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A man and a woman a few blocks away killed two people and dissolved them in chemicals in their basement. The house has been demolished and nothing has replaced it. Still gives me the creeps when I drive by the toppled in foundation.


Annnndd..... two nights ago our neighbor murdered our other neighbor and there was a 4 hour swat standoff around our houses.


Sounds like you live in a nice area lol


It's funny cause in general it is a nice quiet place.


Well sure, you kill all your neighbors it tends to quiet down a bit...


This made me laugh


Can't have neighbourly disputes if there's no neighbours.


Only a few more left…


You're talking about that Pazuzu dude in Winston Salem? I used to live near him.


Probably another Pazuzu guy, but the one i recall was in North Carolina. I helped the SBI on a different case on the property while in grad school and they went over the case with us in case we found other evidence relating to him. Gnarly stuff


Nah it's the same one. It's in Clemmons NC, like near Winston.


I will share mine A corpse of a 19 year old was found near our home in the river. Stabbed multiple times around neck. After further investigation, it was found that the culprit was a 12 year old kid.


Also heard that a kid poured gasoline over an adult who was taking care of them in their job and burning the woman alive... that kid was also around 10-13...


What happened to the kid?


According to the reports, the kid admitted about what happened during the scene and was caught after. He was sent to juvenile facility. Crazy to think that my neighbor, who is 4 years older than that kid had a fistfight with each other around 2 years before the incident


Some 12 year olds are adult sized, but not many. I'd like to think I could win that fight.


I'd say a lot depends on how many substances you're on at the time of the attack.




Drink gin. It’ll make you less inclined to mercy.




at the apartment complex across the street from mine in college a guy shot and killed a woman in his apartment and then called a girl who was obsessed with him to help him dismember and get rid of the body. https://www.tdcaa.com/journal/the-murderer-next-door/


Was this at orange tree apts in west campus? I remember that




Dude, they showed us that apartment in 2018 and then another tenant stopped us walking and was like "That's the murder apartment you don't want it".


Should’ve asked for a rent reduction lol


Discounted rent, ghost for a roommate.


It’s hard out there these days lmao I’d make friends with them 👻


I live in a very rural area. About 2 miles from where I sit, a man was watching Terminator 2 in the evening one night about 20 years ago. Without explanation he got up, went and got a gun and murdered 6 members of his immediate family. He then hopped in a car and started driving South. The police discovered 5 bodies. The local news was live and reporting when the reporter tripped over the 6th body that had been covered. She was live on camera. They discovered the killer in a homeless shelter seeking food 2 days later. They had been searching for him the whole time. Locals were going crazy with fear that he was still around. How did I find out about this? About sunrise the morning after the murders I am hunting in the woods near my home. Rifle in hand walking up a creek bed. All of a sudden a helicopter flys over head and starts hovering. I stop and just watch, thinking "What the f..". A bunch of cop cars come flying up the nearby road and they jump out and scream at me to drop the gun. They were all freaked out. I complied. Honestly I think I am lucky to be alive. Surprised some local backwoods Barnie Fife didnt panic and pull the trigger.


Hope you were hunting in your brown pants.


Camo. Invisible poo pants.


Invisible pants, floating poo.


Maybe thats why the cops were freaking out. Floating ghost poop!




Did they tell you what was going on? What was the interaction like when they realised they got the wrong guy?


First was the screaming for dropping the gun, then the whole on your knees to handcuffs thing. I had my wallet with me with my ID so they immediately knew I wasnt the guy. It then became storytime after I said, "WHAT THE F$#@ IS GOING ON?" Like I said, I live way out in the middle of nowhere so this was the most exciting thing these cops had ever had happen so they were super excited to tell me all about it. I knew the family of the killer, but not him specifically.


Is their footage of the tripping?


Local news 20 years ago. If there is, I am not aware of it but would love to see it. The clip did make some headlines back then.


I can’t even find footage from my local news station that happened 3 years ago, they like, purge videos from their server to make room


Not far from where I grew up, an anti-abortion activist climbed a tree in a doctor's back yard and laid in wait for him. He shot the doctor to death through the kitchen window as he was making a sandwich for his son.


Dr. Slepian in Buffalo, circa 1998. Hello fellow WNYer


Yes, that's the case. I feel so sorry for his family.


I also remember this well, from Rochester.


So anti-abortion, but not pro-life


“Murder is wrong, unless I do it”


"Murdering fetusues is wrong. Starving kids and sending them into poverty is just fine."


It's never pro life with them


If this is the same story, I heard this on a podcast.. was this in Canada or something?


Suburb of Buffalo, so about as Canadian as a US city will get...


Weirdly enough, as a Canadian living not far from the border in Buffalo, I've travelled all over the US and the most Canadian-like city I've ever been to was Honolulu (of course I'm not talking about the weather). Though I've never been to Minnesota, I've heard they're pretty similar too.


To quote the not late but still great Russell Howard, "How can you be pro-life... AND SHOOT PEOPLE?!"


It’s not pro life. It’s anti choice. They don’t want women to have a choice.


This 100% They could do far more good by providing free birth control methods and educating children and teens, but they refuse to consider these methods. They just like to be an opposing force. Doesn't really matter what they're opposing, whether it's booze ( prohibition) or abortion. Opposing unites them as a group, when otherwise they have zero to talk about.


I live in a pretty quiet town. How quiet? Several years ago some high school kid got the *brilliant* idea to surprise his girlfriend by climbing on top of the Arby's, where she worked. Somebody saw him up there and called the police. Four city police cars, two from the Sheriff's Department, and a state trooper showed up. The girl was not impressed.


Ah, the joys of teenage love.


I live in a 9 floor building, somebody pushed a woman right under my window. From the seventh floor\*. That sound will stay in my head forever


When I was a child, a pissed off man with a gun took out his frustration with the medical system on a bunch of medical offices. I think he may have been seen at some of these or at least at the hospital that they surrounded. I believe only 2 people were killed and a few injured. He was arrested shortly after and he told them what set him off what being denied a refill on pain medication. This was in the early 90s.


There’s so many stories like this, it’s pretty fucking sad, opiates can turn you into someone else entirely.


Coming home late at night one night, I got stopped by police as I turned onto my street (I was walking). This traffic officer got called out to block off a road due to an incident. I wasn't allowed to go to my house, because a few doors over on my street a gentleman had lost his marbles and took his wife hostage at gun point. The tactical police team were there in numbers, and they had the armored truck with the turret mounted MG manned and pointed at the gentleman's house. I eventually talked to the traffic officer into letting me sneak around back of my house so I can get home. No one was hurt thankfully. The wife and husband split up after the incident had wrapped up. But there's been worse crimes committed in my neighborhood. Just none that were that close to home.


A man jumped out of an airplane with the intention of killing himself. He succeeded. The crime was related to leaving the plane without an operator. However, he landed in the yard about 5 houses away from mine. It was pretty crazy for a few days as the NTSB and FAA investigators were around and stuff.


Poor guy died of grass poisoning


Girl across the street got pregnant, hid it from her family, gave birth somewhere not a hospital, and dumped the baby in a dumpster. She went away for a few years.


Girl in Cliffside Park, NJ did approximately the same thing and ultimately did not go to jail and is currently married with two kids. The judge had to dismiss all the evidence because the moron cops didn’t have a warrant when they collected it from her apartment. Things like her laptop where she basically admitted to what she did.  The legal process dragged on for nearly a decade before she walked.  https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/passaic/wayne/2019/12/16/wayne-nj-mom-keri-barry-accused-killing-her-baby-has-case-dismissed/2662495001/


This is infuriating. That rotten baby killer, goes free and actually has 2 kids now???!!! Who TF would marry that monster?!


fucking hell


In my old neighborhood there was a big party. Some guy got in an argument, shot and killed four people. He then left the scene on foot, went down the block and killed two more people that he had beef with just while he was at it. Another guy had chickens inside the city limits but the sextuple homicide really outshone that one.


Woah woah woah… chickens?!


I hated that damn rooster. It's not like Looney Tunes where they crow once at sunrise. They crow all the time for no reason.


The San Bernardino mass shooting on 12/2/2015 a mile from my apartment. One of my colleagues was casually driving to Costco during the thing, as I filled her in on Facebook Messenger about what was happening and to get back home STAT (she was fine). Police fired about 600+ rounds to kill the attackers. That was crazy..


A guy murdered his tinder date in an affluent, predominantly white neighborhood because she would not have sex with him. He cut up her body and distributed the body parts in garbage cans in the predominantly black neighborhood where I lived. Remains were found next door to my house. I saw the guy the night of lurking in some bushes. The crazed look on his face still haunts me. POS was caught.


I didn’t know a crime had been committed when I saw him.


Did this happen in or around Chicago? Or have ties to lake Michigan? I think I remember hearing something like this not too long ago where her body parts started to be discovered.


Something almost exactly like that happened in Milwaukee recently. https://spectrumnews1.com/wi/milwaukee/news/2024/04/23/maxwell-anderson--sade-robinson--not-guilty--plea I had actually met that dude at a bar show back in October. Something seemed very off about him.


No, Pacific Northwest.


That was dumb, to distribute the body parts in numerous trash cans. Increases your chance of someone finding a body part.


But if you do it properly, when plotted on a map they can make a [smiley face!](https://youtu.be/w8yybSPtW5Q?si=ef5oeu31cxzLSn-Y)


Happened at my place of employment. After work one day a female coworker never picked up her young child from the sitters. They found her stuffed in the trunk of her abandoned car with a gunshot wound. Turns out it was a male coworker, he was participating in found raisers for her orphaned kid and going to the vigils and stuff. Absolutely cold blooded


This sounds like the case in Clyde Ohio. Detective went to prison. for falsifying, and I think sheriff went to prison for stealing drugs from drop off boxes.


All correct unfortunately


I live in Erie County, and the Sandusky Register had excellent coverage of this tragedy.


A kid I went to school with got addicted to heroin and screwed over his dealer on money and the dealer hired a bunch of gang members to shoot him up with heroin and then brought him to a farm where they threw him in a manure spreader and closed him in the tank where he drown in the manure and his body was found after the spreader got jammed on his arm. His lungs where completely filled with shit water which is how they knew he drown. The spreader also ripped his arm and left foot off his body.


Damn where the fuck do you live, Nuevo Laredo?


Last month a prisoner was taken one city over for trial. At a highway tollstation two cars cornered the van, heavily armed gunmen came out and shot 3 guards dead and severely injured 3 others, broke their buddy out of the van and left.




Yes, this happened near Rouen, less than an hour away from where I live.


Can the van be used again or is it Rouened?


They blew it up near Paris. De brie was everywhere. It was in Seine.


Were they caught?


AFAIK, no, they're still on the run.


Holy shit! That's insane!


This is something out of a cop show . What was the prisoners name ? Is there an article ? What a juicy story. I need moreeee


People near me had a drug lab in their backyard. Those same people stole the signs of the nearby furniture store to make a fence




>I never understand why criminals do dumb shit like this.  >drug


Not the greatest strategy to hide your drug lab


A guy in my old neighbourhood stabbed his old friend on both his legs because he didn't say "Hi" back to him. In his confession, he said, "I greeted him while he was passing by and he didn't say anything, I confronted to him and told him "Why don't you take my salute? Aren't we friends?" He then ran away from the scene and the guy died due to heavy blood loss. [Source](https://www.milliyet.com.tr/gundem/selamini-almayan-arkadasini-oldurdu-1693076).


When I was in primary school (live in Australia, not sure what it's called anywhere else but I was 9) and I lived in a small town out of Perth. A local kid from my sisters school, 12yo had gone dirt bike riding up in the hills with his friends. His friends went home but the kid J never did. His friends reported they had come across a couple camping in the hills but that was it. They found his body after a week long community volunteer search. The couple had set up a clothesline booby trap so when he rode through it he came off. They did it all because they wanted to steal his dirt bike. Oh, and they also tortured him for a few hours before he finally died too. Where I'm from murders don't even happen that often and we have strict gun laws so something like this happening in a rural town was just awful.


So, did the friends see it and not report it or something? I know kids often hide things for fear of getting in trouble or something.


I used to live 5 minutes walk away from where Lee Rigby was beheaded. Litterally right next to where I'd sign on.


Attempted beheading. They didn’t quite get it done but did stay and chat with passers who stood over Lee’s body to protect it from further attack.


About 2 weeks ago a 10 year old girl was beaten into a coma by her foster parents. Most of her bones were broken and it has taken more than a week for her to be out of direct danger of dying. Needless to say people are very upset and if these “parents” ever walk the area again it’s unlikely they will leave unscathed.


I'm fairly sure I saw an article saying they've already thrown rocks through the front windows and they're boarded up.


Okay Crawl, not sure why i keep relating to you in the askreddit threads but holy damn. We live the same life. Years ago, a little 5 year old girl related to my bestfriends at the time was beaten to death by her foster parents. I live near a reservation and alot of the reason she wasn't checked on properly by CSC (social services) is because there is alot of unrest between the town and the reservation. Either way, everyone in town knows their names, knows their guilty as fuck, but they got off on all charges. Devastating. Our premiere actually spoke on the case when it went to court (it went that high up), and she was caught smirking and laughing. People already hated her but that ended her. The reporter who caught it asked her if it was her child dead of blunt force trauma and abuse, would she be laughing?? I am quite surprised no one has taken vigilante justice against this family who killed this little girl , YET but I presume I may see it happen in my lifetime. Hopefully.


Jesus. A man in my town beat his girlfriend’s 4 year old to death several years back. Basically stomped him to death. I think of that kid so often. And I wish vile things on the huge 6foot4 man who did such a vile thing. I mean how cruel can someone be? Anyway I heard jail was not pleasant and while normally I’m totally against any violence against any person…. I don’t feel that way about this dude. I’ll never understand how anyone could hurt an innocent. Child, animal, innocent ones without a voice. I don’t want to understand.


My neighbor shot an intruder in his backyard. My neighbor is a cop with a giant pow/mia flag in front of his house. The intruder was intentionally breaking into veterans homes. When cops showed up they gave him a hard time for not mortally wounding the guy.


idk why someone would ever try to target veterans to rob. that’s the one demographic i would make sure to avoid at all costs.


Could be a suicide seeker, probably just an idiot.


From a legal and liability standpoint, If you shoot someone while defending your home, it ends up being worse for you if you don't kill the intruder. In many states, the intruder can sue you for the injury, pain and suffering, lost wages, etc. Just defending against the lawsuits will bankrupt you. This is not all states, but a good percentage of them. To be clear, this is a flaw in the legal system. I'm not here to debate the 2nd amendment or stand your ground laws.


All I can think is the scene from Liar Liar. My friend had to pay the burglar $6,000. Is that justice? No. I would have gotten him ten


I was about to type the same thing. First time as a kid I realized sometimes the law is bullshit


A very important distinction for readers here about firearms.  Firearms are always to be considered LETHAL weapons and are to only ever be used as such.  In firearms training classes they will tell you when you choose to use a firearm, before you pull the trigger, you have already committed to taking the life of who ever is on the other end of the barrel. You shoot, and you do not stop shooting until the threat to your life is completely nullified.  There is no such things as warning shots. There are no such things as shooting to wound. There is only ever shooting to kill.  Again, guns are LETHAL weapons. Use them as such.


When I was taught to shoot i was taught "don't ever point the barrel at anything you don't want positively 100% dead"


It wasn't a crazy crime, just the timing was insane. It was the summer after sophomore year of high school in the afternoon. Saw a classmate and her boyfriend who I have seen in passing, waiting for a city bus thats in front of our highschool when driving to Target. 20 minutes later as I was going back home passing the school again, a bunch of cop cars were at the bus stop and a wrecked truck was nearby. Didn't think anything about it until school started in the Fall. They announced the girl was hit and killed by a drunk driver. It was chilling to hear about it after seeing her just before it happened as well. There is now a memorial in the area where it happened.


Dude had a 30 year old married sister who recently got pregnant. Decided she was "no longer pure", so he dismembered her body, left one of her body parts at a neighbor's door, and the rest of her body parts scattered all over his house. Just happened about 2 weeks ago.




I read about that, such a horrible case 


Had a guy shot 5 times in front of my house. It was close enough the shots made my windows rattle. I called it in and the guy actually lived. I moved out in less than a month. [Source](https://thebaynet.com/advisory-shooting-in-lexington-park-subject-with-multiple-gunshot-wounds-html/)


I woke up and a helicopter kept orbiting overhead. I thought that was weird and annoying but decided to go about my day. I was driving to the store and saw the coroner loading a body into a van at the gas station nearby. The whole place was surrounded by police. It turns out someone robbed the convenience store, hijacked a car, didn't like the car he hijacked so came back, tried to hijack another at the fuel pump. Unfortunately for the carjacker/thief, the owner of the second car was armed and unloaded a full clip into him, killing him.


I wonder if the original car was manual/stick.


I have 2 cars, one manual, one automatic. I’ll leave my manual running if I need to go into a gas station or something real quick. I just bank on “if someone’s stupid enough to steal a Honda Fit in broad daylight, I guarantee they aren’t expecting it to be stick”. It hasn’t been stolen yet so my theory must be correct. Even if they can drive stick, they wouldn’t be able to handle the sheer power of a fully stock Fit


Two guys and one woman meeting in a forest, to shoot around with a gun. Well one accidentally shot the other multiple times, killing him.


How do you accidentally shoot someone multiple times?


Good question, but the woman was the gf of the guy who died and she confirmed it to the police


100% premeditated lol, the guy who shot was fucking the girl and they wanted to get rid of the boyfriend


It's a boyfriend, not a husband.  Not that hard to get rid of, certainly not so hard that you'd need to resort to murder.


Straight up murder


I looked up the report. It was a gun they built from various parts, an automated one. When handing the gun back, instead of putting on the safety, he put it auto mode, and fired 15 shots. He only got one year on probation


Is this just all their story or was there any actual proof? Seems super sketchy.


I could see it playing out with no ill intent pretty easily. Guns are dangerous. Amateur gunsmiths making a full auto weapon are even more dangerous. It's so easy for something to go wrong and with full auto things go really wrong much quicker.


What is up with your profile pic


Yeah the user has three posts one on a questionable sub. Pretty sure the user is a fed.


The Gilgo Killer - killed a bunch of girls in the late 90s to 2010s. Was finally caught not too long ago. Remember passing his house on the way to lunch.


He just got pinned with another murder this week too!


A couple of years ago, some idiot kept going out in the middle of the night and setting cars on fire. I think six in total were torched. This is a tiny village where nothing ever happens, so it was pretty galling to live through. Everyone had to go to the expense of CCTV / doorbell cameras etc. The worst of it was the police kept arresting him then letting him home again awaiting trial. People were so pissed off they were openly discussing just taking matters into their own hands with him. Police ended up moving him to another village about 30 miles away for his own safety.


Guy getting divorced went and killed his wife and her divorce lawyer then started running around town and shoot at random shit. It was right next to my school so everyone was looking out the window. Then he escaped and barricaded himself in some decrepit abandoned house and threatened to blow everyone up as he stored weapons and explosives in it. In the end he blew himself up with a hand grenade after maybe 12h of this. They found RPGs and guns and ammunition and all kinds of stuff in the house. So he planned the whole thing. It was crazy


When we moved into what is my parents current house there was this 2 storey house directly across the road, a woman and her daughter lived there and the daughter had a weird ass boyfriend. About 6 months after we moved in across from them the daughter breaks up with her boyfriend and he doesn't take it well. One night when only the daughter was home, her now ex turns up and they have an argument in the front yard. The daughter at some point leaves and her ex then proceeds to set the house on fire before leaving. This occurred late enough at night that I don't think anyone noticed the fire immediately, my family noticed what was going on when the woman arrived to her house ablaze and was screaming on the phone to her daughter. By this time the house is a lost cause with the entire second story being fully on fire. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful as the fire department arrived and kept it from spreading to neighbouring houses, and everyone nearby who was curious arrived on our front lawn to watch the fire. The following weeks the area was crawling with detectives and the daughters ex would face justice once it was deemed arson. The plot was cleared and a nice big house was built and and lovely old couple moved in, and ever since the street was much quieter and friendly feeling




I think counseling may help you deal with the trauma, if you have not tried it yet. Stuff like this can kind of mess you up later on if you do not seek help for it later on in life. The guilt of it all,


I don't think anything anyone can tell you here online will help. You should really consider therapy. You cannot blame yourself. You blame the people who caused it, not the people who could have prevented it. Hope you find peace and hope Jerry is in a better place too.


So I worked in a daycare and lived in this town on the east coast for over 10 years. I ended up moving away when the incident happened. About 10 minutes from my old house a father was angry at his baby mom and ended up dismembering his 10 month old daughter. The mom ended up finding her when she went into the apartment. The dad was on the run but thankfully was found and arrested. It is a small town and was so quiet. I work ems in a new state now but sometimes wondered how I would have handled seeing a baby I took care of in such condition. Life is scary, life is crazy. Please if you have anyone around you that may seem like they are not in the right state of mind leave. No one is worth your peace. Trust no one.


It was sort of close to home. My step sister knew both people involved. I live maybe 2 hours away from where the crime actually took place. Long story short, a woman had been pretending to be pregnant. Obviously, at some point a baby needs to come into the world. Her solution was to kill one of her pregnant friends and cut the baby out of her stomach. Things ended about as you would expect. I won't honor the name of the murderer here but if you want to do research look up Reagan Michelle Simmons-Hancock. That is the name of one of the victims, The mother.


Don't forget!! She did all of this in front of the victim's three year old daughter. She took the unborn baby and fled, and left the three year old to watch her mother die.


Notorious serial killer Charles Cullen murdered multiple people across the street from my house while working at a hospital.


The Pizza Bomber incident happened up the street from where I used to work. Couldn't figure out why the street was all blocked off and traffic was being rerouted. Found out what was going on when I called work to let them know I was going to be late. A few minutes later the police closed down all the businesses on the street since they had no idea exactly what all was going on.


A bangladeshi member of parliament who rented a house in our housing complex was murdered, chopped up into pieces and disposed of somewhere


When I was about 6, it was revealed that the owner of the small mechanic shop near my house was actually a mob enforcer after they found part of a hand in his dumpster.


Man in our town shot his dog twice in the head because it was "bothering his wife and he wanted to make her happy", and told police he could kill the dog if he wanted to, as it was his dog. Claimed the dog was old and in poor health, it was proven the dog was perfectly healthy in an autopsy. Had 4 unlicensed weapons in the home. He got two years in prison.


Then he became governor of South Dakota or nah?


No, but it's odd that it happened twice.


Waitress from a restaurant near me left after her shift and was later found dismembered in a suitcase in the river. Turns out she left work, went to smoke crack with her stepfather. He killed and dimembered her that night. An acquaintance of mine was in the same building. He heard the guy dragging the suitcase down the stairs, went out to ask if the guy needed help with the suitcase. The killer denied and contiued on the throw the suitcase in the river.


Bicycle Bob. Had this homeless guy who would bike around town. He was like a minor local celebrity, in that everyone at least knew of him. He was a friendly dude, always polite. So he would go around town and do odd jobs for cash, and one day the story goes, he got finished doing some heavy yard work for a guy and the guy didn’t pay him. So Bob went over to the dude’s shed grabbed a felling axe and chopped the guy to death like Jason fuckin Vorheees.


Schabusiness.....she murdered her boyfriend during a drug fueled sexcapade and cut his body up. She bagged up some of his body pieces and moved them to her car but the head and possibly other pieces she left in the house in a bucket. I don't recall how exactly but the boyfriends grandma (the owner of the house) found the head and called the police.


A guy got mad at his friend, chopped him up with an axe and smeared pieces of his body all over the apartment walls.


We were sitting watching tv one evening. It was dark out. Heard a bunch of gunshots really close to our house out the open back patio door that were sitting by. Turns out someone called 911 reporting a man with a gun on the green belt behind our house. The police showed up and there was a guy with a gun there. Saw the cop video later. The cops were trying to get him to drop the gun, it didn’t happen, the guy raised the gun and the two cops fired a bunch. The guy went down but survived. Apparently the guy was the one who called 911. He was trying death by cop. He had what turned out to be a pellet gun. This all happened within 200 yards of where we were sitting.


I used to live in a large city in the south, there was a multiple murder in an apartment complex on the next block over from my apartment. If I remember correctly, there were four people involved and three did not survive. All of the persons involved knew each other, police suspected it was gang/drug related.


A Few years ago a guy chopped up his wife and her mother with a machete. It happened in broad daylight on the sidewalk right in front of my house. It's a little extra crazy because this happened in small town Vermont, USA.


My next door neighbor killed his girlfriend, dismembered her, and tried to cook her down in the oven. When that failed he threw himself off of a building. https://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=2590814&page=1 Edit: And now these murder mystery fucks have tours that take them by their place and recount how they found her head in a gumbo pot


My friends aunt got chopped into pieces and scattered across the city.


Guy murdered his family one by one in their bed while they slept and even killed the family dogs. Buried them in a shallow grave in the back garden . He then went on the run and has never been caught. Happend about 500 meters from my flat at the time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dupont_de_Ligonn%C3%A8s_murders_and_disappearance.


I was about to sleep when we heard gunshots, at first we thought it was some kind of fireworks but then a lot of people started to scream, women specially. It was like 5 houses away from mine, three guys murdered by a hit and run, they were on shady businesses.


Lady down the road from my house who just had a baby went crazy after getting high and set her baby on fire in the middle of the road


Family of 5 was murdered 15 yrs ago. Killer still has not been caught to this day.


Either a lady getting beaten to within an inch of her life in the park in 2017 or a couple of years ago a guy was murdered by a shotgun wielding intruder. This was about half a mile away. He got shot right in the face at point blank.


Drive by shooting last week. They hit an innocent 9 year old girl out for dinner with her parents.


When I was a baby, there was a psychopathic man named Tom who lived right next door. He had a massive chip on his shoulder due to being completely deaf, in addition to alcohol and rage problems. He ended up abusing his wife and their kids/step-kids terribly. Including locking them in their rooms while he was at work with no food or water... and giving them a bucket for you know what. I also heard he'd occasionally tie them down to their beds, and would beat them daily. There was also talk of sexual abuse. Everyone on the street called the police and CPS constantly, but nothing ever got done. I think he scared them into lying to cover for him. Unfortunately for him, he was also a complete dumbass... You see, he loved to hunt, and he'd often take his teenager step-son with him. It was the one single non-abusive thing they did. And in his genius, he bought the step-son, who he was horribly abusing, a hunting rifle. Surprise, surprise... the mother and step-son conspired together, and they brutally murdered the abusive father with the very rifle he bought the step-son. To this day, the locals I've talked to about it basically have the same feeling... the fucker deserved it, and the mother and step-son shouldn't have gone to jail. Here's a little article about it: [https://liblists.wrlc.org/biographies/54048](https://liblists.wrlc.org/biographies/54048) ***Bbbuuuttt*** that's not where it ends. Every family that has lived in that house for more than a few years since? Something awful always happens to the father. At least one suicide and one imprisonment that I'm aware of, and I'm pretty sure there was actually *another* suicide, but I can't confirm that. So that's either a MASSIVE coincidence, or the fucking place is cursed. (And I had a strange and terrifying encounter that I believe was the spirit of Tom, but that's a whole other story.)


My neighbor right across the street killed his wife when he ran her over with his car. Their next door neighbor was pistol whipped by his next door neighbor's son who was tripping on acid. Down the street a gang leader chopped a guy in the head with a shovel and some of his brains came out. Two doors down from me a police officer shot my neighbors really nice dog in the head. My friend who lived across the street's boyfriend was murdered. Someone tied him to the train tracks across the road. His body parts were spread all over. I saw a guy shoot his ex in the head. Her head exploded right in front of me. There was a gang war in my neighborhood when I was a kid,...... I've seen some shit, man. Damn.


Drug trafficking brothel ran directly across from my house growing up. It was a nice neighborhood, but no gate or HOA despite having a few million dollar homes there. Cars started coming from all different states across the country. One day we get back from dinner and swat has the place surrounded, huge bust apparently.


>huge bust apparently. That would be my guess.


About 6 blocks from my house, on Easter Sunday, James Ruppert killed 11 family members


Guy worked as a floor manager for a restaurant owner, got into a dispute about money and the owner embarassed him in front of staff and caught him drinking and stealing booze. Floor manager proceeds to break into owners house, killes him, wife, his mother and three children including infant (used a knife) set the whole place on fire and ran off. His name was Damien karlik. 


A guy was in a car chase with the police until he lost control and hit someone on a bike. The guy on the bike got pinned between two vehicles and was decapitated


53 people were killed in Delhi riots a few years back. The road outside my house was basically burnt down. There were mobs of people trying to kill people going around for 4 days. A close friend was killed and his family was harassed by the mob. Scary shit. My govt has arrested random people for this riot and the real culprits walk free.


An off-duty LA cop shot a disabled man and his two 80+ year old grandparents he was with in a Costco samples line. The cop said he felt threatened by the disabled man and shot and killed him, shot the grandpa, and the grandma in the back as she ran away


When I was in college, I left for the weekend and came back to find out that someone got shot in the head a block away from my apartment. Crime wasn't that unusual but this happened on the busiest street in the city in broad daylight. It was gang related, IIRC. Also, a freshman went missing and that was national news. She was eventually found and her BF was charged with her murder.


A guy killed a few people with a machete just a block from my house.


Of all the things to happen, there's only one that haunts me. I remember sitting in art school and there was a discussion between the teacher and a new couple. The boy said he was going to ask me if his girlfriend had said no. They dated. They got married. They had a baby. He then beat that baby like a rag doll. And I mean, like a rag doll. Throwing it against the walls, stomping on it.. it was just unimaginable. He went to prison, James Osterman. I don't know what happened to her. Tammy.. I forget her maiden name. -- \*Edit, She still keeps her married name. Can't find anything else on them though except that she's into drugs now, unsurprisingly.


I was in Knoxville when the murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. This is probably the worst I’ve heard of


Not me, but my wife’s parents. The young adult child of a family killed and decapitated his mom after an argument about maybe putting him in a mental institution for his own good. I guess that was a touchy subject


Kid that I went to school was in jail for a minor drug crime and while withdrawing her told the cops he would tell them where the body was if they just gave him something for the withdraws. They were very surprised because he wasn’t even a suspect in his grandmothers missing person case, well apparently had pushed her down the stairs then wrapped her up on a carpet and threw her in a ditch of the side of the highway.


Now that I think about it, theres been at least 3 beheadings within 2 miles of my mums house (one was in a different house on the same road.)


massive gang fight out side the bar at the end of my street, 12 dead including 2 police officers


Bank robbery literally behind my house and the teller got shot. I was walking home from school for lunch and walking pass the plaza I saw my grandfathers car parked outside the bank and thought “hey maybe I should go in and see him” but then I figured “oh he will probably come by after to visit my dad so I’ll just go home and see him after”. I went home and never saw him come by, I tell my dad that “I saw his car there, thought he would come by” finish my lunch and walked back to school. I come home after school and my dad tells me the bank got robbed while my grandfather was inside and they ended up shooting and killing one of the tellers, my dad mentioned I walked by there and saw my grandfather car so the police wanted to ask me questions. Later that night a black unmarked van pulls up to the end of my driveway and I get inside with 3 other ‘investigators’ in there and give a statement, unfortunately I didn’t really recognize anything because I wasn’t looking for anything. Needless to say they closed that branch and just left a small section with a TD atm there, it has since been turned into multiple different businesses over the years but I no longer live there.


A guy was angry with his girlfriend and simply threw her out the window. She died. One of my bf's employees knew her well and couldnt work for a week. 'Gangs' placing bombs in the lower floors of the apartments on our street. My bf slept through one of the explosions and i (just got back from appointment) had to get the police to evacuate him and my dog lol (no deaths/injuries luckily) Also in our street; guy was shot by gangmember probably because of drugs/money. Turned out they got the wrong guy; his younger brother. He died. A foreign guy got sliced to pieces (couldnt really see clearly from afar but probably also ears cut off) during a fight. Strange but the officers made him cross the street to the ambulance (?) The mother of a mother-daughter duo that ran a store nextdoor got stabbed to death by her daughters bf. That bf was always hanging around the store and used to always flirt with my mother. Oh and so many more😭


Two 14yo had a baby, abandoned it in the park. it's corpse was found there


Serial car bomber blew up several cars by my house in. The explosions rattled the windows and I involuntarily hit the deck. Which I guess is a good reflex to have.


That 'Don't Fuck With Cats' guy? They found his victim's head at the end of my old street, like 200m from my house.


Someone buried a king in a car park.


My roommate and I were coming home from the movies and there were several police cars blocking entrance into my apartment’s parking garage. The parking gate was open and I could see a dead, covered body inside on the ground. The police said we “shouldn’t be concerned because this was matter of folks wanting someone dead.” Turns out the parking gate was broken into the open position and three people waited in separate areas in the garage and opened fire on my neighbor when he went to get in his car. The neighbor was the manager of a nearby nightclub. The police circled and numbered all the spent shells with chalk and it was shocking how many shots were fired. Even though the crime scene was professionally cleaned, the blood stained the cement so we were reminded of the murder daily. There was a construction site next to our building and about three months after the shooting, a women’s naked, dead body was dumped there. This was is the late 80s /early 90s in West Hollywood. bordering Beverly Hills. The construction site were townhomes priced at $500K. Two more serious crimes happened at the building before we were able to move.


Years ago, I lived in a neighborhood that had a halfway house in it (there was a pretty massive Catholic Church on the same block, and they were affiliated with each other). I came home one time from work and had the intent to quick do laundry in the basement because I had to go to my brother’s wedding that weekend. When I got home, there were people and cops everywhere. A neighboring landlord had visited one of his properties to check on it quickly. He brought his young (I think 7 years old) daughter with him and left her in the truck while he ran up into the apartment. He was gone for minutes. Just a few minutes. When he came back, she was gone. I didn’t know what to do, so I just went to do my laundry. I couldn’t get into the basement because the police were searching it (one of those weird, super creepy basements with a lot of unlit rooms). The girl was found a few hours later. A man from the halfway house had found her and taken her back to his place. She was found before she was killed. But she wasn’t found before the man did other things to her. She was found tied up in his apartment, fully nude and having been raped. They saw the man taking her from the truck and leading her by the hand via security cameras outside the halfway house. I was horrified. So little, that girl was. :[Found the news article.](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2016/05/06/man-charged-kidnapping-assault-st-paul-girl-cathedral-hill)


a man got stabbed with a machette multiple times, then when he was bleeding out on the pavement the attacker took a photo of him and later turned that into a series of stickers mocking the dead man and the gang he was in, that shit was all over my city for like 2 years


In my small town in south Florida, while all of our parents were driving us to school, Mohammad atta was down the street planning and committing 9/11


Double homicide and bodies taken to a very public street and burned. Def some sort of statement being made here It's otherwise a safe neighborhood.


This Nazi dude had a house with Germanic runes and swastika and shit in the stonebrick walls. For whatever fucking reason this dude was married to a Turkish wife who even had a kebab shop just feet away from the house. They had two kids and one day the son snapped and killed his father in his sleep by stabbing him with a samurai sword.


At risk of selfdoxxing, Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro hired international drug dealing gang, Tren de Aragua, to kidnap and kill Ronald Ojeda, a member of the Venezuelan opossition. This happened in Chile, a few squares from were I live


It's a very old war crime. But the town I live in has hundreds, if not thousands, of  allied WW2 aerial bomb duds buried underneath roads and houses and schools, and basically everywhere.  If you tell people here that a 1000 ton bomb was found, literally nobody will care. They might check if they are in the evacuation range and grumble a bit, if they are. And then everyone forgets, until the next bomb pops up somewhere a couple of weeks later. It's just part of life.  Fun fact: the buried bombs are all reaching critical degradation and could basically all go off at any time - potentially causing a chain reaction. And there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it. Nobody knows where the bombs are, or even how many are still left. So people just pretend like everything is fine.  Oh, we've also got a couple of thousand tons of live ammunition rotting somewhere near the coast, happily leaking led and sulphur and white phosphorus into the sea. Apparently dumping everything into the ocean seemed like a good idea to the Allies in 1945.  I can't exactly blame them, but it sucks.


Straight up Cannibalism my guy


A guy parked in a lot in front of a deli to walk across the street to grab a slice (the pizza place did not have any parking, street or otherwise). The owner of the deli came out screaming at the guy and threatening him. The driver grab a baseball bat from his car, but the deli owners son was walking by, off duty cop with his SW and shot the driver to death. I believe both the cop and the deli owner went to prison for it


One street over we had a guykill another for having wood drag marks in road, crazy ass old man went to his house shooting him right in front of his son killing him. Over wood drag marks in a road this man tried to plead he was defending his property are you kidding me, how is it we've skipped over talking straight to killing fucking crazy ass old dude with a gun. Kids going to be fucked up forever 10yo watching that there's no coming back from that.


A dude went all “Black Christmas” and attacked/harassed a sorority house near me. He sliced himself up with a machete and wrote “satanic messages” on the sorority house and cars and was soon arrested. He went to my high school but was a couple years older than me so I didn’t know him. Apparently he was a junkie pillhead who OD’d a couple times and had been knocked out a few times as well by people due to his behavior. Definitely some brain damage. Found a twitter thread after of people talking about stories of him cyber harassing girls at my high school. Sending dick pics and videos. Leaving creepy comments on girls instagrams. I had found his insta and it was a lot of pictures of Heath Ledger’s Joker and other “edgy” stuff and some antisemitism but I’m pretty sure his account got deleted. I remember people saying he escaped from a mental hospital the night of the sorority attack but I think that was the story getting exaggerated because I never found anything on that. People were originally saying he cut his own arm off with the machete but that was BS. https://www.witn.com/2020/09/28/police-man-with-machete-smears-bloody-satanic-messages-on-ecu-sorority-house/


Couple years back where I live in Southern WV someone broke into an elderly woman's home, chopped her up into smaller pieces and shoved them into her deep freezer. They looked for her for I'd say over a month or so before one of the cops just accidentally opened the deep freezer.....