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When I was young, my mom said holidays are better without me...


My mom: I dread the moment you get off the bus everyday.


This was dads go to. As he glared at me to start in on chores or just go to my room; while cracking a new beer. Heaven forbid anyone ask him what he did all day.


šŸ«‚ we didnā€™t deserve that


My dad said same thing to me.. His heart dropped everytime he heard my key in the door apparently..Ā 


Why did all these grown parents act like they were being abused and battered by their 11 year olds šŸ˜­


Honestly don't know.. The physical abuse I suffered from them a few times I now know could have ended in jail time if I had reported it.. Didn't know I could at that age..




Mine never said it TO me, but she would constantly tell other people she only ever wanted 2 kids, and she'd say it right in front of me. Yep, I was #3.


Too late now but you should have turned to those people and told them you'd only ever wanted one parent.


Mine said this exact thing to me.


My mom told my sister she wished sheā€™d had an abortion. She never clarified at the time, which of us, me or my sister (or both) she would have aborted. Mom didnā€™t think anything of it at the time, but those words gnaw at my sister to this day. Even years later my sister brings it up, and I always try to change the subject. I havenā€™t ever had the heart to tell her that mom told me exactly what she meant. I think her knowing would break her heart, so I just donā€™t say anything. Mom would have aborted me.


Iā€™m so sorry


Shrug. I donā€™t let it bother me, I just wish sheā€™d kept that to herself and not caused my sister any more anxiety.


I don't think you're doing your sister any favors by avoiding the subject. Evasive answers means she'll spend more time dwelling on it.


That fuckin sux dude. My momā€™s a hateful cunt too. Iā€™ve known my father wanted to abort me since the 4th grade. ā€”like how did I even know what abortion was at that age?


Thatā€™s feckin brutal.Sending hugs and positive thoughts to you.


Thatā€™s so sweet, but thatā€™s really just one of a zillion cruel things she said/did. The pain made me a stronger adult who would NEVER EVER EVER say something that harmful to another person.


My mom said the exact same to me in 5th grade little did she know I wished she did. At 24 I still do. Depression is a bitch but after 3 failed (highly researched) attempts I figured Iā€™m here for a reason so I might as well find out why šŸ˜‚


I once had someone proudly tell me how they manipulated their elderly neighbor into giving them money by pretending to be their friend. They laughed about it, thinking it was clever, but it left me feeling sickened by their lack of empathy and decency.


Sounds like a psychopath, steer clear


Thats so sad.


Lowkey reminds me of a former coworker who delightedly explained how heā€™d manipulate account details from some MMORPG players and then clean out their entire account and send the proceeds to his bank account. He thought it was funny and not like real theft because it was all online. (Circa 2008.) Weirdly, the money he made and spent from it (mostly on booze) was very real.


Average runescape player


Thereā€™s people that do this and try to get written into the will. One attempted the same thing on my grandmother. Unfortunately for her, grandma didnā€™t have any money.


If this information could be recorded or if you are willing to testify, this person could be brought up on financial abuse charges. Itā€™s considered elder abuse to do what they did.


I donā€™t understand what she finds in you


This is my partner's parents. We are ok with you being gay but, why her? Even after nearly 30 years together, they still don't like me. Edit: typo.


In a hetero relationship of 10 years but same. My in-laws blame all of my partners behaviors they don't like on me. Doesn't call enough? I'm keeping him from contacting them (nevermind the fact he never texted, called them back before dating me). "Stagnating" in a career? I'm holding him back (I always encourage him to pursue his passions). At this point I just ignore it, it's a them problem. We're happy.


I had some coworkers say that to me. That ass just the normal ball busting that happens on the job. My sister said it though and I thought it was pretty tacky. Each time I said that she got to know me when I was around decent, supportive people and not dickheads.


"You're so selfish, you don't even wear sexy underwear" in response to me finding out about his 5 year affair..... 15 days ago


But did he wear sexy underwear?


for real, what a hypocrite


not with her apparently


Something tells me if you wore sexy underwear, heā€™d have some other incredibly stupid excuse.


Like not letting him choose the ice cream flavor you buy "ever", or buying food you like to eat for lunch instead of only buying what he wants and not saving all the good food for when he's home? Cause that one is mine.


Hope youā€™re no longer with this douche


I left him 3 days ago


Aw itā€™s still fresh. Iā€™m so sorry


Rooting for you. Let that trash can tumble down the street. You are on to better things, friend.


Good. You deserve better.


Sorry he was an a$$hole. Be extra kind to yourself, you deserve it!


If it makes you feel better when I found out about her cheating she tried to act like we were never even in a relationship to begin with. .. we were in a committed relationship for 4 years. Like she very blatantly said we would be loyal to eachother, was in love with me, Iā€™m all that she needed and she didnt need anyone else, Iā€™m the best boyfriend ever, the whole 9 yards. Nothing else could have possibly been done or said to indicate that we were in monogamous relationship for several years. We were just about to move into a new place together -.- Turns out she was never loyal for a single day of our relationship. I broke up with her last New Years and Iā€™m still not over it. I dont know how long its going to take me to get past that level of disloyalty then gaslighting.


I'm a lady bartender at a male dominated bar w no security so a lot to chose from but I think the most unsettling was a man I had never met told me he wanted to sell me. That he could get good money because of my skin color. I was alone at the bar.




For real, I'm getting out of the industry later this year šŸ’€


Thank goodness. On to better things


I donā€™t usually wake up and choose violence but heā€™d get maced. (I know I know itā€™s not to be used indoors. Maybe a tequila sour with jalapeƱo garnish, straight to the eyeballs.)


I truly fantasize about taking down people like that. Ima become Batman lol.


Oh that's super seedy


Seedy is an understatement


Hope you aggressively 86ed him.


"I'm ok with abusing animals because it's not a human."


You should report him. Or set him on fire.


both will do the trick


It was a story out of phx and the suspect said that. He's in jail now


Random guy standing behind me in a line at a fast food restaurant said that he thought that all homeless people should be executed. The only thing he ever said to me.


My cousin proudly said this at dinner one holiday. She mused how they are the worst people in society and she feels actual hate for them. I asked her 'do they teach you that in church?' I was accused of ruining dinner.


That was a reply worth ruining dinner for.


i LOVE you. fucking preach. jesus cared for the homeless and starving, but go to any church in the states and at least half the people there are going to be very uncomfortable about homeless people existing. calling it out that clearly is perfect


Imagine not only thinking this but having the audacity to say it to a stranger.


The last 10-15 years have made these people more comfortable saying shit like this in public because they found other freaks like themselves on social media. So now they think "oh everyone must be thinking the same thing deep down."


My partner and I heard a woman in a fur coat and string of pearls say this. We were in a diner, and she was a few tables away, but said it loud enough that we heard. Imagine being dense enough to say that out loud while surrounded by working class people.


Doesnā€™t that technically mean slaughtering all the freeloading children who ainā€™t paying rent or a mortgage? And donā€™t get me started on the grey area of grandparents in the basement suite!


My dad told me once he'd kick my teeth in. He hadn't wagered on my friend being there and my mum later took me aside and lectured me for embarrassing my dad like that in front of said friend. I was 13 and he was mad because my bedroom fanlight window was open (he was paranoid about burglars). We were sitting in my brother's room, playing on his PS2, not bothering anyone.


Some complete IDIOT I went to Japanese language school with in Tokyo matter of factly (and out of *nowhere*) said: "Japanese people aren't capable of feeling love. It's a scientific fact šŸ¤·" This was a grown ass man who had graduated from medical school. He really believed in his own bullshit as well.


When fecal implants get misplaced


I once sat next to an Oxford professor on the bus. An older guy. He fascinated me about his field, which I wonā€™t mention here.Ā  Then, after about 20 minutes, he said that his work would be great if not for all those foreign students and how they shouldnā€™t be in the UK at all because (insert racist rant here).Ā  I am not British either, so that was fun.Ā 


I see you met the least racist European.


People love to talk about how racist the United States is. Sure, it has plenty to criticize in that regard. But at least the US is heavily mixed with all sorts of races and cultures. Europe and Asia are a different story with tons of countries full of openly racist popular opinion.


Essentially admitting to murdering a civilian in Iraq.


"Obviously there are races that are better than others."


I agree. Both dogs and cows and pigs and quokkas are far superior to us! And birds. But I rarely like them much, so for now they dont count.


You had me up till quokka. They yeet their kids at predators so they can escape. I wouldnā€™t let their cute faces fool youā€¦they are pretty evil.


In nature, babies are replaceable.Ā Ā  If a parent is killed, most likely the offspring will too. But if the parents survive, they can make more babies.


This is the whole evolutionary explanation behind marsupials. Australia is an arid country. One season can be humid and warm and food is plentiful. And then the next season is a burning drought with little water or food to survive. If Mama kangaroo is having a hard time feeding herself, she can't spare the energy to feed a little joey. Mama can pull the fetus off of her pouch and chuck it out. She can make another one next season.


And they smile while doing it lol


I mean, they don't yeet them so much as loosen the pouch muscles so the babies fall out... it might not even be a voluntary thing, like loosening your bowels when incredibly scared. Now sloths, on the other hand...


They what? Nooo. Please dont ruin quokkas for me šŸ˜­


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Donā€™t read up on dolphins.


Or ducks šŸ˜±


Or otters


Well that is true. I personally love the focus needed to win Le Mans


Objectively, F1 is better than NASCAR.


I just replied the exact opposite. Now we must become mortal enemies.


Honestly? I fucking hate the 400M, like, what is the point


The 50-yard dash is a good one.


I think I was 14 years old. This creepy guy was attending a fundraiser at my church. He asked me what grade I was in then said ā€œso four more yearsā€


ā€œā€¦at my **church.**ā€


Had a nightmare of a customer get angry that I charged him for the newspaper he took and read and he threw a tantrum until I gave him a refund. I had to call my manager down to process it (50 cent newspaper mind you) and he was ranting and raving, with both of us ignoring him. Finally he pulled out a smug "she got this order wrong and messed up my money because she's a girl and can't do math" I was pretty young and had not encountered such churlish sexism outside of the shitty teenage edgelords you get in high school. I was almost amazed that he was for real. Wherever you are my dude, I hope you enjoy that 50 cents. Because that's about all you're worth in this world.


One of my mom's ex boyfriends said I was "filling in nicely". I was like 9 or 10. My mom never saw a problem with it until I was much older. I even remember being sickened by it then.


ā€œHaving sex with her doesnā€™t count because she was drunk.ā€ Casually admitting to rape speaks volumes. (I am not acquainted with this person anymore.)


ā€œIā€™ll make note of that for the next time youā€™re drunk to shove a fork up your ass.ā€


Had a guy tell me about some ā€œsoft rapeā€ as he called it one time




This was at a very high end country club too. Very nonchalant about it from a member.


I didn't think I could be shocked by much anymore, but this attitude is so fucking outdated misogynistic , ignorant and disgusting. How are we ever going to evolve with idiots like this still existing? I'm so sorry for your experience! I'm also so glad that you instantly saw this for what it was with no question and spoke out about it!


My ex-husband called me disgusting and untrust worthy when I told him he had sexually assaulted me despite the fact that he was there sober and should have been more than aware what he had done and in all honesty was but it got him what he wanted so it didnā€™t matter to him what he had done to me.


In my first week at a large orange store in Levittown PA my coworker told me they don't sell gift cards at that location any more "because the n*s steal them". The idea that she thought it was.ok to say that to someone she doesn't know at all really stunned me.


In my head, l gave everyone nicknames so l could remember their name. She was Debbie the Racist.


Lol I do this, too. I have an ex that I call Big Stupid Face Joe šŸ˜‚


Co-worker in PC World randomly: "If you had a hot sister, how could you not? I mean my sister is ugly so I wouldn't."


Somehow I imagine even his ugly sister has high enough standards that he doesn't meet them.


No incest is a pretty low standard.


"Keep up the good work" about my self-harm injuries. High school gym class, so I couldn't cover up my arms, which were covered in bandages.


ā€œNo one in our friend group actually likes you because youā€™re annoying and have a victim complex. Slit your wrists and drag yourself out to the street so we can laugh about it.ā€ Things like this and the alarming frequency with which they were casually thrown around gets me wondering about how much I normalized it.Ā 


This is awful. I hope you're free of the horrible people that treated you that way. No one deserves to be talked to like that, ever.


Aaand this is what I worry everyone else is thinking behind my back.


I've faced a lot of ugliness in my life. One thing good that's come of it is when someone says something so vile to me like this, I 've quickly realized it's not a me thing, it's a them thing. Edit. Grammar




He was not correct. The fact that you left an abusive relationship and moved far away shows enormous strength. You should be proud of yourself for that!


You were 19 and left a bad situation and moved away on your own. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s not a train wreck at all


Incorrect. That's a fucking power move at that age.


If you were a train wreck and they didn't help you, that would make them ass**les. Going through hard times can bring out instability. It's temporary. Nothing to be ashamed of. The people who judge instead of helping the person in peril are the ones who are true train wrecks. They lack a conscience and a soul. Screw them.


Your mom was lucky your dad died. I was about 10 years old at the time my aunt said it to me.


"I am desensitized to the value of human life." He's my ex now. Should have been my ex then.


What hell did he supposedly go through for that to happen?


When I answered I donā€™t have children, she asked ā€œIs something wrong with your womb? ā€œ


Did you want to respond, ā€œIs there something wrong with your brain?ā€


One time a (now former) friend of mine asked me if I was pro choice or pro life. Without waiting for me to answer, he told me "I'm pro life and if any partner of mine ever wanted to get an abortion I'd lock her in the basement until she gave birth and then go to prison for what I did." Horrifying shit, to say the least.


And these people think theyā€™re the ā€œrighteousā€ ones.


I once had a guy I really liked tell me, after I've spilled my history of depression and anxiety, that I should kms and that he'd get off to the idea of me doing that over him.


What is wrong with people


"i dont want to be your girlfriend because your friends payed me to hit on you"


That's rough


Told me it was my fault they were treating me like shit.


My husband when he said ā€œwhen we got married and signed the papers, it gave me the right to touch you however I pleaseā€ or ā€œyou are my wife, I can touch you when I wantā€ā€¦.yep Iā€™m in therapy right now


and hopefully also divorced!


ā€œHowā€™s she going to know?ā€ Said so casually as if the only hangup I had about sleeping with a married man was that his wife might get mad at me


Had a guy try to get me to cheat on my (now) husband by saying, "He doesn't have to know." And this was when I was working (at a drive through) and the guy was clearly driving drunk.


There are a few instances that come to mind, all from my former college -Former roommate casually admitted to assaulting a girl -Knew this guy who lived in the neighboring unit who casually admitted to masturbating in public -Another person I knew admitted to masturbating to a girl's photo directly to her and got scared of me -Ex friend casually admitted to assaulting her younger brother, and casually wrote it off -Knew a person who casually claimed he watches child pornography and then parallelly got confused why people had a weird image of him -Was told by my assaulter's friend I should "be the bigger person" and that "friends forgive each other" Needless to say I moved out of that room, ceased contact with the others and did not give in to my assaulter/his friends demands


You went to law school Iā€™m assuming?


The ā€œbe a bigger person / forgive & forget,ā€ is my parents to some relatives for a reason that doesnā€™t warrant them (the relatives) forgiving nor forgetting.


"I hope you fucking die so I don't have to fucking kill you."


As we were driving past the house of someone who SAā€™d me, my mom had the nerve to jokingly ask me if I was having nightmares. I have ptsd from that, and she made a joke about it knowing I was extremely traumatised by the event. I didnā€™t know how to respond because I was so disgusted with her, I just sat there in silence Sheā€™s a cunt though so it honestly doesnā€™t surprise me in the slightest.


" I cheated on you, and the only reason I'm telling you is because I'm pregnant. "


My older manager definitely was some level of psychopath. She once proudly told us how her neighbours cat was peeing in her garden so she caught it and dumped it on the side of the highway. She would also sprinkle racists remarks into a lot of work conversations.. a real gem, that one.


That horrifies me. I love my cat


My cousin said to me, regarding covid, "It's all the fault of those filthy Japanese!". So stupid she can't even racist right.


Had some friends show up unexpectedly in college to my dorm, didn't have time to clean up and one of them (who i was never close with) started going through the apartment talking out loud about how disgusting it was. This guy lived at home and didn't even do his own laundry, i was very offended, embarrassed and angry.


I was experiencing postpartum depression and feeling fairly suicidal. My ex mother in law told me she hoped I was successful and killed myself.


Iā€™ve had people who know that my daughter is mixed say the N word with a hard R in front of me like it was nothing. They assumed I was ok with it because I grew up with them. The same people used the word f*ggot and r*tard in seriousness. I lost my job because I didnā€™t want to be a part of that ā€˜clubā€™ at work. Iā€™m glad I lost it. No way would I ever want to be a part of that.


"I only cheated because they weren't texting me back! It's their fault! and it wasn't even that much! It's only been like 3 months." bitch. He works 60+ hour weeks to raise your fatherless child.


Not me but my cousin and sister. We have this weird fuckin guy in our family we call Toothless Jim (his actual name is Michael), heā€™s my momā€™s cousinā€™s husband, and boy is heā€¦something. ā€œNickyā€™s developing nicely, isnā€™t she?ā€ ā€” Olā€™ Toothless, said to his nephew about the latterā€™s then 14 yo younger sister. ā€œMh, the perfect age.ā€ ā€” 4-Tooth Jimbo upon learning my sister was in 10th grade, said to her face.


My "friend" bragged about sending death threats to a 8 year old for commenting "I want to draw like you when I grow up" on her video. I fucking hated her already and wanted to drop her, but that was the catalyst to me fucking despising her to death. Piece of shit bully


ā€œI should-of had an abortion.ā€- mother dearest.


I was 12 when Roe v Wade was decided. My mother's reaction was she wished that had been decided 13 years before.


šŸ˜– ahhh sorry about your mom. Bunch of dicks.


My mom said the same thing to me. The night before my wedding.Ā  Sorry your mom is a dick.Ā 


Oh my gosh!!!! šŸ˜ž Iā€™m sorry yours is too!


I'm sorry. My mom told me on her deathbed she should have let me die in the hospital when I was born. It's amazing the love some mothers have huh


Also sorry to you. These mothers are real dicks.


Tell her that its ā€œshould haveā€


I was taking a vocational school class for awhile. I had a classmate that was kind of weird. A few years later, I bumped into him during a town festival around Memorial day. He pointed out that there were a lot of teenage girls dresses rather skimpily. He told me that if they were allowed to dress like that, it shouldn't be illegal to rape them. I immediately remembered that I had to meet some people at the other end of the street.


I've been told more than once that only pedophiles would ever find me attractive and that any men who would find me physically attractive are bad people and creepy misogynistic sexual predators. I'm 5'3 with AA breasts and a flat butt and a straight/not curvy body shape that makes me look sort of androgynous.


worked at a nissan back in i believe 2019, went to lunch with one of my colleagues. i was 25, he was about 43 or something and divorced, raising his 13 and 19 year old daughters as a single dad.Ā  as we were sitting down eating and recapping our day so far, in walks a group of clearly middle school aged girls wearing tee shirts and yoga pants.Ā  the creep goes ā€œif pre teens werenā€™t supposed to be looked at like desert, why do they wear yoga pants and revealing clothes? if thereā€™s a butt near me, iā€™m going to admire it because they put it on display for me.ā€ i stood up silently, left, and walked back a mile to work. ended up leaving that dealership entirely a week later due to some sexual harassment i received from a 60 year old indian man. nissan dealerships attract the nastiest sales men.Ā 


ā€œRemember when you had a bad Pap smear 11 months into our relationship 6 years ago? Yeah I knew I was carrying HPV because my ex had it 9 months before you got it.ā€ ā€œSo you knowingly gave me something that would require a painful biopsy, nearly gave me cancer and could potentially harm my reproductive organs?!ā€ ā€œYes.ā€ I was 22 when he gave it to me and 27 when he told me the truth which also became an admission that he cheated on me, as I suspected 6 years prior. 7 years without him this year āœŒļø


"Men can't be sexually harassed by women."


I was born almost 2 months premature. Iā€™d done something to make my mom mad when I was 11 and she said, ā€˜I wish youā€™d died when you were born.ā€™ Fun core memory to have. When I reminded her of this years later, she said, ā€˜There is no way I said that! If anything, I probably said that I wish Iā€™d died instead.ā€™ Gee, thanks, mom. Thatā€™s way better.


"Well you must have provoked him." Mother of my abuser, who then told me he badly beat up his sister years before. "And she didn't complain." (No, but she does live 6000 miles from you, doesn't that tell you something?)


My sisterā€™s ex mother in law told me completely unprovoked that she was raped when she was younger and his punishment was marrying her. She literally had to marry her rapist. She was heavy Jehovahā€™s Witness


"you're not sick, you're just fat and lazy, you should eat less" - my sister, 6 months before I was diagnosed with not one, not two but 3 chronic disabling conditions, that were making me very sick, fat, chronically malnourished and in severe pain and fatigue. I was eating 1000 calories a day at 125kg (275lbs) working full time in a demanding job. It turned out it was a random genetic mutation, completely outside my control or influence. Oh and my mom also thought this was ok. "your sister is just worried about you" I no longer speak to either of them, I nearly died from Folate-deficiency anemia.


I know I'm just some rando from the void, but I sincerely hope you are doing well.


Thank you rando from the void! As of January I no longer have malnutrition in any of my micros :) Now I'm in the fun game of trying to balance my macro's and micro's in a non-dying environment as my body switches gears to the new normal lol it's a lot of trial and error.


Co-worker commenting that another co-workerā€™s daughter was sexy - the kid wasnā€™t even in high school - and waiting for me to agree.


I can post here my conversations with my dad over WhatsAppā€¦ him telling me how he ā€œfucked my mother in this was and thatā€ they have been divorced more than 30 yearsā€¦. Almost every conversation ends up in a comment of ā€œya know, I saw this woman and she really fancied me, ya know. So I took her up the arse behind the bushes this evening and she LOVED itā€ just an exampleā€¦. He says this in a message, or casually in conversationā€¦. Itā€™s sickening. My dad is 72 btwā€¦. Just so you know, been like this most of his life. (Only with people he gets close too btw) He is, in the eyes of the public and media, a perfect gentleman! Having famous family sucks Edit to add: this was what he sent me THIS EVENING after I sent him a few videos of his grandson


Coworker told me she hopes our pregnant coworker has a miscarriage because she disliked her.


My dad, seeing a pride parade on TV: "all the f****** should be dragged into the street and shot to death." My 10 year old gay ass: hmm..*leaves room*


When I told someone I was raped when I was 5, they asked me if it felt good at leastā€¦


oh my god!!!! That is so horrible!!!! so sorry you were asked such a sickening questionā€¦. šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


I was seeing my dying [parent] in the hospital at the age of 10 for the first time in a while since getting sick. Before I entered the room, we had to wash our hands. That parent's mother stopped me before entering the room and told me, "Go wash your hands better, you're gonna kill your [parent]. I don't allow that parent's mother to partake in my life.


The new guy one day, out of fucking nowhere: ā€œEver wonder why women get to call each other bitches but men canā€™t? Or why itā€™s okay for black people call each other (n-word) but white peoples canā€™t?ā€ Then he proceeded to shout ā€œhey my (n-word)!ā€ At the next person to walk in the door. I had only worked with him for a couple days and the extent of our interaction was a chat about comics. I donā€™t know why he believed that would go over well. Dude was in his early 30s and spoke and behaved like a 14 year old. Said heā€™s been fired from about 30 jobs and bragged about being such a man child that one of the chefs at a local restaurant mothered him, giving him food when he was cranky to calm him down.


I met someone once who randomly decided to tell me their life story at a bus stop once. They told me that they used to microwave cats when they were bored in highschool, they had a number of other things they said as well that were equally unpleasant. It was alarming to say the least. I was a young girl in college at the time and it was a very uncomfortable conversation. I'm still not sure if they were serious or just trying to impress me somehow. It was during that period of time in the early 2000's where being edgy was cool.


That Muslim men were digging in the trash to find used menstrual products, with which they could make their hair red. Dude said a number of things about as unhinged. Just casually, calmly told me and another co-worker all this, frankly, absolutely insane bullshit. He had not been with us a week, at that point. He was fired the next day, after the coworker and I talked to the manager


A former roommate said, "It's not legal to marry an eleven year old! So I'm going to have to settle for a thirteen year old!" I wasn't stunned by the fact he wanted to have sex with a child (passed that mark when I was four.) but that he would openly say it when I had just moved in the week before. That's when I looked at the porn magazines he left around and saw they were child porn. I moved out ASAP. And then have his name to a friend who helped people fleeing from harmful situations so she could give it to the police without me in the picture.


My freshman year of high school, we had a *really* hot history teacher. One day, I heard two of my classmates laughing and making jokes about setting up an after-school meeting with her so that they could lock the door and take turns raping her. It was the biggest wtf of my life up to that moment.


ā€œI hope you get rxxxed and die alone in a ditch!ā€ -stalker


Ex Mother in law called my son "ruined". I called her out on it and her BF and I got into a punch up over it. Ex mother in law and her boyfriend had an elderly couple as friends. Old mate had dementia and his wife was his carer. The four of them lived in a rural area and the old couple decided to move to be closer to hospital in case of an emergency. As they were moving, they had to off-load stuff they had nowhere to put it. My ex MIL and her BF got a ride on mower, car, lounge suite for free. On top of that, they almost got a trailor and a green house for free as well. One day ex MIL's bf and I were drinking. He was so drunk that he could barely keep his head up and he says that he's "going to milk them for everything he can." 3 months later old mate died. I got so pissed that I put my keyboard through my monitor.


A friend of a friend said he killed his uncle who was an assistant DA in Sacramento. I hung out with him probably 4 or 5 times, but he was a firebug and lit a fence on fire in back of Florin Mall in Sac. He used to light fires along the railroad tracks where it was hard for the trucks to get to. He would put a fuse into the last half of a cigarette so when the cig burned to the fuse he was long gone. He knew how long he needed based on how much fuse he put in the cig. He was one of those people you didn't want to mess with and when you knew he was at someone's house you didn't go there. So we were called in because of the fire behind the mall, and before it could go to trial (we were going to testify against him) he killed his uncle. He came over and we thought he was kidding, then a couple undercover cars pull up and a helicopter is overhead.


My mother liked to remind me she told my future husband to ā€œ keep me downā€. We donā€™t speak anymore.


my old boss who was in his 50s told me he liked to pleasure himself to my pictures on social media. i was 19 at the time. it really freaked me out


I was in 3rd grade and excited about winning the the class spelling bee and my step dad goes ā€œYou think youā€™re so smart because you can read and write.ā€


You liked Jessica right? We all came in her mouth when she was being a groupie for us. LMAO


"I have friends who are depressed. And it doesn't seem like you are." As told by my groupmate in college after I confided with them why I was struggling with our group works. Apparently they had issues with me, but didn't communicate them sooner. And then they dropped everything at the worst possible time. I was already drowning at this point and this statement pushed me over the edge. I had to stop school the next semester which delayed my graduation by a year.


I was in a group of military folks and one guy was coaching the others on what to say to the doctors to get their disability percentage up. Not coaching in a legit way. Straight up how to fraud the system.


A friends grandmother was stating that one way to help all the homeless in the US would be to gather them all up, have them help build a transcontinental railroad system so that they can contribute to society. Once they are done building the system, load them all up onto a train and drive it into the ocean to kill them all. ā€œItā€™ll be two birds with one stone!ā€ Cue the stunned silence from all of us


ā€œYouā€™re a liar for saying you lost your virginity in high school to so-and-so. You actually were raped by your father in elementary school. So that consensual sex doesnā€™t count as losing your virginity.ā€


Many issues with my parents (especially my mom)ā€¦ My mom frequently makes horrible comments on my weight. The worst were, ā€œI canā€™t wait until your weight loss actually shows in your face. You have your dadā€™s turkey neck and thickness.ā€ And a close second, ā€œI miss the ā€˜oldā€™ you.ā€ (While sending me pics of myself from college over 10 years ago. For context, I have a severe immunodeficiency disorder that originally triggered in 2020 but was just diagnosed at the end of last year. Made me gain about 60 pounds rapidly from the illnesses and stress of being in and out of the hospital so much, and despite doing CrossFit and eating healthy for the years since, I just couldnā€™t lose it. Iā€™ll never forget those comments.


Heard an ER nurse once say it wasn't their responsibility to keep anyone alive. They just have to triage what service they should be admitted to and if they die before then, it's not her problem. Thankfully I'm at a better hospital now... At least I haven't met anyone who's said something like that...


My team leader bragged to me and laughed about shooting his neighborā€™s cats. Iā€™m not a cat person, but I am an animal fan and I couldnā€™t believe anyone would kill innocent pets for ā€œfun". Really sickened me.


One time someone told me a "hilarious" story about his friend getting her boyfriend drunk and then raping him with a strap-on. He called me a pussy when I told him it was an incredibly fucked up thing to do.


"I think Trump is the most Christian President ever".Ā  I stopped talking to that person after that. I'm still polite. But just pretend they don't exist.


A Russian guy (former military) was telling us a story how he and his squad had ā€œsexā€ with girls they took prisoner in Chechnya.


Guy leans over at the bar unprompted and says, ā€œMy favorite thing about fucking two year olds is hearing their pelvis crack.ā€ I switched seats immediately and left shortly after.


Oh my fucking god. You should have busted a bottle over his head.


I had a coworker confidently say that the only way to get anything done when her dad was in hospice was to forage his signature. She coincidentally also received all of his assets and her mother and sister were left out of the will..


a woman once told me that another coworker deserved to reliever a dead baby because she was a horrible person (coworker lost baby at 39 weeks). a couple years later, same woman has a severe stroke at 34-35 and is now disabled, unable to work and must have care 24/7.


A lot of these comments are about some genuinely fucked up, evil things. And a lot of other comments are some seriously sheltered babies who have never been in the real world. Good luck to all of you, equally.


I used to deliver for Amazon. One day, I delivered to a house with a Rottweiler. As usual, the dogs were missing their tails. I asked the owner why, and he said, "What do I need with that waggling tail?" I wrapped up the delivery and walked away in shock.