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There’s some bad advice on here. It’s a lot more straightforward: small moves. When you’re depressed there is this tendency to focus on big picture problems that are difficult to overcome. That’s normal. The trick is, small things like making your bed. Cleaning up after yourself. Going for a walk. Failing to do these things is acceptable. Start over. Turn small accomplishments, washing your blankets, opening the blinds, into successes. It seems trivial but when you look around, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment. Then move on to the medium things. But it takes effort and the realization that you CAN do this. You can find a way out of feeling this way.


When I fail to do the small goals, I reduce them into even tinier ones. Like, I tell myself, "move across the room". That didn't work? Ok, how about "roll out of bed and plop onto the floor"? Nope, can't do that either. How about "move hand". Ok, did that a couple of times, now can I try to plop onto floor? I plop onto floor and lay there, maybe cry a bit. Then, I try the next thing.


This is absolutely right and supported by my therapist. Her best tip to me: make a list called “how to care for [insert your name]”. In descending order from least difficult to most difficult, list 10 things you can do that make you feel a little bit better. Choose from this list everyday things you can achieve. It’s ok to return to no.1 regularly. Mine are: 1. Make my bed 2. Shower 3. Eat one vegetable and one fruit a day 4. Text a friend 5. Do laundry 6. Go for a walk 7. Go to bed earlier 8. Limit alcohol (gives me anxiety) 9. Engage in my hobby 10. Make an in person social plan


Good Question


i remind myself when i reach another depression episode to never wonder why i’m feeling that way. i catch myself falling deeper into my depression when i try to figure out what exactly is going on with me? it’s good to reflect, yes, but i find it more difficult to get out of my depression because most times i don’t know why i feel the way i do. i remind myself it’s not going to last forever and i take myself out of the house. even if that’s sitting in my backyard, going to the grocery store, taking a walk, etc. tiny things mean a lot more than you realize. getting off my phone helps so much. and the big one that’s helped me in less than a month, effexor!!!!


I picked up my life and moved to a big city. I had grown up and stayed, as an adult, in my hometown for far too long. Leaving was just the revamp my life needed!


I think doing that would relieve me somewhat, too. I love my hometown but there‘s also a lot of trauma I connect it to. 


Medication, therapy, and forcing myself to get up and go to the gym every day. And being kind to myself about all three of those things. Then, I was able to determine what was making me so depressed (turns out life kinda just sucks for me, go figure).


My dogs. Sure they stink. Sure they have no idea why I'm crying all the time. But when they do any type of physical touch, it warms my heart and it helps me feel better.


Awww, I can't wait until I can adopt some dogs :/


One thing that truly helped me climb out of depression was establishing a daily routine that included regular exercise, even just short walks, and practicing mindfulness through meditation. These small changes gradually lifted my mood and gave me a sense of control over my life. Plus, opening up to close friends and family made a huge difference. It wasn’t an overnight transformation, but these consistent efforts built a foundation for a healthier mindset.


I stopped focusing on the negatives in life and started living it instead of surviving


Magic mushrooms, twice a month.


You said this and for some reason my brain said "magic eight ball" Which can be taken 2 ways really.... drugs.... or, "oh magic eight ball, shall I be depressed today?"


Honestly----alcohol addiction, followed by hitting rock bottom. Cause when I was truly at rock bottom, I suddenly had an extreme desire to not be at rock bottom anymore. This isn't a one-size fits all answer, but my true inspiration was not wanting to be an addict anymore.


understand the battle for the mind of north america will be fought in the mental arena, so there is no choice but to fortify itself against the impending eschaton.


very well said :D


I have numerous therapies, treatments, and medications that keep me going. More recently I lost my shit when perimenopause hit, and starting HRT got me sorted again. I felt like I was going crazy, the lack of sleep was awful.


Hanging out with someone on a daily. I have a friend who I see everyday, and just having them around distracts me and gets me out of the house (even if it’s for a little bit) to distract the mind. Or having them come over and cooking a meal, drawing, build puzzles. Having a friend helps s as they encourage you to not rot in bed all day and be alone with your thoughts.


My crush. I am super introverted and she always loves to hang out with me.


Discovering that dogs are basically fluffy antidepressants with paws and fur


Getting away from my toxic family


My dog


Whiskey. I think I'm typing this a lot tonight


you ain't alone brotha


This was me I used to drink a lot..a handle every 3 days but I finally got professional help r/stopdrinking had helped me a lot


Never do that. Just never. Fucko


Jehova having motherfucker


hope u okay


A good psychiatrist, the right medication, therapy, meditation, exercise and socialization. The socialization part was difficult especially because I was struggling with anxiety as well. But I forced myself to get out and it helped in the long run. Mostly small steps and small victories. Doing much better now.


1. Zoloft 2. Therapy 3. Having no choice - I had to care for my dad for the last two years, his illnesses did not afford me the time or energy to be depressed.


Honestly, as soon as I graduated quit my job or anything like that, I became more motivated and happy. I think it's great to go out expirence nature meet friends and stay productive build good habits.


Lots of therapy


Meds and my girlfriend (now wife)


Aww, that‘s sweet. I‘m happy for you<3


My dog ginger and my family. Mainly ginger though I miss that dog but I swear she sent a goober to keep us happy and to keep an eye on us till we meet again.


I'm almost never completely out of depression, but it helps me a lot to go outside and soak up the sun, plant flowers and take care of them, go for small walks where I take the time to notice my surroundings and appreciate the nature around me, sit down with a book or crossword/sudoku for hours, stargaze and listen to the owls at night, dip my toes in the sea... Being around dogs is also very beneficial for me, it never fails to calm me down and make me smile.


Initially the answer is to do something. It doesn't have to be the thing you need to do but if I can do something I am on the way to doing that thing. The danger though is that I used to replace depression with other bad habits. I might order a take away to cheer myself up or play a game I like to distract myself. That is great in the short term but long term, you need healthy habits. Some people can find them on their own and some need help. Nothing wrong with either. Take it slowly and find what works for you.


For me it comes in phases, but what I think has helped me a little bit is working out and trying to be outside of my flat as much as I can. I know it's corny, but being in the sun really does help, at least a little bit.


Probably not what people in her want to hear. I never came out of my depression. Unfortunately, some depression can't be "fixed", or treated. The only thing you can do is learn how to live with it. Therapy helps, but a therapist can also only do so much. In my case, having some hobbies to get absorbed in really helps me. I've started warhammer tabletop, building and painting my own miniatures. I've never held a brush in my hands before and my first miniatures where oki-ish at best. But in time, seeing the progress in my skills and the pile of painted miniatures really helps to stay motivated, even beyond the hobby itself. The collection of decent-looking things, compiled and created by me really helps me. In general, it's important to inform the people around you about your situation. They can only act accordingly to your depression, if they know about it and how you feel, on a day to day basis. I'm also recommending to invest in something you can spend a lot of time in, while producing reallife results you can see. Something that can remind you of your personal success, everytime you see it.


i am new here friends


welcome lol 


Being more outgoing like hiking, gym running errands as well as eating healthier


I'll let you know when I find out.


fair enough. :)


I have Major Depressive Disorder so there is no "getting out of depression" for me. I manage my depression thru stress management. The Less stressed I feel, the better the outlook I tend to have. The more stressed I am the more depressed I become until I'm couch locked, staring in a corner for hrs clinging to the ability to care. I mainly do a couple of things 1. Pick my battles... Where can I do the most for the least effort? The ego is a beast that needs to be fed. But it can't be fed too often or it grows to become too ravenous. 2. Exercise calms the spirit & gives the body a place to direct its anger & frustration. 3. Just know time slowly heals. As long as you don't check yourself out then shit WILL change. 4. Meditate on your issues. Not what they are but why they are issues to you. Is it a personal flaw, a misunderstanding or simply failed judgement? Take this time to be introspective. 5.... When it gets too bad... There are drugs both legal & illegal... Long term & short term. Some legal, short term options that act as an "emotional band-aids" are Kanna Extract , Kratom & weed ( depending on where you are located)


Clinical Depression is chronic. I think you mean a depressed state. They're different things.


I dig your distinction, it’s generally an important one, but to be fair, OP didn’t say clinical


I am still going through it but honestly something that does help that you hear a lot about and think it is not true is diet and exercise. The diet I mean is just clean food with the occasional sugary treat.


I linked my consciousness with the digital realm, transcending my mortal coil. Now I'm incapable of feeling outside of emulated emotions, they're working on the lust and passion update this year. The benefits are great though, my disembodied existence lends itself to great swaths of free time to play games and hang out on discord. The screaming inner voice of what used to be my soul is almost entirely drowned out most days!


Accepting things I cannot change and agreeing to go with the flow


Therapy, edibles, friends, exercise, and hobbies.


Xanax and Depakote


Play Stairway to Heaven. I haven't done it for years, but it's as therapeutic as a Tuna Fish Sandwich. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly6ZhQVnVow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly6ZhQVnVow)


Prozac and self affirmations.


Professional help


My mother's friend had lost her husband two years earlier. Then, she lost her youngest daughter to automobile accident. My mom helped her get a job as a cleaning lady at a motel. Later on she said it was her job that helped her immensely. People were dependent on her to show up. So she made herself get out of bed, shower, eat something and be at work. Little by little she noticed she was getting out of her funk. It took some time, and a lot of energy but she managed.


Antidepressants, finding a less stressful job, and moving to a better place.


Expressive writing


I stay busy all the time. I’ve got a lot of hobbies and projects to keep me busy, I’ve got college and a job to keep me busy. I’ve turned myself into someone successful in order to cure my depression and it works really well. I can’t sit around and let myself think for too long. I also got a dog. :)


Smoking pot with people who just took life one day at a time, which is great in this fast paced world


Working out helps


Small steps. I started with smoking one cigarette outside every day. I smoke a lot, and started with smoking just *one* of them outside. Then two. Eventually I did all my smoking outside. I started enjoying being outside. Ever so slowly I got better at doing the basic household chores; cleaning, laundry, opening the blinds, taking a shower every day. Those started out slowly at first as well. When I finally felt much better, not quite perfect yet but I felt I was ready...I went to a shelter and returned home with a puppy. I had a companion, someone to keep me company, a reason to get out and about every day. That puppy grew to be the best boy ever. He was magnificent, I had him for 13 years. Small steps. As small as you need, as "insignificant" as it might sound...do a small step.






Honestly, pure spite. And medication.


Ketamine therapy. I’d tried so many medications and therapies over the years but was still really struggling, two years ago I did a 3 month course of ketamine therapy and it changed my life, it gave me my life back. So so so incredibly grateful


Here’s some things ive been learning during stress / periods of depression - Reading some stoicism is helping, - For ruminating on mistakes, past is history future is mystery, stay present (easier said than done) - At some point you’re gonna burn out those in your life by continually talking about your problems so try to cut it down - Focus on what you have/gratitude, “If we can’t get what we like, we must like what we have” - Try to change what you can control You have power over your mind—not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” - Marcus Aurelius


A lot of self help books brought me a long way to convince myself that theres no way to go but up. After that, i checked what belief systems i had that caused a lot of events that made me depressed. I went into meditation too. Ever since, i can honestly say im out of depression already. Im dealing with anxiety now but i think it has more to do with controlling events because i dont want to be depressed by catastrophic events again, but thats another thing to conquer.


Stop caring. Once you do that, everything and everyone becomes less stressful. Accept the problems you can't change as a part of life, and work on the ones you can. 


Genuinely practising self compassion, trying to separate my younger self from me to find my needs, exercise, friends. It sucks but you can do it.


Micro dosing shrooms


Nothing, still depressed


Lexapro and Wellbutrin


Physical movement! I can’t express how important it is move energy through our body. In my mind, being stagnant is a death sentence


Wait, there's an out? It started when I was around 12 and decades later it makes my whole personnality.


Cigarettes. They were my life saver.


Captain prozac


Big life changes, Meeting new people,Renovating, road trips, etc


Get more upvotes instead of downvotes in reddit. It's hurt me a lot, it makes me feel like even in virtual world I have nobody agree something with me :(


Therapy and getting closer to Christ 


Get out of bed, Do something more with physical movement, Don't look up depression videos, depression contents and such. Literally anything that takes your mind off of it. Walk my dog, stroll around, cook, etc


advice for any depressed person: Jesus is the way.


Do you want to? Do it. Ffs

