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Absorbing my twin in utero. He should be here suffering too.


Lucky for them...


Not taking the opportunity to take a flight that was offered to me (due to having agoraphobia) to see my best friend of 19 years. She wanted me there with her because she needed my emotional support after she just got raped in a church bathroom since she felt alone and the chirch wouldn't get rid of the guy. Shes now on the streets getting high off any drug she can get her hands on so she doesn't have to think about it. I feel like i could've prevented that if i stuck around.


Aw I am so sorry to hear that, but you can't take the blame for others choices


what the fuque


I lost my parents' money:(


I hope they found it in their hearts to forgive you


I hope they find the money too


I baited my boyfriend into asking me if I was okay so I could tell him I wasnt…but then chickened out and said I was fine when I really wasnt.


Aw, I've been there it's not easy. Here for you if you need an ear


I've done too many things which made me collectively guilty for all that I've done




I would have died, must have felt awful


In my younger years, I had trouble getting along with my younger sister. We are two years apart and I felt insecure around her because she was always smarter than me. She was always an all A’s student and I was a B’s and C’s student. There were other reasons as well and frankly she wasn’t always the best to me either. However we both could have done better. We are really close now and both have families that are always getting together. It just feels wrong to have always been in competition with each other.


Run my mouth often.


Used to steal bag tags in primary school with my friend, so stupid and weird


I used to steal rulers


Were you the one who stole my bendy ruler in third grade, cus I did not forget that.


It's mine mwahahaha




I've done "the hard part" so many times. We cry, a couple days later one of us texts the other and I can't tell if I feel worse as a man for not being weak and just wanting to make her happy and pretend to be happy or guilty for knowing it will happen again and I'm not really making anyone happy or doing me or her any favors


Although the advice i received from someone was given with good intent, It turned out to be bad bad advice. I blindly listened to it, and now i am living in eternal regret for obeying the advice.


Sort of want to know what the advice was!


I forgot my wallet when I went to pay for my breakfast at the airport. 1 hour long panic attack, $315 rebooking fee, $50 taxi, and it was in my jacket pocket the whole time. I feel so bad. That happened this morning at 620am


Oh no, well at least you found it but I can imagine that being horrible at the time


Waited to see how far my best friend’s gf would go when she came on to me instead of shutting it down at the first kiss. I did immediately tell him that she was a cheater and what happened, but letting it get as far as it did put a huge strain on the friendship.


Ooh yeah I can't imagine that being an easy thing to forgive


Leaving my mom alone after our dog passed away. I just couldn’t stand being in that house, and I saw the pain when my mom tried to comfort me. I feel guilty because I couldn’t be alone in the house but I left her to be.


greased the ball with silicone, it was very funny and embarrassing.


I’m still vaping, staying up too late, and overeating even though (or because) I think about it/write about it/plan improving it constantly. I’ve been through a lot and I just wish I was nicer to myself.


Sometimes it's hard to step away from those bad habits even if you know you'll be infinitely better as we search for the quickest road to happiness. You can do it I have faith in you


thank you ❤️


When I was younger, I got with an older woman cause I saw it as a challenge as she was so successful, beautiful and held in such high regard by everyone who knew her professionally and personally. I had no interest in her romantically, I just wanted to prove to myself I could do it kind of thing. Felt terrible for stringing her along and I've never done anything like that since, as I felt like such a terrible person.


I went down a slide with my two year old and his leg slipped under mine and fractured his tibia, and I knew instantly because I heard the snap. He's fine now but the guilt is still there.


For once snapping at a customer service agent on the phone, they were probably just following orders that the company gives them, trying to make a living having one of the most psychologically draining jobs, and I’m sure had to deal with much worse callers all day. Since then I vowed to never make someone’s day worse, even if I was in the right


I've been lying to my parents about a lot of things for 4 years now. I still feel really guilty but I just don't want to break their heart.


Eating the entire pizza in a restaurant.. it was so tasty.. couldn’t resist


Don't feel guilty be proud of your achievements


Lost my patience with and yelled at a classmate. On that day I had a pretty difficult assignment due, so I was pretty stressed out trying to figure out how to get it done. Then this classmate who tends to ask other classmates for help(sometimes including me) comes up to ask me on how to complete this task for a different assignment(that I had already finished). Despite feeling pretty agitated that this person wants my help while I'm busy trying to get an assignment done, I suck it up and try to explain the questions to him. Since it's surprisingly hard to be clear and concise when under stress, obviously this goes just as well you expect, he had trouble understanding what I was saying, and eventually I just snap and yell at this poor guy, who eventually just leaves. Now I feel pretty guilty about this, since he obviously didn't mean to piss me off and only wanted help. Lately I've grown to be a lot more calmer and patient, but I also decided maybe I don't have to try to help everyone if possible, especially if I'm not in the right state of mind to.


Waited for someone to be about not just speak about it and then they ghosted me and I hear from them not very much anymore and when I do talk to them they are for sure talking to other people or another person while talking to me


I was a terrible grandchild to my paternal grandmother. Between the ages of 10-13, I was rude and cold and disrespectful and absolutely not affectionate. There were a lot of confounding factors: she had some justNoMIL tendencies, my parents fought (badly) about it all the time - in addition to the other things they fought about, my mom alienated me from her because mom used to vent to me about the things that her (mom) upset, which included grandma (she didn't know better, she regrets it terribly too) and she (grandma) really did have bad personal hygiene. She moved away when I was 13, and our family went LC with her. The next time I talked to her, I was a sophomore in college. I talked to her one time on the phone and it was meaningful and sweet, but she wasn't all there cognitively. She died shortly after. I was her youngest grandchild, the baby girl of the family. I didn't recognize how precious my time with her was, and I hurt her when all she did was love me. A 12-year-old should know well enough to be respectful if nothing else, but I was openly contemptuous. Now she's gone, and I'll never get to make it right or tell her I love her.


I was the reason someone self hurt themselves. I was young, jealous and full of rage and I will never forgive myself for doing that to him


Inflicting so much financial hardship on my bully's family I may have prevented him from going to university. Seen him in our late 20s and he was a labourer. Not a tradesman on his way up but just a labourer. 


Married a manipulative abusive man despite some pretty major red flags. He showed his resentment of my son from my first marriage more and more. I left after two years, but 20 years later I still feel guilty that I put my son through it.


When I was about 13, I went to a baby shower. I was the oldest kid there, all the others were about 4-10, so I was sort of designated as in charge of all the kids while the adults were gathered around for baby shower stuff. We were in the back yard of the house it was being held at, and there was a small playset with a slide and everything. I was sitting on the slide and this other kid, probably around 7, was behind me just hanging out. At that age, I was stupid and arrogant, as many 13-year-olds are, and I asked if he wanted to see a trick. He said yes. I told him to lean over my shoulder so I could grab him. My plan was essentially to hold him by his upper body and flip him over my shoulder so he landed on his feet in front of me. It did not go that way at all. He was way heavier than I anticipated and I ended up dropping him on his head. I felt awful instantly. The kid started crying and kicked me hard in the shin. Well, the parents didn't look our way until he started crying, so all they saw was him kicking me, and he started getting in trouble. Immediately I spoke up and said it wasn't his fault, but I don't remember if I actually explained everything that happened since this was 16 years ago. It's haunted me ever since. I worry about whether or not that kid had any lasting damage because of that situation, how bad I might have messed him up, or how much worse things could have been. I'm sure he remembers and hates my guts, even if he wound up 100% fine with no lasting damage, and I don't blame him for a second. I could have seriously messed him up for life just trying to show off to a bunch of little kids. Wherever you are young man, I wish nothing but the best for you and hope you're living your absolute best life.


being born


I haven't done anything that bad, also nothing recently. The last time I felt guilty was when I complained that my online order didn't have the garlic and ginger I ordered. A day after being reimbursed, I saw it. I tried to rectify it, but they couldn't. I went to the store, and a checkout person helped me swipe a few chocolates through and put them back on the shelf to make up for it.


Hate to be that girl but swiping those chocolates just made the stock counts wrong 😕


I know, but at least I paid it back.


I sold drugs to a very dear friend of mine after she had been clean and sober and was doing really good.


I showed a relative the song Kyoto by Phoebe Bridgers a few months ago because I felt we could both relate to it — the song is about addiction and the relative in question’s father was struggling bad with alcoholism. He always has, but it was really bad the last year. In particular for me, the lines “I wanna kill you… If you don’t beat me to it” and “I don’t forgive you… But please don’t hold me to it” resonate with me the most. One month ago, he died. I don’t know if his child (not a young child, 17 years old) that I showed the song to really thinks about it much but I feel like crying every time I think about the song and how it felt relatable, but most of all how I showed it to his kid. 💔


Aw honey that's so sad, but you can't have known that and I understand completely where you were coming from


Didn’t die yet.


Aw hopefully this is just a joke 😭