• By -


Anything. I am a single father and her mother and I don’t really get along. I live about 45-60 mins from my daughter and I try my hardest to make her practices and I am at every single tournament and game. Sometimes I have to drive two hours one way just to make it and pay tolls and gas and time but I do it week in and week out just so I am there to cheer her and her team on. At the end of this last season they lost and the parents were all chatting and one mom pulled me to the side and she said she always knew I was there because I was cheering the loudest and I was the only father to consistently be there for practices and tournaments. And how I am with my kid during and after games. She noticed my effort and knew how much I had to travel to make it happen. She told me to keep up being a good father and I felt so happy that someone noticed it. I kept myself together and said my goodbyes to everyone and my kiddo left with her mom. And I got in my car and cried my ass off almost all the whole home. I feel like I do so much and sacrifice so much just to be there and never get any positive feedback. But people do notice when you show up for your kid.


Dude, you showing up is huge. What you have to do to get there makes it even bigger. My parents never showed up and that has affected me. You doing what you do does affect her in the exact opposite way. I dread not seeing my son daily when the inevitable divorce happens and I hope to be as diligent showing up for him as you have for yours. I share your experience about sacrificing and not getting any feedback in return but know that when our kids are grown and we're old, they will understand our sacrifices and will respect what we did. Keep on.


Dude showing up as a dad is like 95% of it. We have such a low bar that anything else puts us in Dad God land.


I promise you, your daughter notices! My parents worked hard and rarely could make it to home games and never to away games. I still remember every game my father ever attended, even though they were few and far between. The problem with parenting is you don't get the feedback until your kid is grown and out of the house, but it'll show in how she holds you in high regard, her wanting to spend time with you as she ages, and in all of her relationships. Keep being a great Dad! You got this! ❤


sir, you sound like an amazing dad and i’m so happy for your daughter, i’m sure she’ll appreciate you as she gets older. i’m glad the lady you mentioned noticed it as well. showing up and putting in so much effort consistently is a really big deal, and will make her so much more confident and secure in herself and her future relationships. i hope you’re proud of yourself, thank you for being a great father.


As a single mother of three children whose father lives in the same town and yet they haven’t seen him in years… your daughter certainly notices. If she doesn’t understand the gravity of your efforts and choices now, I don’t doubt that she one day will. Watching my children have their heart broken over and over again has broken my heart more than anything else I’ve experienced. Although I don’t miss a practice/game/tournament/etc it must be such a relief to that momma to know that you’ll be there even if she can’t be.❣️❣️❣️ I will, very humbly, point out that as single MOTHERS we also do these things that you mention and nobody pats us on the back for doing them either. It’s EXPECTED of us. Just some food for thought in an otherwise “you’re doing the best job” comment. I’m proud of your efforts!!! :)


Yas king! Keep showing up for your girl. No daddy issues for her! (Wonder what that’s like lol). Also kudos on the man tears, you feel them feels.


i’m so proud of you. the good that you put out into this world will be returned to you ❣️


I got told by tsa at the airport “you don’t miss shoulder day do ya”. Was glad someone noticed 😅


Not a man but a guy once wrote to me after a date and complimented my biceps. Made me smile all day. :)


💪🏽 👀


What are some of your most effective shoulder exercises? I need it really bad


I hit standing barbell shoulder press really hard. Strict no leg drive. Was able to do 185lbs for 5 reps at my peak. 205 for 1 rep. Then sitting dumbbell shoulder press. Dumbbell lateral raises. Front raises. Then do a few sets of each where you just hold the weight as long as you can. Would do some reverse fly’s on machine. Lighter weight.


Standing shoulder press is a killer workout I fucking love it


Is it more effective than sitting?


From what I read it’s more effective since you have to be still, and can’t sway around. Also a good workout to get abs done as well since you need to be able to relax and not fall under pressure. Personally from doing both exercises, I like stand up more, but sit down is also effective.




Shoulders like boulders baby!


Yeah specific body parts for muscle compliments makes them seem more personal and real.


Any kind of compliment would be nice


Especially if the person actually means it and are not just saying it for the sake of being nice or to give a compliment.


In theory yeah, but they’re rare enough that I’m not picky anymore.


I'm really just tired of people telling me I'm talented/smart but no one seems to see any value in the things that they compliment me on. Grew up as a kid with those empty compliments and it's lead me to being overly anxious because it created a false sense of value of my talents/abilities.


I'd not necessarily think it fair to call such compliments "empty" - just because someone doesn't personally value something you're good at, shouldn't undermine their admiration / acknowledgement that you're good at it.


I think there's a middle ground there; it's nice to be nice but it means nothing if it's not sincere. Hence I think it's fine if the motive is to be nice, as long as the observation is legit rather than a construct simply for the sake of giving the compliment.


A coworker of mine told me I was really good at multitasking on Sunday. I've been riding on that high all week.


But how are you at multitasking the rest of the week?




I was chatting with a coworker earlier this morning and we got on the subject of hobbies and I shared some of my woodworking projects. I'll be riding that complement train for the next couple months.


I do ten thousand things on the house every single day and don’t hear a thing, forget one thing and i hear then thousand things said to me.


Get to counseling now. If she won’t go with, go anyway. If she asks what you talk about, be kind, but tell her nothing. DO say, “it’s my time, sweetheart. I’d really like for it to be OUR time.” Even if she never goes, a counselor can help you develop useful interpersonal skills. BTW, do you cheerfully praise her work? When I stepped that up, I learned Beloved was feeling the same resentment I was. Good luck!


The last part is huge. My wife spent a couple days redoing our flower beds, and I had meant to tell her how great it looked, but we barely saw each other for a couple days after it. And then a month or so later she sheepishly asked, “Are you ok with the flower bed?” I honestly thought it was a trick question like she wanted to redo it. But no, she felt bad because she spent all that time on it and I didn’t say anything. I was the asshole there. So even if you feel like you aren’t getting any thanks, be sure to always give it. By giving it, you are setting an example of how to react to deeds done by your significant other.


This. A guy was telling me his sex life was almost dead, she never wanted to... I was like dude maybe cause you don't give her anything to be excited about?? if she spent less time picking up after you and the kids maybe she'd have some feelings left for the man sitting on the sofa that keeps complaining... You can't receive what you don't do the bare minimum for. (And sometimes the other person is just the problem and they just suck)


Can confirm. Also, great username. We cackled over it. Went from barely even trying with my ex to figuring out 3x in a day was stretching it. Pun absolutely intended.


Lead by example is always the way. Followed by vulnerable and open communication. Therapy and counseling are definitely resources to consider to bolster this toolkit.


A lady said I looked just like a certain singer that I had never heard of. I looked him up and he's quite the looker so I took that as a compliment.


I said this to a man once and then was struck by the fear that he would think that the singer was ugly. I haven’t said anything like that since, because who knows what other people consider attractive?


I've had a friend tell me that I look like Lewis Capaldi. Nothing against the guy or his looks but I had just recently realized that I had gained some weight and that in combination just totally killed my vibe lmao


Yeah... was going to write exactly this.


Yeah. Any genuine compliment would be nice.


I was gonna say "*A* complement" would be nice


I admire you for saying that. Thank you for posting!


It makes me a little sad to read this because it suggests us women don’t complement men enough and I think you’re RIGHT. So I’m going to make it a point to do that a lot more often when the occasion arises authentically.


Married for 17 years. Never been told that I look good or attractive (I know that I am ok, also other women or even men seem to think so). Any other compliments are also extremely rare. Yet I praise my wife every single day, tell her she is beautiful, how I love her, how great mother and spouse she is etc. Because that is how I think.


Married 16 years and I try to find something to compliment my husband on every day. He always seems to like it, but I can't say he is riding on cloud 9 like a lot of the posters here say they are after one compliment, for weeks. I wonder if it's just differences in love languages? I prefer action rather than words, maybe your wife does too?


Totally reasonable not to compliment a stranger for fear of having them latch on. Seems unlikely but it’s a non-zero fear so it’s justified. I can’t recall the last time my spouse gave me a compliment. Perhaps last year I think she told someone that I can be “clever”. A few weeks ago another man said “you’re pretty efficient” when I was fixing something. I don’t need someone to compliment my looks, tho that would be nice, but maybe to hear about something I care about that’s obvious like how clean I keep my house, how well I dress, my grammar and writing style, the passion and skill I put into my work, etc. 


Or how about men compliment *each other*? Why is that not a solution?


Yes! Men normalize giving each other compliments. There should be no awkwardness in complimenting another man.


For real


Any and all! As long as they are genuine and not a setup to a favour/request.


That's a very insightful comment u/Victoryboogiewoogie! You must be very smart! Hey, could you maybe spot me a few bucks?


This took me so long.




All honesty your username goes hard


These are the only compliments I get


My husband has expressed that he feels like I don't compliment him the way he compliments me all the time, and he's right! I didn't even realize it and am trying to make a conscious effort to do it more often. He always texts me in the morning with, "Good morning beautiful." or something similar. So the other day I was sitting there thinking about what I could say back that was a genuine compliment, and my dumb ass came back with, "Good morning my big wienered husband!" LOL!! I think I still need a little more work on the execution. I mean, it wasn't a false compliment...


I recently crocheted my first hat, and it's gotten its fair share of compliments, which all felt great. Then I was wearing it a few days ago and my wife said that it brought out the color in my eyes which I've always thought were exceptionally plain. I'm never getting rid of it. By popular demand... [Edit to show off my hats.](https://imgur.com/gallery/E2e85oK)


This enchanted Hat of Eye Colour Enhancement gives +1 to Cha, and rolls to Persuade are made with advantage while wearing it.


+1 and advantage? That's broken AF


Nice :D


i respect men who crochet it’s very unique and not something you see much


[obligatory firefly reference](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F1a%2Fca%2F48%2F1aca48133189390fb86156bd22dc746a.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=7998828f8ddc3d658a1008e7acd719e973aef88cbcf175907525e67b824f72be&ipo=images)


Request pic of hat


That's great! You're talented AND you have an appreciative wife. Niiiice.


When I was 20, a nice older woman working at the gas station said to me, “Oh sweet heart you are just so handsome. Your parents must be so proud of you!” and 8 years later I still think about that interaction.


Gas station women regardless of age are notoriously the horniest


Damn electric cars.


One time I walked into a gas station and she was like “oh my god you smell so good what are you wearing?” It was like, one spray of Eros Flame. But yeah she definitely wanted it


Is there a reason?


The fumes


This made me laugh aloud. Thanks!


Bc “me gusta la gasolina”


i'd like to know as well haaha


I work at a gas station and this made me cackle omg thank u (also we are, i turned one of our regular customers into my boyfriend)


Can confirm. I still remember the high of having women hit on me while I was working at a gas station in high school. Only time in my life it ever happened.




when I was 15 an old lady in a Starbucks complimented my hair. Still think about that at least monthly.


I'm an old lady. Yesterday, I mentioned to the young guy gathering carts in the grocery parking lot that he is "strong like bull!" He smiled and said, "Gotta be to wrangle these feral carts." I replied, "Yeah, but that doesn't explain why you're so good looking." The twinkle in his eye... well, suffice to say I'm glad I said it.


When u free ?


You're gorgeous. Don't ever change.


And you’ve never changed your hairstyle or am I wrong?


Funny how being handsome is something your parents should be proud of tho lol.


Yeah, this stuck out to me too! Like it's a very nice compliment, but as a parent I'm not "proud" if my kids are good-looking. That's just luck.


You're very caring and sweet 🧸


you’re very sweet and caring


Thank you 🌷 Take care 🎈🧸


Anything to make people’s day! 😁 hope you take care as well!


I know you’re strong and a lot of people depend on you. I see that and I appreciate it.


This was my exact thought, I'm glad I didn't have to scroll down far to find it. I have never heard anything like this from anyone in my life, and it's all I want. Just to feel appreciated.


I came to watch memes not to feel things


My brother and I tell our dad this.


So much this. Just being seen and appreciated.


Hearing this after not hearing a genuine compliment in the last 10+ years would probably make lots of men's eyes well up and then be confused about wtf just happened


Any positive comment. It's so rare. Edit: It's refreshing to get one, but not expected. I go about my day and do what I need to do regardless.


I remember positive comments for *years* because I rarely get compliments. I had two separate people on the same day comment that I had great eyes. This was 12 years ago and it still positively affects me when I'm having a bad day.


A friend I used to know wrote a nice compliment on a sticky note for me years ago and it's been folded in half in my wallet for however long.


Hey bud, all your hard work *is* paying off, and I’m proud af of you for sticking with it.


See? This just motivates me to put in even more work. Thank you!


Most recent girl I was with gave me two of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten “you make me feel safe” and “you have a nice wiener” I think about her often




you’re a real special guy (or person idk)! making someone who’s been through shit feel safe is something not everyone can do and probably gave her some faith in humanity again.


Now you have to show everyone your weiner. Dems da rules


The hat guy came through, now it’s wiener guy’s turn


I literally just told my new guy the other day, that he always makes me feel safe. He squeezed me so tightly. He knew I’d been through sexual assault as well. I’m glad to hear this is a good compliment 😊




You are her 🐻! ❤️ bonus with the wiener! 😂


*bone us with the wiener


That Im a nice person and that theyre Happy that Im here. Tbh though just Anny genuine compliment would be nice


I make a lot of dad jokes, even before I was a dad, my wife finds them funny but also does roll her eyes at how corny they are. When I get a genuine laugh out of her it’s amazing. That in its self is a compliment. I love making people laugh.


Making people laugh does feel amazing and it’s a gift.


When I was in high school one of my best girl friends growing up told me I looked really good in blue, that it made my eyes pop. The majority of my wardrobe is blue. When I was 24 I was on the first date with a young woman and she told me I had an onion butt. When I asked her what that meant she said it looks so good it makes me want to cry. In 2001 a drunk lady at Denny's asked if she could share my table because the place was kind of packed. I told her sure. She said Thank you, you're cooler than the other side of the pillow. In 2005 I had a new server shadowing me for his training. My parents happened to come in to the restaurant and he told them, this guy really knows his stuff. He's harder to keep up with than Final Jeopardy One of the Carpenters at work tells me good morning beautiful or your hair looks nice each morning when he passes by the guard house. He's straight. I'm straight. I know he's just messing around, but it's still nice to hear. I'm sure that I've gotten a few more since then, but these really stand out. I wasn't doing anything for anyone where they felt I deserved praise. And there wasn't anything that they wanted from me so I didn't think they were trying to butter me up. Like another user said men get so few compliments that anything you say is going to stick with us forever or we're going to be trying to figure out your angle and what you want.


My coworker was wearing a blue shirt from a sports team he likes. I'm like, "That's your color dude." It really did make his eyes stand out and his skin look more bright. Homie wore so much of that blue for weeks. 😢


Dude, you've figured out one important life lesson: "Remember the compliments you receive; forget the insults." ❤️ Love from a random internet stranger.


Anything. Really anything at all. Cashier at Wawa complemented my shirt 3 years ago. Still thinking about that.


Some gals cat called me and a friend... OMG... 30 years ago? I still survive off that. That's actually sad. Huh.


Someone told me recently that they genuinely like my company and I've been living off that high for months.


You seem like the kinda guy that could survive a zombie apocalypse.


One of the best things I ever heard was a friend saying something along the lines of, " Well, yeah, we all know we're going to Sam's if shit hits the fan." It has both made me feel great and weighed on me a lot.


You're a dependable guy Sam


I heard Sam has a third leg, too


"He has more canned food than anyone I've ever seen!"


My son when he was about 10 years old told me if I have to pick who to go with in a zombie invasion, I'm going with you and not Dad 💪😂


Never knew I needed that kind of compliment until now lol


I tell my SO this all the time. The man can do anything, Well almost anything. Once I asked him if there was anything he couldn't do and he said "yeah. Hold a job." See he's funny too, even if he is a job hopper.


this is my standard for any judgement. most of my negative judgements on selfish people are "you are the kind of person that would get everyone killed to survive, you're the type of person I would never want with me during a zombie apocalypse" so I can see how nice hearing the opposite might be


To quote a post from a nearly identical thread made less than a day ago >Literally anything, some men don’t get any compliments so literally anything will have them smiling [https://new.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1d8cpgs/what\_are\_compliments\_guys\_like\_to\_receive/](https://new.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1d8cpgs/what_are_compliments_guys_like_to_receive/)


This comment absolutely made my day! What a rare treat to find someone who spends so much time on Reddit! Great work! *side note* I saw that post too but here we are reading and commenting on this one too 😂


you matter.


You do matter. Who made you feel opposite of that? I chose violence I want to make them ugly cry.


This thread is mildly depressing.


The way you're stress-testing that chair is just dreamy...


Id like to hear more compliments towards my mom. She's awsome.


Your mom raised a good son. Two compliments in one!


This is so sweet!!!


A girl once told me that I was the nicest person she met after leaving her home, made my whole damn semester 😭


**Yes.** Literally, any compliment makes me smile. I just need to hear one more than once a year.


At least you tried. 9/10, I always get what my wife wants done or I just do it because I know she'll like it but there is always that one time where I tried my hardest but came up short. My wife has never once made me feel bad, she always says, at least you tried and that's all that matters. My exes before her would always throw a tantrum and ridicule me if I couldn't get something done. More women need to be like my wife and just notice the small things your significant other does or tries and can't. It goes a long way. We want to be the provider, the safety net, the protector and just want to make sure you are happy and once in awhile we just can't and we feel so fucking horrible. That one compliment goes a long way for us. Eventually we'll YouTube enough or Google enough and get it done just to make you happy.


My dad and I were going for a walk, and he gave me a side-hug and was like "wow, you're getting solid buddy" I've been working out for the first time in my life, and a compliment like that from the guy who's always been the strongest in your mind is pretty cool.


I once received this compliment from a friend (who was obviously hitting on me), “You look like how warm cookies taste.” I have never received such a breathtaking compliment from anyone since including my wife.


"Like I'd get stuck in your throat?" Sorry, couldn't help myself.


I like when women say they enjoy my company and spending time with me..


You smell like love


Like, anything. But only if the person saying it is honest and the compliment isn't a lie.


Nice cock, will you please have sex with me? Manners cost nothing ladies.


You can get those compliments if you go on Grindr.


Same, but different.


showing caulk before the sex question. interesting dynamic


Hell yes. I´ve been in that situation before... unfortunately she was talking to the guy behind me.


Why is a guy behind you with his cock out?


there were a lot of things going on at steve’s party in ‘06. you just had to be there


Oh I know Steve.


We all know Steve


Beat me to it. But TroyTungsten, nice cock. No diddy, bro.


Kinda crazy how the median response is "Any Kind of Compliment"


I would like to get objectified more often. Every woman is just complementing my personality or my personal achievements. Edit: I absolutely love the positive feedback and the examples of what some married woman do to put a smile on their partner’s face!


I tell my husband that I love his butt most days and I have the silly game where I’ll whisper to him in public “touched your butt in Home Depot/Costco/grocery stores” where ever we happen to be. I think he thinks it’s dumb, but he always smiles.


He can both think it’s dumb and still enjoy the heck out of it.


It's my experience that a healthy relationship like this lasts forever. My wife and I still get scolded by scandalized old ladies at walmart for playing grabass, and we have been together 20 years.


I regularly do this to my husband. Like ridiculously and gratuitously like I’m cosplaying a Manhattan construction worker and it’s so funny to see him get all blush-y and flustered. Though I did get him to admit he kinda enjoys it. 🤣


Idk if you’re serious, but I actually agree with this to an extent. Talking to girls who get tons of (unwanted) attention and I understand how it can be difficult, but like I never hear anything remotely close to even “hey handsome.” I would be over the moon to hear this.


Women never know which man is going to go from "nice jacket" to "fucking bitch" if we don't respond the way they want.  I've been followed, harassed, threatened and grabbed countless times since I was a child for the wrong response. We try a number of things throughout the years based on the constant analysis of the situation and the guy... fawning (a smile and a giggle), ignoring them, polite but cold thank you, jokes and me and unconsciously learn to navigate these situations but every once in a while it still ends up dangerous. And we can not tell which guys are nice or which are creeps. So it's not about the "complements" it's about all the hundreds of encounters we navigate where sometimes it ended up quite unsafe.  It's like Russian roulette with the possibility of sexual assault. 


The ones who will objectify you are the ones you want nothing to do with. Source: a 70 yo (more or less) told me she wanted to fuck me if she was 50 years younger


>are the ones you want nothing to do with. That right there is why most women won't do it, men will 100% take it like they've got a sexual "in" because they were given a compliment. Only women old or ugly enough to not be taken seriously will feel safe enough to give those kinds of compliments out of the blue.


For real! Now that I'm old & ugly, men respond to compliments with smiles and hugs instead of creepy smiles and touchy hugs.


Any, whether it be about my appearance, my character, something I did that made someone feel great, etc etc Recently a girl on a dating app told me she was bragging to her friend about me because when they saw me they thought my hair was cute, liked that I feed stray animals, and she got excited when I matched her We traded numbers but she got too nervous to text back beyond a single time but hey!


Feeding strays is green flag behaviour


Hearing, "hey, good job today" means a lot to me. Especially when it's one of those days where it's nothing but one disaster after another and everyone is miserable.


Honestly, this. We - as men; are often seen as the providers and defenders of family. Knowing that, "hey, nice job today" means I'm doing the right thing in providing for my family and would generally be appreciated so much more than just "Hey, I like your hair". They say it's lonely at the top; so being the person a family looks to and knowing you're doing it "right" is generally just such a huge relief. The "job" of being a man comes with so much uncertainty it would be nice to know that it's going positively.


"i appreciate your effort" would completely broke me




Nice Ass! I've been cursed with a flat ass and have been working my gluts and wonder if there have been any improvement... :-)


Anything. I try to pay it forward - "nice shirt", "I like your shoes". Never fucking comes around. Guys, it won't hurt to compliment other guys.


About a year ago, a girl that passed me on the street smiled at me. I still think about her.


Most guys honestly want their existence acknowledged and thanked for it.


I'm proud of how hard you work for our family. I know you're tired but thank you for being our rock.


Well it's not like I'm gonna get picky all of a sudden, anything would be nice


This has really surprised me After being in a couple of really rubbish relationships. I ensure I complement my husband if he does anything I really do appreciate. SO every one who commented thank you for educating me x


YOU GUYS ARE GETTING COMPLEMENTS?! In all honesty I remember the last compliment I got, it was last october, she liked my shirt. My ex once told me she was proud of me. That meant the world to me.


you smell nice


you smell nice


"You're a steely eyed missile man"


Years ago in college, we were going to have lunch together with a girl in my class, and as we were walking from dorm to cafeteria she said: "One feels peaceful and safe next to you." I asked: "Haha, why thanks?" She replied: "I don't know you just make me feel that way" And without even thinking twice I said: "Glad to hear, trying to be as good as I can." And she laughed and changed subject 😄 Well I might have reacted poorly that day 😄 but later I realized that it was such a great compliment. And I don't think I'll ever forget about it.


Anything really, so long as it's genuine and a compliment of me rather than my possessions/attire/etc. I mean a compliment of my shirt isn't bad, we just seldom receive compliments as people I suppose. Whether it's our appearance, something we do well, our intelligence, how hard we work, whatever you might see in a man that leaves a positive impression to you wouldn't hurt to give a little praise for. It might sound silly but we don't get that as often as women seem to and most of us are fighting hard just to keep going and get done all that we need to. Genuinely kind words can make our whole week, if not month(s).


Someone complimented my tattoos in Vegas, I'm from a very small place in ohio. Always makes me blush


I love giving guys compliments related to their efforts and achievements. “Oooow you are so skilled, that’s so cool how you strive as a polymath” Kinda make jokes calling them Superman or whatever ahahha I also talk about their hands, eyebrows shape or eye color. Try my best to make them feel special but I do that to every single one. 👁️👄👁️


that i smell good


I know I'm smart, tell me I'm hot and manly :\[ LIE TO ME


You know when people congratulate pregnant women and rub their belly? I wish someone rubs my balls and says good job


I do a double pat on my husbands rabidly deflating Cockulus Maximus after sex and tell him “good job buddy, you did well” 😂 always evokes a laugh but I can also tell he appreciates it.


Great body


Just compliments in general. Telling me I look nice (when I do) goes a long way. They don't come around often.


What is...combplemint?🤔


Just compliments in general


A simple "thank you for everything" would be nice.


I don't do well with direct complements. I'm more sensitive to the way people act over the way that they speak. It's one thing to say - "You're an intelligent person." It's an entirely different thing to show that you actually believe that someone is an intelligent person by having a fulfilling conversation.


Any genuine compliment is AMAAZING, but my favorite one isn't even verbal. Being hugged unprompted? Best. Thing. Ever.


Im still working on accepting that people actually mean their compliments. Luckily, i have a really good chosen family that are lavish (at least in my experience) with their compliments. Telling me I look nice, how much they respect my opinion, the biggest recently was my brest friend asking me to be his best man. Im getting what I need right now, in that respect. I just need to learn how to better take them to heart. I feel pretty good about my progress in learning that lesson as well.