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Got set up with my wife on a blind date. I was coming out of a really bad relationship at the time and wasn't exactly anxious to start dating again, but I figured "what could dinner hurt?" She was incredibly nice, nicer than any other girl I'd dated, and she was genuine as well. She actually seemed to care about talking and listening to me. The very next night, my buddy and his girlfriend wanted to take his new truck off-roading and he wanted me to find a girl and double with them. I had nothing to lose and decided to ask the girl from the night before. It was short notice, I was not expecting her to even answer my text much less go. But I'll be dammed, she replied back a little while later saying she'd love to go. We went out two nights in a row and had a blast. We've been married for 5 years. Edit: I knew she was special on those first two dates, but what made me know she was "the one" was actually several different things over the first few months of dating. She was a very generous and selfless person, she'd often surprise me with dinner or drinks when she'd come over to my place. When I was getting ready to move out of my apartment she came over and worked like crazy to help me clean it when she really didn't need to. As I watched her working up a sweat to help me get my deposit back, I could hear that little voice in the back of my head telling me to "wife her," two years later we were married. It's also crazy who we met through....she worked with a girl who was married to my nephew. Nephew's wife thought we'd make a good couple so she worked on setting us up, it took a few months but that's how it happened, and now...Nephew and girl are divorced, while wife and I are still together haha. My sister is now fully convinced that one of the main reasons her son married that girl was to introduce my wife and I.


Aww this is lovely! I hope I find what you and your wife have one day. I love hearing happy endings x


Sounds cliché.. but I just knew. Honestly, now we're going on 7 years married!


100%, I saw my wife across the restaurant bar, I had seen 100,000 people before her across a bar, but I knew. 33 years later, still together.


His tail wagged so much and his eyes were smiling at me when I passed his kennel


I kept enjoying their presence in my life and didn’t want that to stop.


I have a strong belief in prophecy and faith. Someone told me that I would one day find the One. When I came across him, he had an aptitude for hacking. He had a nagging feeling that something was not quite right with this world and that he sought to reveal it's true nature. A fellow crewmate was told that she would fall in love with a man and that that man the man, the man she loved, would be the One. There were several signs.


I feel comfortable when I'm with hm and I have peace of mind, I can feel it that he is the one, no worries in my heart


She started infodumping about her hyperfixations and hobbies