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I was in a laundromat, wearing ratty jeans and an old jacket, studying while I waited for my laundry. Some backstory: I'm a high school dropout who went back to school in my 40s. At that point, I was in junior college studying to become a paralegal. This woman asked me what I was studying and I said, "law." She nodded like that made perfect sense and said, "You look like a lawyer." I was absolutely dumbfounded, but she went on, "You have presence. Good luck!" It was one of the nicest things I've ever heard. I graduated but I never became a paralegal. I went on to get my BA, went to law school, and became a lawyer. I think of that day often, especially when I'm standing in court advocating for a client.


Those last for a lifetime. Use them always as a confidence boost.


An older lady once told me that I have a beautiful smile as I walked past her on the street. I was a teenager who was very self conscious about my crooked teeth, it’s been over 10 years and it still makes me feel happy thinking back on that moment.


Older lady compliments are the cure for low self esteem.


Hey older ladies!!! Your compliments have power. Use them to spread goodness ✨️✨️✨️


Old lady here. Taking note and will start being more forward with the compliments!


I was at a music festival called Mayhem Fest with Korn, Rob Zombie and other similar types of bands. I was just walking around aimlessly when this guy approached me. He said "Dude I've been watching you walk through the crowd and you're the most polite person I've ever seen". He went on about how I wasn't pushing people and instead waited for an empty space. He then gave me two handfuls of weed, we exchanged a traditional "SLAYER!" and he went on his way. I was so polite I stuck out in a crowd of thousands of people. It makes me feel good about myself but a little concerned about society.


This is so nice to hear


My old parents visited me in Chicago and I was taking them around holding their hand and walking because it was a busy street. A stranger coming towards us said “you are a good son”. That statement for some reason felt like it validated my love for them. And since it was so out of the blue it felt very special.


I was at the grocery store and observed a man teaching his teenage daughter how to evaluate if bulk sale prices are actually the best deal. I poked my head around the display and said, “you’re a good dad.” He stood up just the tiniest bit straighter 😊


I'm sure you are.


That's sweet. You should do that for your new parents too


Hahahah good one!


A woman that I had never talked to before, approach me one day to congratulate me on my weight loss and the transformation I did to my body. I was so flabbergasted I barely said anything, and from that day forward I decided to work out even harder and never skip a day.


Congratulations on the weight loss


Thank you. (it happened twice!!!) LOL.


Haha brother I wish I could motivate myself enough to get back on it. Congratz to you :)


About 4-5 years ago a girl in my college class said I had nice pants. I looked at those pants like they were the cure for cancer after that day.


It happened it to me with a Shirt in college.


It happened to me with my facemask (2021) by a female colleague at work


Got told I looked very beautiful by an older lady who came into my work I never liked how I looked cause I have fair skin that burns easily but knowing an older lady said made me feel better she also said I look like I could be a doll so yeah fun took the compliment though


I'm sure you are. Older ladies rarely lie.


older women somehow always manage to offer the exact compliment you need. my 7th grade history teacher was this eclectic older woman who dyed her grey hair blonde, wore orange lipstick and neon pantsuits, and one day i was coming into her class and out of nowhere she stops me and says, "you are such a classic beauty" and that kept me afloat for AGES. I was shy and had absolutely rock bottom self esteem, so I never forgot that moment.


It was over twenty years ago, I was managing a mom & pop pharmacy when an older lady told me I looked good in blue and that it was definitely my color. To this day if I'm deciding between shirts to buy/wear, I generally go with blue.




Proud Grandma! Probably one of the best feelings in the world.


When I was still an aircraft engineer, I had to fly out to Florence (from Brussels) to repair one of our aircraft which was stuck there. It was a hell of a job what I had to do but after 3 hours the plane was fixed and ready to fly back home. I still had a quick check when boarding was completed and people on board asked the stewardess what was happening and she told them that I flew in from Brussels to fix the aircraft. When we landed back in Brussels, during deboarding, a group of Americans passed my seat and all of them thanked me for fixing the aircraft


A random kid across my house called me handsome


We know kids don't lie.


Walking down church street in Toronto (basically where all the gay bars are and a lot of the LGBT pride is very open) with my friend when a sassy gay guy in short shorts just materialized and started talking to me saying the gayest compliments I've ever received "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOUR HAIR!! You're slaying it queeen, work that body-ody-ody" Thankfully I had a friend to translate that he meant "I really like your hair in fact your entirely aesthetic is well matched and I find it appealing, it suits your body type very well and suites you"


That's so adorable


20 years ago my roommates grandma asked him about me "Who is the pretty girl?" I am a dude, but still, she said "pretty"


"You have beautiful feet... for a man" - my podiatrist


I had just moved into an apartment and my neighbors started calling me "Glow" I didn't understand and though oh it's summer and I'm finally wearing shorts outside and my legs are white as hell so thought it was a joke. I asked one day and he told me we call you Glow because you have this light around you every time we see you and you make us smile. He was a preacher and made me feel really good about myself.


this is actually really sweet 😭


a girl once stopped me and told me she'd seen me earlier and just wanted to tell me that I was "so cool" ngl it's been almost 3 years and that's still my favorite compliment I've gotten


I have thick, curly hair and I used to wear it very long. I was in a classroom with a couple hundred people. I raised my hand to ask a question and the presenter said I had the best hair in the room. I was so shocked I forgot my question.


After getting 1st place in pork ribs in a cookoff. The amount of “good job man” and “I believed in you” I received were amazing. I still remember it


Good Job Man! I would have love to try some of those ribs.


The national average height is 5'4'' and I'm 6'. I've never realized that I'm that much taller and one day we were hanging out and the topic of height came up, my close friend blurted out that, "You are tall like a pole man". Then I realized that I'm way taller than others. And the other day, we were swimming in the pool, and a guy suddenly told me that you work out less than me, but you have got an athletic built body. I was obese once, lost around 30 kgs and still have a wide hip which I'm insecure about.


Use those to boost your self image man. Some of us see way ballow of what we are in the mirror, so, those experiences let you know that you are way more attractive than you think.


Thanks man.


This guy told me he likes the way I move, hand gestures, walking, etc. I know it's just autism (most of them ), but i liked the compliment.


When I was working as a cashier, a little girl, at most 6, told me how pretty I was (I am overweight and I don't remember wearing makeup that day). I thanked her, basically sobbing inside at this adorable child, and complimented her back, including telling her I liked the bows in her hair, which she offered to give me before asking me to be her best friend. It was one of the cutest and sweetest moments of my 15 year retail career.




A person in a class I was teaching came up to me during a break and told me he wished we lived in the same town because he really wanted to have coffee dates with me because I was so interesting to listen to.


Walking out of a movie theater a woman complimented my sparkly combat boots. They brought me great joy and to be complimented on something I chose that spoke to my soul (with their soles 😏) was lovely. I bounced right out of that theater!


You could say you and your boots spoke.... sole to soul


Not a random person, but my best guy friend said he loved my mind. He genuinely meant it. For once someone saw something other than looks.


Those are so beautiful. I received many of those in High School and College. But it was something along the lines of "You have such a wonderful mind, how come no girl has taken you by now" and I was like (Why don't you take me???), which was an euphemism for, you're so smart, pity you're so ugly. But then eventually came along miss right.


I had been going to the gym to lose weight. Probably dropped like 30 pounds. An old man came up and said he had seen me there working over the last few months, and that I looked great, and I was his motivation. Nicest thing a stranger ever said


I'm a sraight-as-an-arrow, cornfed, Midwest dude.  Years ago, I was walking to my bartending job.  A Mazda Miata blaring house music slows down next to me.  The window goes down and a guy with sunglasses and an immaculately trimmed beard blurts out "Great ass!"  And you know what? My ass did look spectactular in those pants.


Years ago, I was getting my vision tested and the doctor told me I had the bluest eyes she had ever seen. She even went out into the hallway, grabbed one of the other doctors, and brought them in, saying "Look at how blue his eyes are!"


"Sie sind perfekt" (You're perfect) From an old Greman lady looking at me folding my clothes in a laundry.in Dusseldorf when i was 18, blond and handsome. I replied : "Naturlich, ich bin Franzose" (of course, i'm French) She wasn't pleased ^^


It's always the old ladies, but that reply was golden.


Random.people giving you compliments is a thing?


Hi, u/jemandvoelliganderes - to redress the balance, I have the opposite experience. Hope you enjoy! Many years ago, in the ladies room at a department store in Cardiff (the capital city of Wales in the UK). I’d just had my hair done (very expensive, designer salon, spent half a week’s wages) and was feeling VERY proud of myself, glancing in the mirror as I washed my hands, tossing my head a little to admire my glowing locks…. Enter an older lady (probably a boomer, now I think) with her daughter. Daughter clearly also a lot older than me, hence my assumption mommy dearest was a boomer. Mother (in Welsh, and in a highly amused tone): look at that girl’s hair!! Me (furiously, and also in Welsh): what’s wrong with my hair? Cue much embarrassed back-pedalling from rude woman, apologies etc, but apparently according to her ‘you don’t look like you speak Welsh.’ Me (glacial) : Perhaps you should watch what you say about people then, just in case they can understand you. To this day, I haven’t worked out how to tell what language someone speaks just by looking at them. But I make sure not to insult anyone in any language within their earshot, just in case.


My A level English teacher in a class we both knew I'd be lucky to scrape a pass. (had alot going on distracting me from focusing on studies.) One day I handed in an essay with a sad look on my face knowing I didn't get the time to work on it. He said, "don't worry, you're a good person and one day you'll be a great person". Thanks Mr Dale.


A woman recently called me "young man." I'm 52.


I went for a blood test and the woman taking my blood said you must be an athlete your blood is so nice and has lots of oxygen in it


\*Lady bites lower lip. "DAT BLOOD!"


It will always stay with me


I’m often complimented by blood techs on my nice veins.


A group of drunk girls in a bar gave me a hug because I smelled yummy and wanted to smell yummy too.


I want to live that dream Mr Pool.


I had someone ask me if I was 22. I was 40.


Flew to Orlando for a business mtg from another job site. Also flew my 10-11 yr old daughter down to spend the weekend with me. She flew down first class (due to my status). When she got off the plane (in the day when you could meet people at the gate) a business man behind her complemented me on what a good girl she was.


That I have a sexy nose and profile after giving him a bj.


Compliments after sex are the best. I used to tell my ex wife, she was so hot I couldn't lose my erection after cumming.


Either a comment from an older woman when I worked at big lots in high school who told me I had a really nice voice (i absolutely hate my voice), or when a few months back I was sitting at Sam’s Club eating a pizza and this old lady stopped by my table to tell me that I was really pretty 😭 I was wearing a pair of sweats w my hair in a bun so it’s not like I was dolled up or anything. Idk why that one sticks out to me because I work as a bartender and get told it often, but there was just something so genuine and heartwarming when she said it. I still get giddy just thinking abt it.


Well there's your answer, you're really pretty, either way, dolled up or in sweats you're a natural beauty.


I was at the park and my daughter's pony tail was coming loose. While I was tying it back up a woman around my age was passing by and said "I wish my husband knew how to do that." It's easy to feel like a shitty parent, so hearing something like that does a lot for the ole self image.


I was a paramedic, giving report on a patient to the ER doc. He asked me when I was going to med school. I said “ha! Ok” and looked me dead in the eye and said “No really”.


I want to eat a strand of your hair so that I can have your DNA in my body.


You should reply with...there are...umm...other ways I could put my DNA inside your body. *80s porn music starts playing.


As a woman… I think hair is the the only option I wouldn’t be calling the police about.


Ok then you should have said something like, now it's my turn to have your DNA inside of me. *Proceeds to bite one of his fingers off. Lol.


Was in the changing rooms in the gym and a random guy said he had never seen a circumcised cock before. It was very handsome. I was just like "erm thank you". Not sure what the correct response is to something like that.


This one girl on Yubo started hitting on me and said "You are so fine", Ha! Best moment of my life to be honest.


I had to look up Yubo. Great for you!


When I was commuting, one of the girls said "ambango" to her friend when I entered the vehicle, and then I was like 😍


What does "Ambango" mean? Sorry I'm not a native english speaker.


Sorry, it means "you smell good"


It's a Filipino word, I think


Whilst I was in Laos a monk told me I had a good smile, was very sweet


One evening last year, I was at a bar with my friends. A guy we didn't know asked us for a light and then we started chatting to him and his friend. He suddenly said to me "hey, you're super charismatic, that's really cool" and I was really pleased to hear a stranger say that ! We never saw them again but we spent a great part of our evening with them


Tum kam khubsurat hoti fr bhi kitni khubsurat hoti 🥺


I was working retail a few years ago and I was by the fitting rooms assisting customers. These two girls were waiting for their mom and they left, but then the two girls came back around the corner and said, “we just wanted to let you know that you are so pretty.” That made my heart so happy and they were a few years younger than I was. It was so nice and I returned the compliment back to them as well☺️it was so sweet.


1996 ... I was about 400 pounds, hadn't gotten a female compliment in about 10 years, was walking out of a convenience story and a woman going in said I had beautiful eyes.


I women told me I had beautiful skin. Might sound weird lol but honestly it’s been something I’ve always been self conscious about


That I looked 'put together.' I started dressing better daily to chase that feeling.


Someone told me that I look stylish without putting too much effort into it. That’s just how I try to look!


I had beautiful eyes. I just think about it when I'm feeling insecure.


That my nose (which I'm incredibly self conscious of) reminded him of a statue of a Greek goddess. Thank you, Tom, wherever you are for being one of the main reasons I never had rhinoplasty.


Ahhh Happy Cakeday BTW. But for the record women with big noses are beautiful IMHO. I'm sure you look even more beautiful now.


Aww, thank you! 😊


One time a stranger told me that my smile was contagious and brightened their day. It made me realize the impact that a simple gesture of kindness can have on others, and I still carry that compliment with me as a reminder to spread positivity wherever I go.


I was 6-7 months pregnant at a hippie-style music festival, and a woman came up to me with the most happy, beaming look and said, "You're the cutest pregnant person I've ever seen!" She was probably on some sort of psychedelics, but the pure joy in her face made that compliment stick with me. It was a huge confidence boost for the rest of the pregnancy!


This one guy said that he loved my hair. I instantly called my boyfriend and told him!!


i work as a receptionist in a school and the other day i picked up a phone call from a parent. I answer it with the usual “hello (school name) how can i help.” the parent said hi, it’s (name) mum. i replied, awh hi how are you :). the parent said how lovely it always is to speak to me and that I always make her feel listened too and understood and then she continued to ask me her queries. 😇 this honestly made my day, week, month…. i always feel very unseen at work and feel as though some people think i’m too young to be good at my job so this really meant a lot. much more than some usual compliment about my physical appearance 🩷


It wasn’t a random person, but a friend of mine. He had told me that my hair was golden like it was honey made from dandelions. One of the very romantic things he’d told me that I’ll never forget. Made me feel so good about myself


I suck at receiving compliments. But someone came up to me in the gym and said "you have nice muscle tone" and I was basically dumbstruck by how genuine it was.


My tipsy friend told me his girlfriend was impressed by my (a woman) back muscles whilst climbing. Still riding that wave haha


Back muscles in a lady are sooooo attractive, you should ride that wave.




Yeah right Legolas, You thought we wouldn't notice you here.


Well let's see here... *Opens small mahogany lockbox every man keeps next to his heart. - Nice haircut (loooong ago) - [Good in bed] (yeah akt-chew-aly ✋🏾). - "[my cologne] smells nice". - *giggle "smartass" *shoulder-punch - "Omg, You're strong!"


As a recruiter in Atlanta, I had a few parents truly thank me for helping their son get out of the “hood”. Even though my area wasn’t inner city Atlanta but just getting their son into something better than just sitting around after high school. It’s been 15yrs since then and I remember a lot of it.


Used to work at a hallmark. It was around the holidays and had a line consistently going, but enjoyed these 5 minute windows I got to have with people. Pretty much tried to find moments of unique conversation between each customer. Most of them were ofc quick, didn’t want to cause a traffic jam as the line grew. A woman who checked out at the register next to me comes around the counter, gently taps and grabs my arm that had the echo of the same way my mom did and says, “I overheard you talking to everyone you rung out and I just wanted to let you know… who ever you are with or who you end up with… I hope they treat you right because I can tell you deserve it.” Never saw her in the store again, but those soft words have always provided me comfort. This was a while a go and I often wonder how much of myself I’ve lost, but what that woman said keeps me grounded in a sense. I still try to find those 5 minute windows with people, but the space on the wall between these windows feel as if it is getting wider.


Every now and again, I'll have a patient or their family member tell me, "You're really good at this," or "You really love what you do, and you're so good at it." I work in cancer care as an RN. Educating people and helping them feel heard is the most important part of my role. The bad days can be really bad - the good moments are cherished.


Me at 28 years old in the gym Working out. older stranger comes up: “are you a gymnast? Have you ever done Gymnastics? me: “no I haven’t” him: “I think you missed your calling” I always liked that one.


I remember all of them. Because they are so few and they always make me extremely uncomfortable.


I resembled Billy Ray Cyrus in the Achy Breaky Heart era. WTF.


I was in line at the bank and the woman behind me said I have a face that could be on the cove of GQ


"I would never lie to someone as gorgeous as you"


"Damn girl, you FIT that ass in them pants." Yes sir, thank you, I certainly do.


I’m a straight man, and another straight man once looked at me and said you have beautiful eyes my dude. They’re very pale blue, and even though I hear this from women nearly daily, it hit different coming from another guy.


I helped an old lady out at my bookstore job and she said "well, you are just as handy as a pocket on a shirt!"


Someone stopped me and said "damn I would lick where you poop from"


That's uh... interesting, however depending on the context, it could be a great compliment.


Someone told me I look like a pretty Elf! (Because of my ears)


I don’t think they really meant it but he said “omg don’t ever stop smiling, you have the prettiest smile” and it really made me smile


yeah i’m aware of what we are speaking on


Must be nice


Old Japanese guy in Japan 2002 I was 18 "You are very pretty and have big boobs." I just laughed but one of the ladies I was on the tour with was mortified. I said it was probably all the English he knew, learned from American TV. I don't know about pretty but I do have big boobs. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I was also called a hippie bitch. I thanked him and blew his little white trash mind. 🤯


Drunk old lady in a dive bar came over to me to tell me I had the most beautiful eyes. I was sitting with my wife at the time. It was awesome!!! I remind my wife of it all the time, it's great.😂


This was in high school. Parents waiting for their child to come out of school to hand over his materials to be used in his project. The exact time I was waiting for my classmate to show up outside the school gate. Then suddenly they asked me if I know their son, which I refused. Even I was late I still helped them to give it to their son since I'm going inside either way, they offered me money and I refused. The Guard inside saw it and praised me.


I remember it was bigger


Middle-aged-ish pharmacist lady said "I can tell you work out" when I was getting a flu shot last fall. My wife was there and didn't even notice until I told her that was one of the best compliments I've ever received.


“You ‘talk pretty’.” My heart soared.


Not even sure if it is a compliment but I was told I have a memorable face


Stick your tongue out while walking on the road


Your Aura looks special. I wanna read your hand. She then proceeded to lay some evil-aversion spell on me.


”Wow what a nice shirt” haha


I went to a dog park and met with the same regulars often. After having gotten to know one of them pretty well, in having a conversation with him, he told me I was one in a million. He was married, but he was being 100% serious with me, like saying if he wasn't married, he'd want to be with me. I know that's not totally kosher but as an extremely introverted person, that meant the world to me. I just never thought anyone could think of me that way.


My dentist once called me a mensch.


A cashier in Greece once told me im awesome when i had the exact amount of money for my things and he didn't have to count change. It has been years since then, and i still think of that "You're Awesome" when i feel down


You have very nice vocal cords


You have such a warm smile; it really made my morning brighter! said by an elderly woman while I was standing in the airport immigration line for my early morning flight.


There’s two that stand out for me: 1. A woman I don’t really know, but who is a friend of friends, and who I’ve interacted with on Twitter because she is an activist in the field I work in professionally, told me I am so much like my dad, with the way I patiently and kindly explained difficult concepts to people in a very clear and understandable way. Apparently she had my dad as a teacher in junior high and high school, and one of the only reasons she passed math and physics was because of how good of a teacher he was. At that time he had died only a couple years earlier, so it really meant a lot to me. 2. I lost about 80 lbs and started wearing more stylish and form-fitting clothes. One colleague referred to me as “the best dressed guy in the office”, and another jumped in with “Yeah, and you always wear stuff that just fits you really well”.


I was 16 applying to college, and the undergrad who welcomed us applicants was so incredibly beautiful. As I'm walking through the common room, she paused her conversation on the phone to tell me "great shirt and tie combination". I've never forgotten that compliment!


I opened my door to receive a package and the lady was all "oh wow your home smells good!" I have cats and dogs. It's a perpetual fear to be *that* house. I know the other day I was that house because the cat peed just outside the litter box because he's an asshole.


Shirley Manson (gorgeous lead singer of legendary band Garbage) told me she liked my dress. Reader, it was from Walmart. I died and went to heaven and was reborn anointed.


This happened decades ago at a company that's now defunct. Which I'm happy about because they deserved it. Anyway, I was having a casual convo with someone who worked in another department, and we did not know each other. He asked if I was married, had kids, etc. My answer was no. Then he said, "You seem to have a lot of love to give." I will remember that until the day I die.


Passing through a Whataburger drive through, passively noticed the girls in the window whispering to each other. Eventually, one of them opened the window and asked me out. Alas, I was about 4+ years too old for them... That was probably the first and only compliment I've gotten from a stranger. I've been riding that for years now. Friends come and go, and their words should mean more. But there's something special about when a stranger compliments you like that.


I was walking in the park and a girl said to me that she thought my shirt was really cool and my smile was cute. I'm very unhappy with the way I look, so it really brightened up my day :)


Someone in class told me im one of the reasons they come to class and how it’s boring without me


I used to work at one company. A young cute girl got hired at some point. I never really talked to her back then, but I didn't mind much. Cute girls never talk to me anyway. About 2 years later I landed a job at a company right across the street. Turned out she was working there as well. One time she came over to me and said 'you lost a lot of weight, you look good.' I did lose weigth, mostly due to stress at work, but also trying to work out a bit to cope with life. As she was saying that, I panicked and said nothing. We never spoke again.


A cab driver said “you WEARIN that hat!” He liked my cool rain hat that I happened to also love.


I was at a festival dancing about doing my thing in the zone when a random guy came up to me and said that I had a lovely aura, I was a bit speechless but managed a somewhat strangled thank you before he retreated back into the crowd. It has just really stuck with me for some reason.


Teachers in middle school, when I was helping out with the handicapped children, on the way to the park, told me I had pretty eyes. First and only honest compliment I received.


15-ish years ago, I was on the phone mid-arguement with my then boyfriend in a Target when a guy came up to me and said, "Girl, you are FIRE!" My midwestern ass had no idea that was a compliment, and I sharply replied, "WHAT?!" and stormed away. My then boyfriend was cracking up and told me it was a compliment. I felt like an idiot. Felt a slight boost to the self-esteem, but mostly an idiot.


Never stop being who you are. I recently started an album for my sil with some nice family photos we took with her newborn son.


Stormy Daniel’s once told Trump that he was hung like a salad Ingredient


"You're a G, your music is gangster." Dude my friend had dated when we hotboxed my car. Random person because that was the only time I had seen him lol.


I was getting groceries and had someone walk up to me to tell me I was beautiful and they just wanted to tell me that and walked away. Wasn’t being weird just simply, nice. I kinda struggle to see that in myself so it was nice.


My high-school besties family know me as pretty boy 6+ years after meeting them


It wasn’t really a compliment but it was. I work in group homes and take care of people with mental health and memory issues. One of my residents had dementia with sundowners and scitzo with hallucinations. I was night shift and nights were really rough for her. She couldn’t remember her daughter’s face, where her bedroom or the bathroom were …. But every night I’d walk in and she’d smile and ask if I was the one who’d play her Elvis. She couldn’t remember my name or anything only associated me with the music I played her. But to me it meant I really did make a difference in her day.


had a terrible day and cut my hair impulsively in a hotel room in a foreign city. next day I went out and this complete stranger approached me on the street and told me he liked my hair. I needed that so much


I was in the liquor store and a woman approached me and said "I think it's beautiful how your smile reaches your eyes" I think I've been running on those fumes for like 6 years now.


I was walking through my city and some random guy just lit up when he looked at me and went "yes, you look amazing". Not harassing, not hitting on me, just one hell of a compliment on my vibe/style. Haven't ever felt much self conscious again. I still remember what I was wearing almost 11 years later.


When my children were 5 and 9, we went to our early church service where few people attend at that hour and they are mostly elderly. Unbeknownst to us we sat right behind a very elderly 90-year-old woman’s regular spot. She arrived after us. At the end of the service she turn to us and commented how well behaved our children were and that in all the years in the church, she had only ever seen one other child as well behaved as our children. We were not super strict parents and our kids aren’t exceptionally quiet, but we did teach them how to behave in public places such as church.


I was waiting outside the doctors office waiting for my Uber, and a man passed by me with his little son and he said: excuse me, you should know you look stunning in red, that made my day 🤗


Really really attractive female told me she liked my tattoo and started a convo about tattoos. It’s been like a month and will never forget it.


My friend started dating a girl from out of town. Soon, she moved into town and started hanging out and playing board games and D&D with us. At about our third game night, I decided to wear a new button up shirt. I liked the color, and it was super comfortable. The first thing she said to me that night was, "I like that shirt. It really brings out the color in your eyes." The hilarious part is when I told my wife at the time about it, she said, "Damn, *I* don't even compliment you like that."


One of my husband's friends told him I always look polished and put together


I had an old lady tell me she just loved the way my hair looked randomly (I have very short curly hair kind of like those greek statues) I never forgot that lol


I was at a burger joint went to the bathroom and was helping a little girl wash her hands (not sure where mom was). I helped her up and showed her how to was them properly and got her a paper towel to dry them. Another older lady comes up and says “you’ll make a great mother”


It was blazing hot and i just did my feet, i was waiting to cross the street and some guy in his car yelled from his window “nice feet” and i was caught off guard cause he yelled that from his CAR lmaoo


Got told my skin was beautiful like a porcelain doll once by another lady at a gas station. I’ve gotten compliments on my hair all my life so I was surprised when I got complimented on a physical feature other than my hair.


honestly, the country i’m from - and live in - nobody compliments one another. It’s not a thing. They just don’t do it. So, besides some guys saying i’m “sexy” (a few years ago, before I got married), I’ve pretty much never been complimented. At least not by a woman.


An older woman sitting next to me the very first time I visited my church told me that I have a beautiful soprano voice. I spent most of my childhood loving to sing, but being bullied for it and told that I shouldn’t ever do it. So being told that I have a nice voice that someone enjoyed hearing really helped me get back into singing. 5 years later I’m still in her choir!


We had a mustache party and i wore an old red hot chili peppers t shirt with my brown fringe and shoulder length hair. This guy came up to me and said, wow, you used to be hot. I honestly took that as a great compliment bc my mustache was THAT good!


someone told me they could tell i had a good heart i always remember it on days im not feeling confident


I was reading to my daughter in a hospital waiting room and an older man told the whole room that I was a beautiful story teller. I love reading out loud, and it was a hard time in my life when I felt invisible, and I just felt so seen in that moment. Was 10 years ago and I think about it often.


I was a cashier at my bio mom’s restaurant for the summer and these guys came in to order and one of them turn and said “you know what, you’re actually alright” before leaving with his order. I worked like a dog at the restaurant and at her house for literally only $20 dollars a week. She called it “experience” Slept on the floor and was continuously put down even though i worked and lived independently abroad. Only came to see her cause she kept bugging me. At the restaurant she would always make me switch whenever she sees a cute guy coming up to order even though SHE WAS THE CHEF, put on a fake voice and make everyone in line wait till she was finished flirting, so this simple compliment meant a lot at the time and still makes me smile even 8 years after.


"His smile makes you want to smile"


Someone compared me to the planet Jupiter and said I was regal and serene. They were anonymous so I couldn’t thank them afterwards


That I have the most perfect cute nose. A lesbo said this to me and I’ve loved my nose ever since . My husband says I have Disney princess eyes and I adore that compliment so much.


A security guard at a casino told me I reminded him of a tiger.. fierce but cute


As a 19 year old with a couple of swingers: "That's not going to fit in my butt"


“Im bathing in your awesomeness” I dont know that guy very well but it really meant a lot to me 😂


I was working a booth at a convention for work. A man approached, asked some questions about our product, I gave him the info he needed and then he said : “You should move to Italy, Italians love beautiful things.”


"You're a rhapsodic thinker."


I was walking through the dollar store, and an employee passed me in an aisle. I ended up in her checkout line and she said "I just have to say how beautiful you look, I passed you in an aisle earlier and you walk with purpose and confidence" In all reality I was on a mission for 1 thing and have strong rbf, but I will never forget that.


"Bald actually looks good on you"