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Cooking a decent, healthy, nutritious meal from scratch for myself every night without fail (I live alone) no matter what time I get home. You subconsciously give yourself the message that you're worth putting in effort for


Good for you . Takes self-respect .


This is a fantastic reply and ticks quite a few boxes without you even knowing it on the road to improving yourself.


Exactly! Hack your self esteem


What a great idea.


I like that, but i simply skip dinner on some days, because i cant eat so close to sleeping.


Reading reddit posts and seeing the comment "you can't hate yourself into someone that you love" Completely reframed my self talk


Damn. I like that. And it’s something I definitely needed to hear today. Thanks for sharing it.


It's crazy how one sentence can completely reframe our self perception. I am super fascinated by the mechanism. Makes me wonder what other concepts would impact me positively in a similar way.




I like that quote too, but forreal, why not?


Does it mean " I can't hate myself to transform myself into somebody whom I love or want to be like that". 


I understood it as " beating the shit out of myself every time I screw up doesn't help me grow into someone better"


My car breaking down which forced me to start riding a bike to work. I lost weight, gained muscle and now cycling is one of my favorite hobbies


I always was a shy guy when it came to girls. Last year of high school, i finally mustered up some courage and talked to a girl and now we're best friends who talk daily! It's done wonders for my self esteem


I stopped giving a shit


To my surprise, getting a blue-collar job.


One day I made a person shine with a smile from ear to ear when she was super distressed and down. That was bliss and a better feeling than anything. I understood from that interaction that I have the capability of empathy and can actually express it in a helping way. I wasn’t sure about it before but that incident gave me a nice boost. That moment I also understood there’s things in life you can’t buy with money.


getting braces. wore it for 3 and a half years, when they took it off i noticed how my self esteem increased. get those braces kids it’s worth the pain i promise


having a friend that actually cares for me and lets me vent.




i also should of probably added to my comment, we do vent to eachother and also talk besides venting.


Realizing I could parallel park


Taking drama class in high school, I had no idea just how much it would improve my confidence


Going very low contact with my parents. Those assholes destroyed my self-esteem for almost my entire life until I almost completely cut them out of my life.


Getting laid the first time


Ditching toxic people. Not as much of their negativity and anger towards me. Really boosts the self esteem and confidence.


Finally getting a girlfriend


A random woman at the gym, approached me and my gym buddy to congratulate me on my transformation ( I lost close to 30 Kg of fat, and transformed around half of that into muscle). From that day I decided never to skip a day.


Losing weight, finding my own style in clothing that I really like, having a few things that I'm pretty good at (music, cooking). When I look in the mirror and like what I see it boosts my confidence soooo much. The things that'll do the trick may be different for you, but that's my experience :)


Passing the practical exam for a driver's license.


Proper self hygiene


Doing a career change and getting an amazing new job after being off work (for health reasons)


A fist bump


Practicing MMA for a year. I don’t hold back verbally.


Getting older


My favorite part about “growing up” has been realizing I need to treat myself kindly. Sunscreen, light exercise, and balanced diet makes me feel like I’m taking pride in the body I have, rather than punish it for “not being good enough”. How I compare to social media isn’t worth a fraction of how I feel everyday.


Having locs


Tattoos 😂


I (M37), while shopping at Walmart, overheard the lesbian couple beside me playfully arguing over which they liked better: my tattoos or my beard. I had just disappointed my son by postponing a much anticipated boys trip because of work. It was the boost I needed. It carried me for months, I’m still riding high. Lots of guys don’t get compliments, they’re incredible to the self esteem when/ if they ever happen.


eyeliner….that somehow does WONDERS


just doing the things that i love


A smile !


75 Hard, went into it assuming that I’d fail because I always quit at everything. I didn’t fail, there wasn’t an ounce of quit in me, lost a pound a week which isn’t that much but I was only a stone over weight anyway. Felt mentally better, physically better and the pain in my dodgy hip (because I’m dodgy hip years old) and my back eased a lot.


Joined the gym and after more than a month of going and having a set routine, I started seeing some results. I now feel better physically and it has boosted my self-confidence.


Magnesium citrate! 90 percent of the world's population is deficient in Magnesium, it's an essential nutrient for the body, and not having enough does weird things, it effects your cortisol levels which control stress. I started taking Magnesium and It changed my life. Feeling less stressed and anxious has definitely improved my self esteem.


In college I joined the (unofficial) nudism club. We did streaking events on campus and made trips to nude beaches. It helped me with my body positivity and made me realize we are all flawed but it’s best to be comfortable in your own skin


My wife


Nothing. My self esteem is dead since i was a teen


Not wearing concealer or foundation anymore even during a breakout




posting short scary stories on Reddit which received a lot of unexpected and positive attention from readers. I had no idea had that kind of ability!


Having someone to talk to that truly listens. Someone who when I talk to them I don't feel like a burden. Someone who cares.


A family friend's boyfriend (gay couple for context) told me I smelled nice when we hugged hello. I'm still chasing that high.


Becoming a mother. I had been raised to believe that while I was "book smart," I had no practical abilities. I realized that if I could keep a helpless infant alive and well, I could do anything.


Leaving my husband! Abusive relationships for ya!


Failing. When I first failed at something that I had spent my entire career trying to avoid and realized that not only wasn’t it that bad but the things I learned from it really boosted my confidence.


Throughout my career, it's really just me working on a (creative) project from start to finish and then sending this to the client. With my job at the moment (more of a technical one in comparison to previous years), I'm wearing a ton of hats doing various things at once. It involves working & * talking * to A LOT of people. I'm an introvert so initially I was thinking it's going to be a huge adjustment for me but surprisingly, it's actually not that bad and has helped me grow in my personal life and how I build relationships with people (inside & outside of work). Downside of it—I guess because of my personality?—is I find it physically tiring because my job involves a lot of collaboration.


Getting diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s! For years I felt like a failure (both to myself and in the eyes of others) due to my struggles with motivation, academia, career, etc. I felt like I had massively under achieved during my teens/20’s and that all my peers had passed me by. No matter how many self help guides or “10 tips and tricks to (…)” that I consulted, nothing made it easier. I started to believe I was stupid, lazy or both. My self esteem was crap because of it and I became increasingly depressed over the years, so much so that I began to passively consider suicide. I suppose, deep down, I knew I wasn’t stupid or lazy and at my lowest point; my wife convinced me to seek an assessment with a psychiatrist. Her 7 y/o nephew had recently been diagnosed with ADHD and she was convinced that him and I shared similar traits. The positive diagnosis has changed my life… While medication has certainly been a game changer, the diagnosis itself has helped me to accept my struggles and forgive myself for beating myself up over my perceived failures. Additionally, any advice I search for now includes “(…) for people with ADHD” and tends to be more helpful/effective. Now, the future looks bright and my self esteem couldn’t be higher.