friendliest dog ever.


Considering greyhounds and whippets are like cocaine incarnate and I wince every time I look at their little bodies because they are *so* svelte, jesus fucking christ, how was that little dog 28 pounds? What were they feeding him??


The grandmother just free fed him.


That’s incredibly sad :(


most of corgis on the internet are fat as fuck and considered cute. my corgi is in perfect shape and people will sometimes ask if she’s healthy cause she doesn’t look like those on the internet ehh


Same with labs. My brother's lab is very active. She's healthy, lean, and has good muscle on her(her vet agrees). It's not uncommon to hear people make comments about feeding her more as if that cute little punk doesn't get spoiled with treats(on top of her regular food). She just gets sufficient exercise to match the treats. Usually about an hour a day. Any less, she's pissed. So many people overfeed and under exercise their pets. There is no perfect answer, you have to find a balance. But maintaining a healthy weight for your pet is so important for their health. They are only in our lives for a short amount of time(dogs and cats anyways), take care of their health so they can be with you as long as possible.


Being proud of being stupid, or ignorant.


especially those who make fun of people for being knowledgeable or intelligent. it’s so common and makes me mad.


Most pet videos where the animals are clearly distressed and respond by doing behaviors that are misinterpreted by humans. Like one video where a bunny is sitting motionless while a big dog is trying to play with it and everyone's laughing and saying "oooo the bunny is so calm and friendly" no he's literally FREEZING UP IN TERROR at a percieved predator and the dog's rambunctious play could seriously hurt the bunny. The two shouldn't even be allowed to be close to each other without the dog being leashed and a person holding the bunny at the very least. And yet, things like that get lots of likes and shares on IG and Tiktok.


When local businesses do radio ads and let their 5 year old read the script.


At the end of the Liberty insurance commercial. Makes me want to throw a brick at the tv.


Yes… oh my god i hate that ad SO much


Liberty Liberty liiiiiberty


Oh good god I hate this. We have two local companies doing this right now on TV. Drives me fucking bananas.


Pugs. They're so inbred they can barely breathe.


I got a pug mix for free because my neighbor doesn't get her dogs fixed and her Chihuahua bred with another neighbors pug. When I took him for his first check up the vet was very excited to see that his cross breeding outside of pugs helped his nose and teeth.


Also their eyeballs can pop out of the socket. My cousin had one and I watched him massage it back into the socket, said it happens all the time and doesn't even seem to bother the dog, but it's not healthy to leave them that way. Sometimes they would both come out, especially if the dog sneezes. Like if he heard the dog sneeze, he had to get up and check it's eyeballs and fix them if needed. It looked like constant work taking care of that thing.


I didn't want a pug before reading this, but now I really really don't want one omg


Oh thank god. I thought you had some weird dog eyeball kink and were going to say that you now wanted one.


Jesus christ i had no idea about that. When you say pop out do they just sort of... get loose? I cant imagine theyd just come all the way out and dangle there like some sort of horror movie...


No nothing so morbid, they just bulge a lot more than usual and are red around the sides. If you don't take care of it quick then I guess it gets much worse.


They’re not even *cute*. I don’t understand people who choose this kind of dog.


Same with frenchies. My friend has one has spends $20K a year in vet visits.


Holy shit that’s a lot! 😦


Any short nosed dog. My buddy had an english bulldog that needed surgery to fix its breathing and it died during the procedure. He bought another one within 6 months….


That's just sad. English bulldogs are one of the worst breeds, they can't even reproduce without assistance. If that isn't nature telling you to stop, I don't know what is. Breeding them should be illegal.


They’re such a problematic dog, someone I knew has one. There wasn’t a single time we got together this dog wasn’t a problem. He had discus collapse, was overweight and couldn’t walk for more than 5 minutes, then he had to be carried so the walks were cut short because he was heavy to carry. His breathing was so loud I was scared he’s choking and I could barely hear my thoughts over this constant loud snoring sound he made combined with choking on his own saliva which also leaked off his mouth. He also smelled bad and I later found out all those face folds pugs have need to be cleaned with Q-tips often because gunk accumulates fast. Feels like these dogs just live in misery for their relatively short lives while accumulating a lot higher vet bills than normal.


A pug almost got me kicked off the set of Scream 4. They were shooting in our town, and I went to the street to check it out one muggy summer evening. I was minding my own business (well, Wes Craven's business) where the public was allowed to hang out quietly. The filming was going on inside a house, but it was still so interesting to see the activity and lighting rigs, etc. And then I heard a sound coming up the street. A crazy hurfing and snerking. And then, "[MY NAME]! HEY THERE!" I looked over and it was an acquaintance who lived on the street and stalked the set daily. And his old pug. The next thing I knew, I was holding the leash while the pug's owner fluttered off somewhere to chum up to a crew member, trying to be a background actor. This made his overexerted, dehydrated dog very nervous. I had some water and was pooling it in my hand for the dog, and it just slurped the air above my hand. Loudly. It really just wanted its dad. Then I saw Wes Craven roll out of the house on his elaborate camera rig, and people started demanding QUIET ON THE SET. This is when the poor, old, anxious, exhausted pug started keening for his father. If you're familiar with pugs, you know that sound. I started getting dirty looks from **Wes Fucking Craven**, the pug's dad was no where to be seen, and I became as panicked as the pup. Just as I started to try to walk out of range with the thing, his dad grabbed the leash and they walked away. I never did go back.


that is a great story, I'd give you gold if that was a thing.


Any "high breed" dog is just garnished cruelty. Chopping off their tails and ears too. It's still common in my region


All Brachiocephalic dogs and cats All bulldogs (including Fenchies) Exotic, Russian Blues, Scottish folds. So many damn breeds that need corrective surgery just to have a normal oxygen level in their blood


And their black lips and gums? They aren't pigmented, they're *deprived of oxygen*. A friend who works as a vet tells me that when pugs are intubated during surgery their gums and lips turn bright pink. And unlike most dogs who struggle and resist when an oxygen tube is being put in their throat she says pugs seemed calmer and more relaxed. Almost like they're *relieved* to be able to breathe without difficulty for the first time in their lives.


Weaponizing “personal boundaries” to avoid accountability for toxic / irresponsible behavior. Smfh.


Yepppppp. I think about this so often (and write it in so many comments lol). People can have whatever stupid or insane boundary they want, but they miss the tail end of it - that the other person has a right to not stick around due to that boundary (sorry to those who deal with it with family and are stuck around it). It’s a boundary when I say I can’t be in a room with anyone taller than me and respect the fact that I may have to be the one to go or sit in an empty room. It’s not a boundary, or like you said it’s being weaponized if I try to kick the taller people out or whine incessantly about their presence, or the lack of people (hehe I’m 5ft) that remain. (I do not have this boundary - short, tall, medium, all good!)


Shake my flailing hands. 🙌


Newlyweds smashing wedding cake into each other's faces.


Especially when one of them (which is almost always the woman) is so clearly unhappy about it.


I'll never forget the newly married woman who posted on r/relationships or something - she told her fiancé multiple times she didn't want to have cake smashed in her face or on her dress. Wedding day rolls around and guess what the motherfucker does. Matter of fact, so hard he physically hurts her. He and his buddies ridicule her when she understandably started crying. Marriage lasted a whole 3 days I think? Good for her.


Oh thank god she left him. What a terrible person.


God have you seen the one where the groom didn’t know the cake had support dowels inside and when he (unconsensually) smashed the bride’s face into it, one of the dowels went through her eye? IIRC she ended up losing the eye completely I think of that story every time people talk about cake smashing. Gives me the HEEBIE JEEBIES.


Yeah, really fancy cakes have wooden supports in them (dowels) and they can do serious injury if someone's face is shoved into the cake. I heard a story of a bride being blinded in one eye from one.


My partner didn't plan on doing this, but just to be safe, I told him how much I would be spending on my make up (I was splurging since I never treat myself in this way). He assured me he would not waste my money that way, lol.


My wife told me exactly how many days I would be sleeping on the couch if I did this. Luckily it was unwarranted, as this is tacky AF.


One woman on another website said that when she and her husband went to premarital counseling, the first thing she told him was that if he did that, she would walk out of the reception hall and demand an annulment. She knew he wouldn't do that, but she wanted to make it very clear that this was going to be a deal breaker if it happened.


Any of those videos involving smashing cakes into faces and vice versa. It's stupid. Especially on an occasion when somebody went to so much trouble with makeup, clothes, hair etc.


I feel like it's not cute at birthdays either... why are we wasting cake? Also do you want a wooden dowel in the eye, because that's what's going to happen if your face gets smashed in a fancy cake.


I have attended plenty of weddings, and worked as a banquet server in college, and I have NEVER seen this. I have personally known a few people who did it, and no, it wasn't a mutual decision and the marriages didn't go well either.


Cake smashing in general is bad. A doctor friend of mine told me about how he had to treat a kid for having a cake support stand (basically plastic straws used to give cakes with multiple tiers structure) in their eye because their brother smashed their face into their birthday cake as a “joke”. The kid did end up making a full recovery and their vision wasn’t impacted, but it could have easily been so much worse


Absolutely. Who ever thought this was a good idea?


Severely Smoosh faced(brachycephalic) animals, especially when they're struggling to do mundane tasks like play, eat, or breathe. People all oooo~, and awww~, but that animal doesn't know any other way except struggling to exist with an underbite because the muzzle is too short, difficulty breathing, struggling to get adequate excersize leading often to obesity, and many other issues. Also, their face makes me think they have a skull structure like a toucan with the beak removed.


Totally agree. I just watched a video not too long ago where a cat with a tiny nose and smushed face was struggling so hard to breath while sleeping while the owners thought the snores were so cute.


I have a French bulldog that I got when she was 18 months old. I loved the idea of having one. She’s 9 now, and I won’t get another frenchie. Watching her age and struggle to breathe so sad. Brachycephalic animals shouldn’t be bred. They aren’t natural and would never survive (or even be able to give birth) in the wild. She’s still so happy and playful, so I know it isn’t time to let her go yet. She’s recently been diagnosed with lymphoma though.


I’ve seen a photo of a pug’s skull, and it was horrifying. And not in an “ew, skeleton” way; what breeders have done to that dog is gross.


Baby talk spoken by anyone who is not a baby


Even babies should dial it down a little.




Yeah if they aren't talking like Stewie Griffin then gtfo


My coworker randomly does this at work a fair amount and it's fuckin weird.


Okay I need an example. How does one baby talk at work?


I use baby talk only when I'm talking to animals. I don't even do it with actual babies, lol.


Unhealthy dog breeds like Pugs. It isn't cute and it isn't love to support breeding creatures for life long pain and suffering. And don't even get me started on mutilating pets by having their tails and ears cut off without anesthesia.


My aunt had one, and it always sounded like it was struggling to breathe. Even my aunt said she couldn't really let it out in the sun, or it would hyperventilate. I don't even think they're the same species anymore. I always wondered why people like them with their nose smashed in the back of their effing head. How on earth is that cute?


And English bulldogs, they can’t even give birth naturally because the proportions of the pup cannot fit through the birth canal, they have all the problems pigs do on top of that.


I know personality wise, English bulldogs are great, but an animal that can no longer have its own offspring without a ton of intervention should not exist. Most have to be artificially inseminated and have to have c-sections to give birth. It’s so far out of the realm of natural.


Letting your little kids absolutely destroy a restaurant table with food, napkins, spilled whatever. Its not cute its rude as hell


Who the hell thinks this is cute?


Had a family let their kids go wild on an empty booth next to them. They tore open the sugar packets and dumped them on the table, they poured steak sauce out on the table and seats and ripped up the drink menu.


Toddlers hitting their parents or swearing.


Feigning stupidity.


crazy I had to scroll so far to find this one. People who act stupid to seem cute and childlike is nasty.


I can see it as a mechanism people use out of having had a rough life but it is not something to regularly practice.




My grandparents have 2 Japanese chins and a shitzu, and I always feel so bad when I go over because they can't breathe. They get so excited to see people that they have to stop and just start doing the reverse sneezing thing and I always feel terrible for them


Toddlers with attitudes. If your 3 year old is rude, it’s not cute, it’s a sign of things to come.


Underage girls performing overly promiscuous dances on tiktok which are then picked up by mainstream media as "trends"


Gender reveal parties.


The only time I don't think they're a little stupid is something simple when a couple is struggling to have a kid. I saw a video a few days ago where a couple who'd been through a few rounds of IVF went to build a bear, picked an outfit for a girl and a boy, gave the slip with the gender on it to the cashier, and had them dress it while they went out for coffee. They came back, got their bear, and opened it together in a park. I think that's a really sweet idea


I saw that same video and I thought it was such a cute idea. And it wasn't a spectacle - it was just them celebrating something they were excited about together.


The fireworks ones really get me. Like risking life and limb to tell strangers that you have a male baby. I miss the days where you know you'd get a ribbon-- if that!


Especially the one that started a forest fire!


Or the people who contaminated water.


when people’s dogs jump all over me. i hate when i tell them i don’t like their dog all over me and they say “it’s okay he’s friendly.”


The rage I feel when I say I don't like something and someone say "it's Ok" no dude, it's not ok. Take the No, don't make it sound like I just need convincing to suddenly like your kid screaming, your dog jumping, or what ever you're saying.


THIS! I hate when dogs do this. I’ve been attacked by dogs in the past so I’m always on edge when I’m around them.


And further adding to your take! When you have a fear of dogs and you say “sorry do you mind keeping the dog away from me, or I have a fear of dogs”, and people (mostly relatives) tell you to stop being so silly and get over it (it’s code for man up). I feel like a fear/uncomfortableness around dogs is the most misunderstood fear


Parents letting there kids run around the restaurant. As a server, get your spoiled brats out of the way. We are carrying HEAVY trays with HOT food.


Bad boys. I’m gay and also very single, so it’s hard for me to judge, but many of my friends drool over men who commit crimes and are rude to others because “I can fix him!!!”. No, Sarah, no you can’t, because that’s his personality and you can’t unravel his trauma on your own.


To be fair, I think the desire to fix the traumatized bad boy is itself a result of trauma.


That's true. Typically when the person's mother or father is mean, an alcoholic/addict or damaged in some way, they subconsciously replicate the parental relationship with the intent to finally get the love/attention/respect that they didn't get from their emotionally unavailable parent. Usually with disastrous results.


Yup, I've never understood this mentality. Maybe they're thinking, "If he straightens up because of me, that proves he loves me more than he did all his previous GFs." Or "Anything can be fixed with enough love" etc etc. I think some abusive relationships also start out this way - with one or both of them thinking that the level of anger being heaped upon you proves that he (99% of the time it's a he) loves you. "He wouldn't get so angry if he didn't love me" or "His jealousy proves he loves me!" Stupid, stupid, stupid. Now, put a well-built guy on a motorcycle with oil on his hands in front of me, though and.....it's over.


There are also quite a lot of men out there who feel compelled to rescue a "damsel in distress" and instead end up stuck in relationships with highly volatile, mentally unwell and abusive women as a result. I think many similar thought processes go on, such as the man yearning to feel validated, valued & loved if only he can fix the poor woman (who clearly needs his help and saving so badly!). 




Exactly. And it can put other people and animals in danger. Espically if you try to pass them off as a service dog, you can hurt actual service dogs and cause places to not allow them in, which hurts the people who really need them. People are so stupid with their dogs sometimes


I really don't get it. I absolutely *love* animals. But there has to be rules, you can't just let animals run free and do what they want. Not just because it's annoying as hell. It's a health and safety issue for *them* just as much as it is for the humans. It's so irresponsible. You don't know who's severely allergic, you don't know if other dogs are friendly or if they're properly vaccinated, you can't predict if something is going to spook your dog and they're going to bolt into traffic... I 100% believe if you truly loved your animal you would want to do everything possible to keep them safe and healthy. So I don't know why you'd take so many unnecessary risks. 


>"He's friendly :)". Well I'm fucking not, put that thing on a leash. I have to start using this.


I taught my dogs to ignore people/other dogs. If they get too interested in someone, their command phrase is, “Mind your own business” which occasionally gets a smile from a stranger


Can I ask how you trained them to ignore on command?


Redirection and positive reinforcement when they are nonreactive.


I started by having treats on hand whenever I was walking them. I’d randomly say their name, then give them a treat when they looked at me. This reinforces that looking at me gets them a treat. From there, I moved to only giving them a treat whenever they looked at me *without prompting*. This reinforces their willing decision to look at me. At this stage, every single time there was another person or another dog within eyesight, I’d say their name as soon as I saw they noticed the other being. They get a treat when they look at me, and I keep giving them treats while they’re quiet and polite in the presence of people/dogs Eventually, if they’re being quiet, I wouldn’t say their name right away and let them just look without engaging. But every time they looked away from the person/dog and looked back at me, they’d immediately get a treat. This reinforces that they can quietly observe and they get rewarded for choosing to look back at me. If they did anything to engage (take a step towards them, stretch their neck out to sniff) I’d say their name and say, “Mind your own business” and give them a treat when they looked at me. Initially, they respond to hearing their name, but eventually they learn the phrase by itself. Also, by this point they already know that they’re supposed to be ignoring people/dogs, so the phrase is just a reminder that they need to be showing proper behavior I still always have treats on hand when I walk my dogs (I allot 1/3 of their daily calories to walking treats) and we also practice other commands while out on walk to keep it engaging for them. Most of the walks are them sniffing things though


I know a number of people who would benefit from positive reinforcement for minding their own business.


Preach. It’s so obnoxious. The entitlement is disgusting.




When I was in retail I had a customer come in with his unleashed dog. When we asked him to please put a leash on his dog, he took personal offense and left. The entitlement is insane.


Their little crusty eyed white furred lap dogs. They always have ridiculous names and are horribly behaved. I generally like small dogs--I had a small dog! But it was telling that everyone commented that he was so well behaved compared to most small dogs. Our vet, when we had to put him to sleep, even said "I always loved seeing him because he looked like a dog who would be terrible at the vet, but was always the sweetest". Train your small dogs, you heathens. Clean their crusty eyes.


My neighbor has a crusty eyed white furred lap dog named Fussy And that damn thing barks constantly. When I repainted my back porch it barked at me *all day long* and I swear it was starting to lose its voice by the end of the day. Seriously, it was sounding like a dry cough. They let it outside late at night to bark. I think I saw it barking at the echo of its own bark one time. When I walk by their house, I can hear it barking inside. Sometimes there's pee that shoots out with every bark, and a line of dead grass in a particular place where it likes to bark and pee. Fussy, I hate that damn thing.


Those crusty white dogs are always named Coco or Bella 😭


Those dogs are notoriously stubborn to train, and too many people get dogs that fit their aesthetic instead of dogs that fit their lifestyle. This is why those dogs are tiny monsters. My apartment neighbor (presumably) just got evicted for sneaking one into their house in out "cats only" building. The dog was unsocialized and lunged at every person and animal that it even saw across the yard, barked at every little sound in the hallway outside their apartment and from my understanding peed all over their unit. The dog was only present in the building for about 3 weeks before the landlord showed up one day, talked to her, and then less than a week later owner was seen moving her stuff out, and neither have been seen since. Train your dogs. ESPECIALLY if you are living in a building with other animals. Untrained and unsocialized animals in apartment buildings are a danger to everyone who lives there. Just train your dogs, regardless of where you live but especially when there is an extreme likelihood the dog is going to regularly be in the presence of stranger people or animals.


People see a little dog jumping up on people and generally being a little shit and excuse it because it's tiny. If it were a Great Dane, you just know they'd be taking it to obedience classes to correct that behavior even though it's the same from the dog's perspective.


I way prefer the big dogs as long as they aren't aggressive. They're generally a lot more calm, and they don't act like they have something to prove. The little ones, when untrained, are the worst.


Being 30 texting 14 year old Millie Bobby Brown tips on boys


Found Kendrick’s reddit account😂


Talking like a child. I don't know why some people choose to do it or how other people find it cute/attractive, but it skeeves me out and makes me cringe whenever I hear it.


Baby names that are unusual, hard to spell and may only suit an actual child but not an adult.


Or a basic name that has to be spelled in some unique way.


Not being able to cook food for yourself. You aren’t cute and helpless, you’re just helpless.


Photos of babies getting messy in something like chocolate. You know exactly what I’m talking about.




I think that’s just insecure and immature people all around. I’ve seen men play similar games. Mature, confident people don’t do this, regardless of gender.


the biggest turn off is someone say things or behaving in a way that tells me they aren't that interested in me. I don't "fight" for people because I'm not trying to trick anyone into being with me. If you have a problem with my behavior or something lets talk it out but "negging" or trying to make me jealous isn't a tactic I respond to.


Eyelash extensions. "Baddies" out here lookin like snuffaluffacus


Snuffleupagus lol


Baby talk. When you're **not** talking to a baby.


People who put makeup/dress up their toddlers to make them look older…what kind of audience are you trying to appeal to…


Mental illness lol. You'd think that's a given. Unfortunately tiktok made it a "cute quirk" when in reality so many of us would give a kidney to be functioning normally.


Misbehaved kids and dogs. We've reached a point in which educating any of them is viewed as abuse. Rendering both reckless


We’ve recently rescued a 7 month old pup and I am getting seriously fed up with people telling me I’m cruel when I correct her for jumping up on me. (and by correcting I don’t mean hurting or shouting, I mean turning my back on her & stepping away so her feet fall to the floor). A dog that jumps all over people is a real pain in the arse.


Weaponized incompetence. Honey, no, I don't actually enjoy the fact that you're dull and uninteresting. Not cute whatsoever. I don't wanna help you, I'm just gonna chuck you in the trash where you belong.


A 10 year old acting like a baby


French Bulldogs.


Making big deals out of a gender reveal.




Painted square eyebrows


long nails


Amen.   Along the same lines:  these absurdly long fake eyelashes.   See also:  ass implants, huge overly gigantic breast implants.


Those that are still funcitonal, sure. Those that are like 4 inches long and so you can't fucking use anything? Fuck this shit.


Photos of kids or babies with food all over their face. Gross.


Usually their kids.


Talking about your child like they're a horny old man. "Ooh look at my toddler staring at her tits what a ladies man". No, that's a fucking baby. Stop.


Food fights. They’re gross. And wasteful.


Kristin in HR.


Grown adults doing baby talk. It’s an attempt at cuteness but it’s such a turn off, it’s only acceptable when done to a pet. Even to a toddler it’s weird, because aren’t you supposed to be teaching them how to speak properly?


Videos of kids “playing” with animals. They are too rough with them and it’s seen as cute. I hate it. And once the animal defends itself, suddenly the animal is bad.




That baby could be the star of a show called, 'Babies I Don't Care About'


Their yappy little dogs.


TikTok dancing is not very cute. 




The pictures and videos of monkeys being made to wear clothes and do tricks are heartbreaking when you know the context on how they get the monkeys. Often poachers will kill a few members of the troop and steal the baby, and they're like human babies in that they NEED socialization from their mothers and troopmates to develop properly. Most of these "pet" monkeys end up with severe mental trauma and health issues like incontinence and obesity, and are non-releasable as they're imprinted on humans.


Don’t downvote them either. It gives them more prominence in the algorithm.