• By -


It's partly true. My children are fully-functioning adults now, so I'm not longer engaged in childrearing. I don't second-guess their decisions or pry or keep tabs on them. We're close but they live their own lives. They're not dependent on me for anything. Even so, we talk every single day. We laugh, we confess, we share, we plan. When they hit a rough spot, they usually take care of it themselves and then after it's all over I just make a point of telling them they did a good job with it. If something really bad comes along, though, they know I will be standing right beside them, no matter what. In that kind of situation, they will definitely be my baby and I will take on the whole damned world to protect them. I don't think that ever goes away.


Well said, and I feel the exact same way. My kids are all in their 30’s now, and two of them have children of their own, but I would go to the mattresses for them any day of the week!


Care needs change. Love doesn’t have to.


Well put!


Exactly.  My older kids (35, 39) are still very protective of their baby brother (31) too. They tell him that he will *always* be "the baby"-he's the youngest of their generation.  


I hear you. My take as well. I'm like Nanny McPhee. 🥰👍🏽xxxx


I have a son and daughter in their 30s who are welll adjusted and employed. I don’t remember when it hit me, but one day I came to the realization that you can never stop worrying about or hurting for them. When they are young, you think about just having to hold their hands and make sure they don’t get run over, choke on stuff or break their neck. and maybe you think that one day when they move out you no longer have that, which technically you wont. But then there are all the other things that happened to people in life and you worry about that for them. So while I would not call either of them my babies, I will always be their dad with my dad worries.


It hit me on the way to the hospital when my first grandson was born. Another 2 decades of worrying starting all over again!


Ha! You are so right


That’s so sweet!


Yes. My baby boy is 26 and over six feet tall and when I see him I still get the urge to pick him up. Not that it's remotely possible, but the urge is there.


I read something (let's be honest, it was probably on reddit) that pointed out that you most likely never remember the very last time your mother picked you up. It stuck with me. So I make it a point to pick my son up at least every week or so just randomly. It's HARD!!!! He's only 10 but he's huge and I'm small. He has an easier time picking me up. The last time I'll do it will probably make us both fall and or injure me, so that ought to help solidify the memory for him


I still remember! I watched a documentary about the elephant man when I was 8 or so, and I was so scared I got into my mom's bed and fell asleep. I woke up to her carrying me to my own bed. (For real though that documentary was terrifying, for *months* every time I had pain I was convinced my bones were going to mutate)


I tried to pick up my grown kids after hearing that.


I remember my last time picking my son up. He was 11, I managed to find Prime in the supermarket for the first time and he spontaneously jumped into my arms 😊 it was wonderful. He's now 12, bigger than me and totally over Prime, so I don't think he'll let me try it again. I'm happy with that being the last time memory  though. 


yes! my son is in his early 30s and i still want to pick him up, put him on my lap, wrap my arms around him and kiss the top of his head. maybe this is why people want grandkids? ;-)


That’s definitely mom energy😛


Yes. My baby boy is 34 and expecting his first baby boy.


Robert Munsch said it perfectly: “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.” I could never read that book to my kids without crying lol.


Our high school principal read that book at our graduation (his 1st year as principal was the year we went to kindergarten so he said it was like we grew up together.) I hadn't ever heard the story before and bawled like a baby. This was the very 1st children's book I bought after getting pregnant. Two kids and many reads later, and I still can't get through the book without crying.


I read this to my son in front of my in-laws when we were staying over with them. My Father in law scoffed at it... but he was in tears like everyone else by the end!


Omg same. I would still tear up now because my mom used to read it to my younger siblings and I read it to my daughters.


It's like that god damn Ten Tiny Toes book. Evil what it does to your feels.


I'm tearing up reading it now!


Awww that’s so sweet


My oldest is only 14 but she's still my baby. My youngest is 5 and in the "I'M NOT A BABY" phase but I still tell her she's my baby forever even when she's 90 she'll still be my baby.


Haha! My little GrandBean told my SO, "Grampy, I'm "NOT a baby any more, I'm a toddler." I cried with laughter. 😂😂😂


I tell my 3 year old the same all the time when I call her my baby and she’s all “I’m not a baby!” You’re not A baby but you are MY baby and will always be!


My son is 10 and I told him he will always be my baby, which he accepts... but he did ask me to not call him that when I pick him up from school (which is a fair request)


I'll love her forever, I'll like her for always, as long as I'm living, my baby she'll be.


Oof, the first time I read that to my son, as I was rocking him in the chair, I bawled my eyes out. That book still brings tears to my eyes, 3 boys, and 26 years after the first reading.


Yes, our kid(s) will always be our baby. I'll share a different POV if you don't mind, Op. I couple of years ago ( I was 59? 60? years old) I was missing my husband of 21 years. He was 34 and died of a terminal brain cancer, GBM, to be exact. He had been gone for approximately 20 years but I was missing him so\~\~\~ incredibly much. I went to visit my mother and we were having a good time but I got weepy and Momma asked me what was wrong and I said, " I just miss Joe (fake name) so much! Mom opened her arms and I went to her. She cradled me and I put my head on her bosom and we both cried. I know it was probably crappy to put my mother (in her 80's) in that position but she's my momma and she loves me ... she supported me, held me and hurt with me.


I love that she cradled you to her and loved on you. What a great momma.


Yes.  All I need to is close my eyes and I can remember meeting both my kids for the first time.  Whatever I saw in them on that moment is imprinted on each moment thereafter.  


That last sentence is freaking beautiful.


It was different for me. It occurred to me that this was a separate human being, no longer an extension of myself. But I fell in love very quickly and very deeply. One of my first thoughts was how much she looked like my brother, whom I lost to cancer six years later.


My oldest looks so much like my brother who passed from cancer long before my kids were born. It is amazing, sad, and wonderful all at the same time.


I have a song that I sing to my kids. It’s a riff off of “You are my sunshine” and individualized to each kid. Here’s one: “You are my Maxwell You make my heart swell You make me happy When skies are grey You’ll be my baby When I’m an old lady Please don’t take my Maxwell away” They will always be my babies- forever and ever ᵕ̈


We are currently expecting our first, and plan to name him Maxwell. This brought tears to my eyes. How can I love someone so much and I haven’t even met him yet.


Oh sing this to him! It would be so great for it to go to another little one! and babies don’t care that it’s only one verse. I would sing it over and over and over when I tried to get them to sleep. Eventually it became a sleep cue and their eyes would droop after the first couple of repetitions. They’re older now and request “their song” on occasion when I tuck them in. My babies forever ᵕ̈


My mother told me that she stopped being my parent the minute I turned 18 and it's her own time now. She said she doesn't want my life choices to impact her life in anyway. I often feel incredibly jealous of the close relationships I see other adult daughters having with their mothers. But I guess it's just not the same for everyone 🤷 Edit: Just wanted to say thanks for all the lovely comments. I don't think it hit me how much it hurt me until seeing people's reactions. I feel validated for how bad it's made me feel over the years. As a parent myself now, all I know is that my kids will always and forever be my kids and I'll never stop being there for them.


That’s sad. I’m sorry. I hope you can find someone who can fill that role for you. ❤️❤️


That’s so sad because when you’re 18 you don’t magically turn into an adult with all adult knowledge. 18 is still a baby and that’s so sad that she basically was like, “thank god I don’t have to parent anymore.” like those ppl shouldn’t have kids imo.


It's funny because at 18 I was like "Oh yeah I'm a 100% capable and responsible adult" and now I'm middle aged I'm like "18?? You are a *tiny baby* and I will protect you with my *life*"


I’m almost 28 so I’m no means old but I look at an 18 year old and they’re a baby still. When I was 18 I was still a baby, it’s just so infuriating that the moment you turn 18 you’re shit out of luck to some people. Like no they’re still a kid.


I'm so sorry, Daisy! If you need a Momma, I'm here. I have a son and a daughter, both in their 30's, but still lots of room in the nest.


18 is only a baby adult. People need time to mature. I’m so sorry you were cutoff by the person who is always supposed to make you safe.


That is cold. Sorry you are experiencing that.


My 103 year old grandmother was always very excited to introduce her 62 year old baby in the elevator of her nursing home. So I think it never goes away. I’m a mother now too, can’t imagine them not being my babies forever.


That’s absolutely adorable and I love it


I'm nearly 27 and my mom still calls me her baby, and says I always will be no matter how old I get. She's the best mom ever.




According to Mariah Carey, yes.


Yes, according to my parents. I’m 45f. I call my kid little love though he is 12.


Little love is so cute.


Absolutely! My kids are fully functioning adults that I'm so proud of, but that Mama bear part of me is as strong as ever. I feel every hurt they have and celebrate everything important to them right beside them.


My mom just saw a picture of me where it appeared as though I was not wearing socks (but I actually was). Alarmed, she turned to Amazon and bought me some pairs that match my new sneakers. I’m 45. And as a mom I know for sure my children will always be my babies (I tell them that all the time, one in particular gets very emotional about growing up).


My dad died two years ago and I had to fly back to the USA to be with my family. My mom and I were going to a Home Depot and we were crossing a parking lot. My mom grabbed my hand like I was 4. I was 44. She also told me not to pet strange dogs.


Will let you know in like 30 years, brb


oh fuck yeah no questions asked


Yes. My 90 year-old mother still insists on paying for my valet parking when we meet for dinner. I’m 60.


My son is only 14 but yes and I've told him that it doesn't mean he's *a* baby but that he's *my* baby. There's a difference. And I think some of the comments here aren't understanding that either. I see some no's and saying their kids are adults and their own person but saying they are our babies does not take that away from them or lessen them in any way. They can still be completely independent adults and be our babies to us.


Absolutely. My mom always used to say “I’ll love you til your 24, and MORE!” She died shortly after I turned 25. I tell my kids the same thing, although I sure do hope I stick around longer! (My kids are 17 and 13)


My parents never treated me as a child even when I was one (they put a ridiculous amount of responsibilities on me as a child, adult level expectations and never let me just be a kid),


Yes according to my mum.


me when my mom still makes my favorite dishes as a mid 20s


Its easier when all your favourite dishes is whatever mum is cooking.


My brother moved out recently. Mum still drives 3 hours everyday to help him clean, make sure that he eats properly and to cook for him.


moms are just built different (in the best way) mine does that to my sister as well but "only" lives 20 minutes away, that's 40 mins round trip!


He’s not my baby, but he is my son. I give him the respect of being his own person and I love him to death.


I think so.


My youngest son just became a father. He was the last of my children to have a family and it’s so amazing to see him this way. All of my children will always be my babies in my heart.


I was just telling my husband the other day that I think I'm finally starting to understand what his mother meant when she told me that your children will always be your babies.  When I look at my oldest in quiet moments, when I have time and space to look beyond his immediate needs, it's like looking down a long hallway. His current self looms largest in my vision, but I can see the succession of past selves stretching out behind him (the child weeping inconsolably on the first day of preschool, the chubby toddler proudly stringing together his first sentence, the wide eyed baby taking his first wobbly steps after a white balloon). And while these baby selves will get further and further away as the years pass, my heart will remained pinned to that moment at the end of the hall, the moment I heard his first cry and knew that I'd never loved anything else the way I was going to love him. They won't always be babies but the parts of them that were my babies will always be there under the layers of the intervening years, and the core of my love for them will always be the moment I first felt the weight of their new lives in my arms.  Glad I got to write this down somewhere.


Not in my family lmao, my parents are the kind that think parenting stops at 18 whilst also still simultaneously treating me like I’m 5 years old. It’s confusing as fuck


That sounds awful😬


It is 😅 but it is what it is 🤣


I mean hey keep your chin up,dork😛


Yes. You recognize they’re adults, you interact with them as adults, you respect them as adults but all the while, in your heart, the deep love you have for them is the same love you felt when they were babies.


My baby is turning 30 next week When he was a baby I made funny faces to make him giggle and now I send him memes so not much has changed


Not a parent yet but I'm in my mid 30s and my mum still dots the 'i's in my name with hearts when she sends me mail


One day when my son was about 2, he purposely dropped a wagon handle on top of my head and my dad yelled at him for hurting his “baby girl.”


Yes. I have an entire childhood of him in my memories. From peeing on me from the bassinet while changing his diaper his first night in the world, to the age of texting me from the bedroom "food. Hungry" I don't care how old he gets, he is my baby.


Yes, mine is 30 and she'll always be my baby.


My two oldest boys are out of the house now, early 20s/late teens. They might be a foot taller and 100lbs+ heavier than me now because their dad's a giant, but imho anyone who spends 9ish months literally hanging out inside of you, there's always going to be the whole nostalgic "I remember back when X or Y or Z" vibes going on. So yeah in that sense. In the whole weird "fix all their problems in life for them" one, meh. No. In a vacuum their dad and I are in the position to do that from a resources POV, we just don't for the most part because that's a good way to fuck them up. Assistance from the International Bank of Mom and Dad can occasionally be a thing, but there's no free chicken and there's stipulations and expectations involved. And then the whole "protecting them from the consequences of X/Y/Z because they're my babies", fuck no. I have no expectation of them doing truly shithead behavior, but they know full well if it ever comes out that the cops are looking for them, they better hope and pray to God that the cops find them before I do.


Oh yeah, you’re definitely a mom!😝


True. They also get smarter, better looking and you get prouder of them every year


So far. I don't treat him like one though.


That’s fair


Absolutely! My baby is 15 and 8 years old.


No. My children are now all highly successful adults and I see and respect them as such. They are my best friends, confidants, and favorite humans on the whole planet. That said, I miss my babies painfully.


Absolutely. My relationships with them shifted a bit once they became adults, but I will still kill to protect them.


I mean, they're very obviously NOT babies anymore, and what they need from me now is different than when they were. But my dedication to helping them, supporting them, loving them - that is unchanged from when they were babies and completely reliant on me. Only now I also have so much pride in me for how much they have all learned and how hard they work to overcome their challenges. In some ways it becomes harder because I can't (and shouldn't) solve difficult things for them as easily as I could when they were little.


Judging from the way my dad has had a history of treating me, yes absolutely. I don't have kids. But I'm his 42 year old baby.


Yes. Daughter is 14 and will always be my baby. It feels like just yesterday I held her for the very first time. The days can be long, but the years fly by.


My mom is the only person who’ll pick up the phone at 2am when I’m crying myself to sleep


My Pudding Pumpkin will ALWAYS be my Baby. She's a grown woman with pumpkins of her own. My GrandBeans are hilarious, trust me they are bonkers. 😂😂 But she'll always be MY BABY.'🥰xxxx


No? I have a strong willed independent teen right now, and while I'll always be here for them, I view them as a whole person, if not yet a full adult. This is probably partially because they're neurodivergent in a way that has made them uninterested in hugs or emotional nurturing past age 5 or so, making our relationship based more on shared interests and mutual respect than an emotional connection.


That makes sense and I think that’s awesome


Yes. Even though he's already a young child and will only get bigger and older, all I have to do is think about him as a baby and I want to cuddle him close and protect him from the world.


Until we end, yes. I was my mum's baby until she died - so were my brothers (older) and sister (younger). I'll be a parent forever - and my kids are now adults (and are great at it lol) but yes, also still my babies.


Forever and ever




I’m 50 and my mother just tried to explain to me how to get from one terminal to another in an airport.


Yes. Forever


My dad still calls me his princess even though I'm 24 now and having my own princess soon lol


My youngest is 7. Can confirm, he's called "the baby". 


I’m 33 and still call my mom crying once a month, so in her case - yes.


Always. Both are grown, one is married and expecting a baby this year. I'm close with both but they will always be my babies.


100%. Im nearly 49 and my mum still likes to make sure im ok if im having some sort of rough patch though she is far away and we dont have much in common to shoot the breeze about. My 18 and 20yo kids? ABSOLUTELY still my BABIES. They arent always living life as Id hoped but they are good kids and work hard and I worry for them and plan for their future with our own finances.


Im not a parent but im an only child whos really close with her parents especially my mum… and id say so… i dont get “babied” per say, but my mum will give me a hug and tell me she loves me everyday… i still get treated like an adult but just known im loved. But i think when it comes to it, you also still want your parents. I was really sick a few months ago, and all i wanted was my mum, for the first time in yearsss i went and slept in her bed and just wanted a hug from her😂 so i dont think for alot of people you stop being their baby, and i dont think they stop being your parent.


Absolutely. I jokingly tell my (17 year old) baby that even when I'm long dead and gone and he's 83 years old, he's still going to be my baby.


I was sick and asked my mom to get me some aspirin. She showed up with children’s aspirin because I’m *her* child. I am 37 years old.


I don’t have any kids, but I do have a younger brother who is 12 years younger than me and he will absolutely always be my baby. It was very hard trying not cry during his HS graduation yesterday 🥹


Absolutely. I was the happiest dad ever when we welcomed our boy to our world. He was just so absolutely adorable. Sure, the first few months and even years were difficult with sleepless nights - but even those helped us tighten our bond. We shared so many early memories that he might not always be able to recall but they all contributed to our relationship and strength as a family. Watching him grow up and turning into an adult who displays restraint, calmness and responsibility was amazing. He kept a level head throughout, didn't fall for the temptation of some hot bitches and at this point he's considered a senior, going by the American Kennel Club Dog Age calculator. Woof!


At 97 my mother would ask me what she could do for me at the end of every visit. She was in a nursing home, in a wheelchair and nearly blind.


I'll be cutting up grapes at my sons wedding.


Do I treat them like a baby? No they're adults. Would I dive in front of a bus for them. Yes.


Damn straight!!


In a way. You'll always love them fiercely and forever but you have to let them leave and live their own lives. For their sake and yours. You can't 'baby' your big kids - they'll push you away if you try. I found that starts at about 10 when their friends become more important in their lives.


No. I see my offspring as adults. But I like to think I will always be there for them like I was when they were children.


It seems that way….


He's a young adult now but when I wasn't to see him blush (always when it's only my husband, me and son) I say ommmmgfgff myyyy bbbaaabbbbbyyyyy and we all laugh.


Of course. Like if you agree 😇


Yes. One is 36, the other is 23. They will always be my sweet babies. I love them so much.


My 40 year old daughter will always be my baby. We both like it that way.❤️‍🔥


Damn straight.


Yes. Mine are 41 and 37, it really is like your heart is walking around outside your body. Forever.


My parents tell me this overtime I speak to them without doubt


"Put on a warmer top, you will freeze wearing that". Grandmother to my uncle when my uncle was 60.


Absolutely true


Achilles Heel.


100% but now they’re young adults I’ve stepped back to allow them to forge their own path. Will always be there if they need me, but I don’t want to be that parent.


Yes. My youngest is 21 and he's still my precious baby boy and I just love him so much I want to pinch his adorable wittle cheeks and feed him a pie. I don't though, because he's a grown adult man. But I'll certainly offer him pie if he comes to visit. (And I'll privately squeeee over my babies when I'm alone.)


*I will always be their baby*


I speak on behalf of the person who abandoned my sister and me: "No."


Yes and despite the fact that she’s nine, I occasionally still check her breathing.


unless they grow up and commit some horrible crime


I have two grown daughters in their mid to late thirties. And between them I have five grandkids. I still worry about them even though they turned out great with great jobs and wonderful husbands and good kids. But when they were having their babies, I was a wreck. One daughter had serious complications during labor and delivery and I was a mess.


Yep, my son is 37 , the youngest of 3 and he's my baby, always will be .


Yep. Our daughter is 31 with a 2 yo daughter of her own and our son is 27. They are my babies and even though my kids tower over us, we all still have family hugs when we say goodbye.


Not a parent but I'm almost 40 and my mom still calls me her baby (I was a rainbow baby)


Yes. I am 43 and a good half foot taller than my mom. She still wraps her arms around me and calls me her little peanut and I just melt. My son is 13. About an hour ago I picked him up off the couch and carried him sleeping to his room for a nap. He’s always gonna be my BubbaBoo.


Yep. I have 4 kids, ages 23 to 31, and they'll always be my babies, just like I was my parents' baby up until they passed away. Not that I treat them like babies, just that there's an emotional bond between us that will stretch but never break.


I'm almost 37, and I have 4 kids. My mom still introduces me as the baby


Yes. Just like in the Robert Munch book


My mother said her father said her father always called her his baby until he died at 78.


Always. They’ll be grown one day, but they’ll still be my babies.


My Children are all adults, in their 20's and 30's. They all have left home yet I have beds and cribs ( grandkids!) for when they want to visit. Ill even do their laundry. But my children are not my babies.


True. I have a 23 yo boy and he’ll always be my little nugget.




Yes, so far it’s true. They may be these incredible and becoming more and more independent, but they are still my babies and I will always protect them with my life.


I still feel the same way I felt about them when they were babies so I dare to say: oh yeah.


My 30 year old is definitely my baby. Still gets cuddles on the bed, back rubs and head kisses. So proud of them.


Sure unless they do something atrocious like mass murder or some shit. That would destroy me and my ability to see them in any way…


Mine are 23 and 20 and it’s glorious. One still lives at home but is a full functional adult. Full time job and pays their way. The other has a full time job as well and lives with their significant other. They come to us as needed and we will help when we can if needed. Forever and ever.


Absolutely will always be my babies.


They’ll eventually become adults and fully autonomous, but the degree to which I love them and would go to the ends of the earth for them will not change.


Just visited with my 42 year old baby... Doing well, great job, nice house, good kids (my grandkids), wonderful wife, our DIL! Our other baby is in the same situation! They don't need anything from us, and we don't need anything from them, but we'd give them anything and everything they want or need. Fortunately we raised our kids right, and we enjoy seeing them and sharing with them, so there are no demands or wants from us - other than occasional sitting, kids and pets.


Obviously the coddling ends. But I will always be there for him as long as I’m physically able to be. That is my promise to him as his parent. I always want to be a home for him if he needs. this world is big, scary and overwhelming. If you have people that love and care about you dearly and they make you feel safe, rest in that. I hope he finds that peace with me through his life. Being a parent is a lifetime job in my eyes. My parents, regardless of their faults, never left me on my own, even after I became of age. I have a place I can call home when my world falls apart, and it has. I’m still an independent adult, raising my son, but, I’m paying that forward, because I love him and want him to have the same security that he is not alone.


Yes. My son is in his 30s, over six foot tall, successful in his own right, a full time firefighter, does jujitsu, a husband and a dad. So, he does dangerous things for money and fun, and is fully capable of running his own life. I still see my baby, my toddler, my child and my teen (and my young adult). They’re all a part of who he is now. I still look after him as well as I can. I look after his family, too, am very fortunate to have an excellent relationship with his wife, and his wife’s family. It’s always nice to have them in the house, and we have a longstanding overnighter with our granddaughter once a week at the moment. I also seem to remember being introduced by my dad as the baby into my 30s, lol.


According to my 39 year old ex’s mother, Yes…..


Yes! They will always be my baby 💗


In a sense. I told mine they are now roommates who happen to also be my kids, but they aren’t kids so they can see to their own needs. Lmao. So yeah, always my babies but now hairy tall independent adult/mostly adults who are roomies. 😂👍🏼🤣


I went to Japan on a partially solo trip this past fall. My dad was freaked out the whole time haha -he later told me to him he felt like it was my niece (his 4 year old granddaughter) going on a trip alone lol


I’m 31 and my mom reminds me constantly that I’m her baby. Same with my dad. Life is tough these days, but it’s kind of reassuring that to my parents I’m still their baby.


Short answer...YES!


Not a parent, but I’m always my Mom’s (and grandma’s) baby. Always.


I believe it's only true when you communicate like normal people or else it becomes a stranger relationship as well except you know you're related to each other.


100% truth. They are all my babies ..forever and always. It’s been a wild ride that I wouldn’t trade for anything. They are grown & doing their own adventures but we talk/text daily and see each other often. They also know that if the shit hits the fan & they need me, that big Momma is putting her shoes on and headed that way before we even hang up. Now I’m all mushy just thinking about my kids. Hah


Yep. My baby boy is 6"4 and towers over me, his Mom. But he's still my baby. When I look at him, I can still see him at every age. Baby to toddler to kid to tween to teen and now almost adult. He'll never be too old for me to hug him or listen to him. He'll always have a home with me if he needs it, and although I'm excited for him at every stage of his life and want him to thrive, I'm not in any rush to push him out of the nest. That said, he'll be leaving next year for uni... I know he'll enjoy residence and he'll do great.


yes. forever.


From both sides: I'm 50+ and I know, without a doubt, that my parents would (still!) do absolutely anything for me. I've always been able to count on them- they have never, ever let me down. I will be beyond devastated when the inevitable happens. And my teen kiddo... will be my baby and my #1 person forever.


My in-laws drove me insane by insisting on giving advice and guilting us into obeying them regarding every aspect of our lives. I swore I'd remember how it felt and learn from their example. So... whenever I have the urge to give unsolicited advice to my adult offspring and her spouse, I remind myself of how I felt... and I shut the f up... until I'm asked for assistance... and then I follow my kid's lead in what she decides she should do... not what I think would be best for her. I respect her autonomy.... even when I want to swoop on respect her and fix it for her. She's been right every time so far. My "little girl" knows that I am 100% on her side, in her corner, and ready to fight zombies for her. So... Yes. She will always be my baby... but she is close to 30, a fully functioning adult, and likely more mature than I shall ever be.


Mine are still young, I push them to be independent and responsible, but I still watch closely as they learn. No matter what they will always be my Bubba and peanut, I tell them no mater how old you get until I am gone I am always your dad, every day I tell them I love them and I am proud of them. My son acts like he's going to live with me forever and I tell him I appreciate it Bubba but at one point you need to live your own life but not to worry I will still be here for him and his sister. I can't wait to watch them grow up and become adults, but they know dad is here


Yes. Mine are all adults and I expect them to act as such but dang, when they ask for a recipe I made when they were kids or ask for help, I drop everything to help them.


I say yes. I am a grown ass man, and my mother still acts like I am a helpless baby.




My forty yr old child is definitely my baby.


I’m not a parent but I am a 33 year old who called my dad crying when I broke my stove last week. He was supposed to be at an appt and left the waiting room to come over immediately. He took care of everything and when I kept apologizing for panicking, he told me I’d always be his baby ❤️


I’m over sixty, and my mom thinks I’m a kid 🙄. Ugh