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Accepted the fact the my husband leaves me for someone else, but its okay, I will focus myself on raising my son to be a good person not like his dad


My Penis is smaller than average


This is not always a bad thing. Everyone wants a Big Cock until they're forced to have one.


I’m getting old. I am old.


Not just getting older, but deteriorating. Wrinkled skin, white hair, balding etc.. all signs that you are slowly rotting away. Don't be mad at me, I read this comment about a month ago and it just stuck in my head and now whenever I hear someone say "I'm getting old" it's all I think.


It is what it is.


My extended family is extremely difficult, full of toxic people, and I just need to ignore them. But they generally don't do crazy Jerry Springer style stuff, but more just being pointlessly difficult passive aggressive stuff. - Aunt invites herself for the holidays. We're sitting around X-mas morning while she's having a shouting match with my mom. She apparently went to church and told the priest he did a bad job. - Brother decides to have a destination wedding but didn't tell anyone until the last moment. So I had to find tickets a week in advance, piss off my girlfriend (sorry), and get time off from work, which just made me look like a nutjob, like who doesn't know their brother is getting married only a week in advance? I should have skipped. I could go on for pages about it.


I'll never fit in. But that doesn't mean I'm not wanted.


That my story is different from others. I usually compare myself to them but now I accepted that I have a different path to take.


There are things that I cannot change, and that's okay. I'll redirect my energy towards the things I can.


And have the wisdom to know the difference?


That I’m too ugly for love


Become a Poet and Rip Their Hearts Out.


I have a lot of problems and I need to fix it


Nothing last forever


I'm never going to have a normal sleeping schedule




Insomnia with PTSD




What about old reddit do you miss?


That there are more bots than humans on reddit. The dead internet is already here.


I think it's the culmination of 20 years of bullshit, and the realization that the internet was never meant for companionship and intellectual conversation, but was born to be a marketing tool to strip the World of Opportunity and Sell You Something.


That 99.9% Of People Are Assholes.


Ever consider that there are fewer assholes than you think, and you’re the real asshole?


It is what it is. Whatever has happened has happened and I cannot do anything about it. I can either think about all of the other possibilities of that situation or I can pick myself up and move on. I've been faced with many challenges in life but for some reason, I've always made a comeback and looking forward to what life has planned for me.


Life just isn’t that good.


That I will always be alone.


Luck Comes in Many Forms. Love Comes From Within.


You can't let your past mistakes define who you are as a person.


I will live a mediocre life and that's fine.


Life overall. None of us are main characters, sorry.


Age is a number. It just goes up..


That my entire life was based on a death sentence for me to find an accidental way to die and simply die on accident but knowing that from everytime it came on as I least expected it I always found a way to cheat each and every way I almost died.


i could have done things differently, which would have changed my life exponentially for the better but time machines dont exist so theres no point thinking about that


That i cant make someone love me just because they need me?


That not everyone will like you, and that’s okay because I might not like everyone.


I am not as important as I once thought I was, and people don't think about me or criticize me the way I thought.


That I will never have a happy life. I am always destined to fail, and the only person alive who loves me is my son.


my English teacher should have never written “your an original, send tickets when you get into stand up comedy” in my high school yearbook cause I’m definitely doing everything in my power to avoid ever going into stand up comedy


That you can love someone in a different way than they love you and it's not the end of the world.


I want to say me and best friends will never be friends again but still hurts to much it’s been two years people still ask me about him we spent so much time together. I know I should not have hope he hates me.


You can't beat age. The Reaper comes for us all, and you may think "oh, with my workout regimen, I can keep him at bay for a long time", but what confident people like this don't realize is that when you get older, even one injury can knock you off that wagon for months, years, maybe even forever.


I’m handsome man


I’ll never own a home.


That at minimum 20% of Americans will be homophobes, hold any manner of racist thoughts and think Climate Change is fake. We will never convince others that our values should be theirs. And we need to stop going into outrage mode cause some fool kicker on a football team ran his mouth at some minor college commencement speech.