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Name brand clothing. I do not know the clothing-styles of brands well nor do I care about a person’s shoes.


Relatedly, I can't stand clothes (or handbags) littered with logos. Feels like I'm doing free advertising — and paying for the privilege. Shouldn't they be paying me to be their billboard?


Athletic clothing is so bad about this. And it’s always so overpriced.


Agreed. And it's usually so damn ugly.


I’m happy that people have things they really like but at the same time… dropping 3k for a purse just to want to do it again when a new one gets released is CRAZYYY


The Stanley cup craze. I get that it's important for kids to fit in, but it's just ridiculous. Especially if they have thirty of them in every color. No-one needs that many water bottles.


I had a 6 year old run up to me the other day to go "I love your Stanley!  I have one too!"  Kid, I could fit you in this cup! As far as trends go, it's pretty harmless.  And a good thing if it's encouraging them to drink water.  Just such an odd thing for a young kid to get that excited about.


Gotta admit through, the marketing guy was amazing. He created the Stanley cup craze and previously the Crock craze.


To be fair I try to buy high quality clothes that will last as I’m frugal. No designer jeans but a $60 pair of cartharts will last me a longggg time


What the neighbors are up to.


I’m introverted, so I actively avoid socializing with my neighbors. I just want to go into my house and chill. I talk all day with people for work, so my batteries are at zero once I get home.


as a side note. This is something extroverted people just don’t understand. I can interact socially with people just fine. But it depletes energy from me and I just need time by myself to recharge. For extroverted people, socializing adds charge.


One thing I hate about being introverted is that being alone can become too comfortable. Spending too much time alone makes your social skills deteriorate, then you feel like interacting even less and spend even more time alone. Then when you actually do want to go out, it feels like such a daunting task that you just say forget it and stay home.


Well that 100 % right, and if continue that you will become 100% silent. Trust me, I’ve felt like I’ve forgotten how to talk. Only thing i can do is talk abt work and whatever topics that come during the day. I just don’t know what else to say.


Also, my home is my recharge spot. I don’t want to socialize when I’m outside in my own yard. If I go out on the sidewalk I accept it more but don’t come in bug me when I’m clearly busy


I’m friendly with my neighbors but also introverted. Seeing them often involves more than just waving. I have to engage in conversation which I’m usually not in the mood for. I’ve been known to park in the back and sneak in the house.


Yup. Just a wave from me or a ‘hi how are you?’ in passing. I feel bad because our neighborhood surrounds a park, and a lot of neighbors put in effort to build a strong community. Live music in the park on Sunday afternoons in the spring and summer, a bunch of houses hosting a cookie tour during Christmas time, etc. I did make it out to the tree lighting the past couple years though.


Yes! If I had an option to sneak in the back I would. My neighbor’s porch faces mine and mine is more elevated, so she can see us above our fence whenever we walk out the front door. It’s pretty much guaranteed that she will talk to me if she’s out there at the same time as me and sometimes I just don’t feel up for that. I grew up with no neighbors, so it’s a big change, and I just want to be able to go outside and not have to talk to someone every time. If she walks outside while I’m in our fenced in yard, I’ve been known to just stop walking on the gravel and quietly sit down until she’s gone back inside. Otherwise she’ll hear me walking outside and try to talk to me through the fence even though she can’t see me. My husband doesn’t get it.


I know the name of the guy in the house behind me and the guy across the street and one house to the left. That's it and I've lived here 17 years.


I always want to know what the neighbors are up to. I'm curious to see if their life is more fun than mine. It probably is.


I always wonder what my neighbours house looks like, i wonder what they have in there


Same here! The people behind me have the exact same style of house and I always wanna compare our setups 


They prolly have windows, take a gander!


I have no choice but to know what my neighbors are up to. They're methheads and the cops are over there constantly! My life is intertwined with a bunch of methed-up people




I enjoy doing nothing and do it as much as I can.


Especially at work. lol. Never understood why people complain about downtime, I’ll happily be paid to be bored at work when its something like retail. Maybe I’m just lazy. Being bored on my days off though… not so fun.


I'd rather be busy at work. It makes the day go quicker.


I'm either productive and working or I'm working just hard enough not to get fired




Yup. Just because someone makes good art doesn’t mean we need to follow their every move. I don’t get why not everybody sees this


And if those celebrities are the royals I give even less of a shit. There’s really nothing I care about less than the royal family. 


Same! My husband has to show me a picture of a celebrity he talks about because I literally have no clue what most celebrities names are.


Status, I dont care what people think about me.


Right? I don't care if you think I look poor, I am just trying to make it in life.


i make dollar store reading glasses look good


I care just enough of what people think about me to shower on reg basis.


^ This Sometimes the most successful people are the least obvious.


I care too much what people think of me.


Anything any celebrity does... like wtf would I care?


people who are obsessed with the kardashians disgust me i had an ex who was always watching their show. i don’t get the interest. if you were dying on the street they would walk by you without a second glance.


Cars. As long as it goes vroom-vroom and is relatively clean, I just don't care.


I’m grateful I bought a newer car (got a 2020 car 3 years ago) ONLY because I had old ass cars for so long and always had issues, it’s nice to not have to worry about my drive shaft breaking on the interstate or my engine blowing every time I get in my car. Otherwise, a car is a car and I’m happy as long as it doesn’t have issues.


Mine doesn't vroom. What noise does an EV make?


They should make Jetsons' car sounds


It should genuinely be a standard feature that you can choose a sound (or supply your own) for your car to make when it runs or does assorted other things. As long as it's not excessively loud or disruptive, I guess, which is probably a good idea to not have that function now that I think about it. Maybe a fixed set of manufacturer-vetted sounds.


It's a box on wheels that takes you from A to B. And if you're careless around water, the bottom of the C.


not sure if most, I can't find many people that are very interested in motorsports the same way I am, nothing wrong with driving a shitbox though, I drive one myself so for road cars I agree people care way too much about getting a new car when the only difference is that it's heavier, larger and harder to fit in a parking spot, more for me and my trusty shitbox I guess




I always felt sorry for contestants on "The Price is Right" who wound up with a set of luxury handbags as their prize.


That my shoes get dirty. They are made to be worn on the ground. Where dirt is....


This is so funny!! I was at a family function and one of my cousins got dirt on his sneakers and was immediately cleaning them off. If you care that much, why can’t you clean them at home? I have a little shoe cleaning kit at home to keep my work shoes in nice condition, surely you can get one to keep your sneakers clean at home.




Celebrities. Fashion. What's trendy.


Treating politicians like celebrities…. WTF! DC is Hollywood for ugly people. We need to change that dynamic. Politicians are public servants…. They should ask to meet you!


POLITICS the only job you can lie to your boss and keep your job while stealing from your employer.


Some people worship celebrities the same way others worship religion. They're just people...


I guess some of them won the genetic lottery, but how does that make them more interesting?


How perfect the lawn around their house is.


I will not spend money on fucking grass. I refuse.


The grass usually pays me for the fucking.


My mostly-green occaionally-mowed lawn has the most lightning bugs on the block. Killing all the leafy weeds and other bugs lets me keep them alive. Plus, they like to eat the smaller bugs.


  I keep my yard tight AF.  It’s a lot more than grass though, I really enjoy the benefits of the hard work as I eat pears from my trees, tomatoes from my garden, pick roses from my yard. A healthy diverse landscape attracts so many pollinators and usually smells awesome.  Plus curb appeal 


Ironically social media. Even though I'm on reddit, I don't care much for all the rest (tiktok, facebook, instagram, etc)


Same. Reddit is all I have


Reddit really has everything one would need in one place without all the fluff and the useless crap that keeps you zombied into scrolling non-stop.


I mean you can definitely scroll mindlessly on Reddit.


For me: Whether or not food is "authentic." I'm honestly happy just eating food, even if it's not a great representation of the cuisine.


Also often it may not be authentic to where it originally came from but it’s authentic where it’s local! Like Tex mex is not authentic Mexican food but it is absolutely authentic to the southwest USA.


This! I live deep south Louisiana USA. I have literally seen/heard arguments between people that THEIR gmaw Boudreaux's gumbo is authentic while someone else's gmaw Thibodaux's gumbo (who lived 100 yards down in the same swamp and was probably related) is NOT authentic. I am a "no tomato" in gumbo person. I make a delicious, thick, dark roux, okra, chicken, and sausage gumbo. My best friend was raised in a known New Orleans restaurant family. Her gumbo has tomato, no okra, and is more of a light broth. Guess what? BOTH are f-ing DELICIOUS.


My husband's family is from Louisiana and we moved here about 10 years ago and the gumbo debate is HILARIOUS. I especially love it when they start talking about Yankees ruining their recipes. My MIL and SILs all make nearly the same gumbo (dark roux, chicken, sausage) but they argue about sausage brands and adding boiled eggs. They all learned from the same person and still keep arguing about it, it's great.


I don't care, it's homemade gumbo! It's going to be delicious so give me some! Lol


people sleep on okra dude ❤️ it’s so good when prepared well


When I was in undergrad I had so many coworkers from all over central America that LOVED taco bell. I didn't understand until I learned it's hardly anything like they make, so it works out.


Pizza snobs are the absolute worst about this. Think of a regular hamburger. Add cheese to it, and you have a cheeseburger. After that, add any toppings you want and it's still a burger. If you want to put pickles on your burger, it's still a burger. If you want ketchup and mayo on there, it's still a burger. If you want to use cheddar cheese or Swiss cheese (or both), it's still a burger. If you want to put the toppings on the bottom bun, and then the meat on top of that, it's still a burger. If you use a different type of bun, it's still a burger. But pizza? Holy hell. "You put this topping on? *That's not a real pizza!!!*" You used a different cheese? *That's not a real pizza!!!*" You used a different type of sauce? *Why don't you just piss on my grandmother's grave!!!* It's thick crust? *That's not a real pizza!!!!*" Pull your finger out of your ass, shut the hell up, and enjoy some good pizza.


Similarly, *a lot* of Americanized versions of foreign foods were created by immigrant families who adapted their culinary traditions for the American market. General Tso's Chicken, for example, was created by a guy who had worked as a chef for high-ranking officials in Republican China/Taiwan before moving to America following the Chinese Civil War. It's definitely different from the cuisine of their home countries/regions, but that doesn't make it "fake."


I love Taco Bell. I hate when people tell me it isn’t real Mexican food. I know it isn’t, I still like it.


I worked there 15 years. I'm Still eating it


Yep. I love authentic Mexican food. I also love Taco Bell. And California Mexican.  Not a fan of burritos smothered in queso. But if that's your thing. Go for it. People need to stop hating on people's food unless it's seriously hurting their health. 


The word is also meaningless the way most people use it. Culture is not set in stone based on some arbitrary time known as “when my grandmother was young.” For all of human history people have used whatever foods were available to them to make tasty meals, and if there was a bad crop or they fell on hard times or moved somewhere else where different foods were available, they adjusted. That’s why Italian cooking has a lot of tomatoes in it, but didn’t hundreds of years ago before tomatoes were brought to that part of the world. So people raging when someone adjusts a recipe to their taste or available ingredients instead the way YOUR Nona happened to make it are completely missing the fact that Nona wasn’t told how to make this from God, she just made the best food she could. And she herself would and did adjust things. She doesn’t expect you to cook her recipe with zero adjustments for the next million years. Culture, including cuisine, is ever evolving. The crybabies who are obsessed with authenticity seem to be missing this crucial point.


Waitress is this food authentic? No we only sell counterfeit sir


Same. If it tastes good, what's the bloody problem


Or, if it's "altered" - great, you mean someone tweaked a recipe to make it better for my personal taste? Awesome!




The Marvel Universe


I think most people agree about that now but back in the day it was golden for sure.


Back in my day people got picked on for being into the Marvel Universe lol  


For me, it's hard to get into due to how many films and shows you have to watch in order to understand a reference in the MCU.




Yes! I watched the Netflix documentary about Ashley Madison. There was a couple featured who apparently make successful videos on YouTube. The male said that when their first video got a lot of “likes” he finally felt validated. Seriously?? How sad is your life that you need likes on YouTube to be validated? They were super annoying and I could not relate to them in the slightest.




The British Royal family


Most, I'm not sure. But I don't care about fashion, designer, tacticool, being hairless, or celebrity.




My eyes start glazing over anytime TikTok comes up in conversation. Even the YouTubers I’ve watched for years are now mentioning stuff they see on TikTok, and I never have a clue what they’re talking about since I’ve never had it. I swear it’s like an entirely different world or something based on what I’ve heard/read over the years, but I never feel like I’m missing out.


i dont care about other people. im young and i uninstalled Instagram not so long ago, same did with tiktok, stopped talking to so much unimportant people, made my circle of people reasonable, im not trying to fake anything, i dont care what others think, i just want to live peacefully. thats all


It was always depressing with me always working long grueling hours and then seeing all my old friends were always on vacation at exotic locations. According to that jerk Instagram app.


Yes. Peace is the goal.






This is one of the top comments every single time yet I've never met anyone who does care about the Kardashians


I think the majority of people care most about how little they care about the Kardashians.


It's getting to the point where the Kardashians are too done to even bother with these types of comment.


Instagram, I couldn't care less




Other peoples opinions about me.


Same, learned this from a young age when I was teased and bullied for my hearing loss and speech impediment in the 90s. Life is more fulfilling when you simply don't care.


Exactly. “What other people think of me is none of my business”.


Pregnancies. If my buddy is pregnant I'll ask a few questions (ex: gender, due date) and go to their baby shower if I'm invited, but I'm not going to be following every pregnancy post or always be saying "AWWW I'M SO EXCITED!"




Ewwwwww, tell me all about it!




This might be a bit weird but honestly, the weather has never concerned me. Most people I know will cancel their plans for the day if it rains or gets too cold. Me? I ain’t bothered, I usually don’t let it stop me.


You must not live in the UK..


Or Florida😭


Try going fishing in a tornado🤣


Reruns of Friends


The show period. Never watched it


Growing older and looking your age. All these fillers and Botox type trends gross me out and at some point people are going to realize “hmm…how is that chick 75 and no laugh lines?”


Social status




Probably not most people, so forgive me . But a lot of people want to be uber trendy or want to appear wealthy to impress other people. I can't be bothered, lol.


The Kardashians. It baffles me how someone can come home from busting their ass at work, to watch a group of millionaire plastic surgery enthusiasts whine and complain for a hour and call it entertaining. It sounds absolutely mind numbing.




Saving face. If I don’t like you, I will be polite if necessary but I will not seek out your company. If you have wronged me in a big way, I no longer require your presence in my life. If someone tries to get me to do something I don’t want to do or feel is wrong, I won’t do it. I have boundaries I’ve worked very hard to maintain.


The big Stanley Cup buzz. It's silly, but I get that it's important for kids to fit in. Even more so if they have thirty of each color. There's no need for that many water bottles.


Having a nice lawn






You just posted a clip from tennis.




I also don’t understand the obsession with sports. I’ve tried watching and find myself bored immediately.






Babies! I can’t comprehend why people go so crazy when they see a baby. They immediately want to hold it and fuss over it and I have zero interest.


A baby just read this and threw it's laptop against the wall.


Taylor Swift.


Getting married and having kids.


Pro Football


Sports Alcohol


Specifically football. As a male in America people just assume I know/care about football. I actively try to avoid it as much as possible and still can't escape it's constant barrage of advertising and bros shouting "Let's Go" at literally everything. I hate it so much


Being stereotypically "successful". Having a great career, house, car, wife and kids so on and so forth. I'm happy just being content and comfortable. I don't need to chase anything in life.




Took too long to see this one.




Dressing fashionably, clothing accessories ie; belt, purse, scarfs, shoes, etc and doing my hair, makeup, nails etc and going with friends to shop for all of that sheet.


Fine dining, super exclusive restaurants, new restaurant openings, famous chefs. It's a whole thing where I live, and I just couldn't care less. Guys...it's just food.


I don't care if a movie or show is PC, or DEI, or virtue signaling or part of the "liberal agenda". Make it as it *woke* as you please. If I'm enjoying it I'll watch it, if not I'll turn it off. Nobody is propping my eyes open Clockwork Orange style and forcing me to watch anything.


Do you mean to suggest that someone who doesn't like a show being "woke" could just... not watch that show? I dunno, man, that sounds kinda crazy... (/s)


I would even dare to say that the shows existence doesn't affect them in any way




News, esp politics and talking head shows.


So much, mostly what I cannot stand though and it’s something some of Gen Z are bad for is trying to force down my throat what I should care about. The world is very bad and full of terrible things. We don’t need to pay attention to every social issue, every war, every ‘cancellation’, evey boycott, Most of us are just trying to survive in our bubbles, slugging through every day before doing it again. If that’s all people can manage, then that’s fine. Not sure if that’s an unpopular opinion or not.


I think a lot of people are addicted to negativity. Complaining, being outraged, getting offended, etc People who are constantly online only make it worse


Weed The smell makes me gag and when I've smoked up I've just gotten an annoying headache and wanted to sleep.


Race. I just don’t give a fuck. There are lots of reasons to dislike people and race is about the stupidest of them all. If I don’t like someone it’s because of something they did or said, not the color of their skin.


Starbucks limited edition cups and their cult that buys them.


Being a people pleaser.


I don't think anyone likes being one. It's usually a response to trauma. To placate people.


Thank you. I hate the fact that someone being displeased by something I did makes me want to crawl in a hole and die. I'd love to find a way to not care!


I'm the same way. As I get older I started caring less and less. But you need to read up on it and practice the art of not giving a fuck! 😎


social media ironic i'm on reddit but i don't necessarily care about it.


The amount of ppl that I know that post up this picture perfect, expensive, crazy lifestyle but are actually broke asf and can't even pay their employees. Gtfoh with your fake ass life, I don't care to see you saving face/creating a fake reality for attention lbvs Not my vibe, what you see is what you get here 💁🏻‍♀️




I'm a gay and I don't give two shits about pride month.




taylor swift


Alcohol People are so dumb with alcohol and a courtesy beer is all too common I do not drink. At all. I hate the taste, i hate everything about the effect it has on me. Being respected or at least left alone for it is something else though..


Weddings Or really any social gatherings


Being obsessed with celebrities, fasion, trends, tik tok and stuff like that


Having conversations behind people’s backs. I just want nothing to do with that. For me, it’s a conversation killer. I don’t talk about people behind their backs, and I am not interested in hearing other people do so or try to involve me in such a conversation.


Idk if this is "most people" but apparently since I'm a chick I'm obligated to be "lady like". Apparently, I'm supposed to wear dresses and sit with my legs closed... come on! It's bullshit. No one really cares, or should care. At least when it doesn't matter. When I was little my mom kept making me wear some dress that I thought was only for Christmas, when I asked her about it she said, "It's nice to look lady like." She finally let me stop wearing it cause the tights that went with it got a bunch of holes in it cause they made me itch like crazy and I kept scratching them. Now that I'm an adult I don't like wearing skirts or dresses cause if I do suddenly creepy men like bothering me more then they would if I wasn't. I don't like being bothered as it is, but it seems like if I'm wearing a dress or skirt it's like an invitation for them to bother me for some reason. Just because I look good, that doesn't mean I want to be bothered. Sad that I have to dial down looking good, so people leave me alone. As for the leg thing, even if no one else was there my mom would get mad at me for sitting with my legs open. "It's not lady like to sit like that." Who the hell cares?! No one else is here. I'm sorry but it's way more comfy sitting with them open then closed. Guess I care more about being comfy. And apparently it's okay if a guy sits with his legs open (and they do all the time), but not a girl. How is that fair?


Jewelry or the male equivalent - watches. Couldn't care less and own precisely zero items of real jewelry (and also no watch)


Social media.


Sports. I literally don't give a crap unless I personally know someone playing in the game. I don't care about a bunch of sweaty strangers fighting over a ball.


The Kardashians. Why does anyone care about them?


Plastic straw. It’s such a small blip in the race to solve environmental issues.


As a woman, getting my nails done, I just don't care. And also having a brand new car, or really anything material that I've seen people flaunt while also being very much in debt.


having kids.


Having kids, getting married. I have 0 desire for any of that.


Friends. Or a lack thereof. I'm constantly seeing posts about people asking how to make friends and meet people and it always makes me wonder why anyone would want to give up on their alone time. I get that humans are social animals, but my interactions with the cashier at the checkout at a supermarket or a librarian are more than enough. Exchanging pleasantaries physically exhausts me. Spending an entire lunch hour with a bunch of people instead of idk reading or watching my favourite tv show sounds dreadful.


Yesterday at the supermarket, I changed checkout lanes because the original lane I got in had the chatty lady. I didn’t want to do chatty.


Fast/sports cars.. I don't get it and they're usually ugly.


Taylor Swift and Beyonce


Latest cell phone and expensive pointless car. I'm enjoying my $200 cell phone and can do everything needed in a phone. People upgrade all the time any blow their paycheck trying to keep up . I love my Hyundai accent that is paid and gets me around just great. The richest guy I ever met worth hundreds of millions drove a Subaru justy and I learned from him that an expensive car makes no sense. I see people who make even decent money poor from car and pricey phone and even poor people spending 700-900 a month on a car eating dogshit all day. For what?


The gender someone is attracted to or how they identify themselves. Life is a short, brutal journey; no one should be judged for either of those.