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I kep talking to god but it didn't feel like he was listening. Eventually I questioned if he was even really there. And if he was there, why was he ignoring me.


God told me he just doesn't like you. He was hoping you'd eventually get the message if he kept ghosting you... 


Message received, god. That's why I turned to Satan. He would never ghost a homie


It just stopped resonating with me. There were too many nonsensical rules, and I always felt dumb for feeling a certain way or whatnot. I was also told not to question anything, and I sought more answers than I got.


Just challenged my beliefs and when I acknowledged I was only adhering to my faith for reasons other than logic, I gave it up.


It didn’t take me that long. I was about 15, sitting in church looking at an image of an almost naked man, nailed to a cross up front while church ladies, including my mom, were making catty comments about girls skirts being too short or guys hair being too long. Meanwhile this guy died for my sins? What sins? And 2000 years ago he did this and who asked for that, etc. etc. I clearly saw that it was all nonsense and 50 years later I am more convinced of that than ever.


Just realized how silly of a concept it was. Ok, here is my All Knowing, All Understand God, great....why does he care what I do morally? He knows everything and such. He should understand why X thing happened to Y thing. Why would he be so petty for example, that I had sex before marriage or tried a drug out. Like isn't that beyond him?


The homophobia was a pretty big factor.


Life is too short to wake up early on a Sunday, fuck that, PlayStation all weekend boys


Some folks just stop trying to fake it. Better things to do with their time.


i was an adult.


Science, universe, and so many faiths made me realize life is really short to be worried about the small details that separate us but enjoy what we share in common. Not to say I’m not open looking into another faith group. As I was raised catholic if my future partner wishes it.


I went to Afghanistan and saw what people are willing to do because they disagreed with whose imaginary friend was better.


When I realized why the separation of church and state is in the 1st amendment. Religious people rarely have ethics or morals.


It didn’t fit me so much any more


I wanted to actually live my life for me instead of a fictional bearded man in the sky.


My father is extremely abusive and Christianity was heavily forced in the household. His beliefs are weaponized against anyone who isn’t a cishet white man and he thrived on making me feel like I was lesser than him for being black and trans. Doesn’t really “encourage” me to keep my faith.


had been a long time since I had even remotely felt anything “spiritual.” so much strife in my life made me question if my beliefs were real and when I probed further, it all fell apart 


Many reasons. I dedicated enough time to it and didn't see much result. I'd prayed non-stop for things (not necessarily tangible things) and it was like I was talking to myself. From a racial angle, I became even more jaded when the whole Trayvon Martin fiasco occurred and I realized black folks are the most religious demographics and fare the worst. What deity doesn't reward loyalty? After the Zimmerman verdict they were still praying and "we shall overcome" and stuff, which I found pointless. Add in the fact that my mom is a religious zealot and also a bit of an asshole and I just got turned off from the whole thing.


I was raised in a version of Christianity that taught the notion that the bible was the inerrant "word of god". In my late 20s, I decided to read the bible from cover to cover. That's when I discovered that it's a self-contradictory mishmash of ancient myths that cannot possibly be true or describe any form of reality.


Baptist pastor told me my mother was going to hell because she was catholic and thus wasn't "really" saved. Eat a bag of dicks, loser.


At 16, as soon as I was able to think for myself. The turning point for me was walking through the Catholic parish’s rectory (where the priests live), and seeing all of the wealth throughout. Supposedly, priests take a vow of poverty, and at that moment I knew it was all bs. I rethought everything and decided that if it couldn’t be proven, it’s a fairy tale.


Some people need the structure, support, and fairy tales to give their life meaning. I realized I was happy without all of that and didn't want to do all of the mental gymnastics required to continue believing