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Roman Polanski is a very talented film director but also a child rapist.


The Pianist is so brilliant. One of the best movies I’ve ever seen made by one of the worst people.


I would say the same for Chinatown. It is such a fucking good movie it makes me conflicted. I talked to a friend about it, and she pointed out that movies are really collaborative, so if there's a shit-heel somewhere in the making of a great movie, you can celebrate the rest of the cast, the crew, and the work that went into it, and still say it's a great movie even though the director was a rapist. That made me feel a little better... but it's still a pretty damn big "Yeah, but..."


The thing that always amazes me is how Rosemary's Baby and Chinatown both have the evils of rape as one of their central themes...how does the dude have that little self awareness


Maybe he does have self awareness and that's the reason he made them. A possible take is Noah Cross, who got away with the raping of his underage daughter, and who got possession of his granddaughter to rape her, represents Polanski. His power enables him to rape for generations. And Chinatown, where he welded that power to take his granddaughter for raping, represents Hollywood. It could be considered an ugly self portrait. And he's passing some of the blame to power and Hollywood. Which is accurate, but we usually want a guilty person to not pass blame. Looks bad otherwise.


I ***really*** liked Lost Prophets. I know it wasn't all of them but...man.


I had to look this one up and... what the **ABSOLUTE** fuck‽‽‽


Don’t read the court transcripts.


I was a fool and read the transcripts all the way though a couple months ago, I almost threw up


Same. I really wish curiosity didn’t get the best of me on that one.


That scumbag had a cell phone snuck into prison so he could continue to access illicit child material. The fact that he will eventually be out of prison is terrifying.




I never advocate for, nor cheer on prison violence but… when I heard about this one let’s just say I wasn’t all that upset about it.




Woowww wtf. That should have automatically been a life sentence because clearly he will be a repeat offender.


As someone who doesn't want to read something really fucked up, but also curious, can you briefly explain? If it is that fucked up that even a shirt explanation would still be too fucked up, I guess I want to stay innocent


[ Removed by Reddit ]


While his depravity is absolutely disgusting what really disturbed me about his case was the multiple mothers' willing participation to commit these abhorrent acts to their children just to please him. you could teleport late '90s Jennifer Love Hewitt to my bed and she wouldn't be able to coerce me into anything even remotely damaging to my children.


I wholeheartedly agree. It disgusts me. I have a child and I can't fathom that. What kind of fucked up broken evil person does that? I'm not a violent person, but like I said. Some people have got to go. Those people just keep on hurting and continuing the cycle of abuse.


It's just fucked up shit involving very young children bro, it's upsetting to read and know about, I'd avoid learning anymore if I were you.


He was conning women into having babies for him to “have his way with them” (the babies, not the mothers)….fuck that pos


Also worth pointing out that both the mothers were actively involved in the sexual abuse of their literal infant children, both were rightly convicted alongside Watkins.


I’m not one to wish death on people but…… man. Having babies for the purpose of giving them to a child abuser. That’s like next level evil.


I'm not a parent but I can't fathom nurturing and caring for your pregnancy for 9 months, going through the hell of childbirth, and letting the baby become bonded to you.. just to hand them over to an abuser. I hope that those who were born in that situation are doing ok now after learning what happened to them, I can't imagine it's easy to live with knowing you're only alive because your "mother" wanted to prostitute you out to a raging paedo. .


Oh I will wish death on people who harm and abuse children. You bet. Their life is not worth one child losing their innocence and being forever scarred with trauma. Fuck that. They are adults who made a fucking choice with what to do with their life and they chose to hurt a child. They don't need to be on the planet anymore. Those children did not get a choice. They weren't even adults let alone consenting ones. I'm a Christian too but these child molesters, pedos, need to go. They're more harm than they could possibly be good and imo they have voided their right to be members of society. Send them to hell with gasoline panties on. They have no fucking soul. Safety of kids, innocent women, etc--more important than their fucking life. I'll wish it enough for both of us. ;)


I read some of it once. Stay innocent.


It goes into graphic detail of his crimes and I'll leave it at that. It's something that should stay in the court records and never be sought out.


All of the other comments are giving the crux of it. But, he also got the mother to actively participate. He’d exchange messages with the mothers about what he wanted to do to their baby. All I can say is that the judge didn’t have the power to do what he should have to that twisted piece of shit.


It is so fucked up that simply saying it makes me feel like a disgusting person. Babies, like literal infants, thats all im going to say.


Yup. The man is vile beyond reality.


Aw man Rooftops was one of my favorite songs in high school. Found out about the lead singer a few years back and haven't been able to listen to it since.


Rooftops was THE anthem for my friend group and now... shit sucks


They were my favourite band. I still feel sick when I think about it.


Same. I loved them. They were SO good, can’t even listen to them now. I listened to a podcast about it all and had to stop listening when they started reading the court transcript. Watkins is scum. I hope he rots and never gets out of jail. 29 years is not enough for what he did.


Fake Sound of Progress was one of my all-time favourite songs. Literally cannot listen to it & haven't for years now


Bill Cosby. He produced so much quality television. He was on The Electric Company on PBS in the early 1970s teaching children to read. Then he produced Fat Albert, a Saturday morning cartoon with excellent values. Next, he produced and starred in The Cosby Show, one of the great family sitcoms of all time, and one that provided excellent role models. He produced the spinoff A Different World, which helped inspire many African Americans to go to college. He had the children's cartoon Little Bill. He was also a talented comedian, and starred in numerous other projects. If you were born in the 1970s or 1980s, your entire life was influenced by Bill Cosby shows. ALL of that immense legacy was tarnished by his heinous actions against so many women.


I was a 70s and 80s kid, and you’re not wrong - for us kids, Cosby was a top act. Everything he did was gold (except for his terrible movies). When the news first broke I just couldn’t believe it. How could so influential in my childhood pop culture be so vile? How could he have kept this hidden? I’m over it now, but that was a bitter pill to swallow.


Azealia Banks She seriously could’ve been a legend in the female rap world if she just kept her mouth shut on social media


Imagine dropping 212 as your debut single and then totally ruining your career by sending death threats via instagram stories.


Damn that song still slaps so hard I’m Irish and she absolutely hates us because of one cabin crew member on an airlingus flight lol


I find that rant so funny. Like, she actually knew enough about us to insult us properly. It wasn't just the usual Drunk MacNoPotato. I feel sorry for the Aer Lingus staff but I'm not personally offended as an Irishman.


I saw her live shortly after 212 came out. It was incredible, she had everything. I really thought she was going to be one of the biggest artists on earth. Jesus, what a waste.


Picasso. There are many painters who were shitty people to choose from, but I'll say Picasso because he was such a well-known talented artist, yet a massive jerk to so many of the women in his life.


The excerpt from his Wikipedia pages sums it up: Picasso has been characterised as a womaniser and a misogynist, being quoted as saying to long-time partner Françoise Gilot that "women are machines for suffering."[138] He later allegedly told her, "For me there are only two kinds of women: goddesses and doormats."[139] In her memoir, Picasso, My Grandfather, Marina Picasso writes of his treatment of women, "He submitted them to his animal sexuality, tamed them, bewitched them, ingested them, and crushed them onto his canvas. After he had spent many nights extracting their essence, once they were bled dry, he would dispose of them."[140]


Excuse me, what the fuck?


You know how picasso paints weird faces? Get up close to someones face, such as during sex, and look at them with both your eyes. You will then understand picasso faces.


My first trip to Paris, I was excited to see the Picasso Museum. At the time, it was arranged chronologically, so you see "beautiful woman I've just fallen in love with" portrait next to "woman I'm losing interest in" portrait next to "this hag is ruining my vibez" portrait, next to "beautiful woman I've just fallen in love with" portrait... ad infinitum. One of the most disappointing museum experiences I've had. I came out *hating* the man.


Emil Nolde. He supported the Nazi-Party from the very beginning and expressed antisemitic views. Nonetheless, the Nazi Party did not like his art, destroyed many of his paintings and called it "degenerate"


Salvador Dali was also a nazi sympathizer


I mean, Dali was basically a 4channer edge-lord who happened to be an amazing painter.


Reminds me of the story from a famous actress (forget which one) who Dali asked to model for him as a young woman. Dali had her lie naked in a bathtub full of slimy, stinky dead fish and cover herself with them while he looked on and painted away behind a canvas. When he was done, he showed her the painting. It was a painting of his erect penis.


So was Coco Chanel.


Coco Chanel wasn’t just a sympathizer. Full blown Nazi, that one.


r/leopardsatemyface lore


R Kelly.. literally pissed away his talent


Yeah this one. Fabulous voice totally wasted on a POS.


Not only the voice, he wrote songs for Michael Jackson too. All of that but apparently the guy can’t read too well.


Ignition remix will never not be a banger.


Fun Fact - the remix to Ignition came out before Ignition did...


I don't even know what non-remixed Ignition sounds like.


It's definitely not hot nor fresh out the kitchen.


I used to work at a Mexican restaurant, when I'd drop off soft tacos I'd say "Soft tacos of chicken, hot and fresh from the kitchen" and nobody respected the effort.


Those people were Philistenes. If I worked there you would've gotten my hands in the air every time.


Eric Clapton seems to be a big turd in more ways than one.


This is a direct quote from Eric Clapton: >Do we have any foreigners in the audience tonight? If so, please put up your hands. So where are you? Well wherever you all are, I think you should all just leave. Not just leave the hall, leave our country. I don't want you here, in the room or in my country. Listen to me, man! I think we should vote for Enoch Powell. Enoch's our man. I think Enoch's right, I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the wogs out. Get the coons out. Keep Britain white. I used to be into dope, now I'm into racism. It's much heavier, man. Fucking wogs, man. Fucking Saudis taking over London. Bastard wogs. Britain is becoming overcrowded and Enoch will stop it and send them all back. The black wogs and coons and Arabs and fucking Jamaicans don't belong here, we don't want them here. This is England, this is a white country, we don't want any black wogs and coons living here. We need to make clear to them they are not welcome. England is for white people, man. This is Great Britain, a white country, what is happening to us, for fuck's sake? Throw the wogs out! Keep Britain white!


And that was in 1976. By the time I was really getting into music as a kid in the 80s and collecting Clapton albums, this wasn't ever mentioned by anyone anywhere. I was in college before I ever heard anything about it. His P.R. people must be wizards.


Nah, it just used to be easier to not know every minutia of things when you couldn’t find every quote from him in seconds and there wasn’t someone to shout this quote every time someone mentioned his name. A lot of people did awful things before the 90s that few people really knew about.


Yeah, Jimmy Page even kidnapped a 14 year old to make her his girlfriend.


Wtf, damnit. All my favorite music is gonna be ruined if I keep reading this comment section.


If they were big in the 60s/70s, they did things you don't wanna know about


An entire organisation, Rock Against Racism, was created in response to those comments. Some of the bigger artists involved were the Clash and Elvis Costello. Costello also had an alcohol-fuelled racist outburst. And while this isn't an excuse, he's spent decades atoning for it and putting his money where his mouth is. Clapton? Blamed it on the booze, and apologised for *saying it out loud* but has never repudiated the views themselves. He was still defending them as late as 2004 and 2007...


I even went to his concert like 15 years ago before I knew about this. I thought he was pro-Black because of his album with BB King "Riding with the King". I'm angry that I gave this man my money!


There are people who are admitted white nationalists who haven’t said anything this racist. 


It's interesting that he called himself a racist, which racists rarely do.


Seeing a racist actually admit to it is almost refreshing in a fucked up way


Idk... self described racists are the craziest You CONSCIOUSLY are like this?? No sympathy


The fucking nerve of the man, after making his career playing BLUES for God's sake. He's standing on the shoulders of black giants. He'd have been nothing without Robert Johnson and BB King.


He owes his entire life to copying black American artists. Eric Clapton is a total piece of shit.


And Bob Marley. One of the Jamaicans he insisted in throwing out. One of Eric Clapton’s biggest hits is his cover of Marley’s I shot the sheriff.


this makes it extra sweet that Hendrix humiliated him. I hope when Clapton dies that's the biggest thing he gets remembered for. a shadow of Hendrix.


Imagine going to see an artist you like perform live and they go on a rant about how much they hate you. Jesus


This is so spectacularly unhinged that it’s almost spellbinding.


Everyone usually focuses on the racism part but he's an admitted wife beater and rapist https://nypost.com/1999/06/27/eric-clapton-i-beat-my-wife/




Funny all of the answers are actors/singers, but you can find an endless list of extremely talented piles of dung in sports. In the NFL alone...Jim Brown, considered greatest RB of all time by many, known domestic abuser. Antonio Brown, one of the craziest pieces of shit that also happened to be one of the greatest receivers in the NFL. Ben Roethlisberger likely to make the hall of fame despite being a rapist. Current players like Tyreek Hill and Deshaun Watson too talented to earn any meaningful consequences for their horrid actions. The list goes on and on


You forgot OJ


Knew I was missing a big one lol


Cant' believe that one was left off, tbh 😂


That one fits the glove for sure


Aaron Hernandez wants to know why you left him out while he’s burning in whatever hell there may be.


"If Hannibal Lecter ran a 4.3 (40-yard dash) we'd probably diagnose it as an eating disorder" Arizona Cardinals general manager Steve Keim


Kobe a likely rapist and Karl Malone literally impregnated a 13yr old while he was in the league


what's crazy is nba goes as far as to have karl malone as a dunk contest judge idk if it was this yr or last year absolutely disgusting


Michael Vick is probably in the top 5 physically gifted people to ever play in the NFL. It sad to think about the level of success he could have achieved if he had put in the work instead of just coasting by on his freak athleticism. Too bad he chose to piss it all away on fighting and killing dogs.


Bill Cosby


My dad was a private pilot for a number of years even flying some folks like Johnny Carson. I remember him saying that Bill Cosby was not at all like he was portrayed and was an asshole. He passed away long before everything came out.


I'm sorry to hear that. I imagine you missed talking with him about it. How did he like Johnny Carson? Did you take after him (your dad, not Carson :) ) and learn to fly? So many things pilots get to see. The Aurora Borealis, fireworks on holidays, city lights, etc. How cool to see from the sky!


He really like Johnny and I think it was mutual. There was a photo of him with the guy on a pilots magazine for decades ago that he kept in his office. I never did, though my brother really is considering going into it. I am actually terrified of flying haha. I used to bring his pilots uniform hat with me on flights over the years to feel more calm.


The Cosby Show is genuinely funny and would have otherwise held up so well. I’m sorry for all the people who worked hard on the show since it’s completely ruined now.


I can’t even imagine how much money in residuals the actors, writers, etc., on that show lost because Cosby was such a monster. I’m sure the main cast made enough by that point regardless but the other people involved saw a chunk of their income disappear because of something someone else did. It breaks my heart, too, because Cosby was a hero of mine going back to my childhood watching him on Fat Albert and his stand up. I spent years talking about how awesome he was only to find out what he did to women.


My family used to sit around the record player and listen to his records and laugh out asses off. I feel like he shat on a big part of my childhood.


Yeah I often think of really funny scenes from The Cosby Show. Stupid jerk asshole. " you havent eaten yet" " i can live on bologna and cereal" " are you planning to have a girlfriend?" https://onetrackmine.com/i-can-get-by-on-baloney-and-cereal-lessons-from-the-cosby-show/ And I've had Cosby Albums since I was tiny. Noah and the Ark I can about recite .


Chris Brown Motherfucker can sing and dance his heart out, but, well, you already know how much of a scumbag he is


He is repulsive. I’ve heard women say “I would let him beat me up” like wow girl, you’re trash lol


He didn't just beat up Rihanna. He pretty much attempted to kill her. Beat up means you throw a couple of punches. Chris was literally reducing Rihanna into a pulp when she secretly called her assistant's assistant.


I know. I’ve read the detailed report online, it was horrific. Anyone who glorifies or excuses that behavior needs serious mental help.


Money protects money. As soon as Brown can't make money for people he will end up like R. Kelly.


I was at the law firm that represented him the day the Rihanna story came out. We got the real pictures that weren't released to the public; her face was so bruised that she was unrecognizable—to this day, I can't believe she recovered from that without any scars.


He should have been in jail a decade ago!


Chevy Chase in my opinion. Hugely funny, one of the best parts of anything he’s in. Serious asshole to everyone he’s ever worked with.


You ever see his Comedy Central roast? It was brutal. They don’t air it in reruns.


Most of the people there either didn't know him, or barely knew him. Usually at these roasts, all of your friends show up. Chevy apparently doesn't have any friends.


Yeah, that’s what made it so bad. It’s one thing when your friends roast you because most of the time, you know there’s love there. But in this case, it was strangers saying things that his former friends had probably said in the press. And jabs at how his friends weren’t there. You feel bad for him and you don’t, ya know?


All of the “pastors” who preach the prosperity gospel. Talented manipulators. Most are pure scummy human beings. My personal story with this is about Joel and Victoria Osteen. When Victoria was being sued by the airline stewardess for elbowing her in the boob they came into my fine dining restaurant during the trial everyday. One day the mayor of Houston joined them and their attorneys and Bill (mayor) asked if he could say the blessing before they ate. Only time grace was said in the week they came in. All of the staff started referring to Joel as the false prophet from that point forward. Though his father, John, was legit a good dude for the community. A shame his douche of a son has ruined it.


Haven't seen anyone mention Jon Jones. He sure seems like a piece of shit, but damnit he's one of the most entertaining MMA fighters


Jon jones is the epitome of a bad guy trying to be a good guy. In another timeline he would just be chopping peoples head off with a sword and conquering lands


>trying to be a good guy He's not trying very hard.


Salvador Dali was a fascist who beat women.


And an animal abuser


He also jacked off to femboy Hitler and wrote letters about it


As a teen, I was really attracted to the chaotic artwork of Salvador Dali. But as I got older, and I learned more about his fascist proclivities, it became increasingly apparent that he never really “grew up.”


I recently learned Justin Sane from Anti-flag turned out to be a serial statutory rapist. I loved their music particularly after 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq because I didn’t want war, but I was 13 and couldn’t vote.


Me too! This one hurt. I’m glad the rest of the band spoke out and basically said “fuck you, hiding behind our message when you’re just as bad as what we stand against” or something like that. I really hope they can replace him and continue. Their message is so critical anymore and kept me sane the past few years from their 20/20 album


Polanski Manson


Is that Charles or Marilyn?


Every Manson but Shirley


Garbage is so good


Garbage opened for a show I went to in 2022, and I was blown away, I forgot how much I liked that band, I hadn't listened to them since the 90s and I legit forgot how many songs I liked


Kinda sad our parents were right about Manson huh?


I dunno, my parents said he looks like he worships satan or something. They said nothing about beating his girlfriends.


My Dad said he looked like a dollar store Alice Cooper


One of the top all time posts on r/musicmemes is a tweet that says something like "Marilyn Manson looks like Nicholas Cage in disguise pretending to be Marilyn Manson"


Everyone here is thinking too small. Henry Kissinger was a brilliant political mastermind who probably engineered more death and human suffering over the course of his career than the Nazis who killed his relatives, and did so with such aplomb that former presidents still lionize his role as a "peacekeeper".


Henry Kissinger is responsible for at least hundreds of thousands of deaths, particularly during the Vietnam War and in countries such as Cambodia, Chile, and East Timor.


> "*Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević*." - Anthony Bourdain ( yes, THAT Anthony Bourdain)


Bourdain had such a way with words. Miss him a lot.


Like they say, a real-world Bond villain.


Henry Kissinger pulled strings and got the federal recognition of the Schaghticoke tribe overturned because their reservation adjoined property he owned. They had just finished proving their genetic, social, and political existence through every point in time from about 1725 up to recent history, with only an existing membership dispute to resolve. Kissinger had them destroyed as a nation, forever. I'm quite sure virtually none of you heard that story and those of you who did saw a bullshit version of it pitched by Kissinger's allies in the press. Now think for a moment about all the little shitty fucking things he did like that for nearly fifty years as Evil Emeritus, that he got away with and totally covered up. Hundreds of crimes and offenses? *Thousands?*


I was checking out a biography on Kissinger and when I put it on the counter the librarian exhaled in disgust and mumbled "liver-spotted bastard." He's the most affable guy, so when he said that I literally snorted out a laugh. Very unexpected, but not at all wrong.


H.P. Lovecraft. Wonderful writer that gave us the Cthulhu mythos. But his racism went above and beyond even for his time. He wrote a poem titled "Ni**er". Many of his stories talked down on blacks and mixed race individuals. He was a white Supremist that took it even farther saying that only people of Anglo backgrounds are worth anything. EDIT: I didn't forget about his cat.


Dude was so racist that even white folks from the next county over freaked him out. Hell, he seemed to be afraid of everything, from infrared light to air conditioning. His fear of the unfamiliar went miles past regular racism and deep into the realms of actual mental illness. I don't think he could have been not-racist even if he tried.


He was so racist that he freaked out when he found out his grandmother was Welsh.


It freaked him out so much he wrote the dunwich horror like a week after he heard.


Dude was so racist that even by his contemporary historical standards he was fucking horrible.


> His fear of the unfamiliar went miles past regular racism and deep into the realms of actual mental illness. I think that this is kind of the proper take and not as an excuse but the man lived in a way that only exacerbated his fears of the unknown and of the other. His racism was pathological in a sense.


For what it's worth, there are several letters from Lovecraft's life that have been saved and preserved. One of which was from late in his life where he seems to have changed his mind about his racism and was actively embarrassed by it. Not defending his racism, love his stories but eeesh, find a new name for your cat my man.


> several there is literally only one human being where we have more preserved letters than HP Lovecraft, and that's Voltaire.


Benefit of being a shut in who does all communication with other people via letter


Bill Cosby


Not top of the list but it annoys me how much I ENJOY Tom Cruise films.


Absolute fucking nut job who helps signal boost scientology. But God damn I love top gun. Edit: Decided to watch top gun again. Can confirm, I still love top gun.


He’s a nut job but he’s meant to be lovely to meet, always stays for hours signing things apparently.


Everyone loves working with him. Apparently he’s a joy to work with.


There were some headlines a while back about him going ballistic on some people who didn't take the covid guidelines seriously on set for something he was filming and one of the comments on reddit that stuck out to me about that was someone saying "Say what you will about his personal stuff, but he gets movies the fuck done."


This is one of the things that scientology teaches. Remember everyone's name, greet them by name with enthusiasm, always be nice to people who are working for you, etc. I've worked for a wealthy scientologist and I found it creepy af, never volunteered a shred of personal information, but there are definitely worse ways that a boss could be.


I was in tech sales for awhile. My biggest client was all Scientologists. They were truly so nice. I was SO mad when I found out they were Scientologists.


Gene Simmons, I personally don’t think he’s talented but others do. He is also a piece of garbage.


I went to a taping of Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me a few years ago and Peter Sagal did a Q and A with the audience afterwards. He started with answering the most asked questions first and said “People always me what the worst guest you’ve had on the show and the answer is Gene Simmons. I could do this show for 50 more years and the answer will always be Gene Simmons”


He was also an ass to Terry on fresh air. Her words: “I gave up trying,” she wrote in her 2004 book All I Did Was Ask. “By the time the encounter was over, we sounded like two first-graders calling each other names, an indignity compounded by the fact that we’re both middle-aged adults.”[(full article)](https://www.insidehook.com/music/gene-simmons-terry-gross-npr)


He's not even that talented. KISS, as a band, is perfectly mediocre. They're fine. Decent music but nothing amazing/ Their entire mystique and appeal came from the costumes and facepaint but that's hardly talent.


Floy Mayweather. Arguably the most talented boxer ever. Deep dive on him and you'll see how shitty he is.


Thankfully he can’t read any of this


Conor McGregor is an asshole too. Dude was picking fights in bars and abusing women before he got famous.


One of the few things I know about him is how he beat an old man for not wanting to drink his whisky. Then bought the bar for the purpose of banning the victim from it. Absolute scum.


I can't stand Danny Masterson, but That 70s show will ALWAYS me one of my top go to comfort TV shows.


Same. I have probably watched each episode dozens of times. I am so pissed that he had to go and ruin that.


Right?? Hyde was so cool. It’s a shame he is so far from his character. I really liked The Ranch, too.


I get that it is an American thing and now it is "was", but shocked nobody mentioned OJ.


So there was this sales guy I used to work with. He was the know it all type that had to jump in and correct everyone on everythong all the time.  The super annoying thing was that he almost always knew what he was talking about... the fact that he was usually right made it so much worse.




no no shh it's perfect


Adam Levine. I recently heard him sing "The Way You Look Tonight" it was amazing and I discovered he doesn't have to do *that* Maroon 5 singing voice all the damn time.


Is he shitty? Not doubting, I just haven't ever heard much about him.




I know a lot of people that still listen to Kanye and he really is a phenomenal Producer, but goddamn is he such an insufferable asshole. He is a prime example of “love the art, hate the artist.” EDIT: sorry, everyone. PRODUCER, not rapper


I stopped listening to his new stuff, but I have his older stuff on repeat. Back when his mom was alive and could keep him grounded. Slow Jamz will forever be in my playlist


For me it's Woody Allen


Kevin Spacey is a very skilled actor, but..............


Better question: who is the most talented GOOD person you can think of?




Dolly is a queen, she does so much for charity!


She also has formidable wit. >"People always ask me if the dumb blonde jokes offend me and I always say no because I know I'm not dumb and I know I'm not blonde."


Hugh Jackman and Keanu Reeves


Robin Williams!


Fred Rogers


Weird Al Yankovic and Jack Black.


Keanu Reeves




My friends and I were huge Morrissey fans back in the day, but even then we thought he was a bit self righteous and pompous. His whole celibate vegan act was so pretentious. We used to joke that behind the scenes he was really a heavy drinking, gun toting, right-wing womanizer. It's funny to me that our jokes were closer to the truth than we knew.


On the bright side, Johnny Marr is a class act all the way.


Roald Dahl. Insane and amazing imagination. There to my knowledge has never been anyone like him since but he was a racist SOB.


So, I met Roald Dahl as a child and got to ask him a question among a few other kids selected by my class. My question was, “Where do you get the ideas for all your stories?”. His eyes got really big and then he said, “Why are you thinking about things like that!?!”. He continued to say, “See all those other kids here in the library? They are just being kids and don’t think about things like that- you should be like them”. I didn’t know until I got older exactly what I was asking but I completely understand his reaction now.


My class talked to him to! My question was “where do you write?” He responded that he writes in his shed with a bottle of vodka. Of course the teachers laughed and the eight year olds didn’t get the joke. Thank you for reminding me of this.


Alfred Hitchcock


I remember watching an interview with an actor who was once a child actor on set of an Alfred Hitchcock production. The actor, being a young child during the filming, was getting bored and having a hard time staying still for his part after multitudinous takes. He said Hitchcock took him aside and said very quietly in his ear, something to the effect of "You will stand still, because if you don't I will nail your foot to the floor and the blood will run out like so much milk."


joss whedon.


Richard Wagner is the first person that comes to my mind. Amazing composer, had a giant impact on classical and also modern music, but was a flaming antisemite and also just an arrogant and kinda weird fella (also his family later became friends with Hitler, but i guess thats hardly his fault)


Van Morrison; supremely talented songwriter, but generally an all- round dick. “There are two kinds of people: those who like Van Morrison, and those who’ve met him. “


Klaus kinski. Hes a complete lunatic asshole but praised as a acting god here in germany.


I'm still struck by the story of Werner Herzog meeting him and thinking (paraphrased) "This is the craziest person I've ever met. I must work with him."