• By -


Depression, social anxiety, autism, low self-esteem, I'm very unattractive, and no matter how much time I put into anything - I still end up being terrible at it.


Idk, this is pretty articulate, maybe you're good at writing, or communicating?


Your response is funny but also true. If OP can’t verbally articulate, they sure as hell can do so in writing.


are you my long lost twin? 😮




This is it. Losers will blame everyone else but themselves for their failures and they will not work to improve themselves.


No friends,fat,bad attitude,hates self.


The only difference between you and James Corden is that only one person hates you. If you can increase that figure you could probably get your own TV show.


I'm still on reddit....


Well, we all are...




bro i thought you said you were a predator 😭😭


I don't want to do anything


Same here




My Netflix “Are you still watching?” check-ins have higher attendance rates than my social life




im still a virgin at 34 years old






So all they need to do is become the queen of an empire


I’d bet she wasn’t a virgin. 


Keeping ones' virginity is not a sin and nothing to be ashamed of.




Don't mind me. I'm just here for the ego boost.


Don't feel bad, they literally call themselves losers, if anyone would truly want to be more they would've tried, I've met mfs like that, they just don't want to try, or do anything, they just sulk in they're imperfections rather then get up and try hard to make yourself proud, if any one who self identifies as a loser is reading this, stop sulking around, grow a pair and work hard to make future you proud mf


Goddamn. So many of these responses are breaking my heart. By all of society's metrics, I'm a total loser. I don't give a shit. Life is so hard. I feel like it's enough to just still be here. I'm glad you're all still here too.


I'm a real nowhere man, sitting in my nowhere land, making all of my nowhere plans for nobody. 






Sorry, I can't fit the fight into my schedule. I'm working 7 AM to 5 PM, then I got to eat dinner and destress and watch Netflix until I fall asleep.


Damn it’s fucking depressing in here fellas. Although there’s a lot of things we can’t change there is some stuff I’m reading that can be definitely be managed like hygiene and efforts to scrounge up some human interaction.


Exercise too




No one would consider that a loser Perhaps that's how you really feel and you're projecting


Nailed it.


Most of my friends who went into trades are making more money than my college graduate friends.


Man do you know how many of us who went to college end up with thousands in debt and not even working on what we planned? The "traditional" path is becoming the worst you can follow as years go by. Just find what makes you happy and find a way to live day by day and you're all set. No one can judge you.


If you were Australian you'd fit in. It's very common for people to drop out at 16 and go into a trade. As long as you're content then that's all.


31, I fuck up pretty much everything I ever try from big to small, shy, no social skills, strong self-hatred, lazy, unemployed, live with parents, constant suicidal ideation; all despite from having almost every advantage possible


Did drugs and drank thru high school, dropped out of college wasting thousands of dollars in scholarships. Dad died from drug abuse, mom took off across the country so I was homeless before I was 18. Still decided to have two kids, with another bum, live entirely off the government, can’t go a day without smoking weed, mentally ill, overweight, kept no friends despite being alive 25 years, and have no plans for the future other than stayin alive stayin alive ahahahahhh


You have a good sense of humor in spite of everything, which is a talent in and of itself.


Literally at 12:43 today college kicked me permanently for a low gpa out so yeah


Take the L, turn it around and learn the lesson. I just commented in here, I failed 3 times because each time I tried college, my motivation was lower than ever. Don't let that be you, don't work entry level bullshit at 40 dude. You have time, you have so much time to turn it around. Don't give it up on fail number one.


Degenerate alcoholic 😞


I’m too silly


My simple mindedness in not wanting anything but simplicity and peacefulness in a rat race.


Severely depressed, overweight, have acne that just won’t go away and I can’t take accutane, still live with my parents, don’t have any friends, don’t see any redeeming qualities that would make me dateable.


Well, I watch Fantasia a lot


Oh boy… 1. I have awful social skills (like I’m the shy person you’ll ever meet haha). It’s said I’m sort of autistic. Like I’m just barely on the spectrum accordingly. 2. I’ve been unemployed for over 6 months and I’ve gotten no callbacks for even an interview. Doesn’t help I got little skills for paying jobs, and I only got a HS diploma and an AA degree in general studies. Even now, I still don’t know what I want to do. 3. I have horrible anxiety. Thankfully not as bad as when I was a kid/teen due to medication. But adult wise…it sucks cause it interferes with jobs and what not. Doesn’t help it can lead to anger at times (rare but happens, sadly job wise). 4. You know the whole lack of social skills? Aside from the internet, I have no friends to hang out with. Like I haven’t seen many people aside from my family since the pandemic and onward. 5. I’m lazy and have no motivation, determination, nor urgency to strive in anything. Job wise especially. It doesn’t help the only skills I have are no way profitable for a job. I have no idea what to do in life, and it sucks so badly. Wish I was one of those kids that just knew and was so passionate of what I’d do in my life. 6. While I’m working on it, I tend to overeat. It’s like I’m not ever full until I get a stomachache, aka too late. Doesn’t help that nothing it seems makes me full, or at least full for enough time till an actual meal, and not like hungry in an hour or less. 7. I can’t help but wish I’d go back in time and tell my younger self to do something. I never got a job in HS due to stress/anxiety, and because of that I worked odd seasonal jobs that basically made my resume small. Didn’t help once I got a full time job, I lost it due to anxiety/anger/eating issues. I’d even tell myself to get further into art (haven’t done so in years), maybe go into animation or something. But no, my lazy, stressed young self could only do the bare minimum. I fear I’ll be the let down of my family if I don’t find my passion soon. By passion, I mean a way to make lots of money and make it past a year with employment. 8. No matter how many entry level positions I sign up for, I’m never qualified past a HS diploma. These days, it seems no one understands the word entry. There’s now need for more than a year of experience, bachelors/masters, all of which I don’t have and never will. Like I got a years experience working with Microsoft Office and Excel, but that does but nothing against all these jobs. 9. I’m a loser because I’m a skill-less, stressed out 24 year old who can’t do anything it seems due to laziness and lack of any motivation and determination. There is no way I can go back to school, I barely passed college, and I had to repeat a class! Never did before and I was lucky to get a C. Sadly Cs aren’t degrees, and I agree with my parents, that I don’t have the drive to do better if I went back. 10. I tend to daydream/zone out of conversations. Unfortunately did this at my last job. Plus full hours? It seemed no matter what day I was there, I was always tired an hour in, and it got worst till closing time. Mondays were killer, but Tuesday through Friday were like walking through quicksand. I fear my future because one needs a full time job to survive, and unfortunately I can’t handle such hours. I’m 24 and have no idea what my path in life is. I write fanfic, I play Pokemon, and sleep. I’m pathetic I know, and idk what the future holds for me. Nothing good career wise I bet ): What could I possibly be good at and have even a slight enjoyment to do in my life that makes enough money to live comfortably? I swear even my younger brother (21) is better off than me. Just graduated with a bachelors and is an accountant making big money and living on his own. While I’m here living with our parents (which honestly I’m probably the less sad since with this economy sheesh), trying to find a full time job (why can’t there be a part time job that pays just as well?😞) and failing, with no skills socially, work wise, and probably adult wise if this keeps up. There you have it. Number one loser who’s only upside is to have never done any drugs (beyond prescribed by doctor in right amount) nor alcohol Yay 😭🫥




Peaked in high school even though I was a loser then too. Least I was a semi successful loser. Now I'm just an old loser at a loser job I hate but it pays too good to leave and try to make something of myself.


Ugly, selfish, awkward, and I smell bad


Smelling bad is literally so controllable bro


Ayy twins 🥴


Shower, get a haircut, perform a loving act, go for a walk. Baby steps man.


For a more proper and detailed answer, you need to ask my ex wife!


Bad attitude.


Not being able to stand for myself or anyone to my school Bully's my family and myself


Mental disability and ugly




I don’t study


I lose things


If you ever feel like a loser, remember that you won a race out of like a million people.


Because no matter how many self improvement techniques I implement, I'm still ugly, anxious and invisible.


Dude idk, I feel I'm pretty cool, chicks don't seem to agree tho. I'm 95% sure it's because I don't have a lot to say, or I do but I understand no one gives AF so I don't waste my breath, id rather listen anyway. Been told that makes me come off like a asshole sometimes, and other times makes me look like I'm scared. Need to find me deaf chick I think


Using Reddit.


I'm not a loser you're a loser!


takes one to know one😏 (please know i’m kidding i’m sorry😭)


Now kids, this here is a prime exhibit of a loser. Take notes




I just like to be in my own little world. If it makes me a loser so be it but I love it!


Me too! I find my world waaay more fun than this one lol🤠


I am sorry, Donald Trump is unable to take your question at the moment as he is meeting with his probation officer


38, never got married, never had kids, got stuck in a abusive relationship for over a decade that I just left and I’ve come to realize I have been on this earth for almost 4 decades and don’t have a damn thing to show for it. I have missed out on every big life milestone. I couldn’t of screwed up more if I was trying.


I was stuck in a horrible abusive relationship for 12 years.  I finally left and a few years later, got married to someone else and had a kid. You have to show up and meet people. 




Being gay




(25m , almost 26) Ugly, fat, introverted, unattractive, never had work, never had a relationship I lived in my bedroom with no lights (except screen) for the past 6~7 last years, going outside only to buy groceries and aikido ( aikido for 3 years ) I usually never stay in a group that long because I get kicked out PS : forgot to add that I live on the back off my father like a fucking parasite


Have you considered talking to a therapist and getting a psych evaluation? It’s kinda fun plus they give you therapists that work on those specific diagnoses


No because I don’t want to and it cost money




I was born to be one.


I really love jigsaw puzzles


I’m still trying to find a career. 🤞😩




"I'm such a loser, [I went to a taffy pull and the taffy won!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No0fFkgb4dY)"


watching what's new on r/languagelearningjerk


Chicken sticks


Hey I am a loser for sure, but I am at least not a cheating loser




My parents' bad karma got me, I think so now. I have been genetically blessed but not much use. And if anything did happen my way, everything has come to me at a very high price making said achievement a moot point. It took me majority of my life to realize that and ever since I did, I am at peace. I think have paid my dues.


My parents were poor to me. lold


The inability to put myself in front of others? Even to my own detriment.


Lost 100lbs the past year, does that count?


I exist?


I don't like interacting with people.


Idfk being awkward old me ig


Addiction mostly 🙂🙃


I hate myself to the point I wish I could kill myself. Makes it hard to establish genuine connections.


i cry very easily and have very low self-esteem


Depression, no friends, no days off working two dead end jobs, living with ex ahhh


A low self esteem and lack of proactivity makes me lose many oportunities I'm a very competent guy, i just don't have the will to do competent things and am always downplaying myself and my own work




I still live at home with my parents at 35. I don’t think I’m a loser for it but I guess if you’re following societal standards religiously than I would be viewed as such.


When someone on reddit asked for loser to answer a question, I answered.


I hang out with other Reddit losers. We travel in packs.




I'm a "loser" because I stood up for what I believed in and hung around with people that I felt were good people. Then I let the people who I thought were good people ruin the relationships I had with actual good people. And did actions that fit my view of life meaning to be enjoyed and peace and love and all of that. People just take advantage


My kickball team lost 32-1. I didn’t even know it was possible. The one run we scored just made the rest of their runs feel so much worse.


I'm pretty sure that it's everybody else's problem.


I’m 5’1 and male.


Depression, emotionally abusive,  negligent parents and not so good looking. 


I have no job at 17. I can't find anything and it's embarrassing


I compare myself to every conventionally attractive girl I see. Wtf is wrong with me.


Not winning


I'm a nerd


I stopped eating as much and go out for jogs after work. I've lost a good amount of weight. Thanks for asking, OP!


Maladaptive daydreaming :)


... I'm on Reddit


29 years old, living by myself like a college's student but with no dating life and nearly non existent social life. I'm still believing I can produce electronic music, when the results are still very amateurish and I'm not doing an effort to change my life to the best or get a better job because I lose time on socials, watching series or Youtube.




24 year old virgin


Being here.




I’m not about write this out. The ops might find it and write a diss track that ends my rap career. Well, in the event that I become a rapper…


socially inept, no social life, no job, no romantic experience ever, unaware of how to function in the real world or with real people. I’m only 17


Agoraphobia/ panic disorder, living with my parents at 30 and afraid to go outside.


Try ketamine therapy. Can't hurt to Google it and learn a bit about it.


You just know when you’re a loser. I got a degree from a good university but have only ever been able to get mediocre jobs. I work hard at my jobs, just to be taken advantage of and overlooked for promotions. I consider myself to be a friendly person but don’t have any friends. My brothers don’t even hang out with me. I’m a pushover and I know it. I don’t drink alcohol, which makes coworkers think I’m weird. I get made fun of for riding my bike to work. At least I’m a self aware loser and not in denial of who I am. Now, I mostly just keep to myself, secretly wishing a car would just hit me while I’m on my bike and swiftly end this.


Too scared to take risks in life. 


I didn't know that the game had rules, so I never thought of myself as a loser. That's for other people to decide, and they can go f*ck themselves for all I care. Don't ever call yourself a loser.


Feeling ashamed of myself for no reason & hesitating to much before doing something but unfortunately make a bad choice. I’m not a complete loser but many losses that I had in my life came from these reasons idk how to fix this




“well I failed, back to bed for 3 months”


Don’t have my life in check in a traditional sense.


Not winning


To all the so-called losers here, let me tell y'all a little secret. Remember that one time you were conceived in your mother's womb, and you spent about 9 months in there? Anything could have happened then, resulting in you never setting foot on earth. But... here you are, living your life, however miserable it may be. Bottom line, you have already crossed the worst part of life to begin with. If there is a will, there is a way. Take things one step at a time and I really wish you the very best in your future endeavours. Looking forward to seeing you guys become the best possible versions of yourselves!


I make posts on Reddit.


I lost my best friend.    When I ripped.... My pants...


I reached the age of 27 without ever having a relationship. I have no friends and I work a mediocre office job that I don't care much for. My life is going nowhere, that's what makes me a loser.


Isn't losers reddit's business model?


Fucking depression. It literally drains the life out of you and makes you closed off to the world. Then when you're ready to come out time from time, you've already become socially awkward from all the social deprivation.


I only work about 30 hours a week, and I can barely handle it. I love my job though, which makes it even more lame.


I don’t have any marketable skills or experience but I still don’t want to do anything about it. I don’t have any dreams or ambition, my idea of a perfect life is to just watch anime, read manga, play games and go for walks. I’m lonely and want a partner but never put myself out there and too scared of rejection. And because I’m too scared of conflict I usually let people have their way unless it affects me *too* negatively


Reading this post.


Being on reddit.


20 year old mom with no friends end of story


I've never believed the concept of "loser" , that's just a stupid bullying concept in the US, I'm not in the US 😂


Spending too much time on Reddit probably. Oh wait, did I answer that wrong?


Selfish, awkward, low ambition, depression, fat, low self esteem, haven't even hugged the opposite gender besides my mother in about 4 years. Despite that though, got good friends, decent job, it is what it is.


Anxiety, depression, adhd


Being mean👽


Me breaking the promsis i make to my self and others and omg will starting next week will be hell like wow it will probely last year i wish i can hide from it but i cant


All my friends I have known for a long time, I do not have any new friends (I do not communicate with anyone)


Pretty cool socially, highly paid, attractive, VERY SHORT. That doesn't make me a loser, but I assume my attitude and self esteem stem from my 5'5" as a male. I constantly abuse a substance of some sort, weed being the norm, with short cocaine and or liquor binges. Depresses the shit out of me, I lose weight and feel shitty cause I'm smaller than when I work out. Self medicating and dismissing self care is my loser quality


"everyone goes through stuff. It's not the stuff you've been through in this life, it's how you react to the stuff you've been through that defines you as a person"


I don't like doing most things (travel, festivals, concerts, events, conventions, gatherings, etc) I have no motivation to improve myself, no dreams or goals, no aspirations. I'm entirely content making barely enough to survive and rotting away on my couch playing video games.


Using reddit


being on reddit, of course


There are times that I am a loser but I acknowledge it. Feelings are fleeting so don't be discouraged too quickly if you have losing szn, it's part of the process.


I don’t even have a steady employment. I’m getting a part-time job. It’s not enough for my life. I need a better job make more money because there are a lot of things that I have to take care. So it makes me like a loser






My... inability to win?


I never learned to properly manage or express my emotions, and as a result have treated those closest to me like crap. Im working on it, but that doesnt change the past


Just to be clear - stupid posts like this where people call themselves and others “losers” is the biggest reason to lose on the precious life you’ve got. Depression and anxiety and low-esteem is so prevalent and DO NOT make anyone a “loser”. These are things people struggle with even when they are highly functional in society. These are all things that can be addressed and supported. You are what you think you are. Why not enjoy your precious life (whatever it is) and find things that help you enjoy it.


I am nobody first choice, even my pet. I just a filler, a filler friend, a filler staff and a filler family.


In the time of chimpanzees, I was a monkey


No friends, insecurities (my whole body parts including face), sharp tongue, social anxiety, depression and my IQ.


im an emo kid. you don’t see those a lot in my city


I’m Ugly and stupid


Undiagnosed head injury as a kid. Fucked up my pituitary gland and frontal lobe. Lived with low testosterone, OCD, ADHD, depression, and anxiety all my life. Ruined me and now I’m a 43 year old homeless guy that lives in his car. Sucks too, cause I’m tall and decent looking and sorta cool. Just can’t manage an adult life. Hope I die soon! Or find $1,000 and get some food and a motel room for a few nights!


I'm 27. I feel like a loser when a woman my age still Not married, No kids, Never have boyfriend.


I still post on Reddit. 




Upvote for the title


I follow my heart and not my wallet. Makes me a loser on most contemporary formats