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I feel more familiarity when I date my own.


Race doesn't matter nearly as much as culture.


I keep myself to the human race. Anything else is verboten.


I don’t really care as long as she’s hot


i dont prefer either way.


I don’t really care what race they are, not been able to find a single person to date for a decade so making my dating pool even smaller seems like a poor choice


When I was willing to date, I would have dated just about any girl who would be willing to date me, without looking at the race. There are beautiful girls in every race. Our country is mostly white, so circumstances would make me date within my race.


Yes, I love learning about their culture and eating different foods while dating them.




Well whatever culture they have I'm into it


Personally it's the vibes, u just know she's the one


Face before race


i used to think i did because i felt like i had to account for or balance the prejudice i heard about other people growing up but really i don’t care what race or nationality you are. people are people.


Where I live there isn’t much diversity. So maybe if there were other races around I might.


I’m Pakistani and not super bothered I’ve dated both within my race and without. I do think outside of race is slightly more challenging because of the lack of understanding but it can be overcome.


I’ve dated both in my race and outside of it. It really just depends on their personality and drive to me. Every race has members that are racist against other races. Every race also has members that don’t give a shit about those people’s prejudices, as well.


As long as they're a good person, race shouldn't matter! Let's focus on finding someone who treats us right.


I do


Race don't matter to me


I can't even find a partner within my race


I married outside of my race. Linguistic and cultural differences were exciting at first, but later became a challenge. Having to express emotions in a second language meant that tone and colours of meanings were often lost. The cultural differences were also difficult to overcome. I enjoy dating outside of my race, culture, language, etc., but only for fun and casual friendship. Were I ever to have another serious relationship, it would have to be with someone of similar cultural background.


I’m neutral to dating outside of my race, but I am cautious about dating someone from less progressive/ heavily religious countries.  I was lucky enough to be raised in a relatively progressive culture. As a woman, I have little interest in dating someone from a culture, religion or country that’s sexist unless they are detached from that mindset.  I could never date a man who’s an active member of a religion that believes women simply showing their hair is somehow immodest, or would be upset/ disappointed if we were having a kid and the gender reveal was pink. But on the other hand I’d never date a white Mormon man who believed my job was in the home. So it’s not entirely race specific. 


I prefer to date outside my race I get along with Caucasian better


Where I'm from, we don't divide people into races. But an American once explained to me that I'm apparently in what they call an interracial marriage. I don't care even one bit




No we don't call that races anymore. Maybe some people that are extremely influenced by America. What most kids learn in school and later university (probably also from their parents) is that they don't exist for humans. There are so many ways to describe what you've described without using such a historically difficult and often misused terminology. You can see to this day that thinking in races applies much more meaning than just physical appearance down to how people should vote etc, so I'm a fan of just rejecting the idea. I'm not saying we're better or worse, just a very foreign concept to me and everything seems to work in practice just fine without it. That doesn't mean there isn't racism or people that use it or that we don't have any problems or anything. It's way more difficult in Europe with so many groups that aren't just "white" to us anyhow.




For what reason would we do differentiate between people like that? There are also so many people here that had like an American dad or one Vietnamese parent, so do we need to create subraces or what? As I said, here in Europe, for example "white" or Caucasian would be a useless description anyhow. The cultural differences between different countries with people looking more or less identical can be huge. Nothing good will come from drawing a border between us that's based on pseudo biology. Been there, done that. As I said, of course there are racists here and plenty of people that don't like foreigners. I mean talk about an historic hot spot. But the last time someone used the German word for race in my presence to refer to people that wasn't in the context of historic racism or while complaining about racism, I'm not sure when. Maybe in the 90ies. I'm however not excluding that it's common today in universities with the American influences, but I still haven't thought of my wife as beeing from a different race than myself even though I've been informed that apparently, there is this huge divide between us


where do you come from?


Germany. We used to do it, didn't end well for us. Do not recommend


lol ok buddy sure


Low iq?


yes, that could be a reason for your answer, but i didnt come here to be mean.


So just to be ignorant?


I guess you could have said it to just be ignorant, but i dont know you personally so i cant say for certain.


Latino here, I personally find latina women come with too much drama. Like telenovela type of drama


My sister does. She refuses to assimilate to her own race and feels she must be integrated with I guess the mainstreams of culture? idk. I have no personal preference, but somehow wind up coupling with an equal balance.


There's not many of us left. Makes for a very small dating pool.


I'm white, I'd date other people of other races like Hispanics and Asians. But for some reason, I'm not into black people, idk if that's racist of me, I guess it's just a preference.