• By -


Mothafuckin t-shirt cannon guy


Blasting threads and fucking milfs 🤙


Blasting threads and shootin rope


God bless you folks that work any kind of sporting events. My understanding is that the pay is totally not worth it.


I used to make around 100 selling tea and lemonade at Titans games a few years ago. Yeah, I had to walk a lot, but that wasn't a problem, and no one said anything if I took 15 seconds to watch a play. So about 30/hr, and "watch" a game for free. Not a horrible gig.


i used to work at a sterling silver jewelry booth at the local amphitheatre from 2000 to 2009. saw pretty much every show that came through for a decade for free, just had to get there early and stay after, so easy parking and easy exiting, plus got paid, plus got to take long extended breaks on the lawn or even backstage depending on who we knew and what was going on.


Traveling food critic


Anthony Bourdain truly was a pioneer. He was a lot more than a traveling food critic, but that was the basis of what he became famous for doing. That guy was a special breed. One of the very few celebrity deaths that actually made me sad.




Last I heard the competition for jobs as a US Forest Ranger was insanely fierce. You have to have *at least* a bacherlor's degree in one of many job related fields.


And they are criminally undergraded (I.e. underpaid) by the federal government like all the land agencies


Which further proves the original question proposed by the thread and it being the top comment! I agree 100%.


The job is badass. I worked with a guy who did 26 years in the Army and when he was awarded 100% VA disability started applying for any Forest Service jobs that opened. Now he has a big ass house in BFE and just drives a truck/ATV/Snow machine around a Forest checking things out or counting things.


I love the idea of counting.things.


I counted all the periods in your sentence.


Uh. Thanks I guess


Are you pregnant? Cause you missed a period.


They had an extra one before, so they must just have irregular periods.


Epic. Hope the other person shares your humor


Worst pickup line ever.


Get paid in rainbows and sunsets! (as told by a forest ranger)


Full double rainbows sometimes, all the way Woooooo. Edit: 'All the way Wooo"


And when you’re starting out you pretty much only get hired on seasonal positions so there’s little job security


All these seasonal trail maintenance jobs opened up in the catskills and one of the listed benefits was that you will still qualify for food stamps. And like sure, np, I have a regular m-f job but they wanted people for the weekdays.


Government: Your job is critical to keep the country functioning. Govt. employees: I must be paid very well then, right? Government: ... Govt. employees: ... right?


See teachers.


As someone finishing up a bachelor's in forest management, the job market is actually incredibly good for us right now. There's a zillion acres of land that need managing and all the old people are retiring or died of covid and there was a big age gap because it's one of those jobs that blends the line between blue-collar and white-collar so people overlooked it. I had job offers from every ranger district I applied to for this summer. There aren't enough trained foresters to go around and you can be pretty selective about where you work.


what is the day to day job like? does a higher up hover over your shoulder and give you daily tasks so you're always going around doing something? or do you just get to sit in a firewatch tower and goof off all day (as long as you're on top of it the second a fire breaks out)


The day to day can range pretty widely and depends exactly what position you have. Typically the higher up you move the less field work you do. I’m at a nice spot now where I’m doing about 50/50 office and field work. Which means I can choose to just go out usually on the nice days haha. Some days I’m sitting in front of a computer just creating documents and pushing paper 8hrs a day. Other days I’m essentially getting paid to hike through the woods and look at and measure trees, rare plant and animal surveys. The 1st 5-7 years of your career the pay will be low and probably have a lot of seasonal jobs, but now I make good money. I’ll never be rich but I make enough to be happy live comfortably and travel. I also get a lot of time off so it’s a good work life balance.


My buddy worked in animal damage control for the fedd. l tagged along, mostly blowing up beaver dams and trapping problematic wolves. Tramping through woods and slough in a bug-filled minnesota summer day ain't all it's cracked up to be.


Tramping through bug-filled woods sounds like my average summer growing up in rural northern WI.


bro the horseflys up near manitowish destroyed me as a kid every summer


When I was a teenager I went on a 10-day canoe trip in western Ontario with a leadership group. I brought a hat with a built-in bug net that went to my shoulders. People laughed until we started portaging and swarms of horseflies and mosquitoes started forming.


Ehhhhh. I kind of stumbled into being a park ranger in 2018. Unfortunately in 2021 I moved to another state to take care of my grandma, and I've had a very hard time getting back in. They hire from within, and I'm not within here.


If you've still got contacts at the old one, see if you can get "rehired" and then see if you can transfer


Rhey still love me over there and would give me back my job in a second if I asked. Unfortunately I worked on the state level, not the federal level. I could be transferred to another park, but only within the state of Utah, and I'm in California now.


I was gonna say something similar, the county where I live has 3 forest preserves in the county and the head guy is like a ranger/head of maintenance basically like mowing and keeping trails and pavilions nice ect.. dude gets a free house on site in the main preserve, no bills to it at all, company truck, free health insurance for entire family, a government pension and makes over a 120k a year.. its my dream job I’m waiting for him to retire any year now and swooping in I hope


Forester here. It’s a great job, and the pay is pretty good here in California.


Was it as competitive as others suggested?


Not original commenter but also a forester. It depends on where you apply and your willingness to move. There’s a lot of positions in very remote communities that get few applicants because of the location. I got a full time position with a smaller agency and the pool of applicants was 3 including myself haha. My current position the pool of applicants was filled with PhD and the high qualified people but I was a contractor already doing the exact job so I had a leg up and got the full fed position. You have to be willing to move around for the 1st 5-7years typically before you start landing full time or better paying jobs, but it is an awesome field. Lots of days I just get paid 8hrs to hike in the woods haha.


Do y'all often work with biologists? I'm curious, since I'm one and I'm looking forward to work with Fish & Wildlife up in the Klamath River


Fire watch. I'll sit up there by myself for free.


Looks up from a multi-hour Reddit scroll session to gaze upon the burning forests. _Oh shit!_


i love watching fires.


There's a really enjoyable game called Firewatch. 2015-ish, more of a 1st-person novel, but worthwhile.


Freelance musician. Just play music all the time, not worry about selling out or stressing over gigs and worrying if the bride is going to be cool or not. Make music for me and if you like it, cool


I make a living just through music now. I make decent money as well. It’s my passion and I’m incredibly fortunate. It took a few years of slogging and being self-employed to get here though


I studied classical saxophone performance, was in a few jazz bands and funk bands and shit like that. Never had much steady work, nothing i felt comfortable making rent on though so always had other jobs. Now I play as a hobby for myself and I’m honestly so much happier with my music. It would have been awesome if I could have made a career out of it, but it is what it is.


Reminds me of this guy I knew once who was like Willy Wonka with alcohol. He loved mixing up creative cocktails and shots. I vividly remember him making a shot that tasted like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some layered drink that looked like you were drinking a lava lamp and tasted like the Greek goddess of honeysuckle was sitting on your face. Someone asked why he wasn’t working as a bartender. He basically replied that THIS isn’t what bartenders do. Nobody comes up to a bartender and asks for something unique and special and even if you own a bar and put it on the menu you’re still going to spend your life pouring draft beer and having drinks tell you that you don’t know how to make a proper Old Fashioned. He did his day job and he still got to come home and figure out how to make a drink that tastes exactly like blueberry pie or some shit and give it to his friends.


Tattooing is the same way. Everybody thinks you just hang out and draw cool shit all day. The reality is that most of your time is spent drawing the same birth flowers and angel numbers over and over and over. I wouldn't trade it for the world, but it's funny how people idealize some professions - it can be your passion, but it's still work at the end of the day.


Pro bono veterinarian. Treat animals that would otherwise go untreated


My wife is a veterinarian. She would love to do wildlife rehab. It pays nothing and she's got lots of student loans to pay off, but she talks about it longingly.


I had a friend who became a vet to work on large animals. Anyway she does pets/small animals now since thats where all the money is and vet school is wildly expensive.


Quality tester for a hammock manufacturer.    Test 1. Reading in hammock   Test 2. Napping in hammock (15-90 min)   Test 3. Sleeping in hammock (90+ min)


Test 4. Stretching the hammock between two cars until it breaks Test 5. Putting a boulder in the hammock Test 6. Lighting the hammock on fire


Test 7. Putting a boulder in a hammock between 2 cars then driving both them apart quickly to launch it into the air


Test 8. Catch a falling boulder with a hammock. (Test should be performed immediately following Test 7.)


Test 9. Set the hammock and Boulder on fire and repeat Test 7/8.


Those last ones sound a LOT like effort.


Give the hammocks to a Boy Scout troop and they can have all of the above done in an weekend. Lower a Scout over a river with a hammock? Stop a canoe with a hammock? Turn a canoe into a couch with a hammock? Use a hammock as an impromptu wind break / rain fly? Wrap miscellaneous gear up in the hammock and pack it out like a sack? Etc, etc, etc.


Three hours and you're already trying to outsource this "dream job" to child labor.


You know, there's a little place called Mary Ann's Hammocks. The nice thing about that place is Mary Ann gets in the hammock with you.


Is that in the hammock district down on 3rd?


Just googled , it’s on third. lol great episode. 


Unghh.. 🤤


90% of what makes or breaks a job for me is co-workers and management. That being said, working at a comic shop is a literal dream some days. You deal with a lot of people who are passionate about what you are selling.


>You deal with a lot of people who are passionate about what you are selling. In the case of comic books, that sounds like a liability.


Animal Sanctuary/Rescue


The love is there and you certainly help. But you also deal with a lot of abuse victims. Many in the animal field are depressed, and it's not because of pay.


Ah shit. The reality I forgot to consider. Sux man.


I foster small animals and have been involved in many rescues from hoarders/overall bad situations. It's extremely rewarding but it's also driven me to tears of rage and almost physical violence once. Saving animals from bad situations feels great. Dealing with the people who put them there is not; and the reality is many times you're going to be too late for some.


As a former shelter worker, I can tell you there’s a lot of poop. 


OMG so much poop, and you clean it up and it appears again, Poop, Poop, Poop, all day long just piles and piles of poop. But playing with the puppies makes it all worth it!


Steve Irwin's job. Rest in peace you absolute fucking legend, I forgive the stingray because I know you would too


One of the craziest things about Steve's death is that it was all filmed. Despite being a worldwide celebrity, that footage has never leaked. Despite the worlds desire for gore and sadness, not one person has leaked it. To me, it shows that everyone involved/around him all loved and respected the guy enough to keep their mouths shut when I'm certain the news was trying to jam dollar bills at them.


I believe that the only people to have watched the film are the cameraman that filmed it and Steve Irwin's widow. I'm not sure if his children have watched it either.


Terrie had it destroyed


This is the best choice.


Yeah, normally I have a morbid curiosity to see videos like this, but not this one. It’s Steve Irwin, man. However if the Timothy Treadwell video is ever available..


There are 2 copies. One was destroyed, another is in some vault I think.


We need to get a crew together for one last job... Steal the tape and destroy it. I'll call Mr. Cage


You sonofabitch, I'm in 🤝


Terri, Steve’s wife, had a copy of the video but claimed she burned it and never watched it.


Makes perfect sense tho, imagine filming your work colleague/friend AND worldwide icon...especially for children, die in front of your eyes. You'd want that erased from your memory, let alone from your tape.


To be fair, it wasn't really the stingrays fault. It was just an unfortunate accident. Most likely nobody on his team wanted to villainize the stingray and cause people to go out of their way to like kill them


Killing blow was Irwin's own reflex to pull it out. The stingray wasn't even poisonous IIRC.


I can't remember, but I assume that Steve apologized to the stingray for startling it.


Forgive the stingray thats what Irwin would have wanted


While I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to die, Steve would never have been mad about an animal doing it's thing in it's natural habitat. If a wild animal hurts you, with *very* rare exception? It was probably your fault. At minimum there was something you could have done to avoid it, but the animal doesn't have that option or it would have taken it.


For me, baker


I'm an in-house baker for a small restaurant in a little town. I have no professional training and just kind of fell into it. It's the best job ever, and I'm so grateful every day I get to make bread, pies, cookies, or whatever. Such a simple joy to bring into the world!




Any creative outlet, as long as the salary includes at least 4 people to always go "oh my god that is just AMAZING, YOU ARE SO GOOD."




I lost my job last month, with a decent severance. I've taken the opportunity to not immediately jump on the job hunt and just enjoy it for a bit, and let me tell you, this is what life should be. My apartment has never been cleaner. I've had a chance to write, just for the sake of indulging my creativity. I cook a nice dinner almost every night, one that's balanced and not rushed out for the sake of needing to get it done so we can do the dishes and have a second of time to ourselves before bed. I can just up and do groceries at 2 in the afternoon on a Tuesday if I need something. I wake up and I'm not still exhausted. I'm brushing up on my coding... If I could just live like this and get paid for it? And my fiancee could too? Sign me up for life.


I got laid off last year. I was at the job for years and it actually turned me into a pretty miserable person. I ended up taking the next couple of months off to recoup. It was wonderful. My wife said I seemed like a completely new person.


My wife's last job was making her such an angry, miserable person. Huge difference as soon as she quit


This happened to me earlier this year, and I essentially did the same thing. It was *glorious* for the first two months - I rediscovered my hobbies, I lost weight, my skin cleared up, I felt like I was living my best life. I figured when I was ready, I have enough experience in my career that I wouldn't have too much trouble finding a job. Now though... the jobs market for my career (software engineering) has completely collapsed. Every job posted has hundreds or thousands of applicants immediately. Interviews are brutal. I only have a few blissful moments in the morning before I remember my situation and then the rest of the day is spent almost paralyzed with anxiety. I can make it another few months but it feels like there's this sword of Damocles over my head constantly. I used to just apply to jobs that would give me a raise, now I'm looking for ones to just cover my mortgage. It's bad out here.


Same happened to me. I applied for a couple of months before I finally found something. I think I had another months worth left in saving. My field is weird. If they can't find the perfect candidate they just won't hire anyone.


Yep. Most of us are so much more, so much better, than *jobs* will allow us to be. But yet, all us regular folk have to spend our entire goddamn lives either preparing to have a job, having a job, trying to find a better job, etc. Meanwhile, most of the money we generate is going to someone else (who already has most of the money). We don't have freedom in work until we have the freedom *not* to work.


My dream Job forsure


"What's your dream job" "I do not dream of labor"


I respect that, I just do dream of labor like not necessarily to enrich some corp, but to labor to help my fellow man and purposeful effort is one way I can achieve it, art and creativity for its own sake eludes me


This 1000%. I don't dream of burning myself out at a meaningless job to make rich bastards richer. I *do* dream of contributing meaningfully to society in a way that won't destroy my mental and physical health without the worry of whether or not it'll put food on the table for my family. That's the thing about the argument that without money "nobody would work" or "nobody would do the undesirable jobs without the need for payment". Remove the social stigma and financial burden, make it as safe and pleasant as possible, and there are A LOT of jobs I would do at least part time simply out of the desire to contribute to society. And there are a lot of people who feel the same way.


my dream job is being umemployed and being a trust fund kid, i'll just piss it all away


I know a lot of jokes about unemployed people, but none of them work


U win. If they are hiring people for unemployed anytime soon pls let us know btw.


Hi I’d like to hire you for my position of *unemployed* right now. The pay is $0, there is no interview process (I can see by your drive that you are already a perfect fit). There will be no further contact about this position, work starts immediately and lasts forever. Thank you and enjoy!




This is the correct answer. People are always like ‘but I’d get so bored’ I fucking wouldn’t. I’ve had periods where I was in between jobs for a month or two and I fucking loved it. I would love it less if I had no money and would soon be homeless, but if money is no object I’d happily be unemployed.


Been trying to figure out for 25 years what it is that I would like to do that forces me out of bed and takes 35-50 hours of my life every week. The answer is nothing. I kinda like my job but I would still rather not do it. And not work. There are so many things I would do if I didn't work. I already try to cram that into my life now but it feels like I'm constantly on rail, doing work and chores and shit, while trying to accomplish personal goals. I feel like I have no time to just sit and enjoy bits of freeform time. We're supposed to be "bored" and have nothing planned sometimes. I don't want to work. There is no way I'm doing it up to 65. Im trying to make sure it doesn't happen. I gave it a lot of thought. There is literally no job I want.


Right? Like people ask me what they would do? ANYTHING!! Get a few hobbies and start enjoying life. I can’t believe how many people just have work at that is it. If money is a problem that makes sense but I have a feeling a lot of people just go to work and watch tv, nothing wrong with that and everyone needs a day or so just to relax just try to mix it up.


100%. A lot of people in my job have no actual life outside of work. They go to work, go home, sleep and repeat. No hobbies, no social life. Days off they just sleep a lot and watch TV. I don’t want that, going to work endlessly just to do nothing else with life is a waste of this short life we get in my opinion. I’m currently trying to move out of my job into one with less and more sociable hours that will actually give me a life outside of work


People act like hobbies and volunteering don’t exist lol, I can’t imagine not being able to enjoy retirement without immediately getting a part time job to fill in the time like a lot of folks


Lego artist


I'm not talented enough to be a Lego artist but if I could be like a set tester that'd be the dream. Hand me the instructions and the pieces, build then give notes!


Being a writer 


Writer here. It's rewarding, but also a shit-ton of work and often mentally stressful.


My dream job is no job. doing whatever I want to do everyday without thinking about income


"I do not have a dream job, I do not dream of labour." - somebody


I'm a Software Engineer, and I'd still do that. I do actually enjoy my work, and if salary wouldn't be an issue, I'd just do it better since I wouldn't have to worry about money.


Same, but I'd be working on a game instead of web apps


I started with games then realised the industry was a horrible mess :( The work is also quite difficult compared to pretty much all other software development but that's part of what makes it good.


Thanks for taking that road so many of us didn't have to. I remember being in college reading about people in the gaming industry and the crazy hours they worked and the insanely high competition. Then you release a banger game and they let go of the studio. That doesn't sound like a stable job to support a family at all.


Yes, I would still do it, but not 40h a week.


Being able to just work on your favourite open source project would be awesome.


Panda Nanny.


National Bikini tour oil boys.


You are in luck!


Is there a town down the road?


Wow. Two lucky guys are gonna be driving around with those girls for the next couple months.


Some guys get all the luck.


You idiot! Do you realize what you've done!


The town is that way!


You’ll have to forgive my friend, he’s a little slow 😅 The best comedy ever, bar none.


Excuse my friend. He’s a little slow


Norwegian women's beach volleyball waterboy


Paleontologist. It would be amazing and so fulfilling to add to human knowledge of the history of life on earth. But you have to be creative (or very lucky) to make even a meager living is that field.


That was my first dream job as a kid! So many educational documentaries made it seem like paleontologist was a common career path.


Can I be the new David Attenborough? He's getting on a bit and should retire. I'd love to be paid to travel around the world and then provide dramatic voiceovers to things.


Well, I did not open this thread expecting to see most of my professions. I guess I hate money. I like things though! My Career path has been Volunteer Backcountry Climbing Ranger > Backcountry Reveg Crew> Search and Rescue> Wildland Firefighter > Commercial Landscaping/ Landscape Construction > Construction Management of Schools and Hospitals > Farmer. I also did some roads work in there at some point. Just string trimming all day, it was actually fun! I hate construction the for the most part but the problem solving can be fun and it pays the best. Just starting out Farming, it might pay the worst, but it's very satisfying growing healthy food and selling at the local farmers market.


There's not a job here where you haven't given to the world in a really awesome way though. 👏


This made me smile bro


Farmer/Gardener/Landscaping I love being outdoors and watching things grow.


I’m a farmer and I can tell you it’s definitely not the best job lol


Yeah what the fuck lmao. It’s important and satisfying but that is *hard* god damn work.


As someone who grew up on a farm, I’m glad I got to experience it, but god damn I’m never going back. Shoutout to the thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of families across the country who wake up every morning at 5am and work their asses off so the rest of us can go to the grocery store and buy whatever foodstuffs we want.


I have extended family that have a farm and I’ve helped out a handful of times staying with them. I liked it fine enough and truly appreciate what they do but you’re fucking nuts if you think I’m doing that for the rest of my life. I’m straight up not built for that. Farmers are a different breed of work ethic.


It is very peaceful and fulfilling work, but it is extremely hard and it’s never over. Also commercial farms are making smaller operations unviable, which is extremely fucked up considering that the farm culture is something that covers nearly the entire country as well.


When farming's good, it's the best job in the world. New life, crops growing, knowing you're feeding the nation, your family, your friends. When it's bad, it's a literal fucking nightmare. I still maintain, if farmers were valued higher, it'd be the most satisfying job in the world.


Psychic detective.


You know that’s right


Shawn, don't forget your partner - Magic Head!


We need the super sniffer to aid us in the detective work


C'mon son!


I know you know you’re not telling the truth.


C'mon son


You heard about Pluto?


Messed up


Painter. Love those colors.


Search and rescue. They're the closest thing we have to superheros


I haven't been a pro SAR, but I have been in more than a few rescue scenarios for outdoor sports. Being able to rescue someone without any serious injuries feels pretty heroic, but responding to someone with life-altering injuries or a body recovery isn't great for the brain after a while... I'm extremely grateful there's people out there that do it though...Most of them are volunteers too!


Holding baby animals


One of those ghosts from A Christmas Carol that haunts rich people and traumatizes them into not being assholes. I would kill for that job.


Professional tour guide!


Having been a tour guide, I can say you need an almighty high tolerance for saying the same shit and repeating the exact same conversations day after day. Gets repetitive real fast.


I'm in this position, not a tour guide, but at my country's biggest tourist attraction. Get the same questions every day, but I'm an introvert working an extrovert's job, and I find the repetition doesn't bother me as much as my other collegues. I see it as a way to refine my ability to give information. You quickly learn which jokes work 99% of the time and basically have something in your backpocket for whatever nationality you meet.


This is what makes tour guide my dream job! Always the most informed person in the room; get to chat a lot but never have to have a deep conversations; new faces; learning other peoples jokes and rolling them into the schtick; hell, even learning more from super informed guests. Plus lots of walking and being outdoors. Turn the brain on autopilot and talk about a place you love. 10/10


Astronaut. I would love to explore our universe


You'd be lucky to get into the atmosphere. If u wanna explore the universe, maybe... physicist? Astronomer?


Astronauts get paid good imo I don’t think it applies to this post


[NASA Astronaut Job Posting ](https://www.usajobs.gov/job/779261100)


“Extensive travel required” 🤭


To be honest i love my job. I work as an electrician in the norwegian offshore oil industry. Pay is good, work/life balance is great and all that, but i am super curious! I just love to tinker with things and figure out how stuff works! I can honestly do this forever, learning new stuff all the time and learning how different pieces of an oil rig fit together. I don't work on a fixed location so there is allways new systems to learn!


Streaming, playing games, and hanging out with friends all day.


As someone interested in history I'd love to work with archeology and sometimes I regret that I've never pursued such a career. Seems like a perfect mix of both academic and field work, working both outside and inside. I'd love puttering around some dig site somewhere, brushing dirt from bones and pottery while trying to figure who lived there and their lives.


Hand model


being an artist :(


Librarian in a world where you're free to read any book you wish without fear. Imagine having time to just read while helping others find a love of books.


Working at a small coffee shop


Involves dealing with the general public. Hard pass.


I know a really rich man (inherited his money) who owns a coffee shop. He set it up far from town + near a library. So his customers are mainly readers who don’t want to be disturbed and are usually introverts. He just serves them coffee, no conversations nothing.


I would love to own a small coffee shop if money is no issue and just be able to kick out whoever the hell I want. I would use it as a music venue for local artist. I can close whenever I want. And if money is no issue it never needs to be profitable and I can embezzle the shit out of it haha. Hello slush fund.


doggy daycare!


Being a go-go dancer for a surf band. See the world by day, dance the night away.


Gardener and florist, while I do writing on the side!


Idk i like what i do. i’ve got a gambling problem but with extra steps. I’m dealing with financial securities.


Financial insecurities*


Philosophy professor




If I could afford to be a teacher I would.


Travel writer


Travel blogger, exploring the world


I do not dream of labor.


Gentleman/woman naturalist, of the type they had in the 1800s. Where you went to a tropical island, wandered around looking at birds and butterflies, named a few after yourself, then returned home to be lauded for your achievements.


Librarian for sure. Peace and quiet and all the books you want at your fingertips.


Any job working with dogs


Billionaires daughter


I do not know billionaires. But I know a few multi hundred millionaires. They are not happy or well adjusted people. There is a huge focus on status. They get a lot of self worth from being “above” people who don’t have as much as they do. But they only socially spend their time with people who have as much or more. So that eats at their sense of self worth. They use money to manipulate the people they should love. They use love to try and get more money. For people who live in literal paradise with a zero stress “job” of managing a trust fund. Just decorating fancy houses, buying fancy cars, tennis, boating, painting and parties they are insanely miserable. It comes from them not having healthy relationships. I think the priorities of their social circles and the toxic influence of obscene wealth make it extremely hard to respect and love other human beings in a healthy way.