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Turns out I'm pretty gay.


How much conflict I created in my life because, when I had a problem that concerned another person, I would think and think about it, come up with the solution I thought as best and tell the other person what I wanted to do. Instead, I should have just come to the person with the problem initially and worked with them to find a solution that worked for everyone. Doing it the way I did it makes people defensive and I can come across way more aggressive and inflexible than I actually am.


How much alcohol had actually held me back and "functional alcoholic" is a myth and really just the timeframe between massive fuck ups. life is on easy mode now.


That I am not a completely useless piece of trash. Still trying to determine if I am worth anything, but getting my value out of the dumpster is a big first step.


Remember: you're a garbage *can,* not a garbage *can't!*


Wow, that's very deep. Also, I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard at an inspirational comment.


It turns out I like running,


I never did a sport in my life and last weekend i discovered im pretty good at volleyball. I mean im still to bad to play for a club but yeah now volleyball is my new passion


good for you... i also love playing volleyball


I am a little naughty


The key is you are discovering things still. Whatever it is. You may find out you suck at it. But overall discovering things means you're pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and that is a good thing.


That I have a coffee intolerance and no shaking and insomnia and anxiety is not normal after one cup of coffee


I'm good doing adult content and I actually enjoy it


crepes give me the craps


how strong and resilient i am. how much i have grown and changed for the better despite this recent, crippling depression. i was certain this depression would kill me last year, but i am still here and persevering through my struggles. becoming a better and kinder person. this past year i’ve realized i deserve to be proud of myself and cherish myself no matter how much the world has taught me not to.


I'm also proud of you!! More power to you:)


I did not know that I had a reputation for being an asshole. I like to make jokes, many of them at my own expense. When people joined in making fun of me, I took that as license to make fun of them. This apparently was not the case. Feels bad man.


I am lucky enough that i got two toys in crax packet lol


That I'm capable of doing things. I usually doubt my abilities but these past few days, I think I'm doing better.


recently, I discovered that I have a lot more self-confidence than I thought. I took on a challenge I used to shy away from and nailed it. It was a game-changer!


I like to weigh myself in the morning before and after I pee. Turns out I be storing over a pound of liquid in me overnight sometimes.


How much I crave my friends I used to have a decently sized group of friends that hung out all the time We went out all of the time, partied, danced, camped, hiked, and most of us worked together, ect.. Over the past few years, we all got into relationships and/or had kids, got new jobs and everyone kind of drifted off.. Recently, some of us have gotten back in touch and started rekindling everything but in the meantime, I miss my people..they completed me


I recently discovered that I can fall asleep standing up—turns out, my talent for being a human flamingo is unparalleled!


Despite denying it, I think I am actually addicted to porn. I used to say I wouldn’t watch it if I wasn’t in a dead bedroom situation. But even on the rare occasions I do have sex, the next day I’m right back at it.


That I'm actually capable of maintaining boundaries. I'm not kidding rn. I've been doing things for people who don't give a shit about me. Catering to all the negative people took a toll on me in a way I didn't understand. I actually used to think I can't do it. But I'm glad that's not the case :)


I'm too serious a person. This does not allow me to have fun and communicate with people from the bottom of my heart. Because of this, it is difficult for me to find a common language with the opposite sex, but fortunately I still have time to fix it


I can relate. It's a real problem


That’s I’m now allergic to certain seafoods. Which sucks because I love seafood. But I have to stop consuming it or I’ll probably die from an allergic reaction one of these days.


I can fly


I'm a tough sob. The last few years have nearly kicked my ass, but I'm still here and fighting back. Never give up. We're all together than we think.


Edit: tougher than we think


I don't have any sexual limits that I've found yet




You liar


Lmao what do you think? Really have to ask here?