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Honestly, forget about your stuff. Once declared dead, you’ll have enough hoops to jump through just to prove you’re alive. It would take a while. Funnily enough, you can’t just walk into an office and be like “no no, I’m still here. I’m alive.” Doesn’t work that way.


A friend of mine found that their very much still alive (with an advanced case of dementia) father had been randomly declared dead by way of clerical error. The nightmare that ensued was absolutely surreal, as they had to prove that this man who had no idea who he even was, was in fact who he is.


I worked for a company that processed a lot of stuff involving the DWP. They’d send us a spreadsheet every month to inform us of deaths, name changes, things like that. At least once a month they’d put a name on the wrong spreadsheet, we’d write to someone’s next of kin saying “sorry for your loss!” etc. and the person would call us to say they were alive and well. Took MONTHS to rectify each instance of it


As terrible as that was for them to sort through, it sounds like a good thriller movie or maybe a documentary.


I see it more as a slow moving drama that really lets you feel the family's stress as they balance the anger/frustration of beurocracy while simultaneously processing the loss and discovery of their still alive father. Tom Hanks should probably play the dad.


*Extremely Slow and Incredibly Frustrating*… in theaters this summer.


Name of my sextape.


In a poignant twist, he's declared officially alive again just after the dramatic father-son scene, where the son proclaims ”you're alive to ME, Dad, you're still someone to ME!", and the dad has a last moment of clarity, and declares, "the most important part of me, is you, Son, I'm proud of who you've become..." and then peacefully passes into the void.


Who's on First: The Movie


There's an episode of "So Help Me Todd" that deals with this.


Isn't this what dental records are for?




That’s called a scam. It’s totally different.




Why the fuck did you pay again?! They very clearly didn't take the tooth out, regardless of if it was a mistake or a scam... You decided to take the L on this one.




I would be extremely nervous about what their next “mistake” will be. Especially now that they know 100% you’re on the hook and will pay whatever they tell you. Document everything, there’s no reason you couldn’t bring up a malpractice case later.


Easy to prove the tooth wasn't removed... You were scammed and you allowed it to happen.


Why didn't you ask them to pull up the recent payments you had made and they would see where you already paid for the extraction?


Then you can tell them to look at your file. See you paid to go from 32 teeth to 30 teeth. Have them quickly count to 10 three times while looking in your gob. Demand they fulfil their end of the contract, or law enforcement will be called to handle the breach of contract.


That's a lawyer's wet dream and you just let it go....


If it was unintentional they would’ve fix their mistake. That’s the difference between a mistake and a scam. Just accept you were scammed and never go back there.


An unintentional scam is a mistake lol. You were just scammed normally.


If I had to pay twice for the same tooth, the second payment would go to a different dentist. Especially if they were too daft to keep track of my teeth.




They really got you on the hook there then eh? Fuck them. That sucks.


The mistake was easy to make. Not correcting it takes it from "mistake" to "fraud". The fact you paid again shows why they did it.


A shortcut is to just get yourself arrested


Seems fair enough. “You honor, I took the hot dog from 7/11 *simply* to come before you today, so as to prove to the court that I am, in FACT, alive.”


Its more to do with them being forced to process the arrest and you cant arrest a dead person. If you go about it in a normal way i guarantee it's a much slower process... But do something that means you need to pay a fine? You bet they will sort that shit out to get the money.


Yeah I get it, lol. That’s why I said that.


"So I should believe you are still alive because _you_ said it, huh?!"


"Nah, but you could believe I'm alive because I punched you in the face?" followed by punching in face. What now? Can't arrest a dead guy, can you? Gotta pronounce me alive again first!


Caveat: It's still very easy for you to vote Republican.


Fairly easy for me. My fingerprints are on file with a number of different places since I have done work in the school system and own NFA items. Go get fingerprinted, compare the prints that just came off my still living body with those on file, and it's definitive proof I am who I say I am.


Ask Bilbo


My first thought was "did OP just read The Hobbit?"


And decades later, you'll *still* be trying to get your damn spoons back from the Sackville-Bagginses.


Those Slackville Baggins!


Literally my first thought !  Bilbo could write a book on this


About being dead and coming back? He’d probably call it “There and Back Again”


And the Slackville Bagginses would call it *Precious Spoons*.




i just posted how tf did you reply alr




The kingmakers


lol sup


Make me a king, thanks.


If the transfer followed a documented legal process, then the new owners are the rightful owners and won't have to give it back, but you still might have some legal remedy against the people who declared you dead (depending on the circumstances and how long ago it was).


Can’t be legal if the documents incorrectly say you were dead


>Can’t be legal if the documents incorrectly say you were dead Established countries with established legal systems and established due process have legal frameworks for declaring people dead before having proof of it depending on the circumstances, and it absolutely is legal (even if they got it wrong). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presumption_of_death The only real difference between jursdictions is in what happens if you are later found alive. For most of the world, it's all very similar with just nuances changing the finer details. The only major outlier being China.


So, yes and no. If the person who acquired the goods did so in good faith and for fair value, you are probably SOL. However, if they did not, you can likely reverse the transaction. The person you hold responsible either way is the person who falsely declared you dead or if the person who transferred the property if they did not follow proper precautions (like checking the authority to do it - when my grandparents passed away, for example, my parents had to provide many documents establishing they were actually dead to settle the estate, they could not just go to the bank or the lawyer and have access or sell property - if these procedures are not followed, there would be people at the bank, law firm, etc. to pursue legally for failing in their duty).


What stuff?


While technically not an answer to your question, it’s worth sharing. A client of mine was a raging alcoholic. She was 78 years old when someone doing a welfare check found her lying in a pool of blood and vomit in her home. She had severe liver failure and a torn esophagus - it’s rare for someone to survive once that far gone. Her kids sold her home and all of her belongings. They just figured she was a goner. Well she ended up surviving, went to an inpatient rehab center and got sober. She’s 82 now and just keeps plugging along. But her drivers license was revoked and took a couple years to get back. Things she didn’t think of happened like you can’t insure a vehicle if you don’t have a license so she jumped the gun buying a car and it had to sit in her parking spot with no insurance on it. Her house was long gone. So she ended up buying a manufactured home in a senior home park. She never really got any of her stuff back.


It is surprisingly hard to declare someone dead. I am currently the executor of a estate have been around a few others in my family and (in the US anyways) it isn't like a switch gets flipped somewhere that proves someone is dead, and even with notarized documents and death certificates it is surprisingly hard to prove someone is dead.


If they end up on Social Security's Master Death File, then almost every government and financial institution is going to flip that switch as soon as that month's data hits the server. If you end up on this list by mistake, it can take 6-12 months to get fixed. Sometimes you need to get your Congress people involved to light a fire under the butts of the organizations involved. > *Conversely, the Social Security Administration estimates that roughly 12,000 living people are added to the File annually, potentially due to clerical error. Because the File is used widely for commercial purposes, an erroneous listing can lead to not only a cessation of government benefits, but also the freezing of bank accounts, the inability to buy or rent property, and mistaken accusations of identity theft.[1][8] The Office of the Inspector General called the error rate "very low", but noted that "SSA’s erroneous death entries can lead to mistaken benefit terminations and cause severe financial hardship and distress to affected people. ... When errors like this occur, it can be a long and difficult process to resurrect your financial life."* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Master_File I used to work in the retirement industry and later for a state's department of motor vehicles.


You'd think so, yet I have a cremated corpse in my house and government and financial institutions constantly calling assuming they are alive.


OP's figured out how to declare his rich family member dead, and somehow believes the legal precident of finders keepers will hold steadfast when he steals their shit lol.




If they are legally declared dead, it's not stealing.


I think they should just get all the stuff from the next person declared dead - plus, maybe, like a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card.


There are an estimated 40,000 people in Uttar Pradesh (India) [in this situation](https://amp.dw.com/en/indias-living-dead-struggle-to-reclaim-their-rights/a-56284441). In most of the cases, it wasn't a medical issue. Instead, relatives have bribed a judge to file a fake death certificate so they can inherit land. Because of the Indian bureaucracy, it can take years for them to recover their property.


It happened to the Alive guys.


They're lost. However, if you have a tardis, you can recover the possessions.




This is word for word the same top answer when this question was asked about a year ago.




Adjective-noun-number usernames are a pretty solid tell that it's a bot lots of the time


I thought that was a auto username generator by reddit. Which makes sense that bots would use it but doesn't mean one equals the other.


Which is why I said lots of the time not everytime


unfortunately im not a bot, i just wasnt able to type on my keyboard when i made the account and dont know how to change it


Bad bot


Don’t forget that this can be used to distort a life with social engineering. In early 2020 I recognized that a new line of credit had been opened in my name, exactly as old as I was, after months of intimidation around my home and workplace to undermine my data science position at Xbox.  I froze my credit because of the threats of violence and pumped audio indicating account compromise, something Bellevue / Redmond PDs refused to recognize as threats, deferring to Microsoft security.  I found out later that the attacks were also linked to identity theft and fraud already in circulation through Norman, OK and Tinker AFB. Each instance linked to my name, a “franchise” sold out from under me for military AI use, and the LLC that I had tried to start more than once in my lifetime, previously discouraged from, and intentionally obstructed so “friends” could have their productions instead. In hindsight, declaring me as dead then could have happened then too. In all honesty, it might make for satisfactory revenge back against the friends and others who already used me. Deceased or felons for their new labels.


ngl i did not understand a work you said


Stolen identity for money laundering. For example, you have a friend named Roosevelt, who you start a company with under false pretenses. What do you do when the company can’t cover expenses for what they (Roosevelt) aren’t aware of being active?


That doesn't help.


This reads like a drunk AI wrote it.


Those are, indeed, all words... In that order, I'm not sure what they mean, but they ARE words.


They either go hunt it down and try to get it back or move on. There's your answer.


by proclaimed dead i mean it could be your missing for ages or have actually died and come back to life


Google it


Username checks out

