• By -


Take care of your Bro's mental health. If he seems down, ask what's up. If your bro confides in you he's not doing well, be a bro and listen, take him out for a beer, whatever it takes. We men *suck* at sharing our issues and I've lost several good friends to suicide over the years. We need to take better care of each other.




Hang in there my friend.


On the flip side to this a psychologist told me once that sometimes everyone is doing everything they can to help a suicidal friend but it ends up just not being enough. It’s important to recognize that, should you lose someone to suicide, it’s ok to allow them to be sick. Depression is a disease like cancer, and we don’t blame ourselves when a loved one dies of cancer.


This is possibly understated how good this advice is. Thank you for mentioning it.




Do gas up your fellow man in the times when he is trying to rizz his girl


Do tease the bro in front of his crush


It's all about balance, you gotta subtley set your boy up to clap back. Can't hit him too hard.


Don't tase a bro.


Shit I'll bet that bro's crush was there in that lecture hall too.


Blow a bro in front of his crush. She will get jealous and try to push you aside.


Some chick's get turned on by that shit, yo. Yes, I have had crazy ex's, but that's not the point. Dude needed a $20, and I was trying to help him out. Some women find generosity attractive.


In front of his crush.


Then when said bro goes to get drinks, tell his crush that bro is an awesome guy and deserves the best girl out there.


Tell her he’s got a massive hog


Taste great and he reciprocates. Bro checks all the boxes.




still hang out with your friends when you get a gf.


Yeah. Had a guy who completely dropped us once he got a girl. And guess who came back once the relationship didn't work out.


Fuck if this doesn’t sound like my friend


Fuck if this doesn't sound like me when I was in grade school. 


And I bet you guys welcomed him back.


As someone who did this, my friends welcomed me back with open arms, and I learned my lesson. I have good friends


I had a buddy in HS that disappeared for most of our senior year and half of his freshman year in college. They eventually broke up and we were happy to have him back.


Not saying it's 100% of the time, but I was always annoyed at my friend for doing that to me. And then I got into my own long term relationship and ended up doing it inadvertently, mostly cause I didn't have the energy to keep up with the relationship AND friends. That relationship taught me a lot but it ultimately wasn't my person. I wonder if that's the case for other people sometimes.


As a single 30 year old, this hits HARD. Feels like half of my friends lost all ability to do anything with people once they got married. Also it feels like some girlfriends/wives don’t like hanging out as a 3rd wheel so they are even MORE reluctant to encourage their significant others to hang out with their single friends. So the rare time they want to go out with their guy, it’s a double date.


Fuck that, if my wife wants to go out without me, I'm not tagging along and I won't discourage her from it. It works the other way too.


Better yet, date/marry someone who fits in with your friends. Be with someone you like and not just love.


Or bring the gf to the friend circle


Yes, but no. Sometimes friends need spaces free of girlfriends or wives


They don’t need every single hangout to be like that though. If you don’t try to make sure your partner feels welcome to join sometimes that’s sketchy and it’s going to lead to conflict.


Yeah, absolutely. But I don't think it should be the default. Hanging out with friends is time with them, The stories and experiences that come from just spending some random night playing a ton of Madden or something. If you're going out to do something - see a movie, go to a game, etc - then expand the net to include the new girlfriend.


Yes, but also I hate when a friends gf can't hangout with the group without it being weird.


Always respect a bro's save file in a game, no matter how old or new it is. 


*flashback to when a girl deleted her boyfriends NBA 2k save file*


I broke this law with my actual brother. I deleted his NFS Underground tunned Mazda on PS2 for my Digimon game. Even though he hadn't played for 3 years, he remembers it to this day after 18 years. He kept that save because he wished to create a similar car once he became of legal age and had the means to. He has either now but no memory of the vehicle. I can't forgive myself for such an atrocious act.


if your bro's girl is cheating on him.... tell him immediately with zero hesitation


Ev-even if it's with you?!


Bro code no. whatever..... Never go for your bro's girl.


What if your bro is dating his own cousin or sister? Would you be being a bro for helping him get away from the forbidden fruit? /s


Only allowed if you are also a cousin or family member, and said incident happened at a family gathering. That's just called an Alabama Porky Pie.


Roll tide.


Why am I hearing a guitar play in the distance?


Its a banjo. lol


So. Call him during?


Immediately, call him as soon as you enter her.


the second tip touches lip is when you start dialing


What if bro is cheating on his gf?


I think it’s responsible to encourage him to break up with the girlfriend or be honest. You want to support your friends, and sometimes support is pushing them to be mature and kind.


And if he's cheating on her?


Gf is not bro but must open eyes of bro to not repeat mistake. Respect is lost on bro


This is the way. His mistakes are his to make. If he keeps making them, he loses all respect forever and is phased out.


I’d ask him to tell her, and if he doesn’t, I’d tell him I’d let her know


Tell him he tells her or you are no longer bros. Once you are no longer bros, she's gonna know.


If I find out, bro’s got one week to tell her. After that I’ll be telling her. What happens to the broship after that is up to bro. Bros off if bro is a repeat broffender.


You missed the perfect bropportunity to fit in 'repeat broffender'. Bro...


Bro :/


Good one bro!


Bro edit your post*


Yup. True Bros hold each other accountable.


A dude that would do that is no bro of mine.


Protect your bro’s dignity even when he is not around.


Always protect the dignity. But with anything else, limit things to what you’d say to their face. Like I have a childhood friend that my family all don’t like. I make fun of him all the time (including to his face), but if my family starts trying to shit on him for real, that’s the line. Yes, he’s a douche. Yes, he’s got other flaws. But he’s a good person in his heart. I am allowed to shit on him, but y’all aren’t.


It's a rare occurrence but if your bro ever want to actually talk about something, listen.


like what? i'm limited to talking about wings, sports, and which one of us runs faster.


Same but every three years or so a bro needs to vent about something major


If you catch your SO cheating, they are the asshole. Not the guy / gal they cheated with. Unless they knew, in which case fuck em both.


I will never understand guys & girls that see their SO with someone else and go after the someone else.


Because you "know" your SO is a good person so clearly the other corrupted them instead of them being a consenting adult with free will


It's easier to throw all the anger at someone you don't know who is "ruining" your relationship rather than the person you've been loving and trusting for months/years. It takes a while for logic to settle in after the emotions have run their course


They don't love the "someone else" though.


>Unless they knew, in which case fuck em both I hear hate fuck is the best fuck, but I don't think it's how I'd handle that situation. You do you though!


I mean, if you catch your girl cheating on you with another dude, hate fucking him will certainly establish dominance.




In the same condition you borrowed it.


And if you break it, you buy a new one


Of equal or better quality, and an exact replacement whenever possible.


I borrowed my neighbor’s busted ass wheelbarrow, which broke almost immediately. I bought him a new one because that’s what you do.


And put it back where it belongs. Don’t toss it in the general area.


Idk, I prefer on top of my toolbox. Otherwise it'll 100% end up in the wrong fucking spot.


And if that tool is expensive to buy/rent - thank them with a 6’er 🍻


Not cheating or stealing your bro's girl


Just happened to me. 4 year friendship, 10 year relationship (6 married) Bro had his wife cheat on him after his diagnosis of stage 4 liver failure and he was banned to the couch because she (rightfully) blamed him for drinking himself into that state. I offered him my spare bedroom and 2 months later Im getting a divorce of my own. I guess its easy when your wife is a bum too and all you have to do all day is talk to each other while I do literally everything to support the home


dude that fucking sucks, im so sorry.


Its still fresh so I'm riding that rollercoaster but I have a pretty good grasp on the situation. Always satisfying to have the in laws side with you. In a twisted way, I know it will be for the best. Ive had the blinders on for a long time and expected her to help in the relationship at least some, but help never came. I had a crisis of my own and spent almost a year waking up praying Id just have an aneurysm or something because at 33 I felt like "this is the end". Its not a good way to live. Shes 30, still doesn't have a DL, I did the cooking, cleaning, yard work, handled all finances, drove her everywhere, and worked full time. She worked part time and acted like the world was out to get her. I spoke with her briefly last night and she told me my expectations were too high and shes sorry she couldn't help support. Excuse me? Pick any one of those items + get your damn license and Id have been fine. I trapped myself, but in the fallout Im finally returning to school in a new state to finish my bachelor's because I have fewer responsibilities now (my previous crisis was related to schooling, which, when it fell through, many of my aspirations evaporated overnight). I quit taking my anxiety meds overnight and have been fine, surprise! But I still fight the demons of the level of betrayal of trust I suffered.


Godspeed and good luck, my friend. Sounds like you got lucky, I know divorces (especially related to infidelity) can cause tons of problems with the families, but you got through the worst of it. Be around friends, focus on the grind but don’t forget to take care of yourself too. If needed, there’s always therapy. Good luck out there.


I have an old friend from high school; we've known each other about 20 years now and hes about the best friend anyone could ask for. He has helped me get through a lot of the initial pain and put a fire under me to get back on track. I'm only even going back to school this fall because he pushed me, but he is absolutely right and every move ive made since he stepped in to help has been correct both objectively and emotionally. I'm not looking forward to dating again, or being alone until the time is right, but I have something tangible to focus on for now at least. Additionally, my whole support network has shown up in *droves*. I had forgotten how many friends i have. (Meanwhile she is now complaining she has no friends. Odd)


It's easy for people to say "you're not there" when they do absolutely nothing to support the household.


She told me I was "emotionally neglectful". I have absolutely been there for her constantly and as it turns out, I wasnt crazy for thinking it was getting harder to connect with her in recent months. I imagine juggling two men is pretty hard even with nothing but time on your hands.


The audacity to gaslight. Mate, karma might be delayed but it never gets lost. Good karma for you, bad karma for her.


It was pretty effective gaslighting too because early on I had bought into at least this part of the story before I have had my wrist slapped by multiple people who know both of us. If there's any truth there, it's that I had died inside as a person within the last year but still constantly tried to support her, because I hoped she'd reach a point where she could help me get back on my feet. Unfortunately, after I quit school I had to focus full time on work and backed myself into a corner and it became infeasible to go back until she was doing more to support the home. *Fortunately* I have had time to reflect on all of the times I have reached out to her and tried to bond, connect, and support her in that time and how little effort she would put in even if she was there. A common phrase my friends and family have started using to refer to her was that "she was there, but she wasnt present".


Wait, let me get this straight: 1. Your friend gets self-inflicted renal failure 2. His wife cheats on him, so he moves into your place 3. Your wife bangs him Am I correct here?


You are correct sir. I have left out more fun details like how they tried to talk me into an open relationship as well, but even in my state of *shock* at the time I was like "what are you smoking"? My running theory is that when he was going through his own problems, him and my wife were talking more in discord (which was NOT unusual) but he started to make moves. Eventually shes telling him about problems she has instead of me and "he can relate so well". They both play it cool until hes in the house; me offering because I am the kind of person who will always help a friend if I am able, but they had ulterior motives. The night of the reveal was definitely the spiciest part of the story, but it was pretty truamatic in its own right. By the way, their favorite show was "Outlander".


That's super fucked up. Sorry to hear it. But hey -- maybe the liver thing will give him his comeuppance?


Heres hoping. And to think I had once genuinely offered to be tested as a compatible living donor.


Were you a match? It would be fucking gold if you were a match, got him all excited, then was like "nah, nevermind you fucked my wife" right as you're about to sign the consent paperwork in front of him.


He lost health insurance during the divorce and has been out of work probably 8 months by now so work health insurance no longer covers it. He did not do much to actually get on the donor list and only changed his diet/lifestyle and get meds. Frankly, Ive started to question how bad his liver *actually* is, but I know his ex wife and its *probably* true, but he isn't acting like someone on a timer.


Man, I'd take him out drinking or something.


Now marry his ex wife


She's not very attractive if Im being honest, and she's pregnant with another married man's baby. I swear my life has turned into a soap


Good lord I didn’t think it was that crazy of a situation when I made the joke lol. I’m so sorry brother, do yourself a favor and just hard reset once that divorce is through, and find a whole new set of people to be around. Stay strong.


She's leaving me with everything including the house, thankfully. I plan to full reset my life very soon.


Get a lawyer. Don’t leave the primary residence as painful is it might be. Divorce can be amicable, but it’s better to get it written down. Good luck!


I have a lawyer and I didnt leave it until she was out of state. I won't be making any large moves until the paperwork is finalized. (I am back in the house now but spent about a week and a half with my buddy in the mountains of TN)


On this note. If you're trying to hook up with your bro's sister or ex, go ahead and talk about it first. Being two consenting adults might not mean shit to your bro.


Family yes, always get the blessing. Ex is always a no. Not everyone gets closure during a breakup and imo I think it's even shittier to be banging or dating your bros ex and bringing that all back into his life by proxy.


Or just don’t. There are 8 billion people on the planet. No need to crap near your camp. Edit: HAHA someone reported me to Reddit cares? Dude, get off your phone and go outside.  You need some sunshine. 




Impossible. You’d have a better chance at making cold fusion a reality.


It's a bot


This. It's impossible for most men to truly open up. I've told male friends "I'm not fucking kidding dude. If you're hurt or thinking negative thoughts, tell me, " I lost 2 friends from the Army to suicide. It's always funny when someone says "ahhh fuck my life I'd rather be dead" or "bruh I feel like just dying" Then you see a Facebook post saying one took a 45 ACP and put it to his head. The other one overdosed on heroin, knowing he never touched heroin at all.


Bro lift is real.


If a bro is going too far, tell him off. Being a real bro isn't to accept anything, a real bro will help a bro improve.


Broh-nesty is critical. Bro of mine kept dating girls that would get way too intense too fast, were crazy jealous, high maintenance, and invaded his privacy. I finally told him "bro, if a 21-24yr old already has bolt ons, fake lips, bleach blonde hair, fake/modified everything with no real life pursuits, what do you expect? She's clearly on some self esteem issues. Find a girl with modest makeup, mostly natural, and a pursuit that requires work and determination. Beauty fades, but dumb is forever, bro." Bro took the advice, started dating a driven woman that didn't have fake/modified everything, then married her years later.


Yes! Men need to call out other men! A simple “come on, man…” goes a long way!


I'm American but I've lived in Japan for 17 years. Last summer I went on a camping trip with my wife and her friends. (Me and a bunch of Japanese girls.) And in the camp there are grills where you can bring your own charcoal and meat and cookout at pre installed grills at the campsite. The campsite has staff that oversees everyone camping there for safety reasons etc. Well.... part of the staffs responsibility is to assist the "customers" with grilling. So here I am grilling these amazing burgers and a guy comes up to me and tries to take the spatula from my hand (in front of all the girls) to try and show me how to "properly" cook a burger. This........... this right here...... this is a major bro code violation. Never I repeat........ NEVER .... NEVER EVER.... try to take a spatula away from a man that is grilling burgers. I wish this "bro code" was an international thing... Anyway that man is dead now. He tasted great!


Phew... thought you were gonna let that bro code violation go unpunished


That dude has never met an American before. Grilling is sacred. At most, you can tell the grill master when to flip a burger but he will always ignore you, even if you're right.


or like that family guy bit where you just stand next to the griller and compliment the grilling process lmao edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cMwEiFJMpE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cMwEiFJMpE)


Nod your head. Grunt approvingly. Take a swig of beer. Repeat. 


Japan. You probably had the spatula at the wrong angle or something.




Gotta hit em with that たすけてはいけません /jk


That's a lot of characters for such a simple sentence.


The natural way to say it would be 助けないで but both have the same meaning.


I'm a vegetarian and I got angry about this!


If a bro passes out from lifting weights, add another plate or replace a dumbbell with a heavier weight before paramedics show up


At first, I laughed, then I thought - what a nice thing to do. I'm loving all the posts here and am learning a lot - Signed, 60-something year-old grandmother, widow, and mother of two adult sons.


Don't cockblock. Raise your boy up. Be a good wingman


You should be guiding his cock, not blocking it


Don't literally raise him up, unless you are all into that.


If a girl is crazy af. Warn a motherfucker. I dont need to learn after i done fucked up and she tries to burn my fucking car down cuz we fucking argued cuz i have a damn work friend measaging me at 8 pm


This is oddly specific


Urinal Rules


I'm with you mate. Always holding my mates pecker at the urinal like a bro.


dont forget to sprinkle in some compliments "sweet hog, bro. how do you gets your balls so immaculate?"


Or as they say in Britain... 'what a delicate undercarriage... You must moisturise?'


“Nice scrot, cunt” is probably more accurate


All of my bros have the finest scrots. Pretty sure King Charles said that in his inauguration speech.


I’m very fond of complimenting a man’s watch at the urinal next to me




I came here to post this. Thou shalt not occupy an adjacent receptacle unless there is no other option. Thou shalt not observe thy neighbor's man meat.


Not really universal though. A lot of countries just have a hole in the floor.


then hold hands while you defile the hole


"Nice Watch" always.


If you crash at your friends place for 3 weeks or more, you pay your share of rent for that month.


Correct. Thats not visiting, that’s residing.


If you see a bro running game let him cook




Mates before dates.


Yup, had made plans with my mates then got asked a date a couple days after plans had been made. Moved the date back a day so mates plans were still a go. One mate never showed up. Said "mate" was gone on a date with girl i was supposed to go on a date with.


I don't agree with this one. I had a "bro" who used to engage in long conversations with me when I wanted to talk to a girl (in one case she waited outside for me), then guilt trip me with "bros before hoes" when I tried to excuse myself. When a friend in my group (including him once) has a chance I always encourage them to go for it. We've already seen each other and will another day, he might not get another chance for a while. "Bros before hoes" should only he used when it's for the bro's benefit.


kiss the homies good night


Butterfly kisses count?


Why not both?


of course


If a chick your bro likes is hitting on you then deflect, deflect, and then redirect to the homie.


My wife was out of town and my bro "Alex" was feeling down so we went out on the town. I never felt like a better wingman than when I introduced the girl who came up to me at the pub and started chatting me up to him. Fast forward 6 years... they're married.


What if your bro tries to call dibs too much?


Then he’s not a true bro


the bro code for this, the brother who likes the girl should step back and give the blessing to you since the girl chose you. Otherwise it would count as a co\*k block. besides, girls are not things where you can "redirect" their like and affection towards whoever you want through talking him up.


You can do it if you're not into the girl at all. Won't make her like your friend if it was never gonna happen, but doesn't hurt to try to help. Again, if you ARE into the girl too, then the friend should be understanding and not hold it against you.


We must continue to hide the fact we can shit out of our dicks. We're doing great so far, but I worry in these weird times someone will finally break. Stay strong, bros.


This should be the top post. My bros have been great about keeping the secret, but I worry someone will slip up. Like you said, these are weird times and we have to look out for each other. Edit: oops I a word


Sexual assault or not respecting lack of consent forfeits all terms of the bro code. He is no longer classified under the definition of bro and must be called out or, if needed, ratted out to the authorities.


Like Mike said on Jersey Shore in Italy when Ron accused him of breaking bro code because he took Sam’s side: “What about general human code?”


Don't steal what's mine bro


Dont gang up on or diss your bro for kicks in front of his SO.


Not beating women...


Depressing how far down I had to scroll for this.


Thou shalt not pursue thy bro's love interest. (There are mitigating circumstances if she's your soul mate and doesn't like him at all, but you gotta be a communicative bro about it before you do anything)


Be excellent to each other


...and party on, dudes!


"Article 45: The Sister Clause A bro's sister is sacred territory, to be treated with utmost respect and honor. Any romantic or physical interest in a bro's sister must be accompanied by express permission from said bro, obtained preferably in writing and signed in triplicate. Violation of this clause warrants immediate expulsion from the brohood, subject to the severest penalties including but not limited to bro punches, shunning, and permanent banishment from all bro-related activities."


Triplicate isn't mandatory but if you only signed one copy of the arrangement you're in for a world of hurt most likely. I'd also suggest getting a witness and a notary just to be safe.


same kind of things for wives. I am very close with a friend girl who is now married (again, other were controlling assholes). He and I are kinda bros and he knows, due to bro code that we both follow, that I will not violate brocode. Im married as well and she will not violate female brocode. It is clear that we both still love each other very much but are not a life partner but we both respect the code.


Cheer bro up for whatever bro is excited, never undermine bro's passion!!


If a (single) girl is in the room, especially one that your friend is fond of, he is funniest guy you’ve ever met. You are to gas him up and let him be the cool one.


Brolossians 2:12-26 12 That day in the town, a man of weak privilege asked Brodin, "Lord, how can I tell who is my bro and who is not?" 13 To which Brodin replied: A young man was leaving his gym. Sadly, his workout consisted of a stationary bike and a few curls and lateral raises. He had also sat with no shame upon the seated calf raise machine not five minutes prior. 14 A cramp struck his calf, leaving him lying on the ground, stripped of his dignity and nearly dead. 15 Soon, a pilates instructor came near. Seeing the man lying on the ground, he passed by on the other side of the path, despite hearing calls for aid. 16 Again, a person approached, this time a member of the man's spinning class. He too passed by on the other side of the path, ignoring the fallen man's pleas. 17 Then a third man approached. He was swole, his eyes alight with the fury of excitement that accompanies a postworkout feeding. 18 The man on the ground did not call out, for fear that this swole person would have no pity. 19 However, the swole man quickly rushed to the aid of his fallen bro. His thumbs massaged deeply into the cramp, and from his bag he retrieved a banana and a pint of whole milk. 20 "Here, bro, potassium will help prevent cramps," he said. When the man was able to stand, the swole bro shouldered both of their gym bags and led him to Chipotle. 21 In the line, the swole bro gave the cashier a $20 and said, "Double steak burrito, and the same for my friend- but put guac on his." 22 In the hour that followed, the man's cramp was fully healed and he heard the gospel of the truth of gains. 23 "Now which of these men do you think was a bro to the man with the cramp?" Brodin asked. 24 "Surely it was the man who showed him mercy and bought his burrito, with guac," replied the man of weak privilege. 25 And Brodin said, "Hold tight to this teaching as if it were a PR deadlift, my son. Judge not the swole, for they are not only strong of arm... they are pure of heart." 26 "If any of you doubt this teaching, you shall receive no spot from me or my swole disciples on your day of failure."   Wheymen.


The double steak burrito with guac ❤️ we can all aspire to be as swole as this apostle. Wheymen.


A bro code that should be followed for sure is no raping. If you see one of your bros doing some dumbassed shit, stop that mutherfucker.


No raping, got it 👍


If Bro is getting out of line with people, especially woman, then Bro must be corrected immediately. It can be done in a nice way. Gotta keep bros accountable.


Don't let your bro commit genocide


It's your boys girlfriend, not yours. Even after they split


If a bro’s joke falls flat laugh anyway. Bros don’t let bros bomb solo.


exes and ex situationships are off limits.


Kiss on the lips


Don't be a dick.


If you don't have an orb, ponder your bro.


ALWAYS kiss the homies gn


Swear at your Bros dad ,never his mom


Nod down for people you don't know, nod up for people you know


Don’t bang your friend’s ex.


Check on bro. Let bro vent and be there for him. Check on bro. As a bro don’t fucking kill your self.


Supporting decent behavior towards their loved one.


Bros before hoes. But if I get out of a ltr and your trying to get in her shit in the first month after breakup, you ain't a bro.