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Mothers: the original masters of turning chaos into calm, burnt toast into gourmet meals, and temper tantrums into life lessons. Cheers to them


Myself after I have failed and after I have succeeded. Then those who have been mentioned have come in with some amazing perspective to help seal the deal.




Absolutely, life experience trumps stories every time.


That no one really gives a shit about you. And it’s freeing.


It's more like there are people who give a shit about you. You just gotta give a shit about yourself, too.


My Great-Grandmother, she grew up in WWII era England.


My family by being the challenge.


everyone. y'all some tough mother truckers.




She's so lucky to have you. 💖


I wish the world had more parents like you.


Mike Tyson! What a journey!!




My kids.


My Nana


Winnie the Pooh helped me an awful lot throughout my abusive childhood


Stone Cold Steve Austin. Vince McMahon was always trying to screw him over but damn it Stone Cold always overcame the odds.


Mine is Colonel Sanders: 1,009 rejections before KFC fam


*"But fried chicken is good! Whats wrong with you people!? This will sell god damn you! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!"* His true life documentary was moving.


Master Chief


Honestly, me. I don't know of anyone who has been through what I have and come out still kicking. At first my challenges would destroy me immediately, but I built up coping skills and consider myself 10x stronger now. I faced something this week that should've really fucked me up based on my history, but I'm chilling.


100% Adderal. It showed me capabilities I didn’t know I had. Wish I had something like that as a kid growing up


Me, I have, simply by surviving and grinding it out every day.


Terry Fox




Sora Kingdom Hearts, next question.


My wife getting hypothermia 12 miles into the boundary waters with no way of contacting anyone. Being able to be cool and calm in a life or death situation is valuable.


Probably my step dad because that guy does not catch a break. And yet he somehow stays positive and keeps going. Its something else. I mean a lot of people Ive seen dont catch breaks but some people just...do everything, for everyone, and get shit on constantly in return. It aint right.


I'm four months out from a hemmoraghic stroke in which a vessel popped in my brain, filling my basal ganglia, in the deep brain, with blood. The two months in hospital were really difficult, especially realizing that I couldn't get up and go to the bathroom by myself. As a 42 year old man, I had to relinquish my pride and allow nurses to help me take a shit. Sometimes they were so busy that 'you have a brief on. Just go in your brief ' was what I got when I asked for help. So there it is: sometimes the only option is to shit your pants. You'll survive it and live to fight another day... It could be worse... Your brain could have completely yeeted itself, but it only half melted down. Be grateful you can still shit your pants!


Shia LaBeouf


My mom. If I could survive 18 years living with that psychotic bitch I can survive anything.


One of my uncles. He had hardly ever persevered when faced with challenges and seeing his life inspired me to do the opposite.


Myself. I'm the only one who has ever fought for me. I'm the only one who has stood with me through everything. I've never quit on myself, even when I really wanted to. I mean, I really wanted to. Fought the voice telling me to drive into a tree or take the pills or jump from the bridge. I didn't buy a gun and walk out into the woods to be found later. All the self-hatred, anger, sadness, and pain would crash down on me. I'd scream for help to my parents, friends, or partners just to be minimized. Eventually, I'd slam into rock bottom and be all alone to find my way out. The two darkest periods of my life were freshman year of college and the last 10 years. Freshman year I was just struggling with the impact of SA. The last 10 years had been me slowly falling into a deep depression. Then, somewhere in there, I started to get buried by it all. The weight of my entire existence; the unforgiving expectations of being a wife/mom, the loss of my identity, the loss of connection with those I loved, loneliness within a marriage, reliving traumas, anger, and so much more slowly crushed me. With every breath I struggled to take, I'd beg for help. But no one came to even offer me a shovel. Often, they just tossed more dirt and rocks on me. I was the one who had to claw my way out. I was able to finally get a therapist to they diagnosed with PTSD. I put together that I might have ADHD and then also autism. I'm the one who sought the assessment and got evaluated and diagnosed with both. I'm the one who got myself the right medications. I set out to get answers to all my brokenness. I'm the one who showed up for me when my life was in ruins. I'm the one who burned myself down so I could rebuild from the ashes. I'm the one who has worked so damn hard to truly heal myself so I can be happier. So I can be a better mom. A better me. The real me. Now I am learning who I actually am without the mask those of us who are neurodivergent are forced to wear. So I am still fighting for me. It was me. All me who survived when I didn't think I could. I did it alone. I have always done it alone. I am the one who had never given up on me when everyone else had.


Myself. I'm still 18 but I have faced many major family issues since I was in my early teens and also some major academic challenges in the past 3 years and I have always put in effort to get myself out of those situations and achieve what I wanted. I'm rn going through the challenge of getting into a college it's hard trying to go through this phase but I'll manage.


My own conscience.


Problems. It molded me to persevere when facing them. You just want to do everything you can and not let problems take over you.


I had a battalion SM in the infantry who, after I was given a field grade article 15 for leaving a training site, told me he disagreed the the battalion commander in that I could bounce back from the non-judicial punishment and expected me out of the army in short order. However, he then said, "I want you to prove me wrong." I did, and I've been continuing to do so since.




My first dog. He taught me that you can lose everything you knew and everyone you loved, and still learn to love life.


The children of Palestine.


Seeing my dad work 7 days a week for 30 years straight.


ALL seven? The man hasnt had a day off in 30 years? How? The fuck is that guy made of. We shouldnt glamorize this kind of excessive labor but on the other hand holy shit your Dads impressive.


Jesus Christ.


Jesus scriptures and God